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“Together we can be one JFINEX”


TERM: A.Y. 2021-2022


Posting of JFINEX Official Basta L.A.S.E. Together we can be one JFINEX!
campaign FB Page/ #LASEvotestraight
posters Officers` FB #USJRJFINEXHalalan2021
Accounts Raise your voice, Make a choice
Your Vote is your voice

12:00 Changing of JFINEX Official Pics in poster shall be utilized with caption:
NN Profile FB Page/ *your life motto/inspirational quote that reflects you as a person
picture with Officers` FB * I am Name, year level, degree program ang inyong (Insert intro in vid) running as your (Position)
frames Accounts for AY 2021-2022.
*Basta (name), (adjective)
* Basta L.A.S.E. Together we can be one JFINEX!
*Make creative hashtag with your name
June 12
Busa ayaw kalimti sa petsa 18, #LASEvotestraight #USJRJFINEXHalalan2021
Your Vote is your voice!

“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” —George Addair
I am MARIANNE RIKKI RODRIGO, 3rd year BSBA FM ang inyong kikay chuchu ng Talisay running as your
JFINEX PRESIDENT for AY 2021-2022.
Basta MARIANNE, kanunay kang AMPINGAN!
Basta L.A.S.E. Together we can be one JFINEX!
Busa ayaw kalimti sa petsa 18, #LASEvotestraight #USJRJFINEXHalalan2021
Your Vote is your voice!
“Together we can be one JFINEX”

6:00 Inviting all Officers` FB Caption: Good noon Josenian Junior Executives! You may show your support to the running officers
PM JFINEX Accounts for A.Y 2021-2022 by using the frames. Please check the caption for the link
members to
use the Variation 1: USJR JFINEX Halalan 2021 (Gray)
Halalan 2021 Variation 2: USJR JFINEX Halalan 2021

Basta L.A.S.E. Together we can be one JFINEX!

Your Vote is your voice

12:00 JFINEX Official

NN 2-minute FB Page/ Basta L.A.S.E. Together we can be one JFINEX!
campaign vid Officers` FB #LASEvotestraight
Accounts #USJRJFINEXHalalan2021
June 13
Platforms JFINEX Official
6:00 EXECOM FB Page/ Basta L.A.S.E. Together we can be one JFINEX!
PM Campaign Officers` FB #LASEvotestraight
Platforms Accounts #USJRJFINEXHalalan2021
June 14 WHOLE GC JFINEX Subject Reshare the link of the Officers` campaign poster to the FM GCs that you belong to
DAY Campaigning GCs NOTE: if naay running mate nana belong sa same GC kay please have an interval in messaging so as
to give time for the audience to read the previous message
Caption: Good(morning/afternoon) sa tanan! Ako si (NAME & year level) ang (INTRODUCTION)
running as your (POSITION)
*Basta (name), (adjective)
* Basta L.A.S.E. Together we can be one JFINEX!
“Together we can be one JFINEX”

*Make creative hashtag with your name

Be ONE with us through our platforms check the link to know more: (Insert link here)
Busa ayaw kalimti sa petsa 18, #LASEvotestraight #USJRJFINEXHalalan2021
Your Vote is your voice!
“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” —George Addair
Good(morning/afternoon) sa tanan! Ako si MARIANNE RIKKI RODRIGO, 3rd year BSBA FM ang
I am ang inyong kikay chuchu ng Talisay running as your JFINEX PRESIDENT for AY 2021-2022.

Basta MARIANNE, kanunay kang AMPINGAN!

Basta L.A.S.E. Together we can be one JFINEX!
Be ONE with us through our platforms check the link to know more: (Insert link here)
Busa ayaw kalimti sa petsa 18, #LASEvotestraight #USJRJFINEXHalalan2021
Your Vote is your voice!


Basta L.A.S.E. Together we can be one JFINEX!
Halalan FB Page/
2021 Teaser Officers` FB #USJRJFINEXHalalan2021
WHOLE GC JFINEX Year Reshare the link of the Officers` campaign poster to the FM GCs that you belong to
DAY Campaigning Level GCs NOTE: if naay running mate nana belong sa same GC kay please have an interval in messaging so as
to give time for the audience to read the previous message
June Caption: Good(morning/afternoon) sa tanan! Ako si (NAME & year level) ang (INTRODUCTION)
15 running as your (POSITION)
*Basta (name), (adjective)
* Basta L.A.S.E. Together we can be one JFINEX!
*Make creative hashtag with your name
Be ONE with us through our platforms check the link to know more: (Insert link here)
Busa ayaw kalimti sa petsa 18, #LASEvotestraight #USJRJFINEXHalalan2021
Your Vote is your voice!
“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” —George Addair
“Together we can be one JFINEX”

Good(morning/afternoon) sa tanan! Ako si MARIANNE RIKKI RODRIGO, 3rd year BSBA FM ang
I am ang inyong kikay chuchu ng Talisay running as your JFINEX PRESIDENT for AY 2021-2022.

Basta MARIANNE, kanunay kang AMPINGAN!

Basta L.A.S.E. Together we can be one JFINEX!
Be ONE with us through our platforms check the link to know more: (Insert link here)
Busa ayaw kalimti sa petsa 18, #LASEvotestraight #USJRJFINEXHalalan2021
Your Vote is your voice!

Resharing of Officers` FB CAPTION: ayaw kalimti sa petsa 18, #LASEvotestraight #USJRJFINEXHalalan2021

June WHOLE posted Accounts/ Your Vote is your voice!
15 DAY pubmats JFINEX GCs
“Together we can be one JFINEX”

Below is the official list of candidates under L.A.S.E (Leadership for All, Service for Everyone) Party for the JFINEX USJR Chapter elections to take
place on June 18, 2021.

TERM: A.Y. 2021-2022

Marianne Rikki M. Rodrigo President
Philip John Ollada VP-Internal
Kyren Mandado VP-External
Ronna Mae Dungog Secretary
Wencer Acompañado Asst. Secretary
Hannah Medico Treasurer
Vannessa Campo Asst. Treasurer
Ma. Philothea Patagoc Auditor
Fatima Ecojedo Director of Talents
Director of Graphics and Design
Director of Sports
Media Liaison - 1
Media Liaison - 2
Ways and Means - 1
Ways and Means - 2

Candidates enlisted were able to file and submit their Certificate of Candidacy on/before the deadline set by the election committee.

This list may be used for whatever purpose NOT against the provisions stipulated under RA 10173 (Data Privacy Act of 2012).
“Together we can be one JFINEX”

TERM: A.Y. 2021-2022

Umbrella Platform: “We unite as one, love and care for everyone.”
 JFINEX HOTLINE (by Marianne Rodrigo - President)
Enables members to connect with their officers by allowing them to address their concerns through the officers` social media
accounts in a specified consulting hours. This will help in decongesting the messages in the JFINEX Facebook page and shall
reduce the circumstances of unaddressed queries. This should also reduce the waiting period and prevent back logs of queries.

 JFINEX PARANGAL (by Marianne Rodrigo - President)

An initiative especially made to give back to the officers and advisers for their efforts in providing a quality service that the
Josenian Junior Executives Deserve.

 JFINEX INTERSCHOOL COLLABORATION (by Philip John Ollada - VP-Internal and Kyren Mandado - VP-External)
The inter-school collaboration is an initiative which aids in developing the belongingness and experience as a collective JFINEX
community by establishing different activities such as inter-school competitions and by building partnerships through reaching
out with the different schools and/or universities having the same organization under the degree program of BSBA-Financial
Possible activities may include but not limited to:
 Quiz bowls
 Video Challenges
 Contests
“Together we can be one JFINEX”

 E-PASSBOOK (c/ o Philip John Ollada - VP-Internal)

The Electronic Passbook is planned and designed to consolidate the attendances of the JFINEX members of the different
future organizational events, which is to be integrated in a single document or file for the ease of access of the members.
At the same time, this will lessen the burden of the secretary and assistant secretary in reproducing certificates for the
members every after the commencement of the activities.

 EDUWEBINAR SERIES (by Hannah Medico - Treasurer)

A series of webinars about the possible side hustle in the corporate world. Webinars that teach students how their extra
funds in the future can be used or can grow. Furthermore, there are many ways to discover on how to grow your money.
These webinars will expand the knowledge of JFINEX Community because as a finance student we should be an expert in
the field of money system and how money really works in the real world.

A virtual gathering for students and leaders that aims to provide an avenue for us to learn from experts on a given topic
through series of webinars that could help us widen our knowledge in investments and seek and weigh options for financial

 JFINEX LEAGUE (by Hannah Medico - Treasurer)

An activity that hone the skills and strategy of the JFINEX community. This is a fun activity where they can join and showcase
what they can do. Corporate world is a competitive place, we want to let them experience how competition feels like and how
fulfilling it is to win in every battle.

This league is composed of the following activities:

 Battle of the Traders
 E-sports – Mobile Legends
(There can be more activities in line with this, as of now we have come up with two)
“Together we can be one JFINEX”

 FACEBOOK GROUP PAGE FOR JFINEX MEMBERS (by Vanessa Campo - Asst. Treasurer)
This different Facebook page will assist JFINEX with regards to having a smooth participation measure and membership process.
Since this is made only to cater to those individuals who want to become a member of the organization.
Community groups such as these Facebook Pages provide a comfortable place like home in which people with the same interest
can build and connect with one another.
 It is inclusive for JFINEX Member's ONLY
 Each year level will have its own page titled
- THE 1st year JFINEX ELITE MEMBERS (for first year FM students)
- The 2nd year JFINEX ELITE MEMBERS (for second year FM students)
- The 3rd year JFINEX ELITE MEMBERS (for third year FM students)
- The 4th year JFINEX ELITE MEMBERS (for fourth year FM students)
Writing is some sort of therapy, where we can express what we feel. The best thing about songwriting is that it can’t be taught;
only learned. In other words, the only way to become really good at it is to teach yourself how to be the best version of the artist
you already are. In this competition, JFINEX members are bound to be discovered towards their skills in songwriting.


JFINEX members are going to create an original or copy someone using the tiktok application. The members can use songs or
dialogue of their own choice. That’s why it is hash tagged as #PAUSO because we’ll never know, your challenge will be a trend
“Together we can be one JFINEX”


 JFINEX ONLINE TINDAHAN (c/o Ronna Mae Dungog - Secretary)

The JFINEX officers will conduct a live online selling featuring preloved goods and chattels like clothes, household products,
personal items, etc. The funds gathered will be used to support for a social cause or any needed JFINEX events who will need for
a financial support.

A platform initiative wherein the ways and means of the organization are highly encouraged to get sponsors through online as
much as possible for all JFINEX events.

A platform initiative wherein it will serve as a donation drive through series of events such as JFINEX secret letters, JFINEX
livestreams, and more activities.

“Together we can be one JFINEX”

 JFINEXhibit Center (Ronna Mae Dungog – Secretary)

Aren`t you tired dwelling on your comfort zone? Well it`s time to get out on your shell now. Unleashed yourself by exhibiting your
feelings, thoughts, imaginations and your potentials. The JFINEXhibit Center will be an avenue for you to showcase your capabilities and
will help you released from stress and pressures from your day to day activity. We`ll help you unwind for a cause since this will also lead
you to find your real selves and discover what you can do more. Furthermore, the JFINEXhibit Center will not only boost your self-
esteem but will also help you to be more interactive.
We are here to guide you, help you for the betterment of yourselves and Ladies and Gentlemen take this reminder that in the battle of
life, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. The JFINEXhibit Center will be your COMPANION!
JFINEXhibit Center Programs/Services

 JFINEXhibit Talents
Be bold and unfold your hidden talents. It will help you to cultivate your skills and It will serve as your room for
improvement. This will be a workshop opportunity and a scouting avenue for JFINEX pacontest events.

 JFINEXhibit Arts
Arts is our companion in life. We somehow rely on arts if we want to express ourselves may it be through writing,
painting, drawing or crafting. Thus, let`s exhibit our artworks with this platform. There`s nothing wrong by sharing
it with the JFINEX Community it might be a way to find the comfort that you`re seeking for plus an approach also
to inspire others. There will be an arts exhibit program every end of our academic term and your artwork might
be the chosen one.

 JFINEXhibit Thoughts
“Together we can be one JFINEX”

Do you have a suffocating feeling inside you and you have no one to talk to? Well this will serve as a platform for
you to convey your thoughts may it be your personal matters in school, in your love life to your untold feeling to
your crushes, partners or exes or may it be in your private life. We will lend our ears and will give you advices
coming from the JFINEX community. And rest assured that we will always protect your confidentiality.

 JFINEXhibit Wall
If you have concerns may it be in your evaluation or enrollment process, then free to post it on our wall. The
JFINEX officers will help you address your needs. Furthermore, your suggestions, and any creative ideas for our
organization will be greatly welcomed and appreciated. If you have some, then free to post it we`d love to hear
your ideas. Moreover, this will also be the platform for announcements, posting of concerns and so on. We will
help you keep updated!

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