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Quianzon, Mc Dominic V.

July 13, 2021


1. You are 30 minutes into a job interview for your dream job—one where your college
education and experience could really be applied. So far everything is going well.
Then, the interviewer asks you to write down your Facebook user name and
password so she can do further research after the formal interview is over. What
would you do?

- I will not give such information even if it means to be a requirement for my

dream job due to the fact that information are very personal and the company
could use my account in such unpleasant manner. RA 10173 also known as
Data Privacy Act is a law that seeks to protect all forms of information, be it
private, personal or sensitive. I also think that requiring my password for
further research is a bit too much for a formal interview.

2. A coworker who is a recruiter told you that she is going to drop a job candidate
because she feels that he is totally irresponsible. She found out through research on
Facebook that the candidate married and divorced his high school sweetheart
before graduating from college and once had his car repossessed. What would you
say to your coworker about this?

- I would say to my co-worker that judging the person from its social
appearance is just like judging the book by its cover. I would recommend my
co-worker to conduct a formal interview in order to further evaluate and
analyze the person, who is a job candidate, if he is really dedicated to the job
that he is applying to. We may not know that this job is his field of expertise
and this might be his way of redemption from his mistakes in order to have a
better life.

3. You are surprised to receive Facebook and LinkedIn friend requests from one of
your neighbors in the apartment building that you moved into last weekend. You
know nothing about the individual and are really not interested in being friends. Your
first reaction is to ignore the requests, but you are concerned that you will keep
running into the person around your apartment complex and that the situation could
become awkward. What would you do?

- Personally, I would still accept his/her friend requests on those social media
platforms even if I am not interested in being friends due to the fact if there
would be an emergency in our apartment, I could contact him/her
immediately. If he /her seeing my posts on those platforms is a concern, I
could easily change my settings and set it him/her to not see my posts. If
he/she attempted to make a conversation with me on social media platforms,
I could just leave it because I am not interested to be friends with him/her and
in that way, the situation would not be that too awkward if we run by into
person. These actions of mine are all due to personal preferences and it
should be respected because this is my right.

4. You have just received a second invitation to join John’s friend list. You met John
three weeks ago at a group study session prior to last semester’s Calculus II finals.
He came across as very quiet and sort of strange. You did nothing to encourage his
attention, but now you keep running into him at the oddest places and strangest
times—at the self-service car wash, the 24-hour gym at 1:00 a.m., and the bakery at
7:00 a.m. He always flashes you a smile but has nothing to say. You think you’ve
caught him taking snapshots of you a couple of times with his cell phone. He is
starting to creep you out. What would you do?

- I would confront him to ask what his deal with me. Stalking is a crime and it is
considered as violence. In our country, House bill no. 5781 or The Safe
Streets and Public Spaces Act is a law that protects the citizens from
catcallers and stalkers and the violators will receive punishments. I would ask
John what his intentions because maybe he just wanted to become friends
with me because of our interaction during Calculus II but he does not know
what approach he will do. Still, I would take in consideration this law just in
case he is a creep and barge into my personal space.

5. A friend of yours has asked you to help him and a group of three or four others shoot
a video and upload it to YouTube. The subject of the video is “Happenings at Work,”
and it will include several vignettes about funny incidents at work. What would you

- I will help them to shoot the video but in order to include several vignettes, I
would ask permission for those people who would likely to be involved in
those funny incidents in order for them to be aware that they are counted in
the project that we will be making. Their permission is required because it is
part of their rights and they have the opportunity to decline if they do not want
to be involved in the video. In this way, we could make a legal video that has
substance and unique content without violating the rights of others.

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