Common Problems Solved by Design Engineer

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An industrial oriented mini project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the

Requirements for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering


Under the guidance of

P. Anudeep
Assistant Professor


MAY 2021


This is to certify that the thesis / dissertation entitled WHAT ARE THE COMMON


submitted by Sri. S. SANDEEP in partial fulfilment for the award of Bachelor of

Technology in Mechanical Engineering to the T.K.R. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING

& TECHNOLOGY is a record of bonafide work carried out by him under our guidance and


The results embodied in this thesis are original work and have not been submitted to any
other University or Institute for the award of any degree or diploma.


Assistant Professor Signature of Head of the Department


Signature of External Evaluator Signature of the Principal


I S. SANDEEP here by solemnly affirm that the industrial oriented mini-

project report entitled What are the common mechanical problems solved

by design engineers? being submitted by me in partial fulfilment of the

requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in

Mechanical Engineering, to the T.K.R. College of Engineering and

Technology, is a record of Bonafide work carried out by me under the

guidance of P. ANUDEEP, Assistant Professor. The work reported in this report in

full or in part has not been submitted to any university or institute for the

award of any degree or diploma.


Date: Signature of Student


A Owe special debt of graduate to Mr. P. ANUDEP, Assistant professor department of

mechanical engineering of TKR college of engineering and technology for his constant
support and guidance throughout the course of my work. his sincerity, thoroughness and
perseverance have been a constant source of inspiration for us. It is only his consistency
efforts that our endeavors have been seen light of the day

I also take the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of Dr. G. GOPALA

KRISHNA, lecturer and HOD department of mechanical engineering TKR college of
engineering and technology for his support and assistance during the development of
these thesis

I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. D. V. RAVI SHANKAR, Principal, TKR college of
engineering and technology for his help and encouragement continuous encouragement
towards project work.

I also do not like to miss the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of all faculty
members of the department for their kind assistance and co- operation during the
development of my thesis


B. Tech Department of Mechanical



1.1 Introduction to Machine Design


2.1 Machine Design
2.1.1 Adaptive Design
2.1.2 Development Design
2.1.3 New Design
2.2 Basic of Mechanical Design
2.3 Understanding Stress/Force
2.4 Know your materials

2.5 Understanding the Technology

CHAPTER 3. Machine design procedure

3.1 Design Procedure
3.2 The 7 Steps of a Professional Design Process

CHAPTER 4. Common Mechanical problems Solved by design engineer

4.1 design engineer

4.2 7 Surprising Ways Engineering Has Solved Everyday Problems


Chapter: 1


Machine Design:

Machine design is defined as the use of imagination, scientific principles and engineering

techniques to create a machine or structure economically, in order to satisfy the

requirements of a customer. Machine design is the first step involved in creation of a


Machine Designachine design is defined as the use of imagination,

scientific principles and engineering techniques to create a machine or structure

economically, in order to satisfy the requirements of a customer.

Machine design is the first step involved in creation of a machine. It gives the basic idea of

how a machine will look and function.

Steps in Machine Design:

The following flowchart shows you the steps involved in machine design:

 Problem Definition

 Basic Need

 Material

 Analysis

 Detailed Design

 Preparation of Drawing


In the above flowchart,

Material involves cost analysis involves feasibility, optimization and tests

Factors influencing machine design:

The following is a list of factors that influence the machine design process:

 Appearance

 Limits and Fits

 Size

 Weight

 Space Required

 Required Motion

 Reliability

 Production Cost

 Maintenance Cost

 Service

 Life

 Efficiency

 Speed of operation

 Manufacturing method

 Standard – National, international, work or material standard

 Maintenance Frequency

 Labour Required by

 Material Required

 Availability of raw materials

 Availability of spare parts

 Re-usability

 Complexity of the machine

Chapter: 2

Types Of Machine Design & Design Basics

The design process is an exciting stage in manufacturing. This is the time to begin

considering all aspects of how a part will look, feel and function. Who will use this part?

Where will it live? What should it be made from? The list of important questions one must

ask during the machine design process can be daunting, but it can be less so with a better

understanding of the fundamentals.

Types Of Machine Design & Design Basics

The design process is an exciting stage in manufacturing. This is the time to begin

considering all aspects of how a part will look, feel and function. Who will use this part?

Where will it live? What should it be made from? The list of important questions one must

ask during the machine design process can be daunting, but it can be less so with a better

understanding of the fundamentals.

2. machine design

2.1 Types of Machine Design

As manufacturing technology evolves, we’ve seen impressive leaps when it comes to the

creativity and complexity of machine design and mechanical engineering. Machine

elements that once seemed impossible are now commonplace in today’s manufacturing

world, and while we all want to strive to be at the forefront of innovation, we can also make

use of existing technology to get us

moving in the right direction. This is where the fundamentals of machine design come in,

and they can be broken down into three categories, Adaptive Design, Developmental

Design and New Design.

2.1.1. Adaptive Design

One of the most basic, but widely used types of machine design is Adaptive Design. Think

of the saying “don’t reinvent the wheel”. Often times, there is a machine component or

design element that already exists and has been widely embraced that could be adopted to

suit your purposes. Adaptive Design utilizes basic features and tweaks them slightly to

better fit a particular application. Modifying technology that has already been proven

effective can save engineers time and businesses money, and is often far more effective

than trying to design a part from scratch.

2.1.2. Developmental Design

Similar to Adaptive Design, Developmental Design uses existing concepts and technology

but adds or combines new machine elements and components to create something unique.

An example often referred to in Developmental Design is the motorcycle, which is

essentially the marriage between a bicycle and a combustion engine. The motorcycle was

certainly, a massive development in manufacturing technology and machine design, but it

relies on preexisting mechanical elements to serve as the building blocks for something



2.1.3. New Design:

The vast majority of machine design will fall into the previous two categories, but there

are still new and unique parts and technology being created all the time. These one of a

kind innovations would be considered New Design, where engineers and designers come

up with something entirely original. This is far less common, and often requires a great

deal of time, money and research. Because we live in a world of shared knowledge and

technology, it is usually more productive and efficient to modify that which already exists,

but with the right idea and the proper experience, elements in the New Design space can be

extremely lucrative and beneficial to the manufacturing world as a whole.

2.2. Basics of Mechanical Design

Whether you’re creating a component from scratch, or modifying widely used

technology, it is important to understand the basics of mechanical design. To design and

produce an effective part, engineers must take into account all aspects of form and

function to ensure that their product will not only operate as expected, but be able to be

manufactured in the first place.

2.3 Understanding Stress/Force

In what kind of environment will your part live? Under what stresses will it routinely be

placed? There are many factors that can help or hinder a parts performance (temperature,

moisture, dust/debris, impact, range of motion, etc.) When it comes to mechanical design,

the more research an engineer can do up front the better. A machine element that works

great in the snow could fail in the desert, and these varying conditions will need to be

accounted for.

2.4 Know your Materials

With a keen understanding of the stresses at play in a particular environment, the next

decision in the machine design process is what material to use in manufacturing a part.

Certain metals are more resistant to corrosion and warping. Different plastics hold up

better to heat and friction. If weight is a factor, there a number of high-strength light-weight

materials available, but they come at a cost. These are all factors to keep in mind

throughout the machine design process.

2.5 Understand the Technology

Before a part is completely designed, it is important to have a firm understanding of the

manufacturing technology at one’s disposal to ensure that a part can be produced

effectively and affordably.

Mechanical engineers will often work closely with their

machine shop to discuss challenges or limitations in their design elements, and to

brainstorm potential areas of improvement (machine availability, required tolerances, bend

geometry, etc.)

The most mind-blowing design in the world could

look great in a CAD model, but if it doesn’t do a lot of good if it can’t actually be machined
Chapter: 3
Machine design procedure

An Engineer’s Guide to Mechanical Design and Development.

Machine design is not guided by any rigid rules; however design is not a random

procedure either. There are a number of factors that can aid a machine design process.

It is very important to understand the process of mechanical design and follow this

process to develop machine/heavy equipment designs that deliver the best performance.

Let us have a look at the general procedure for machine design that helps an engineer

tailor dedicated mechanical equipment designs that perform better, are durable and are

easy to manufacture.

3.1 Machine Design Procedure:

Understand the Requirements:

The first step of engineering a high-performance machine is recognizing the need i.e.

understanding the purpose of design. Preparing a complete statement of the problem that

includes details about the aim or purpose for which the mechanical design project is


Analyze and Evaluate the Design Mechanism:

Shortlist and analyze various possible mechanisms for the machine. Select the best

mechanism for your design that will give this machine the desired motion.

Analysis of Forces:

Analyse how every component of a machine with fit in and interact with each other, also

analyse what forces act on each and every component of the mechanical equipment and

the energy transmitted by each component

Design of Elements:

All the components of equipment are subject to stress and other forces during operation.

These stresses affect the strength of the machine. Hence analysing these stresses is

important to design mechanical equipment that is durable and can endure the stresses of

real world working conditions.

Material Analysis and Selection:

Based on the analysis of stresses that work upon the machine components individually

select the appropriate material for machine component design.

Design Iteration for Manufacturing:

Design changes, that do not affect the performance of the product but facilitates easy

manufacturing the machine and its components is advisable.

Creation of Detailed Mechanical Drawings:

Create the detailed drawings of each component and assembly of the machine.

Complete specification using CAD capabilities can be of great assistance for

manufacturing process.

3.2. The 7 Steps of a Professional Design Process:

Young graphic designers take time to learn the ropes of the design process. While

experienced ones just need a handy refresher to polish their own methods.

Completing a high-quality design job according to a client's needs is no easy task.

Freelance graphic designers know that structuring your approach results in effective time

There are many ways you can approach this process depending on your client, objectives,

and campaign. But there are essential phases that any designer should never skip. Factors

such as research, revisions, and the likes will secure your path to graphic design success.

We mapped them out to help you impress any client with professionalism.

Here are the 7 steps most design projects will have to pass through to get from the initial

client briefing to a successful project.

Step 1 – Study the Client Brief

Set goals and context from the brief – this intake sheet is the blueprint that leads you to

the final design. Ask as many questions as you can now, to make sure you start off on the

right path.

Make sure that your questions will yield answers that will enlighten you on the project key

points. What message is the project trying to convey? What art styles and design approach

would they like to see? Would they be open to using illustrations or photographs?

Don’t be afraid of asking because it’ll always be better than guessing. A thorough design

brief acts as a reference point for both you and the client, making sure everybody is on the

same page. Keep it close throughout the entire process.

Defining and managing their expectations will give you a better idea of how you can make

your client’s vision come to life.

Step 2 – Research.

Research as much as you can. This helps you understand the project as fully as you can.

Initial research areas should always include the client's company history and culture, the

local (and possibly international) competitor landscape, and any industry-related trends.

Doing this will keep you away from revising your draft because it looks too similar to your

client’s competitor.

For the next step, you need to analyze your project's target audience. You need to

consider the age, gender, income, employment, location, and lifestyle of the people the

client wants to reach. Knowing your audience is key to ensuring you communicate the

right message in the best way possible.

Create more visually compelling projects by reading more about the importance of design

research here.

Step 3 – Brainstorm

You've researched your brief, the client, the industry, and the audience. Now it's time to

start putting it all together.

One way to generate ideas is to use structured mind maps with ideas linked to your

central concept.

Others prefer to make lists or write random ideas you get from time to

time on scrap pieces of paper or on their phone. No matter what method you choose,

there’s always a way to get those ideas flowing!

Make sure you keep a record of all your ideas and concepts. You will never know when

something you initially discarded will come back as the perfect solution to all your

troubles. Present you’s drafts might be future you’s treasure.

This will help you create a bank of design ideas that will be really handy for your coming


Step 4 – Sketch

Sketching your ideas to define their visual elements is a good way to save time. You don't

want to spend heaps of time in Illustrator refining a concept that your client won’t like.

These prototypes will allow you to work on your design with confidence, too. It is a

common practice done by experienced graphic design professionals to give their work a

solid foundation.

With sketches and design mock-ups, you can create a number of different concepts faster as

they do not require too many details. This is how you can get a feel for how fundamental

elements such as the basic layout of a web page design or the shape of your logo design

will work.

Step 5 – Concept Development

Once you've sketched out your initial thoughts, it's time to develop your favorite concepts

a bit further. It is a good idea to develop 3-5 different concepts to give your client some

choice. Although that number can fluctuate depending on the project's needs.

Present these concepts to your client, explain the rationale behind each one, and why the

design will work. This is where all your design research will come in handy!

Don't think the concepts not chosen are wasted either. Giving your client options often

allows you to combine their favorite elements from each one. Did they like the font you

used for Option 1? Or the color scheme you created for Option 3? Pick up their

preferences and use it on your work. It will give you valuable insight into your client, which

will help you hit that final design out of the park.

Step 6 – Revisions

After the client chooses one concept, it is time to revise the design so it meets the goals

and outlines.

The client may want you to mix and match from all concepts you have presented, or come

up with something entirely new. From comments and suggestions, you can present

another round of designs.

On average, one to three rounds of revisions take place before a client approves a design.

If that sounds too much to you, don’t fear. Revisions are normal and essential for polishing

your work. Even seasoned designers encounter them on a day to day basis. Besides,

revisions get easier with each round.

Don't be afraid to give your opinion on what looks best. After all, you're the design expert,

and clients often welcome the guidance. But remember to base your suggestions on

research and refer frequently back to the client brief. It is important to strike a balance

between delivering a design output your client wants and needs.

Step 7 – Completion

Way to go! Your client is loving it, apart from some minor tweaks here and there. Once

these are completed there is only one last step...

Get approval. Send the final files – the project is complete! There is nothing more

rewarding than turning around a completed graphic design gig to a satisfied client. So

congratulate yourself on a job well done.

Pro tip: Get the most out of that jaw-dropping design you just accomplished.

Put it in your portfolio and give your future clients something to look forward to.

However, talk to your clients first to know if they ever want to create a non-disclosure

agreement or an NDA for the work you just did for them. Once it’s all good for them,

embark on a more colorful freelancing journey and look for your next graphic design job.

Chapter: 4
Common Mechanical problems Solved by Design engineers.

4.1 Design engineer:

Design Engineer come across a variety of problems varying from computer software

designing and simulations to on field problem rectification and brain storming with

manufactions guys. He consistently gets feedback for DFM(design for manufacturing ) and

Design for Assembly.

Mechanical engineers typically do the following: Analyze problems to see how

mechanical and thermal devices might help solve a particular problem. Design or

redesign mechanical and thermal devices or subsystems, using analysis and

computer-aided design.

4.2. 7 Surprising Ways Engineering Has Solved Everyday Problems

We live in a hacking culture where we break down and repurpose everything from IKEA

furniture to power tools, redesigning them to fill a need or solve a problem for which they

were not originally intended. By applying some of the basic design-cycle steps of Ask,

Research, Imagine, Plan, Create, Test and Improve, engineering-minded product designers

are turning what might have once been considered science fictional solutions into reality.

By sharpening your engineering skill set, you can put yourself in a unique position to

address some pervasive everyday problems. Which would you like to take on? For a little

inspiration, take a look at some real-world everyday challenges, big and small, that have

been alleviated by some rather innovative engineering solutions.

Squeezing Out the Last Drop of Liquid

We’ve all experienced the frustration of attempting to squeeze the last drop of ketchup or

toothpaste from their containers. That could end very soon, all thanks to a unique slippery

coating that keeps thick, gooey substances from sticking to solid surfaces.

Called LiquiGlide, this material was initially was created to line oil and gas pipelines to

protect against buildup.1 It worked so well that the team developing this technology at

MIT decided to explore otheresearched and tested different combinations of materials to

create new variations of LiquiGlide, including food-grade and medical-grade versions.

These can help reduce product waste and enable viscous liquid medications to efficiently

empty from tubes to improve proper dosing.

Holding Hot Coffee Without Spilling It

The coffee cup sleeve: With such deceptively simple design and such obvious value, it’s

hard to believe it wasn’t invented sooner than it was, back in 1991. The idea was born two

years prior, when piping hot coffee in a paper to-go cup burned the hands (and

subsequently spilled on the lap) of future Java Jacket founder Jay Sorensen.

Sorensen did considerable research on the potential market demand for such a product,

the kinds of materials that could be used to cost-effectively create it and the most

successful physical design. He produced and tested several iterations of the sleeve befo

re landing on the prototype that is still used today.2 Now, the nearly ubiquitous coffee cup

sleeves are helping save the fingers (and laps) of countless hot-java-drinking commuters—

not to mention engineers.

A Far-Reaching Solve for Getting the Group Shot

By freeing us from having to rely on a willing passerby to take a group photo in front of a

tourist attraction or a silhouette shot against a stunning sunset, the selfie stick has

certainly made an impact in today’s social-media-savvy world.

Wayne Fromm didn’t invent camera-on-a-stick technology, but in 2005 he did patent a

version that could hold almost any camera and, eventually, nearly any smartphone.3

That’s the version that began to resonate with consumers worldwide.

Since then, the original selfie stick concept has evolved into several iterations by Fromm

and other manufacturers to answer the demand for more uses—including ones that

extend telescopically at the push of a button so you can fit more people or more

background into your shot, that allow you to snap a shot via Bluetooth without needing to

set the camera timer, or that take blur-free photographs and video while skydiving or

partaking in other action sports.

Walking Your Way to Health at Work

Dr. James Levine, a medical doctor who researches obesity, found that sitting for several

hours at a time negatively impacts our health much more than initially thought, even for

those who regularly go to the gym. He argued that our increasingly sedentary lifestyle,

fueled by demands at work requiring us to be at our desks, has contributed to a culture of

people with poor posture, lack of energy, and increased risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Levine came up with a rather unusual solution: He rigged a used treadmill under a raised

bedside tray.4 Perhaps this prototype he created in 1999 wasn’t the most attractive setup,

but its goal was clear: to give people a way to be active while working and help reduce

sitting-related health risks.

Levine worked with a manufacturer to produce the first official treadmill desk, released in

2007. Today, many companies promoting a healthier workplace offer employees the

option to have such a desk instead of a traditional one.

Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking

Sophia Velastegui, an influential engineer in the technology sector, applied several

engineering design steps early in her career to conquer a common phobia: speaking in

front of a crowd.5

Velastegui did this by:

Identifying specific problems to address: her shyness and fear of public speaking

Looking into ways to work on them (such as volunteering to speak at company meetings)

Setting up a plan of action to overcome her shyness with strangers: research people to

meet at conferences, contact them, choose discussion topics and maintain regular contact

Continuing to improve her speaking and networking skills through constant practice

Velastegui’s process improved her public speaking—and her confidence and management

skills—so thoroughly that it has been invaluable to her rise through desirable positions at

top companies. Not only that, she was named to Business Insider's list of most powerful

female engineers in 2017.

Eating With Confidence, Without Spilling

Many of us take the simple act of feeding ourselves for granted. But for anyone with

trembling hands, it can be a frustrating struggle to keep food on a fork or spoon long

enough to reach their mouth without it winding up on the table or their clothing. Liftware

Level™ utensils were created by inventors with loved ones experiencing such limitations.

Liftware uses sensor technology that makes real-time adjustments to accommodate any

mild-to-severe shaking and trembling movements.6 This improves accessibility and

independence for those suffering from conditions such as Parkinson’s disease.

Liftware developers are taking their testing to a new level: They created an app that

records motion data using an accelerometer sensor found in smartphones. They use this

data when creating prototypes for versions of other common products that can be used

by people with disabilities.

Diagnosing Deep Gastrointestinal Diseases

In 1981, inspired by a friend experiencing small intestine pain with no apparent source,

rocket engineer Gavriel Iddan wondered if there was a way to create a “missile”—

complete with a camera—that could be launched into the intestine to snap photographs

in order to help physicians, make accurate diagnoses.

Applying his knowledge of rocket engineering to a completely unrelated problem led to his

invention of the ingestible camera. “PillCam” actually took 17 years to become reality,

thanks to Iddan’s diligence and the development of micro cameras, transmitters and LED

lights that could fit into a large pill-sized capsule.7

Now the diagnostic standard, doctors can properly identify conditions that are deep in the

digestive tract, areas previously unreachable by other nonsurgical methods.

Put Your Engineering Skills to Use

The world is full of countless challenges waiting for that one solution to be created or

tweaked that can make life just a little easier, healthier or better. What problems are you

planning on tackling with an engineering approach? What inefficiencies are you

improving? And better yet, how many moopportunities might present themselves as you

continue to hone your engineering expertise?

Using your engineering knowledge, there’s no limit to what you can do. Explore our online

graduate engineering degree programs at Case Western Reserve University to get started

improving the world around you today.

Chapter: 5

Machine design: Majority of mechanical engineering design involves extensive

calculations and a number of non linear, non-differentiable and multi variable objective

functions. Metaheuristic algorithms can be effectively applied to arrive at the best solutions

in an engineering design. In this research work, an attempt has been made

to obtain optimum solutions of spur and helical and two-speed gearbox design

problems. The same objective function and constraints are considered for the

above problems. Various design variables are available for a gear pair and gearbox

design. The power and weight have been considered as objective functions and

bending stress, compressive stress, gear ratio, numbers of teeth in pinion, center

distance between shafts and module have been considered as constraints. The new

COF is formulated by normalizing the objective functions.

The optimization technique like SFHM is implemented for all the problems.

SFHM has produced convincing results for the test problems compared with the

traditional trial method. Since gear is the key machine element in almost all

machines optimization of gear pairs and gear box gains importance. This work is a

step forward to achieve the best possible design.

Design engineer: The key to good design is knowing when to apply each of these to

best effect in the design process. As a design engineer, you make use of both creative and

analytical thinking, taking human imagination and creativity and making it a working

reality. An introduction to design engineering. Hopefully your existing ideas of what design

is having been challenged so you now think of design in other ways too. You have seen that

design is more than simply choosing the shape and appearance – it’s a fundamental human

ability to take existing conditions and change them with a clear purpose. Design responds to

real world situations and challenges, most of which are driven by human needs and desires.

These design drivers are major factors in motivating designers but designing for humans is

still unquestionably a difficult task. You have also been introduced to some numerical

methods that can be applied in design, showing that it’s not only creative thinking that’s

necessary – good analytical thinking is needed too. The key to good design is knowing

when to apply each of these to best effect in the design process. As a design engineer, you

make use of both creative and analytical thinking, taking human imagination and creativity

and making it a working reality.


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