Minor Project Name ID:: Final Submission THE REPORT: Krunal Patel: 217732504

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Minor Project: Final Submission THE REPORT

NAME: Krunal Patel ID: 217732504

The mini project is about automatic watering the plant, and also its about how to learn to connect the
Arduino and JAVA and how can we give send command form JAVA to Arduino and vice versa. Why it is
so important to learn how to watering the plants automatically because this thing is very having many
applications form our engineering to agricultural field and so it is very necessary for any engineering to
know how it works. So, for automatic watering plant I only used Arduino to make it, so system measure
the moisture and starts pump and stops pump accordingly the moisture level of the sand, also you can
see how Arduino responds when command given form JAVA.

The following things my system does;

➢ Using Arduino, the system measures the moisture value of sand with the help of moisture
sensor and if the sensor finds the sand too dry then the pump automatically switches On
and with that the REDLED also glows up and starts giving water and once the sand gets
moist the pump automatically switches Off and so as REDLED stops glowing.
➢ Also, the command form JAVA send to Arduino it responds, there is a slider and button pop
up in computer and when you move the slider in JAVA the you can see in OLED the number
increases and decreases as the slider moves right and light respectively and when the slider
moves to the max right then the REDLED glows up and in OLED you can see that it says
“max”, so this is how the Arduino responds when command form JAVA send. For all this
➢ Also, you can see the moisture sensor value graph continuously shown in Laptop screen.
➢ For the JAVA files which are used to show how’s the Arduino responds when command from
JAVA is send also for getting the moisture value graph the API is such as JavaFX and





Alligator wires
➢ ARDUINO/ Grove Beginner Kit.
➢ Laptop and USB cable, USB cable use to connect the Arduino to laptop.
➢ MOSFET, Moisture sensor and wires to connect them to Arduino.
➢ Batteries and alligator wires.
➢ FOUR AA BATTERIES AND one 9V battery both batteries are connected in series through alligator
wires for more voltage output.
➢ PUMP, tube and container. The pump can put in that container full of water.
➢ Plant / container full of sand.

As the few last’s labs are so much related to the stuff of Mini Project, so I had a look at that and have
some inspiration and some codes to make this mini project. So, for the automatic watering to plant I
only used Arduino to make it, I have set the moisture level as 730 so if the moisture sensor keeps
measuring the moisture of sand and if the value of moisture is greater than 730 than the pump will
switch On automatically and also the REDLED glows on and if the moisture value is less than 730 then
pump will switch Off automatically and REDLED stops glowing. For this I used if and Else statement.

For the SLIDER and Button I used JAVAFX and jSerialComm, as I run the Arduino and JAVA you can see
the window pop up and in which button and slider is there , as you move slider form left to right you can
see the Arduino board responses through OLED in OLED you can see the number increases and
decreases as you move the slider form right to left , and when you take the slider at the max right side in
OLED you can see instead of numbers it shows “max” and at same time the REDLED glows and that’s
how Arduino response in when command form JAVA send. Also, the when u pressed the button then
the Pump will start running and when u released the button the pump will stop running.

For the moisture value graph when u run the Arduino and JAVA, you can see the graph window pop us
and it constantly shows the value of moisture as a Graph. The Graph moves accordingly the moisture
value if the sand is dry than the moisture value will be around 700 and if the sand is moist than the value
will be around 500.

For automatically watering the plant you can see the REDLED glows up as the moisture value is >730 and
pump will start and REDLED will stop glowing as the moisture value is <730 and pump will stops running.
For response of Arduino from JAVA command, when u move slider, you can see in OLED the number
increases and decreases accordingly and when u move the slider at max right than in OLED you can see
‘max’ and also at the same time the OLED shows ‘max’ the REDLED glows up, and for moisture value
graph you can see the window pops up and you can see the graph showing constantly moisture value of

I had an idea to do much more things than I did but the main thing I want to do is that to make all this
program stuff in one JAVA file and one Arduino file. Next time I will try to do things more better way ,
and learned lots of lessons and this course and mini project make me more interested in sensors and
Arduino so I future I will try to DIG in more.
So, as we seen how the system works and how does the automatic watering plant work and how the
java and Arduino can work together for such wonder results.

- To setup java codes you can see how I submitted that as the main files and other Java files
and Arduino files
- As per report, for PART A – just Arduino file name: Mini_Project_A_Arduinofile
- For Part B (a, b,c) for Arduino file name : Mini_Project_B(a,b)_Arduinofile and
for JAVA file MAIN file name as MAIN_B(a,b) and for part B ( c) Arduino file name ,
Mini_Projet_B(c ) and for JAVA MAIN_ B (c ) , and DATA CONTROLLER FOR part B(C ),. THE
SerialPortservice and Controller files are both common for both B(a,b) and B( c ).

So for part A you just need to run the Arduino name MINI_Project_A, for automatically watering the
plant , If you want to set up the part B ( a,b,c) there is two Arduino and 2 JAVA files , say if u want to see
the slider and button you need to set up Arduino file name Mini_Projet_B(a,b) and for JAVA you need
one MAIN file name , MAIN_B(a,b) and you will need one SerialPortService and one Controller to run
java ,to see the graph of moisture value, for part B ( c) you need to set up Arduino file name
Mini_Project_B(c ) , and for JAVA u need one MAIN file name MAIN_B(c ) and one DataController, one
Controller and one SerialPortService.

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