True or False: Section - A

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Section –A

1. Fill in the blanks:

1) ______ Shortcut key is used to create Company in Tally

2) Debuctor will issues certificate of TDS in _______ to the deductee.

3) Recognisation of expenses in the same period as associated revenue is known as_______


4) Closing Stock appears is _______ Balance Sheet.

5) Rates and Taxes Comes under _______ group in tally.

1. The Item Bank account is a Fixed Asset.
2. On Payment of Salary to employee salary account is debited.
3. Revenue is said to be earned only when cash is received.
4. 30 groups are pre defined in Tally
5. We can create multiple users in tally activating use security control.

Section –B
1. Explain different types of reports produce in tally?

2. I) What are Direct and Indirect tax

ii) Write Short Notes on GST and TDS

3. Write the steps of create, delete, and restore the company in tally?

4. Write shortcut keys of the following in tally

a) To select the Payment vouchers
b) To select the Purchase vouchers
c) To delete a vouchers

5. Match the Following

a) Book of Final Entry i) F9
b) GST ii) Maintained by bank
c) Purchase Vouchers iii) Tax
d) Journal iv) Ledger
e) Pass book v) Book of original entry

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