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NOTE: All characters noted here are either with FLB or just plain maxed out, inclusive of their

EMP nodes leveled.

Also keep in mind that, these are all rated based on how useful they can be according to the category listed on the left.
Characters listed in such a way that it is meant to be read from left to right(strong to weak) alongside with top to bottom(strong to weak)
End of the day, you play however you want to play, this is just to help you to tell how powerful/weak certain characters are. So just pick with your PeePee lmeo
Good Deal Icon indicates that they're worth to get them via normal Surprise Tickets

Super Core xd [1]

Preferred in most
situations [2]

Situational but good

characters [3]

Niche usage [4]

Garbage Dx [5]
Image & Name Description
Societte Fire Societte is like a semi-tank that is also able to buff teammates that are really lacking in Multi-Attack. Good for especially when you need to mash your Auto-Attack button a lot. Being able
to provide 10% echo to the party upon ougi is also a nice way to combo with her S3, just need to time its cooldowns just so you won't really have any downtime. Though keep in mind that
she will not be able to attack/CA during the time she's dancing. You could also use her for a mashing heavy team, for example trying to kill her off ASAP so you'll only have 3 members kind
of situation

Fiirst Dance: Closing Dance:
Shimotsuki [6] Sixth Dance: Unryu [7] Tokiyomi-aratame [8] [9] [10]
Yuel OG Yuel was originally a character that you would want in your party at ALL times but recently more and more crazy Fire characters has been pushing her away though that doesn't mean
she became useless. Would still consider her skillset usable in today's content, though at times she may be a little bit slow for some. Her biggest problem is not having very high ATK to begin
with which kinda makes her FLB CA bonus DMG Cap rather weird to have

Eye of the Sparrow
[11] Gurren [12] Rite of Dawn [13] Third Dance: Jinka [14] [15] [16]
Athena Athena is a very strong tank-ish character but at the same time providing the DPS that you need in certain situations. Going against any form of raid bosses that does more than a single-hit
in each turn will definitely be benefical for Athena due to her Goddess' Wrath stacks increasing upon each time she gets hit. Once it hits to 5 stacks she will automatically cast her S2 nuke
everytime plus it gets stronger due to the increment of hits of that skill. The very idea of her being able to have her S2 nuke launched automatically is the key

Being able to roll Debuff Success and Skill DMG Cap will be really nice to have on her

Shield of the Gods:
Aigis [17] Tetradrachm [18] Glare of Glafkos [19] [20] [21] [22]


Eruption [23] Wall [24] Walpurgis [25] Sanction [26] [27] [28]
Metera Fire Metera is probably very similar to her other versions as well. Mainly focused on her own DPS/Auto-Attack in general. Very monkey mash type of character. Due to her having extra 80%
Echo whenever she has her seals up and since it's her passive, it stacks with a lot of other characters' skills that provides echo

Descent of the Flames
Starry Sky [29] Adorned Remittance [30] [31] [32] [33] [34]
Image & Name Description
Drang Drang is a strong versatile debuffer that is usually sought after because of his weapon: the Blue Sphere. He brings good debuffs to the party, and although his base attack value is decent at
best, he can compensate that with his Switcheroo skill over the course of the fight. He's not that played nowadays because Water has Quatre, the debuff specialist of the Eternals who has
more and stronger debuffs than Drang (though most of them are random).


Fair Trick [35] Switcheroo [36] Fool You Thrice [37] [38] [39]
Yngwie Yngwie is a very good tank character for water capable of dealing massive damage through his Tough Guy mode, his main asset. He gets a lot of extra attack, turns him into a walking tank
thanks to the massive 300% defense boost, debuff immunity and having a lot of innate hostility. His main drawback is that he requires a lot of meter during this mode, needing efficient use of
his skillset or help from his teammates. His 5* upgrade made his kit a bit more flexible than it was before with the addition of a terrifying fourth skill. He truly shines when a team is built
around him.


Jumpstart My Heart [40] Wild and Tough [41] No Mercy [42] Odyssey [43] [44] [45] [46]
Cucouroux Cucouroux brings a lot of debuff utility to a team, making her extremely good against a specific type of enemies or for solo fights/content. She has a very powerful local paralyze effect that
can range from one to two turns built in her charge attack that completes a kit oriented to weaken and disable the enemy while empowering herself and one other ally (that can be herself).
Her Powder Keg mechanic stacking allows her to have good multiattack rates if she doesn't get hit.


Explosive Keg [47] Shoot 'Em Up [48] Armslore [49] [50] [51] [52]
Quatre Also known as Feower in English but that's a shitty name so we don't call him that

Quatre is a character that is mostly being used in solo content or Luci Hard mode. Most of the time other characters tends to outshine his usage in general. You'll mostly want to use him as a
debuff bot or having extra gravity/dispel in the raid. His CA buffs which are Multi-Attack to all allies are relatively mediocre these days unless you really lack them in general then it's fine to
have it up.
Keep in mind that if you're trying to setup for a DMG Cut turn, better to not CA with him since he can cast Delay on CA as well


Gammadion Cross [53] Carnage [54] Avirati [55] Four-Sky's Sorrow [56] [57] [58]
Summer Summer Diantha's rebalance just made her viable once again in the current content's meta altogether. Her changes are so huge that she's a really strong contender to fight for a place in the
All she needs is to have consistent CA turns and your buffs are technically permanent. Diantha also works very well as a contender if you're needing a character to help out in OTK lineups
seeing how her S2 is as strong as ULB Bahamut's call and they're both stackable. She pretty much solves most of your Multi-Attack/DMG problems if you're ever in need of any
Her CA heals are really high, just having her CA all the time would just allow your team to be pretty much immortal. Her Healing EMPs are a great change, it's advisable to level them up


Summer Encore [59] Onstage [60] Standing Ovation [61] [62] [63]
Altair Altair is still considered one of the best debuffers + buff bot on your party until today. He can pretty much debuff the target so well by himself plus buffing your entire frontline at ease

Though in most cases, as time goes on you tend to not rely on his debuffs/buffs in most situations unless you're solo-ing or lacking the characters in general. This is due to Water being such
a powerhouse with all the characters being really strong by themselves so they tend to not rely on his buffs to hit the DMG Cap or what not. Altair also suffers in raw damage where he just
hits like a wet noodle despite having all of his buffs up and running though this can be negated if you managed to max out his DMG nodes in his EMP or giving him a really high ATK stat ring

Battleplan: Crescent
Battleplan: Surround [64]
Battleplan: Crane Down [65] Moon [66] [67] [68] [69]
Vajra One of Water's main avatars of destruction, Vajra wasn't initially this good, but ever since she got some buffs to her kit and the existence of a certain character (Grea) has made her ascend
into Water supremacy. Her passive buff can be stacked super fast with CA's and make a difference, while CA's are usually not an issue thanks to her charge generation via CB's and her
The Doggo Hound of the Hunt skill. What's more, the current Water meta relies heavily on CA's thanks to weapons like Europa's harp (Tyros Zither) and Drang's weapon (Blue Sphere), which turns out
to be Vajra's specialty.


Okami [70] Canid Growl [71] Hound of the Hunt [72] [73] [74] [75] [76]
Lily Lily's FLB literally made her viable in any hard content, as long you feel the need to massive sustain for your Water Team. Lily does the job perfectly. Being able to provide extra 70% Fire cut
and all of the extra heals from her alone is just great. Not to mention the Deluge Crest mechanic on her is just fantastic, being able to provide a total of 20% Fire DMG reduction whenever the
stacks are capped.
Her damage had such a massive upgrade as well due to her new CA bonus, which is able to boost her CA specs whenever the target has a "Glaciate" debuff on it.

In short, whenever you need any form of sustain Lily is there for you


Silverfrost Barrier [77] Frozen Gale [78] White Heal [79] [80] [81] [82] [83]
Summer One of Water's main avatars of destruction, Grea completely changed the way Water is mostly played nowadays by making the element mostly CA-centered. Her insane raw damage,
complemented by an insane buff that can always be up on her and on and ally at the same time with no downtime at all makes her a terrifying addition to any Water team.


Mana Agni [84] Blazing Duo [85] Dragonheart [86] [87] [88] [89] [90]

Mana Agni [84] Blazing Duo [85] Dragonheart [86] [87] [88] [89] [90]
Aglovale Aglovale is a relatively straight forward DPS character, though his only problem is that you require at least another source of Water ATK Up since he will bump that buff up to anyone in the
party with an extra 30% increment(Very similar to how Shiva/Europa/Alex/Grimnir passive works, doesn't stack with them). His CA Specs whenever you have Water ATK Up active is really
strong and not to mention able to heal himself for 2000HP. This is really good in order to have his extra buff from his S3

Take note that he provides Water ATK Up to all members in the frontline whenever you do chain burst, the higher number of chains you do, it'll provide a much higher Water ATK to the party


Zerreissen [91] Eiszapfen [92] Schneetreiben [93] [94] [95] [96]

Yodarha Yoda is pretty much the best starter character to have still due to his 999,999 plain damage from having 3 of his Triple Shrouded stacks upon CA. Most of the time you tend to use him just
for that or OTK purposes. He's still being used in today's lineups due to his extra plain damage nuke, this works very nicely especially when you have Siete in your lineup which will allow him
to nuke again, just make sure to have his S3 activated before doing so.

Besides that, using him in an actual battle seems very unconventional. Better off just having him in your leech/OTK setups


Awakening [97] Hymn of the Hundreds [98] Perpetual Rotation [99] [100] [101] [102]
Europa Europa is arguably the weakest in terms of DPS to all of the playable Genesis characters but she has very strong options of sustain which the other Genesis characters may lack. Her being
able to heal relatively higher than most cases and clearing 1 debuff at the same time is really great. Though her greatest strength comes from her S2 which allows her to switch all incoming
elemental damage into Fire damage(only character with Fire DMG switch to date).

She's relatively a core character to have when you're using a staff weapon grid due to her passive which adds an extra 30% to all Water ATK buffs

If you have any characters that provides Water ATK Up,

or DMG Buffs in general is really what Europa needs.
Synergize There are a lot of options for Water currently to help
with Europa

Mana Blast [103] Tyros Aggeris [104] Pleiades [105] [106] [107] Such as: Diantha, Altair, Aglovale, SGrea and so on

Uno Widely considered one of (if not) the worst Eternals at MLB (do not bother with him at this point!), Uno received a quite substantial and needed improvement with his FLB upgrade. He went
from a purely defensive character into a mix of defensive character able to deal massive amounts of damage through his Fleeting Spark + Spiral Spear combos. His CA effect, considered to
be super weak before this upgrade, also received a much needed upgrade with the presence of a party-wide Stamina and barrier buffs in it. His mix of extremely good defensive tools
together with the capability of dealing massive bursts of damage while covering the others earn him a spot in a lot of Water teams.


Spiral Spear [108] Fleeting Spark [109] Arm the Bastion [110] One-Rift's Benediction [111] [112] [113] [114] [115]
Pholia Pholia used to be a very clunky limited character because of how her Recognition skill worked: it reduced the target's maximum HP every single time it was used and it couldn't be extended
via Pholia's CA's. Now that the rebalance happened, she has become a powerhouse in Water, able to help every single other character in the element while being able to hit quite hard
herself thanks to her White Veil buff and stop many enemies on their tracks thanks to her Mark of Indistinction effect. She also has permanent Revitalize which will mean 10% extra charge
boost per turn if her White Veil is up (which should be all the time). She is also able to provide shields to the whole team on CA, and you really want to CA with her as much as possible now.

Characters that are able to boost Pholia's triple attack rate or provide her with meter.
You have plenty of options in Water for that such as: Grea (Summer), Vajra, Altair,

White Veil [116] Recognition [117] Mark of Indistinction [118] [119]

Lancelot After the June 2019 rework on Lancelot, he pretty much became a dodging character which nukes at the same time right after he dodges things. So most of his damage comes from all of the
nukes he can ditch out from his skillset to his passive. Having the Proving Grounds Water Gun will definitely be a huge plus when you're using Lancelot in your lineup due to him relying a lot
on having skill dmg/cap to be a lot stronger

If you can get any form of extra ways to increase his dodge rate, just do it especially if you're trying to have him as your main DPS character.

Characters that are able to buff his main dmg source and CAs are always welcomed.
Even characters that will be able to provide meter to him will be great too due to him
Synergize being able to consistently use his Blade Impulse off cooldown and it'll always nuke twice
For these you have plenty of options for him, such as: SGrea, Altair, Diantha, Pholia so
Blade Impulse [120] Wogenstrom [121] Southern Cross [122] [123] on and so forth

Silva Silva is pretty much your strongest CA character for Water to date due to her having an extra 90% CA DMG Cap up. With her current skillset, it also emphasizes that she's better off just
being a very nuke heavy character. So most of the time you would only use her for any CA teams or leech/OTK setups.

Keep in mind that if you're planning to deal as much CA damage with lesser buttons pressed, Silva isn't exactly your option. Silva is here to maximize your CA DMG output as much as


Eagle Eye [124] Tactician [125] Dead Specimen [126] A Shot in the Dark [127] [128] [129] [130]
Yuel Water version of Yuel is pretty much very similar to how she is with her Fire version only with a slight twist which adds a lot of debuffs and having her MA buffs provided to all party members
instead of just to herself. Her Foxflame debuff is really strong and she has 2 different ways to apply it to the target which makes it really good when you want to minmax the amount of times
to land on the target.

This version of Yuel is mainly a support character, so she tends to not need much
synergy for herself. She's mostly here to provide as much help as possible to other
Synergize characters instead.
But if you were to try to buff her in any way shape/form, there are plenty of options to tag
Starlit Sky [131] Call of the Fire [132] Prelude Dance: Taika [133] [134] along with Yuel. Such as: Diantha, SGrea, Pholia, Agovale and so on

Charlotta Charlotta is really starting to fall into the whole niche phase but her stacks are relatively nice as well plus keeping it up is rather easy too. It makes her a little bit more consistent in most
cases, only problem with Potato here is that she's rather reliant on having better support characters and weapon grid to be utilized fully
Charlotta Charlotta is really starting to fall into the whole niche phase but her stacks are relatively nice as well plus keeping it up is rather easy too. It makes her a little bit more consistent in most
cases, only problem with Potato here is that she's rather reliant on having better support characters and weapon grid to be utilized fully

As long you have a character that buffs Potato is just a great character to synergize with. Since most of the time Potato is
rather useless whenever she doesn't have any of her stacks running.
Just add in the usual support characters to be able to provide the usual things that Potato requires, such as: Pholia,
SGrea, Quatre, Altair, Diantha so on and so forth
Blue Moon [135] Kni Shilt [136] Sword of Lumiel [137]
Summer Summer Sandalphon has a great design but wouldn't exactly say that he was made to be really strong in the current meta. Though I would consider him to be a really good attacker when
you're pairing with other characters that has the Sword proficiency.
He can be really slow at times due to his lack of Coffee Break stacks, since that is really important to have on him in order to do massive damage.

Sandalphon is yet another straight forward character, so pretty similar to the rest of the
other characters mentioned above. whoever that provides any sort of extra ATK/DEF Up
Synergize and Multi-Attack up to Sandalphon is a huge plus
As long you have the top tier supports, such as Diantha, SGrea, Pholia and etc you
Land of the Free [138] One-Two-Free-Fall [139] Running Lights [140] [141] won't really have any problems with Sandalphon at all
Image & Name Description
Lecia Lecia used to be one of the core characters in the game but these days she's only being used as the super echo DPS provider to the entire party. Which means that having Runeslayer +
Shiva memes will definitely be one of the must haves to combo her with Nio's S4. Besides this combo, you don't really see Lecia being used all that much


Sonic Boom [142] First Aid [143] Stalwart Command [144] [145] [146] [147] [148]
Sen Sen is a very monkey mash heavy character as long she doesn't get hit. She will easily blow out of control once you manage to get her stacks up and running. Be warned that her stacks will
disappear once she gets hit 2 times.


Scratchnado [149] Here Goes [150] Cattivating Charm [151] [152] [153] [154]
Scathacha Scathacha is a very good all-rounder character, she has ZERO downtime on her S1 which makes her VERY valueable unless the boss dispels you but that's not really a problem. Having a
fist oriented team will definitely help her in a long run, this means having both Akasha Axe and/or Ultima Fist equipped in your grid. Plus having any characters with shield enabled will just
permanently allow them to have extra Echo due to her passive


Deidre's Aura [155] Power Seeker [156] Dragon's Heart [157] [158] [159]
Monika Monika in short is a character that you would classify as a semi-tank. Due to the fact that most of her skillset all include the art of dodging which also allows her to nuke after every dodge she
does. This alone allows her to ramp up her DPS so much faster


Chain Glare [160] Violetshock Flare [161] Wind of Enforcement [162] [163] [164] [165]
SYuel Summer Yuel is as lackluster as what she can give. On one hand her first passive gives it 30k more dmg to all allies per hit if they have foxflame, but her entire kit is very solo-ish and doesnt
provide as much as many other wind charas can. The interesting note is when she goes below 50% hp she gets insta CA and all skill cooldown reset, but its very niche.

Could also use her for your Mechanic OTK setups, works especially well if you have Siete FLB if not she's still pretty good to have 1.9m Plain Damage in 2 turns


Shiranui [166] Hien: Homuragaeshi [167] Balmy Breeze [168] [169] [170] [171] [172]
Kokkoro Not having any sort of damage provided from her CA is pretty unfortunate but the buffs that she provides upon using CA is really good. Since you can technically just use her as your solo
support alongside with your other DPS characters in any lineup


Speed Up [173] Threefold Slash [174] Alseid Spear [175] [176] [177]
Heles Definitely the best version of Heles to date, being able to deal massive DMG not just to herself but also to her entire party members. Just having any sort of damage negation off Heles is all
she really needs. Though having any other chars to provide extra Wind ATK up is going to be really good for her due to her CA specs being upgraded everytime she has the Wind ATK up
buff on her.

In short, she hits hard. like your peepee


Mirage Raid [178] Reckoning Day [179] Royal Litany [180] [181] [182] [183] [184]
Arriet She used to be pretty much garbage previously but ever since she got rebalanced she became a much more usable character today but she still has a very big problem which requires other
characters to bring her up to par in today's standards. Such as extra Multi-Attack and ATK buffs in general for her. She hits like a wet noodle if you don't have very high ATK stat on her. So
having extra ATK nodes upgraded in her EMP alongside with the rings will help her greatly


Philanthropy [185] Secret Garden [186] Euphoria [187] [188] [189] [190] [191]
Melissabelle She works really well in a skill/nuking based team due to her being able to consistently mash her skills non stop and by doing that makes her stronger everytime. Plus she has her own self
enmity skill which works if you're using a full Tiamat Gun grid


Continuum [192] Right Hairsaber [193] Left Hairsaber [194] [195] [196] [197] [198]

Continuum [192] Right Hairsaber [193] Left Hairsaber [194] [195] [196] [197] [198]
Lancelot This version of Lancelot has a lot of potential to be strong but these days a lot of other characters tend to provide more than he does. Despite being able to deal 20% more DMG to earth foes
on his Passive 1, it does not stack with seraphic weapons. Despite having a decent skillset but yet not having big numbers on them kinda took a toll on him these days. Regardless still a very
nice character to have especially if you're lacking in a lot of Multi-Attack and Echo buff characters.


Blade Impulse [199] Turbulenz [200] Ritterorden [201] [202] [203] [204]
Lennah Lennah is an all purpose healer, she is very good if you are in a raid that inflicts a lot of debuffs in a very fast pase, and need a very long term sustain. Important to note, On 5* her ougi
inflicts a unique debuff that makes Lennah have (at max stats) 50% higher CA DMG Cap, and 25% CA DMG Up against that enemy, therefore making it easier to compansate for the face
you lack an attacker and have a sustainer in your party to a degree. Lennah is used to sustain your party and remove debuffs, and at worstcase revive some 1 that dies. She is good for long
combat, and out of that not much to say.


Mistral Bouquet [205] Renaissance [206] Espoir [207] Forget Me Not [208] [209] [210] [211] [212]
Siete A very strong self-sufficient attacker that doesn't really depend on other character to always cap his damage.

P/S Best face in the game btw


Emblem [213] Infinit Klearre [214] Cuore Di Leone [215] Seven-Star's Brilliance [216] [217] [218]
Nio Arguably the strongest support amongst all Eternals, providing all ATK and Multi-Attack buffs that can technically last forever as long Nio CA every 3-turns or so. Plus having that crazy S4
skill of hers will just put a lot of content in shame due to the crazy amount of combos you can come up with it


Ninanana [219] Kuorria [220] Defandue [221] Nine-Realm's Security [222] [223] [224] [225]
Yurius Yurius is one debuff GOD. His S1 debuffs doesn't have any cooldown but it requires 10% meter on each cast instead. Plus his meter gain is not something to make fun of all thanks to his
EMP bonuses. As long you need some premium debuffs in a raid, bring him into your party


Discover Truth [226] Power Extraction [227] Negation [228] [229] [230] [231]
Anchira 2nd Zodiac character to receive a FLB upgrade. Being able to do everything that Wind needs is just plain crazyin both support and DPS. Having one of the strongest local debuffs that lasts
forever adds the spicing to the cake. Just having her in general just makes your entire team a whole lot stronger all around


Unborn, Undying [232] Sage of Eternity [233] Tricumulo [234] Multi-Decree [235] [236] [237]
Metera Wind Metera works almost the same as her other versions, in short she hits really hard due to the big Echo buff she has on her S2 plus having some meter gain whenever you use any of her
stacks. The only downside on her is that she requires a big help on utility in order to be really strong. Since all she has is just massive damage and a lot of nukes(All 3 of her skills are nukes)


Bowstring Bow [238] Starry Sky [239] The Great Fall [240] [241] [242] [243] [244]
Yuisis Yuisis is a character I would consider as a hybrid due to the fact she can change her playstyle altogether just by pressing her S1 to switch her stances. If you just want MASSIVE DAMAGE
stance go with her Heavensbane mode, if you want her to be SUPER TANK mode go with Starslayer mode.
You would need to ramp up her Chivalry stacks by using her CA to increase her overall CA DMG along with its Cap. It's recommended to level her Charge Bar gain on her EMP ASAP

If you have problems trying to get her Chivalry stacks up, leveling her Support EMP to 3* would be nice as well since it will provide 100% free stack upon activating it

No Surrender / Steadfast Shield / Suppression /
No Regrets [245] Ardent Blade [246] Unfettered [247] [248] [249] [250]
Jeanne d'Arc Summer Jeanne is a very versatile character in general. Being able to help debuff the raids, heal party members and providing extra ATK and meter gain buffs is very nice overall. Though
most of the time you would want to use her S2 on other characters just because that Jeanne can heal herself if you've leveled her Support EMP. The number on her heals scales if you
leveled her Healing EMP as well. Keep in mind that she is a lot stronger if you can keep her at high HP due to how her passive work.
Jeanne d'Arc Summer Jeanne is a very versatile character in general. Being able to help debuff the raids, heal party members and providing extra ATK and meter gain buffs is very nice overall. Though
most of the time you would want to use her S2 on other characters just because that Jeanne can heal herself if you've leveled her Support EMP. The number on her heals scales if you
leveled her Healing EMP as well. Keep in mind that she is a lot stronger if you can keep her at high HP due to how her passive work.

Banner of the Brave
Reversal Tide [251] Salvation [252] [253] [254] [255] [256]
Vira This is one of the worst versions of Vira to date, she has such mediocre skillset and she's also trying to be another "Freezie" type of character which is typically useless in a lot of situations.
Most of the nice buffs you will want to have on her requires her to activate Plan B which will kill herself after 5 turns. Her debuffs are considered really weak, so even if you want her to help in
a global raid she doesn't any of that because it's LOCAL DEBUFFS.

Nice skin though lol


Plan B [257] Primal Wave [258] Nitro Force [259] [260] [261]
Gawain Gawain is a perfect example of a very good character back in the day while in today's situation he just got power creeped so hard due to the fact that his skillset isn't really needed all that
much anymore but that doesn't mean that he's bad. If you're required to have some form of sustain, bringing him is a great idea since he's still the only character in the game that has an
actual DMG Cut as strong as MC's Spartan/Holy Saber with the same amount of turns as its cooldown


Fracture [262] Rebellion [263] Noblesse Oblige [264] [265] [266]

Nezahualpilli Birdman is pretty much the best DPS-er you need for Wind if you lack any sort of DPS. Especially after his rebalance changes, him getting extra nukes everytime he gets a Triple-Attack is
just really strong overall due to the amount of damage he can deal per turn. Having his usual assassin being turned into an anytime assassin whenever his "Sharp Eye" debuff is active which
has a 100% accuracy no matter how many times you do it as long you TA.

Adding all the extra damage you can provide to him will just make your team way stronger overall due to the fact that he can always attack without taking a turn with his S3. Think of this as a
very strong nuke along with your usual turn


Adamant Solace [267] Strike Solace [268] Stormwind's Solace [269] [270] [271] [272] [273]
Carmelina Carmelina is basically your budget Dark Fencer class, most of her skills works similar to that. Really nice to have as your starter character because she's in the pool for the free SSR
character you can get in the beginning of the game. Besides that she doesn't really have any outstanding abilities/usage


War Hoop [274] Kaleidoscope [275] All Sensation [276] [277] [278]
Feena Feena is a character that is very focused on doing a lot of DMG via CA all thanks to her Crushed stacks providing a massive 30% CA DMG Cap and 60% CA DMG Up. All you need for her
to do is to Triple-Attack in order to get her stacks increased and the best part about this is that it has an indefinite duration on it so it'll stay up until she gets dispelled.

So as long you can get her to Triple-Attack for at least a minimum of 3 turns, she'll be able to provide quite a bit of DPS for you, even though she's a little dated compared to certain other
characters in today's content

Three Way
Destruction! [279] Flight II [280] Victory Charge [281] [282] [283] [284] [285]
Rosetta Rosetta is a very outdated character these days, you are forced to get her to receive DMG from enemies all the time in order for her to raise up her Rose Barrier stacks and once you have it
up, you will need to reactivate it again to apply the buffs to the entire party. In short, you will need to control her meter a little bit in order for her to consistently launch her 5 stacks buffs due to
the fact if you screw it up, it will just consume most of Rosetta's meter and you will need to restart gathering Rose Barrier stacks again.

She does look like a much better character compared to Korwa at least

Elegant Rose Barrier
[286] Iron Maiden [287] Imrryr [288] [289] [290] [291] [292]
Petra Petra is considered to be another yet very dated character for today's content. For her situation, it's rather weird the only thing she's very likely to be great in right now is having a grid
dedicated to Hollowsky Staff & Ultima Staff synergy along with Anchira plus having your MC to be Nekomancer. Despite all that, she's still a decent supporter to have in your party

Celestial Phenomenon
Illusion [293] [294] Elemental Breath [295] [296] [297]
Levi Levi is a character that excels only in short battles, so having a huge burst within 1-3 turns is what you will be looking at with him. Due to his stacks disappearing whenever you use a certain
attack/skill. Whenever his Blade stacks are empty, he'll be vulnerable to anything and he won't be able to attack as well. So it's better off just sticking to him with burst setups like CA or
Wrestler focused type of burst


Carpe Diem [298] Keine Gnade [299] Riesenjagd [300] [301] [302] [303] [304]
Siegfried Summer Siegfried's rebalance did change him a little bit but it's not good enough. It allows him to shuffle his "Black Dragon's Claw" buff a lot better but his S3 downtime usage is just too bad
despite having such a huge DMG Cap up to himself. He still somewhat suffers similar as what he had before.

In short, Summer Siegfried is almost identical to his previous version only slightly stronger on his skill usability and all


Delivrance [305] Messager [306] L'Ombre d'Hier [307] [308] [309] [310] [311]
Selfira Selfira's main role is to support other characters by buffing them altogether and debuffing the target to soften them up or just deal a much lesser DMG to your party. She can be really good to
have whenever you're in a raid that is very likely to last more than 10 turns because that way you can see her true potential whenever you manage to have her S2's 3rd cast to apply on all
allies. Providing the extra Wind ATK, echo and CA DMG Cap is always great to have everytime

Rondo Appassionato
Diminuendo [312] [313] All'improvista [314] [315] [316]
Korwa Korwa... was one of the characters that everybody wanted to get their hands on... but that was in 2016 now in 2019 she's practically useless in majority of the content due to the fact that
she's just really slow to get her skills ramped up to be beneficial for your party. It's better off looking for another character if you're seeking for a good support

You would want to get up to 9-10 Fils before you cast S1 after that you'll want to repeat the same thing but cast S2 instead then for you to CA, you'll want it to be ~7 Fils before doing so

End of the day, just don't use her. Do yourself a favour and don't

Noir et Blanc [317]

Des Vetements [318] Viscos [319]
The rebalance just literally made her from an absolutely garbage of a character into a usable yet really strong buffer now. Everyone just wants her original version to have this kind of a
change as well.
Korwa Regardless, Summer Korwa now have all the tools she needs to be a really strong buffer. Her Fil stack generation is just really easy as long if you unlocked her 3* Charge bar EMP and
having her S1 casted onto herself. It should be more than enough to provide herself any form of Multi-Attack buffs. Her S1 can literally be casted onto everyone and have that up
permanently, her S2 just needs to be casted onto your biggest DPS character whenever you have enough Fils.

Lastly her Ideas stack is just really strong now, it makes it look like she's doing damage with her CA when all 3 of your characters are just capping on CA all day. It just makes it worthwhile


Noir et Blanc [320] Des Vetements [321] Viscos [322] [323] [324] [325]
Tiamat The summon itself is a much better thing to have than this character lol

The only good thing about her is able to provide Veil to all allies and speeding up your party's meter gain

Winds of Blessing
[326] Crippling Storm [327] Wind Cloak [328] [329] [330]


Second Deal [331]
Jackpot Knock [332]
Stairway To Heaven
Grimnir is yet another powerhouse character but he's very stingy. Grimnir buffs mostly to himself when it comes to damage besides his Anytime Assassin. The other great thing about him is
his S1 which provides massive sustain to the entire team and having a brand new mechanic that allows your entire team to bypass Dispels from the boss. He technically can get his S2 self
buff up permanently without much problems.

Basically, if you need a really good DPS character with a strong sustain, use Grimnir

Divine Decimation on
Eternal Storm [334] Ultimate Tempest [335] High [336] [337] [338] [339] [340]
Image & Name Description
Ayer Ayer is a character that heavily relies on mashing on the Auto Attack button a lot. The only problem on Ayer is that he lacks a lot of Multi-Attack to have himself consistently Double/Triple
Attack. Having any sort of that buff towards him will help greatly, especially if you have Akasha Axe equipped on your MCas MH or within the grid itself


Guilty Break [341] Jolt Counter [342] Provoke [343] [344] [345] [346]

Jokes aside, Sieg is definitely a guy that can hold on his own unless you're not using Ultima Sword setup with him and you lack any form of Multi-Attack buffs in general. Just makes him not
DPS very consistently. Other than that he can just hit cap very easily.


Uwe [347] Manigance [348] Delirium [349] [350] [351] [352]

Valentine Valentine Medusa is definitely a VERY situational character because there isn't really a lot of raids that you can fully utilize her but when she does, she's really nice to have due to the fact
that she will provide CA Specs to the entire party alongside with 50% meter just so that they can CA/nuke again right after. Her S1 is pretty nice because it just makes the target to not do
Medusa anything because lol stoned. Having any sort of extra Debuff Success on her will definitely help a lot due to the fact that she kinda relies a lot of her debuffs landing to make her a lot more


Sparkling Eyes [353] Magical Medusiana [354] Eyes for Only You [355] [356] [357]
Hallessena Halle is very much like Light Charlotta, she hits very hard and Multi-Attacks very well on her own without needing much babysitting. Though if it's possible it'll be great to have some extra
damage negation off her in order to keep her stacks relatively capped at 5 at all times.


Can't Catch Me! [358] You're Toast! [359] Say Goodbye! [360] [361] [362] [363] [364]
Mahira The 3rd zodiac character in the game, unfortunately she got pushed out of meta SO HARD when Kengo/Okto setup things came into play. She just became a character that is really hard to
fit in despite having some nice buffs, the biggest problem with her is needing to ramp up her stacks before she can use her S1. She has already gotten a rebalance to speed it up but it is still
too slow for most cases.


Spirit Drums [365] Finding Flight [366] Feather the Nest [367] [368] [369]
Arulumaya Arulumaya is yet another character that managed to fix most of her weak points with her FLB upgrade. Making her a little bit more similar to how her Christmas version works. She will
definitely be a very nice asset especially when you need an extra supportive character that provides Veil to your party. Though she will be a whole lot better whenever you let her CA often
just to allow her to cycle her Crystal Ball buffs without having any downtime

Gaze into Crystal Ball /
Heaven's Moon [370] Tabula Rasa [371] Nakshatra [372] End Gaze [373] [374] [375]
De La Fille Earth version of De La Fille in short is a legal Casino bot since she can provide you random Casino chips drop as long you have her in your party while you do any content in the game.
Besides that, DLF is just a really good supportive character to provide all the necessary buffs to other characters that one lacks will just be a great character to have to keep in the backline at
all times

She doesn't have a real character that synergize with her, like an actual character to make DLF stronger, she's a full
blown support that provides other characters the support they need, so she mostly works well by her own, just pair her up
with other characters to make them stronger

Serenity Shimmer [376]

Inspire Light [377]


Glitter Reflection [378]

[379] Synergize

Freewheeling Scheme [380]

Soldier's Swiftness [381]Bagua Blade Reborn [382] [383] [384]
Okto Okto at lvl100 FLB is considered one of the strongest Eternals in the game currently. Not only he can provide crazy amount of meter to your party, he himself can do a crazy amount of CA
DMG just by himself. As long you have all sorts of extra DMG Cap etc, he will be able to do 5million+ per CA rather easily.

In short, he can do A LOT of CA DMG by himself PLUS providing the buffs to your entire party which should allow your party members to do more consistent CA DMG. He's one of the main
reasons why Earth turned into a very CA concentrated lineup most of the time.


Open Spirit [385] Purgatory [386] Dance of the Gods [387] Eight-Life's Pilgrimage [388] [389] [390]

Open Spirit [385] Purgatory [386] Dance of the Gods [387] Eight-Life's Pilgrimage [388] [389] [390]
Alexiel Alexiel is yet another powerhouse for Earth, there isn't really much content currently that you wouldn't want her to not be in. Not only she can provide the extra sustain due to her S1/S2 to
cover the entire party to negate incoming DMG, Alex herself can ditch out a lot of DMG on her own due to the Mirror-Blade buff.

She's arguably one of the most popular character to be sparked


Uncrossable Realm [391] Nibelung Silt [392] Lagulf [393] [394] [395] [396]



Vorpal Rage [398] Berserk Forge [399] Ground Zero [400] Three-Tiger's Blessing [401] [402] [403] [404]
Sara Sara is one character that you would want to have whenever you need massive sustain and decent buffs to go along with it. Her DMG isn't really that high, so just bring her whenever you
need any form of sustain


Maestitia [405] Quadriga [406] Emeth [407] [408] [409]

Cagliostro Cagliostro is a decent/mediocre character to have in your party. She's only great once you get her to lvl100, besides that there's really no reason to use her besides having a buffer/clear in
your team lineup. There are much better options to do those things compared to her


Collapse [410] Phantasmagoria [411] Reinforce [412] [413]

Yggdrasil Yggdrasil is a supportive character in short. She has decent buffs and sustain to add along with it but the problem is that her buffs/sustain in general is pretty much something you can find
better on someone else. Unless you lack those characters and you need someone to babysit your party members and even take some aggro off your characters, she's definitely someone
you would want to consider.

She doesn't have a real character that synergize with her, like an actual character to make Yugu stronger, she's a full
blown support that provides other characters the support they need, so she mostly works well by her own, just pair her up
with other characters to make them stronger

Blathnat Norn [414] Ziggurat [415] Cerasus Gratia [416]

Catherine Catherine is a mediocre character at best, she's trying too hard to be too many things at once. She's mainly focused to have Enticed(a much stronger version of Charm) to land on the target.
Besides that her Break Assassin pairing up with her CA is pretty nice combo along with her S2 which allows you to delay the target to provide extra meter to herself that you can CA more
often if you have problems Multi-Attacking with her.


Nocturnal [417] Ivsa Lora [418] Violet Assassination [419] [420] [421] [422]
Medusa This version of Medusa introduces the new Wasteland Crests usage on Earth, even though the Crests usage are mostly geared towards having extra sustain she's probably someone you
would bench either way because her Crest is relatively hard to gain due to the fact that Earth's Dark Opus weapon is a Harp. You will tend to not use that as your MH anyway so having
Medusa to just provide the Crests is just super slow. If you want to speed this up, you will have to use Earth's Dark Opus weapon as a MH to make it even more worth while. It's even worse
to have her in a backline because if you don't use the weapon as your MH, you will just not get any Crests at all. So her so-called Water DMG reduction for earth allies passive are super

The only good thing about her is that if your grid is just pure garbage or just not having any sort of the so-called meta Earth characters, she's probably someone you would put into your
lineup due to the fact that she can gain Triple-Attack guaranteed very easily since she only requires the Counter effect to have it up


Mighty Eye [423] Petrifying Vision [424] Medusiana Action [425] [426] [427]
Dante Dante and Freiheit is a character that you would only use in certain raids, due to the fact that most of the time you wouldn't really be mashing a lot of normal Autos for Earth seeing how it's
very CA centric for Earth lineups these days. If you're heavily focused on just using the Auto Attacks, Dante is definitely the character you would want in your lineup though you need quite a
and bit of sustain as well depending on the content you're tackling.


Ideals [428] Feline Freedom [429] Bam, Pow, Scratch [430] [431] [432] [433]
Vaseraga Earth version of Vaseraga is pretty niche these days due to the fact that you may only use him to do some combo wombo with CA setups, this was done during Unite and Fight most of the
time. Besides that there isn't really much place for Vaseraga in Earth teams these days unless you're lacking some Earth DPS character
Vaseraga Earth version of Vaseraga is pretty niche these days due to the fact that you may only use him to do some combo wombo with CA setups, this was done during Unite and Fight most of the
time. Besides that there isn't really much place for Vaseraga in Earth teams these days unless you're lacking some Earth DPS character


Soul Forge [434] Battalions of Fear [435] Welcome to Death [436] [437] [438] [439]
Aletheia Aletheia was one of the first few SSRs ever released when GBF was launched, his skillset definitely suffers from that and he hasn't really gotten any rebalances as of late despite already
being buffed once. He's still a nice nuker to have when you're trying to make use of your Strike Time.


Order [440] Discord [441] Speed [442] [443] [444]

Image & Name Description
Jeanne d'Arc The OG Jeanne we've gotten for GBF and unfortunate has turned out to be the weakest version to date. Mainly because of her skills/buffs are too weak or something you can't really get
much out of these days.

Plus when is she getting her Sword proficiency ? lol


Reversal [445] Encouragement [446] Advent Eternal [447] [448] [449] [450]
Clarisse One of the versions that is definitely usable in especially OTK/Mechanic setups all thanks to her crazy S1 which provides a HUGE CA Specs upgrade.


Power Inhibitor [451] Photolysis [452] Atomic Resolution [453] [454] [455] [456] [457]
Sandalphon Our one and only Starbucks CEO, being upgraded from his Manager status
Jokes aside, he's definitely one of the best characters you can get for free from Events currently. Just by having him leveled to FLB just makes him a much better character overall due to his
brand new CA upgrades and his S1 being able to pull aggro towards him to make his Counters much more worthwhile. Plus having to even heal himself for a significant amount is just too
good of a character to pass up if you've already crafted an Ultima Sword


Alone in Heaven [458] Ecliptica [459] The Power of One [460] [461] [462]
Amira Amira is definitely one character is still needed in a lot of compositions today due to light having a lack of Multi-Attack buffs in general plus extra meter gain in a single button press just
makes her really good and great to have. Her DMG itself is also very special because she can deal both Light and Dark damage(it's considered as her echo) when she is transformed. This
also applies to her CA too, which means she can deal a much higher than usual CA DMG compared to standard characters.


Bal-Sagoth [463] Power Within [464] Half-God Half-Demon [465] [466] [467] [468]
Zooey This is a second version of Zooey that is really strong in general. Being able to tank, counter, self buff and providing extra ATK and DEF to the entire party just makes your whole party a
whole lot stronger and tankier. The only downside of having her in your party is that you will be very focused on pressing a lot of buttons in general in order to reduce her S3's skill cooldown.


Convergence [469] Ray Strike [470] The Last Wish [471] [472] [473]
Image & Name Description

Six-Ruin's Enlightenment
Gate of Sin [474] Thunderflash [475] Gate of Demons [476] [477] [478] [479]
Vampy Crazy buffs has been added to her ever since she has received her FLB upgrade. A lot of her weakness or garbage skillset has been upgraded so much to the point that her usability has
skyrocketed. She's also a character that doesn't really need much babysitting or any other characters to let her shine. Pretty much a all-rounder character right now in most of the current
Dark-Favoured raids, works pretty much in a lot of setups and works well with a whole lot of other characters. Though her biggest weakness is having to rely on Charm landing on the target,
if there isn't any Charm on the target she'll be pretty much useless. So having extra debuff success on both her Rings or EMP is a huge plus


Testament [480] Scarlet Gift [481] Charm Throb [482] [483] [484] [485] [486]

Oh and uhh maybe Intense Bullet as well but GROUND ZERO ANYWAY


Facsimile II [487] Handsome Gorilla DA [488] Inspiration [489] [490] [491]

Jeanne d'Arc Be it enmity or stamina, this version of Jeanne is strong regardless. Her debuff lands fairly often and her skillset allows her to take care of herself. Usually Djeanne is used in enmity grids
along with Ultima Sword setups


Anti-Reversal [492] Incision [493] Eternal Chaos [494] [495] [496] [497]
Beatrix Very focused as an enmity character, still usable in Stamina grids but her S3 is kind of rendered useless if you do. Regardless her S2 debuff is very useful in most cases and will allow you to
just receive a whole lot lesser DMG altogether. Good to use with Ultima/Akasha Sword setups


Embrasque Sword [498] Unification [499] Soaring Star [500] [501] [502]
Kolulu Kolulu is technically a Gisla-chan in the making. She's a character that is very situational due to the fact that she heavily relies on being Enmity. Though it's not exactly needed to have her in
enmity all the time but her damage does increase a ton when she says at low HP(this is from her Passive being able to cast a free S2 when she's in the red).

With dark going into the whole CA mashing phase, having her in your party if you have an enmity grid is really great to have due to her CA being able to have a free cast of her S2 as well. So
if Kolulu is in the red and you CA, she basically nukes twice in that turn and applies the extra debuffs as well


Girl of Steel [503] Tallyho [504] Still Alive [505] [506] [507] [508] [509]
NOTE: THIS PAGE IS STILL HEAVILY WIP, not all these are finalized

Just join in my stream and ask regarding about this if you're curious

Can't go wrong with

these [510]

Okay to have [511]

ver Date Remarks
Lecia - Dropped to Situational
Amira - Jump to Preferred
Fire Metera - Dropped to Situational
Aglovale - Moved below Altair
Ayer - Dropped to Situational
Cagliostro - Moved to below Makira
Dante - Dropped below Ayer
Wind Heles - Dropped below SJeanne
2 03/04/2019 Wind Metera - Dropped below Scathacha
Song - Moved up above Sandalphon
Rosamia - Jumped to below GVira
Lady Grey - Moved to Niche
Halloween Cagliostro - Jumped to top of Garbage
Added Good Deal icon to indicate that said
character are worth to get via normal Surprise
Removed point system on the category, it is not
needed and it will be confusing anyway
2.1 04/04/2019 Added PeePee Tier List lol

Added several Wind/Dark characters to their own

individual character review(Special thanks to
2.2 05/04/2019 Naddios and yoshicooli for Wind things)

Added placeholders for the remaining elements to

fit all of the characters in their respective elements
Added more Wind and Earth characters in their
2.21 06/04/2019
own individual character review

Added Light characters in their own individual

character review
2.22 07/04/2019 Added a different colour hue to individual character
information to determine whether the character has
a FLB version or not

Added Fire and more Wind characters in their own

2.23 08/04/2019
individual character review
Completed Wind characters Tab
2.3 09/04/2019 Added Water characters in their own individual
character review(Special Thanks to Askeladd)

Added a few Earth characters into their own

2.31 10/04/2019
individual character review

2.32 19/04/2019 Updated main list for Grimnir, Macula and FLB Lily

2.33 30/04/2019 Updated main list for Medusa, Sara and Nicholas

Added a few Earth characters into their own

2.34 02/05/2019
individual character review
Added a few Earth characters into their own
2.34 02/05/2019
individual character review

Added a few Earth characters into their own

2.35 03/05/2019
individual character review

Added a Dante, Vaseraga & Aletheia into their own

2.36 04/05/2019
individual character review

2.4 15/05/2019 All Evokers has been added into the TierList

2.41 19/05/2019 Baal has been added into the TierList

Ladiva and Morrigna has been added into the

2.42 01/06/2019
TierList(WIP, may change soon due to rebalance)

2.5 07/06/2019 Rebalanced characters revised on TierList

Halloween Charlotta added to all Core slots

2.51 07/06/2019
because blue pot is too godlike to ignore

SKorwa, SSiegfried and Birdman data have been

2.52 10/06/2019

Added more Water characters into their own

2.53 11/06/2019
individual character review

Added more Water characters into their own

2.54 12/06/2019
individual character review

Added more Water characters into their own

2.55 13/06/2019
individual character review

Added Grimnir and Charlotta(Water) into their own

2.56 19/06/2019
individual character review

Added Code Geass Collab characters and shifted

2.57 21/06/2019
some characters in the Tierlist

2.58 22/06/2019 Added Gisla-chan into the Tierlist

Added Hal&Mal and Sandalphon into the Tierlist

2.59 7/7/2019 Also included SSandalphon and Kolulu in their
individual listing

2.6 27/7/2019 Added Summer Cagliostro into the Tierlist

Added Summer Europa, Jessica, Anthuria and

2.7 19/08/2019 Alexiel into the Tierlist
Tierlist revised slightly

Tierlist Revised
2.71 26/08/2019
Added μ Love Live characters into Tierlist

2.72 02/09/2019 Stan & Aliza and Tabina added into the Tierlist
Sara(Light), Colossus, Siegfried(Fire) and Monika
(Grand) has been added to the Tierlist
2.8 03/10/2019
Tierlist updated for several characters, including
FLB Katalina and Rackam

Hallessena(Halloween), Zeta&Vaseraga
2.9 01/11/2019 (Halloween), Kou and Societte has been added to
the Tierlist

Nov 2019 Rebalance characters, Grand Jeanne

3 17/11/2019
and Shitori has been updated into the Tierlist

Holiday Meteon and Magisa has been added into

3.1 06/12/2019
the Tierlist & some characters updated in the list

Holiday Narumeia and Seruel has been added into

3.2 21/12/2019
the Tierlist

Grand Hele ben Shalem has been added into the

3.21 29/12/2019

Grand Noa, Vikala, Lucius and Yuisis have been

3.22 1/1/2020
added into the Tierlist

Added a brand new tab for usable characters in

4 16/01/2020 Faa-san(Dark Rapture Hard) raid
Still WIP

Added SSR Danua & Jin into the Tierlist

4.1 19/01/2020 Moved Valentine Melissabelle due to rebalance
Changed existing characters tiers

Moved Zeta and Vaseraga due to their recent

4.2 05/02/2020
changes in the Tierlist

Added Yoda(Wind) & Ilsa(Light) into the Tierlist

4.3 13/02/2020
Moved Tiamat due to her FLB
[1] Really super strong characters, you would want to have them in your party lineup all the time

[2] You can't really go wrong with these characters being your lineup in majority of the content currently.

[3] These characters can really shine in certain raids/content/grid, so it's not exactly bad to have them in
your party from time to time

[4] Characters in this tier are very specialized, you can probably make them shine in very minimal

[5] Do I need to explain what this category mean ? Pepega

[6] Only gains 2-hit counter off this, can be combined with her S3 active since she has hostility up whenever
she's dancing

[7] Very nice 60% DMG cut shield for the entire party

[8] Activates her Dancing skill, but also makes her not able to attack/CA. This skill is really nice whenever
you are lacking in Multi-Attacks for the rest of your party. You can also use this to make her into retard

[9] Having Fear on the target will just allow Societte's safety whenever she's dancing. Prolonging the
special attacks from bosses just allows her to dance safely a lot longer

[10] Having SIlsa to debuff the target heavily and having it paralyzed is very helpful to Societte. Just being
able to delay its attacks on Societte. This also includes SIlsa's Accuracy down debuff

[11] Decent nuke and gaining extra Double-Attack for herself. Nice to use when you're consistently single
attacking with her

[12] Weak nuke but will provide 20% echo to your fire allies. Usually this is combined with her S4 just to
have your party have consistent DMG all around if your grid isn't that great

[13] 1500HP Heal and clearing 1 debuff is always nice to have as a sustain. Combo this with S4 if you want
to heal higher than 1500HP

[14] Getting her healing cap boosted a whole lot makes it even better to combine this with her S3. Don't
forget this also provides a nice 20% Fire ATK to all allies

[15] Providing Fire ATK towards Shiva will just bump your entire party's Fire ATK to an insane amount
which also means that you can just ignore the low ATK Yuel has all thanks to the buffs you'll be getting from
Shiva's passive

[16] Having extra Fire ATK up boosted to the entire party plus adding extra echo to the party will just allow
you to make Esser's S4 a whole lot stronger for all your allies

[17] Provides all allies 40% Wind cut, Refresh and Wind Switch. Really nice semi-cut whenever you're
about to be attacked by another element. Having extra refresh helps you sustain a little better every end of
the turn

[18] The bread and butter for Athena, you would want to mash this off cooldown whenever you can due to
having really high DMG off this nuke and providing the debuff she requires to be stronger

[19] Inflicting Double-Attack down, blind and delay on all foes is just a really nice QoL skill together when
you're not prepared to take the boss' special attack

[20] Shiva's S2 will provide an extra DMG Cap that also affects the nuke coming from Athena's S2
[21] Esser's CA bonus will provide extra Skill Cap bonuses on Athena which is really good

[22] If you're somehow having trouble landing burn on a target, Sturm is also a good candidate to be in your
party to help with that specific objective

[23] Weak nuke with nice ATK/DEF Down debuffs

[24] Veil is always nice to have but she also provides ATK & DEF up to all allies

[25] Inflicts blind and burn but rather weak nuke

[26] The only good skill she has because it allows her to launch a big nuke in several turns later but also
reduces 7% max HP each turn while charging up



[29] Decent nuke that activates her seals. Very important skill for Metera in order to do crazy DPS

[30] Weak nuke that inflicts Charm and Delay(if seal is used)

Not that important to use this

[31] Relatively high nuke with some extra Debuffs inflicted onto Metera if you do not use the seals.

This skill can be ignored as well in most cases



[34] Providing consistent buffs for Metera to have a much better chance to always allow Metera to Triple-

[35] Provides a decent heal and a strong debuff resistance debuff on top of the damage to all enemies.
Very good opener to ensure other debuffs land.

[36] Allows Drang to switch between an offensive and defensive stance that stacks up to 5 times. The skill
can be switched every 3-4 turns to gain the full advantage of both stances. Offensive is preferred in most
occasions if you don't like to time the skill.

[37] Removes a buff from a foe and inflicts a strong attack and defense debuff that stacks with the effects of
Miserable Mist.

[38] Altair can provide regular attack and water attack buffs to Drang, which can help him increase his
damage from the get go while Switcheroo starts to ramp up. The built-in crit buff to the party he has on his
C.A. will also help with Drang's damage. Altair's debuffs are a match made in heaven for him as well,
allowing you to run your character without any form of attack/defense debuff skills.

[39] Lilele's unique attack boost from her skillset and normal attack boost from her passive can help bump
Drang's damage from the very start of the fight.

[40] Very versatile skill that can be used to enter his Tough Guy mode faster or maintain it for some more
turns. Bear in mind your other characters need that charge bar so it gets transferred to Yngwie.

[41] Allows Yngwie to perform a normal attack similar to the Luchador skill Tag Team. This attack doesn't
count as a turn taken by him, so it won't affect skill cooldowns, skill durations or any interactions like his
Tough Guy mode charge bar drain. This skill can't be used to perform a charge attack. Best used during
Tough Guy mode.
[41] Allows Yngwie to perform a normal attack similar to the Luchador skill Tag Team. This attack doesn't
count as a turn taken by him, so it won't affect skill cooldowns, skill durations or any interactions like his
Tough Guy mode charge bar drain. This skill can't be used to perform a charge attack. Best used during
Tough Guy mode.

[42] You can use this skill to significantly amplify Yngwie's damage output by the extra critical damage and
echo on his normal attacks. After his 5* upgrade, the new effect will activate at the very moment Yngwie
switches to Tough Guy mode (the turn in which he performs the C.A. and switches modes), dealing
moderate damage after his attacks end.

[43] Once the skill is ready after 10 turns, it will allow Yngwie to turn into a portable nuclear bomb for one
turn, dealing massive C.A. damage way over his usually increased cap in Tough Guy mode.

[44] Damage? Damage! Grea's Linkage buff works wonders on Yngwie, allowing him to hit much harder
during his charge attacks and providing him with 100% triple attack every now and then. Her uplift effect
also stacks with that of Jumpstart My Heart.

[45] Altair's charge bar gain skill to the whole team is the perfect tool to enable or sustain Jumpstart My
Heart, making team charge bar management much less tedious.

[46] She can provide Yngwie with extra charge bar and an overall boost to his charge bar gain, which can
help a lot during his Tough Guy mode.

[47] Deals damage and special effects based on the number of kegs she has at the cost of losing them. At
four stacks it will deal double attack/triple attack down and with five stacks a delay effect will be added on
top of the previous debuffs. This skill should only be used as a damage finisher, a way to slow down
enemies with high multiattack rate if you have no other source of that debuff or especially as a panic delay

[48] Cucouroux's bread and butter skill, it inflicts a small amount (5%) of stackable attack and defense down
debuffs to the enemy (up to 40%). The skill will replicate at the end of the turn for four turns. Exceptional
skill against enemies who are immune to regular attack/defense debuffs (like Michael or certain phases of
Ultimate Bahamut). This effect will not trigger upon using Luchador's skill Tag Team. Use it whenever

[49] Powerful attack, multiattack and dodge buff that can be bestowed to any ally including herself. Slap it to
any character that needs some extra dodge or generally someone you want to attack more times and
harder. Magna grids get more out of this skill than primal ones because the attack buff modifier is normal.

[50] Quatre is able to extend the duration of Covering fire, extending Cucouroux's damage and debuff
potential even further. He can also provide her with multiattack buffs once he gets his 5* upgrade and able
to debuff the enemy with Corruption, a debuff that lowers debuff resistance thus making her debuffs easier
to land (especially her Inert debuff, which has lower than average success rate).

[51] Her Foxflame local debuff acts as a blind that can prevent Cucouroux from losing stacks of Powder
Keg. Yuel also provides increased multiattack rate and debuff success to the whole party, helping the
gunslinger use her charge attack more times and being able to land her debuffs more effectively.

[52] His extremely defensive skillset allows Cucouroux to be safe on demand thanks to him being able to
take attacks for others and counter them as well as having a 100% damage cut to completely mitigate any
form of damage received other than plain (white) damage. This will allow her to safely increase her Powder
Keg count without issues.

[53] Quatre's bread and butter, applies 2 random debuffs(for his list of debuffs just check wiki)

You'll want to cast this whenever it's off cooldown, unless the target already has Forfeit or something
[54] His biggest nuke which applies Gravity and Dispel onto all foes

Use this whenever you need the said debuff or you just want to add some extra damage by nuking

[55] Extend the duration of all allies' buff by 1 turn. Really good to use whenever you have all of your other
characters' buff setup and ready. Just use this to extend it whenever is possible

[56] Resetting his S1 and S2 plus able to recast them a total of 4 times(this means using any of his nukes
up to 4 times max)

You'll usually either use this to get more debuffs or just to use this to get as much nuking damage as

Whenever you use this skill, it will provide 100% debuff success rate to Quatre

[57] Altair provides extra meter, lovely ATK up buffs for Quatre's needs and having the extra debuff success
rate on his passive just helps Quatre overall

[58] Having elemental debuffs is really nice combo to have with Quatre plus having the 20% Debuff
Success rate from her is just really helpful

Her Multi-Attack buff also stacks with Quatre's CA buffs so it'll just better overall for MA consistency

[59] Provides 100% Triple-Attack Up to all allies

Just use this whenever you want to aim for a big turn, like using it with Shiva summon or something

[60] This works very much like ULB Bahamut summon's call and not to mention it stacks with it too !

Just use this whenever you want to nuke, you can also use this to boost up your OTK power level

[61] All allies will gain Hyped buff, randomized between 1 to 4 stacks. This basically gives you a certain
amount of ATK Up buff which can be really strong if you're lacking in some sort of ATK Buff to cap your
Auto damage

You can technically use this whenever you feel like you need the extra damage

[62] Quatre's main role for Diantha is mainly to be able to extend her S3. You would say it's great to extend
her CA buff but honestly having her buff last for 5 turns really doesn't require much extending unless you
really have problems with any form of Multi-Attacks. In that case, extending it is really good

[63] Altair's debuffs and buffs to the party will just allow Diantha be able to hit damage cap relatively easier.
These two have very good synergy between each others' skills. Having Altair to provide extra meter to
Diantha whenever is needed is also huge plus for her

[64] Providing both 30% Water and normal ATK Up along with 30% DEF Up is a really strong buff
altogether, plus it's towards all allies. You can pretty much use this whenever it's off cooldown

[65] Applies 20% ATK and DEF Down along with 10% Water DEF Down

This is pretty much the debuff you need most of the time, you can leave most of the debuffs to Altair. You
can just bring 1 more debuff to cap it if so desire.

[66] All allies will gain 30% meter, it's pretty straight forward. Just use this whenever you need meter on
your party
[67] Quatre's main job here is to be able to extend all of the buffs that are provided by Altair himself and to
provide the extra MA buff to allow Altair to MA a lot better since that's the other problem Altair tends to face

[68] Doggo's debuff resistance down will definitely help out Altair since he's a debuff bot himself plus having
doggo's CA buff stacks will just help Altair's pitiful damage altogether

[69] Diantha is here to provide the extra Hype buff and MA buffs towards Altair to be able to deal any form
of damage more consistently

[70] Moderate nuke with stackable resist down. Not her best skill but a nice extra to have so she can land
her Petrified debuff more easily and help other debuffers have an easier time doing their job.

[71] Inflicts the Petrified debuff, which makes her the only Water character capable of doing so. Invaluable
tool in many fights.

[72] Allows Vajra to attack two times per turn, ending each attack with a nuke from her dog Garjana (this
nuke is skill-based, so it is affected by modifiers like skill cap up). It's a two-turn buff, something to keep in
mind if you wanna run Quatre in the same team as her (which makes her buff extendable). Allows her to
deal extra damage and increase her CA meter very quickly, which means the charge bar cost is negligible.

[73] Water's goddesses, Vajra and Grea constitute a formidable duo capable of dishing out absurd amounts
of damage consistently. Grea's Linkage buff brings Vajra's full potential out and her Dracostrike buff allows
the Dog Zodiac to have 100% TA, allowing Hound of the Hunt to be used at maximum efficiency.

[74] Ever since her rebalance in June 2019, she has become an even more amazing support to consider.
Capable of ensuring 100% TA for one turn for the whole team, providing bonus damage and an ATK/MA
special buff on CA, she's even able to provide the Hyped buff for more damage and even making the whole
team be able to hit harder with their next CA thanks to a buff that rivals that of ULB Bahamut (and yes,
those can stack). It should be obvious that Vajra loves all those buffs.

[75] Quatre is capable of extending Vajra's MA capabilities via his CA, which translates into more consistent
charge bar gain. He can even extend Hound of the Hunt by one extra turn (or more if you are lucky enough)
which is huge considering the nature of this skill.

[76] More damage cap? Why not? Pholia's Trance Absolution buff provides a plethora of buffs that benefit
Vajra greatly, like guaranteed DA, a boost to TA, critical , debuff immunity and a whooping 20% damage
cap increase. The duration can be boosted via Pholia's CA, which turns out to be Vajra's specialty (she
CA's so often she's constantly providing her allies with extra charge bar).

[77] Provides 70% Fire cut, Deluge Crest to all allies and gaining Spring Breeze buff to herself.

This is her main skill that should be used as much as possible, not only you can use it to reduce any
incoming Fire damage, you can also use it to provide extra 5% Fire Dmg reduction based on the number of
Deluge Crest on your party and lastly able to activate her S3 whenever the boss uses their specials(full
diamonds thing)

[78] Relatively nice nuke that also adds ATK and DEF down stackable. It can go up to 40% cap while each
of them will do up to 10% each

If your frontline has 2 or more races, the damage on the nuke will have a much higher cap

If your frontline has 3 or more races, it will be able to activate twice with a single click

So in short, you should try to have 3 different races in your frontline in order to make full use of this skill.
Being able to have a much higher DMG Cap and activate twice is just too good to ignore
[79] Restoring 20% of your allies' HP, capping at 1500HP and removing 1 debuff from your party

Your standard heal + clear in one skill type of thing. Use it whenever you feel necessary

[80] Europa's main asset towards Lily is her S2, where she will switch any incoming damage into Fire.

This is a very strong combo with Lily, especially when you have a Carbuncle to go along with this. You can
technically have permanent 100% Fire DMG cut up at all times when you put them both together. Don't
forget, Europa's S2 will only have the counter reduced whenever you take damage. So you can technically
have this up forever too

The extra buffs you get from Europa is just a plus overall

[81] Quatre's extend is really great since it would allow Lily's S1 70% Fire cut to be lasting up to 3 turns
instead of 2 and being able to extend Lily's Water ATK up to 4 turns is just a huge plus as well

Besides that Quatre's CA buff is just a cherry on top, having the MA buffs for Lily is really what she lacks
most as a character

[82] Macula's synergy with Lily is pretty straight forward due to her having the second character in water to
have the Deluge Crest mechanic. Which will allow your party to either gain the Crest a lot faster or just
having her extra Crest buff towards your party which increases your Skill Cap Damage. This alone will help
Lily's S2 to nuke even harder

Technically she even synergize with Lily even in the backline

[83] Diantha's main role here is to provide the extra damage and multi-attack buffs towards Lily. Not to
mention Diantha's S2 will just allow Lily's CA specs to even stronger

[84] Moderate nuke tied to an extremely powerful local debuff that makes Grea hit really hard (her attacks
became really strong thanks to the 50% unique ATK buff provided by it and it either provides 20% bonus
damage on auto attacks and 50% CA damage/20% CA cap on any CA's). This debuff can never miss.

[85] Grea's bread and butter skill, it provides the Linkage buff to both herself and ally, providing a lot of CA
damage/cap, uplift and a small heal per turn. It has 100% uptime if Grea is at least level 75, which makes
this skill outright broken.

[86] Provides both Grea and the linked ally with 100% TA for two turns at the cost of 30% of Grea's charge
bar. The cost is totally depreciable considering you will gain back that charge bar in one turn thanks to the
guaranteed TA (plus an extra thanks to Linkage), which makes this skill extremely powerful when you use it
on an ally that can hit really hard or multiple times per turn.

[87] Water's goddesses, Vajra and Grea constitute a formidable duo capable of dishing out absurd amounts
of damage consistently. Grea's Linkage buff brings Vajra's full potential out and her Dracostrike buff allows
the Dog Zodiac to have 100% TA, allowing Hound of the Hunt to be used at maximum efficiency.

[88] Thanks to her June 2019 rebalance, Diantha is able to provide so much more to a team now. Grea can
fully utilize almost all of her kit: you can use her 100% TA buff before or after Dragonheart, her CA specs
buff makes Grea's already ridiculous CA's deal even more damage and she can even provide MA and
bonus damage buffs through the idol's own charge attack.

[89] Quatre is able to provide Grea with some much needed MA buffs whenever her Dracostrike buff is
down, while being able to extend both of her buffs: Linkage (which is kind of redundant) and Dracostrike
(one more turn of 100% TA for two characters, sweet!).

[90] Her Trance Absolution buff can provide Grea some extra firepower she can gladly welcome. Namely,
the damage cap buff, debuff immunity and the MA buff. It can also be extended if Pholia is able to CA
constantly, which shouldn't be an issue in Water.
[90] Her Trance Absolution buff can provide Grea some extra firepower she can gladly welcome. Namely,
the damage cap buff, debuff immunity and the MA buff. It can also be extended if Pholia is able to CA
constantly, which shouldn't be an issue in Water.

[91] Very simple yet strong nuke which provides 10% meter to himself

It's a really straight forward skill, use it off cooldown for the damage more or less

[92] Another notable nuke which inflicts 20% Fire ATK down and applying Coldcage towards all targets

Really strong nuke all thanks to having the extra Coldcage effect, that basically allows you to get extra free
turns. Though having it to land multiple times in a raid may be a little tough.

[93] Gain Strength and 30% Water ATK Up to self, if you have full HP on Aglovale, he will also gain 30%
Bonus Water DMG

Aglovale's bread and butter, basically use this whenever possible.

[94] Having SGrea linked with Aglovale is just really crazy. Being able to have uplift and strong CA specs
whenever linked is all Aglovale needs really. Being able to consistency CA with both himself and Grea to
get the chain burst going to have Water ATK Up to the entire party permanently

[95] Pholia's rebalance just made her able to just synergize with pretty much any DPS character for Water
in general. Aglovale is no exception. Pholia's S2 being on Aglovale will just allow him to hit much harder
and that's always good

[96] Quatre being able to extend all of the wonderful buffs that Aglovale has is just a huge plus. Not to
mention that Quatre's CA buff is something that Aglovale doesn't really have unless you have leveled
Aglovale's support EMP

[97] Decent nuke, will do it twice if he has his Triple Shrouded buff stack active

Usually you'll use this to add some extra nuke to get extra honors but it's not really needed most of the time

[98] Gains Other Self and if he has Triple Shrouded active, he'll gain Substitute as well

You'll only use this when you need to tank any form of a multi-hit special from a boss or something. Most of
the time this isn't required to press either way

[99] Restores 3(max) Triple Shrouded stack onto Yoda

Basically to allow you to go back to full energy if you've already depleted his stacks.
Most cases, you'll only use this to do a second nuke or something

[100] Having SGrea linked to Yoda will just allow Yoda to be able to CA so much stronger, which is literally
the only thing you would use him for anyway

[101] Pholia's S2 will just provide the extra DMG boost/cap to Yoda just to allow him to nuke much harder
for his usual single/double turn nukes

[102] Diantha's S2 is there for Yoda, if you need extra damage or having trouble capping use Diantha's S3
along with it

Else that's pretty much it

[103] Small nuke but is able to heal allies up to 2000HP cap and clearing 1 debuff

You'll tend to want to use this just for the heal/clear to your party. Not too much on the nuke, it's a very
small amount so it tend to not matter all too much
[103] Small nuke but is able to heal allies up to 2000HP cap and clearing 1 debuff

You'll tend to want to use this just for the heal/clear to your party. Not too much on the nuke, it's a very
small amount so it tend to not matter all too much

[104] Europa's strongest skill which will allow all incoming damage to be Fire. It also includes a small little
ATK Up buff and 50% Fire DMG lowered

Keep in mind that this stack will only reduce whenever you take any damage.
If you have a 100% Fire cut with this active, it will not reduce any of its stacks

[105] Strong nuke that also buffs herself with a guaranteed Triple-Attack and 70% Bonus Water DMG

Most of the time you would use this for her to do extra DPS, there isn't really much else towards this skill

[106] Lily's main role here is to combo with her S1 which allows her to provide a 70% Fire cut to the entire
party for a couple of turns

If you include any form of Fire Cuts(from Carbuncles), with Lily's S1 you will take 0 damage and it will not
reduce any of Europa's S2 stacks at all.

In short, having Europa + Lily combo is currently the best sustain setup you can get for any Water setups

[107] Pholia's S2 is broken, that's really about it lol

Use it and Europa and see how everything will turn magical

[108] Really potent nuke, especially if the enemy is in OD. Capable of reaching over 2M damage with some
skill cap up and his Fleeting Spark's buff.

[109] The defining skill of Uno's FLB upgrade, Fleeting Spark provides Uno with a Substitute effect, being
capable of dodging and countering up to three hits and gaining which is essentially an assassin buff that
lasts for a whole turn and that can be applied to everything (his Spiral Spear skill, his autos or CA and his
counters). Same CD as Spiral Spear, so remember to use them both at the same time.

[110] Provides immunity to all enemy incoming damage to your party for a turn. Does not stop plain (white)
damage, though.

[111] A very potent defensive tool, Uno's ultimate skill provides the team with massive (50%) defenses
against all elements and the ability to absorb 50% of the damage taken and convert it into health for three
whole turns. While you won't be needing this skill in most fights, it is extremely useful in those that you
might want to use it (namely, endgame raids or solo attempts).

[112] Diantha is capable of supplying Uno with an almost on-demand 100% TA to combine with his Fleeting
Spark buff, maximizing his damage (Summer Encore has 7t CD as opposed to Fleeting Spark's 6t CD). Her
CA effect can also provide Uno with some much needed bonus damage and an MA boost that is also
complemented with her Summer Flower of Fate passive. Last but not least, her Onstage skill can allow
Uno's next CA to hit really hard.

[113] Trance Absolution is an amazing buff to have on Uno, a character that is usually starved on
multiattack. This will allow for consistent Fleeting Spark turns as well as making his damage skyrocket even
more thanks to the 20% damage cap buff that comes with it. It also provides Uno with debuff immunity,
which means no inconveniences if you need to enable his defensive capabilities but find yourself hampered
by the presence of debuffs like skill lock.

[114] Her Linkage + Dracostrike combo buffs can work wonders on Uno, providing him with 100% TA on
the turns he uses Fleeting spark, which maximizes his potential damage. He can also benefit from the extra
CA damage and Uplift Linkage provides.
[114] Her Linkage + Dracostrike combo buffs can work wonders on Uno, providing him with 100% TA on
the turns he uses Fleeting spark, which maximizes his potential damage. He can also benefit from the extra
CA damage and Uplift Linkage provides.

[115] Her Armslore skill buff works really well on Uno, boosting his multiattack and overall attack (if you still
even need that during a Fleeting Spark turn). She also a good companion to Uno as in her debuff
capabilities also act as a great companion to Uno's massive defensive capabilities.

[116] A very reminiscent skill to Orchid's Puppet Strings skill, provides Pholia with a sizeable barrier based
on her maximum HP and boosting her critical specs while making her double attacks guaranteed. Be
careful though: if her barrier is depleted she will be severely weakened for turns, making her extremely
vulnerable during that period of time.

[117] Pholia's main skill after her June 2019 rebalance, it provides the Trance Absolution skill to an ally
other than herself. This buff is huge, boosting critical specs, reducing damage taken by 30%, guaranteeing
double attacks and boosting triple attacks. If that was not enough, it also comes with debuff immunity and a
whooping 20% damage cap increase for all of the target's damaging attacks. She is also able to extend the
duration of this buff by CA's (two turns for every CA) which makes her able to end up applying this buff to
the rest of the party. Arguably broken skill, especially in CA comps.

[118] Decent nuke tied with a local debuff that stops all enemies from gaining diamonds (or using their
special attacks if their diamonds are already full). Good skill, but remember some of the endgame bosses
are immune to effects that prevent them from using their special triggers.

[119] Trance Absolution can never be extended enough, so let Quatre help her.

[120] His BnB nuke altogether, he can use this automatically whenever he dodges or he can use this skill
twice after he CAs

Strong nuke with nice debuff stackables and also gaining ATK Stackable buff to himself

[121] Gaining extra dodge rate plus increase his hostility, very good synergy with his new passive rework.
Being able to dodge any form of incoming attacks and nuking with his S1 directly after

Not only that, he'll also gain extra DA/TA and 30% Bonus Water DMG
Yet another good buff for him to deal even more DPS

[122] Yet another nuke but relatively weaker than the rest but Lancelot will be able to gain Other self, which
will allow him to dodge all incoming damage for 1 time

[123] Quatre's main role here is to consistently extend Lancelot's buff along with his CA buffs to allow
Lancelot to consistently DA/TA more often

Not to mention, if you're using Lancelot you would want to have a nuking base team. That means Quatre is
your best partner in crime for this

[124] This is her biggest skill to have, since she's mainly a nuker with her CA. You'll would want to have this
activated everytime you CA with her since this will allow her to ditch out really huge CA DMG due to her
having an extra 90% CA DMG Cap with this skill

You do get a 20% Def Down on Silva but that doesn't really matter all too much

[125] Gains some critical buffs to herself. Pretty straightforward, no reason to use this unless you have
problems capping your damage on element

[126] Gains CA Instant Standby, just use this to do another nuke after you've already nuked the turn before
or something

With this activated, Silva also gains an extra nuke. Think of it as like a mini CA
[126] Gains CA Instant Standby, just use this to do another nuke after you've already nuked the turn before
or something

With this activated, Silva also gains an extra nuke. Think of it as like a mini CA

[127] This skill will swap Silva with the first backline character. When the character from the backline comes
forward, Silva will deal some extra nuke whenever the said character attack

[128] With Silva being very CA focused, Diantha's S2 will help her greatly

[129] Pholia's Recognition is just too godly for Silva's super strong CA

[130] If you're able to get SGrea to have a CA Cap Up ring, this will be even better. Just by linking her with
Silva, she will be able to do so much CA Dmg lmeo

[131] Providing Multi-Attack buffs to all allies and an extra debuff success rate as well. This is a really
support buff to your other characters when they are lacking of MA. Plus the debuff success rate is great to
have when you have other characters that requires extra debuffing

[132] Inflicts Foxflame, Fire ATK Down and Water DEF Down with a 10% meter cost

Super great debuff skill, especially with that Foxflame debuff active which will allow all of your members to
deal extra bonus water DMG

[133] Decent nuke which inflicts Foxflame. Usually you would want to use this after your initial Foxflame
debuff from her S2 disappears. Just to allow her Foxflame debuff to be applied as long/much as possible

[134] Allowing Quatre to extend Yuel's wonderful buffs to the party is just a huge plus overall. Not to
mention having Quatre with her will just allow you to minmax your MA buffs + debuffs being applied on the

[135] Very small nuke with extra DEF Down, nothing really special about this

[136] A 50% DMG Cut, it's like a mini lanx

Use it whenever to negate damage, pretty straight forward

[137] Decent nuke during Overdrive but also provides Unchallenged to Potato. Really nice to keep her
stacks a little more consistent

[138] You would want to use this skill off cooldown majority of the time due to the fact that this provides not
only a decent nuke but it provides his main stacks which boosts his strength a ton

[139] Decent nuke that also debuffs as well, if you have any of the Coffee Break stacks, it will consume one
and activates twice

Would only suggest using this when you need to debuff the enemy, else better off not using this at all. Don't
waste your Coffee Break stacks

[140] This buff is really strong since it provides Multi-Attack, Water ATK and so on to not only Sandalphon
but also the entire party if you consume a Coffee Break stack

[141] Aglovale is very likely to be the best partner for Sandalphon to to them not only have the same
weapon proficiency, Aglovale buffs the party/him consistently which makes Sandalphon be in a good shape
most of the time

[142] Decent single target nuke but besides having the Jammed buff, this skill is mostly used to increase
her Attack Orders buff
[143] Only use this when you have someone really low else it's not really needed

[144] Having the amount of options that she can do/use this with, the only go-to skill would be her Attack
Orders because her 5 stacks just provides crazy amount of DPS

[145] Her S4 is insane with Lecia because of the massive amount of Echo damage you can get with it

[146] All the echo stacking makes it even better

[147] Her OD Assassin combo with Lecia's echo buff thing just makes it a whole lot stronger

[148] Even having the likes of Lancelot helps as well due to Lecia's echo being unique so having extra from
Lancelot helps too

[149] Decent nuke that makes her invincible for a turn which also allows her to be able to increase/keep her
stacks easily

[150] Provides herself with a unique buff which allows her to go out of control fairly easily as long she
doesn't get hit more than 2 times.

[151] A not that bad debuff which also provides herself with an extra stack of her passive which allows her
to be able to counter and doge things

[152] The shield and Multi-Attack buffs from Nio can provide a very good source of utility to Sen just enough
for her to consistently Triple-Attack and not get hit at the same time

[153] Having Anchira with Sen just allows Sen to blow out of control because of the amount of Echos and
Cap up Anchira can provide

[154] Having 0 downtime from her S1 Wind Attack buff just would allow Sen to cap very easily plus having
the shield provided by Scat will just allow Sen to not get hit that easily

[155] 0 downtime on her skill cooldown very good to allow consistent Wind ATK buff to entire party also
serves a single debuff clear

[156] Very strong nuke altogether and being able to reset upon CA will just allow her to consistently nuke

[157] Providing shield to an ally 25% of Scat's total HP which lasts forever until the shield is fully depleted.
Plus the character receiving this will have permanent echo due to her passive as long the Shield is up

[158] Due to shield to everyone, everyone gets a free 10% echo till its down, 3 turns. Utility in form of MA
buffs, and safety so that they can don't require too much S3 on others makes it very easy to maintain good
dmg on S2 while giving echo to everyone.

[159] S2. no more no less, S3 spam enjoy the MA.

[160] Allows her to take aggro off other characters and dodge(70%) all incoming damage which also allows
her to counter with S2 to increase her stacks faster

[161] Decent nuke which allows her to increase her unique buff that makes her even stronger along with a
stackable DEF down debuff

[162] Use this when you are trying to dodge a Multi-Hit CA/Trigger from the boss because this will allow
Monika to dodge EVERYTHING as long it's not Plain Damage. Pretty nice 20% extra meter to the entire
party as well

[163] Being able to grab extra aggro off Siete helps him to blow out of control a whole lot easier so you
wouldn't really need to focus on building his stacks up
[163] Being able to grab extra aggro off Siete helps him to blow out of control a whole lot easier so you
wouldn't really need to focus on building his stacks up

[164] Monkey's S2 has a 100% Hostility up which means it just provides an extra chance for Monika to be
able to dodge to gain a free stack. Keep in mind that just having Anchira in your party will provide 20% total
dodge on Monika due to their passives stacking with each other

[165] Grabbing aggro off a character like Heles helps her shine very easily

[166] Decent nuke and applies a unique debuff with 20% Earth ATK Down. This unique debuff is required to
have on the target to enable most of her abilities

[167] This nuke provides a brand new mechanic that allows her to stack Multi-Attack on herself up to 5
stacks. Will be able to nuke twice if her S1 unique debuff is active

[168] Decent heal and clear 1 debuff to entire party is pretty nice

[169] Nio's S2 just helps Yuel to consistently Multi-Attack, just being able to provide a sure way to Triple-
Attack on Yuel just helps out a lot

[170] Providing extra echo to Yuel does help quite a ton as well due to Yuel having her own extra echo
providing to the entire party on CA. Anchira also helping Yuel with Multi-Attack will very helpful in the end

[171] Being able to burst with Heles' OD Assassin with extra echo from Yuel's CA definitely helps

[172] Having Siete with SYuel for OTK Mechanic setups are pretty busted, being able to ougi 3 turns in a
row with SYuel's Foxflame up is insane

[173] A simple skill that adds damage on to your normal attacks and grants ougi bar to all members

[174] A mini damage skill that does not do too much damage overall, if you need that extra push then it's
okay to cast

[175] Decent nuke with decent debuff, would only use it if you require to cap your debuff

[176] Having Scat's S1 up all the time will be able to make full use of Kokkoro's passive

[177] Providing extra Wind ATK up along with Multi-Attack on Yuisis will allow her to consistently CA more
often to blow out of control. Plus the extra 25% meter up front helps a lot for her as well

[178] Above average nuke and providing 2-hit Mirror to Heles. This is a very important skill for her if you're
uncertain that she'll get hit or not. Very good skill to keep her S2 up

[179] Applies a very strong Unique buff to herself that guarantees Triple-Attack and 15% Echo bonus. This
will only end IF you get ANY Damage. DoT like Poison/Burn will not dispel this

[180] Very strong burst skill, provides OD Assassin to your entire party for a single turn. Just use this when
you stack a lot of echoes for BIG DAMAGE

[181] Providing the necessary buff to Heles when she needs all the extra DMG/MA buff she can get
especially when Heles' S2 is off

[182] Providing 0 downtime Wind ATK up buffs and some babysitting skill thanks to Scat's lovely Barrier to
have Heles to not get hit

[183] Crazy debuff and buffs to make Heles even stronger. Could use her S2 to combo with Heles' S1 to
get out certain situations along with providing a much bigger DMG to Heles
[184] Just being able to grab most of the aggro off Heles just makes her a very good tag team partner in

[185] -1t cooldown and providing Double Strike on any selected ally. This is pretty insane for any characters
that can deal a lot of DPS in a single turn

[186] Providing ATK up and having your meter being sped up by 30% is pretty lit for a team that requires
extra meter gain

[187] Works the same as Miserable Mist but they can't be stacked. Just imagine this as your pseudo MM.
Besides that having extra Mode Bar Cut is decent I suppose

[188] Providing -1 cooldown and Double Strike to Siete is just pretty insane

[189] Similar case as Siete

[190] Same as the previous 2

[191] Having Nio to provide extra buffs to Arriet is what Arriet requires to actually be somewhat of a usable
character today

[192] Gains full meter and allows her to CA during that turn. Just use this to cycle your nukes since her CA
has a -1 cooldown on all her skills but be careful that this takes up 20% of her max HP

[193] Mash this, gain a unique buff to bump up her ATK. So just mash it off cooldown

[194] Works the same as the other, just mash this out off cooldown

[195] Being able to CA even more with Siete just makes hairpotato even stronger

[196] Just able to bump up her DMG and able to gain meter faster just by having consistent Multi-Attack
buff from her helps. Take note of her barrier along with her heals as it can be a little bit dangerous for her
but yet really good to keep her alive

[197] Having extra safety net from Nio's barrier helps a lot in a long run plus having Nio's S2 buff helps her
to have consistent Multi-Attack

[198] Pretty straightforward here, Lennah is just there to keep hairpotato alive as long as possible

[199] Decent nuke that provides extra Skill DMG, you would only mash more of this if you have problems
trying to Cap your skill damage. Besides that it's not really needed to be used

[200] Small nuke to all enemies and debuffs that allows you to stack its DEF down twice max. Also applies
Double-Attack down debuff just so you don't get hit that often. Pretty decent debuff overall

[201] Providing all allies Multi-Attack is really nice. Also adds 10% echo to the entire party, more DMG the

[202] Providing consistent Multi-Attack and DMG buffs just makes him hit a lot harder especially with her S4

[203] Providing extra barrier to Lancelot will also allow him to do extra DMG due to Scat's passive that adds
extra echo for Lancelot. Also take note that her 0 downtime S1 helps him a lot to make it easier for him to

[204] Due to the fact Yuel can sustain a bit with her third, and she has her own source of MA on herself,
with Lancelot she can almost always just TA the entire battle, plus covering for Lancelot with her passives,
they work very well together.
[204] Due to the fact Yuel can sustain a bit with her third, and she has her own source of MA on herself,
with Lancelot she can almost always just TA the entire battle, plus covering for Lancelot with her passives,
they work very well together.

[205] Small nuke to all foes, inflict poison to all foes. Lennah is very much a healer that can heal herself
when the enemy is poisoned, it just helps her sustain herself a bit. Not very much an important skill for
Lennah, but its a helpful one nevertheless.

[206] Heal all allies (at max 2k), gives Revitalize, and remove 1 debuff from all allies. God bless Lennah the
holy healer of wind. Lennah helps VERY MUCH in Ultimate Bahamut to make life easier for playing safe.
She can heal and Revitalize, and remove 2 debuffs easily. Also, important to note: she has built in debuff
resistance, making it very likely she can clear most skill seals and what not on her own to everyone.

[207] Removes 1 buff from all allies, simple clear. Nothing more to be explained

[208] The much superior version of Sophia's dumb rez skill thingy

[209] Revitalize, Heal, Debuff Clear, make Siete more safe and sustain him.

[210] Gawin provides the defense and Lennah sustain the party, a very good safe combo but also will
prolong the battles.

[211] Summer Jeanne is all about stamina, and she can make it very much that she will have high hp, she
also provides the debuff and charge that everyone will need, while Lennah will provide the safety and
sustain. Good combo for mid-early game safety oriented. add Gawain and you have an almost unkillable

[212] She can heal Scat for her lost HP from 3rd skill and provide safety to everyone, also have 3 debuff
removers, not like it will ever be needed, but it's an option.

[213] The bread and butter for Siete, he gains practically all he needs to make him a crazy character from
his stacks. Just make sure to keep his stacks to 5 at all times, he will have his stacks reduced by 2 each
time he gets hit but it will not be reduced if there are any DoT on him such as Burn/Poison

[214] Very strong nuke and provides 30% meter to himself. Good to use whenever Siete is not at 100%

[215] Providing CA Instant Standby to all allies but reduces his stacks by 3. Very good skill to do multiple
nukes with your party. Remember to use this first before his S1 to utilize his stack count

[216] The ultimate burst that Siete can provide himself and all allies a MASSIVE DMG BOOST to CA. Just



[219] A much stronger version of Sleep. If this local debuff stays more than a single turn it's pretty much all
you need. Having this up will just render the target unable to act and you can deal an extra 50% DMG to it

[220] Best support skill to date, providing extra ATK and Multi-Attack to all allies and you can extend it when
Nio CAs. In short you can keep this up forever as long she CAs in time

[221] Inflicting a special debuff that reduces all incoming damage by 20% for all allies as long the debuff is
up. Also will allow Nio to deal extra Echo dmg to the target as long you leveled her Support EMP. By
casting also provides Crit and a hefty 2000 Shield to all allies

[222] All allies will gain 100% Triple-Attack and 50% echo up 4 turns. It's a very strong offensive skill when
it is used correctly. Keep in mind that, if your party gets debuffed by any Multi-Attack debuff, you will not
have a 100% TA anymore
[222] All allies will gain 100% Triple-Attack and 50% echo up 4 turns. It's a very strong offensive skill when
it is used correctly. Keep in mind that, if your party gets debuffed by any Multi-Attack debuff, you will not
have a 100% TA anymore

[223] Both Nio and Monkey's support buffs stack among with each other. Really good combo to combine

3. NIO S4




[226] Mash this like crazy as long you have meter whenever you are in need of some debuffs

[227] Just need to use this when you need 30% extra meter or just delaying the target

[228] A very simple dispel skill which also provides 30% meter to Yurius whenever it succeeds

[229] Having Siete there to consistently CA which will provide all the meter Yurius needs in order to spam
his debuffs

[230] Monkey's S3 providing all the tools that Yurius need, Debuff success plus having the extra Multi-
Attack and DMG buff from her is great

[231] Kokkoro is nice to have if you're lacking the Eternals to help out seeing how she's able to provide both
Meter and Utility to Yurius which he needs most of

[232] Heals everyone to full HP plus inflicting 25% debuff resistance and 25% DEF down to all members.
The main problem would be the DEF Down, it can be negated if you clear it once

[233] Provides a hefty 4000 indefinite duration shield to any member until it's depleted. Also provides
permanent 30% echo until you take damage and the target will 100% Hostility Up for 1 turn.

You can use this for whenever you need someone/herself to tank a certain special attack or just having an
extra echo boost in general

[234] Grants ATK, DEF, Debuff Success, DA, TA to the entire party but the best part comes when you cast
the 2nd/3rd time because it will include boosts to critical and 10% Damage Cap to all allies.

Just mash this whenever it's off cooldown to consistently keep this up, if you manage to reduce it's
cooldown from her Support EMP. Even without it, having 1 turn downtime is already crazy enough

[235] Crazy debuff that stacks up to 3 times, just having it there will just need you to not needing to bring
much debuffs and not to mention this also increases both her and "allies" CA DMG and Cap

[236] Nio's S2 stacks with Anchira's S2 and that will just make your entire team a whole lot stronger overall

[237] More CA from Siete will just be able to provide more meter to Anchira which also allows her to have
her Unique CA buff to be consistently active not to mention making it even higher due to Siete's Passive

[238] Having a much higher DMG nuke after its upgrade and inflicts a much stronger version of Charm
debuff onto the target(only happens by using a stack). Pretty decent use if you are in a tight spot and is in
need to go through a couple of turns
[238] Having a much higher DMG nuke after its upgrade and inflicts a much stronger version of Charm
debuff onto the target(only happens by using a stack). Pretty decent use if you are in a tight spot and is in
need to go through a couple of turns

[239] If you have extra stacks, always have this used on cooldown because of her massive 80% echo
included after using a single stack. The ATK Down stackable is nice as well to go along with it

[240] Decent nuke can apply double delay if you have an extra stack on Metera, else there isn't really any
use for this besides the delay

[241] Monkey is there to provide all the utility Metera needs most, such as Multi-Attack buffs and extra DMG
Cap etc

[242] Nio's presence with Metera just makes Metera a much better character because the biggest thing
Metera needs is provided by Nio's S2. Plus having Nio's S4 activated could also be a huge combo with
Metera's 80% Echo if you use it with Shiva

[243] Having Siete in the party with Metera is just to provide her all the meter that she needs because she
would need to CA every single time you want to reset her stacks

[244] Kokkoro's utility game is also another great thing to have with Metera if you are lacking the other
characters listed on the left

[245] This is only to switch her stances to either Offensive(Heavensbane) or Defensive(Starslayer)

Just switch accordingly to fit your situation, most of the time you can just leave her in the Heavensbane

[246] During her Starslayer mode she will be able to get 70% DMG cut and substitute but uses 20% of your
charge bar, use this when you're about to go through a Multi-Hit special attack to take cover for your party

During Heavensbane stance Yuisis will use 20% of her max HP in order to do MASSIVE DMG with her CA.
Take note that this doesn't stack with Shiva's call

[247] During Starslayer stance she will be able to counter up to 2-hits, you can combo this together with her

During Heavensbane stance she will be able to have guaranteed Double-Attack for 3 turns. Use this if
you're just single attacking

[248] MASSIVE CA DAMAGE FROM THIS GUY, no joke having him in your party with Yuisis just makes
her so much stronger plus with his S4 activated Yuisis can combo with her S2 to do >7m CA DMG easily

[249] Monkey is here for the utility Yuisis needs, more Multi-Attack just so she can CA more often to ramp
her stacks a lot faster and having the extra DMG Cap helps her too. Don't forget that Monkey also provides
some sustain with her shield if you're focused on just using Heavensbane mode

[250] Nio is another character to help babysit Yuisis if she's heavily focused on her Heavensbane mode.
Providing some shield and utility for Yuisis

[251] Very nice debuff to apply due to it applying both 25% DEF Down and 15% Wind DEF Down

If you already have a debuff, you can just skip using this

[252] Providing 2500HP heal and Armored status along with Strength(Stamina) buffs to an ally. Use this
whenever you want any ally to be healed/having DPS due to stamina/take lesser DMG

Very strong skill nonetheless

[253] Providing 30% ATK and 10% meter to all allies, very nice way to gain extra DPS along with a nice
meter gain for everyone

If you've leveled her Support EMP, this will heal Jeanne by 1000HP. It is advisable to level it since most of
the time you will be providing her S2 to someone else

[254] Shield, utility(Multi-Attacks buffs) is all the things that Jeanne needs most of the time.

[255] Siete is just there to consistently CA just so Jeanne can CA herself and provide extra buffs to the

[256] Monkey's shield and hostility up is definitely one good combo to go with Jeanne's S2 whenever you
want to try to tank a certain attack. Don't forget that Monkey provides all the utility in the world Jeanne
would want

Having both of them together, you wouldn't really need anymore debuffs as well

[257] 3turn lockout, can only be usable after the first 3 turns. Besides that activating this will automatically
kill Vira after 5turns

It provides a lot of buffs to her but it's rather pointless to do it unless you want to kill her off

[258] Decent local debuffs which includes DEF Down and Petrify. The DEF Down increases to 50% when
you have Plan B in effect.

[259] Decent nuke with a guaranteed Double-Attack with extra Triple-Attack buffs to herself. Includes 30%
Echo if you have Plan B in effect

This skill gets activated automatically whenever Vira CAs

Pretty straightforward skill

[260] Vira needs to CA more to be useful outside of Plan B, so having Siete will help her a lot due to his
overall usage

[261] Having Arriet's S2 up will allow Vira to gain more meter overtime which will help her CA more to
activate her Nitro Force automatically

[262] Weak nuke but it includes a 25% ATK down debuff, mediocre skill at best

[263] Super huge nuke but the damage scales according to how much HP you have in total for ALL allies.
The lower HP they have, the more DMG this deals

[264] 70% DMG Cut which works exactly the same as your MC's Spartan/Holy Saber

[265] Stacking together some Armored, lesser Earth DMG taken, heals, +meter are all good to have with
Gawain in general. Can't really go wrong with these 2 together. The amount of sustain these 2 combination
provides are really high

[266] Lecia's Attack Order will be easily achieved with Gawain's presence, not exactly providing the real
needs to Gawain but overall being able to also activate Lecia's Attack Orders quickly will greatly help
Gawain in general to do more DPS

[267] Gains a unique buff to himself that increases his ATK and it can't be removed. He would also gain Veil
that lasts for 5 turns until a debuff lands on him. Only 1 turn downtime, overall you would want to use this
off cooldown whenever is possible
[268] Gains Anytime Assassin, deal BIG DAMAGE when his "Sharp Eye" debuff active, it's good for

[269] Gains 100% Triple-Attack and having to attack without taking a turn is just really a strong nuke you
can have whenever you have your echoes and such being setup on Birdman

[270] Providing extra necessary utility buffs to Birdman is just what he really needs plus having extra DMG
Cap from her will help him so much

[271] Having Nio's utility will help him greatly plus her S4 will definitely one good way to combo with his S2
whenever the target is in Break State. If the target is in coma, it would benefit Birdman more due to the fact
that you can just go through the turn or mash turns at ease

[272] Siete is there to provide extra meter gain to Birdman because it would be beneficial for him to CA
more since it provides himself extra echo after ever cast. More
CA DMG Cap as well the better

[273] Morrigna will help Birdman able to Multi-Attack by herself without needing any sort of help from others
plus providing the extra DMG Cap on Birdman is just really a huge plus

[274] Decent nuke with -10% DEF down and Multi-Attack down

[275] Literally Gravity

[276] Inflicts 15% Debuff Resist down to all foes, should use this first before using the other skills

[277] Having Debuff Success Rate from Monkey and all the other utility buffs from her is good for what
Carmelina needs

[278] If you're planning to cap on debuffs, having SJeanne will be more than enough for that role with

[279] Weak nuke with a nice 25% DEF Down to all foes. Just use this when you need extra debuffs, else
you can technically skip using this

[280] Provides herself with 50% ATK Up and able to dodge everything due to Other Self buff active, by
dodging anything she will gain 100% meter

Really nice skill to combo with when you're aiming to nuke right after a certain special attack from the boss

[281] Gains Guaranteed Triple-Attack for 2 turns, use this to increase her Crushed stacks if you still need to

[282] Feena will gain 2 Crushed stacks when she Triple-Attacks with Double-Strike enabled, so having
Arriet to provide that will allow Feena's Crushed stacks to be maxed out in 2 turns. She also be there to
provide extra Meter gain for Feena to CA a whole lot more often

[283] Monkey will provide all the utility buffs that Feena needs.

Monkey's S2 will be a good combo with Feena's S2 to allow her to get her 100% meter immediately from
any form of attacks. Last but not least, providing Feena the extra DMG Cap

[284] Nio is there literally to bump Feena's Multi-Attack to be a little bit more consistent whenever you do
not have Feen'a S3 running. Giving Feena more chances to Triple-Attack often

[285] Feena is a CA focused character, of course Siete is going to be here to help her. It's pretty damn
obvious by now
[286] The most important thing about Rosetta here, you need to activate this and make her somehow to get
hit often in order for her to stack her Rose Barrier. It can go up to 5 stacks max, once you're happy with
whichever stacks press it again to activate to provide a hefty amount of buffs to the entire party

[287] Decent nuke and buffs DMG Boosted to all allies.

[288] Absorbing 15% meter from all allies, meaning it'll provide 45% meter to Rosetta herself

This is a good skill to have when you're trying to get her Rose Barrier stacks up as it consumes a lot of
Rosetta's meter while stacking it up

[289] Healing and providing Armored to Rosetta just so she can sustain herself in the battlefield a lot longer
plus providing extra meter when Rosetta consumes too much of her own

[290] Having Siete's Hostility Down EMP leveled and the amount of CA Siete will be doing will be a nice
contribution towards Rosetta's needs

[291] Providing extra meter gain per attack while also being able to contribute Double-Strike to Rosetta in
case of an emergency turn when Rosetta's meter is too low will be a huge help

[292] The emergency 25% extra meter towards Rosetta along with Kokkoro's utility buffs will be a great
add-on for Rosetta overall

[293] Granting an ally 2-hit Mirror Image

Good to have whenever you want to cover a certain ally from getting hit from a multi-hit attack

[294] Very weak nuke that inflicts Fire/Water/Wind/Earth DMG and 10% Wind DEF Down

This is not needed to use because the nuke is pretty weak and the debuff is weak as well, better off letting
other characters to do the debuff instead

[295] All allies gain 50% Wind/Fire/Earth/Water ATK Up

Probably a very nice skill to have when you are using Hollowsky Staff setups

[296] Providing all the tools that Petra lacks as a character is all she needs from Monkey. Plus the extra
buffs Monkey can provide to your MC if you're using the HollowSky Staff setup

[297] Best tools Nio can provide is her almost permanent buff that will help Petra altogether with your entire
party. Plus the extra buffs Nio can provide to your MC if you're using the HollowSky Staff setup

[298] Restoring 4 of his Blade stacks, uses 30% meter

Good to use whenever you want to do a burst/combo that uses his blades instantly and have this to reset it

[299] Decent nuke that inflicts Blind but this uses 1 Blade stack

Not really needed to use this at all

[300] Gain some BIG DAM but uses up all of your Blade stacks

Good to use this for Wrestler setup combo with your MC for a big burst in the beginning of battle

[301] Providing the best 2turn CA combo whenever you're using Mechanic on your MC or Chrysaor during
your ST to do some crazy DPS with both Siete and Levi in your team
[301] Providing the best 2turn CA combo whenever you're using Mechanic on your MC or Chrysaor during
your ST to do some crazy DPS with both Siete and Levi in your team

[302] Heles is a great source of massive DPS burst whenever you're joining a raid that's already in
Overdrive and just stack 2 turns worth BIG DMG with Levi's S3 on the 2nd turn

[303] Providing extra Echo for Levi to do a much higher burst is always welcomed

[304] Scat's extra Wind ATK along with her Barrier echo bonus on her passive will be really helpful for Levi
to be able to burst a whole lot more

[305] Inflicts 25% Wind DEF Down with a decent nuke strength, will be able to cast this twice when you get
Siegfried's special buff whenever he CAs

You can use this right off the bat if you need to debuff the target due to him having the special buff at the
start of battle

[306] Decent nuke to all foes, provides Jammed onto himself and uses 30% of his max HP

This isn't really required unless you're running full enmity grid. This is just there to help you pull down your

[307] Gains 50% DEF Up, extra Hostility and Counters up to 3-hits

Also gains 30% Damage Cap Up whenever he uses his special buff thingy on CA. Should always use this
with off cooldown whenever you can

[308] Siete's CA mashing will just help Siegfried overall to make him able to double nuke more often

[309] Provide him the extra echo + hostility to make him able to hit even more seeing how Siegfried can just
counter any of the normal attacks from enemies.

Monkey's S3 will help Siegfried to be able to Multi-Attack better

[310] Providing all the Multi-Attack to Siegfried since he lacks in that department. Plus Nio's S4 will just
make Siegfried's S3 DMG Cap bonus a lot more significant.

[311] Morrigna's S2 will provide all the things that Siegfried requires and being able to stack his DMG Cap
with hers additively is just great overall. Allowing Siegfried to just hit harder than usual

[312] Decent nuke that allows you to do multiple debuffs which is a really nice thing to have overall only
downside is that you need to cast it multiple times in order to make it apply extra debuffs

[313] Really good and strong buffs from this once you get it to the 3rd cast but in order to that you need to
mash really hard to get it up quickly

[314] Restores 2000HP to all allies but at the same time it will end all cooldowns for Selfira. Use this to
immediately get the 2 casts up so you don't have to wait too long on the 3rd cast properties on S1 and S2

[315] Just the tools and utility that Selfira needs in order to be able to DPS more consistently

[316] Very much the same/similar job as Monkey's synergy but with Nio's Coma it will be great for Selfira in
order for you to mash more turns safely whenever the Coma lasts for more than 1 turn

[317] One of her most important buffs to apply to your party

Always have this enabled

[318] Yet another buff you would want to apply to the entire party

Make sure to have this and her S1 included at all times

[319] Just don't use this ever, really just don't

[320] Provides a unique buff to your party which consist of 50% Wind ATK Up and Multi-Attack. The MA
buff alone on any character seems significant enough for any of them to MA well

As long you CA in time with Korwa, you can extend this skill as long as you want. It's relatively easy to just
get your entire party with this buff up permanently

[321] Provides Double Strike and 50% DMG Cap up to a single ally(Cost 4Fils)

Use this on any DPS character your have to make it worthwhile, since it's only a 2Turn cooldown. It can be
used again relatively fast

[322] Heals your party for 1500HP with 2 Fil cost. Use this whenever you have lots of Fils remaining and
your party needs any form of heals. This has no cooldown so it can be used multiple times in a turn

[323] Siete is definitely the only person you need for SKorwa, all the meter gain from his CAs are just what
Korwa needs to have her buffs extend all the time and getting her Ideas stack up quickly

[324] Nio's presence isn't really super important but having her around just allows you to have a much
easier time to get your Multi-Attacks down without having Korwa to rely on her S1 slowly casting on every
single party member

[325] Monkey's role here is very similar to Nio's. Providing all the extra buffs for Korwa to just allow her to
Triple-Attack/DMG Cap more consistently

[326] Provides 25% ATK/DEF Up and 25% Charge Bar Gain to all allies

Decent buffs to provide to all members and allowing them to ramp up faster

[327] Decent nuke and inflicting 25% ATK Down but the damage will increase higher if the target already
has an ATK Down

[328] Provides Veil and Mirror Image up to 1 hit to all allies

Really nice sustain skill to provide all allies

[329] Provides extra Mirror if required for Tiamat

[330] Carmelina's CA provides Mirror to herself which also allows Tiamat's passive to be stronger

[331] What is this trying to be ? A Nuke or a debuff ? Pick one

[332] A crappy Bounty Hunt skill

[333] 1500HP heal and 5% meter to all allies


[334] One of Grimnir's best skills, provides lot of sustain to your entire team, works even better especially
when you cast it on the second time

Just use it whenever you need to tank things

The newest mechanic in the game that this adds is having a way to "bypass" Dispels from bosses. Really
nice to use whenever you are trying to keep your buffs up
[334] One of Grimnir's best skills, provides lot of sustain to your entire team, works even better especially
when you cast it on the second time

Just use it whenever you need to tank things

The newest mechanic in the game that this adds is having a way to "bypass" Dispels from bosses. Really
nice to use whenever you are trying to keep your buffs up

[335] This literally makes Grimnir a god DPS character. Even better when you cast this the second time
where it would provide your entire team Anytime Assassin

[336] Decent nuke with extra CA Specs buff to himself, inflicts delay to a single target(if this delay lands,
Grimnir gets 30% meter)

Use this whenever you need to delay a turn or just use it for a nuke or something

[337] Provides all the extra buffs that will easily benefit Grimnir

[338] Similar with Anchira but you'll make it even more worth while having Nio and Grimnir being paired due
to Nio's S4 and Grimnir's Anytime Assassin combo

It's too strong to ignore that

[339] Siete is here to provide the crazy meter gain to allow Grimnir to consistently CA for his S2 buff extend
and of course providing the extra CA Specs to Grimnir

[340] Pairing Morrigna with Grimnir is really nice because having Grimnir's sustain options just negates the
70% DEF down whenever Morrigna's S2 is up with Grimnir. Providing the dmg that Grimnir needs is all it
matters anyway

[341] Activates Jammed-like buff to himself and reduces 25% of his max HP. Good source of Enmity
bonuses from this. Or if you want to bring in your Oracles super fast, use this

[342] Would only use this whenever you feel like you're about to die and you want Ayer to survive, combine
this with his S3 to deal huge DMG via counter up to 3 times. Take note that he doesn't attack the current
turn when this is active

[343] Just to enable massive boost of Aggro towards Ayer himself. Very good to combo with his S2. If he
has >10 HP he can survive any Fatal Hit with 1HP remaining

[344] Being able to provide 0 downtime S2 buff towards Ayer definitely makes DLF the best partner Ayer
can get just to have crazy and consistent DMG

[345] Having extra echo from Cain will just allow Ayer to even hit harder plus his S2 buffs allows Ayer to
have a more consistent DPS

[346] Cag's S2 helps Ayer a lot by providing a unique buff that adds Multi-Attack and extra DMG up to Ayer.

[347] Decent nuke but also provides 20% Water Cut to all allies. Good to have whenever you want to
reduce any incoming Water DMG

[348] Main buff to Sieg. Always use this off cooldown because this will provide a unique ATK & DEF buff to
Sieg which can't be dispelled. Makes him a much bigger man

[349] Just some meter sucking skill that provides him 25% meter in return and 20% Double-Attack up. It's
an okay skill if you have problems trying to DA I suppose

[350] Providing any sort of DMG up/Multi-Attack to Sieg is great

[351] Having extra echo from Cain will just allow Sieg to even hit harder plus his S2 buffs helps him with
any lack of Multi-Attack
[351] Having extra echo from Cain will just allow Sieg to even hit harder plus his S2 buffs helps him with
any lack of Multi-Attack

[352] Cag's S2 helps Sieg a lot by providing a unique buff that adds Multi-Attack and extra DMG up to Sieg.

[353] Uses 20% of your meter to inflict Stone onto the target along with 25% Earth DEF down. Decent
debuff that requires some meter from her

[354] Decent nuke that applies Poison. This skill is just there to activate VMedusa's Passive in order for her
to be able to do more CA DMG overall

[355] 50% meter and CA Specs will be applied to all allies whenever any targets uses its special attack onto
your party. Nice way to gain extra meter to nuke the following turn

[356] Because giving him meter and extra CA specs is always good lol

[357] Very nice combo with his S3 to provide extra meter to the party to be able to nuke again right after
Medusa's S3 has been activated. Works together if you're also using Akasha Axe

[358] Dodges everything 2 times, the skill you would use everytime whenever you need to dodge a boss'
AoE or something

[359] Her bread and butter, provides 2 stacks to herself. Use this whenever you lack of stacks.

This also provides 2 turns local Multi-Attack down to all foes. Very useful if you're in a raid boss that Multi-
Attacks a lot/often

[360] Just adds critical to herself, which is rather pointless unless you have problems capping

The important thing is her extra Triple-Attack buff from this which lasts for 5 turns. Very useful especially in
a team where you lack of DA/TA buffs

[361] Having daddy Vaseraga helps so much because he will take majority of the aggro off Halle just so she
can pump her stacks up. Plus having Hollowsky Axe synergy too

[362] Able to provide extra Shield along with having high hostility to grab all the aggro off Halle. Very good
babysitter. Plus having Hollowsky Axe synergy

[363] Having high hostility on himself with substitute is a great thing to have for Halle. Plus having
Hollowsky Axe synergy

[364] U P L I F T


His hostility up will definitely be useful to take some aggro off Halle in order to have her stacks build up

[365] Most important buff on her, use this when you get max stacks(a big star that is a little pinkish hue).
This will provide a lot of overall DMG DEF and MA to the entire party

[366] Very weak nuke but very nice debuffs that can be applied to target with 25% Earth DEF Down and
15% DEF down

[367] Providing entire party with extra ATK and 20% echo is really nice when you're trying to mash some
autos with your team
[368] The only character out there that can really bring her full potential out a whole lot faster due to Okto to
provide lots of meter to Mahira so she can CA like crazy

[369] Having uplift provided by Eugen and CA Instant standby just helps her all around to speed up the
stack building process

[370] Decent nuke with a nice double ATK and Water ATK down to all foes

Only use this whenever you need to debuff, else it's not really needed

[371] Provides Veil and 10% Skill DMG Cap/60% Skill DMG to entire party

Very nice skill altogether providing extra nuking power to the whole party and able to shield a turn worth of

[372] Weak nuke but inflicts Delay, no other point besides using it for Delay

[373] A very special RNG buffs included for this one. There are 4 different types of buffs you can get. You
can reset this skill to activate another set of buffs by letting Arulu CA

[374] Just having Okto to CA more often plus providing the extra meter for Arulu is just what she needs

[375] Having uplift provided by Eugen and CA Instant standby just helps her to consistently CA more often
to get your Crystall Ball going on without any downtime

[376] Insanely powerful buff skill towards your entire party, having 1000dmg Shield, Refresh(300HP per
turn) and 20% Earth ATK Up for 10 turns

Helps a lot of characters by providing the extra DMG boost from this buff is really good

[377] Yet another very useful and great buff, having 0 downtime on her skill that she can consistently cast
on any character all day without worrying about cooldowns

Make sure you always have this up on a certain character

[378] Decent nuke to all foes that provides 40% DMG Cut and 40% Repel to all allies

Really nice sustain skill to have on her to provide some form of extra dmg negation off your other

[379] Cain is pretty much the strongest buffer for Earth to date. Having a buff that can be extended non stop
basically just means that you can have that buff up all the time. Plus providing extra echo damage to the
entire party whenever his Secret Plot debuff is really good

[380] Very good debuffs and even inflicting a unique debuff on the target to allow all of your party members
to be able to get extra 20% echo for 2 turns whenever you use CA against a target with the said debuff

[381] All Allies will gain a unique buff that provides ATK/DA/TA Up to all allies up to 6 turns and this can be
extended whenever Cain himself CAs

Try to CA often to allow Cain to consistently keep this buff up

[382] Nice nuke that allows Cain to get extra 20% meter whenever you lack meter to CA for him

[383] Just let Okto feed all the meter that Cain wants to consistently keep his S2 up forever
[384] Similar case as Okto, providing the constant meter gain on Cain will help your team greatly

[385] Okto's Bread and Butter move, which allows him to maximize his CA DMG all the time plus if you do
double CA in a single turn his 2nd CA will be able to hit even higher with this S1 enabled

Using this even if you have a single CA at the current turn it is okay as well

[386] Reducing 30% of his meter to provide 10% to each ally

Very good skill if somehow your other characters require some extra meter or somehow a character is stuck
at 90% meter. Doing this will let your team go kaboom

[387] Yet another very important skill for Okto to have, which allows him to get a very unique buff/stack onto
himself but caps at 3 stacks, basically just lets him hits even harder or more consistently

Keep in mind that if you use this skill when the target doesn't have any meter(like in break mode), he will
not gain any stacks. He NEEDS to grab 30% meter from the target for your stack to be applied

[388] Yet another crazy skill on Okto when you reach to lvl100, that allows him to get full 200% meter and
another unique buff that can't be removed which allows him to gain 20% meter every turn permanently

You can also use this skill to combo with multiple CA turns in a row.
E.G Turn 9 Full CA, Turn 10 S4 into another full CA

[389] With Cain's S2, it'll provide the extra consistency on Okto's Multi-Attack rate if you are not using any
Ultima/Dark Opus weapons yet

Plus being able to provide the extra Echo DMG to Okto whenever Cain's S1 Secret Plot debuff is active
after using a CA

[390] Alex is mostly here to allow Okto's CA Earth DMG Up buffs to be consistently be a lot stronger for the
entire party.

Having her to be able to sustain for Okto is a huge plus as well

[391] This is basically works exactly like your MC's Phalanx

Just use this when your MC's Phalanx is on cooldown lmeo

[392] Providing Unchallenged and Veil to your entire party

Use this sparingly as it has a very long cooldown. Using this to dodge a single AOE hit is fine. Do not use
this to try and dodge Multi-Hit specials from bosses

[393] Alex's bread and butter, you will need to mash this off cooldown most of the time to increase her
Mirror-Blade stack up to 5(max) ASAP

Even if her stacks are already capped, using this to nuke is relatively nice as well due to it having a very
high DMG cap

[394] Cain's S2 buff along with his passive echo bonus DMG is just great to have overall for Alex to make
her more consistent in terms of DPS

[395] Having Okto to consistently CA to buff the whole party with Earth ATK Up is great to have.

Okto being able to provide all the extra meter to Alex is yet another great option to allow her Mirror-Blade
stacks to increase even faster
[395] Having Okto to consistently CA to buff the whole party with Earth ATK Up is great to have.

Okto being able to provide all the extra meter to Alex is yet another great option to allow her Mirror-Blade
stacks to increase even faster

[396] DLF is a great support partner to Alex due to the fact that she will be able to cast a 10 turns Earth
ATK Up to the entire party

[397] Sarasa is a character that usually just works by herself. Getting her first at MLB is quite normal due to
the fact that you would just want to Ground Zero things. Massive QoL character in short

Besides that her CA DMG is something to really take some consideration due to the fact that she can deal
crazy amount of CA DMG in multiple turns in a row thanks to her S4

[398] Sarasa's bread and butter, you would want to always mash this off cooldown whenever is possible but
do keep in mind that this skill has different functions on both Axe and Sword forms.

Axe: If Sarasa is at red HP she will heal 3000HP to herself, if not it will be 1500HP, dealing a significant
nuke DMG on a single target and gain Wrath. You will need Wrath to have her Multi-Attack more often

Sword: Doesn't really add anything extra besides the nuke unless you have Wrath active, if Wrath is active,
you will get Agitation on Sarasa which provides CA DMG and Chain burst DMG, also applies 70% Echo

[399] You can get different functions depending on Sarasa's weapon form. Both Axe and Sword form has
different functions

Axe: Providing 3-hit counter and 60% ATK Up to self is relatively nice for some extra sustain. This is mostly
being used due to the fact that her ATK Up lasts for 3 turns and being able to counter also provides extra
meter to Sarasa

Sword: Adds Jammed buff and Hostility Down onto Sarasa. You would tend to use this if Sarasa is at low
HP. There isn't really much instances to use this besides that

[400] In short, this deals LOTS of plain DMG to all foes. Best QoL skill in the game hands-down

You can combo this with Vorpal Rage if you require the Earth DEF Down debuff on all the targets. The
accuracy on this debuff isn't really that high keep that in mind. There are plenty of instance where she
misses quite often

Keep in mind that she will be at 1% HP after doing this and applies 3000 Shield onto herself

[401] Crazy CA nukes upon first cast, while the rest are just allowing Sarasa to just keep nuking with her
CA up to 3 more turns after the initial CA

Just pair this nuke with Okto and you're good

[402] Copy her Ground Zero lol

[403] Okto is there to provide Sarasa all the meter she can get to CA even more or to provide Sarasa the
extra Earth ATK Up which allows her to deal more consistent DMG that is if you are having trouble capping

[404] DLF S2 is very very nice to be applied onto Sarasa just so she can Multi-Attack consistently. The
buffs that DLF provides are just what Sarasa needs

[405] Gains Substitute, this will allow Sara to take all incoming Multi-Hit attacks to herself

Use this and stacking with her S3 is very helpful most of the time
[406] Alex's bread and butter, you will need to mash this off cooldown most of the time to increase her
Mirror-Blade stack up to 5(max) ASAP

Even if her stacks are already capped, using this to nuke is relatively nice as well due to it having a very
high DMG cap

[407] Gains 1000% DEF Up to herself

This is kind of a whatever skill, you would tend to just stack this together with her S1 most of the time

[408] Seeing how Sara tends to be beneficial when she CAs, Okto will be a great candidate to have along
with her

[409] Cain will just allow Sara to have a much better DMG overall due to the fact that Sara's DPS numbers
are relatively low

[410] Pretty weak nuke with decent ATK and DEF down debuffs

Don't really need to use this if you already have better debuffs than her's else just use it

[411] Clears and applies a special buff to the entire party, basically Cag's best skill since it has Multi-Attack
and ATK/DEF Up to everyone in your party

You would want to mash this off CD most of the time unless you already have a buffer and you're just using
her as a clear

[412] Decent heal that adds Refresh along with it, if you max out of all her Healing EMP, this will be even
stronger than ever

Only downside to this is that the cooldown is pretty long

[413] Cag's DPS numbers are really low despite being at FLB/lvl100, having Cain in your team just will
allow her to cap a little bit more consistently, plus Cain's S2 stacks with Cag's S2

[414] Provides ATK/DEF Up and 25% charge bar gain up to entire party. Really good skill overall to bump
your entire party to be able to CA a whole lot more while having extra DMG along with it

[415] Uses 20% of her meter to provide all allies a very nice critical buff and 2000 Damage Shield

Very nice buff to apply to your party if you need some extra sustain and a little damage boost

[416] Nice heals and adds an extra Refresh to all allies

Very nice sustain if you're running low on HP

[417] Her core skill that you would consider using her for

Inflicting Enticed to the target just so you have much better chances to not get hit since it's a much stronger
version as a standard Charm. Though if you miss it, Charm will be there instead

[418] Able to inflict delay but the delay accuracy on this might be quite low. You'll usually want to use this
skill for her extra 30% CA DMG Up

[419] Gains Break Assassin, you can use this to combo after using Catherine's CA. Though keep in mind
that her BA numbers isn't exactly high
[420] Cain's S2, nuff said

That's all she needs. Also having the extra Echo Cain can provide will just make Catherine's Break
Assassin even more worth while

[421] Okto is there to provide all the meter she needs so she can CA more often and just get Triple-Attack

Having Okto's Earth ATK Up buff helps out a lot as well

[422] DLF's S2 is really nice to have on Catherine due to the fact that she will not be reliant on her CA to do
her Triple-Attacks. All the buffs that DLF can provide to Catherine is just really what she needs

[423] The only skill that you can gain Wasteland Crests from also provides 20% Earth ATK up and 20%
Water Cut to all allies

Nice buff skill since it only has 1t downtime but having only this skill as the Wasteland Crest activator is
pretty unfortunate

[424] Inflicts 25% ATK/DEF Down and Poison to all foes, if you use 1 Wasteland Crest, you will inflict Delay
and Debuff Success Rate to 100%

Nice debuffs to have if you're only bringing Miserable Mist on your MC as it stacks with it to cap on debuffs
but having her to use a Wasteland Crest just for the delay is pretty wasteful

[425] Medusa will gain counter on dodge/dmg up to 2-hits and 20% echo to herself but if you use 2
Wasteland Crests she will provide this buff to the entire party instead

Basically her strongest skill compared to the other 2, you would usually want to use the Crest for this skill

[426] Cain's S2 once again, having Cain's extra buffs and echo damage will just help Medusa overall

[427] Okto is there to provide all the meter she needs so she can CA more often and just get Triple-Attack

Having Okto's Earth ATK Up buff helps out a lot as well

[428] Consumes 30% meter to get back his Cat thingy and allows his Cat to have a 100% chance to cast a
random buff between Earth ATK up/Armored/Heal

You would usually use this whenever you need to refresh his Black Cat Fancy stack since Dante needs to
always have this up in order to do extra DMG(by having his Cat there alongside)

[429] Guarantees Triple-Attack for Dante but if you use up an extra Black Cat Fancy stack you will also gain
a buff called Martial Cat which allows you to get extra ATK DMG and DMG Cap

You would want to combo this skill along with Dante's S3 most of the time to make most out of this.
Especially when you want to hit even harder than usual

[430] Works exactly like MC's Wrestler Tag Team but only works for himself

Being able to attack without taking a turn just allows him to do extra DPS as you mash through the raid
You should try to mash this skill off cooldown due to its very low 4turns cooldown

[431] Cain's S2, nuff said

Multi-Attack and having extra echo DMG for Dante is all he needs really to be more consistent plus
providing even more DPS per turn
[431] Cain's S2, nuff said

Multi-Attack and having extra echo DMG for Dante is all he needs really to be more consistent plus
providing even more DPS per turn

[432] DLF's S1 and S2 is something Dante would appreciate to have especially when Dante really lacks of
Multi-Attack outside of his S2 when you grid doesn't have any of the sort

[433] Summer Rosetta is a very niche character that buffs Dante like crazy due to her insane Earth ATK Up
and extra 30% Echo but this is only usable when Rosetta has like 0 DMG taken every turn(a.k.a Racing in
Baha HL)

[434] Allows Vaseraga to gain several buffs but honestly there isn't really a point on using this at all unless
you're having trouble capping anyway. This skill doesn't increase any of his Damage Cap

[435] A big nuke for Vaseraga that allows him to gain 10% meter but if you use this after this CA, it will deal
even crazier nuke.. Very nice nuke overall

[436] Just provides 30% meter to everyone, really skill to use on your party or just for yourself if you're
lacking in meter to do some CA action

[437] Cain's S2, nuff said

Multi-Attack and having extra echo DMG for Vaseraga is all he needs really to be more consistent plus
providing even more DPS per turn

[438] DLF's S1 and S2 is something Dante would appreciate to have especially when Vaseraga lacks a lot
of Multi-Attacks. Allowing him to CA even more often that way plus giving him consistent DMG from her
Earth ATK Up

[439] Okto is there to provide even more meter gain for Vaseraga to do some extra CA action

[440] Decent nuke, will activate twice after CA

[441] Slightly weaker nuke, will activate twice after CA

[442] Gains CA Instant Standby, use this to combo with his nukes

[443] Okto is there to provide even more meter gain for Aletheia just so he can keep on mashing his CA to
nuke even more


Just provides insane amount of skill damage + Cap for Aletheia's nuking game

[445] Pretty nice debuff that applies both significant amount of ATK and DEF down

[446] Extra ATK up for the whole party is nice

[447] Gains 100% Triple-Attack up to 2 turns along with Stamina. Use this to just bump up your DMG

[448] Having Amira to provide extra meter gain overall is just a huge plus for Jeanne and it is just
something Jeanne really needs unfortunately

[449] Having Ferry is a great add-on for Jeanne especially during ST because that will allow Jeanne to
consistently have Triple-Attack and extra Echo to deal more DPS

[450] Kubira will help greatly if you're planning to go with Ultima Spear setups for your Light teams, besides
that I don't really feel Kubira is needed for Jeanne
[451] Her best skill, gains HUGE CA Specs and adds some extra debuffs to herself. Use this to nuke

[452] Really nice debuff if you still need any form of debuff on the target

[453] You could use her as a pseudo Ground Zero with this. Be warned that it is much weaker than GZ

[454] Having extra Cap for Clarisse is really help when it comes to dealing as much DMG as you can within
a single turn

[455] Just having Robomi being in the party just helps your objective to OTK a lot better due to Robomi
having a massive high number of CA Cap/DMG

[456] Silva is yet another character that can help Clarisse for your OTK setups

[457] With the maids being able to nuke really high during their 1st turn will help you to OTK a lot better with
Clarisse in your team

[458] Gaining significant buffs to himself to be able to protect other party members and having high Multi-
Attack for himself is really great.

[459] Very nice nuke as he can double nuke with this permanently after he CA twice

[460] Providing critical and DMG Boosted buffs to entire party is a really nice thing to have

[461] Being able to grab aggro off Charlotta is a really good thing just so she can be a lot stronger
alongside with Sandalphon

[462] Amira's meter gain provided to Sandalphon is just too good pass up. Seeing how you need to mash a
lot of CA for Sandalphon to go out of control

[463] Amira's most important skill, providing significant meter gain and Multi-Attack buff to the entire party.
Keep in mind that she has the highest Meter Gain buff in the game

[464] Just try to use this off cooldown when you want to either use your S3 to transform or just want to nuke
with your CA since this provides extra CA DMG Cap by 50%

[465] You will only need to use this once every 10 turns but you will probably never need to have any
downtime unless you did not manage your meter properly because this skill cooldown can be reduced by
Amira's CA

[466] Having Zoey's S3 buffing up Amira just allows her to have more consistent DMG and just have no
problems with survival. Do take note that Amira's S1 and S2 provides additional cooldown reduction to

[467] Having Song to provide a huge buff on Critical just makes Amira able to cap a lot easier and more
consistent. Plus having her to Paralyze the target will allow Amira to mash more/harder

[468] Funfu's S1 Revitalize just helps Amira's meter gain to go out of control. Amira will be able to probably
CA once every 2 turns or so

[469] Very weak nuke but it is her best utility skill to provide cover for her other allies all thanks to having
hostility up and includes extra Multi-Attack for her to have consistent attacks to gain more meter

[470] Decent nuke but the main part of this skill is to provide extra dodge rate to Zooey and counter after
dodging them up to 3 times or so

[471] Crazy nuke and the most important skill for Zooey as it provides huge ATK and DEF buffs with Drain
that can't be dispelled but requires certain abilities that affects Zooey to reduce its cooldown
[471] Crazy nuke and the most important skill for Zooey as it provides huge ATK and DEF buffs with Drain
that can't be dispelled but requires certain abilities that affects Zooey to reduce its cooldown

[472] Her best partner in crime, having Funfu in your team with Zooey will just automatically make your
party super tanky. Plus all 4 of Funfu's skill reduces Zooey's S3 cooldown

[473] Having Amira to back Zooey up with the extra Multi-Attack and meter gain buff just helps Zooey out a
whole lot but the main point of having Amira in this is due to Amira's S1 and S2 reducing Zooey's S3
cooldown while maintaining consistent DPS

[474] Only need to use this up to 3 times to max out his DMG Cap. The rest is kind of whatever

[475] Only would use this if you need to confirm a Triple Attack and if your Unchallenged from S3 runs out

[476] Provides massive DAM and Unchallenged ophe ophe



[478] Only if you want to give Triple Strike memes to Six else it's pretty whatever

[479] Works very well with her S3 due to the fact that Six just hardly takes any damage so he technically
has extra permanent 30% echo

[480] Decent nuke, very nice debuff up to 25% Dark Def Down. Would only use this if you need to debuff

[481] Very special delay that will allow you to bypass delay immunity on bosses

[482] Very important skill, she will need to land her Charm, else a lot of her skillset will not work at all.
Overall this skill just provides MASSIVE DAMAGE to her

[483] Extra DA buff along with Dark ATK up buff will just allow Vampy to blow out of control easily, capping
shouldn't really be a problem with Ferry. Plus you'll get Triple Strike after 10turns is just lmeo

[484] Extra echo, extra CA DMG cap. With a crazy amount of sustain provided by HLady Grey is just too
good to pass up for Vampy

[485] Help debuffs and provides her own meter gain to allow Vampy super a whole lot more
This way you don't need to worry about debuffs for MC

[486] Probably best linked with Akasha Sword setup and will also allow massive delays if you're using CR



Nice skill icon tho lol


[491] TH9 TH9 TH9 TH9 TH9 TH9 TH9 TH9 TH9 TH9 TH9 TH9 TH9 TH9 TH9 TH9 TH9 TH9 TH9 TH9

[492] Very good debuff as it provides 30% DEF Down and has very high accuracy as well

[493] Only consider using this when you need extra Multi-Attack. If your grid is already helping, you can
skip using this

[494] Only use this when you know she's about to die, good way to stay alive slightly longer to do extra

[495] Well, she has Conjunction so it'll just allow DJeanne's passive to activate with a single button

[496] HLady Grey will allow DJeanne to heal when her Impurity is up, good way to let her stay alive a whole
lot longer

[497] Olivia's S1 and S2 delays work wonders with DJeanne just to allow her to survive much longer plus
having the Sword character synergy

[498] Decent nuke but will allow 100% TripleAttack only use this when you need to force a TA

[499] Very strong debuff as it will provide 25% ATK Down and 15% Light ATK Down

[500] Only use this when you need to reduce your current HP to enable enmity. No reason to use it

[501] If you're using Beatrix in an enmity grid, having SZoi will help you cause Conjunction

[502] Works well with Djeanne's S1 to allow enmity synergy work a whole lot better along with their debuffs
makes it even better

[503] Allows Kolulu to take any incoming damage instead of your other party members, including AoE
based type of specials from bosses. She'll take it on her own and she applies an Armored effect on herself
which has a 100% chance to take 50% lesser damage.

Usually you would use this whenever you need her to tank any form of damage or just to reduce her HP in

[504] Kolulu's bread and butter nuking skill, can be really strong when you get her stacks up and running.
Also allows her to land extra DEF Down(Stackable) and local Blind effect onto the enemy

You'll practically want to spam this as much as possible whenever this is off cooldown

[505] Ends her S1 and S2 cooldowns along with applying 100% meter to herself with the price of 30% of
her max HP

Really strong skill due to the fact that she's heavily reliant on enmity and this allows her to get her HP lower
by herself, allowing her to CA again which allows her to her free nukes plus being able to use her substitute
to make things a lot better whenever you're in a pinch(like needing her to sacrifice herself, remember she
has Guts effect on)

[506] Pretty straightforward character to synergize with her, all thanks to her Conjunction. Plus Zoey is the
best healer for dark whenever is needed

[507] VClaris is mostly there to provide massive sustain to Kolulu due to her Mirror/Veil/Shield/etc plus
being able to provide extra meter and CA DMG/Cap Up is just too good to miss out with Kolulu
[507] VClaris is mostly there to provide massive sustain to Kolulu due to her Mirror/Veil/Shield/etc plus
being able to provide extra meter and CA DMG/Cap Up is just too good to miss out with Kolulu

[508] Ferry's S3 is just way too strong of a buff, pairing it with Kolulu just helps out a whole more. Due to the
fact that it applies extra hostility to Kolulu which makes it a lot easier for her to increase her Fated Spear

[509] Having Nia to pair with Kolulu is just a great partner due to Nia's passive "The Lovers Upright" being a
huge QoL for Kolulu and just allowing her to stay alive even though she has low HP plus allowing Kolulu to
deal double CA is just too good to pass up

Not to forget Nia's S2 is a huge extra sustain for Kolulu and being able to have guaranteed Triple-Attacks
which Kolulu lacks in general

[510] Basically, any characters listed in here is better to slot in any given circumstances for any element for
the said raid

You won't be able to go wrong with them

[511] The characters listed here can be niche use at times but they're still relatively useful for the said raid
due to their skillset being able to provide to yourself or targeting the boss

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