Do It NOW Habit Program Day # 2 - : Illusion - Fear of Success

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Do It NOW Habit Program

Day # 2 -
Illusion - Fear of Success defines success as a “favorable or prosperous
outcome.” Almost everyone wants success, though many people do
not want what comes with it – responsibility. Remember, Hyde hates
responsibility, so in the past Hyde fought you all along your road to

Illusion Breaker # 1: Success does not come alone, it is married

to responsibility. Because Hyde works unconsciously, he’s fighting
in the shadows against responsibility. Consciously we all want
success; unconsciously, to avoid responsibility, Hyde was
sabotaging the process with perfectionism, pessimism, defeatism
and delayism and sometimes Hyde even induced anxiety to create

Illusion Breaker # 2: Success is hard to achieve. Wrong! Success is

easy to achieve. Once Hyde is managed it’s easy to become
successful because Jekyll can then easily do what he needs to do to
create prosperity and success for you.

Consider this, you already know what you need to do to create

success, right? Prospect, have a prospecting system, do your
business plan, get organized, follow up, do research, etc. Without
perfectionism, pessimism, defeatism and delayism all this would be
easy to do, would it not? Of course it would be easy and pretty much
automatic behavior. So, let’s get Hyde under management and let
the positive behavior happen on auto-pilot. You already want to do
the positive behaviors and as you now realize the illusion was not
that you didn’t want to do them; it was that Hyde was making them
hard and unappealing. Without Hyde they come naturally.

AFFIRMATION: “The more I manage ______ (Hyde), the easier

success comes to me.”

You may also have some potential unconscious negative beliefs

about success, specifically; some people feel that they do not
deserve it because they will:

 Have more work to do

 Less time with the family

 Less fun

 People will hold them to a higher standard

 It’s too much pressure, etc.

If you thought any of this in the past, remember, beliefs are learned
and they are subjective. The more you talk to yourself about what
you do want, the more of that you’ll unconsciously program it into
yourself and the more of it you will create, automatically.

Remember, almost all thoughts are a habit. Some of your old habits
were Hyde driven, so learn to manage Hyde and let Jekyll drive.

Here’s an idea. Stop thinking in terms of deserving or any of the

other things above, now start thinking in terms of simply
allowing it into your life.

“I deserve, invite and allow success into my life.” “I deserve, invite

and allow success into my life.” “I deserve, invite and allow success
into my life.” Imagine it as so.

Exercise #2 – Where did you learn the illusionary of fear of

Explore three past situations that were successful but they created
problems for you. (More work, more time away, more stress, etc.)
These can come from any area of life. The only rule is that these
three experiences must be ones where you considered the outcome
a success. The earliest you can remember, the last and most recent
and one somewhere in between.

Notice every detail of the situation, who was there, how you felt,
what happened, what other people said to you, what you said to
yourself, etc. Notice that you didn’t even consciously choose your
thoughts. They just popped up – from Hyde.

Notice from your earliest experience. You might have been 10 years
old or 12 or so on. This is where you “learned” to believe that
undesired things go with success. EG: You could have gotten an A in
class and then your parents said, “You got an A, great, now you will
have to study even harder to keep it up.” < - Hyde blew a gasket
when he heard that.

Also notice these past experiences are no longer relevant, things

have changed, people and life have moved on, what once was
important is not anymore.

You learned to fear success and avoid responsibility. Just as you

learned it, you’re now ‘un learning’ it. In the past, in your earliest
experiences you didn’t know that you had the ability to think
otherwise and make other choices of thought – now you know. So,
you can now realize that the irrational fear of success was created
by faulty thinking and it no longer serves you.


EXPERIENCES DOWN. (You do not need to write War and Peace. Just
clearly identify the experiences and associated feelings.)

Go to your journal and write these down now.

Write at the top of the Page: Day #2 – Where I learned the illusionary
fear of success:

Experience 1

Experience 2

Experience 3

Notice how the past fear of success and responsibility made you
“feel” and where you felt it in your body. Now, very quickly imagine
you take an eraser and you erase the feelings from head to toe.
Imagine your future free of this former illusion.

If in the future you find yourself in a fearful situation regarding

success and and in particular what people think of you, here is how
to eliminate that feeling:

1) FIRST, literally ask yourself, “Am I seeking, approval, security or

control?” (All three of these together or individually create and feed
the fear. All three are the biggest traps that we fall into. Know your
traps, recognize your traps and you’ll free yourself from the traps!)

2) NEXT, Ask yourself, “Could I let this feeling go?”

3) NEXT, Ask yourself, “Would I let this feeling go?”

4) NEXT, Ask yourself, “When will I let this go?”

If NOW, take a deep breath and as you exhale imagine you are
letting the feeling go as you feel it leave your body as you exhale.
Literally imagine you move it out of your body.

5) Imagine some time in the future where you are performing the
activity without fear and with complete confidence.

Day #2 is finished.

If you do not write this down NOW, Hyde is tugging at you.

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