Problem 2, May 2019: 1 G (T) 1 G (T) 1 G (T) G (T)

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Problem 2, May 2019

A digital communications system uses the following signals:

The channel just introduces AWGN

• Determine the size of the constellation and the signal subspace dimension

g0(t) g1(t) g2(t) g3(t) M = 4 (choices of

waveform to be
1 1 1 transmitted)
0 2T/3 0 0
T T/3 T T/3 2T/3 T T N = 3 (g2(t) cannot
be written as a linear
combination of g0(t)
-2 -2 -2 and g1(t))
Problem 2, May 2019

g0(t) g1(t) g2(t) g3(t)

1 1 1
0 2T/3 0 0
T T/3 T T/3 2T/3 T T

-2 -2 -2

• Propose an orthonormal basis for the subspace spanned by those signals

Gram-Schmidt is not always the easiest solution. Give it a second thought!!

0(t) 1(t) 2(t)

T/3 T/3 2T/3 2T/3 T

Problem 2, May 2019

g0(t) g1(t) g2(t) g3(t)

0(t) 1(t) 2(t)
1 1 1

0 2T/3 0 0
T T/3 T T/32T/3T T T/3 T/3 2T/3 2T/3 T

-2 -2 -2

• Calculate the coordinates of the signals as a function of the basis derived in the previous bullet
Problem 2, May 2019

g0(t) g1(t) g2(t) g3(t)

0(t) 1(t) 2(t)
1 1 1

0 2T/3 0 0
T T/3 T T/32T/3T T T/3 T/3 2T/3 2T/3 T

-2 -2 -2

• Assuming equally likely symbols, calculate the average symbol energy

Problem 2, May 2019

g0(t) g1(t) g2(t) g3(t)

0(t) 1(t) 2(t)
1 1 1

0 2T/3 0 0
T T/3 T T/32T/3T T T/3 T/3 2T/3 2T/3 T

-2 -2 -2

• Assuming equally likely symbols, approximate the symbol error probability of the MAP detector as a
function of
First, we compute the distance between symbols
Problem 2, May 2019

g0(t) g1(t) g2(t) g3(t)

0(t) 1(t) 2(t)
1 1 1

0 2T/3 0 0
T T/3 T T/32T/3T T T/3 T/3 2T/3 2T/3 T

-2 -2 -2

• In order to improve performance, the previous set of signals is translated. Explain what a translation
means in this context. Which translation would you use? Why?
Same distance, different energy
The energy is minimized is the shift is
Assuming equally likely symbols:
h0(t) h1(t) h2(t) h3(t)
1 1 1 1

0 2T/3 0 0
T T T/3 T T T

-2 -2 -2
Problem 2, May 2019

g0(t) g1(t) g2(t) g3(t)

0(t) 1(t) 2(t)
1 1 1

0 2T/3 0 0
T T/3 T T/32T/3T T T/3 T/3 2T/3 2T/3 T

-2 -2 -2

• Is it possible to find a Gray coding for this constellation? If this is the case, assign a binary tuplet to
each symbol

Gray coding symbols at minimum distance coding, at Hamming distance 1. BUT, in this case
and log2(M) = 2 (at most, only 2 symbols at Hamming distance 1)
Problem 2, May 2019

At the receiver of this communications system there is an LNA followed by a mixer (the latter is a passive
• Knowing that the noise figure of the LNA is 0.6 dB, its gain 8 dB, the noise equivalent bandwidth is 2
MHz, the input SNR is 13 dB, and the input noise temperature is 320 K, calculate the output SNR
Te: effective noise temperature T: input noise temperature

T0: 290K

• Considering the data of the previous bullet and that the mixer introduces a loss of 4 dB, calculate the
noise figure of the system

The mixer is a passive device, so its noise figure is the loss, i.e., 4 dB

By using Friis
Problem 2, May 2019

• Compare the result of the previous bullet with a system where both devices are swapped (first we pass
the signal through the mixer, and its output is amplified by the LNA)

By using Friis
Problem 3, May 2019
A communications system is used to transmit an audio signal. Specifically, the signal is sampled at 48
ksamples/s with 16 bits per sample.

• What is the bandwidth of the antialiasing filter before the ADC?

The bandwidth must be smaller than or equal to one half of 48 kHz, i.e., 24 kHz.

• Can that filter be implemented in Matlab? If so, provide the required instructions

NO!! This is an analog filter, as it filters the signal before the ADC; consequently, it cannot be
implemented in Matlab

Due to electromagnetic coupling, the sampled signal has an interference of 100 Hz bandwidth centered at
15 kHz

• Can we implement in Matlab a rejection filter for the aforementioned interference (being aware that it
will probably distort the audio signal) that introduces a delay no larger than 1 ms? If so, provide the
required instructions

Maximum delay: 1 ms/ Ts = (1 ms)(48 kHz) = 48 samples, so the order of the filter must be smaller
than or equal to 96
Problem 3, May 2019
The output of the interference rejecting filter goes through a source encoder of rate 25/2, and a channel
encoder of rate 3/4

• Determine the binary rate at the output of the channel encoder

• If a QPSK constellation is used, determine the minimum RF bandwidth required to transmit the signal
without producing ISI

• Let’s use the constellation of the previous bullet, and assume that the transmit pulse is the square root
raised cosine, and the assigned bandwidth in RF is 50 kHz. Determine the maximum feasible value of
the roll-off parameter

• Let’s now consider a 16-QAM. Considering the transmit pulse and bandwidth mentioned in the previous
bullet, determine the maximum value of the roll-off parameter that can be used
Problem 3, May 2019

Let’s asume again that a QPSK constellation is used, and the channel noise is AWGN with PSD N0/2 W/Hz

• q(t) is a waveform known to meet the Nyquist criterion. The transmit pulse is g(t), with Fourier
transform G(f) = Q(f)0.65. Determine the receive filter to be used in order to avoid ISI

Possible solution:

• Does the filter derived in the previous step maximize the SNR at its output?

In presence of white noise the SNR is maximized by the matched filter,

which in general is not equal to

• After synchronization recovery there is a residual frequency error of 500 Hz, and .
Provide an approximation of the symbol error probability

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