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groupadd dba
useradd -g dba -d /home/oracle -m oracle
mkdir /u01/oracle
mkdir /u01/oraInventory
chown -R oracle:dba /u01/oracle
chmod -R 775 /u01/oracle
chmod -R 777 /etc/oraInst.loc
chmod -R 777 /u01/oraInventory

vi /etc/oraInst.loc
save and exit

Display is not set. Set the Display environment variable and restart.
Export DISPLAY=[your IP]: 1.0
E.g: export DISPLAY=

select name from V$SERVICES;

select name from V$ACTIVE_SERVICES;
select * from global_name;
show parameter service_name
select sys_context('userenv','service_name') from dual;
select value from v$parameter where name like '%service_name%';
select SERVICE_NAME from gv$session where sid in (
select sid from V$MYSTAT)

root # vncserver

rman clonning

rman target /
RMAN> backup database plus archivelog
1) Create an Oracle password file for your ORCL database.
orapwd file=orapworcl password=oracle entries=10
cp orapworcl orapworcaux
2)On orcl database, start listener and configure tnsnames.ora from auxiliary
instance to orcl instance.
$ export TNS_ADMIN=$HOME/network
$ lsnrctl start lis_orcl
3) Create an initialization parameter file for the auxiliary instance from orcl
sqlplus / as sysdba
create pfile='$HOME/initAUX.ora' from spfile;
4) Edit the initAUX.ora initialization parameter file to make the followingchanges
for the auxiliary instance:
-> remove lines starting with *.__
-> db_name='orcaux'
-> *.db_recovery_file_dest='/disk3/oradata/orcaux'
-> *.control_files='/disk1/oradata/orcaux/control.ctl'
-> *.diagnostic_dest='/disk3/oradata/orcaux'
Add the following parameters:
5) Create necessary directories as specified in parameter file.
$ mkdir -p /disk1/oradata/orcaux
$ mkdir -p /disk2/oradata/orcaux
$ mkdir -p /disk3/oradata/orcaux
6) Start the auxiliary instance in NOMOUNT mode using the initAUX.ora file.
sqlplus / as sysdba
startup nomount pfile='$HOME/initorcaux.ora'
SQL> create spfile from pfile='$HOME/initorcaux.ora';
7) Verify that your target database (orcl database) is mounted or open.
export ORACLE_SID=orcl
SQL> select open_mode from v$database; ( it should show you read write )
8) On Auxiliary, Start RMAN with a connection to the target database (orcl).
$ rman target sys/oracle1@orcl auxiliary sys/oracle
9) Create the duplicate database by executing the DUPLICATE command.
RMAN> run {
allocate auxiliary channel aux1 device type disk;AKSWAVE Oracle Trainings Page99
duplicate target database to orcaux;
10) After the DUPLICATE DATABASE operation completes, exit from RMAN.
sqlplus / as sysdba
select name from v$database;

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