Capstone Project First Quarter: Week 1

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First Quarter: Week 1

Name: R JAY F. TORRES Grade Level: 12

Section: AMPERE Date:


Introduction to Capstone Project

Background Information:
A capstone project is a multifaceted assignment that serves as a culminating
academic and intellectual experience for students typically during their final year of high
school. It is also called a capstone experience, culminating project, or senior exhibition,
among many other terms. While similar in some ways to a college thesis, capstone
projects may take a wide variety of forms and requires different intellectual activities.
Most capstone projects are investigative projects that culminate in a final product,
presentation, or performance (Education Reform, 2016).
For the course of Capstone Project under the STEM strand,students will
ultimately prepare a scientific report/paper that involves a scientific, technological or
mathematical problem. A scientific problem is a question that you have that can be
answered via an experiment. Scientific problems are usually based on observation of
scientific phenomena. performing an experiment. (Designing Experiments, 2004). If the
problem is a scientific problem, then it needs a scientific experiment to perform to find
the answer to the problem (Idetifying a Scientific Problem, 2020).
On the otherhand, a technological problem involves an application of science
used to solve problems, and a mathematical problem is a problem that is amenable to
being represented, analyzed, and possibly solved, with the methods of mathematics.
Eventually, students will present/defend their paper in a forum.

Learning Competency with code

Identify a scientific problem or question (STEM_RP12-IIa-e-1)

Activity 1: Which of the following are good scientific method questions? Put a YES
next to questions that are good scientific method questions and a NO next to
those that are not. If it is not a scientific question, rewrite the question to make
it a good scientific question/problem.
NO 1. What is the best color in the world?
Revised Question: How many people likes color red in the world?
YES 2. Will using or not using fertilizer help a plant grow better?
Revised Question:
YES 3. Do athletes run faster with or without vitamins?
Revised Question:
NO 4. How fast can humans run?
Revised Question: How many kilometers can humans run?
YES 5. Can a specific plant extract potentially kill the bacteria E. coli?
Revised Question:

Activity 2: Below are examples of research titles in Capstone Project. Identify each title
if it concerns with a scientific, technological or engeeniring/mathematical problem.
scientific 1. Antioxidant Property of Areca Nut Extract as an Eco - friendly Anti -
Corrosion Spray
scientific 2. Bioconversion of Food Waste (Potato Peels and Calamansi Peels) to
Eco - Paper
technological 3. Student Grading And Management System Of Angeles City
Science Senior High School
engeeniring/mathematical 4. Power Step: Converting Kinetic Energy from
Staircases into Electrical Energy
engeeniring/mathematical 5. Self - Sustaining Earthquake Alarm Using Laser
and Light Dependent Resistor
technological 6. eBin: An Arduino Automated Device
scientific 7. The Use of Pomacea canaliculata as an Alternative Main Ingredients for
technological 8. School Internal Debit Card System
technological 9. Chroma: A Proposed Alternative Assistive Device for Colorblind
People using Arduino Due
scientific 10. Shrimp(Litopenaeus Vannamei) Skin as an Alternative Hydrogel
wound Dressing for Cuts
Activity 3: Look for an example of good scientific method question/research titles in the
internet for each category. Then, write your sources in APA format.
I. Scientific Problem/Title
Testing the Efficacy of the Antimicrobial Activity of Niacinamide (Derivative form of Vitamin B3)
against Propionibacterium acnes
J., Turk, Acad Dermatol. (2008)

II. Technological Problem/Title

Outdoor Solar Air Purifier with Air Quality Monitor System in Prevention for Orthocoronavirinae
(COVID-19) Disease

Source: Ham, Seunghon. (2020).

III. Engeeniring/Mathematical Problem/Title

Theft Detection using GSM Technology
Source: P. Satya, Ravi Teja. (2015).

Put a tick (/) mark in the box, which corresponds to how well you learned the
Question Agree extra
1. I know what a Capstone Project is.
2. I know the nature of a scientific problem.
3. I can tell whether a given research title /
concerns a scientific, technological or
mathematical problem
4. I can identify scientific problem or question.

Education Reform (2016). Retrieved from
Designing Experiments (2004). Retrieved from
Idetifying a Scientific Problem(2020). Retrieved from
Answer Key
Activity 1:
1. No; Revised question may vary
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. No; Revised question may vary
5. Yes

Activity 2:
1. Scientific;
2. Scientific;
3. Technological;
4. Engeeniring/Mathematical;
5. Engeeniring/Mathematical;
6. Technological;
7. Scientific;
8. Technological;
9. Technological;
10. Scientific

Activity 3:
Answers may vary.



Master Teacher II
Angeles City Science High School (SHS)

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