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Monologue 6

I haven’t lived here for very long. People still call me the “new one”. The “stranger” or
“vreemdeling”. I still don’t really belong, but Uncle Harry from the shop across the road did call me
Jason(/Mary) the other day.

My name isn’t Jason (/Mary), it’s John (/Melissa). But still it was nice. I greeted back. He waved…
now he thinks that’s my name.


Nobody really knows my life, how tough it is out here. I have a younger sister. She calls me Dad
(/Mom) sometimes. Probably because her real daddy (/mommy) isn’t worth that title.

But it’s fine. It’s all good. Because at the end of this tunnel, there’s a light. A glimmer of something
new and exciting. And even if I should never reach it, or reach it only in my dreams. The hope is still

And soon I won’t be “vreemdeling” anymore… I’ll belong… I’ll exist.

Even if it is with a name like Jason (/Mary).

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