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Opening and background of the study method to make a descriptive analysis through questionnaire and

Thus, this study is aimed:
The honorable examiners, good morning. Allow me to introduce 1. To find out how debate being perceived by the students in
myself my name is Andini Amaylia Putri from English education enhancing speaking fluency.
program 2016. First thing first, I would like to say thank you for 2. To find out how debate help students in enhancing
the opportunities that has been given to me to present my final speaking fluency.
assignment with a title “EFL STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION ON
THE USE OF DEBATE IN SPEAKING CLASSROOM”. Moving on to the research methodology of this study,

Without any further do, I’d like to start the presentation with the Research design
background of this study. Indonesian EFL learners have been
studying English for several years, but when it comes to speaking, This is a descriptive qualitative study which employs survey and
they did not seem to have developed good fluency, they were interview as instrument to collect the data. This study used the
passive in speaking especially if the teacher asked them about their convenience sampling as the source of the data. The data were
opinion and responding on another’s opinion because they didn’t presented in the form of descriptive analysis. To commence the
know how to deliver their opinion or their arguments. (Desita, study, the researcher distributed the questionnaire to a speaking
classroom in one university in Bandung.
Supardi, & Suhartono, 2017). This all has something to do with
their speaking fluency, speaking fluency is defined as the use of Site and participants
language quickly and confidently, with limited hesitations and
unnatural pauses. The lack of speaking fluency tends to make This study focused on one speaking classroom which had
communication unsuccessful because sometimes the recipient does sixteen students with a same major. This class was chosen because
not understand the message since the interaction is interrupted by a the students had already experienced English debate when they
lot pauses and hesitations. were in the fifth semester. The number of respondents for each
instruments (questionnaire and interviews) are different, as for the
Additionally, speaking fluency become a goal for EFL language questionnaire there are ten respondents meanwhile for the
learner (Yang, 2014). However, Indonesian EFL learners are interview there are five respondents.
mostly still have difficulty in the communicative interaction
(Marzuki, M., Prayogo, J. A., & Wahyudi, A, 2016). The students Data collection
were trying to speak but then got stuck in the middle because they
cannot deliver their ideas easily in English; in consequence, they Due to the global pandemic covid-19, the researcher
chose to use their native language to continue delivering their ideas could not collect the data directly. Hence, the researcher
(Juhana, 2012). distributed the questionnaire to the students by using the Google
form. The questionnaire was adapted from (Wulandari, 2017). It
In researcher’s point of view, this is when fluency is needed. was distributed in one section, the researcher used ten close-ended
Even when learners having hard time to deliver their ideas while statements in which the students had to choose whether they agree,
speaking, they can still speak the sentence with some fluency strongly agree, disagree and strongly disagree based on their
(Crowther et al., 2015). However, in developing fluency, there experience on using debate as a technique, whether it is affecting
must be a supporting activity which has some specific feature such their speaking fluency or not. The likert scale was used to measure
as: the activities should focus on meaning, it should contain respondent’s answers.
students’ previous activity and should be challenging for students. As for the interview, the researcher decided to use it as
By challenging meaning the activity should triggers students’ hard a second tool to further analyze the respondents’ answers in the
work, it can be obtained through arranging limited time and questionnaire to get a clear opinion or information and to avoid
pressure (Nation & Newton, 2009). Those characteristics are exists misunderstanding. Furthermore, the researcher obtained the data
in debate. Therefore, applying debate as a technique in enhancing from the interview by using voice note. Meanwhile for the
students’ speaking fluency might help the students in giving interview the researcher used question list as a guideline to keep
response to another’s’ opinion (Desita et al., 2017) the plot of the interview still on track (it can be seen in the
Debate is an effective pedagogical technique because of the
level of responsibility for learning and active involvement by all Data analysis
students (Othman, 2013). Thus, it could be one of the ways to help
students in enhancing their speaking fluency. The focus of this For the questionnaire, the researcher analyzed the data
study mainly on the use of debate in enhancing students speaking by checking the respondents’ answer one by one. The researcher
fluency and how it is being perceived by the students in speaking figured out how many students chose the four options (agrees,
classroom most of the previous studies focused on the strongly agree, disagree and strongly disagree) to illustrate how
implementation of debate in Senior High School level. In this debate affecting their speaking fluency. Therefore, the researcher
study, the researcher chose to further investigate students’ analyzed the respondents’ answer by using (Wulandari, 2017)
perception toward the use of debate in EFL speaking classroom. questionnaire formula. Then, the researcher made a description
analysis based on each statement from the questionnaire after
It is important to investigate students’ perceptions in order calculating the percentage results.
to make an improvement in the selected learning method. Thus,
this research is expected to find out university students’ In addition, the researcher used interview to further
perceptions toward the use of debate and how much it helps their investigate the respondents’ answers from the questionnaire to get
speaking fluency. After investigating the students’ perceptions, the a clear opinion or information of the students’ perception. The
adjustment can be made in order to contribute to make an interview consists of nine open-ended questions. The data from the
improvement on students’ speaking ability. This study used survey interview will be analyzed and transcribed to describe the findings.
The researcher used voice note to obtain the data and saving them
in order to make a transcript and using a question list as a guideline their perspectives regarding to a problem. That is what makes
to keep the plot of the interview still on track. them even more hesitant to express their opinion. Through
debate, they have the opportunity to practice their speaking
Finding and results fluency. Especially, in a formal context that needs a proper
The findings from questionnaire and interview indicated preparation because it is different from a casual conversation
that students have positive, negative and neutral perception about which can happen anytime. In debate, the students felt that their
the use of debate. This can be seen from the students’ response to personal opinions are needed. They are required to stand firm to
the questionnaire as followed: their opinion regardless of their fear that their opinion is not
going to make any changes. Also, they have to deliver their
Positive perception opinions out loud in front of others. Those things helped the
students to share their opinion verbally without worrying about
These are the questionnaire results of the students’ perception on other things but their opinion.
the use of debate. By looking at the data results, the researcher can
conclude that the debate could be one of the effective ways to 4.2.2 Debate helps students to overcome their anxiety
enhance speaking fluency This is also supported by the results of
the interview in which the respondents said that debate could be
one of the effective ways to enhance speaking fluency. However,
Some students said they had several problems that
some of them argued that debate is not the only way to enhance
can influenced their speaking fluency, one of them is speaking
speaking skills, especially fluency. There are many other methods
anxiety. They are worried about making errors, especially
other than debate, but what makes debate meaningful to them is
grammatical errors. Whenever students felt anxious, the things
through debate they can practice speaking skills in a formal
that they are going to say cannot be accepted well (Agustina,
situation. As one of the student said:
2019). Actually, anxiety is not a new thing in EFL students’
context, some EFL students are feel extremely anxious because
they found it quite difficult to control their nerves, those facts are
Negative perception clearly affecting their speaking performance and the outcomes
are very often becomes a mess (Jennings & Greenberg, 2009.
Meanwhile these are the negative perception from the use of Through debate, some of the students said it helping them to
debate in speaking classroom, the respondents said that they felt control their anxiety because there are few practices before the
nervous, clueless and uninterested because they know nothing debate began. At that time, they learnt to deliver their arguments
about debate. One respondent mentioned that she just barely knew in front of their team mates which have a good impact for their
that there were so many rules in debate and she did not expect that. anxiety problem. They are getting used to that kind of activity so
Besides, they also said that they were not good at speaking; this when the time has come for them to speak in front of the class as
caused them to learn even harder in order to cope up with others in their team’s representative, they can overcome their anxiety
debate problem slowly but surely.

Moreover, two respondents stated that the difficulty of practicing 4.2.3 Debate improves students’ confidence
the debate lies in preparing the data and the arguments related to
the topic. Even when the lecturer gave them some times to look for
some supporting data, sometimes, they felt that it is still not other problem that they found whenever they have to speak in
enough. front of other people is the lack of confidence. During the debate
preparation, a change has happened to their confidence. After
One of them added the fact that they found it hard to decides the several practices with their team mates, they began to felt a sense
first, second and third speakers. On the other hand, some students of confidence because they can deliver the arguments to their
argued that the main problem is still on their speaking skills as one friends and the responses that they got is quite satisfying. So,
of the students claimed they began to think that it is okay to be confident and just deliver
their arguments, thoughts or ideas in front of others because their
Neutral friends won’t judge them even when sometimes they made a
mistakes. Students will gain confident if they are managed to
The findings from questionnaire and interview indicated that there handle various communication situations that they might
is a neutral perception. There are some students who toughts that encountered anytime.
they did not have any problem with their speaking ability. Also,
most of them argued that speaking is not the hardest one among the 4.2.4 Debate makes students prepare speech systematically
four main skills of English. This can be seen from the students’
response to the questionnaire as follows

This is also supported by the results of the interview. The responses from the interview section showed
There is a respondent who said that after she has experienced the that debate also helped the students to make an outlines before
debate, one thing that changes is not her speaking ability, but her speaking. As the fact that speaker could generate their ideas by
confidence. start writing an outline (Nicholls, 1990). Some of the students
argued that they need to prepare an accurate data to support
How debate helps enhance speaking fluency their arguments. They cannot just talk without serving the
evidence towards their arguments. If they are doing that, it
opens a huge chance for the opposite team to attack their team.
Debate helps the students in expressing their Therefore, the students wrote an outline to help them in
personal opinion verbally delivering their arguments comfortably. They also made some
points to signify the man idea of their arguments. The students
The majority of the students said they could not
believed that by showing some data to the audience it can make
speak fluently due to the lack of opportunity for them to speak
them agreed on their team’s arguments. With an outline, they
English outside of the class. Sometimes, the students are afraid
if their opinion is not very helpful whenever someone asked
get a support system to speak fluently in front of others without
any fear.


The main purpose of this study is to find out EFL students’

perception whether debate helps them in enhancing their speaking
fluency or not. This study suggests that debate can be conducted in
a speaking class as an alternative to enhance EFL students’
speaking fluency. This activity offers some benefits such as:
helping the students in expressing their personal opinion verbally,
reducing speaking anxiety, improving confidence and makes
students prepare speech systematically. Besides, having students
debate on certain topic indirectly leads them to improve their
questioning, predicting, analyzing, evaluating and forming
opinions skills, those skills are includes in critical thinking (Fisher,
2005). This is in line with the demand of the 21 st century
education, where students are expected to have critical thinking
skills as well as communication, collaboration, and creativity
(Stauffer, 2020).

Furthermore, the result of this study showed that the

students believed through debate, they can improve their speaking
fluency as the majority of the students shared the same opinion
about this. After experiencing the debate, some students claimed
that it can help them in overcoming their anxiety, nervousness and
the lack of confidence in speaking. Based on students’ perception,
they are agreed with the thoughts that debate can help them in
enhancing their speaking fluency. Even though there are lots of
other methods that might also works to enhance speaking fluency,
they said that debate is one of those methods.

Moreover, debate has taught them to speak with an evidence

to support their argument. They cannot speak anything without a
supporting data to strengthen their arguments. This also teaches
them to become a good speaker who speaks with a strong
foundation. Not a speaker who speaks whatever they want without
considering the responsibility behind every word that they said.

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