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My name is Luke. My favourite hobby is photography. When I have time I take my camera
and take lots of pictures. I photograph the world around me. I take photos when I’m at my
grandparents’. They live in the country, near the forest and have a big garden. It’s an ideal place for
me. I get up in the morning and go to the garden or the forest. Sometimes I encounter some
animals. I try to take a picture of them. At home, my Dad helps me to chose the best photos. I send
them to magazines. I won a photo competition once. I’ve got a beautiful album called “wonders of
the World”. Dad says we are going to our grandparents’ for the weekend. I can’t wait! I will be able
to take lots and lots of photos.
I also like both computer games and board games. We have one computer at home but
sometimes Dad brings home his laptop and we can play a network game.
My favourite computer games are strategy, sport and adventure games. I got my first computer two
or three years ago and my first game was FIFA 2003. This is a game where you play different
football teams. It was great. My favourite adventure game is Broken Sword III. As for strategy
games, I like Command Conquer best.
Sometimes I have enough of my computers. But I have my board games. I can play
Monopoly or Scrabble with Dad or Mum. I also have Trivia quizzes or the Millionaire. These re my
favourite games that have cards with lots of questions about sport, people and the world around us.
They are great!
When I’m outside with my friends we also play certain games. Not the silly games for little
children, like hide-and-seek or piggy-in-the middle, but more serious things. We play pirates, who
fight with each other to get the treasure or the Lord of Ring – I like to be Aragon best. And of course
there is nothing better than good game of football played with your friends!
From: Kompedium Szóstoklasisty, Papilon

1. Match the halves to make phrases. 2. Read and decide TRUE or FALSE

1. board ……… a. a game 1. His favourite hobby is playing games. ……..

2. hide …….. b. enough of sth 2. His grandparents live in the village. ……..

3.piggy ……… c. team 3. He took part in a competition. …….. ……… d. around us 4. He doesn’t like board games. ……..

5. have ………. e. other 5. They have two computers at home. ……..

6. three ……… f. and seek 6. He is never bored with computer games. ….. ……… g. course 7. He likes playing hide-and–seek. …….. ……… h. in-the- middle 8. He play pirates with his parents. ……..

9.each ……… i. game 9. He enjoys being Aragon. ……..

10.of ……… j. years ago 10. He doesn’t like playing football. ……..

3. What are the games / plays ? Choose and write.

........................... ........................... ........................... ...........................

........................... ........................... ........................... ...........................

domino / swing / fly a kite / skip rope

/ blind’s man buff/ build sandcastles / jigsaw/ slide

4 . Read the text again and write about your hobbies/interests & favourite


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