Kuppili Manasa Emp ID 2048602

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NAME : Kuppili Manasa EMP ID: 2048602 TCS mail : m.kuppili1@tcs.

SL. NO Course ID Course Name Completion Date Score
1 65584 Anti Bribery and Corruption Policy 7/11/2021 0
2 49975 Safety First 7/11/2021 0
3 43893 Information Security Awerness-Training 7/7/2021 0
4 7408 Information Security Awerness- Quiz 7/8/2021 84
5 48765 Environmental Policy 7/8/2021 86
6 8159 Fire Safety Awerness Policy 7/8/2021 85
7 46816 Business Ethics In TCS 7/8/2021 80
8 48518 Diversity and Inclusion _LCS_WBT 7/9/2021 85
9 16208 Software Security Awerness 7/11/2021 0
10 67539 Intellectual Property Rights 7/12/2021 80
11 50103 BFSI CBO - Compliance Risk Management 7/12/2021 86
12 21939 Tata Code of Conduct Awerness and Allegiance 7/10/2021 92
13 2735 POSH (Prevention of Sexual Harassment) 7/10/2021 85
14 64091 Process : Data Privcay_WBT 7/10/2021 75
15 5244 Occupational Health and Safety Policy 7/11/2021 100
16 55220 Process: GDPR_WBT 7/11/2021 80
17 50313 TCS-IQMS Training Policy 7/11/2021 85
18 3308 US Mortgage Primer (E0) 7/13/2021 0
19 4774 US Regulatory Compliance 7/13/2021 97.37
20 56031 Agile E0 7/12/2021 90

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