Campus Placement Policy

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For the students of full–time Post Graduate courses of WeSchool

Version 1.4
Date: 12th October 2018

1. Pre-Placement Process
2. Selection Process
3. Post-Placement Process
4. Other Guidelines

Pre-Placement Process

 Advanced mentoring of students:

The institute takes great effort to guide and coach students as a prelude to preparing for the
special requirement that arise during executive placement process. We have found out that even
the best of students need these inputs to be effective. We have also observed that many students
who do not expose themselves to these inputs find it difficult to get good packages and getting
placed, thus spoiling the institute’s name and repute in the market. It is essential that the
students participate in such preparatory activities. If students do not participate, we will take it as
a statement that they are not interested in the way the institute organizes campus placements.
They will be barred from the campus placement process. This needs to be clearly
understood. Preparatory activities include but not limited to the following –
 Grooming Sessions: Aptitude tests, Mock Interviews and GDs
 Pre Placement Talk & Placement Process (On campus / Off campus)
 Guest Sessions by Corporates, WeSchool Alumni and faculty
 Resume writing guidance

 Timeliness
The Career Management Cell (CMC) @ WeSchool fixes the time for the pre-placement talks
and other interactive events relating to placements, keeping in mind the Institute’s academic
calendar and convenience of the participating companies. Timings are communicated to all
concerned Placement secretaries and Deputy Placement secretaries and Deans well in
advance. Students failing to be on time for any such interactions shall be disallowed from
further process with that company.

 Attendance at company Pre-Placement Talk (PPT)

Pre-Placement Talks are meant to be an interactive session between the company and the
students. Hence, all students interested in a company and future employment opportunities
therein, should be present for the company’s PPT.
1. Schedule for Company PPT: Students should be ready to attend at short notice.
2. Interested students MUST register for the PPT themselves, in person through
elearn. No proxy registration shall be allowed.
3. Thereafter, applications shall be considered only from amongst those students who
have attended the company PPT. Students who have not attended the company
PPT will not be eligible to apply to the company.
4. Students prior to attending the PPT should go through the website and read about
the Company details and interact with the company executives with knowledge and

 Application to company
Having attended the company PPT, students interested in applying to the company must do so
within the stipulated application period. Late applications shall not be accepted by the CMC.
Only those students who have applied to the company through CMC would be eligible for the
company’s selection process. Students who have given their names for the PPT are not
allowed to back out from the PPT. However in the event of the company sharing the profile
details on the day of selection and/ or changes the profile requirements, you may be
permitted to drop out of the further process.
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 Application to multiple companies
A student can apply to any number of companies through CMC. However any student who has
exceeded and failed to get through 8 final interviews, the student will be under scrutiny and
the call lies with the Institute’s discretion whether to permit the student to sit for further

Once the student has received a job offer from Campus he cannot apply to any further
companies on Campus.

Selection Process

 Responding to a Job Offer

The first offer made by a company to the student for executive placements shall be accepted
by the student immediately. The acceptance shall not be altered at a future date.
A student who does not accept the employment offer made by a company or who had initially
accepted a job offer later refuses the same stands to be disqualified for further campus
placement processes. The Institute views such behavior extremely seriously as it adversely
affects the candidature of other deserving students and also the Institute’s reputation.

Students are not permitted to negotiate any terms and conditions with the company
representatives, including change of Job Role, CTC and location post their selection
with a particular company.

 Negotiation with the company

Under no circumstances the student is allowed to negotiate salary, job location, profile or any
other service condition with the company, in cases where the company has announced the
pay package that would be offered to students (Prior to the selection process). Any concern /
expectations of a student should be communicated, prior to the process, to the CMC
representative only and CMC will act appropriately.

 Missed Interviews
A student missing scheduled interviews and/or group discussions or any part of a company’s
selection process, stands to miss out on the further process with that company. The student
shall be asked to write a letter of apology to the CMC and could be barred from the campus
placement process.

Post- Placement Process

 Employment Formalities
Selected students shall go through all employment formalities, as outlined by the company.
This could include medical tests, visits to the company, verification of past and present
academic records/certificates and other prescribed formalities. The Company makes the offer
to the student subject to the student completing the course successfully and receiving the
Graduation Certificate.

No student shall decline a job offer after having already signed and accepted it. Last minute
intimation to CMC is also not appreciated in such an event. The Institute will take strict action
in such cases and debar the student from further participation in placements through campus.

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Offer Letters
Students shall coordinate with the CMC for their offer letters sent by the companies.
It is common for companies to send the offer letters to the Institute, several months after
placements. Students must be patient and be in touch with the CMC for the same.

Offer letter once received must be uploaded on elearn duly signed by the student.

Any discrepancy in the offer letter vis-à-vis what was communicated earlier, the student must
bring this to the notice of CMC representative. CMC will intervene in such cases and take
appropriate action.

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Other Guidelines

 Code of conduct
Students are expected to behave in a dignified and professional manner, in all their
interactions with the company. This refers to the overall conduct and includes attendance,
dress code, body language and verbal as well as non-verbal communication.
Students shall not coordinate directly with the company, unless specifically asked to do so. All
queries shall be routed through the CMC.
Serious Action would be taken against students found using unsolicited language during the
Campus Placement process.

 Dress code
Students must be dressed in business formals at all times, for any interaction with the
company during the placement process and any event / conferences / corporate visits etc.
This includes: business suits for either gender or sarees/ western formals for ladies. In the
event of students being poorly dressed/turning out inappropriately groomed, CMC reserves
the right to pull the students out of the campus placement process. Clean shaven or well-
groomed beard is a must for the male candidate ( unshaven is not acceptable as beard).

 Timelines for Joining

Students selected by companies shall join the company only on the successful completion of
their course at WeSchool – i.e. in the month of June, in the subsequent year. Students shall
therefore not be permitted to miss lectures in order to commence their employment with the
company – full time or part time. In the event of starting the employment earlier than June
students should seek prior permission from CMC.

 Withdrawal Notice from Campus Placement Process

Students, who do not wish to be part of the campus placement process, shall inform the CMC,
at the beginning of the Placement Season. This enables the CMC and the student council to
work in a more focused manner, towards placements only for the interested students.
- The student shall submit an opt out form in hard copy; personally signed, in the prescribed
format available with the CMC latest by 14th September 2018.

 All the above procedures are also applicable in the case of International Placements as well.

I have read the contents of the document and abide by the above.

Prof Vijayan Pankajakshan Mr. Ramesh Kharwa

Dean HR & Head Industry Interface Head Career Management Cell

WeSchool WeSchool

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