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UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS UNIVERSITEITSEKSAMENS, Duration 2 Hours EXAMINERS. FIRST ‘SECOND ~— UNISA lezen ICT2622 October/November 2018 Object-Oriented Analysis 75. Marks MR LS NXUMALO OR S SINGH Closed book examination ‘This examination question paper remains the property of the University of South Africa and may not be removed from the examination venue ‘Ths exammation paper consists of 8 pages and a total of 8 questions: INSTRUCTIONS: Ensure that the question paper you have recetved consists of all 8 questions ‘Answer all questions on the answer book that you have received Indicate the quastion number you are answerng on the answer book clearly Ensure that you fil n the correct module code and your student number on the answer book * ALL THE BEST “** [ruRN ovER] 2 ier2s22 October/November 2018 Question 1 (61 The system development lite cycle (SDLC) 1s a framework that identies all the activites required to research, build, deploy, and often mamntain an information system What are the six core pracesses required in the development of any information system through the SDLC? Question 2 fo) What is the difference between agile de lopment and iterative development? ‘Question 3 (8) Stakeholders are a primary source of information dunng the system requrements phase (A) Name, and (B) bnefly doscribe the four (4) diferent types of stakeholders Question 4 5) We Sell Cars (http Ifwww wesellcars co za!) 1s a popular South African used “car supermarket” Potential buyers can browse for vehicles of their desinng and ultimately choose to ouy that vehicle which satisties thatr crtena Consider yourself a potential buyer and then identify at Iist five (5) use cases included on such a website that corresponds to your purchasing goals Question 5 119) Consider the following scenano In an online shopping system, a customer can placé many orders (or none at al) Each order 's placed by one customer and contains at least ane order item For example, a single order ‘might include order tems sucti as a bag of potatoes, a box of lomatoes and a bag of onvons, and each of these order lems is associated with the order The atinbutes of a customer are customer number, customer name, oiling address & contact number, an order cludes order 10, order date & order amount, and each order item has item IO, quantity & pnce Draw a simple entty-relationship dtagram (ERD) for this scenario, showing all the attabutes, key wentifers and ‘cardinalty where necessary Question 6 05) Considar the following narrate The School of Computing at the University of South Alnca (UNISA) has introduced @ new Master's programme which requires that student applicants undergo an internew with the Head of School before an official offer to study can be extended These intervews are scheduled sellin advance by the Schoot’s administrative assistant, and in some cases, thera are certain requirements that the student applicant must attend fo prior to the mterview After the interwew, the student applicant wil just wat for the notice of acceptance i ever he/she has been accepted imo the Master's programme Develop a complete use case description far this narrative (TURN OVER tora622 October/November 2018 Question 7 (14) Consider the following narrative ‘Motila Shack 1s a mobila phone rental company based in Maseru, Lesotho They have an information system for keeping track of their mobile phones, which has a main concrete entity class called MobilePhone It has three attnbutes that are prvate stnngs with ritial NULL values The attnbute international Mobile Equipment identity (IME) has the property of key” The other attnbutes are the manufacturer of the celular /mobie phone (for example Samsung Electrons) and the model of the celular phone (for example J6) There 1s also an integer class-level atinbute containng the total count of all mobile phone objects thet have been instantiated MobiePhone methods include creating a now mstance, updating the ‘manufacturer, updating the model, and gettng the mobile phone information (+e IMET, ‘manufacturer and model) There 1s 2 class-level method for getting the count of all mobile phones Draw a unied modeling language (UML) design class that shaws the above information for the MobilePhone class Question & 12) ‘The untied process (UP) 1s an object-onented system development methodology that uses the unified modeling language (UML) for system models and describes a new, adaptive system development ite cycle Tabulate the four (4) UP phases and their objectives © UNISA 2018

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