Study Habits Diagnostic Assessment

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I am quite amazed to see the interpretations of a given set of scores in study habits diagnostic

assessment. The results of the survey seem to be a guide for us on the way to improve our
study habits and attitude. I feel my best practices based on the survey, most of the time I study
late into the night and even all night long, I can’t help but sometimes I find myself studying late
at midnight if I've got upcoming exams. If I find the word unfamiliar to me, I straight away look
for its meaning so I could understand the context. I feel like I am more motivated to study if I'm
fresh, clean and particularly I work net and orderly. Additionally, I keep all the necessary
materials together so I could find all the essential things I need immediately. I also generally
take down notes during a lecture, recitations, and discussions provided that there are other
important terms and concepts in discussions too. And yes, I review often, and that I have my
definite place for studying. I should evaluate my progress from time to time and act accordingly
to have some developments and enhancements too. I also want to boost my study habits similar
to having an exact time for studying. From now on I'll have my study planner and that I will stick
to my study routine, I'll study more often, I will be able to keep myself motivated to read over
what I'm required to read for a subject matter, I’ll always be well-prepared getting into class and
be extra attentive too, and lastly, from now on I’ll stop cramming a night before the deadline and
procrastinating too.

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