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Use Case Specifications

1- Use-Case Specification: Withdraw Cash:

A. Use Case Name:

Withdraw Amount
B. Description
This use case describes how a Bank Customer uses an ATM to withdraw money from a
bank account.
C. Use Case Diagram

D. Preconditions
● The bank Customer must possess a bank card.
● The network connection to the Bank System must be active.
● The system must have at least some cash that can be dispensed.
● The cash withdrawal service option must be available.

E. Events Flow
a. Insert Card
The use case begins when the actor Customer inserts their bank card into the card reader
on the ATM.
The system allocates an ATM session identifier to enable errors to be tracked and
synchronized between the ATM and the Bank System.
b. Read Card
The system reads the bank card information from the card.
c. Authenticate Customer
Perform Subflow Authenticate Customer to authenticate the use of the bank card
by the individual using the machine.
d. Select Withdrawal
The system displays the service options that are currently available on the
The Customer selects to withdraw cash.
e. Select Amount
The system prompts for the amount to be withdrawn by displaying the list of
standard withdrawal amounts.
​The Customer selects an amount to be withdrawn.
f. Confirm Withdrawal
Perform Subflow Assess Funds on Hand
Perform Subflow Conduct Withdrawal
g. Eject Card
The system ejects the Customer’s bank card.
The Customer takes the bank card from the machine.
h. Dispense Cash
The system dispenses the requested amount of cash to the Customer.
The system records a transaction log entry for the withdrawal.
i. Use Case Ends
The use case ends.
F. Alternative Flows
Customer Authentication
a. Handle No Communications with the Bank System
i. At the Validate Card Information step of Subflow Authenticate
Customer if the Bank System cannot be
ii. contacted or does not reply within the set communication time out
iii. 1 If the communications link has failed more times than the
communication retry number, then
iv. The authentication attempt is abandoned and Basic Flow is
resumed at Use Case Ends.
v. The system will attempt to contact the Bank System until it has
completed the number of retry
vi. attempts indicated by the communication retry number.
vii. 3 If communications are re-established the Basic Flow is resumed
at Authenticate Customer.
viii. 4 If there is still no response from the Bank System the system
creates an event log entry to record
ix. the failure of the communications link to the Bank System. The
event log entry includes the type of failure.
x. The system sends the event log to the Service Administrator to
inform them that communications with the Bank System has been
xi. Resume the Basic Flow at Use Case Ends.
b. Handle No Communications with the Customer’s Bank
i. At the Validate Card Information step of Subflow Authenticate
Customer if the Bank System report that the Customer’s Bank
cannot be contacted,
ii. The system creates an event log entry to record the fact that the
Customer’s Bank was unavailable. The event log entry includes the
bank card information (excluding the PIN).
iii. The system informs the Customer that communications with their
Bank is not possible and that the Customer should try again later.
iv. Resume the Basic Flow at Use Case Ends.
c. Handle Inactive Card or Account
i. At the Validate Card Information step of Subflow Authenticate
Customer if the Customer’s Bank reports that the card, or its
associated account, are inactive.
ii. The system creates an event log entry to record the fact that the
Customer’s account was inactive.
iii. The event log entry includes the bank card information (excluding
the PIN).
iv. The system informs the Customer that the account associated with
the card is not active and that
v. the Customer should contact their Bank for more information.
vi. Resume the Basic Flow at Use Case Ends.
d. Handle Stolen Bank Card
i. At the Validate Card Information step of Subflow Authenticate
Customer if the Bank System reports that the card has been stolen:
ii. The system Confiscates the card.
iii. Captures a 10-second video image of the Customer.
iv. Creates an event log entry to record the fact that a stolen card has
been used. The event log entry includes the video image and the
current bank card information (excluding the PIN).
v. Sends the event log entry to the Security Administrator, the Bank
System and the Service Administrator to inform them that a stolen
card is being used
G. Postconditions
a. The ATM has returned the card and dispensed the cash to the Customer
and the withdrawal is registered on the Customer’s account.
b. The ATM has returned the card to the Customer and no withdrawal is
registered on the Customer’s account.
c. The ATM has returned the card but has not supplied the amount of cash
registered as withdrawn from the Customer’s account. The discrepancy is
registered in the ATM’s log.
d. The ATM has kept the card, no withdrawal has registered on the
Customer’s account and the Customer has been notified where to contact
for more information.
2- Online Shopping - Use Case Specification
A. Use Case Name
Hotel Room Booking
B. Description
This Use Case States how a user can book a hotel room from a hotel website.
C. Actor
User, Receptionist, Manager, Owner
D. Use Case Diagram
E. Flow of Events
Use case Name Make Reservation

Goal Add a new reservation

Primary Actors Receptionist

Secondary Actors None

Precondition Guest shouldn’t already be exist

Post condition Hotel Guest Details updated to include

current Guest


Main flow Step Action

1 Receptionist enter guest details

2 System searches for room


3 System presents room types and


4 Customer selects room and

confirms tariff
5 System records customer’s name
and address

6 receptionist confirms booking on


7 System generates confirmation



Use case Name Check Availability

Goal To check whether a room available or not

Primary Actors Receptionist

Secondary Actors None

Precondition Login to the system.

Post condition

Main flow Step Action

1 Display User interface

2 Select Availability Tab

3 Enter room type, duration,

number of adults and children

4 System check room availability

relevant to each requirements

5 Display available room details

Extensions 4.1 No room available for entered

details and display “No Room

Use case Name Add Guest

Goal Add a new Guest

Primary Actors Receptionist

Secondary Actors None

Precondition Log in to the system

Post condition


Main flow Step Action

1 Receptionist selects “add

guest” button

2 System prompts to fill out

guest details

3 System validates details

4 Update database

5 Display “Successful message”


Guest details are incorrect,

Display the message
"Unsuccessful" and display Add
guest option.
Use case Name Add Room

Goal Add a new room to the system

Primary Actors Manager

Secondary Actors None

Precondition Log in to the system

Post condition


Main flow Step Action

1 Manager clicks “add room”


2 System prompts the manager

to fill out room details

3 System validates new room


4 System creates a new room

5 Update database

6 Display “successful ” message


Room details are incorrect,

Display the message
"Unsuccessful" and display room
management option.

Use case Name Delete room

Goal Delete a room from the system

Primary Actors Owner

Secondary Actors Manager

Precondition Log in to the system

Post condition


Main flow Step Action

1 User select “delete room”

2 Display delete room option

3 User select the room

4 System display confirm message

5 User select confirmation

6 Update database

7 Display “successful message’


If user select “Yes” details are

remove from the database. Else
cancel the process

Use case Name Edit room properties

Goal Alter properties such as view or type of


Primary Actors Manager

Secondary Actors Owner

Precondition Log in to the system

Post condition


Main flow Step Action

1 Manager selects “change room


2 System prompts manager to

select room

3 Manager select the room

4 System display room properties

5 Manager edit room properties

6 System alters room properties

7 Update database

8 Display “successful” message


Use case Name Guest search

Goal Modify or delete guest information

Primary Actors Manager

Secondary Actors

Precondition Log in to the system

Post condition

Triggers Receptionist searches for customer

Main flow Step Action

1 User select search option

2 System displays search

3 User enters details

4 System validates user inputs

5 Display search results


User inputs are invalid and

Display unsuccessful message

Use case Name Create system restore point

Goal Create a system restore point to the system

Primary Actors Manager

Secondary Actors None

Precondition Log in to the system

Post condition

Main flow Step Action

1 User Select security option

2 System display security option


3 User select system restore

4 User select system restore point

5 System validates details

6 Create system restore point

7 Update database

8 Display “successful message”


If system restores point invalid

display “invalid selection” user
redirected to security option.

Use case Name Set rom rate

Goal Set room rate to hotel room in system

Primary Actors Manager

Secondary Actors None

Precondition Log in to the system

Post condition


Main flow Step Action

1 User select room properties

2 Display room management


3 User selects set room rates

4 Display enter room rate

5 User enter room rates

6 Validate details
7 Update database

8 Display “successful” message


If room rates set previously clear

them and redirect to set room

Use case Name Add Property

Goal Add a new property to the system inventory

Primary Actors Manager

Secondary Actors None

Precondition Log in to the system

Post condition


Main flow Step Action

1 User Select inventory section

2 System displays inventory
handling section

3 User Select add property

4 User enter product details

5 Validate product details

6 Update database

7 Display successful message


If data invalid display “Invalid

selections” redirect to inventory
section window

Use case Name View financial reports

Goal View a financial report for specific time

Primary Actors owner

Secondary Actors None

Precondition Log in to the system

Post condition

Triggers owner clicks button “view reports”

Main flow Step Action

1 System prompts the owner to

select two dates

2 Enter dates

3 System will display the revenue

for that specific time


2.1 If invalid details entered Display

“unsuccessful” message and
reenter interface.

Use case Name Delete Guest

Goal Delete a Guest

Primary Actors Receptionist

Secondary Actors None

Precondition Log in to the system

Post condition A new guest is added to the system

Triggers Receptionist clicks button “Delete guest”

Main flow Step Action

1 User interface displayed

2 Select “delete Guest” option

3 Enter guest details

4 Valid guest details

5 System display guest details

6 System confirms deletion of

selected guest

7 Update database

4.1 If invalid details entered Display
“not found” message and redirect
to main interface

5.1 Database is not updated, Display

the message "Unsuccessful"

Use case Name Change Guest information

Goal Alter properties such as telephone number

or email of guest

Primary Actors Receptionist

Secondary Actors None

Precondition Log in to the system

Post condition Guest details edited

Triggers Receptionist clicks button “Edit guest”

Main flow Step Action

1 User interface displayed

2 Select “Edit Guest” option

3 Enter guest details

4 Valid guest details

5 System displays guest properties

6 System alters the guest properties

7 Update database

8 Display “Successful” message

9 Database updated


4.1 If invalid details entered Display

“unsuccessful” message and
redirect to main interface

5.1 Database is not updated, Display

the message "Unsuccessful"

Use Case Take Backup

Goal Take a backup of the system

Primary Actor Owner

Secondary Actor Name

Pre-condition User should login to the system

Main Flow Step Action

1 Display user interface

2 Select backup option

3 Display backup interface

4 Select create backup


5 Create backup

6 Creating backup process

is not

successful, display

“Unsuccessful” message.

3​- ​Use case name: Make an appointment

Description​: A patient can make an appointment before coming to hospital, so it can reduce time
that each patient has to wait.
Use Case Image:

Primary actor: ​Member (patient)

Secondary actor:​ Receptionist

Precondition:​ Members must login first.

Trigger:​ When the patient has an appointment with the doctor.

1. Members login to the system.
2. System checks for the username and password.
3. Members check for the available time of the doctor.
4. Members reserve the time that they want.
5. System creates a reservation and record in schedule then updates the system.
6. Receptionist records the information and prepares the patient’s file for the doctor.

Alternative Flow​: -
1. If the username and password are incorrect, the system will prompt for reconnect.
2. If there is no available time. The system will prompt that there is no available time and
inform nurses to rearrange new available information.

​Post-condition:​ Reserve time will be recorded.

4- Use case name: Note available time in schedule.

Goal in context: ​Create the doctors ‘available time for members to be able to make an

Primary actor: ​Doctor or Nurse.

Secondary actor: ​Member (patient)

Precondition: ​Doctor or Nurse must have an account before noting available time.

Trigger:​ When the doctor or nurse wants notes or updates available time.

1. Doctor or nurse login to the system.
2. System checks for the username and password for the staff’s type.
3. Doctor or nurse notes or updates the time.
4. System updates the schedule.

Alternative Flow:
1. If the username and password are incorrect, the system will prompt for reconnect.
2. If the system failed to update the available time, the system must prompt the doctor or
nurse for re-update again.

Post-condition: ​The doctors’ available time will be updated

5- Use case name: Reserve available room for admitting.

Goal in context: ​ Patients can reserve room for admitting directly before the exactly date that
patient has to admit or in some emergency case. Patients don’t have to wait for a long time.

Primary actor: ​Member (patient).

Secondary actor​: Receptionist.

Precondition: ​ Member has appointment with doctor or doctor assign patient to admit in the

Trigger: ​When the member wants to reserve the room for admitting.

1. Member login to the system
2. System checks for the username and password
3. Members check for the available room.
4. Members reserve the room.
5. System creates a reserve, records in schedule and updates the available room.
6. Receptionist records the information.

Exception: -
1. If the username and password are incorrect, the system will prompt for reconnect.
2. If there is no available room, the system will prompt there is no available room and
inform the receptionist to reserve another room which is not included in the system part.

Post-condition: ​Reserve room will be recorded.

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