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Danimir Štros, Maja Coner, Daniel Bukovinski: Globalization and management

Danimir Štros Daniel Bukovinski UDK 339.9765.012.4

Municipality of Brdovec Municipality of Brdovec Review article
Trg dr. Franje Tuđmana 1, Trg dr. Franje Tuđmana 1,
10292 Šenkovec 10292 Šenkovec Received: September 9, 2014 Accepted for publishing: December 9, 2014
Phone: +38513315886 Phone: +385995373211

Maja Coner
Municipality of Brdovec
Trg dr. Franje Tuđmana 1,
10292 Šenkovec
Phone: +38513315885


Globalization as an ongoing process allows and promotes the development of economy of big countries as
well as developing countries that are seeking their place in the global market. Interactive communication
has been enabled between people, companies, civil society organizations and other institutions, whose
needs can be met over the internet anywhere in the world and at any time.
Also, professional and competent human resources are needed and therefore it is necessary to invest in
new knowledge, innovation, new technologies and lifelong learning. In this environment, management sets
its strategic goals through which it will be able to carry out the plans for the sale of products or services.
Nowadays, a manager has to have interdisciplinary skills and lifelong education because only in this way it
is possible to respond to the constant and rapid changes in the world.
We are witnesses that Europe has reunited in order to compete with the less developed countries with their
products and services. Europe has long refused to accept the managerial style of governance, particularly
in public administration and is therefore far behind the U.S., but also the Third World countries. Until re-
cently, European public administration was more focused on the implementation of laws and regulations
and less on managerial governance of the U.S. type.
Global environment requires the continuous research, monitoring competition, innovation and the ability
to change rapidly.
Keywords: globalization, management, innovation, technologies, competitive, interdisciplinary.

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Danimir Štros, Maja Coner, Daniel Bukovinski: Globalization and management

1. Introduction society, the main feature of this period is the expo-

nential rate of social change. In traditional societies,
the changes proceeded significantly slower and gen-
This article deals with globalization as a global pro-
erations of people lived in largely unchanged condi-
cess of modernization of society. This process, like
any other, can be observed from two aspects: the
positive and the negative aspect. The speed of change is becoming greater and today
we can expect big changes not only from one gener-
In globalization there is national economy and unit-
ation to another, but also within one generation. For
ed economy (EU), and each wants to sell their prod-
example, in some families occupation was passed
ucts and services on the market in its own manner.
down from generation to generation. However, to-
National economies try to help their businesses to
day we can expect that one individual changes sev-
sell their product or service with various incentives
eral professions during life.
and subsidies, but there are also other businesses
in the global market without the support of the na- Social sciences describe these processes using dif-
tional government. ferent concepts. Industrialization, modernization,
and postmodernism were or are still slogans such as
The management job in global terms is very de-
globalization is today. However, we cannot exclude
manding, responsible and uncertain. Organiza-
the possibility that the use of this concept in the so-
tions that have no will to change policies in terms
cial sciences is also subject to fashion trends. Using
of global market forces do not participate in the
new concepts largely reflects the transparency of
global market and they lose their market position.
the major forces and processes that shape society.
Due to the new sophisticated technology, managers
and management must constantly learn about new Industrialization was the first term which social
findings that appear in the market and make sound sciences used to describe the great transformation
decisions in accordance with them. of society during which industrial production has
become the main form of production. This change
Globalization should not be a big problem for en-
was so profound that the term industrial revolution
trepreneurship; the challenge for them is to create
was used not only to describe the transition from
more innovative solutions and flexible behavior so
manufacture to industrial production but also to
that they can impose their product or service. The
describe the broader structural changes. The con-
organization and management in whole must keep
sequences were enormous productivity growth and
pace with constant changes, and analyze themselves
changes in the whole range of areas like occupation-
and the competition using SWOT analysis, making
al structure, work organization, professional skills,
strategic plans, short-term or long-term strategies.
patterns of consumption and culture in general.
This paper will also present the hypotheses about
The concept of modernization is used to describe
pros and cons of both society and the individuals
a wider range of change in which society becomes
involved in entrepreneurship.
more complex, urbanized and differentiated, and
the production and social organization are in-
creasingly based on science. In social sciences,
2. Globalization as a process the concept of modernization is particularly used
to describe the process by which the “third world
Globalization is the last stage in a constant process countries” develop; countries that have lagged be-
of social change; the term began to be used twenty hind in the process of change, industrialization and
or more years ago as an explanation for the new modernization (Inkeles, Smith, 1974). The fact that
wave of change in the economy, technology and so- since the beginning of industrialization undevel-
ciety. oped countries gradually modernize and industrial-
Most authors agree that globalization is not some- ize shows that industrialization and modernization
thing new; it is an old process that began a hundred was a global process from the start.
years ago (Hirsh, Thompson, 1999), specifically in The concept of globalization is quite important for
the late 18th century, at a time when Europe was the post-industrial society; it was first developed
swept with a wave of social change. Since industrial- by Daniel Bell in the sixties and was related to the
ization became the main social process that shapes most developed societies, which transformed into

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a new stage of development after industrialization Neoliberalism especially relies on theoretical ideas
and modernization. This new phase is character- of free trade, from which it follows that the state
ized by significant changes in the structure of pro- border should not be an obstacle for effective allo-
duction, namely the transition from the industrial cation of resources in the world economy.
development to the tertiary sector (services sec- Yet in the last decades of the twentieth century, in
tor). Bell referred to the structure of employment the context of pronounced economic globalization,
as the main empirical indicator of the transition neo-liberals have not only revived but sharpened
from one phase to another. When the number of classical liberal settings against proactive govern-
employees in the service sector outgrows the num- ment intervention as guiding and limiting factors of
ber of employees in the industry, the country enters market operations. States are not, in their opinion,
the post-industrial phase. In such a system, knowl- capable of controlling globalization. Global markets
edge replaces capital, innovation replaces tradition should be left to operate without formal restrictions
and ideas replace manual labor as the main source and the only necessary function of governments of
of power and growth. Even though it was obvious multilateral institutions consists of facilitating and
that the development of post-industrialization was supporting the globalization of neo-liberal orienta-
universal, the analytical schemes did not show that. tion. For example, they harmonize (adjust) technical
Most attention was given to the internal changes standards among the countries where the popula-
that have happened in highly developed societies, tion of a country is against neoliberal arrangements,
new technologies, new industries, new structures of they exert pressure in order to ultimately implement
interest, information technologies, etc. It can safely arrangements, however that does not mean that the
be concluded that the tendency of globalization was public sector allows routing of market trends on a
inherent (present) in the processes of industrializa- global scale.
tion and modernization. Conceptually, industriali-
zation and modernization cannot be equated with For neo-liberals, globalization is only possible un-
the notion of globalization. The industrialization der the condition of immense repression of regula-
and modernization can be developed in an isolated tion and abolition of state restrictions that inhibit
social system, such as a nation-state or any part of the movement of money, goods, services and capi-
the world. tal. They also advocate the abolition of government
control of prices and wages and proclaim privatiza-
Globalization, on the other hand, is a process of tion as a measure that narrows down the maximum
industrialization and modernization, which is ex- state ownership of productive resources. They insist
panding globally and has an integrating function. on reducing government expenditures that guaran-
Therefore, Croatia should draw attention to higher tee prosperity and hold that market arrangements
education and new technologies because only in play a key role in pension policy, health care and
this way will its economy be competitive and able other areas of social security. In short, they reject
to engage in the process of globalization. The influx the national strategy of economic management
of foreign capital opportunities opens development which operated from the 1930s to 1970s (Milani,
abilities that will result in new hires and filling the 1999: 169, 186).
Neoliberalism is undoubtedly dominant conceptual
and political framework of contemporary globali-
zation. It is not a collection of doctrinal abstrac-
3. Definitions and position of globalization tions; it is an approach which is in the service of
the dominant class power and countries in today’s
The intense and general debate on globalization is world. Since the early eighties, many governments,
dominated by three typological points of view: neo- especially the governments of the most powerful
liberal, reformist and radical. countries, saw a chance for neoliberal policies in
Advocates of neoliberal viewpoint follow the clas- globalization. Hence it is not surprising that multi-
sical liberal principle that the market is a fundamen- lateral institutions, such as the International Mon-
tal force that pushes overall human benefits, free- etary Fund, the World Trade Organization and the
dom, democracy and peace. Organization for Economic Cooperation and De-
velopment, associate globalization with liberalism.
It is not surprising that business associations (the

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Danimir Štros, Maja Coner, Daniel Bukovinski: Globalization and management

International Organization of Employers, World global environmental regulation that seeks global
Economic Forum) figure as a sort of bastions of economic unity.
neoliberalism. Some reformists believe that the international bod-
The dominant viewpoint of economic theories, ies such as the International Monetary Fund should
while relying on strong power centers of neoliberal create mechanisms to establish greater stability and
conception of globalization, is praising the virtues fairness in the global financial markets. Global in-
of free global markets and considers them to be a stitutions should follow programs that would im-
kind of new universals. Neoliberal notion of globali- prove the state of deprived social classes. In the
zation shaped up as a kind of conceptual and practi- late nineties certain achievements were recorded
cal political orthodoxy. But only in the 20th century on “reformist challenges” to neoliberalism. The In-
have the neo-liberal ideas been generally accepted ternational Labor Organization called for stronger
as unquestionable. protection of labor in global capitalism, and the
Reformism or global social democracy is seen as UN Development Program had identified a global
the strongest competitor of neoliberal globaliza- reform proposals contained in the Report on Hu-
tion policies. This approach is based on the tradi- man Development. Even the World Bank, under the
tions of Keynesian economics, the New Deal and chairmanship of James Wolfensohn since the mid-
the Great Society in the United States, as well as nineties, has accepted a rhetoric that respects the
the heritage of Western European welfare state in meaning of reformist initiatives.
the period of 1945. Reformists as well as liberals The reformist approach to globalization has become
believe that capitalism can be a powerful driver of evident in various segments of civil society action.
social welfare, but unlike liberals, they believe that Thus, for example, the International Confederation
achieving these positive results requires the estab- of Free Trade Unions insisted on such international
lishment and implementation of a specific circuit of politics and institutions to guide the process of glo-
public policy. In their opinion unbridled capitalism balization in the service of needs and aspirations of
produces substantial personal, social and environ- the people. Numerous non-governmental organiza-
mental injustices and global markets can fail, and tions are calling for reform of multilateral economic
it is therefore necessary to introduce a series of ad- institutions in order to combat the negative globali-
justments in the form of political intervention of zation.
public institutions. Reformists advocated a diverse In socio-theoretical circles, political science and
range of policy measures to promote the positive political scene there is a debate about the necessity
and negative potential suppression of capitalism. of renewal of social democracy in line with the new
They advocate for the control of trans-boundary global realities. Thanks to this stride of reformism,
movements of resources so that they can reduce regardless how weak and “superficial” it still is, neo-
harmfulness of market instability, social inequality liberal approaches today do not have such a strong
and environmental cost of economic growth. They position as during the eighties.
introduced various official guarantees for minimum
standards (basic income, work safety, environmen- Radicalism, as opposed to reformism, which gener-
tal control), in order to protect the most vulnerable ally accepts globalization flux and its main driving
social layers from the devastating consequences of forces (the capitalist mode of production, modern
unbridled capitalism and other measures that limit technology, rationalization application of knowl-
the power of corporations. edge, the indispensable function of the market),
advocates a reversal of globalization, but in entirely
The old school reformism focuses on government different structural foundations (Robertson, 1992).
measures as a key instrument of progressive diver- Judging by radical starting points and intentions
sion of capitalism. But it is increasingly shown that this position is not homogeneous. In fact, two ver-
national strategies are no longer appropriate means sions of radicalism are at work.
of managing global capitalism (Waters, 1995: 97).
So many contemporary reformists recognize the One is formed by those who wish to stop globali-
need for global public policy of the state in which zation and return to a lost, pre-global state, and its
institutions play a key role. This, for example, means proponents are therefore referred to as tradition-
that the reformist programs should strive for en- alists. In their opinion, globalization destroyed the
forceable rules of behavior for global companies and legacy of previous social orders and therefore de-

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globalization is the only way to restore economic on official institutions (national or supranational),
security, ecological balance, cultural integrity and market or wider circles of world power.
democracy. Because globalization in that sense is
inherently harmful and irreversible, the only thing
that remains is stopping and reversing the trend.
4. Globalization in the context of transition
Traditionalist intercession of deglobalization, on
behalf of a better past, manifests itself in various
The typological sketch of the prevailing views about
forms: economic nationalism, religious, environ-
globalization, taken from the book by Jan Aart
mental radicalism, etc. Economic nationalists em-
Scholte, Globalization - A critical introduction, is
phasize the crucial importance of re-establishing an
a suitable analytical framework for understand-
undeniable state of self-determination of countries
ing how globalization works in general and for its
and their separation from the global economic net-
specific echoes in different social environments
work. Religious revivalists evoke “lost locality” to
(Scholte, 2000: 35-40). It is therefore useful for
revive the original views and forms of their religion,
countries that are both nominally and actually char-
which does not mean that every religious response
acterized by the transitional social processes.
to globalization is fundamentalist-inspired. Radi-
cal environmentalists advocate the return of the Globalization in its recent intensity and transition
pre-modern harmony with nature, glorifying self- in its motives, actions and the consequences are
sufficiency of local communities and in this regard historically concurrent facts, and because of this
critically reject the majority reformist view of sus- simultaneity the question of how the typical view-
tainable development. point of globalization is reflected in the transitional
situation is raised.
The second variant of radicalism, quite different
from the reactive traditionalism, is constituted by First. The changes that feature the last decade of the
actors, groups or movements that are related to glo- twentieth century and that led to the collapse of the
balization in a proactive manner. They do not advo- socialist system were caused by endogenous and ex-
cate stopping globalization, but its continuation on ogenous reasons.
assumptions of critical analysis of one-dimensional Endogenous reasons are contained in the very
development. Reformist strategies are being con- nature of these systems, their economic and po-
sidered inappropriate because they do not reach litical logic and the ideology that legitimized them
the deep structural causes that produce troubles of (Huntington, 1991, Dahrendorf, 1990). They were
contemporary globalization. “Global socialists”, for brought to the economic meltdown by a model of
example, refer to capitalism as to irreparable wrong development and modernization that has relied
and seek to shape a “post capitalist globalization”. on the state determined production, exchange and
Traditional socialist strategy, that is, proletarian consumer activity, the centralized planning and re-
capture of state power, is being considered obsolete straining “free market forces”, and on the regulation
and, instead, they promote a general global move- of the economic sphere as a basic structural factor
ment of workers, women and other oppressed peo- of social progress. It is a model commonly referred
ple as an appropriate way to establish a post-cap- to as “modernization from the above”. Political
italist and socially exploitation-free world. Certain reasons for the collapse lay in the order of a one-
postmodernist critics of contemporary society per- party rule that restrained “free political forces” and
form in the sight of this proactive radicalism. They unhindered manifestation of political differences,
reject the rationalist structure of knowledge and rights and freedoms. Such government monopoly
exclusive identity politics that had been prevalent merged with the state apparatus, gagged and com-
in the former process of globalization. Global poli- pletely absorbed the sphere of civil society, which
tics claim to be a favorable circumstance for a vigor- is formed by a plurality of social actors and their
ous resurrection of greater pluralism of knowledge, public interest work. The final act of the collapse of
identity and culture. In all, a radical stance on glo- this ruling model is marked by a request for the es-
balization attracted fewer followers than neo-liber- tablishment of civil society as a necessary condition
alism and reformism. In short, radical responses to for a multiparty parliamentary order. In the name of
globalization did not, despite their remonstrating such ideological and, according to Popper, histori-
and anticipating force, achieve any lasting impact cist picture of human development and history, the

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Danimir Štros, Maja Coner, Daniel Bukovinski: Globalization and management

order could be reproduced or somewhat reformed, softened the assumptions of a meltdown and helped
but only as long as its dominant actors had enough to accept the neoliberal globalization as an inevita-
unchallenged power and loyal followers to success- ble condition for a possibility of the transition turn.
fully call on the “historical necessity” of the illusion What Dahrendorf called “revolutions”, and what
of linear progress in equality (Furet, 1997, Lefort, seems to be a synonym for post-communist or
2000). transition situation, is taking place in accordance
The exogenous reasons effect, that is often forgot- with the conditions, normative ideas and demands
ten, has equally influenced the collapse of the so- of globalized neo-liberal revolution, which some
cialist system and the design of post-socialist and authors prefer to qualify as a “neo-liberal counter-
transitional situations. All of these reasons are of revolution” (Martinussen, 1997). This agreement
course associated with global development trends was not raised as a matter of choice between more
and circumstances after the Second World War and, options, but as an unquestionable accepting of the
in particular, the modernization turns of the seven- global dominant, real and ideal framework to fit in
ties. Techno-economic progress of highly devel- if one wants to jump in post totalitarian social situa-
oped Western societies at the same time provided a tion. Routinely used phrase “structural adjustment”
high economic competitiveness at the international is just a euphemism for barely countable and still
level and the war of consumer products at the inter- unfinished series of turning procedures which rep-
nal level. Redistributive formula of the welfare state resent a shift between two completely different sys-
has successfully maintained a liberal balance be- temic worlds, a world of blocked socialist moderni-
tween labor and capital for decades, between social zation and a world of neoliberal modernization of
and market principles, and the institutionalization global reach. It requires privatization and desociali-
of conflict kept the society safe from the radicalism zation, a minimal state and the rule of law, deregu-
of anti-systemic movements. The crisis of the sev- lation and free trade, open society and deterritori-
enties upset this balance, but it increased the eco- alization, fiscal discipline of the state and a virtually
nomic power of developed centers in relation to the unlimited freedom of the private financial sector,
periphery and semi-periphery. However, the rise of relentless favoring of growth parameters and re-
power based on absolute market and neoliberal re- ducing mass contingents of redundant employees,
duction of social spending growth, started to assert active participation in shaping the world consensus
itself as the main brake to successful participation in and relativization of traditionally conceived sover-
the competitive market. eign power, etc. Elites and actors who have come to
The market may proclaim as canon, even as the power through the election in the “new democra-
highest principle of any prosperity and the only way cies” accessed these dense system turns as declared
of modernization of every society. Under its protec- and interest motivated advocates of neoliberal ide-
tion the global relations are shaped and the barriers ology and accelerate dealing with the legacy of the
that hinder the free circulation of capital, labor, ser- communist period. Ideological compromised and
vices, information and cultural and consumer pat- relentless deconstruction of the communist herit-
terns are broken down. The radicalization of liberal age have accounted for almost unconditional impo-
modernity, long referred to as “internationalization” sition of neo-liberal paradigm as a remedy for all,
is reaching the stage of globalization or moderniza- for such arrangement that will enable the smooth
tion (Hutton/Giddens, 2000: 7-50). Globalization is enrichment enterprising capable minority in a
here, to paraphrase Giddens and Beck, a radicali- short period and thus the general prosperity of the
zation of late-modern liberalism. Radicalization is majority. So without previously developed liberal
so dominant that, judging by the leading ideas im- democratic political culture, a jump was made to
agination, it has no real alternative. Long developed systemic arrangements in which the social ques-
institutions of the welfare state are now being ques- tion has become the main victim of “liberated Pro-
tioned, and the ideas and actually existing forms of metheus” privatization, in which capitalist ideology
socialism, which are proclaimed by the conserva- harmonized market interest replaces socialist uto-
tive neoliberals as “evil empire”, are losing the last pia of equality overnight, and in which basic civic
remnants of its alternative appeal, so it is no longer virtues of respect for the law mean almost nothing
able to be rehabilitated by very serious programs of in front of a final legitimate possibility of acquir-
reform, liberalization or “glasnost”. They have just ing, accumulating and corrupt robber-ownership

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(Dragičević, 2001; Štajner, 2001). By no means denying the market, the reformers ad-
Consequently, there are two parallel streams of ac- vocate the rehabilitation of the two other sectors:
tion and thought in the transition process: a current public economics and various associations, volun-
globalization stream of neo-liberal modernization tary work and alternative enterprises.
and a communitarian-traditionalist stream. The Theoretically it is the nearest stance to the long and
former works in the direction of “market fundamen- unjustly forgotten Karl Polanyi, who has, contrary
talism” because its rationality is so prevalent that it to the radical liberal separation of economy and
simply does not allow dissent, and the latter pulls in society, advocated the view that the integration
the direction of patrimonial localization which does processes are taking place through three models:
not allow any thought of the disintegration of the through exchanges or markets via redistribution,
community. The challenges of neoliberal globaliza- through reciprocity or through mutual aid (La-
tion, which had exogenously stimulated the transi- touche, 2001: 168). Fear of universal social disinte-
tion shift, simultaneously opened the way for the gration, which motivated even the United Nations
post-communist modernization and demoderni- to seriously tackle the issue of social development in
zation and multiplied troubles of social fragmen- the time of reign of the neo-liberal paradigm, is just
tation that cannot be restrained by any rhetoric of one of the practical evidence of justification of this
populism or good old values. It is therefore logical hypothesis and a testimony of reformist relation to
that optimism of quick and prosperous structural globalization. One should not forget that in highly
adjustment gives way to an affirmative-relativistic developed Western countries political and social
perception of globalization, accepting her “epochal” movements (parties, unions and civil society actors)
character, but with a somewhat more moderate and are acting with a long reformist tradition, which
socially equitable figure. break down neither capitalism nor the market, but
Second. This affirmative-relativistic notion coin- are, in this context, fighting for a fairer redistribu-
cides with what Scholte defined as reformist stance tion of resources, goods and social development
on globalization. Generally speaking there is no es- achievements. In other areas, moderate active and
sential difference between the globalization reform- stable reformism historically proved to be one of the
ism that is theoretically and politically evident in key factors for the balanced development of liberal
developed countries and reform strategies that were democratic societies.
formed in the transition countries. And in both cas- From this logic the so-called third path is derived
es, it is the effort to abandon or mitigate the dogma by the British New Labor, which is, along the theo-
of self-regulating markets and regulatory restrain retical elaboration sociologist Anthony Giddens,
its devastating social consequences. In both cases one of the most consistent reformist responses to
almost all the basic postulates of liberal develop- the challenges of globalization (Giddens, 1999). It
ment model are accepted, but its ultraliberal parox- is both the reformist abandoning of “old” reform-
ysms, which have, according to some moderate crit- ism (nationalization, high public expenditure, pas-
ics, taken on the form of one-dimensional thinking sive welfare state, etc.) and adjusting to “flexibilities”
and single-mindedness, are rejected (Todd, 1998). of the modern market (growth demands, economic
The necessity of abandoning this unidimensionality, stability with steady growth, the European Union,
which means expediency of a reformist shaping of globalization, etc.). To simply put it, this is a re-
globalization, is recognized even by the leading pro- formist conception that is based on the idea of ​​over-
tagonists of the international institutions that large- coming the “literal” neo-liberalism and traditional
ly decide on development programs and criteria in social-democracy, and its main determinants of
today’s world. In this sense, the eloquent attitude of the program are: a radical center, a new democratic
Michel Camddessus, the Director of the Interna- state (state without enemies), an active civil society,
tional Monetary Fund, sounds quite reformist: “As a democratic family, a new mixed economy, equality
for us, the International Monetary Fund, nothing as inclusion, positive well-being, social investment
has changed. I have always advocated the theory of state, cosmopolitan nation and democracy (Gid-
three hands: the invisible hand of the market, the dens, 1999: 73).
hand of justice (the state) and the hand of solidarity. The radical center is actually a sort of a junction
Those three hands should act together” (Latouche, or rational reconciliation of pervasive markets and
2001: 168). stable social issues that cannot be abstracted in any

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Danimir Štros, Maja Coner, Daniel Bukovinski: Globalization and management

fiction or quantifications of global growth. Transi- These terms suggest that the protagonists of radical
tional reformism is in an unenviable position be- point of view completely reject globalization and are
cause, on the one hand, it has to prove its declared utopian and illusionist opponents to an economic,
openness to the world and co-operative efficiency in social, political and cultural process that perma-
the implementation of all applicable rules of “global nently works on the interdependence of the mod-
game”, and on the other hand, if it wants to preserve ern world. But regardless of the unambiguous mes-
its legitimacy, it is obliged to follow the strategy of sage to the very terms, this is not correct, or at least
redistributive welfare and justice. It turned out that not correct in a general sense. For all their apparent
in the current circumstances it is very difficult to uniformity, anti-globalization opinion, as noted by
reconcile or to satisfy these two logics, that this is Pierre Bourdieu, is still very chaotic. It is a chaotic
possible only if one of them ascribes priority impor- response to conservative dogmatism that preda-
tance. tory capitalism wants to revive in new and seem-
Therefore, the transition formula, which attempts ingly civilized attire (Bourdieu, 2001). It only has
to perform socially liberal interventions that give one feature in common: its majority trend focuses
reformist appeal, cannot make a single moderniza- on immediate action and not on hold, on the mobi-
tion step without simultaneously narrowing the en- lization pressure rather than the reformist adapta-
tire sphere of inherited or newly-created social ben- tion, on practical measures against rising inequality
efits and rights that do not fit into the global scale rather than on economic growth as the dominant
of development. Thus it happens that a coalition variable relationship between North and South, the
of reformism and social liberalism, which is based developed and the developing. And it should be
on good diagnosis of the majority social interests noted that the anti-systemic social movements, re-
and expectations in the post-communist situation, gardless of the type of organization and the degree
more successfully meets the general criteria of glo- of radicalism, together constructed historical world
balization than the specific requirements of social of modern capitalism, that they entered a social
development. It broke the tendency of authoritarian and political dimension in its development, with-
distortion of the transition that is justifiably called out which it would have had a much crueler figure
democratic dictatorship or democrature, but has that still provides a utopian appeal for it. It is this
done very little or nothing on degradation of the ne- utopian allure of capitalist “society of abundance”
oliberal-client privatization, the reduction of social that is one of the main reasons why socially radical
inequalities, increase of employment, nor invest- globalization ideas, movements and initiatives don’t
ment in scientific and educational resources as key have a particular momentum, mass mobilization
factors that advance global “knowledge economy” and public impact in the transition context. Pro-
(Dragičević, 2001). Reformist practice is far behind ponents of radical attitudes and actors have almost
widely accepted reformist ideas of globalized
​​ mod- no influence on these arrangements. They do not
ernization. Also in areas of rich reformist tradition, even participate in them, but appear as alternative
this gap is one of the major sources from which not groups in civil society area, the groups
​​ that do not
only strategies of intransigent critical discourse are fight for social power and political power, but for
powered but also social mobilization strategies of daily or long-term goals that remain out of sight of
practical dispute. the established power and authority. One could say
that in the transitional context and conditions of a
Third. Apparently it comes to those streams of still underdeveloped civil society they tend to follow
thought and action, which more or less explicitly a tendency of the modern world marked by the soci-
and declaratively act as a radical stance on globali- ologist Ulrich Beck, as part of his theory of reflexive
zation. It is in a transition context, as elsewhere in modernization, as forming sub-politics.
the world, indicated by already standardized terms:
anti-globalism, anti-globalization movement, glo- It is about diminishing of the political in the tra-
balization groups, alternatives to globalization, etc. ditional sense, about finding the political as creat-
This terminology had been accepted in the past dec- ing and self-creating policy that does not cultivate
ade as a significant new addition to the rhetoric of or renew old hostilities, and does not gain from
public jargon and practice of civil society. them, or does not sharpen the means of power, but
invents new forms of content and coalition (Beck,
2001: 208). From this perspective a radical stance

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on globalization is derived; it transcends the divi- manage.

sion on the left and right parties and views devel- Within their core functions as complex decision
opment in the perspective of world civil society in makers, managers should find solutions for multi-
which the instrumental power of the free market culturalism, multinationality, habits and life styles
and its masters does not lose any sense of equal- of their employees, and develop strategies which
ity and fairness. It affects the globalization from would reconcile these differences to successfully ac-
below and its imposition from above, not at peace complish their goal. Professional literature leads to
with the growing tendency of economic despotism. similar findings and conclusions: the author E. G.
Radical anti-globalists of that trend do not advocate C. Collins, in his Management of the 21st Century,
locally-communitarian hostility toward globaliza- describes globalization as a finding for organiza-
tion and are entirely lost by their ideas of revival of tions that business must be directed towards the
tradition as a form of identity preservation. On the international environment, not only towards the
contrary they use the local and global opportunities local. Organizations and their management should
to critically observe the modernization potential of take into account the changes that occur outside
globalization and believe that they have to be im- the organization and the problems of defining their
mediately, without hesitation, universally drawn to business environment. Environment (Robbins,
the purposes of redistribution, peace and solidarity. 1995: 219) is defined as a complex area consisting
And it is, considering the means and ends, a quite institutions that affect the performance of the or-
different, truly “alternative globalization”. This al- ganization and over which the organization has lit-
ternation, realistically speaking, is too heavy for tle control. Environment of the organization can be
so-called vital pragmatic and urgent tasks of transi- seen as macro and micro environment. The task of
tion and therefore it is not surprising that in such the management is to act on these two segments in
circumstances a stronger anti-globalization move- their decisions.
ment is not possible.
The macro environment does not directly interact
with the organization, but the management tends to
affect it through strategic planning decisions, taking
5. Globalization and Management into account the previously described differences.
The micro environment is in close interaction with
Increasingly rapid development of new sophisticat- the organization and affects the organization itself.
ed technologies and methods of organization poses Policy making and internal organizational structure
increasing demands for rapid adjustment and action are tools through which the management affects
on the behalf of management. They are only pos- this environment. Furthermore, according to some
sible to achieve through continuous improvement authors, the environment is split into static and dy-
and education of managers on all levels in order to namic environment. The static environment creates
be in line with global requirements and resist the significantly less uncertainty for managers in com-
challenges of the global economy. This comprehen- parison to the dynamic one. Uncertainty poses a
sive cyclical process affects all parts of society from threat to the effectiveness of the organization and
manufacturers, through service providers and dis- the management seeks to minimize it, and one way
tributors to end users - the consumers. It is causal to achieve that is to adjust the organizational struc-
in its character because on the one hand consumers ture.
are changing businesses and behavior of producers,
and on the other hand the manufacturers are using Management plays a key role in the globalization
their products and services to affect habits, desires, process because their decisions contribute to the
lifestyle, needs and even customer awareness. One creation of a global image because consumer habits
can even say that this is a process that incorporates transcend national boundaries.
almost all segments of society and social exchanges,
delves into them and creates a global image through
marketing tools. The task of the management in
such conditions is to find solutions that would be
optimal to meet all of these needs in a global soci-
ety, but also to provide profit to the company they

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Danimir Štros, Maja Coner, Daniel Bukovinski: Globalization and management

6. Conclusion Through entrepreneurial initiatives, the availability

to business partners becomes unlimited and imme-
diately enforceable using virtual offices and similar
Nowadays it is extremely important to take care
ventures. Organizational adaptation has to be fast
of the business environment in the global market,
and efficient, focusing on organizational culture.
along with potential development within the com-
pany. Globalization is part of the present and the Only those who adapt to the times and who make
management should focus on it despite its flaws and their business decisions based on continuous con-
shortcomings. Adapting to the new conditions is sumer research can hope to achieve business suc-
necessary if one wishes to successfully operate and cess.
develop the company’s products and services in the
global market.
The Internet, which made the whole world available
to each individual, provides great opportunities for
creating and developing businesses.

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Danimir Štros
Maja Coner
Daniel Bukovinski

Globalizacija i menadžment


Globalizacija kao proces koji još traje uvelike je omogućila razvoj gospodarstava, kako onih velikih tako i
zemalja u razvoju koje traže svoje mjesto na svjetskom tržištu. Omogućena je interaktivna komunikacija
između osoba, tvrtki, udruga civilnoga društva i srodnih institucija koje mogu bilo gdje u svijetu i u bilo koje
vrijeme zadovoljiti svoje potrebe internetskim putem.
Potrebni su i kompetentni ljudski resursi, stoga je nužno ulagati u nova znanja, inovacije, nove tehnologije
i cjeloživotno obrazovanje. Menadžment u takvom okruženju postavlja svoje strateške ciljeve preko kojih
ostvaruje i planove za plasman proizvoda ili usluge. Menadžer u današnje vrijeme mora imati interdisci-
plinarna znanja i vještine te se cjeloživotno obrazovati jer jedino tako može odgovoriti na stalne ubrzane
promjene u svijetu.
Svjedoci smo da se Europa ujedinila kako bi mogla konkurirati svojim proizvodima i uslugama zemljama
Trećega svijeta. Europa se dugo nije htjela prihvatiti menadžerskoga stila upravljanja, posebice u javnoj
upravi, stoga je u zaostatku za SAD-om i zemljama Trećega svijeta. Naime, sve donedavno europska javna
administracija bila je više usmjerena na provođenje zakona i podzakonskih akata, nego na menadžersko
upravljanje kakvo postoji u SAD-u.
U globalnom okruženju potrebna su kontinuirana istraživanja, praćenje konkurencije, inovativnost i brze
Ključne riječi: globalizacija, proces, menadžment, inovacije, tehnologije, konkurentnost, interdisciplinara-

436 God. XXVII, BR. 2/2014. str. 425-436

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