Vasoactive Agents in Shock.2

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in shock

By Carrie L. Griffiths, PharmD, BCCCP; Mark L. Vestal, BS; and

Kristie A. Hertel, MSN, RN, CCRN, ACNP-BC

6 l Nursing2018Critical Care l Volume 13, Number 2

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Abstract: Shock is a condition in which the cardiovascular system fails to provide adequate blood supply
throughout the body. Depending on the severity of shock, vasoactive agents, such as vasopressors and ino-
tropes, are frequently needed to manage the patient and prevent adverse outcomes of shock. This article
reviews the vasoactive agents used in shock, summarizing what critical care nurses need to know about
these important drugs.
Keywords: dobutamine, dopamine, epinephrine, inotropes, milrinone, norepinephrine, shock, vasoactive
agents, vasopressin, vasopressors

Shock is defined as the failure of is in a vasoconstrictive state.2,3 Cardiogenic shock is a low-cardiac-

the cardiovascular system to sup- Urine output will decrease to less output state with abnormal myo-
ply adequate tissue perfusion, than 0.5 mL/kg/h (oliguria), and cardial contractility caused by
which results in insufficient cel- altered mental status, disorienta- myocardial infarction (MI), dys-
lular oxygen utilization.1,2 It is tion, and confusion will be pres- rhythmias, valvular disease,
crucial that treatment of a patient ent because the brain is not being end-stage cardiomyopathy, and
in shock is started immediately adequately perfused.2,3 Last, one conduction defects and appears
because shock is associated with biochemical marker that indi- clinically similar to hypovolemic
high mortality and morbidity.3 cates atypical cellular oxygen shock. However, compared with
metabolism, lactate, is generally hypovolemic shock, patients with
Clinical manifestations elevated (over 1.5 mmol/L) in cardiogenic shock generally pres-
of shock shock and should be monitored ent with pulmonary edema and
When diagnosing shock, it is throughout the treatment course jugular venous distension.2,4
important to note that shock is to determine whether interven- Obstructive shock is an extra-
based on three parameters that tions are successful.2 cardiac process cutting off circu-
include clinical, hemodynamic, Four different forms of latory flow that can be caused by
and biochemical signs.2 First, shock exist, and it is crucial to tension pneumothorax, cardiac
systemic arterial hypotension identify which type of shock tamponade, or massive pulmo-
(defined as a mean arterial pres- the patient is experiencing to nary embolus. Clinically, because
sure [MAP] of less than 70 mm determine the best course of cardiac output is decreased in
Hg) and tachycardia are generally treatment. Hypovolemic shock is obstructive shock, signs and
present. Second, clinical signs of excess loss of plasma or blood symptoms resemble hypovolemic
tissue hypoperfusion will be volume that is initially compen- and cardiogenic shock.2,4
seen.2 The patient’s skin will be sated by increases in heart rate Distributive shock (which includes
cold and clammy, and the nurse (HR) and systemic vascular septic shock) initially presents
will see decreased capillary refill resistance (SVR) but typically as elevated cardiac output and
of the nail beds because the body requires resuscitation.2,4 decreased SVR, as the peripheral March l Nursing2018CriticalCare l 7

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Vasoactive agents in shock

vasculature is vasodilated after an Ventilatory support with oxy- tive shock.2,5 In a patient with
inflammatory response.2,4 gen should begin immediately hemorrhagic shock (hypovolemic
to increase oxygen delivery.2 shock from rapid blood loss),
Managing shock Depending on the patient’s sta- crystalloid fluids and blood prod-
Once a patient has been diag- tus, ventilatory support can be ucts would be used to resuscitate
nosed with shock, resuscitation achieved noninvasively through a the patient. However, the treat-
should be initiated immediately to mask or invasively with mechani- ment of shock including the
prevent progression of organ dys- cal ventilation.2 amount of fluid given to the
function or failure.2 Using a mne- Next, fluids are infused to patient must be carefully chosen
monic known as the “VIP rule” improve blood flow to the micro- based on the type of shock.2
can help determine how to pro- vasculature and to increase cardi- Adverse reactions such as fluid
ceed with resuscitation: Ventilate ac output.2 For example, crystal- overload can occur, and the patient
(administer oxygen), Infuse (fluid loid fluids, such as 0.9% sodium should be monitored closely.2 If
resuscitation including crystalloids chloride (normal saline), should hypotension persists after fluid
or blood products), and Pump be infused quickly (at a volume resuscitation, the administration
(administer vasoactive agents).2 of at least 30 mL/kg) for distribu- of vasoactive agents is required.2
Overview of vasopressors and inotropic agents
Alpha1- Beta1- Beta2-
adrenergic adrenergic adrenergic Dopaminergic
Drug effect effect effect effect Important facts
Decreases blood flow to splanchnic circulation
Could increase lactate levels
Epinephrine ++++ +++ ++ 0
Can cause cardiac toxicity
May cause extravasation
Vasopressor of choice
As dose increases, stimulation of alpha1
Norepinephrine ++++ +++ 0 0
increases and renal perfusion decreases
May cause extravasation
Stimulates V1 receptor leading to vasoconstriction
Vasopressin 0 0 0 0
May cause extravasation
Can cause severe bradycardia and decrease
cardiac output
Phenylephrine ++++ 0 0 0
Decreases renal perfusion
May cause extravasation
Alternative vasopressor for septic shock
Precursor to norepinephrine
Dopamine Effects on renal blood flow decrease as dose
++ +++ + ++
(moderate dose) increases
Can cause tachydysrhythmias
May cause extravasation
Can cause tachydysrhythmias
Dobutamine + +++ + 0 Patients with hypertension could have an
increased effect
Phosphodiesterase-3 inhibitor
Milrinone 0 0 0 0 Kidney function should be monitored
Inotropic effects can cause dysrhythmias
Consult the manufacturer’s prescribing label for complete prescribing information including dose recommendations and
dose adjustments for each drug.

8 l Nursing2018Critical Care l Volume 13, Number 2

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Hypovolemia should be corrected an alpha-receptor antagonist, cardiotoxic effects on the cardiac
before the administration of any which is injected into the area of myocytes.8 Like epinephrine, nor-
vasoactive agents.2 necrosis and reverses ischemic epinephrine can cause significant
This article reviews the changes.9 To prevent extravasation, tissue damage, skin sloughing, and
following vasopressors and vasopressors should be infused dermal necrosis that is treated with
inotropes that may be adminis- through a central venous cathe- phentolamine. Administration of
tered to treat shock: epineph- ter using an infusion pump.10 norepinephrine through a larger,
rine, norepinephrine, vasopressin, Additional adverse reactions of central vein, diluted at an appro-
phenylephrine, dopamine, epinephrine include hyperglyce- priate concentration, will also
dobutamine, and milrinone mia from the beta1 receptor help prevent extravasation.9,10
(see Overview of vasopressors stimulation and tachycardia.7 Norepinephrine should be used
and inotropic agents). Despite the adverse reactions, cautiously in patients taking anti-
epinephrine remains an effective depressants (such as monoamine
Vasopressors vasopressor that is generally oxidase inhibitors [MAOIs], tricy-
Epinephrine. A potent alpha- reserved for second-line treat- clic antidepressants [TCAs], or
and beta-adrenergic agonist, ment and is the preferred vaso- imipramine type antidepressants)
epinephrine increases MAP by pressor for refractory shock.1,5 because concomitant administra-
increasing cardiac output and Norepinephrine. The mediator tion has been shown to lead to
vascular tone.6 At low weight- of the sympathetic nervous sys- severe, prolonged hypertension.12
based doses, epinephrine heavily tem, norepinephrine is a potent Contraindications to norepi-
stimulates the beta1 and beta2 alpha1- and alpha2-receptor ago- nephrine treatment include
receptors, increasing cardiac out- nist with beta1-adrenergic agonist concomitant use with inhaled
put and HR; at higher doses, effects and no beta2 effects, anesthetics such as cyclopropane
epinephrine heavily stimulates which leads to robust vasocon- (no longer used in the United
the alpha receptors, leading to striction with little to no inotropic States) and halothane because it
vasoconstriction and an inotropic effects.10 Through the stimulation can increase cardiac autonomic
effect.1 Epinephrine has a quick of alpha1 and alpha2 receptors irritability, leading to ventricular
onset of less than 5 minutes and and limited beta-adrenergic recep- tachycardia and fibrillation. Avoid
a half-life of less than 5 minutes.7 tors, norepinephrine increases the use of norepinephrine in
Although epinephrine is an MAP by increasing BP and SVR patients with mesenteric or
effective vasopressor, it may lead with a slight impact on cardiac peripheral vascular thrombosis,
to detrimental adverse reactions. output.1,8,10 Norepinephrine has a and those who are hypotensive
Epinephrine has been shown to rapid onset of action, within 1 to from blood volume deficits, except
decrease blood flow to the 2 minutes, and has a duration of 1 for emergency therapy to maintain
splanchnic circulation and may to 2 minutes.11 Currently, norepi- perfusion until blood replacement
increase lactate levels.5 At high nephrine is the recommended therapy can be administered.12
doses and prolonged infusion first-line vasopressor by the Adverse reactions to norepineph-
administration of epinephrine, Society of Critical Care Medicine rine include ischemic injury from
direct cardiac toxicity can occur Guidelines for Management of tissue hypoxia, brady- or tachydys-
through damage to arterial walls Sepsis and Septic Shock.5 rhythmias, anxiety, transient head-
by cardiac myocyte necrosis and Although norepinephrine is con- aches, dyspnea, nausea/vomiting,
apoptosis.8 Epinephrine, along sidered a first-line vasopressor for and extreme hypertension.10,12
with other vasopressors, can shock, a variety of precautions, Vasopressin. Also known as
cause significant tissue damage, warnings, contraindications, and antidiuretic hormone, vasopres-
skin sloughing, and dermal necro- adverse reactions should be taken sin is a hormone that is naturally
sis. If extravasation occurs, the into consideration when adminis- released by the posterior pituitary
I.V. infusion must be changed to tering.2 Prolonged administration gland in response to decreased
another site and the area of necro- of norepinephrine could result in blood volume and increased
sis treated with phentolamine, myocardial ischemia because of plasma osmolality that leads to March l Nursing2018CriticalCare l 9

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Vasoactive agents in shock

vasoconstriction.10 Vasopressin could experience a decreased ty is unknown and is probably

acts via the V1 receptor, which pressor effect of vasopressin.13 low.14 Next, oxytocic drugs, such
leads to constriction of the vascu- Adverse reactions of vasopressin as oxytocin, increase the pressor
lar smooth muscle and the V2 include gastrointestinal disorders effect of phenylephrine and could
receptor. This leads to enhanced (mesenteric ischemia), increased potentially lead to hemorrhagic
water reabsorption in the renal bilirubin, acute kidney insufficien- stroke; BP should be monitored
collecting duct, resulting in an cy, hyponatremia, bronchial con- closely in patients receiving both
increase in SVR and little to no striction, and diaphoresis.10,13 drugs.14 Phenylephrine has been
impact on cardiac output.8 Phenylephrine. A pure alpha1- shown to cause renal toxicity;
Vasopressin has a rapid onset adrenergic agonist, phenylephrine renal function should be moni-
of action, with a peak effect causes rapid peripheral vasocon- tored closely.14
occurring within 15 minutes and striction resulting in increased BP. Adverse reactions to phenyl-
a half-life of 10 minutes or less.13 It has minimal beta-adrenergic ephrine include bradycardia,
Currently, vasopressin is recom- activity, and therefore minimal atrioventricular (AV) block,
mended as an adjunct therapy to chronotropic or inotropic activity.10 myocardial ischemia, nausea,
norepinephrine when monother- Phenylephrine has a rapid vomiting, chest pain, headache,
apy with norepinephrine does onset that typically occurs within excitability, nervousness, and
not achieve the target MAP over minutes and has a half-life of tremor.14 Phenylephrine has
65 mm Hg.5 approximately 5 minutes.14 many drug interactions that
Although vasopressin is an Currently, little to no clinical data should be taken into consider-
endogenous hormone, many exist on phenylephrine use in ation; for example, MAOIs,
warnings, precautions, adverse sepsis and its use in patients with TCAs, centrally acting sympatho-
reactions, and interactions should sepsis should be limited.5 lytic agents (such as guanfacine),
be taken into consideration before Although phenylephrine is an alpha2-adrenergic agonists (such as
administration. Vasopressin has effective vasoconstrictor, many clonidine), steroids, and atropine
been reported to cause dysrhyth- warnings and precautions, adverse increase the pressor effect of phen-
mias, chest pain, MI, and asysto- reactions, and interactions should ylephrine. Adversely, phenyleph-
le.10 Although uncommon, be taken into consideration before rine can block medications such
vasopressin also has been administration. Phenylephrine has as alpha-adrenergic antagonists.14
shown to cause extravasation been linked to severe bradycardia Dopamine. A naturally occur-
when administered through a and decreased cardiac output, ring precursor to norepinephrine,
peripheral line; administration of which could be detrimental in a dopamine is a potent vasocon-
vasopressin through a central line patient with shock.14 Like other strictor that has many different
could avoid this complication.9 vasopressors, phenylephrine dose-dependent effects on the sys-
Vasopressin should be cautiously causes significant tissue damage, temic vasculature.15 At very low
used in patients who are taking skin sloughing, and dermal necro- doses, once known as renal doses,
medications that may cause the sis that could be treated with dopamine primarily activates
syndrome of inappropriate antidi- phentolamine. However, this dopaminergic receptors, leading
uretic hormone secretion such as adverse reaction can be avoided to vasodilation in the renal,
TCAs, selective serotonin reuptake by administering phenylephrine splanchnic, mesenteric, and coro-
inhibitors, haloperidol, enalapril, through a larger, central vein, nary vasculature.1 Administering
methyldopa, and pentamidine, diluted to an appropriate concen- dopamine at a higher rate for
because concomitant use may tration.9,10 I.V. phenylephrine con- renal protection is not recom-
increase the pressor and antidi- tains sodium metabisulfite, which mended because there are no
uretic effect of vasopressin.13 could lead to life-threatening ana- available data to support this
Patients who are taking medica- phylactic symptoms in individuals treatment solely to maintain
tions that could cause diabetes with sulfite sensitivity. However, kidney function.5 At moderate
insipidus (such as demeclocycline, according to the package insert, (inotropic) doses, dopamine
lithium, foscarnet, and clozapine) the prevalence of sulfite sensitivi- primarily activates the beta1-

10 l Nursing2018Critical Care l Volume 13, Number 2

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adrenergic receptors, leading to halogenated hydrocarbon inhaled
an increase in MAP, HR, stroke anesthetics can increase the risk
volume, and cardiac output.1 At of ventricular dysrhythmias and
high doses, dopamine begins to should be coadministered with
stimulate the alpha1-adrenergic extreme caution. Medications
receptors, increasing MAP.1 such as TCAs and oxytocin could
Dopamine has a quick onset of lead to extreme hypertension, and
action that occurs within 5 min- haloperidol could block the dopa-
utes and has a short half-life of 2 minergic effect.15
minutes.15 Norepinephrine is a
more potent vasopressor than Inotropes
dopamine to correct hypotension Dobutamine. A synthetic cate-
in patients with shock, but dopa- cholamine, dobutamine is a
mine could be an acceptable potent inotrope that increases
alternative to norepinephrine in cardiac output by strongly
patients with a low risk of stimulating the beta1-adrenergic
tachydysrhythmias and absolute receptor, and mild-to-moderate
or relative bradycardia.5 stimulation of the beta2-adrenergic
Although dopamine is an and alpha1-adrenergic receptors.1
acceptable alternative to norepi- At low doses, dobutamine has
nephrine, many contraindications, been shown to increase stroke
warnings and precautions, adverse When titrating dopamine volume without significant tachy-
reactions, and interactions must during discontinuation, cardia; with high doses, tachycar-
be taken into consideration. hypotension can occur, dia worsens, leading to decreased
Dopamine is contraindicated in so coadminister I.V. fluids diastolic filling time, which
patients with pheochromocytoma to expand the patient’s results in smaller increases in
(a rare neuroendocrine tumor that intravascular volume. cardiac output.1
originates in the adrenal gland) Dobutamine’s onset of action
and should not be administered to occurs within 1 to 2 minutes and
patients with tachydysrhythmias vein; if extravasation occurs, it can has a half-life of 2 minutes.16 This
because infusion of dopamine be treated with phentolamine.9,15 makes dobutamine the preferred
may worsen these conditions. Adverse reactions of dopamine inotrope in unstable patients with
Sodium metabisulfite is embed- include ventricular dysrhythmias, cardiogenic shock, and it is rec-
ded within the drug and could atrial fibrillation, ectopic beats, ommended in patients with hypo-
lead to life-threatening anaphy- tachycardia, hyper/hypotension, perfusion in septic shock when
lactic reactions.15 headache, and nausea/vomiting appropriate fluid loading and
Precautions should be taken and should be monitored for and vasopressors do not achieve nor-
into consideration with adminis- treated appropriately.15 mal end-organ function.1,5
tration of dopamine. When titrat- Many medications interact with Although dobutamine is an
ing the infusion during discontinu- dopamine. Because dopamine is effective inotropic agent, many
ation, hypotension can occur. To metabolized by monoamine oxi- contraindications, precautions
avoid this problem, consider coad- dase, MAOIs could potentiate the and warnings, interactions,
ministering I.V. fluids to expand effects of dopamine, and patients and adverse reactions exist.
the patient’s intravascular vol- taking MAOIs should receive Dobutamine is contraindicated
ume.15 Like other vasopressors, no more than one-tenth of the in patients with idiopathic
dopamine has been known to usual initial dose of dopamine.15 hypertrophic subaortic stenosis.
cause extravasation, which can be Coadministration with dopa- Because dobutamine promotes
prevented by administering dopa- mine and cyclopropane (no longer conduction, patients with atrial
mine through a larger, central used in the United States) or fibrillation are at increased risk March l Nursing2018Critical Care l 11

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Vasoactive agents in shock

of developing rapid ventricular bumetanide when administered

response, and patients with into the same I.V. line; therefore,
hypertension are at increased coadministration of these medi-
risk of an increased pressor cations should be avoided.
effect. Dobutamine could precip- Adverse reactions of milrinone
itate or exacerbate ventricular include ventricular dysrhyth-
ectopic activity and hypersensi- mias, ventricular ectopic activity,
tivity reaction, and elicit an ana- hypotension, angina, headache,
phylactic reaction from patients hypokalemia, and tremor.17
who have a sulfite sensitivity. In
animal studies, the concomitant Nursing considerations
use of a beta-antagonistic medi- Patients presenting to EDs or
cation led to a lesser dobutamine ICUs with hemodynamic com-
effect. Hypotension can also be a promise related to any form
result of dobutamine administra- of shock are considered high-
tion, but is mainly seen when acuity patients. Critical care
titrating the agent down or off.16 nurses must know the probable
Adverse reactions of dobutamine medications used to treat these
include nausea, angina, dyspnea, patients and any invasive or non-
headache, decreases in serum invasive monitoring that may be
potassium, and phlebitis.16 required. Nurses are responsible
Milrinone. A selective Lack of understanding of for knowing the adverse reac-
phosphodiesterase-3 inhibitor, vasoactive medications tions of each vasoactive medica-
milrinone is a potent inotrope may lead to patient tion. Lack of understanding of
and vasodilator that increases compromise and vasoactive medications may lead
intracellular calcium and myocar- possibly a sentinel to patient compromise and possi-
dial contractions, and relaxes the event. bly a sentinel event.
pulmonary and systemic vascula- Appropriate and accurate
ture, lowering SVR and pulmo- monitoring of hemodynamic
nary vascular resistance.1,17 like dobutamine, increases parameters is required when
Milrinone is indicated for short- myocardial contractions, supra- titrating continuous infusions of
term management of patients ventricular and ventricular vasoactive medications. Patients
with acute decompensated heart dysrhythmias may occur, need an arterial line for continu-
failure.17 When infused I.V., mil- and patients should be closely ous BP monitoring.18 An arterial
rinone peaks within 2 minutes monitored during infusions. line allows for optimal titration of
and has a half-life of 1 to 3 Milrinone also slightly shortens medications with close observa-
hours.11 the AV node conduction time, tion of patient responsiveness in
Although milrinone has a and patients with atrial fibrilla- real time.
different mechanism of action tion or flutter may experience an Nurses must monitor the arte-
than dobutamine, there are increased ventricular response rial line waveform to ensure
many contraindications, precau- rate. It should be used with cau- accurate readings are obtained.
tions and warnings, interactions, tion in patients with hypoten- The accurate recording of intra-
and adverse reactions that must sion. Patients with kidney arterial pressure depends upon
be taken into consideration. impairment (creatinine clearance an appropriate dynamic response
Milrinone is contraindicated in of 50 mL/min/1.73 m2 or less) of the monitoring system.
patients with severe obstructive will require a renal dose adjust- The rapid-flush (square wave)
aortic or pulmonary vascular ment.17 Few interactions with test is the clinical test of choice.
disease or hypertrophic subaor- milrinone exist, but it can form a This will determine if the arterial
tic stenosis. Because milrinone, precipitate with furosemide and waveform has overdamped or

12 l Nursing2018Critical Care l Volume 13, Number 2

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

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