Prepare For TOEIC Words and Phrases - THAI 990

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Lớp học TOEIC thầy Thái tại số 7 ngõ 47 ngách 22 đường Láng,

phường Ngã Tư Sở, quận Đống Đa, Hà Nội. SĐT: 01656666692

New TOEIC New TOE/C- Tilvlfng

1.General Business Thi.fang mgi t6ng qudt 13

1-1 Contracts Hgpdong TRACK 01 14

1-2 Negotiations Barn phan TRACK 02 19

1-3 Marketing Tiepthi TRACK 03 22
1-4 Sales Ban hang TRACK 04 26
1-5 Conferences H9i ngh! TRACK 05 29
1-6 Business Planning Ke ho~ch kinh doanh TRACK 06 32

2.0ffice Issues Hanh chfnh van phong 37

2-1 Board Meetings Cu9c h9p h•i dong TRACK 07 38
2-2 Committees Uy ban TRACK 08 40
2-3 Communication Thong tin TRACK 09 42
2-4 Furniture & Equipment Thiet bi van phong TRACK 10 46
2-5 Office Procedures Quy trinh van phong TRACK 11 50

3.Personnel Nh{msf/ 55

3-1 Recruiting Tuyend1,mg TRACK 12 56

3-2 Retiring Nghi hliu TRACK 13 58
3-3 Salaries Muc lucmg TRACK 14 60
3-4 Promotions Thang chuc TRACK 15 62
3-5 Job Applications Bon xin vi~c TRACK 16 64

4.Purchasing Muahang 69

4-1 Shopping Muasam TRACK 17 70

4-2 Ordering Supplies B~t hang TRACK 18 73
4-3 Shipping V~n chuyen hang TRACK 19 77
4-4 Invoices H6a don TRACK 20 80

5.Finance and Budgeting Tai chfnh va Ngan sach 85

5-1 Banking Ngan hang TRACK 21 86

Thai's English Class-01656666692


5-2 Investments E)autv TRACK 22 90

5-3 Taxes Thue TRACK 23 95
5-4 Accounting Ketoan TRACK 24 97
5-5 Billing Thanh toan TRACK 25 102

6.Management Issues
6-1 Assembly Lines
Van tie quiin ly
Day chuyen l~p rap TRACK 26
s s
6-2 Oual ity Control
6-3 Management Meetings
Oieu khien chat luqng
Cu(,c h9p quan ly
l a

7 .Restaurants and Events Nha hang va St/ ki~n C 119

7-1 Banquets
7-2 Informal Lunches
Bua trva than m~t
s h TRACK 29
7-3 Receptions
7-4 Reservations
Ti~c chieu dai
O~t cho tn.tac
l i TRACK 31
7-5 Events Sl,lki~n

n g TRACK 33 129

8.Trave l
8-1 Transportation E
Ou lich
Giao thong v~n tai TRACK 34
8-2 Tickets
8-3 Schedules
' s Ve
Lich trlnh

8-4 Stations and Terminals Trc;1m dllng va Ga cuoi TRACK 37 146

T h
9 .Entertainment
9-1 Movies
9-2 Theater
Giai trf

Phim anh
Nha hat
9-3 Music Am nhc;1c TRACK 40 154
9-4 Art Ngh¢ thu~t TRACK 41 158
9-5 Media Truyen thong TRACK 42 161
..... ... "" ... ...........,, .. .
, ,

1O.Health Sackhoe 163

10-1 Medical Insurance Bao hiem yte TRACK 43 164
10-2 At the Doctor's Office Tc;1i phong bac sy TRACK 44 167
10-3 At the Dentist's Office Tc;1i phong nha sy TRACK 45 170
10-4 At the Clinic T~i phong kham TRACK 46 172
10-5 At the Hospital Tc;1i b~nh vi¢n TRACK 47 174
Prep for th~ New TOEIC · 011

New TOEIC Cym tit

Phrases A~E C1,1m tuA~E TRACK 48 180

Phrases F-J C1,1m tu F~J TRACK 49 191
Phrases K-O
Phrases P-T
C1,1m tuP~T

Phrases U-Z C1,1m tuU~Z TRACK 52 213

New TOE IC Phien ban mc'Ji cua mau thit nghi~m TOEIC C
Listening Comprehension Nghe hieu

s h
Part I: Photographs

Part 11: Question and Response

Hlnh anh

H6i va f)ap
l i TRACKS 53-54

TRACKS 55-56

Part 111: Short Conversations

Part IV: Short Talks

n g
Doi tho~i ngan
£)9c tho~i ngan
TRACKS 57-58

TRACKS 59-60

Reading Comprehension
' s
Part V: Incomplete Sentences Hoan thanh cau 242

a i
Part VI: Text Completion Hoan thanh dos1n van

Part VI I: Reading Comprehension f)9c hieu


T h
Answer Key f)ap an
Answer Key oap an 274
Listening Comprehension Transcript
Ban ghi n9i dung Nghe Hieu 275
s s
l a
s h
l i
n g
' s
a i
Th 1-1 Contracts

1-2 Negotiations


1-3 Marketing TRACK 03

1-4 Sales TRACK 04

1-5 Conferences TRACK 05

1-6 Business Planning TRACK 06

l,.. TRACKOl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____.( O,Re1,11ooa1 Words 0-Svnonyn>s &)jA:cr,yms & Conll:&mg \Vo~

acceptance [;:ik'septansJ U.recognition

n. sf! ch{{p nhq,n n. S{f c6ng nfuJn
Now that you have shown your acceptance of our offer, n. S/f tit cho'i
I will prepare the contract for you to sign.
Do 6ng chip nh~n d<m c1~t hang cua chung toi, t6i
v. d6ng y, chap nhq.n
se chu~fo bi hQ'p d6ng di 6ng ky.
~ Giili thich: acceptance trong thitcmg mc;d c6 rhi dung di
s s
chl "h6a c1dn, hay chring ta giao c6 dam bao thanh toan".

l a
agreement [;:i 'gri:m;)n tl
n. hqp d6ng C
D,compact - treaty
n. hifp uoc, tlu3a ude

The two countries signed a trade agreement.

Hai qu6c gia cta ky m(>t hQ'p dong thLt<Jng m~i. s hC)+agree
v. d6ng y

~ Giili thich: agreement khi mang nghfa "hifp dinh, hifp

uoc" la danh nt de'm du<7c, khi mcmg nghla la ''ct6ng y,
l i
agreemenr chl "hifp djnh rhuong mq.i".
n g
thdng nhtfr" thi lqi fa danh lt'.t khlJng afm du{fc. Trade

amend (;:,'mend]
E & correct
v. silo d6i, hifu chfnh
' s v. hifu chlnh

a i
Can we amend this part of the contract before we sign?
Chung t6i co the SLta c16i m•t phl'ln cua ban hc:,p
adj. c6 tM hifu chinh

T h
d6ng nay trLtoc khi chung t6i ky kh6ng?
n. SI/ sua d6i

amendment [ ~, mendm~nt] & correction - alteration -

n. s'f! srla d6i, SI/ hi?u chinh emandation
n. S{t sita dtli
I have made the amendments you wanted; would you l)+amend
like to sign it now? V. saa tltli, tu chlnh

Toi vLta Lh~rc hi~n nt•l s6 si'ra cldi nhLr 6ng mu6n,
v~y 6ng se ky bay gio cb<r?
• Giai th£ch: amendment tfu,tltng di'm g a€ chl "s(( bd sung
ho(ic site, atfi mqt hiert phap hay mql d{lo luq.t", v[ d1,1,: a
consritutionul amendent la chl "saa dtfi mi)t hien phap ".
Gene,alB"sloess · P"P foe the New lDEIC · 15 j
bind [baindJ f>unbind - unfetter
V. ncJi long, thao ho
v. buqc, b6 buqc, rc'lng buqc
She cannot work for anyone else as she is bound by li),binder
her contract. n. ngtt&i rang but}c
C6 {(y kh6ng LhE lam vi{!c cho nguai khac bcti v1
c6 1-y bf rang bu<)c b6'i hcJp d6ng cua c6.
❖ Giiii thich: khi bind c6 ngh'fa "bif.t bu{)c, rang bu{)c",
tlnrcmg dung hinh tMc bi d911g dwzg "be bound". Thi qua s s
kM va qua kha phan ri:t c1Ja "bind" lit "bound".

l a
binding r'bainditJJ
adj. rang buqc
adj. khong rlmg bu{)c

The contract is legally binding.

HQ'p d6ng nay la rang bu<)c h<.1p phap. s
h bind
v. b6 buqc

❖ Gidi tliich: khi binding Iii. m{)r danh ri:t, co rhi chl
"bia sach, keo, cha't d(m, day but}c, mie'ng n~p ... ". l i &.abiding
adj. keo dai

n g
breach [bri: tJl
E & infraction - violation

n., v. SI! vi plu:im, vi ph~m

' s n. Sft pha viJ,
0,.break - violate - infringe
SI/ vi ph{lm

If you raise the price, that will be a breach of our
contract. v. pha viJ, vi phQm
Neu 6ng tang gia ca l~n th1 se vi phq.m hqp • nonviolation - observance 0

c16ng ct'1a chung ta.

❖ Gidi thlch: breach of sth bilu thi "vi ph~m vi~ c
gt do", vf dt,t: breach of w1 agreement (vi phg.m hi~p
n. Slf 1u/in tlnl

r>fol low - obey- observe

v. lam iheo, tutin theo
irac), breach of etiquerte (vi phr;m1 rhutln phong my
....... -'~_c.>:. .~.'. ~~~-!~. ?!::.':~~~. (~1.~.!.~~~}:::......... ····•·....... ····· ............................................................................... ,................
clause lkb:zJ .& O,.commerce clause
tliiu khoiin thuong mr;,i ll1
n. tli&u khoan . C

I want a clause put in the contract that says I wil l • penalty clause zrn

also get 5 percent of the profits. di€u khodn b<Ji thui'lng U>
Toi mu6n trong hqp d6ng nay c6 t1i€u khoan C,.saving clause ?;
rhng t6i cling se nMn c1uqc 5% lqi nhu~n. diiu kho&n tie'r ki~m z
❖ Gidi thich: Trong ngl7 phdp, clause c6 nghia G'>
la m/nh di, v[ dt,t: main clause (mjnh d€ chfrzh),
relative clause (mfnh ct€ quan M), subordinate
clause (minh d§ phi, tlw~c). ..
, 6_ · r_RA
__ _ c_
Ko_1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___J Q-Relalloo31 l'l<lfds l)+ Sy1100yms G-Anlonyms & Confusing W0<ds )....__ _

contractual [k::m ' trrektJu~l] ti)>contractual obligation

adj. biing h<!p c16ng Sff quy djnh theo h(Jp d8ng

We have a contractual agreement. n., v. lu;p d6ng
Toi co m•t thoa thu~n bang hQ'p a6ng. Q,tcontractually
adv. tw:tn theo h<Jp d6ng

s s
l a
currently [' kArnntlil
adv. hifn tt;t.i, hitn. thoi

now - presently -
right now - at present
hifn tqi, ngay bay giiJ
We are currently tied to another contract, but that will
end early next year.
s h G)+current
adj. hif n tqi
Hi~n c~i chung t6i bi rang bu•c b&i hQ'p d6ng kbac,
nlntng n6 se k~t thuc vao c1~u nam sau.
l i
n g
obligate ['ubltgeul
E & force - constrain
v. bdt buqc
' s v. bift buqc, ep buqc

a i
You are obligated to buy our products for the next three n. nghTa V{t
& obligatory

Anh phai c6 ngh1a V\l mua san phim ciia ch(mg
trong khoang 3 nam t<JL

<¢- Gidi thich: mciu cau thuong dung la "be obligate to

adj. bdt buqc, citiJng che'

V. ", biiu rhi "c6 nghfa v~ ... ".

obligation [,ubl1 'ge1J(;;i)nl &,commitment - duty-

n.'ia V/:l, btfn phqn, trdch nhifm responsibility
n. nghia VI:', trach nhi/m
According to the contract, you have an obligation to l)tobligate
pay. v. bdt buqc
Theo hQ'p c16ng nay, anh c6 nghia V\l phai thanh
roan .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _G
_ e_ne,al Business • P<ep foc_<_h e New TOEIC · 17 J
oblige (g'blaid3J 0-compel - force
v. bdt buqc, c1c{Jng clzlf
v. bat buqc, cuiJng cht
fJ,+be obliged to
The law obliges people to pay tax.
v. bi buqc phi.ii lam
Lu(H nay bu<)c ngL(oi dan phai n<)p thue'.
-¢- Gidi thicli: oblige cling co the° chl "khien .. . cam
dqng", t/111<'Jng dung qua khlt pMn ttt al bilu thi, vi
dt,t nlu1: much obiged, I am obliged to you, hot;ic la
dung would/ should be obliged di bilu thi, clay alu s s
.......X~ .r1£1il,1:1_~..~~i-~l1 __4.~r1g.c.~.fr1.~.f.~~~!C.: ................ .....................................
l a
party [' pa:t1J
n. ben.
& participant
n. ben tham gia C
Both parties need to sign the contract.
Hai b~n dn ky hop c16ng nay.
s h
0,.third party
ben tlui ba

-¢- Gidi thich: Party ngoai y nghia tren, con co

nghia Id "chfnh cldng, ddng phdi", vi di!: the
l i li),.the guilty party
ben phrpn t()i, hen vi phqm

Democratic Party (Dang Dan cha).

n g
.,, ,

persuasion [p.¥~sweT3(~ )n]

...... ................................................................................... ·············•···..··············································--···············
n. st:1 thuylt ph~c
' s v. thuye't plu,tc
Q;persuasive - convincing -

It took a lot of persuasion to get her to sign. inducing
Phai thuyet plwc nb.i~u c6 a'y m6'i ch[u k:y. adj. mang tinh thuye't pht,tc,
dl tin

T h
•••••• .. ••• ••• "••• .... ••• ••••••••• • .. •t"•••••••••••••••• ••• •••••• • •• •• • ~••• H • ••• ••• .. ••· •• ••• •• •••••• • ••• t • • • • •••• •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• •••• •• •• ••• •• ••• ••••l•"•'"''••I•• •• •• •• •

protect rprn' tektJ Q-protection

n. St! bao v¢
V. bao \lf
The contract protects us both from any
adj. mang rfnh b&o v¢
misunderstandings later.
Hqp cl6ng nay bfo v¢ ca hai chung ta khoi nhCtng S,.protectionism
hi~u lam sau nay. n. clnt nghia bdo v¢
-¢- Giiii thfch: khi protect c6 nghia fa "bao vr, thuiJng
dung miiu cau: protect sbl sth from against srh. Protect
ciing c6 1/id chl "( chfnh phrl) bao 11¢ (tl)i siln drft mt&c) ",
hot;ic "boo hiim cho tai san cua nguiJi new d6 ".
l_ _ 1_B_·_TRA
__ cK_o_1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,( 0,.Relatlooal W0<d, & synonyms 8'1An!Qny,ns G! Confuslno Words Ii..__
satisfy[ 'sretisfaiJ & discharge - fulfill - meet -
lam thoa mtin, dap llng, tuan thu comply (with)
v. lioan thanh, dcip ung,
You must satisfy t he contract. tuan thu
Cac ong phai tuan thu h<Jp d6ng nay. D,breach - break - violate
• Gidi thich: nhilng y thttiJng gijp khdc cua satisfy v. phd viJ, vi phgm
la "khie'n ... hai long, tlu3a miin (k, w;mg, tieu clzu6n),
khie'n ... tin tuong... ".
s s
• • •• <,,O O"U• ••• ·•••• •• •••••••••••• ••·· · . . • •n••••• •••• • •

l a
••• ••·••···•· .. •···••• ••••••• •••• ••• • ..... ... ..... . . _oo oo oo o ' ' ' 000 "'"'''••• • • • • ••••••••• • ••••• .. ·· ·• "• ·•• • •• • •• • •• • ••• •• ·• .. •• • .. , o .. ,o,, Ooo

sign [sain]
v., n. z,...~ z,...~
l'\,y, "'Y
n. chil ky C
We just need to sign the contract now.
B:iy gicJ chung ta chi d.n ky vao h<Jp c16ng nay.
s h
l i
n g
signature L's1gn:JtJaJ
• •••••••• •• ••••u•"••••••••• ••• ••"•••••••• • •••••"•• • ••• • ••• • •• • •••••• ••• ••• • •••••• • •• ••• • •••• ••••••••••-- ••• •• •• •••••• • ••• • • •••• • ••••••"•• ••• •• •• • • •• •••• ••• •• • •• •• ••" • •••• • ••• ••• •• • •• ,O ••

n. cha ky
' s adj., n. thwJc vi chil ky

a i
Please put your signature at t he bottom of the page.
Vui long ky te n ci'1a 6ng & cu6i trang gia'y.

T h
TRACK02 · General Business · Prep for the New TOEIC · 19

accommodate [~ ' kom:;ide1t] G-accommodator

n. nguoi cung dip
v. cung dip
Can you accommodate us with a better offer?
Ong c6 thE cung ca'p cho chung toi v6'i gia rot
{,- Giai thich: m9t nghia khci.c cua "accommodate"
la "cung cap ch6 o", condanh tu "accommodmions"
la chl "ruJi i'I", khi dung vai nghia nay thu<Jng dung s s
vai hinh thuc so' nhiiu.
l a
afford [G ' fo:d]
V. c6 du khd niing, cd gdng C
I don't th i nk we can afford to hire a new
employee until we get more clients.
s h
Tc3i khong nghi chung ta c6 dti kha nang M
tlme nhan c6ng mOi cho d€n khi chung ta co
nhi~u khach hang hO'n.
l i
{,- Giai thich: afford thuong dung chung V<Ji "can,
could, be able to", thu&ng dung trong ctiu phu dtnh
n g
aggressive [:;i 'gresiv]
........~?.f~. ~~~-~~~..~~!.i: ............ . . . .... . . . . . . ,............, . . , ............... . ........... . . .... . ,. . , . . , . . , .,. , ............ ...... ............... , (/)

adj. ddy m<;1,nh, tang ClirJng, xong xao

' s m

New companies have to be aggressive in
promoting their products i n order to break into (')

the market.

Nhung cong ty m6'i phai xong xao trong vi¢c
ba san phim ae xam nMp vao thi

apprehensive frepri' hensivJ & li),apprehension

n. slj lo !dng, lo {iu lD
adj. lo Icing, lo au C

l>apprehensively z
Leslie was a littl e apprehensive about being in adv. m<Jt S</ hai

charge of her first project, but she performed well. ,,,z

Leslie lo lfog nhi~u v~ viec chiu trach nhi~rn z
cho an cHu tien Clla m1nh, nhLfng CC) ay da z
trlnh bay c6t.
20 · TRACK02 ,·
_____________ j l)tRelObonat \Voids 0- S'inooyms Q,Anl!lnyms Clf- ConlJJSlng Wollis , _ __

bargain [' ba:gm] U+haggle

v., n. thuong Lu<7ng, trd gid, SI/ m(i.c cd V. f/,t((f11g h((fng, /rd gia

& buy - steal

They are bargaining over the price right now. n. 111ua. !{(y
Bay gi<'t ho dang tlwc)'ng lLrcJng gia d.
~ Giai tlticlz: "bargain sth" la "diiu (1/nh, trrl gid

la "tlurang il((Jng vrJi nguiJi nao d6 ".

11c'to d6 ", bargain for sth la "di/ tinh ... ", bargain with sb
n. ngtilli mqc cd
Q,i-bargain price
s s
gia ca phai chifng

l a
........... '''' .... '' ................. ' ....' ... ' .. .............................. '' ..... ........ ···· ••·....... ' ..... '' ............ .......... ' . ' .. ' .. ' ........................................ ' ..... .

compromise ['kompr:;,maizl
n., V. nluft tri, thong nh.dt C
The two sides could not reach a compromise, so the
meeting ended without resolving anything.
s h
Hai ben kh6ng the c1~t dL((JC
hqp ke'L 1huc ma chlfa giai quye't cltt(Jc vi~c gl .
sv nhat trf, Vl v~y bu6i
l i
n g
. ..... ' .. '

concede tk:;,n' si:dJ

...' ........ ............... ''' ···~'......................... '' .......... ..·· •·..........' ...' .... ' ............ · •.... ............ ' .... ''' ....................... ' ................., .......

v. th.ita nh(m, nhu<7ng b(J

' s IJtconcess ion
n. S{t nhtl(Jng bf)


project had been a failure. i
After five years, the company had to concede that the adj. nhit<7ng hr)

m•L that b~L

T h
Sau 5 nam, cong ty phai thih nh~n d~r an nay la

...................... ' ....... '.' ...................., ... ............. ' ................................ ''. ---~ ... ................ ', .... ', ........................ '' ......... ..........................
consider [k~m' s1d0J Q+ponder - think about
V. xem xet xem xet, suy 11ghTv€

Would you consider lowering the price? n. S~I xem xef
Anh se xem xet h~) thap gia c.1Lt'Q'C ch(r?
❖ Giii.i thfclz: Sau "consider" phrli la mf)t dQng tit c6 hinh adj. defog xem xet
thilc V-ing.
General Business · Prep for the NewTOEIC · 21

delicately delik~tli] r Q-delicate

adv. m()t each ti nhf adj. te' 11hj, khe o feo I'
0,.delicacy ~Cl
Grant delicately asked Jan about her divorce n. Sf( kheo feo,
because he knew it was a sensitive subject. S{( te' nhj, S~( duyen dang ~
Grant hoi Jan m9t each tE nhj v~ cu<)c l y hon
Cl la c6 5y vi m1h b ie'L <lay la ChLI c1e nh~y cam.
s s
l a
offer I'ufa1
n., V. clJ nght, loi di nghf
f• . propose - suggest
v. di nght C
Is that your final offer? I was hoping you might
lower the price more than that.
s h
& proposal
n. loi cti nghi
f.)6 l~L<.16 nghi cuoi cung ci'1a anh chlta? Toi hy
vong anh c6 th0 h~ thap gia ho-n the.
• Guii thiclz: khi offer him danh tu, ngoai vifc chl
l i
y "cung cap. cho y kie'n" ra, trong gid ca fa chl y
"ra gia ", con special offer co y la "gia cd c1<1c bi~t.
n g
offset [of, set]
~tq~. ~if t "· .................. ..................... .......................................................... ......................... ...........
v. bu cho, bu ddp (thift hqi)
' s n

a i
The losses incurred by the luxury car division in t he
last quarter were offset by t he increase in the sales
of compacts.

T h
Tmng quy cuc1i, sv thua 16 & dong xe heli sang
Lrong c1L(c1c bu mtp b~ng
dong xc h0i nh<'>.
tang doanh so & sv

strong [strn1JJ & forcefu l - decisive

adj. m{tnh adj. m(mh me, quti quye'1
• inconclusive rn
They have a very strong position in the negotiations. adj. khong bao g6m U1
Hq c6 vj the m~nh Lrong cac Cll()C tluictng lL(Q'ng. ~ indecisive
adj. thieu qud quyet
8, ineffective
adj. khong hi~u qud
l. _ 2_2 _• _rRA
_ c_K_oJ_________ ______.( C,. RelaJ1on,1W01d,&Synon: .f),Antonyms9! Coof1£ino IVO!dS l.____
commercial [ka' m:):J(g))l ~ marketable• salable
n., adj. thuqc vi thuang m(li; buo?i phcit thanh, adj. thuqc vi kinh doanh
phat htnh quang cao Q+noncommercial
adj. phi 1/u1ong m(Li
Our new commercial will be shown on TV tonight.
Bu6i phat h.inh quang cao moi Clla chung ta se c1u'Q'C • commerce
tr1nh chieu tr~n TV toi nay.
❖ Giai thich: advertisement (viet tilt la ad, advert) la chl
"qudng cao tren ti vi, phar thanh", phgm vi tU<Yng d6i
n. thuong m{li
s s
..... .:.?.~~--· . . ................. .................. ........ .......... . .... ....... .... . ....... ............
l a
adv. m¢t each c6 l(li

compare [kam'pe~J
v. so sdnh
Qt comparative
adj. tli<Jng clo'i

Customers will always compare your product with those

of other C01!1f.Janies.
s h f> comparatively
adv. mqt each Ming d6i

Khach hang se 1uon so sanh san phim ci'.1a b~n voi

san ph~m ctia nht'i'ng cong ty khac.
l i Q;comparison
n. S{( so sanh

❖ Gidi thicli: mdu cau "compare A with B" la chl "lily A

so wJi B", "compare A to B" la "so sdnh A v6i B".
n g
consume [kan'sju: m]
E C,..consumer n. khach hang,
v. tieu th(l, tieu dung
' s nguai tieu dung
Qiconsumer confidence

a i
What kind of people consume our services?
Nhung ai ti~u clung cljch v1,1 ct"1a chung ra?
niim tin ciia ngucti tieu dung
t,.consumer demand

T h nhu du cua ngUili tieu di'tng

ll),.consumer price index
chl so' gia tieu dung
n. SI/ tieu thf:I,
································································· ............................ .......... ·····•·········•···························································· ···· ····•···········
direct marketing ldr' rektJ [' ma :k1tIIJJ
titp thf tr~(C tiep

Using direct marketing, we were able to advertise our

products to the people most likely to buy them.
B~ng each tiep tbj QVC tie'p, chung ta c6 th~ quang
cao san phd'm cua chung ta den nhung ngLrO'i thfch
mua chung nMfr.
• Gidi thith: con dU(/C gqi la "direct mail" LUC "rhu
qudng cao trJ!c tie'p gi'ti cho ca nhan ".
General Business · Prep for the New TOEIC · 23

direct-response [di ' rekt,rI' spnnsJ -9- Giai tlzich: "direct-response"

cd lien quan. de'n "direc t c;
adj. trd l&i trl:fc tiip 0
marketing", chl each mua ban z
Direct-response advertising is very popular on the tu nit nhdu khdch hang, ta )>
Internet. tn/c titp nhqn du{fc cftu tra Lili, (/)

Quang cao b~ng each tra loi ln/c ti€p ra't ph6 vi df,f,: mua tem, cac kenh ban
biln tr~n Internet. hang, tr(lm Mn hang...

s s z

··•····························································· ··········································· ···························· ........................... ························· ~
distribution Ld1stn ' bj u:J(~)n I
n. S/J phan pho'i
n. slf, lan r<)ng C 0

We are planning for global distribution of our

s h
l)t distribute
v. ph/in phoi, phan phat

Chung toi d\l' djnh phan ph6i san phli'm cua

chung t6i tr~n toan du.
l i l>distributor
n. nha phan phoi

❖ Gidi th{ch: Ngoai y nghia tren, trong tho'ng

ke hqc dm c6 nghia la "phan bo", vi d1,1: normal
n g
distribution le} chl "sl! phan bo' chuiln".
•••············•·•·••.. ••M•••••••~••·•·············.. •..•••••••••••··· ..•··..·•····••••.......... ••••·•••··•···•···•.. ••• ..... ••••••••••• .. •••· .. ···.. •• .. •.. •••--·•..•••• .............. ..
distributor [d i'stnbjutQ] 111-distributive

n. nha phan phoi, d{,li Ly

' s adj. mang tlnh pM.n bd

Contact the distributor and find out where we can
buy this product. C)
Lien M voi nha pMn ph6i va tlm kie'm ndi z
chung ta c6 th~ mua san ph:im nay.

❖ Giai thiclt: distributor c6 thi chi wholesaler (ban
sl) ho(ic retailer (ban le). (fJ

. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , • • • • •• --• • ••• - • •· · · ..• -- • •• -- · • • " •••" "• . ... .. . .. ,, • • • ~ , .. •••• •M • • .. ••••• • • .. · •· · • ··· ·· · ·• · · ·•• • • ••••••• • •• • •<• • .. ······ ··• .. I •• .. .. • • •••••• ·· · ·

fair trade tfc~l [tre 1d] Q,t fair-trade

SI!, kinh doanh c{}ng bclng, ro
n. hqi chq thitdng m{li (/) thdng
We buy our coffee directly from the farmer in EJ,ta fair-trade agreement u,
Brazil, as we believe in fair-trade. thoa u<Jc thucmg m(li c6ng r
Cht'.mg t6i rnua ca pM tn,tc tie'p ttl' n6ng dan t~i bang. z
Brazil vl chung t6i tin ttt&ng vao st.( klnh doanh z
ngay rhfog.
l__ 2_4_·_t_RA
_c_K_o_~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,(DI Relatiooal Wull< O, Synonims e ,Anto111rns & Conl•slno V/o,ds 1__
hook lhukJ O,.a selling point
n. each, phuCfng phap t!ilm ban
m,t marketing scheme
The marketing hook for the movie The Blair Witch chuong rr,nh tiep thi
Project was making people believe that what happened
was real and not acted.
Cach tie'p thi cha b<) phim ''The Blair Witch Project"
kbiEn ngL(o'i ta tin nhnng gl xay ra giong nlllt th;lt
cha kh6ng phai la di~n. s s
· · · · · · · · · · · · · ·• .... ,-1,, ••••••• • . • . ••• .••.••..•.. . ••• • , ••••••• • ••••••• .. ••• .. •••• • ,, •• • ••• ••• •••• ••••• .. ••••••••••• •• •• ••• ••• •• .

l a
•• ·· ••• ·· • ••• •• ••• ••••••· · · •• · · · ••• ··· •••••• •• •••••••• · · · · · · · · · · · · •· · ·

market ['ma: krtJ

v., n. tilp thi, ch<J
& merchandise - sell
v. ban, kinh doanh C
They are market ing their product toward young
s h & purchase - buy v.
g.. marketing n. tiep thj

Ho dang tie'p tl1i san phim d,a ho cho thie'u nft.

l i Q,+market value
danh gia thi tnrifng

n g Q,,market research
nghien cau ihj tnr?mg

···························································································· ·······•························· ··········································"········· .................. ,,
merchandising ('ma:tJ(g)ndaizitJJ
n. ho~t dqn.g ban hang
' s m,.merchandise
v., n. hang h6a,
mua ban hang h6a

help sell food.

a i
One kind of merchandising is to use popular movies to

M<)t kiEu cua ho~t d9ng ban hang la si'.t ch,ing nhCrng
b<) phim ph6 bie'n c1~ giup ban thtfc pham.
··································································•· ...................... ········· ................. .............. ,, ................................................................. .
primarily L'praimarali] & chiefly - mainly - mostly
adv. chfnh ylu, chit yiu adv. clifnh ye'u, chii ye'u
Our customers are primarily women, but many men adj. chinh yiu, n61Zg co't
also buy our products. ,.
Khach hang c1h chung t6i ch('.1 yeu la ph~1 nCf, nhlfng
nh ieu nam gi6'i cOng mua san phffm ci'.1a cht'.ing toi.
Gen,,.IBos;ne,s · P,ep fonhe New TOEIC · 25 .J
reputation frepj u'teiS(~)nJ & reputable
adj. n6i lieng
n. clanh tiing

Customers wi ll trust a company with a good

Khach hang se tin vao c6ng ty co
ti€ng tho'm.

s s .?..


······················································· ··················•··· ....


satisfaction [sretis ' frekS(~)nJ

n. S~( thoa man, SI/ hai long
& content- pleasure -
gratification C
n. S(,{ hai lr)ng, S(( thoa man

Customer satisfaction is very important.

S~r hai Jong ci'.1a khach hang la rit qmrn tn;m.g.
fJ,.dissatisfaction - displeasure
s n. s!,( kMng hiti long

l i Q;job satisfaction
slf hai h)ni trong cong vifc

n g 9'satisfy
V. lc11n cho hai long

strategy f'strrel~d3i J
n. chie'n luqc, ke' ho(,lch
' s • tactics - plan - scheme
n. chie'n thu(it, ke' ho(lch
Q,texit strategy

We need to think very carefully about our chie'n lu(Jc thoci1
marketing strategy for this product. (:
g+strategic 0

T h
Ch(ing ta dn suy nglii tMt dn th~n ve chie'n
IU'Q'c tie'p thi cth chung ta cha s{in ph?tm nay.
• Gidi thich: Sau n6 c6 thi them "for N./V-ing ''
adj. thuqc vi chie'n lLt(Jc
ho(tc "to V".



l__ 2_6_·_TR
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___.( Q; Relational l\'o,ds O,. Synonyms 0+ All1onyms& contLl$in~ Word• I,____

assurance f:;)'Jugr~ms] & certainty- conviction -

n. Sif bao dam certitude
n. sf! chdc chdn
The salesman gave his assurance that the price would 0:t doubt - uncertainty
not go up. n. nghi ngif
Ngtt6i ban hang c1am bao ring gia ca se kh6 ng
Q,t-quality assurance
ctdm bdo chat lu(Jng
s s
0,.,assure v. dam bdo

l a
auction ['~:kJ(g)n]
n. bu6i dau gia C
Sotheby's announced that they would be selling a
Monet painting in the May auction.
s h
Sotheby thong bao h9 sip ban buc tranh Monet vao
bu6i dau gia thang Nam.
l i
n g
avoid [Q, v:)TdJ
V. tranh
' s Q,+escape - elude
V. tranh

Try to avoid talking about the price until the very end. adj. c6 thi tranh dit(lc
C6 gfog tranh n6i v~ gia ca
cho d€n cu6i CLmg.

T h
~ Gidi thick : Sau " avoid" phdi them danh tu hoijc adv. c6 thi trdnh cfl,((JC

········································•·••········••···································•····· ..........................................................................................................
boom [bu:mJ r.,.slllmp v., n. suy s1;tp;
v., n. phat triin thjnh VU(Jng; tieng n6 lC!n SI/ suy thodi kinh tf

During the 90s, the U.S. economy boomed in large part

because of the expansion of the Internet.
Su6t nhii'ng n~m 90, n~n kinh t~ My phat tri~n thjnh
vll'Q'ng bO'i vl sv phat trit! n ci'.1a Internet.
General Business · Prep for the New TOEIC · 27

characteristic [krer;;ikt;;i' ristikJ 9'feature - quality

n. di!c tinh n
n. dij,c diirn, diJ,c tfnh 0
g.. characterize :;c
Explain the characteristics of the product to the v. dinh riJ dij.c tliim

Giai thlch d;Jc tlnh c1h san pha'.m voi khach

• Gidi thich: khi characterisric lam rfnh tu, tac chl
s s z

"net d(}c scic, tieu bi€u ". Q
.,....................... , .............. , ................................ ..................................................... ............................. ························•• ········
convince fk~n 'vrns]
v. thuye't pht!,c
V. thuyet ph1,tcC 0

You must convince the customer that your product

is what he or she wants.
s hQ,convincing - inducing -
adj. mang tfnh thuyit ph1:tc
B~n phai thuye't ph\lC voi khach hang rhng san
phim cua chung ta la nht:'tng g1 hQ mu6n.
l i
n g
demonstrate [' dem;;instreit]
v. ch«ng minh, mo ta
' s & show
V. chl ra, trinh bay
Customers are more likely to buy if you n. sl:( mo to,
chllng to
demonstrate the product for them. n
& demonstrator 0

T h
Khach hang se thkh mua hon ne'u b~n chttng
minh san phfun cho ho.
n. nguifi chang minh,
ngu&i mo td

evaluate [i ' vreljueit] U,. estimate -assess

v. ddnh gia V. danh gia C
ll).-evaluation zn,
It will help you make the sale if you first evaluate n. SI:{ tlanh gia 1/1
the mood of the customer.
Se huu lch cho vi¢c ban hang cua b;;in ntu c-Wu z
Lien b~n danh gia mm tr~ng d1a khach hang. z
l 28 · 7RACK04
---------------- J 0, Retatioo.,I VIO<Os fir Syno,,yms e,.An1anyms & C-Onfuslog Woods l ___

legitimate rli ' d3ifa m;;)tJ ~ ~ Gidi thlch: legitimate chl

adj. hqp pha p, chfnh thorig LL tir each hay quy€n {(Ji trong
phdp luqt. TL~ man.g ngh'ia
Criminals with excess money often invest in legitimate " h(Jp phap" c1u(Jc dung nhi€u
businesses. nha't la "lawful", con "legal"
TQi ph~m co nhieu tien thU'ong cHu lL( vao nhCfng Ilic la phu lu;p vdi tli€u khodn
doanh nghj¢p hQ'p phap. phcip luc;11, d11a tre11 phap luqt.

s s
l a
··················································· ... .•......,,.,.... , ........, .......................................... ............................................. ..... ........ ........... .

promise f'promTSJ
v., n. hua, catn doan; li'Ji hua
adj. ctay hua hrnC
Never promise the customer anything!
!Xtng bao gio h<ta voi khach hang c1i~u g1!
s h
~ Gilli thich: Khi "promise" lam c1qng Lil, c6 ,hi 1hem ve'
cau "to V., 1hat " ho(fc "promise stlt ".
l i
n g
specific [sp;;) ' s1f1kl
adj. rieng, c1q,c trl,(n,g,
' s
Cfl th€
0-distinct- special
adj. d(ic tnrng, dif,c biit

Every customer has a specific need. adj. chu11g, uSng quat
M6i kMch hang c6 nhu du ricng.
• Gidi thfch:

T h
Khi spec(fic lam dcmh ta, c6 th{ ch1 "chi
tilt", tht1ong dung wJi hinh dc,mg so' nhi§u.
v. c1,1

& specification
n. d{1c tli!m
thi hoa

··························································· .. .. , ................. ···········•········ ............... ....................................................................

variety Lv;;)' rai~ti] l:}ldiversity
n. slf da dwig n. St! eta dqn.g
We have a variety of products that would suit you. n. sf/ dan dif u
ChCmg t• i co nhieu san phftm phu hQ'p cho b~n.
& various
adj. da dqng
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ TRACKOS · GeoecalBo,;o,ss · Peep fo,the NewTOEIC · 29 j
address [~' dres]
v. diln thuye't vrJi
The speaker addressed the audience.
Ngtroi pMt ng6n c.lien thuyet v6'i khan gii1.
• Giai thfch: Khi address ld111 danh ti:/', ngoai y
"diln thuye't" ra, con c6 nghfa fl, "ctfa chl" (/uc
nay se ph61 am la [-J'dres]). Ngoai ra, address con s s
dt,ng cti chl website (dfa chf tren mgng).

l a
affiliate [G' f1l re1t]
n. con.g ty con
• affiliated
adj. sap nhqp, lien ket

The organization is an affiliate of the Red Cross.

TO ch1k n?1y E1 cong ty con cfo1 Reel Cross. s h
n. Sf( scip nfu}p

• Giai thfch: Khi "affiliate" lam cli}ng !Cl, doc la

{'J'f1lmt/, chf "nh(tn lam chi nluinh, /i,m hqi vien".
n g
attend [;;i' tendJ
E l/1

v. tham dlf
' s Q-attendance
n. Sf(

!ham dlf,

Five hundred businesspeople attended the n. nglfiJi t/zam dff ·

Nam tram cloanh nhfln tham cl~, h<)i nghi nay.

attract rG' trrekt] & attraction
V. thu hul n. slj thu htit
IJ,!attractive .:...
The conference attracted businesspeople from all adj. hdp dJn
over the world. r;,,
HOi nghi nay chu hut cloanh nhan LL( khilp ndi z
tren the gioi. z
l 30. TRACK_os
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,( li),ReiallO!lal lVords t)oSynonyms 0 ,Anlooyms G, Ccl11usmo\Vords I.____

cancellation lkrens~ ' leif(.})n] 0-continuation

n. Sf{ huy bo n. Slf liffp fl,lC
We are sorry to inform you of the cancel lation of the v. hily bo
Chung t6i th~t ti& phai thong bao v&i quy vi v~
vi~c ht'1y bo bu6i h9i nghj.

s s
l a
gather (' greo0J
v. tq,p trung, fl!, h9p C
lttmeet - assemble - get t ogether
g<;ip gfJ, lfl h9p

Thousands of managers are gathering in Taipei for the

trade fair.
s hD+disperse - break up
gidi tan

Hang ngan giam c16c dang l~p trung t:;ii Bai Loan
tham dV h¢i chq· rhuo·ng m~i.
l i ll),gathering
n. h{)i, nh6m

n g
hold [h;)uldJ
v. t6 chuc
' s
Cu¢c hop dv<;c i
The meeting was held in Taipei.

a t6 ch(rc t~i Bai Loan.

T h
~ Giai thich: khi hold di'mg vai y chl "td chac" th11?1ng
dung d(tng bi dqng, ngoai ra, y nghia thuiJng giJ,p khac
la "ndm giil, bdo Luu, bdo t6n "...

location rbu'kerJ(.}) nJ O;place - site - spot - position

n. dja diim n. dja diim, chJ
We need to find a good location for the convention. v. xac dinh vi tri, djnh vj
Chung toi can tun m¢t c1ia dj~m t6r ct~ t6 chuc hqi
General Business· Prep for the NewTOEIC · 31

productive Lprn 'dAkt1v1 U,constructive

adj. giup {ch n
adj. dg,t nang suat, hifu qua 0
I thought the discussion was very productive. adj. khong dgt m1ng sudt
Toi nghI bu6i thao lu~n rfll thanh c6ng. V1
v. sdn xudt
s s zm

n. s,; sdn xudt G)

session L'seJ(;))nl
n. budi, phien, phien h9p C
&,training session
bu6i hud.11 luyjn

The presentation will be given in two sessions: one

in the morning, and the other in the afternoon.
s h
G,emergency session
cuqc h9p khlin cifp

Bai thuy~t tr1nh dtfQ'C chia thanh 2 buc:5i: m•t

bu6i sang va m9t bu6i
l i
n g
E "'>

' s r

a i
T h

t~ mACKO< - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' . ; ; ;elaiional Wo,~s & Synonyms 0,.Anionyms 8' Co111
.:o w:, l __
arrangement l d 'rcrnd3m~nt] & agreement n.
Sf( giao keo, ban h(fp d.6ng
n. st! sdp xlp, st! giao keo
& arrange
We have a special arrangement with the supplier, so we v. sdp xip
don't have to pay immediately.
Chung tdi c6 rn•t giao keo ct~c bi¢t vai nha cung
cap, vl th€ chung t•i kh6ng dn thanh toan ngay.

s s
l a
competition Lkompr'tIJ(J)nl
n. SI/ cq,nh tranh C
& competitor - rival
n. do'i rhu c~nh rra11h

It is important to know who your competition will be.

Th~t quan tr9ng c1E bi€t ai la cl6i thu qrnh tranh cua
s h
v. cqnh tranh. tranh tai

l i
Gidi tltich: khi chl .Y "e<;tnh tranh ", la danh tit khfJng
adj. c6 tfnh· each q1nh tranh

n g
de'm ctuqc. Khi chl "ctifi thu cq,nh tranh ", tac chi doi
thit (J tren thurmg trlfc'tng hay trong tr(in ddu, giong vai

consequence L'konsrkw~ns]
E & effect - result
n. h(l.u qua, klt quo.
' s n. ke't q11d

does badly.
a i
The consequence of not planning well is a business that adj. tiep theo sau la h(tU qua
& consequently

H:;tu qua cua vi~c kh6ng ho~tch c1inh t6t la m(\t
lam an thua 16.
adv. do d6, /Joi vqy

cover l'kA V:} J O,.deal with - concern - include

v. bao g&m, bao ham gidi quye't, bao g6m

A good business plan should cover everything.

M9t ke hor.tch k inh doanh tot nen bao ham mQ i
❖ Giai tlzich: cover C(>n c6 nghfa /er "au di chi tr& ... ",
"ddm bdo (t!ln tfu1'r)".
General Business · Prep for the New TOEIC · 33

designate [' dez1gnc1tJ li)odesignation

v. b6 nhifm, chi dinh n. s;f b6 nhi~m
S,. designed
We voted last night, and designated Tom the adj. elf y, co dlfng y
spokesman for our group.
T6i qua chung toi da bfru chQn va b6 nhi~m
Tom la ngLtoi phat ng6n cho nh6m chCing t6i.

s s
l a
determine [ d1 'td:mm]
V. quytt dtnh C
& decide v. quye't djnh
9tidentify v. nh(in di~ n

We have determined both our market and price.

Chung t6i vua quy~t dinh thi tnfang va gia ca s h
adj. CUC!ng quye't

cih Chung t6i.

l i Q--determination
n. Slf quye't djnh

n g
develop Ldi'veldpJ
E O,.development
v. phar triln
' s n. s~r pluit tri!n

We need to develop a strong sales team. n. ngu&i ph{//. tri!n
Chung ta dn phat tri~n mot c19i ban hang hung n
li)odeveloping 0

T h adj. dang phcit triin n,


downsize daunsa1z1 /!\
V.ccf t gidm nhan cong
With the economy having problems, a lot of
companies have been forced to downsize to stay
Khi n~n kinh t~ c1ang g~p kh6 khm, nhi~u c6ng
Ly bu9c phai dt giam nhan c6ng M cluy tJ1 kha
nang c~nh tranh.
34 · TRACK06
'------- - - -------------' ~ R~•tlonal Wcxds 0, Synonyms l')t Anlonyms & Coolusing Words
.__ __
enterprise r ent;;,prarz] •
£ . enterpriser
n. doanh nbttn
n. doanh nghi~p
The city government offered grants in hopes of adj. coy tli(fng kinh doanh
stimulating local enterprises.
Chinh quy~n thanh ph6 trao tn;t dfp voi mong mu6n
kich thfch nhCrng doanh nghi~p c1ia phll'dng.

s s
l a
· •h•••·•• .. · --•· ·· •••••· •·••••• ••• ••••• •••••••••••• ••••••.. •• • •••• ••••• ••••• •· •• ••••• • • · •• · · •• • • oo ooo ooooo o•••••••• · •••••• •• '1 •••• ••• •••••••• •• •••• ••• •• • • •o oo oo oo ,o o •• • ••• ••••• OH •• •O l•••• • ••• · •• • ••O <O

entrepreneur [,nntrnpr;.:,'n3:l
n. doanh nhan
& enterpriser
n. doanh nhan C
Donald Trump is one of the most famous
entrepreneurs in the world.
s h
Donald Trump la m9t trong nht'tng doanh nhan n6i
tie'ng tr€n the' gi6'i.
l i
❖ Gidi thich: co ngurJn glfc til chil Phap.
n g
.,, ,,, , ,,,, ,, .,, ,, ,, •• n.• •• • ••••••••••• •••• .. ••••••• •• ••••••••" " ' ''' ••••U •••••••• .. •••••• •

establish [j'strebliJJ
E . . ..... .. . .... . . .... ...... . .......... . .. . , ...... .. . ... . ... .. . . ..... .. ... , .,, •• • ,, , .,, .......... .... ,, .... , , • .

G+ start - found - set up

v. thiet l~p. thanh l~p
' s sang l(1p, thiinh /Qp
G close (down)- shut (up)

a i
It isn't easy establishing a new business.
TMt kh6ng d~ de thanh l~p m()t doanh nghi¢p m6'i.
v. d6ng c/la

T h n. S(( thimh /Qp

•••••• .. •• ••••••••••• "•-•1"1"u •• , • .,.,, •••• •• , .- .. . .......... , •••• ,~ •• , , •• , • • , ... . . ... .. , •• ,. ,, • • ,,,,.,,,. ,-..,,,,, ••••• ,,. • • •• . . ,,., ••• •··••• • • · .. •• • • • .. ••• • .. •••••• .. •• ••• •••••• · ••• • •·• •.. • .. ••• •••• • • • •• •

expand [il<'sprendJ C,.expansion

v. nu} r¢ng n. s~ mi'J r9ng
The company has recently found it difficult to adj. banh rru&ng
expand its market base and reach new
Gdn day c6ng ty nhin thffy kh6 kh.111 t1~ mo' r¢ng
thj truang va t'lm l<iem khach hang m&i.
General Business · Prep for the New TOEIC · 35

fad [fred] & craze - fashion - trend

n. mot, khuynh hurJng 8
n. mdt, kiiu thili trang; khuynh huong z
0,faddish :xi
A good businessperson will know all the
latest fads.
adj. Icy Cl,tC
M<)t cloanh nh~n gioi phai bie't ta't ca cac khuynh
hv6'ng mai nhit.

s s
ill, l a
franchise ['frrentJaiz]
n. d(f.c quy&n, quyin 11.u tien
n. dijc quyin C
The largest fast-food chains operate on the
franchise system.
s h
m,. franch ise organization
ti] clu1c dr;ic quyin

Chu•i nha hang thuc an nhanh Ion rlhffl ho;;it

ac)ng cltJa tr~n M th6ng d~c quyen.
l i
n g
headquarters l,hed'kw~:t~zJ
E Cf,tbe headquartered in ~
n. tr¥, sl!
' s dli<!C d¢t l(li...

a i
The CEO promised to hold a press conference from
the company headquarters in Chicago.
Giam a6c dieu hanh hua t6 chuc mc)t buc5i hQi

T hsa
bao t~i tr\! cua cong ty a Chicago.
❖ Gidi thfch: chil nay la hlnh thu,; so' nhdu, nlumg
c6 thi dung nhll ft hoifc sff nhdu.

joint venture [d3~mt] I ' ventJa<l ll)+venture capital

,,.,, ? •
van ru1 ro
lien doanh
Most of the foreign investments in mainland China
are joint ventures between foreign and local firms.
mh,1 bet diu t1.r mr6'c ngoai tii Truog Hoa d~i
h,1c deu la lien doanh giua cong ty mroc ngoai
va c6ng cy dja phudng.
_ a_ oo______________ ~~~~~~~-•~-)___
mission f'llllJ(g)n ]
n. SU mfnh, cong vif C, nhif 111 V¥

This company's goals are outlined in our mission

Ml.IC tieu c11a c<)ng ty nay c1Lt(Jc neu r6 trong ban
bao do nhi~m VI..J d1a chung ta.
s s
l a
register r'red31st.:rJ
V. dang ky C
n. s,,t c1c7ng ky

You must register the business before you can start

selling anything.
s h
adj. cltl<JC ddng k.v
B~n phai c1ang ky kinh doanh truck khi bdt c'hiu
bu6n ban thCr gt c16.
l i li),tregistry
n. phong dang Icy

n g
❖ Gi.di thich: register co rhl lam danh tit, chl "sd dang
O,.cash register
may rut tiin

require [n' kwa1:)J

E & want-need
V. doi hoi, yeu cdu

' s v. C<Jn, 1nu{/r1


a i
Most banks require some kind of ID before they will let
you open an account.
n. s,,t doi hoi

I-Jiu he't ngan hang c1oi hoi vai lo~i cht'rng minh
tnrac kbi hq cho phep h~n met m•t tai khoan.
risk fnskl l}tdanger - hazard - threat n.
n. nli ro nguy hilm, rui ro
O,.risk/venture capital
Starting a new business has its risks, but also many vr!n n'ii ro
l>risk management
Thanh l?P m•t doanh nghi~p m8i c6 rui ro nhlrng
S~{ quan Ly rui ro
cung c6 nhieu lcJi fch.
❖ Gidi thick: "risk" c6 thl lam d.qng til, chl "liiu", sau
adj. co 1111ft chii't rui ro
co thuiJng them V-ing.
s s
l a
s h
l i
n g
' s
a i
Th 2-1 Board Meetings

2-2 Committees


2-3 Communication TRACK 09

2-4 Furniture & Equipment TRACK 10

2-5 Office Procedures TRACK 11

38 · TRACKOl G;R,latlonaJ wo,d• (>t Synonyms C,,Antooym, 8' Cooll/S'ff9 Words
capacity [k~ 'presi ti] G,surplus capacity
n. sllc chtla, dung tich, sui{t nang sudt thtJ,ng di(
The boardroom has a large seating capacity. adj. rqng
Phong hop cua cong ty c6 sue chtta Wn.

s s
l a
expose f1k'spduzJ
v. phr1i bay, bqc Lq
v. phoi bay, bqc lq

The problem was exposed at the meeting.

Va'n d~ c1UQ'C pho'i bay t:;ti CUQC hop. s h D,protect
v. bJ.o v~

l i tl,exposed
adj. trdn truOng

n g Q,texposure
n. s(,( phoi bay, SJ! tilt ltJ

initiative fi'niJdtivJ
n. sang kie'n
' s GI init iate
v. biit ddu, sang t(t0

G initial
I took the initiative of calling a meeting. adj. tho{lt d.i.u
T6i bat c.th1 k~u goi cu¢c h Qp.

T h
• Giai thlch: initiative thu&ng dung voi dqng tu ''take,
seize, lose" ... Ngoai ra, initiative cung c6 thi lam tfnh
tit, chl "mo ddu, slJm nhtft ".

mention ('n1cnJ(d)11] E).note

V. di c{lp v. ghi chu, Luu y

I think what you said is important. Maybe you should

mention it at the meeting.
Toi nghi nhfrng g1 b~n n6i la quan tr9ng. C6 le b~n
n~n cl€ ci p n6 t~i bu6i hQp.
Office Issues · P,ep fucthe New TOEIC • 39 j
outlook r'autlukJ C,.prospect
n. viln canh
n. viln cdnh, quan diim
With the appointment of a new CEO, the company's
outlook has gotten better.
V6'i vi~c b6 nhi~m giam d6c di~u hanh m6'i,
vi~n canh ci'.1a c6ng ty se t6t hdn .

s s
' ' '

l a
.... ............ ...... ......... .... ............ ... ' ... ' .......... ' ................................... ........................ ' ... '' .......'. ···: ·..............................' ........ .

sharp [S o:p1
adv. chinh xac
& exactly
adv. chlnh xac C
The meeting starts at nine o'clock sharp, so don't
be late.
s h
Cu•c hQp bit diu luc 9 gio dung vl v~y dung
ct€n trf
l i 8
<}Gidi thich: sharp c6 thl lam tlnh ti't,
thuiJng g{ip la "siic, nh9n".
n g y nghia s
E ~

' s .,,


T h :x:,

________________,( Ci)-Aelahonol Woms& syoonyms f> An1onym, ct, Contusitlg Wo1ds L_ ___

appoint f:;i'pomt] GI-appointed

v. ch9n, b6 nhi~m, chl djnh adj. dit{/c bd nhi~m
He had the most successful track record, so he was n. SI/ b6 nhifm ,
appointed head of the new project. s(i chl ctjnh
Anh ay c6 thanh tich ca nMn thanl1 c6ng nl1fft, vl v~y
anh a'y duQ'c chJ dinh la trLfO'ng nh6m cho dV an m6'i.
~ Giai thich: be appointed chl "dU<Jc b6 nhi?m lam... ",
s s
phia sau tnJc tiep them xung h6.

l a
association [:;i,s:;ius i 'c1S(:;i)nl
n. SI/ lu;p tdc
& associated
adj. c6 ket lu;p,

Our long-term association with your advertising firm

has brought benefits to both sides.
s h ding cqng tac
& associate
v. ke't h(Jp, lien kit
SV hqp tac mu dai ci'ia chung t6i ve1i cong ty quang
cao cua b~n cla mang den lqi ich cho ca hai b~n.
l i
~ Giai th£ch: khi association chi
danh tir khong dem ali(Jc. g
"ke't h<Jp, lien kit", la

colleague ['kol i:gJ
n. d6ng nghi~p
' s O,.coworker
n. d8n.g nghifp

a i
My colleague would be happy to meet with you and
answer any questions you have.

m~c cua die b~n.h
B6ng nghi¢p d,a toi vui g~p ve va tra
loi nhung tMc

commitment fkg' m1tm(::l)n t] & commit

n. Slf uy thac, S/f chuyin giao mt)t dlf luftt v. giao ph6, dy thac
The U.S. army demands a four-year commitment from adj. r(}n t1,1y, he'r long
its enlistees.
Qu~n dc)i My doi hoi Sl/ chuy~n giao 4 nam 1 lfo tu
nl1ftng ngttCJi c6 ten tren danh sach.
Office Issues • Prep for the New TOEIC · 41

committee rk~'m1tiJ . .executive committee

n. ii.y ban uy ban ddu hanh

Congresspeople all have to serve on committees
that facilitate the evaluation of laws.
T1t ca nghi si qu6c b•i phai phl,JC Vl,J tr~n nhCtng
i'.1y ban t~to thuin ti~n trong vi~c danh gia cac
cli~u lu~t.
• Gilzi thiclt: khi committee chl "uy vien" la danh s s
.......t_a,p~-~~-.!.~?.~~:'' ... ' .. ''' ,......................''' .. ''' ..... ,... ' ..........'. a
.'..'' .. ' ..''' .. ' .. ''"''' ... '".. '.... ................... '........'''"'.. '
consensus fk::m' sens::)s)
n. SI/ th6ng nh(it, SI/ nhc1t trf
O,.consensus of opinion
St! nhat frf y kie'nC
By general consensus, Jerry was picked as the class
s h
Qua sl)' nh~t tri chung, Jerry c1LrQ'c b~u lam lop
trL((l'ng ci'.ia lop.
l i
n g
discharge [d1s' tJa:d3J
V. sa thai

' s
a i
He was discharged after failing to meet company

T h
Anh ta bi Sa thai sau khl kh6ng dap ung UL(Q'C
til:!U chuan cua c6ng ty.
• Giiii thich: discharge ciing c6 thi chl "xo dif n ", vi
d1,1: discharge electricity, tit trai nghia la "charge".

executive [1g'zekjotrv] Q-executive officer

nhttn vien diiu hanh
n., adj. ngu&i diiu hanh, giam doc diiu hanh
!>execution n. St! fhi hanh,
His ambition is to become an executive in a nm
Sf( tht!C hi? It
multinational corporation. -0
Hoai bao cua anh ta la tr& thanh giam c16c di~u & execute e'ns
hanh t~i m•t cong ty da quoc gia. v. thi hcmh m{}t nhi~m v1,1; m
• Gidi tliich: Khi "executive" la.m danh tu, dm c6 XU' tu, ...
1hi chl "c(f quan hanh chfnh, nganh hanh phap cu.a v-
ml)f chinh phu ", v[ d~1 : vi?n hanh chinh Jht g9i la
"Executive Yuan".
42 · TRACK09
' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' li)+ Relational Wo1ds 0, 5Ynooyms rJlAntonyms & Cooiuslnv Words ,___ _

appreciation [~pri:J r' e1J( ~ )nJ l);gratitude

n. ST! bitt (Jn, SI/ danh gia cao n. S/el biet <Jn
We need to send a letter of appreciation to the mayor n. Si! lam gidm gia trj
for helping us out yesterday.
Qt appreciate
Chung ta dn gi:(i m•t la thlr cam dn ong th! en.rang
v'i da giup do chung ta horn qua.
V. bilt dn, danh gia cao

s s
l a
authorization [,J:0Jrai'zerJ(d)n]
n. SI/ uy quyln
v. uy quy€n C
We have gotten authorization from our boss to agree to
your terms.
s h
Chung toi ch.t<,1c 6ng chu uy quy~n d~ cha'p nh~n
cac cti~u khol1n cua b~n.
l i
n g
...' .....................········ ............. '' .... ' ..... ' .... ' ............. ···•· .... ............................~, .................................·· •......... ·· •· ............. , .......... '' ....... '.

branch [bra:n(t)JJ
n. nhdnh,chinhanh
' s
a i
You can contact the company either at the main
headquarters or the branch office nearest you.

B~tn d.n lien h~ v6'i cong ty t~i tn.1 so chinh ho~c
van phong chi nh,'\nh gfrn b~n nha't.
bulletin ('bufatin] D,tbulletin board
n. ban bao cao, ban thong bao ban thong bao

Justin posted a bulletin at the dorm that said he was

looking for a new roommate.
Justin ua dan m•t ban thong bao t,:ti ky tuc xa thong
bao dtng anh ay d:ang fun ngvai b?n cJ chung phong
Office '""" · Pmp fo,the New TOEIC • 43 j
correspondence l,kori'spnnd(~)nsl Q,correspondent
n. ngiti1i giao djch biing
n. sl!, lien l<;1,c thu tit
1h11. tu
Most of the company's correspondence is now Q'!correspond
done by e-mail. v. giao djch trao d6i bdng
Hiu he't vi~c lien l~c cua cong ty bay gicJ dttQ'c
thtJc hi~n b~ng thu cli~n tu'.
thit tin

s s
l a
delete [di'li:t]
v. x6a
l!)+erase - cancel
V. x6a, hiiybo C
Can I delete these e-mails now?
Bay gi<'i toi c6 chi xoa nhung bvc thLr di~n tu s h
n. SI/ x6a bo

nay chCf?

l i
n g
..................................................................................................................... ···································...,.,., ........ ··········•······· --

disk fd1skJ
n. if &a
' s llt+hard disk ilia cang
ll),disk drive tJ tlla
Be sure to

Hay dam bao luu ta't
isave all your files on a disk.
ca ho s(J du li~u tren 6
c1Ia .

T h
.. ... .···•·· .................. '' .......... ............ .. ·· •............' ...'' .................. ·· •·........ ............................................................................. ·•.
' ~

forward ['fo:w~d] f>backward

adv., adj. lt;ic hqu,
adv. mt<Jc, ph{a tru<Jc 0..,.,
th1,tt Lui clbng sau ,,
Arguing about past mistakes does not help you nm
move forward to success. -u
Tranh cai ve nhung k'H lim trong qua khll'
khong giup anh O?t dttQ'c thanh cong ph1a trL(OC. 0
~ Giai thich: vita c6 ihi lam tfnh tu, chi "hu<Jng vi m
tru(Jc, phfa trutJc".
l 44 • TRACK 09
~ alional Words & Synooyms 0 ,Anwnims G- Conlus,no Words JL.___

glimpse [g lrmpsJ & glance - peep

n., v. sl! lie'c nh2n thoang qua, Lile qua n. lie'c nhin

I only had a glimpse of the fax; I'll read it properly now.

T6i chl moi lie'c qua ta fax; bay gia toi se d9c chi
tiet n6.
• Gidi thfch: Mdu cc2u rhuiJng dung la "have/catch a
glimpse of N" .
s s
l a
... .......' .... '''' .................. ···~·...... ' .......... ·•................. '' .......................... '.' .... ' ..' ......... .................. ''.' .... ' ........................... ''' .. '' ........... .

ignore f1g'n:,:J
v. ph(ft lo, xao Zang C
& disregard - neglect - overlook
v. xao liing

You must answer the telephone; you can't keep

ignoring it.
s h ll,), ignorant
adj. that h9c,
do1 nal
mu chil,
B~n phai rra lai di~n tho~i, b~n khong th~ phot lc'f
l i
n g
············································································• .......................................... ························ ················•········ ..., ......... ··············•··
interaction [int:)r' rekJ(~)nJ
n. sf/ giao tiep
' s • interact
v. giao tieJJ
g. interactive

Computers are more efficient, but customers often adj. anh hu/Jng LJn nhau
prefer interaction with real people.

T h
May tinh c6 nhi~u lQ'i fch nhling khach hang thliang
thl'ch giao tiep vai ngvai th~t hdn.

············... , .. , ... , ,, ................... , ................ ····································· ..................................................................................................... .

letterhead ['lcl;;ihedl
n. giay vitt thlC
All correspondence with our clients must be put on
company letterhead.
Hit ca giao dich bang thlt tlf v6'i khach hang c1."ta
ch(mg ta phai ClliQ'c vie'r rrt'!n gia'y vi~t thli ci'.1a cong
_______________________o_ffice tss,es · P,ep fo, th:_':'.ewTOEIC :.'.'._5 J
physically r, fizik lil f> mentally
adv. vi d&u 6c
adv. vi than thi 0,
t).physical 9
The good thing about e-mails is that you don't 0
adj. thu()c vi than the°, $
have to physically send them. th€ cluft m
M~t tot ci'.ta thu' c1i¢n ti'.i la b~n khong dn gi.'ri z
chung brtng s(tc ngU'oi.
n. m/Jn v(it Ly, khoa vt}t Ly

s s Cl

l a 8
popularity [popju'lrer;;)t1]
n. sft( phd bitn
& favor
n. Sf! dtj,c tin

Faxes are losing popularity as people prefer to

send e-mails.
s h
adj. ph6 bien

Fax d1n ma't tinh ph6 bi~n khi nguai ta thkh

gi'.ii b~ng rhu' cli~n ti'., hem.
l i
n g
provider [pr;}'va1d~]
E Q.provide
n. nha cung ctfp
' s V. cung dip

t)Hnternet service providerr ·n

The Internet provider will send you monthly bills. (ISP) :x,
Nha cung dip dich vi,1 Internet se gi'.ri h6a c10n nha cung clip djch V¥ :::j

T h
hang thang cho b~n. Internet ::0




46 · TRACK10 __, Ii), Relatiooal IYo«ls & Synonyms O<Antooyms G, Coot,s11111 Wo11!s __

affordable [;}'fo:ddbdlJ Qtafford

adj. du kha nang, du di&u kitn V. co du Sile, co th€
This computer system is very affordable.
H~ th6ng may tinh nay rit huu <l\1-ng.

s s
l a
cap C
allocate r'rel~keit] O,allot
v. ct{p cho, phan phdt v. cho, phiin phat,

Every member of staff is allocated his or her own desk.

M6i nhan vien duQ'c ca'p mc)t chie'c ban lam vi~c.
s cap
chia phdn.

❖- Giai thich: bidu thj "dem v~t gi i

do chia ch.o ngt1iJi new
do", each dung la "allocate sth to sb" ho{fc "allocate sh
n. st,t phdt


n g
assemble r~'semb(~)1J
E & gather - put together
V. h9p l(,li, ll,', t<7-p, rap
' s t1,1, tgp, h9p l(li

fl; disassemble

The new desks have arrived, but we need to assemble V. giai thi, gidi tan
them ourselves.
• assembly n. h/)i nghj

Nhung chi€c ban m6'i vLta de'n nhung ch(mg ta dn
rap chung l~i v6'i nhau.
Qrassembly hall
phong luji nght
Q,assembly line
day chuy€n Ldp rap

compatible lkdm' pretdb(~)lJ O+ incompatible

adj. tll<Jng thich, tuang h<Jp adj. khong ttlang thich
I> compatibility
Are these printers compatible with our computer n. SI/ tl,{(fng thich,
system? tinh tuang ht;Jp
Nhung m{ty in nay tudng thich voi M th6og may vi
tinh cua b.,in ch(t?
❖- Gidi thich: rhurmg di)ng vtJi gitJi tu with.
Offi<e Issue, · P,ep fo,the NewTOEIC · 47 J
courier ['kuri;;,J
n. nguili dua thu
I am sending this package by courier right away, as
it must arrive before noon.
T6i se y~u du ngLt<Ji aua tl1Li gai ki~n hang nay
ngay l~p tCtc vl n6 phai <1€n truoc bu6i crua.
-❖ Gidi thich: khi courier lam danh tu, th'i c6 y chl
"nguui ctua rh11 khdn cap" hoifc "hu<Jng d&n vien
s s
du lich".

r l a
durable djuernb(g)l]
adj. Mn
0 durability
n. SI/ bin, sue bin

The strong plastic makes these chairs very durable.

Nl)Va deo lam cho nhCtng chie'c gh€ nay r1t b~n.
s h
IJ,tdurable goods
hang Mabin

l i 8

n g s:

express f1k' spresJ

E mail thli cap toe

adj. nhanh, cap tdc

' s
a i
This letter needs to arrive tomorrow, so please
send it by express delivery.

-¢- T h
13Crc thU nay dn c1e'n vao ngay mai, VI the' hay
gi'.ti 116 ca'p t6c.
Giiii tli£cli: express c6 thi lam danh tit, biiu thj
"xe toe hanh, chuyin ph<it nhanh ".

fold ffauldl f). unfold

v. xip, gdp (mot ta gitly) V. m(J ne/J gap ra
C,. foider "TI
We should hire someone to fold all these letters n. ngllai gtfp gitfy R
and put them in the envelopes. '1
Cht'mg ta n~n thu~ ai c16 ga'p nh(lng bac thli 0

nay va bo chung vao phong bl. m

❖ Gidi thich: fold dm c6 the' chl "(cong ty) plui siin ". m
l__ 4_8_·_r._RA_CK_r_o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,( g. Aelalional \VO(<fs 1)-Syno,;, D,Ani.oyms G- Conlus,ng Words I.___

layout l'leiautl & format - arrangement

n. each bo' trf, each tr'lnh bay n. St/ clinh dq,ng, St/ ho tri
I'm working on t he layout of the company newsletter. djnh d(tng, trinh bay
T6i dang lam c6ng vi~c tr1nh bay ban tin cho cong

s s
l a
••• •"••• •• •• •• •• •••••• •• ••• •••••• ••• •• •• •.,•••••••••••"••• •• ••• •• ••••• ••••• ••• •• •••••••• ••• ••• .. •••• •• ••"•• •••• ••u•• ••• ••••• •••• ••••••••••••••••• •••••• ••••• ••••••• ••• ••• ••.,••• •• •• ••• ••• ••• •• ••••

network f' netw3':kJ

n. ht thdng, mt?,ng
ll)iroad/rail network
hf thong d11iJng/du&ng ray

A computer network allows you to see fi les on other

people's computers.
s h 11),tlocal area network
mq,ng khu V((C dja phll<flzg

M~mg m{1y vi tinh cho phep b~n nhrn thay tat ca h6

so tr0n may tinh ngLtoi khac.
l i
❖ Giai thich: khi network lam c1¢ng tit, c6 thi chl "giao
thifp ell t1m kiim c<J hqi kinh doanh, ding vi?c lam an".
n g
.. .' ' ................... ....... ...

outdated r,a ut'de1t1d ]

'''' ''''

............................ .............'' ... '' ' ' ....... ····· ............................... ' .. '.' ... ''' .... ' ............ .......... -~.................... .
&-old-fashioned -
adj. l8i thifi
' s out-of-date
adj. l6i thai

a i
The computer system is outdated; we need to get a new

H~ th6ng m,1y t111h nay J6j thai r6i; cht'.'mg ta dn co

ITIQt h~ th6ng moi.

T h
···················..... , ... ,, ... , .. ......................................................................................... ..................................... ······•··············· ··············
replace [n ' pleIS] &-displace
v. thay thl v. tht chO
m,. replaceable
All the chairs have been replaced with newer, more adj. c6 lh€ !hay the' dti(Jc
comfortable ones.
Tit d nhG'ng ch ie'c gh€' nay dn duQ'c thay the' bhng
n. SI/ thay th{
nhnng chie'c m6i hem, thoai mai hem.
❖ Giai thich: each dung di biiu thi .Y "dung B thay tht A"
la replace A with B.
Office'"""· P"P fu,the NewTOEIC • 49 j
search [s~:tSJ & seek - look for
v. t'tm kie'm, tra criu rim kie'm
g.+in search of
We're searching for some good, cheap office timkie'm
g.+ search engine
Chung t6i dang ltm m•t s6 a6 ct,1c van pbong
t6t ma re.
~ Giai thich: search c6 thi lam danh tit.
mdydo ttm

s s
l a
software [' sof(t),we~J
n. phdn mim
n. phltn cling

Purchasing software for all the computers can be

very expensive.
s h
m,. word-processing software
phtln. ndm xtl ly van ban

Mua pMn mem cho ta't ca may tinh c6 th~ ra't

t6n kem.
l i C,.design software
phan mim thiet ke

n g g+antivirus software
phfin mim dif t vi rut
E i5

' s
a i
T h

50 · TRACK11 ....., Q+Relational Words 0, Synonyms Q-An1onyms 8"Coofltl."1; Words
._ __
access f' rekses] 0,doorway- entry- gateway
n. SI! truy cqp, lffi vao n. loi vao
& remote access
We now have access to the Internet. truy cq.p tu xa
Bfty giCI chung t6i truy c~p Internet.
tu chi "lay thong tin
-❖Giiii thich: khi access lam d()ng
(may t{nh)".
adj. c6 thi truy cqp llti<JC

s s
beforehand [bi' 6 :hand]
adv. trU(/c, trLt<JC tien C
O,.in advance - previously
trutJc, trlitJc tien
... ,.' ................... ······· .. ' .. ''' ........ -~............................. ···-~·.... ''' ............. ' ....., ............................'' ... '' ....................... ........ .. ' .. '' ..............

If you need to take a day off, be sure to tell the manager

s h D afterward
adv. sau, sau d6

Ne'u b~n dn nghi m9t ngay, chic chan phai n6i

tnJoc voi giam ct6c.
l i
n g
code fk~udJ
· · ··• ••··• ••••• ••••••••••••••.,•••• ··· ·•• r••·· · · •·•·· ..- •••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••· · ·········· •••··· •••••• •• •• ••• •• •••• •• ••• •· •· ······· ••· ·· · · ····••··••

li),dress code
n. mq,t ma, ma so: quy tdc
' s quy each iin m(i,c
& code of conduct/behavior

to wear something smart.

a i
We don't have a dress code in the office, but it's better quy tdc d{/0 duclllng XU

Chung ta kh6ng dn phai an m~c ctung quy each t~i
c6ng si::J, nl1trng t6t hdn la ch(mg ta nen mi,lc c16 lich
-❖ Giili th{ch: code c6 thi chi "mqt mii, thong tin bdo
rnq.t" .
... ........... . ' ........ '' ..... ''' ............................................. ' ..... ''' ............. ...... ...........................'' ..........................................'' ..... ' .. ' .. ....

complication [,komph ' ke1J(~ )n] O,.difficulty - complexity

n. SI/. ril.c rlfi, Slf phu:c tt;,.p n. sif kh6 khiin,
SI! phz?c t(lp
To avoid complications, it's better to let the manager fix Otcomplicate
any problems that aren't part of your job. v. lam phuc t,;,,p,
DE tranh nhung ric r6i, t6t hon nen ct~ giam c1oc giai lam phiin phac
quye't nhCmg vft'n ct@ kh6ng phai la vi~c cua b~tn.
- Giiii thfch: complication c6 thi chi "biin chi'tng", nlu.tng
❖ adj. phflc t9p, phi§n philc
khi mangy nghia nay rlutlJng dung voi dfmg so' nhiiu.
Office Issues • Peep fu,the New TOEIC · 51 J
display fd1'sple1l • show
v. phQi bay, trLtng bay V. plUJi bay, chl ra

The office rules are displayed on t he message board.

Quy c1{nh cua van phong c1u'Q'C n~u r6 tr<::n bang
clan thong bao.
• Giai thich: khi la danh ti1 y chl "bilu di€n, triln
liim, sdn phdm lriln liim, trltng bay".
s s
. ... ''.' '"! .• ••••• ' .. ''' ...... .. .. ........ .. . . t

duplicate [' dju :plik~tl

n. ban sao
' . .. . . .... .. . . . . . . . . . .... . ..... . ... . ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . ' ' • • •• • • • • • ' • • ' . . . . . . . . . . . .

n. bdn sao C la
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - •• • • - · ~ · · · . . . . .. ("\

Give the customer the original invoice and keep

the duplicate for our records.
s h
n. SI/ sao chep

f)Lra cho khach hang h6a don g6c va giO' l~i

ban sao d~ chung ta !tt1.1 giu'.
l i 8
❖ Gidi thich: c6 thl lam clqng 1a1 chl "phJ!C chi,
sao chep". Ciing c6 thl lam tfnh til, chl "thuqc vi
n g ~
phr,tc chi".

facilitate ffa'sik,teitJ
E f'J' complicate

v. tt;to diiu ki?n thu(J,n l<;Ji

' s v. lam cho phdn phac
C);facilitation ..,.,

An open office facilitates teamwork; one with many n. sit( tt;io di§u kif n thu(in l(Ji :0
small offices and closed doors doesn't. ::j

M•t van phong mO' t~o c1i~u ki~n thuin IQ'i d€
lam vi~c theo nh6m; m(>t van phong voi nhi~u
van phong nhc> va cac ctta c16ng khong lam
clttQ'c nhtt v~ y.



process [' pr~msEs] & procedure
n. quy tr,nh, thu f{(C
n. quy trtnh
All staff must follow the same process for booking
time off work.
Ta'.r ca nMln vi~n pbai theo ct1ng m•t quy lr1nh
<le xin nghl phep.
❖ Gidi tMch: Khi process lam ilf)ng tu co thi chl "xtl
ly (van ki~n, tai li~u .. .), gia cfJng (thi,tc ph6m)".
l 52 · ll!ACK!l re; Reloti1J1JI V/0<ds O,. Synonyms Q,A111011yms G, Confusing~ ~

practice l'prrektis] Q+practiced

V. thI!C hanh, luyfn tq,p adj. kheo Leo
(trong ciJng vi~c)
Every three months, we practice what to do if there is a I> practitioner
fire. n. ngu&i hanh ngh€
CCt 3 thang 1 lil.n, cht.'.ing toi IL1y~n tip nhtrng vi¢c
phai Him ne'u c6 hoa ho~rn.
<> Gidi thich: Kilu vie't crla nguc)i Anh la "practise".
s s
Ngoai ra, "practice" dm co thl dung nlutdanh ti:t.

l a
reduction [rI'dAkJ(::i)nJ
n. Sf! giam xuong C
&,decrease - decline - drop
n. gidm, li1111 gidm

Recycling helped us achieve a big reduction in paper

costs last year.
s h D,increase - boost - raise
n. tang, d6y mqnh

Vir;c tai che' giup chung

gifry vao nam ngoai.
la giam dang ke' cbj pbi

l i Q,t reduce
V. lamgidm

n g
revise [n' va1z]
v. si?a d6i
' s &+ modify- amend - edit
v. stia dtfi
t> revision

The office rules are being revised, so we'll have new n. SI/ slla i!di
ones very soon.

Nhung quy djnh cua van phong dLrQ'c stra c16i, vl the'
chung ta se c6 nhu·ng quy clinh m6'i ngay.
•······· ···· ···· ······ ··· ····· ······ ·· ··· ...... ...... , ... ..•.. .. . , ... .. ........ ...... ·• •t••······· ,·.,, · ... ,, ... ... .. , ...... ..... .... ...... .. .................. ... ........ .... ...... .. .. , .. ........ .. .

stock [stok] g.stock price

n. hang t<Jn kho, kho hang gid c6phi€u
,> stock company
If you need any stock for your department, just ask your ding ty c6 phitn
0,. stockbroker
N~u b~n dn hang cha ban ci'.1a b,:1.n, hay hoi ngttoi
giam sat n. nguifi buon ban cluing
<> Giai thich: ngoai ra c6 th[ chl "elf phan, ct! phie'u ",
gio'ng nhu "share".
Office Issue, · P,ep fo,the New TOEIC · S3J

warning f' w~:nc!J) O,.alarm - alert - caution

n. Lai canh baa n. canh bao, [t.(u y
C>written/verbal warning
If you keep breaking office rules, the manager will
cc'inh bdo bang viin bani
give you a written warning.
bc1ng m.i~ng
Ne'u b~n vfo cu vi ph~m guy c1inb van
phong, giam d6c sc canh ba<> b~m bang van ban.
• Giai thfch.· cung co th€ lam tfnh nt, bilu thj "canh
cdo", vf d1,1,: warning sign (thong tin canh bao).
v. cdnh bcio
s s
l a 8
verbally f' v~:b(~)lil
adv. b6ng Lai n6i, mifng
adj. bc1nf? Lai n6i,
bc7llg mifng

Employees should be told in writing that they are
being fired, but only after first being told verbally.
s h m

Nhin vien clttQ'c thong bao bang vfo ban ding

h<:> bi sa thai, nhttng chi sau khi hQ c1VQ'c th6ng
bao tnt6'c bhng mi~ng. l i 8:;:

n g s
E 6

' s "TI


T h ::0
s s
l a
s h
l i
n g
' s
a i 3-1 Recruiting TRACK12

Th 3-2 Retiring TRACK13

3-3 Salaries TRACK14

3-4 Promotions TRACK15

3-5 Job Applications TRACK 16
l_ _ s_6_•_i_RACK
__1_2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,~ ..::::ds & Synonyms 0,Antonyms e, Con1using Word, I.____

abundant [o' bAnd;rnt] &,plentiful - ample

adj. phong phu, da d~ng, nhiiu adj. nhiiu, phong phu
rJ.bare - scarce
An abundant supply of willing workers drives the price adj. it, hie'm
of labor down.
& abundance
Ltrqng cung c6ng nhan s~n sang lam vi~c phong
pht1 lam cho gia ca Iao c1¢ng giiim xuong . n. SI/ phong phu

s s
.... ~--·· .......... ~
····''.. ' ................... ' .... ' ... '' ........ '' ..... '' ... '' ...................····· ................ '' ... ' .. ''' ....... '' ......................................... ' ....'.' ...'' .. ' ..

l a
candidate ['krendideitJ
n. thi sinh, ung CU' vien
n. nglfai nqp il<Jn,
ung Cu' vien
Only the best candidates will be invited to an interview.
Chi c6 nhii'ng Crng vien gi6i nhi'tt moi c1trqc moi phong
s h

l i
n g
... .... '''

generate [' d3enare1tJ

.... '' ...... '' ...........··•·· ................. ' ... '' ... '' .......... ~--···....... ·····..........................' .................................... .................. '' .....................
& create - produce - cause

v. tq.o, sdn xuift

' s v. t(IO, sdn xua't

The ad generated only a few applications. n. sr,t l(lo ra, sr,t sdn xutft ra
Quang cao c16 ch1 t~o n~n vai u'ng d\mg.

T h n. 11glloi f(IO ra,

may phat di~n

0 0 00 0 0 • 0 . . . . . . 0 0 . . . . • • 0 • • •••••• 0 • •• ••• • • · ••· t t • . . . . . . . . t O O . . . . . . . . 0 . . . • • . . . . . 0 •••• · · ~ • 0 • • • . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 . . . . . . 0 0 - • • • • . . .. . . . . • • • • • • • • . . . ' • 0 0 • . ' . . . . 0 0 • . 0 . 0 . 0 0 . . . . ' 0 0 . . • • • • • • , 0 • • • • • · •M o • • • • • • • , . . • • " • •• •

hire [hmJJ & employ- rent

v. thue, muon v. thue
fJ,tfire - dismiss - discharge
We need to hire some more office staff. v. sa thdi, du6?i vi~c
Cht'mg ta cin thue them m¢t s6 nhan vien vlin phong.
-❖. Giai thiclz: klzi "hire " lam dcmh tit, ngoai y chl "thue
11111011" ra, con c6 th€ chl "tliue, phf su d1p1g, ti/11 cong",
vf d1~: car hire (thue xe).
Pe'>oooel · P"'P foe the New TOEIC · 57 j
qualification [,kwulifr'kej'(;))n] EJ,+capability - credentials
n. phdm chtfr, tieu chudn, khd nang n. kha nang, tieu chutin

We will choose the person with the best qualifica- (>qualify

V. lc'im cho du lieu chutfn
tions for this position.
Chung ta dn chon nguoi c6 phffm chat t6t nhat ll)tqualified
cho vi tti nay. du
❖ Gidi thfch: khi chl "tu each", each dung thuong
gi!p la "qualificaLions for sth" hoij,c "qualifications
adj. tieu chudn

s s
to do sth".

l a
recruit Ln'kru:t]
v. tuyin ch9n, tuyin di!,,ng
& recruitment
n. SI! tuyin dl,'ng

The company likes to recruit people straight out of

s h
n. nha tuyin ciftng

Cong ty thich ruyln ngtt'o) tnJc ti~p tu t:nrc:>'ng hqc.

❖ Giai tMch: khi
l i
"recruit" Lt't danh ti:t coy chi "ngti&i

m<1i den, lfnh mtJi ".

n g ??

' s "U


T h
_ c_
K_1J_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....,.s ~ Rolabonal Word, . . Synonymsf> Anlooymse+ Coofus1n~ Words

eligible [' elid3~ b(~)IJ C,. eligibility

adj. du dii u ki~n n. Slf du cliiu kifn
I'll be eligible for retirement next year.
T6i c1t'1 cli~u ki~n de ve ht.tu vao nam sau.
❖ Gidi thich: each dung la "be eligible for slh" hoq,c "be
aligible to do sth".
s s
l a
loyal ['b1~lJ
adj. trung thanh C
0,. constant - faithfu I
adj. trung thanh, thanh lhqt

You have been a loyal employee, having worked in our

company for over forty years.
s htJ;.disloyal - Inconstant - faithless
adj. difi trd, bdt trung

B<i!n la m¢t nhan vien trung thanh khi b~n lam vi¢c
t~i c6ng ty chung t6i tren 40 nam.
l i C> loyalty
n. long trung thanh

❖ Giai thich: PMa sau them gitJi tit "to".

n g C,.. loyally
adv. trung thanh

mentor L'mentJ:J
n. nguoi co' van, quan SU
' s
a i
I am so sad you are retiring because you are my mentor.
Who will t each me now?

Toi ra't bu6n khi anh s:ip v~ httu vl anh la quan su
cua toi ma. Bay gio ai se d~y t6i c1ay?
present ('prczcntJ & give
V. tt;ing, bilu v. cho,

Harry's boss presented him with a gold watch on his

6ng cht'.1 ct'.1a Hany t~ng anh ay m9t chie'c c16ng h6
deo tay bang vang khi anh ay ngh1 hLl'll.
❖ Gidi thich: khi coy chl "tijng, cho", each di1ng id
"present sb with sth" hor),c "present sth to sb ".
Pe,sonnel · Peep fonhe NewTOEIC · 59 J
recognition [,rek~g' nrJ(a)nl 9t appreciation
n. Stf cong nhq,n n. SI/ bilt dn, long bi€! dn.
G)+ recognize v. c6n.g nhq,n Q
The company threw a retirement party for him in C
recognition of his many years of hard work. z
C<')ng cy t6 ch(tc m9t bC'ta ti¢c ngh1 hll'u cho ong
iy M c6ng nh~n nhieu nam lam vi~c cMm chl
•cua 6ng.
s s
l a
retire [rr' ta1g]
v. nghi huu C
li), retired adj. lutu trf, tin d(Jt
0, retiree n. nguiYi vi hr.tu

I hop-e I don't get bored when I retire.

Toi hy v<:mg mlnh khong chan khi v~ ht1L1.
s h
I> retirement
n. SJ! vi huu, vif c vi huu

• Giiii thich: retire from sth chi "t11 nghl huu (ndi
nito do)", retire as sth chi "khi duClng nhif m (chuc
v~ gi d6) thz nghi huu ".

n g
value ('vrelj u:J
E & appreciate - cherish - treasure
v. danh gia, xem xet
' s v. ddn.h gid
CJ,, valuable

and a friend.i
We will miss Terry; we valued her as a coworker adj. defog gia
Q,t valueless

Chung ta se nho Teny; chung ta xem co ily nhtt
m•t ngu"cii d6ng nghii;!p, m(>t ngll'oi b~n.
• Giai thich: khi value lam danh ti't y chl "gia tri,
adj. khong c6 gia tri

tinh quan tr<;>ng ", vf dl:l: market value (giti tri thi ~
tritiYng). -0
L 60 · mACK14

basis ['be1srsJ Q-base

n. nin tang, can cu V. COIi CU' vao, difa tre11

Your experience and qualifications are the basis for your

starting salary.
Kin.h nghi~m va kha nang eth b~m la can cu cha
muc llfang kh&i oi~m cua bi;ln.

s s
l a
benefit ['bernfrtJ
n. phuc l(Ji, ti€n phl:l cdp
lJ,+boon - blessing
n. lr;i [ch C
The salary is not very good, but the benefits are
s h ~ fringe benefit
phftl cdp ngoii i

Lttdng khOng kha lam nhtrng phuc lq'i thl tuy~t vefi.
-¢- Gidi thick: khi la dqng ta, chl "khitn l(Ji ich", hoi/-c
l i Q+unemployment benefits
ph1,1 cap thtit nghifp

rhemfrom vao tht mang nghia "c6 dur;c l(Ji fch ta... ".

n g & beneficial
adj. hilu ich

compensate ['komp1msert1
E C,.compensation
v. din bu, b<Ji thu:ilng
' s n. Stf din bu

a i
You will be compensated for any extra hours you work.
B~n se dtrQ'c d~n bu cho nhCtng gia lam vi~c thc:m.
adj. b6i thuong

compensate sh for sth. h
• Gidi thich: dung la compensate for sth hoq.c

••···••••-• • •••• •• •·••· .. • ••••··0, 00000. 00 •••• ••·••••• ••• ••• .... • .. ••• .. • • .. •• .. ••• M • Oo+Oo0••··· · · " " " " ' ' ............. .... ............... . ..... . . ............ , .. .. .... ,,,, • • 0000 .. • .. ••••· •• ~--•--•--

constantly f'konst(~)ntliJ & always - continually

adv. thuang xuyen, lien t¥C adv. luon luon
0,.often - frequently
She is constantly talking about her salary; she rarely adv. thuiJng tlutong
talks about anything else!
& constant
Co ta thudng xuy~n n6i ve IL(o'ng befog cua c6 ta; co
adj. thllong xuyen
ta hie'm khi n6i g1 khac!
. n. S/f thllang xuyen
Pe<soaoel · Prep fonhe New TOEIC • 61 j
hesitant [' hez1t~n t] li)thesitate
adj. do di! v. dodi!
I was a little hesitant to ask for a pay raise because I n. SI/ do di!
had only been with the company for a few months.
f)+ hesitantly
T6i c6 m¢t chut do ctv c.1e yeu du tang h.tdng VI
t6i chI lam t?i cong ty OLfQ'C vai thang.
• Oiai tliiclz: khi chl y "do di! vL. ", dbng sau c6
adv. do dt!, chtln chit

s s
thl di voi about V-ing, ho(i.c to V.
l a
match [mrelSJ
v. lam nhau, tit(Jng xung C
I'm hoping you can match the salary I had with my
last company.
s h
Toi hy vong b~n c6 the dua m(tc h.tdng bhng
m(rc ludng cua toi & cong ty mt6'c day.
l i
"cu(>c thi, difi thiL ".
n g
• Gidi th£ch: match cfing c6 thi la danh flt, chl

negotiate [m'g.:,0Jie1t]

' s
v. tl111<Jng lit(Jng, dctm phan
& discuss
v. thJo luq:n
GJ,, negotiation


He's talking to the boss to try to negotiate a pay n. st! thtJ<Jng luqng 0
f> negotiable

T h
Anh 5.y n6i chuy9n voi 6ng chu d~ c6 gfog c1oi
tang ludng.
adj. c6 the tlutrJng litr,Jng
(>the negotiating table
ban dam phcin

obviously ["obvi~sli] a,.evidently - clearly

adv. ro rang adv. /'/IQ( CltCh ro rang
She keeps asking for a pay raise; she obviously adj. rcJ rang, hiin nhien
needs the money.
Co a'y Cu' ytu du t:'.!ng lLtcmg; r6 rang co ay d.n
ti~n .
cK_1_s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....,( l>Rolal.inal Words & Synonyms 0,Anlonyms 9 ' Conlusinv Words I,____

apprentice [~'prent1s] /!\ C)+beginner - novice - tyrro

n. ngt1ili. bdt ddu,
n. th(!c t(lp sinh
ngt1ili tien phong
Most skilled laborers learn their trade by becoming 0,.veteran
apprentices to more experienced people. n. ngli<Ji co kinh nghiirn
H~u he't nhung lao c1¢ng gioi hQc nghe c('ta hQ bang
each tr& thanh tlWc t~p sinh cho nhung ngtt('>'i c6
nhi~u kinh ngh.i~m hO'n.
n. h9c nghi
s s
l a
commensurate tkd' mcnJ;~rJt]
adj. din xung, tUC!ng xung
adj. can xang, tlirfng xang

You will receive a new salary commensurate with the

s h
B~in se n.Mn m•t
tri nay.

l i
lttdng m6'i tlfc)'ng xang v6'i vi


n g
Gidi lhfch: each. di:tng be commensurate with sth.

conduct ['kundAktJ
n. tu each dt;w dac, each c:hl dqo, each qudn ly
& behavior
n. CLI xa, ling Xll
D;management - administration

She was given a promotion because of her excellent n. Sf! quan Ly
conduct at work.

T h
Co fry du'Q'C thang ch{rc b&i v1 each quan ly tuy~t voi
cua CO CJ Cong vi~C.

-¢- Giai thich: khi lam dqng ttt c6 thi chl "ddu khiin,
n. ngliili diiu khie'n,
ngui;i chl dan

ht1.fng d6n, quan ly", phdt am

lc1 [bn 'd/\.kt]

dedication [,ded1 ' ke1J~n] g..devotion - fidelity

n. Sif c:dn.g hie'n, Sif dong g6p n. sf:( cf/ng hien
Her dedication to the job has finally earned her a v. dfng
sv c6ng hien cho cong vi~c CLJa co ay cu6i CLmg da adj. danh cho, c6 long
dem c1en stJ thang ch(rc cho co a'y.
trung thanh duy nhctt v<Ji
• Giai thich: each dung tht1ilng gif.p nhat dedication to
Pe'5oooel · P,ep focthe New TOEIC • 6J

expert [' ekspg:tJ & ace - master - specialist

n. chuyen gia n. chuyen gia
You were chosen for the job because you are an n. nghifpdli
expert on doing business in China.
B~n dtJ'Q'c chQn cho c6ng vi~c nay bO'i vl b~n la
chuyen gia v~ kinh doanh & Trung Qu6c.
• Giai thich: thong thlir'Jng di wJi on, in ho(k at di
adj. thanh tht;,,o, chuyen vi

s s
thi hifn "chuyen gia i'J phitong difn ... ".

l a
promote [prn 'm ~ut]
v. di bflt, thang tiin C
fJ,advance - raise - upgrade
v. ru:lng cao, cap

She has recently been promoted to manager.

Gftn dfty co 1\'y al.l'Q'c M b~t lam giam c16c. s h
f>degrade - demote
V. giang Cap

• Giai thfclz: khi mang nghia "tMng chuc", thur'Jng

l i
c6 each di' promote sb to sth, sau to di trl;(c tilp
n. sl/ thiing chuc

v<Ji ten clu:tc danh.

n g C>promotional
adj. thuqc vi thang chuc

success [s::,k'ses1
n. St! thanh cong
' s & winner - smash - hit
n. nguiYi chie'n rhdng
Q+failure n. SI/ that bq,i

He got promoted again; he is such a success, isn't
he? C,.succeed v. thilnh c8ng

T h
Anh 1\'y I~ i c1Lr<.;1c thang ch(tc; anh ay la m()t
ngLroi thanh c6ng dung kh6ng?
~ successful adj. thanh c8ng


vested l' veshdJ adj. au(/c trao cho, (rhu<)c) D-vested interest quyin fr/i ~
&_ quyin s<Y huu ba't di btft dtch cll,((Jc ban cho z

She has a vested interest in the company's success.
v. trao cho, ban cho
Co iy c1LtQ'c trao cho quy~n IQ'i trong sv thanh
c6ng d1a cong ry.
64_ • T_R_A_CK
.....__ _ _16_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___, Qt Aelatiooal Words O, S)'nooyms C,.Antonymsg. Conf115ir>g Words ),.___ _

accomplishment (~'kAmplrJm ~m t] & achievement• success •

n. thanh tich, thanh t(!U
n. thanh tfch
What are some of your greatest accomplishments? ° ' accomplish
Vai thanb tich n6i b~t nhft't d'.ia anh la g1? v. d(I I dll(IC
adj. c6 thanh t[ch

s s
l a
achievement [~' tJi:vm;;mtJ
n. thanh tT!,u triumph C
&+accomplishment· success -

n. thank ll/U
He is a man of many achievements, both in the business
world and in his personal life.
s h(>achieve
V. dqt dll(/C
Anh ll'y la ngL(o'i dan ong c6 nhi€u Lhanh llfll, ca
u·ong lTnh vlfc kinh doanh va Lrong cloi s6ng ca nhan.
l i Q.achievable
adj. c6 rhl dqt du(fc

n g
apply r~'plarl
' s
n9p deln, xin, thlnh ctlu
n. SI/ n()p don, SI/ thlnh cdu

a i
Why don't you apply for the job?
Tlali sao blaln khOng n(>p c1cto cho cong vi~c nay?
n. nguoi n{)p don,
nguoi .xin vi~c
~ Gidi
cto )", h
thich: khi mang nghfa "xin (vq.t hay vif c nilo

dung gioi
dung girJi tl,( to.
tl,( for. Khi "xin ( cd quan new d6 )" thi
adj. du(fc thlnh cdu

background [' brekgroundJ llJ;cultural/educational/

fami ly background
n. btli cdnh, qua trinh dao t~o, nin tcing
nin tang van hod/
I currently work as an office manager, but my background giao dftclgia d1nh
is in engineering. O+ privileged/wealthy
1-J.i~n t6i lam giam clOc van phong, nhung nganh dao background
c~o cua t6i la ky sLr xay dvng. b6'i Clinh thjnh vu<;111g/
~ Giai th£ch: thi hi~n "c6 kinh nghifm i) phitong di?n ... ", giau c6
dung gitJi tit in.
Peeonnel · Peep fonhe New TOEIC • 65 j
confidence [' knnf1d~ns] & assurance - certainty
n. SI/. tin tUong, long tin
n. SI/ ddm bdo,
SI/ chdc cfufn rn
I can see you certainly have enough confidence for 0- confident adj. ti/ tin C
the position, but do you have the experience? z
!>self-confidence Cl
Toi c6 th ~ tha'y c1Lrqc bin c6 du st/ t~r tin cha vi
trf nay, nh ung b:,tn c6 k inh nghi~m khong?
n. SI/ ti/ tin
l)+ consumer confidence
s s
long tin cua khach himg
................................................................................................... •·••·•··· ···· ····............., ........... ............................, ................... . ::0

contribute Lk~m' tnbju:t]

V. dong g6p

donate - give - present
v. hie'n dang, tqng

With my experience, I feel I can contribute a lot to

the company's success.
s h
ll),I contribution
n. Slf c16ng g6p

V8i kinh nghi~m cua toi, toi nh~n tha'y m1nh

c6 th~ d6ng gop nhi~u cha sv tha nh cong d ra
l i Q+contributor
n. ngu&i d6ng g6p
c6ng ty.
-¢- Gidi thich: each dung la contribute sth to/toward
n g
................................................. ............. .......... ,............._. .......... , .........., ................................, ....... ...................................

merit (' ment] & advantage - strength

n. S~l xudt sdc, SI/ x ung dang
' s · n. dii m m(lnh
Qotfault-flaw- defect

a i
Your resume lists all your merits, but tell me what
you think your biggest fault is.
n. diim ye'u 0

T h
Ban so y€u ly ljc h ci'.ia bin Li~t ke tat ca nhung
p h a'm ch at xua't s~c cu a b~n , nh trng hay cho t6 i
bie't b<;ln ngbT di~m yeu Ia n nhat d1a b~n la g!?

·············································--···· ············ ···•····································•·•·· ·································································· ················

profile ('prn0fa1JJ 0, DNA profiling DNA
DNA mophong DNA
n. Sf! mo ta S<J [U(/C
Q4 high-profile
Please include a short profile with your resume. adj. c6 danh tiing.
Vui long bao g6m sv m6 t?r ng fo cung v8i sa
yeu Jy Heh cua b,:ln.
-¢-Giai th{ch: khi lam dqng ti'r chl "ve mqt 11ghieng,
vie't gi<Ji thi?u cu.a... ".
.,__6_6_·_TRA_c_K_1_6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___, Q+Re~IIOl\,'II We<ds lJt Synonyms QIAntonymi &- c.nru,1110 W01ds ...__ _

reject rn'd3ektJ Q,deny - refuse - decline

v. tu chdi, bac ho v. Ill cho'i, bac bo
,a..accept- approve
His application was rejected because he doesn't have a v. cha.jJ nhQn, Ian thi111h
college degree.
Q .rejection
0dn xin vtec cua anh 'ay bi bk ho v1 anh ffy ld16ng
c6 bhng t1;,ii hQc.
,¢, Gidi tMcli: khi la danh t1't, chl "ng1fiJi bi xii. JuJi ti:t
n. ,W bacbo

s s
chili" ho{lc "phe' plufm, v~t bi lo(li".

l a
· ••· •••••••••• •• ••·•· •••• ··•••·• ••••·•••••••• •••••••l••• .. •••·••••• ••H· ••••· ••• •••• •••••• ••• ••••••••••••••••••>• 1••" •' '')! •••• •• •• ·• •••••••••·•••••••••••• •••• •• ••••• •••0•••••·••I0\•'10ooooo,,ooooOloOo

submit [s.1b' mrtl

v. d~ trznh, nQp
n. S(I a? tr111h C
Please submit your application before February 28th.
Vlli long n<)p cktn xin viec ct\a bQn tnf&c ngay 28 s h
thang Hai.

l i
n g
•············..·····--····..···············································•..................................................................... .- ................................... , ..................
time-consuming [' ta1mk;m, sj u:muJ]
adj. tdn thiYi gian
' s
a i
Reading all the applications can be so time-consuming.
8oc t:1't d t1o'n xin vi(lc c6 the ra't t6n nhl~u thol

T h
•••••\••'"''''"'''"'••11,,,,IH0\\ ••••-- ••••••••••••••••••••••11""' ' '"'•••• •••'""'''"• •••u\1 , ••••••••• •••••••• .. •••••••• .. •••••• •• •••• •• •h•• •• ••••••• .. • ·• •••••••••Hl••••">•••• .. •••• .. I•••• •

training [' tremuJl • train

n. ST/ dao t(IO V. dao f{lO

Q+tralnlng session
We provide training for the job, so it's OK if you don't kh6a dc'io 1{10
have experience.
Q,on-the-job training
Chung t6i se d:\o tQ-o cho cOng vie<.: r1ay, Vi the' r,iu
b~n khong c6 kinh nghi~m ct1ng khong sao.
ado t{lo cho cong vi~c
Personnel • Prep for the New TOEIC · 67

update [,Ap' dc1t] ¢- Gidi thfch: khi 1111uJ'n lluf

hifn j "cho (ai) bie'r duqc
v. c9.p nh(lt, cung ccfp thong tin mui nhdt cho ai tin nuJi nluft", ccich dung Iii
Your resume only goes up to the end of last year; update sh 011 sth.
can you update me on what you have been doing
Sa y~u ly ijch ClJa b~n chi neu den cuoi nam
ngoai, c6 the cung ca'p cho toi nhung g1
s s
b?n <'.la lam g:in day chCt?

l a
wage [wc1d3l
n. tten cong
• ~ A
& pay - payment
n. st! titan/, roci11,
S(I trii /uang

I want a fair wage for this new position.

vi trf mcii s h
O,.minimum wage
tiin cf}ng toi thiiu
T6i mu6n ti~n ll/O'ng cong bhng <.:ho
l i
n g
E ·o

' s X,


T h
s s
l a
s h
l i
n g
' s
a i 4-1 Shopping TRACK17

Th 4-2 Ordering Supplies TRACK 18

4-3 Shipping TRACK19

4-4 Invoices TRACK20

70 · TRACK17
' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' Q-Rela1'0nal Words O, Synonyms 9tAntonrmsO, C<>nfusio9 Words .___ _

allowance f:;,' lau:;ins] &+pocket money

n. sf! cho phep, tdn phfJ, ctfp mqt chut riin
ll);baggage allowance
You have to check with the airline to find out their khrJ'i fu<7ng hanh ly d11<7c
weight allowance. phep
B:,in phai ki~m tra v6'i cong ty hang khong dl biet
tn;mg lLtQ'ng cho phep.
❖ Giai thich: allowance con c6 nghia "slf chieu elf, SI/ dung allowance tiin thuf
ll);recommended daily allowance
s s
tM", thl,((Jng di'mg make allowance(s)for sb di tlzi hifn.

l a
tiin pht,1 clip cho nhu du
.............M.JJ8..[t8.?JY. ........................................

checkout f'tJekaut]
n. vi¢c trd tdn di rai khoi khdch s(ln
Q,:check out
ml tiin cti roi khoi khach
I got to the checkout and then found that I didn't have
any money on me!
s h
T6i phai tra ti~n <le
roi khoi khach s~n va roi toi
phat hi~n m1nh kh6ng mang theo ti~n.
l i
n g
customer f'kAsfam:;i]
E 1/)tguest- patron - client
n. khdch hang
' s n. khdch hang
q.customer service

a i
If a store has no customers, it will make no money.
Ne'u m•t ct'ta hang khong c6 khach hang thl no
djch V¥ khach hang
D,regular/repeat customer

T h
khong kiem d.LtQ'c ti~n.
khach hang thu&ng xuyen/
khdch quen

item ['a1t:;im] g..collector's item mon c16 quy

n. khodn, mif.C, m6n hang gia cua ngl,(Oi SIIU tdm

I only have two items; can I go in front of you?

Toi ch1 c6 2 m6n, t6i c6 thJ c1i Ln.t6'c b;in kh6ng?
Purchasing • Prep for the NewTOEIC • 71 J
obtain [~b'tem] C,.acqulre - earn - gain
V. thu dit<!C, gianh alJ(IC
v. thu dti</C, kie'm dtl(/C, gianh dti{/C
I need to obtain a free -parking ticket. adj. co thl gianh dLl(JC
Toi dln d~t dttQ'c chie'c ve d~u xe mien phi.

s s
l a
•• •••• .. •••• u •••••••••• ••1•••••••"' "''••• •• •• --••• • •• .. ••• •••• •••• .. ••••• •• ••• .. ••••• •• • • •••••••••••••• •• ••• •• ••• •• ••• •• •• "' ''' ' "' ''• ••• ••• ••••• ••• ••• ••• •• •• ••••• • .. • .. •• ••• ••• ••••••OIi •
prerequisite [pri :'rekw~zitJ
n. diiu bci.t buqc tntac nhttt, diiu chu ye'u
& precondition
n. aiiu kijn tien quytt C 0

Knowing what you want and how much you want -0

to pay is a prerequisite to a happy shopping

Bie't nhCi'ng g1 b~n mu6n va bao nhi~u ti~n b~n i s -0

mu6n tra la di~u chtl ye'u nhit d~ c6 m¢t trai

nghi¢m mua s~m vui ve.
g l
• Gidi th£ch: di voi gioi ta for, of hol)c to.
E n
• ••••• ••••••• • •• •• •••"• ••• •• .. •••••• •••••••••••••• • •••••• •••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••• •• • "•••• • •••• ••• • •••••• • • ••• • ••o • u• •••••• ••• • ••• •• •••• ••• ••••• • • • •••• • • •• • ••••• ••

quality ['kwolrtil O,class - grade

n. chdt lu<Jng
' s n. lot;ii, b4c
C>quality control

a i
Usually, a cheaper price means poorer quality.
ThLtong thlio'ng, gia re hem d6ng nghTa voi chit
kiim sodt chfit lur;ng
GJ,i quality assurance
lLt<;Jng kem hem.

T h
• Gidi thich: khi la tinh til mang nghia "tfnh tdt,
phtlm chcft ttft", nhu quality product (sdn philm
dom biio cha't lu(Jng
& quantity
n. so' lLt(Jng
philm chii't to't).
··················· ....................... .-.... . .................................................................................................. ····•·········· ................. .
scan tskrenJ C,.scanner
n. may quet
V. quet qua

If the price label won't scan properly, you'll have to

type in the price by hand.
N~u nhiin gia khong th~ quet c1ttQ'c, b~n se phai
clanh may gia d htmg ray.
• Giai tliich: cung c6 thi d1,mg nhtf danh nhu sa tu,
ultrasound scan (sieu tlm), brain scan (sieu am niio).
l 72 · TRACK 17

trend flrend] & current - tendency

n. khuynh /111{/ng n. khuynh l11rcmg
& fad - fashion - craze
Shopping trends show what kinds of things people buy n. mdt, khuynh hu<Jng
and when.
Khuynh htr&ng mua stlm c.:ho bi€t lo~1i hang h6a nao Q,ltrendy
adj. c:h(iy theo 1111ft, rtlt lllfft
nguoi La mua va khi nao mua.
n. nglloi kh<ii Xtl<Jng mqts s
mdt mai, khuynh lntong 1/UJi

s h
l i
n g
' s
a i
T h
TRACK18 ·Purchasing· Prep for the NewTOEIC · 73

automatically [~:t~' mretikli] & automatic

adj. ti! dqng
adv. m<Jt cdch tT! d<Jng v,
Our computer system automatically tells us when
we need to order more supplies.

H<; th6ng may tinh d1a chdng ta n/ c1¢ng bao
khi nao chung ta dn air mua nhi~u hang cung
ca'p hon.
s s
l a
catalog [kret(~) IogJ
n. sdch in kiiu m&u va gia ti&n, catalo
n. danh sachC
I would like to order something I saw in your
s h
Toi mu6n d~t mua vai thu t6i tha'y trong cacalo
~a~~ -
l i
n g
• Giiii thich: each phien am cua nguoi Anh la
catalogue; catalog ciing c6 the' lam dqng tit, mang
y "dinh ke111 .. . trong miic /1,1c".

crucial [' kru:J~IJ

E l}lcritical - key-vital - essential

adj. quan tr9ng, thie't ye'u
adj. quan tr9ng, thiet yeu,
nhdt thie't

It's crucial that we receive these supplies before O,crucially
Christmas. adv. mqt each quan m;mg z<
Di~u quan tr9ng la chung toi phai nh~n dL(Q'C
nhung hang h6a nay tnr&

le Giang Sinh.
• Gidi thich: khi thl hifn "c1tfi vdi ... ra't quan

1r9ng" thl dung gi<Ji til to.

fulfill tful'frlJ U,.achieve • satisfy

v. clqt duqc
v. hoan than h
Will you be able to fulfill our order? n. SI/ hocm thanh
B,Jn co th~ hoiin thanh dctn dij'.t hang nay
74 • TRACK18 __, C,. Relational Words I), Synooym• 0,Antonyms e,. Conluslng Words ._ ___
inventory f' mv~nt(~)riJ &,stock
n. ban kie'm ke hang h6a n. hang t6n kho
Q+inventory control
I have taken inventory to see what supplies we need to kiim ke hang t6n kho
0-,inventory management
T6i ki~m kt hang h6a d~ xem chung toi dn d~t
qudn ly hang tfin kho
nhftng hang h6a nao.

s s
l a
maintain [mem ' te1n]
V. duy tri
£1,. maintenance
n. SI/ duy tri, C
You can usually get better prices and service if you
maintain a good relationship with the supplier.
s h CJ.upkeep
n. SI/ duy tri

B~n tlurong c6 th€ nhin gia ca va djch V\I t6t hem

ne'u b~n duy trl quan h~ t6t v6i n11a cung ca'p.
l i
n g
• • o • • , O • • • • , , , • • • • • , , , • • • • , , , , , • • • • • · , , • • • • O • ~/ , . . o , • •

order f' ::i:d~J

•• • •• O oo < 0 0 h • • •• •• , • · •• 0 • • • ••

• • •••• O • •~~ • •, • o •ooo O O O O < • , 0 0 0 0,00 0 0 0 +O o< • 0 • • 1 0 • • • • • • • • • I • • • • • ' • • • • H • • • • 0 0 0 000 0 H • O O O O 00 . . 0 1 O • o o 061 • • • ' ' ' o • • • • , ' ' • • 0

V. d,:it hang
' s
Ne'u h6m nay chung t6i c1::it mua vi~t thl khi nao
ch(mg t6i se n11~n cln'.mg?
If we order the pens today, when will we receive them?

T h
-❖ Giai thich: khi lc1m danh tu thi mang nghia "d<Jn dijt
hang, hang d(it", nluJ place an order (d(U hang), receive
an order (nh<Jn d11<1c dCJn d([T hang).

••• •• ••••• ••••• ••••• .. • •••• •••• .. ••• u••• •••••• ••••••••~•••• ••• •• ••••••• •••• •• •• .. ••• ••0&• •••• " •••••,0 •••••• ••• ••••••••••• •• ••• •• • • ••• •••••••••• •• •••••• • • • •• • • • •• ••• • • •••• • • ••• • ••• •••• •• • ••• •••• ••• •

promptly f'prornptliJ Qtimmediately - without delay

adv. nhanh chong, ngay lqp tuc ngay li;.p tuc, khong chq.m
I ordered the supplies and they promptly arrived the O,on time du11g giil
next day.
Toi d~t hang va cht'1ng ngay l~p tCtc c1e'n vao ngay
horn sau. adj. nhanh ch6ng
n. SI/ nhanh ch6ng
Pu,chasiag · P"P fonhe New TOEIC · 75 J
rectify [' rekt1fa1l B,correct - put right
lam dung, hif u dfnh
v. chlnh saa, hif u d{nh
Q-+ rectification
You sent us the wrong order. How will you rectify the n. slj chlnh siia, slj hi~u c1lnh
B~•n da gu'i ckin hang sai cho ch(mg t&i. B;,in se
si'.ra t16i t1nh cr;mg nay nl1Lt th€ nao?

s s

l a
....................... ' ............... ~--· ................. ' ... ' .... ......... ........... ''.' ..... '.' ...'. , .....................'' ...... ' ...........•·· .........' .... '' ........ .

remember [n 'memb~J
\I. nhcJ, ghi nha
V. quen C
Did you remember to order the copy paper?
B~n co nl1& c1i,it rnua gi~y copy kh6ng?
s h
~ Gidi thick: remember V-ing chl "nluJ lam vif c g1
d.6 i) qua khu", remember to V chl "nha ph<li. cti lam
l i
vifc g); d6".

n g
stationery ['steiJ(d)n(~)riJ
E 0-,stationary
n. van phong phtlm
' s adj. thuqc vi vein phong phtim

pens. i
I need some more stationery: just some paper and

a ;.,..:

T h
Toi dn th~m van phong ph:lm: chJ gia'y va Mt. 0

················.......................................,, ... .................................. .............. ························ ......................... ,, .... ······················

, ,

sufficiently rs~'f1J~mtlt] S,.enough adv. du

adv. ddy du Qotinsufficiently adv. thie'u
& sufficient
The defects resulted from the workers not being
adj. ddydu
sufficiently trained.
Sai s6t do ttt nl1Crng c6ng nMn chtra c1LfQ'C c1ao Q,i-suffice V. lam cho du
t~o cHy do. Qt sufficiency
n. Si! dc1y c1u
l. . _7_6_·_ 1RA
__ CK
_1_s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.( Q,n,1,"onal Wood$ l)+ Sy,1onym, O,Antonyms S, Confu,;;ng \Vo~

supply ls~'pian .q .provide

v. cung cap v. cung clip
This is the company that suppl ies our computer n. nha Cung cc1p
C, and demand
0fry la cong ty cung ca'p thie'L bi may t1nh.
• Giai thich: khi supply la danh ti"I th1 n6 c6 nghia "sf! cung
d{p, hang cung ctfp, ngu6n di! tril", nhlf wc1ter supply (sf(
cung cciu

s s
cung ctfp nu6c), electricity supply (sf! cung ii'ng difn) .
........................ ...................................................... ············· ..···················· ......................... ....... .........................................
verify ['venfa1l
v. xdc minh, xdc nh(in, khdng djnh
& confirm
v. khdng dinh C
Can you verify that the order wi ll arrive by the end of
the week?
s h Q,verifiable
adj. c6 th# xac 111inh

13~111 c6 th~ khfog dinh h?mg c.1~t se ct~n vao cu6i

tufo ch(t?
l i Qoiverification
n. SI/ xdc minh

n g
' s
a i
T h
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11!AC1(
_ 1~,~has;ag · P,ep fonhe New TOE~

carrier [' kreri~l O,.carry

n. hang wjn tdi, tau chuyen chiJ V. mang, khuan
llotaircraft carrier :r:
We can ship it out tomorrow, but which carrier do 0
hang khong m&u h(lm
you want to use? "z
Chung toi co th~ grri cht~ hang bang tau vao
ngay mai, nhu·ng b~lll muon Sli d1.,ing hang v~
tai nao?
s s
l a
essentially [1' senf~ li]
adv. vi c(J bdn, vJ bdn chdt
& basically
adv. v€ ca banC
Essentially, we need your order by the 7th if you
want to receive the goods by the end of the month.

s adj. thiet yiu

V~ CCI ban, ch(1ng t6i d\n c1on ai[it hang cua cac
anh vao ngay 7 ne'u cac anh mu6n nh~n hang
l i
vao cuoi thang.

n g
estimate f'estimeit]
n. sf! atmh gici, ST! utJc lu<1ng
n., v. doa 11
ll),trough estimate

a i
Can you give me an estimate of the delivery time?
B~n c6 thE tho L6i m•t uoc IL(Q'ng vi} the5i gian
doan chfnh xac
Q,tconservative estimate z

~ Giai h
giao hang duQ'c khong?
thich: khi la cti)ng ti:t, tl9c ['estune1t], ngoai
chl "uoc dodn", con c6 thi chl "ddnh gid, phdn
doan chimg



liability ll ar~ 'bllrtiJ & responsibility - blame -fault

n. trach nhifm phcip ly n. SI/. chiu trcich nlzi~m
What is your liability if the order is lost or broken in adj. khii ll(Jng phap !y
0, limited liability
Trach nhi~m phap ly cua b~ la gl ne'u hang h6a trach nhi~m hilu lu;m
bi m~ft ho~c bi vo· trong qua trinh v~ chuyen?
❖ Giai tT,ich: liability cung c6 nghTa la "n(J", thlliJng
ad<;mg so nhi&u.
78 · TRACK19

mandatory ['mrend~t~ml O,compulsory - obligatory

adj. c6 tinh bdt buQc adj. bdt buqc, cueing che'
Shipping insurance is mandatory and included in the adj. ti! nguyf n
Bao hi~m vin chuyen bang tau la bjt bu¢c va dLtQ'C
bao g6m trong gia ca.
❖ Guzi thich: khi chl "la nghia V{,l vai... ", dung giai tu for. s s
! ' !•. . ' 0 0 - ~ · - • O • O ••• • 0 0 •••• ! 0 ! ! ! ! • • • • • • • ' • • • • • • • • • • • ! ! 0 0 • • • • , . . 01 , • • • • • • • • • 0 0 • • 0 0 • • • • • ' • • • • • , . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 0 0 0 . . . . 0 • • • • • 0 0 u , . .. ···- ~ 0 • • •' 0 •• ! 0 0 ••• 0 0 0. 0 0 •

l a
•• 0 0 0 0 ••• 0 0 •• • 0 0 0 . . . . . 0 0 ••• 0 0 0 . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 < 0

merchandise [' m~:tJ~mda1sJ
hang hod
'&commodities - goods -
n. hang h6a
When will our merchandise arrive?
Khi nao hang h6a cua chung t6i se c1€n? s h O,merchant
n. tht1ang buon

❖ Guzi thich: khi lam dqng tu, n6 c6 nghia la "mua ban,

tieu th(,l ". l i
n g
minimize r mm unarz)
v. to'i thiiu h6a
' s Q+maximize
v. rdi da hoa

shipping time.
a i
Shipping the order out on a Monday will minimize the
& minimum
adj., n. tdi thiiu

thdi gian chuyen ch6 bi1ng tau nha't. h
Ch<Y hang h6a bilng tau vao th(t Hai se lam ft ton n. SI/ to'i tJzi/u

reflection [n'flekJ(~)n] O,reflect

v. pluln chie'u, pluln a11h
n. S/! phdn dnh
Satisfied customers are a reflection of how professional
a company is.
Khkh hang <1ll'Q'c thoa man la si.t phan anh m•t
c6ng ty chuyen nghi~p nhLi the' nao.
Pmcha,;ng • Prep fo,the NewTOEIC · 79 j
ship [J1pJ • send - transport
v. cluJ bdng tau v. v(in chuyln
Q,shipment ::r
We can ship orders anywhere in the world. n. SI/ chuyin hang xuong tau
Chung ta c6 th~ ch& hang b~ng tau toi bfft c(t D,shipping
ndi dau tren the' gloi.
~ Giai tMch: "v(i11 chuyln hang" rhuong dung d(mg
cau ship sth out/to/over.
n. SI/ chcl hang bdng tau

s s
l a 0

C :xi

i s V,

g l
E n
' s
a i z

T h ;§
_m_2_0______________ ~~~~•~•~•~-)~--
accurately [' rekjurntliJ & precisely - exactly
adv. mqt each ch{nh xac adv. mqt each chfnh xac
,> inaccurately adv. m91 each
Invoices must be written accurately, otherwise we could khong chfnh xdc
lose money.
Hoa c'lo'n phai dttQ'c vier mc;t each chinh xac, ne'u
kh6ng chung ta c6 th~ mit tien.
adj. chfnh xdc
s s
n. Sf,( chfnh xac

l a
adjustment [:;, 'd3Astm;)ntl
n. sf! diiu chlnh C
O,. modification - amendment
n. st,t tliiu chlnh

You promised me a discount, so can you make an

adjustment on the invoice, please?

s v. diiu chlnh

B?n h(ra dtra t6i m•t khofo khiu, vl the b~n
c6 th~ vui long dieu ch!nh tren h6a aO'n?
l i & adjustable
adj. co th& cliiu chinh

dung minor/slight adjustment.

n g
❖ Gidi thfch: khi th€ hifn "sif di€u chlnh nho ", c6 thi

charge [tJa:d3J
n. phi, chi phf
' s 0,. price - cost - fee
n. phl, chi phi
Q,,free of charge

If this invoice is not paid by the 25th, there will be an miln phi
additional charge of one percent per day.
a,..carrying charge

T h
Ne'u hoa don nay kh6ng du'qc tra vao ngay 25 t111
m6i ngay se c6 them khoan phi 1%.
❖ Giii.i thfch: charge cung c6 thl la dqng tu", chl "thu
phf khuan vdc
S,.service charge
phi djch v~
phf, tfnh gid ".

compile [k~m'pa1l] Q; collect- gather - accumulate

v. bien soqn, thu thqp v. thu th(lp, suu tdm
li,l,, compilation
We're just compiling your invoices now, and we will n. Sf! bien SO{ln,
send them to you as soon as we're finished. SI/ thu th(lp
Bay gio chung toi dang SOf;lO nhll'ng h6a cfon cua
b~n va chung toi se gu'i chung cho bf;ln ngay khi
n. nguoi bien tqp,
chung tell hoan t11~mh.
ngiloi SllU tdm
P,cch,.iog · p,.p fo,the New TOEIC · 81 j
discount f' drskaunt] £t,l cash discount
chie't khifu Mng ti€n m('i,/
n. tiin chitt khdu
If the invoice is paid before the 25th, you will
receive a five percent discount.
Ne'u hoa don nay dtrQ'c tra tn.roc ngay 25 th1
b~n se nh?n khoan chi~t kha'u 5%.
• Giai thich: thi hifn "chie't khdu bao nhieu pluin
trdm.", co 1M' dung "mtiy pluin tram + discount" s s
ho<'ic "discount <~f may phan tram".

l a 0
discrepancy [d1s'krepansiJ
n. sf! khac nhau, st! kh6ng nhdt qudn C
Q,i,difference - disagreement
n. SI/ khac nhau

There seems to be a discrepancy on the invoice:

yours says fifty dollars, and ours says forty-five.
s h
adj. khac bifl
Duong nhu c6 sv kh6ng nha't quan trong boa
cldn: cua b~n la 59 do la, ctia chung t6i la 45
l i Gl-tdiscrepantly
adv. mqr each khac bift

do la.

n g
efficient [1' fiJ(Q)nt]
E & effective
adj. hi~u qud
' s adj. c6 hifu qut!
D+ inefficient

It is much more efficient to write out all the adj. khong hif u qua
invoices at the same time.
~ efficiently
V ie't ta't ca h6a c10n cung m•t luc th1 hi~u qua

T h
hon nhieu.
adv. m9t each c6 hif u qua
n. mqt each co hifu qud

everyday [' evnder] B,ordinary - routine - common

adj. thll(Jng ngay
adj. m6i ngay, tlnt&ng nht;it
D+-abnormal - unusual
Paying invoices is an everyday job in our busy office. adj. thuiJng thuiJng
Thanh roan nhung h6a cton la cong vi~c Mng
ngay t::,ii vlln phong b~l.n r(in ct"1a ch(ing ta.
• Giai thich: everyday la tfnh tit, khi vie't thanh hai
clu7, every day thi trif thanh ph6 tu chi th(Ji gian,
nghia "mlfi 11gay".
_2_0_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~~~~~•~-~~---
function ['fAtJkS(~)nJ &,Job - position - duty
n. chu:c nang, vai tro, nhi~m Vft n. nhi¢m V(,t, cong vi¢c

One of my functions in the office is to prepare invoices.

MOt trong nhung nhi~m Vl,I cua toi t~i v:1n phong la
chu~n bi h6a c1dn.
❖ Gidi thich: khi liim di}ng tit, mang nghTa "c6 cluic
niing... , phat huy cong d1,mg".
s s
· ·· · · • •···••• ••• • •••·•••••· ·•••···· · · .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·· · · • · ·· . . · · · ·· · · •·· · · · · · • · · ·· •· •· • •••• • • ••·•· • •••• • ••·••· ·••• ••• · ·· ·••·

l a
impose Lrm 'p~uzJ
V. danh thue: bdt chju
n. St! ddnh thue;
s11 bif.t chiu
As you are paying the invoice late, we have to impose a
small fine.
s h
Kbi b~n thanh toan h0c1 dcm tr~, ch(mg c6i bu•c b~n
chiu m•t khoin ti~n ph~r nho ..
l i
❖ Giai thich: khi tht hif n "cittlng bac ai d6 chdp nhq,n
vqt gl do", dung impose sth on sb.
n g
integral ['mt1grnl]
E 0,.essential - necessary -
adj. toan b(), tr(Jn v~n. khong th€ thie'u
' s required
adj. thie't ytu, cdn thiit

Sending out and paying invoices is an integral part of l>integrate
doing business. v. hoa nh(lp, h<!p nh5t

❖ Giai thick: klti T h

Gu'i va thanh toan hoa ciO'n la m(>t phan khong th~
thie'u ci'.1a vi~c kinh cloanb.
chl "la cdn thie't dt{i vai. .. ", dung girli
ti't to.

joint [d3::>mtJ & shared - combined -

adj. chung collective
adj. chung, ke't h(Jp
We have a joint account, and both our salaries get paid 0,. individual - separate
into it. adj. ca
nhan, rieng Ie
Chung t6i c6 m•t tai khoan chung va lltdng cua ca
hai chung t6i c1ttQ'c tra vao d6.
~ Giai thich: khi la danh tu chl "ch6 n6i, mdi no'i".
Purchasing · Prep for the NewTOEIC • 83

mistake fm 1'ste1kl C,. error -fault

n. l6i, chJ sai n. L6i, c/76 sai

There's a mistake on this invoice; we have already

paid for some of these.
C6 mcjt l6i trong h6a c1on nay; chung ta vtla
thanh toan mc)t vai trong so n~1y.
~ Giai thich: khi lam dl)ng til, c6 nghia "hifu ltim,
s s
p!u;im l8i".

l a
run [rAD]
v. chqy, hot;1t aqng, vqn hanh C
& conduct - administer - control
v. kiim soar, quan ly

I started out preparing invoices two years ago, and

now I run the whole office.
s h
Toi c1a b~t di.iu chu~n bi nhieu h6a don each
c1~y hai nam va b;:ty gic/ t6i kiEm soat c:i van
l i

n g
strictly rstnktlil
E & exactly - precisely
adv. chinh xac
' s adv. chfnh xdc
C,. strict

a i
The lower price is strictly for those invoices paid on adj. k!u'i.c k/ze, nghiem klziic

Gia tha'p hdn ciLf(>'c danh chfnh xic cho nhung
hoa cton chanh toan dung lwn.
subtract [s~b'trrektJ & deduct v. gidm
v. trit, gidm fi> add V. them vao
li),t subtraction n. SI! t ru ra
We didn't receive these, so you need to subtract
them from the bill. C,.multiply V. 11/u1n Len
ChLJng t6i khong nhin nhCrng th(r nay, v1 the' £I. divide v. chia cho
b~rn n~n trCr <.:Mng khoi h6a c1dn thanh toan.
l. .
__ c_
K2_0_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____,( f> Rellllor,al wo,d; & ~Y"Oll'/rnS O,Antonyms& ConloSinQ V:d, ).____

tedious ['ti:drns] &+boring - dull

adj. chem, te nh<;it adj. chcin
fJ, interesting
Writing invoices can be tedious, but it is very important. adj. hap ddn, rhu vi
Vi~t h6a c1cm co thi te nh~t nhLtng no ra't quan
bu6n chcin, le nhqt
s s
n. sf:{ bu6n chan

l a
term ft~:ml
n. ctilu klwan C
C>terms and conditions
ctiiu khoan va c1iiu kien

According to the terms listed in our invoice, if you

cancel, you still have to pay half of the total.
s h
Theo nhfing cti<~u khofo <lLt<;c li~t ke trong hoa c1on
cua chung t6i, ne'u b~n huy, b~n vfo phai thanJ1
l i
toan m•l ni'.ra trong t6ng s6.

n g
❖ Gidi thfch: khi chl "diiu kifn , diiu khodn" thuong
dung dr;mg sff nhiiu.
' s
a i
T h
s s
l a
s h
l i
n g
' s
a i TRACK 21

Th 5-1 Banking

5-2 Investments TRACK 22

5-3 Taxes TRACK 23

5-4 Accounting TRACK 24

5-5 Billing TRACK 25

86 TRACK11 Q- AelaUOllal \Va,ds & Syncoy,ns Q<An~yms S,. Cool1JS;11g Woo~ ' - - - -

accept [~k' septJ Q-take

v. chap nhq,n, d6ng y, nhq,n v. nht;m, lay

Do you accept American dollars?

1 ,refuse - reject - decline
v. tii cht/i, bcic bo
B~n c6 nMn d6ng c16 la My kh6ng? (>acceptable
. adj. c6 th! chap nhQ,n dU(lc
s s
n. SI/ chfiJJ nhqn

account [;) 'kauntl
n. tai khoon
GJ_,,bank account
tai khoan ngan hang

Please include your account number to expedite the

s h Q,tsavings account
tai khoan 1.iet kifm

Vui Jong bao gom s6 tai khoan

hqp ct6ng nay.
ci'.ia anh

l i
de xuc tie'n

minh, gidi thfch ".

n g
• Giai thich: khi account lc,m dqng ti't, n(5 c6 nghTa "thuyet

activate [' rektiveti]

E c,+activation
V. kfch hoq,t
' s n. SI/ kich ho(tt

After you have filled in the paperwork, we'll be able to adj. dit(Jc kich ho(lt
activate your account.

Sau khi b<,tn ctifo day du vao gity t<'J, chung toi se
kich ho<,1.t tai khoan cho b~n.
• Giai thfch: activate con c6 thi chl "ddy nhanh pMn
ilng h6a h9c".

balance ('brefons]
n. bang can d1fi tai khodn

The balance of your account is $78,000.

Bang cfln doi tai khoa n ct1a b~m la 78.000 cto la.
• Gidi thkh: khi thi hif n "bdng quye't todn" ciing co
thi ndi bank bala11ce.
Finance and Budgeting · Prep for the New TOEIC · 87

borrow ['bor~oJ •
li' , borrower
n. ngulJi mli(ln
v. mu{/n
You can borrow up to one hundred thousand
dollars and pay it back over five years.
l3~in c6 thE 1m(Q'n c1e'n mc)t tram ngan cto la va
tra lc:1i tren 5 nam.
-¢-Gidi thich: khi borrow mangy "mli(ln ", th, dung
s s
gi{Ji tit from, lend la "cho muqn ", dung gicJi tit to.

l a z
cashier [kre'Ji~l
n. ngl,(iJi th.u ngan C m

Ms. Lee works at a bank as a cashier.
Co Lee lam thu ngan t~i ngan hang. s h ~

-¢- Giai thfch: cashier c6

c6 .Y chl "each chtJc, thai ra ".
rid .xem la d(jng 1u
l i
n g
convert [kQn'vQ:t]
E GI-convertible
V. c16i, chuyin tMi
' s adj. c6 thi chuyin d6i
& converter

Please convert one hundred U.S. dollars into n. lo chuyln,
euros. may d6i difn.

Vui long c16i 100 c16 la My thanh c16ng euro.

T t.O
deposit [di'poz1t] Q-iwithdrawal
n. tiin. ky gai, tiin d(U c9c n. SI/ rut riin
If you want to rent the apartment, you have to pay n. ngulJi ky gtli
a two-month deposit.
Cl-security deposit
Ne'u anh mu6n thue can h•, anh phai d?t ti~n riin d(f.t c9c bdo dam
CQC 2 thang.

Gidi thich: khi deposit lam d(jng tit, n6 c6 nghia

"gui (tiin, v{},I), gui (tiin) ongan hang".
_ s_s_ •_ Ti
_2_1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___, 0,.Rcf>tlonal Words & syi,onyms 0,Anlonyms & C'lnlusino V/Cf~ ' - - - -

down payment [daun] ['perm~nt]

tra tdn hang thang
We are saving money to make a down payment on the
house we want to buy.
Cht'.'1ng toi c1ang ti~t ki~m tien cl~ thanh toan ti~n
hang thang cho can nha chung toi mu6n mua.

s s
l a
endorse [rn'do:s]
v. ky h(lu
n. Sf! /.cy h(iu C
Can you endorse the back of the check, please?
Vui Jong ky phfa sau to sec? s h
'• Giai thich: endorse ngoai chl "ky dJng sau (sec, htfi
phie'u", con d11qc thi hifn nhdu v<Ji y "lam d(li difn l i
(cho sdn phiim nao do), chling thl/c" vii "ngt1&i n6i tie'ng
chiing thl,(c" tie'ng Anh la celebrity endorsement.
n g
exchange Lrks'tJemd3J
E & exchange rate
v. d6i
' s tl gici hdi doai
& foreign exchange

a i
Please help me exchange these N.T. dollars for yuan.
Vui long giup toi c16i nhung d6ng dola E>ai Loan nay
trao d6i ngo<;ii t~

sang c16ng nhan dan t~ .

..............................................................................................., ............. , ............ ················· ............................................................
mortgage ['m::i:gid3J
n. v4t cdm ed. vq,t thl chffp n. · nq, klwd11 vay

We've almost finished paying off the mortgage on our

Chung toi hiu nhlt hoan thanh vi¢c thanh toan the'
chil'p cho can nha cua chung tai .
❖ Gidi th(ch: c6 th€ dung take out a... mortgage di the'
hiln slf tidn va Icy h(ln cua
the' cht{p, vf d1:1 nhu rake out a
$50,000 mortgage chl "the' chap 50 ngan ", take out a ten
year mortgage chl "the' chtfp JO niim ".
Finance and Budgeting · Prep for the New TOEIC • 89

overdra w l,;}ov<>•' dr::>: I Q,.overdrawn

adj. bi nit quci nu?c
v. rut tiin qua muc
I overdrew my account by five thousand dollars.
Toi rut qua 5 ngan c16la khoi tai khoan cua t6i.

s s
l a
restricted [n ·stnktrdl
adj. h~n djnh, h(ln che' C
& confined - limited
adj. hfln ch{, gir)i h(tn

This special account is restricted to local customers.

Tai khoan d~c bi~t nay dttqc h~n dinh cho
s h
Q,. restrict
v. hqn
che: gioi h(m
nhung khach hang dia phLto'ng.

l i
❖ Guii tlifch: klzi chl "h{m che' iJ (nguiJi hay v(ir vijc
n. SI/ gioi hgn

nao do)" dung gioi tit to.

n g
transaction ltram'zrekJ;}nl
E Q,.transact
n. luJp d6ng, giao djch
' s v. lam giao djch §c..

I'd like a list of my last ten transactions. z
Toi mu6n m(>t danh sach g6m 10 giao djch cu6i

ettng Clta t6i.

typicall y ('t1p1k(;:,) li I Q-typical
adj. aiin htnh, tieu bilu
adv. d<J,c trung, tieu bilu, ditn h1nh
It typically takes two days for the money to reach
your account.
Thttong th1 pha i bie't 2 ngay ti~n moi c1e'n tai
khoan d .'1a b~n.
accumu late [o' kju:mjulc,tJ & amass - gather - collect
v. tfch luy v. tfch luy, tlw tl,(lp
She accumulated over a million dollars through investing.
n. S(( t[c/1 lay
C6 iy tich luy c1ucjc tren m()r tri¢u d6 la tu vi~c chiu

s s
aggressively [o,gres ,v Ii J l a
adv. xong xao, mftnh me, dil dqi
adj. di? d9i, 111{111h me
I made a lot of money by investing aggressively in stock.
Toi kiem c.1ltcjc nhi~u ti~n bang each c.Hu tlf x6ng
s h
n. S(I dil d9i
xao vao dl phieu.

l i a,.passively
adv. 111Qt each th!, dl)ng

n g
bond [bundJ
E Q'tTreasury bond
n. trdi phitu

' s tr<ii phie'u kho b(lc

a i
Savings bonds offer a low-risk return for your investment,
but are not as profitable as a good stock.
l\hCtng trai phieu tic't ki~m t~o ra lai ,·oi rui ro tha'p

T h
hon cho vi<;c d~u tLt cCia anh, nlutng khOng nhiCu ]Q'i
nhuin nhlf c6 phii.:'u t6t.
❖ Gitii tMch: khi bond la dqng tt'f chl "lam cho b6 /qi,
lt(v... lam rhi chlip ".

cautiously [' ko:Josl iJ & carefully

adv. ca'n thljn, th(in tr<?ng adv. 11191 each cdn rhq11
You should invest more cautiously, or you could lose a
adj. tli(in tr911g
lot of money.
B~m n~n <.1au tlt m(lt dch tb~n trQng n0u kh6ng b~n II-caution
s0 mit nhieu ti~n. n. S!f /uu y
n. S(f tMn tr911g
Finance and Budgeting · Prep for the New TOEIC · 91

commit [kg'mrt] Q,tcommitment

n. Sf! giam giil
v. giam giil

With this kind of investment, you must commit •z

your money for at least five years. z
V6'i ki€u d5u tLt nay, b,;tn phai giam ti~n cua
b::in it nha't 5 nam.
• Gidi thich: dc;wg cau thi hifn "dung thiJi gian,
s s
tiin b(J.C... vao vif c nao d6" la commit sth to sth.

l a
conservative [k gn' s;;i:v;;itrv]
adj. uelc chitng, khodng chitng
adv. m{)t each u(Jc chang

I shou ld make about ten thousand dollars, and

that's a conservative estimate.
s h GJ-conservation
n. sif Lt(/c chilng, chilng ml!c

ell/ c1oan Lfo'C chung.

l i
Toi se kie'm c1Lt(Jc 10 ngan <16 la, va c16 la m(>t

n g X

currency [' kAr;;insi]

E Q,foreign currency ngogi tf
n. gid trj tiin ti
' s GI-hard currency ti€n nu;f,t

a i
Where can I change foreign currency?
Toi c6 th€ d6i ngo,:1i t~ a aau?

T h 0:,

depression [dr'preJ(;;i)n] O,.recession - slum p

n. st!, suy thotii
n. s{t suy thodi
& depressing
The stock market crash meant the coming of a adj. c6 khuynh hitong
depression. suy thodi
Si,t svp a6 cua thi tntong chung khoan c6 ngh1a
la S\t suy thoai sap xay ra.
V. lam cho suy Sll,p
• Gidi thich: depression ciing c6 thi chi "sf! bu6n
rdu, st!, suy nhli<;tc".
92 • TRACK22 t),Relallonal Words & Synonyms 0 ,Antonyms 8' Confusing Words

desire [di'zarg] & craving - longing - appetite

n. urJc mutfn, mong uac n. mong muo'n, mong 116c

I have no desire to invest my money; I'd rather keep it in

the bank.
Toi kh6ng c6 Vctc muon dau tLt ti~n et1a t6 i; t6i thich
gi'.t'i n6 trong ngan hang hem .
Gidi thich: theo sau desire la to V, f or N horJ,c mfnh
s s
d€ that.

l a
································································································" ·································· ·••····································· ....................... .
dividend [' drv1 drndJ
n. co tac
AO ,
n. tiin hoa lu5ng

Are the dividends for this investment paid twice or four

t imes a year?
s h
C6 ph ai c6 tCtc cho d au tV nay aVQ'c tra 2 ho~c 4 Jan
trong m•t na m kh6ng?
l i
n g
fund [fAndJ
························· ····························•····················· ...·.. ····· .............................. ............ .........................................................
li)tpension fund
n. quy, tiin wfn
' s quy huu tri

I have most of my money invested in a special fund. quy tin thdc
Hau he't ti~n ct'.1a t6 i dttQ'c c1ati tV vao m• t guy d ~c
O,fu nd-raisi ng

T h
-¢- Gidi thich: khi la m dqng tu no c6 nghia "cung cifp
ngu6 n quy ... ".
n. quy quyen g6p

······························································ ·· .. ····· "············..................................................................................................... ..

invest [m' vest] O,investment
v. ddu tu n. si,t diJu Iii
You should only invest as much money as you can n. nha ddu tu
afford to lose.
B?n chI ne n dau ttt nhi~u ti~n khi b?n c6 c1t'.1 kha
nang thua 16.
• Gidi thich: each dung la invest in sth.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _F_in_a_nc_e_a_n_d_B,dgetiog • Peep fonhe NewTOEIC • 93 j
long-term ['lmf t3':mJ 0,.short-term
adj. ngdn h<;m
adj. da,i lu;m

This is a long-term investment, so make sure you

won't need the money within the next ten years.
Day la m•t khoan cHu tu' clai h,;tn, v1 the' hay
ch:k chan rang b~n khong dn ti~n trong vong
10 nam t6'i.
s s
l a
.............. ..................................................... ··························••t••·•·········· ...................................,..........•,....... ·······················

portfolio [p~:t'fauh;;iu]
n. danh m1r1,c v{fn adu tu C
I only have four investments in my portfolio. How
many do you have?
s h
T6i du c6 b6n kho?tn cHu ttf trong danh m~1c
v6n cHu ttr ct"ia t6i. Anh c6 m[y khoan?
l i ~
~ Guti th ich: portfolio ciing mang nghia "tuyin tq.p
tac ph8m", nhaa portfolio of work.
n g m

profitably [' pruf1tab(~)li J

········································································••··· ... ........................................ ···········································•······ ···················
adv. c6 loi
' s n. l<Ji nhuq.n, khoiin Lai
GP profit able
make money at all.
a i
It isn't easy to invest profitably; many people don't

adj. c6 thi c6 /ifi z

Th~t kh6ng d€
h clau w co loi; nhieu ngu'c'Ji
kh6ng kiem du'Q'C rien gl ca.
. ... . ... .. .........
...... ... .... ' ''' '' '' ........................ ' ... '' ....' .... '' ...'' ............................... ...... ' ..... '' ... '' ...' .............................. -~..... '' ... ' ......
realistic Lri~' l1st1k] IJ+practical - down-to-earth
adj, tfl(lc rt
adj. thl!c re: hif n thlfc
f> unrealistic
If you thi n k that i nvesting can make you rich adj, plzi thl/C 1t
quickly, you are not being realistic.
,Q - reality
Neu b~n oghi vi~c tHlu ttt c6 the' lam h~n giau n. ban cha/ thl/C, hi~n th~(C
c6 nhanh ch6ng th, b~n kh6ng thVc r6i. te
C,. realism
n. chii nghia hi~n th~rc
L 94 • 111ACK22 ( Q+ Re'.Jtlonal W0<ds & Synonyms O,Antonyms & Conf\Jsi~

return [n ' fa: n] a,.profit-earnings - gain

n. tdn liJi, tiin Lai n. tdn loi, l<1i nhu(in

I got a really good return on my investment.

T6i c6 m•t khoan tiCn lai kha nhieu cha c1Ju ttt d,a
{, Gidi thich: ch1 "c6 tha;c l<Ji nhuqn ti'!... ", dung gi<1i
tit on.
s s

l a
' ... ' ............ ~- ......... ''' ..... ........................ '.' .... .. ~--•· ..... ..............' ...... ' ........... ····· ..... ' .... ' .... ' ...................... ' ..'' .. ' ............ -. ........... '''' ... .
target ['ta :g1tJ
n. n71J,C tieu
0,goal - aim - purpose
n. llU;lC Ctie U

My target is to make a million dollars over thirty years.

Mt.1c ti~u cua tdi la kie'm m•t tri~u do Ja trong
s h
khoang hO'n 30 n~m.
{, Giai th£ch: target ciing lam dqng tu, chl "la'.y, .. lam
l i
1111,lC tieu ".

n g
wisely ('waizliJ
• • ••• • ~••• ••• •• •••••• • •••••••• •••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••• ••• ••••••••••••• • • • •••••• u •••••••••• .. ••••• ••• ••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••• • •••• • •••• ••••••••••••••• ••••• ~• ••• • ••• •••• •• •• •••••• ••• "• • • •

adv. mqt each khan ngoan
' s adj. khan 11goa11

a i
If you invest wisely, you won't lose money.
Ne'u b~n cHu ttr m<)t dch khan ngoan Lh1 b~n se
n. SJ! khon ngoan

kh6ng ma't tien.

T h
t ·••···• · .... . . .... ............... ..... ..... ....... . .. ........... . . . ........ ..... , . ....... .... • ··•·•····· .. • • ..•••o •• •" •'••••• •· ···· ·• ... ••• •• • .. •••• ••••••·· · •··• · ···•• •·• • .. •••• .. ••••• ••····•• · ·•·•

yield [j i:ldJ & produce

v. san xutft, sinh lqi, mang lqi v. sdnxurft
The investment yielded a profit of two thousand dollars. adj. c6 loi cao
Dilu W nay san sinb 2.000 c16 la tien loi.
C,. iow-yielding
• Gidi thich: khi la danh 111, chl "sdn hrr;ng, l<Ji nhuq.n ". adj. c6 loi thap
TRACK 23 • floaoce aod B,dgetiog · P,ep ~• th:'.:w TOEIC_· 95J

calculation [krelkj u'leiJon] Q;calculate

v. tfnh todn
n. sf! tfnh roan
According to my calculations, you owe just under n. may 1f11h
eighteen thousand dollars in taxes.
Theo slf tfnh toan ct'ia t6i, bqn nQ' chi duoi n. phep tinh
18.000 c16 la [i~n thue'.

s s
l a
contribution Lkantn'bju:J:m]
n. Sf! dong g6p
v. c16ng g6p

He doesn't make much of a contribution to his

s h
n. nguoi dong g6p

Anh fly khong dong g6p nhi~u cho d•i ci'.1a anh
l i
deadline [' ded lamJ
E n g I
n. lu;in chot
' s p;

a i
The deadline for doing your taxes is the end of

~ Gi&i thich: h
H~n ch6c M b~n c16ng time' la cuoi thang Nam.

dung gi<Ji ti'tfor.
thi hi¢n "h~n ch6t cua vifc nao d6 ",

file [fail]
v. df trcnh, nqp
Have you filed your taxes for last year?
Nam ngoai b~n c6 n9p thue' chtta?
<¢>- Giii.i thich: co rhi lam danh tit, chi "viin kifn, h6
sa, 1ai Li¢u ".
9 6_ · _
'-- TR_A_C_
K_2J_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.....J Q, Rcl,llonal W01ds & synonyms fJ- An1onymsG, Conl~

overall f;;:mva·ro:IJ g.generally

adv. tilt cd, t6ng qudt, nhin chung adv. nhin chung

You owe eleven thousand dollars overall.

ca 11.000 c16 la.
Bc,111 nq' ta'.L
• Giai thfoh: co tM lam lfnh tit, chl "toan bf}".

s s
l a
refund r'n ' fAnd]
n. SI/ trd lt;li, so' tiin trd lt;li
f>tax refund
tiin lzoan thue' C
I got a really big tax refund last year.
Nam ngoai t6i c6 m(>t khoan Li~n boan thu~ ra'.t Ion.
s h & full refund
1.iin hoan trd du

• Giai thic/r: khi lam dqng

am [n'ft-.nd}, y gdn vtJi reimburse.
Lu cld "hocm tra (1iin)", phat
l i Q.nonrefundable
adj. kMn.g thi hocm trd l(li

n g
spouse [spaus]
•··············································· ................ ............... ..................... .. ,, ..................... .................................................., ............... .

Qt spousal
n. v()' ( chJng)
' s adj. thuqc vi v<J ( ch6ng)
Both you and your spouse had to sign the loan
Ca b~n va a i (ch6ng) b~rn phai ky vao hQ'p c1ong
vay nay.

T h

• •• . . . . • O O • • • > •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' f · • ' . ' OOOO O' . . . >' O · •• • ' ' ' ' ••• '• • ., •• · • ' ' I OO O O O OOo• ' ' Oo O O • ~ • • O O • • • ' • • • • . . • 0000 0 0 ' 0 0 0 . . 0 0 00 • ' 0 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• •• 0 • • •o • 0 0 0 + 0 ' 0 o • o O O 00 • o O , , • O , o . , , , Mo . . o • • oo+o • 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0

withhold [w1o'h~mldJ Q, withholding tax

v. giil lt;li, cdm l~i thue' giil f9i

About two hundred dollars is w it hheld from Anna's

paycheck each month.
Khoang 200 <lo la all'cJc giCt l~i tt'r sec pha i thanh
toan dia Anna m6i thang.
TRACK24 • Finance and Budgeting • Prep for the NewTOEIC • 97

accounting [~ 'kaunt11JJ r>account

n. tai khoan
n. khoa ke' toci.n; mon kt toan
Q+accountant co
The accounting department provides a company's n. kt toan vien z
financial information.
,m+accounting/fiscal year
Ban k~ toan cung cffp thong tin tai chinh ci'.1a
cong ty.
❖ Giai thich: tilng Anh ci'ia nguiYi Anh dung
nlim tai kh6a

s s

l a
·····································•"'''" .......,............, .... ...........................,, . ···················"''"' ''' ''' '' ''' ······ ·················•··· ......... , ............. . z<
asset ['reset]
n. tai san
Q-capital assets
tai san vtfn C ~
The company has many assets that it could sell to
raise money.
s h
C> liquid assets
ti.ti san dl ban

C6ng ty c6 nhi~u tai san co th~ ban de thu tien.

l i
n g
audit l'J:drt]
..... ................ .......................... , ............................... .. , ...., ... ,,,, ..................................................................... ... , .....................
v. kiim toan
' s n. kilm toan vien

a i
We have finished auditing the company's accounts,
and everything seems to be correct.

T h
Chung toi Vtra hoan thanh vi~c l<iim toan tai
khoan CL1a c6ng ty va m<,>i thCr deu c.1ung.
❖ Giai thicli: cung co tfti lam danh tit. m
····························••-•·················· ............................................................................................................................................ .

budget ['bAd31t]
v. dl! thao n.gan sach
It is important to budget for the year so that we
will have enough money.
0H~u guan tr<;>ng la phai d~t thao ngan s:ich ciia
nam a<! chung ta se c6 c1Ll tie n.
❖ Giai tli{ch: chl "d~t th?io hgan sach cho ... ", dung
gi<Ji tit for. Khi lam da11h tit, budget chl "di! tlnh ",
khi La tfnh tit chl "re".
98 · TRACK24 __, C,.Rela110.,1 Viocds 0, Synonyms 0-Antooyms g. ConlUslno Wor~s ' - - - -

calculate ('krelkjtileitl • estimate -figure - assess

v. t(nh tocin v. tlnh, uoc tlnh
Can you calculate how much the decoration will cost? n. Sf! tfnh toan
B~n c6 th€ tfnh toan xem trang trf t6n bao nhi~u
tifo c1lt(Jc kh6ng?
n. may tlnh

s s
l a
capital ['krepit(:,)I]
n. vdn, so' tiln dtlu tu
0-Capital account
tai khoan vtfn C
Without capital, you won't be able to get your business
s h Iii-capital investment
sl/, dOu tli vtfn

Khong c6 v6n, b<).n se kh6ng th€ b~t

ctfo kinh
l i
❖ Gidi th{ch: capital cilng co thi lam ttnh ti't, chl "thu9c
vi wfn, vitt hoa, quan tr<;mg ".
n g
' ••• ' •••• •• ' •••• ' . ••••• ' •• ··~ •• ' •••• •• ••••• ' ••••• ' ' •••• ' ••••• ••••••••. ···• •-< .••• •••••••••••••••••••••• '' ••••• ' ••• ''' •••••••••••••• •• . . . •• ••.. . ••• . . . •••• . ••• '' •• ' •. ••• •••••• ' .. ........ ... ' ••••• ···••· ••

client ('k larnnt]

n. khach hang
' s & customer
n. khach hang

because we help them save money.

a i
Most of our clients are happy to pay for our services

T h
Hau he't khach hang d'.1a chung t6i vui ve cho
cl!ch v~1 ctf a chung t6i bai vl chung t6i git'1p ho tilt
ki¢m tien.

································"·•· .. ·····................ ......................................... , . , ..... ....................................................... ··•·······........................ .

, ,

commission [k:::i 'mrJ(:::i)nJ

n. tiin hoa h<Jng

One of the advantages of investing online is that you

don't need to pay commission to a broker.
M<'.lt trong nhftng thuin lqi cua c1~u ttr tr~tc tuy€n la
b?n khong dn tra ti~n hoa h6ng cha nha moi gi&i.
❖ Gidi th{ch: commission cung co thi lam dqng tit, chl
"uy nhifm, uy".
Finance and Budgeting • Prep for the NewTOEIC · 99

debt [det] Qtdebtor n. con n<J

(creditor n. chu n<J)
n. n<;t, m6n nr;
Q,.debt collector co
I have paid off all my debts; I don't owe money to ngu&i thu n<J z
T6i VL(a tra het cac khoan n(f Clla t6i; t6i kh6ng
con nQ' ti~n ai nua.
adj. n<J ch6ng chfft

s s
l a
expenditure [1k'spend1tf~J
n. chi tieu n. chi tieu C
9'costs - expenses

Government expenditure must be kept under strict

s h
V. tieuxai

Chi tieu cua chinh pht1 phai c1V(1c gift trong ti:\m
ki€m soat nghiem ng~t.
l i
n g
forecast ['fo:ka:stJ
E e,.prediction
n. di/ bdo, dlf dodn
' s n. sl/ di/ doan
g,. forecaster

According to our forecast, the company should be n. ngttai d{t doan, di! bdo
making a profit by next January.
C)tweather forecaster

-¢- T h
Theo dt! doan cua ch(mg t6i, c6ng cy se thu
C1lt<;C !qi nhu?n vao thang Gieng toi.
Guzi thich: ciing co thl lam dljng ta.
nha di/ hao rhai 1ift
S,.economic forecaster
nha dt! bao kinh ti

outstanding faut' standnJ] 9+unpaid - owing - payable

adj. chtta thanh toan
adj. chua thanh toa n
We still have two bills outstanding, but I can pay
them this week.
Chung toi vftn con hai h6a c1dn chva thanh loan
nhltng t6i c6 th~ lhanh LOan chung vao tuan nay.
❖ Gilli thich: outstanding ding c6 y "kif t xuat, ttu
_ c_K_2_4_______________.( lit'Rciatlooal Words 1)1 Synooyms 8 'Mtonyms CiJ,, Confusino Words I.____

project [prn' d3ektJ & calculate - predict

v. ho(lch dtnh, d1/ dodn v. df( ilodn
Our income is projected to rise by eight percent over n. Sif hogch djnh,
the year.
SJ/ di! iloci n
Thu nh?P ci1a chCing ta ctu'Q'c ctv doan tang 8% m()t
~ Gidi thich: tlutitng dung be projected to Viii thi hifn
s s
"tht docin fl,{(Jng Lai se... ".

l a
......................................., .................... ·········· ...····· .. ········•·········· .. ··· .. ,, .......... ..
reconcile ['rek;msarlJ
v. lam cho tu(Jng thich, ddu hoa C
The auditor tried to reconcile his expenses with his
stated income.
s h
Ki~m coan vien c6 g~ng di~u hoa chi tieu vai khoan
thu nh~p ctinh co
anh ay. cua
l i
~ Giai thich: con c6 nghTa "hoa gidi, clan xep".
n g
••••••• ••• • • •••• • ••••• • ••••••••••••• • •••• • •••• •• ••••••••• •• • • ••• ••••• ••• • • n• • • ••••••••• • ••• ••• •••• ••••• ••.,~•••••• •• •• U a.• ••••• •• ••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •• • • •• • •• •• •••• • .. • ••• •• .. • • ••••• • • ••• h ••

revenue r' rev:)_nju:1

n. thu nh<Jp
' s & revenue stamp
phie'u thu nh(jp
D,trevenue tariff/tax
The company's revenues fell last year.

a i
Nam ngo,li lhu nh?p ci'ta cong ty giam .
thue thu nhq.p

T h
. . .... ........... .., . ... .. . . ..... . . ..... . . .......... .. ... .. , .. .... , .. ,, . ..... . .. .... .. .. ...... ...... ........ ,...... ..... .... ··· ··· · ·· · ··· ··••o0•• · ·· ··· ·· · ······ · · . ...... .. .. ... .. . ..... .. ... .... .

surplus ['s3:pl~sJ & excess

n. thijng du n. th(7ng du
The country has a trade surplus of one billion dollars. n. s(/ tdn rhieu hfll
Qu6c gia ntiy c6 m•t ty do la Lh;Jng dtt thtl'cmg m~1i.
l>trade surplus
~ Giili thich: surplus ciing la tfnh ta, chl "dtt thi.ta ". thqng d11 thit<Jng 1119,i
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _F_;aana, and B"dg,ung · P,ep focthe NewTOEIC ~
turnover (' t~:n,ouv~J (>employee/staff turnover
n. doanh sff, doanh thu, toe d9 thay thl cong nhan tlfc di) thay the' d}ng nhlin
Retail companies have a high turnover rate for z
employees. z
NhCtng cOng ty ban le c6 t6c ct¢ thay the' c6ng
nh~n vien cao.

s s
l a
·······•·······························..···"········•·"··· ...., ............... ··························"····································· ............. .. ................. .
, ,
voucher l'vautJ~J
n. bien lai
& receipt
n. bWn Lai C ,.,,

The voucher is valid until April 30th.

Bien lai nay co hi~u l~tc cho ct~n ngay 30 thang 4.
s h
Q+gift voucher
phie'u qua t(i,ng

l i
n g
' s
a i
T h
~ -TRA_c_K_is_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __, 0, Relatlooal \Vords l!J,I Synonym$D'Antooyms G, Confusing W0<ds

coupon [' k u:pon] CiJ,discount coupon

n. ve, phieu mua hang, phiiu df! thuCJng phifu mua hang giam gia

My sister collects a lot of coupons from the newspaper.

Chi t6i thu nhie:u phie'u dt,t thtt&ng tu bao.

s s
l a
customs ['kAstmnzJ
n. hai quan
Q,tcustoms officer
nhan vien hai quan C
How long does it take to go through customs?
0i qua hai quan ma't baa lau?
s h l>customs duty
nhifm VJ,t hai quan

• Giai thfch: Khi chl hdi quan, customs phai iJ h}nh thuc
so nhiiu, khi la st! ft thz chl "th6i quen". l i
n g
deduct Ldr' dAktJ
••••••• •••• ••••• •••.. •••••• • •••• ••••• •• •••••••••• •• •••••• • •• n•••• • ••••• •• • •••••• ••• •• ••• • ••••••••• ••• H• • •• •••••••• ~••• •••• •••• • ••• •••• •• ••••••••••• ••••• •• • ••• ••• • • •• ••• •••• ••• • • ~•• • •• U U • ••

• deduction
v. kha'u tdt, lam gidm
' s n. Sf( kh{(u frll

a i
We can deduct the late fee if you pay the bill by the 9th.
Chung toi c6 th~ kh1u trll' p h1 tr~ neu b~n thanh
adj. c6 th€ khtfu tri'r thue'

toan hoa ddn vao ngay 9.

T h
•••• ·•· ··· ••••• •••••••• ••• · •••···· ······ ····· ·······.. ·· •••• •·••• ••• ••• ••M••• •·"•• ··••······•·········•••••• O•O• •••• ••• ••·• ••••••••••••• •••••·· ··· ···· ••••••• ••

detail r' di:teilJ Q,tdetailed

n. chi tie't adj. tl ml

Check the details on the bill to make sure that

everything is correct.
Ki<im tra nhG'ng chi ti~t tr~n h6a cldn cte ch~c
cMn dng m9i thu d~u c1ung.
• Gidi thick: detail con lam dqng tu, chl "thuye't
minh chi tie't, kl tuilng tqn ".
Finao,eand B,dget;ng · P<ep fonhe New TOEIC • 103 J
owe [:m] C>owing
adj. dang thieu n(/
v. nuic n(J CD
You currently owe two thousand dollars.
Hi¢n t~i b,,1n nQ' 2.000 do la.
❖ Gitii thich: each dung owe sb money ho(ic owe sb
for srh.
s s
l a z<
penalty f'pcn~!ti]
n. ph~t ctin, tiin ph~t
n. riln ph{ltC
e,.punishment - fine ~

There will be a five percent penalty for any bills

paid more than thirty days late.
s h
v. t rung ph(l t

Se c6 khoan ti~n ph~t 5% d6i v6'i nhftng hoa

do'n thanh toan tre hdn 30 ngay.
l i i!
dung gicJi tt~ for.
n g
❖ Gilli thich: di chl "hlnh phgt, trilng ph{l,t vl... ",

reimburse l,ri :1m'b~:s1

E lJ-repay- pay back
v. hoim tra, tra l~i
' s trci l<;1i
£1,+ reimbursement

I will reimburse the cost to you.

Toi se tra l~•i chi phi cho b~n.
n. Slf hoan tr& z-t

for sth.h
❖ Guii thic/1: dqng cOu thllang dung reimburse sb
s s
l a
s h
l i
n g
' s
a i
Th 6-1 Assembly Lines

6-2 Quality Control



6-3 Management Meetings TRACK 28

106 • TRACK26 __.
D, Relational Words p+ Synonyms g.Anronyms G, Cor,1,,.Ing Words

adjacent [Q ' d3e1(~)i:itJ & next to - beside

adj. gdn, ben cg,nh ben C(lnh

The research department is adjacent to the design

Phong nghien ecru ben qmh phong thie't ke'.

s s
,............................................. , ........................ ,,,, ........................................................., ...., .............................................. .
l a
conform [kan' fo:mJ
v. tuan theo, twin thu C
D obey-follow - observe
V. tuan theo

The finished product must conform to industry

s h O, disobey
v. khong tuan theo

San ph:f m duqc hoan thanh phai tuan thu nhung

tieu chLlin cong nghi~p.
l i
❖ Giiii thfch: khi conform dang rieng le, chl "hanh d9ng
theo qui ph(l,m ciia xa hqi". Khi chl "phu h(lp (phap lu<Jt,
n g
qui djnh)", cdn thlm gi(Ji ta to ho(ic with.
•••• • • • • •••••• •• • • • •••••••• .. • •• •• •••• •• •• " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • • •••• • • • •••• • • ••• ••• •• • •• n • •• • • ~• •• • • ••• ••• ••• • •• ••• • " ' " ' ' ' '• • •• •• • •• • • • •

decade ['de,ke1d]
•• • •••• • • ••• • ••• •• • • • • • • ••• ••• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • ' " ' ' ' '

n. thfjp nien
' s g.century
n. the'ky

decade now.
a i
We have been running this assembly line for almost a
n. thien nien Icy

T h
Chung toi v~n hanh day chuy~n san x:u::tt nay cho
t6'i bay gio chJQ'c gan m9t th~p nien.

examine [ig' zremin] a+ inspect - check over - scrutinize

v. kiim tra kilm Ira
We examine the parts to make sure that they have been n. SI/ kilm tra, cu9c dii u tra
made well.
ChCmg t<':>i ki€m trn nhCi'ng b• pMn nay M ctam bao
r~ng chung c1ttqc lam c6c. n. ngllCli kilm tra
n. ngititi aU(JC kilm tra
Management Issues · Prep for the New TOEIC · 107

lease [li:sl & rent

V. cho thue
v. cho thue

We don't own the building; we lease it.

Chung t6i khong pbai chu CLla toa nha nay;
chung t6i

Giai th£ch: khi lam danh tll no c6 nghia la "h(Jp
s s
d6ng thue, mutJn nha ".
... ......... ... ..... ..... .. ...... ' ......................' .............····· ......... ''' ...... ···~ ......·· •··..........'' .... ....................... ''' .. '' ................ ..........' .......

l a
logical ['lod31k(~HJ
adj. logic, hrfP ly

sensible C
rational - reasonable - 0

It is logical to have the packing at the end of the

assembly line, not the beginning. s h adj. hr;p ly, c6 ly
0, illogical- unreasonable
ly vo

f)6 la b<;1p ly khi dong g6i i:J giai do~n cu6i cua
day chuyen san xua't, kh6ng pbai giai do~n
l i adj.
n. S/f h(Jp Ly


n g f> logically
adv. mqt each h(Jp Ly

••••''' • •• • • • ••• • • •••••••• •·• ••• ' ••'' _., • ••••• • • ••••• • ••••••• • ,,,.,,, •• •• ' • •••••••• • • • ••• I• • •• • • • • '' •• •••• •• •••••• •• • • ••• •' • •• • ' ' ' • •• • • ••• • • ••• • • •••• • • • •• • • • •• ' • •" • • • • • • • •• • • • • • •••• •••• • • • ••

priority Lp raI'until
n. Sf! /,{U tien
' s f>,first/top priority
ttu tien hang d<1u

Ill+ prioritize

Safety is our priority here, so you must first learn V. IIU tien h6a
how to work on the line.

T h
An toan la Ln.1 ti~n ctia chung t6.i a day, vl th~
trLt&c tien b~n phai hoc each M lam vi~c trong
h~ th6ng nay .

....... ....... ......... '' .... ' ......'' ......................... '' .... ' ...................... ..... ' .......... ····· .... ...................... '' ............. .................. ' ... .
systematically Lsist~ ' mretikliJ C,.system
adv. mqt each c6 M thffng, c6 phudng phap n. hf lhottg
I> systematic
Doing things systematically helps make sure that adj. c6 hf thong
everyt hing gets done, and gets done well.
Ti e'n ha.nh moi vi~c c6 M th6ng giup dam bao
r~ng mQi vi~c uuqc lam va duQ'c lam tot.
l~_1_o_s_-_~_ a_ 2_6_____ _____ ___~(o- - • ~ ~~ • ~-~~ --
uniformly ['ju:nr,b:m li] 9tidentically
adv. mqt each d6ng b<l, gidng nhau adv. ltlcmg fl! nhau,
y h ft nhau
If everything is done uniformly, then all the finished
items should look exactly the same.
adj. nlut nhau,
Ne'u moi chu ch.tqc lam m(>t each d6ng b• thl tat d
lhanh phffm se trong hoan toan gi6ng nhau.
girfng nhau
s s
n. d6ng p/11,,c

s h
l i
n g
' s
a i
T h
TRACK27 · Management Issues · Prep for the New TOEIC · 109

circumstance f'sQ:kamst;)ns] . . condition - situation - state

n. llnh tr(, diiu ki?n
n. t1nh tr(mg, ddu ki?n, hocm cdnh
Under no circumstances should items go out if circumstances
they have any problems. ttnh rrqng kinh re'ltai chfnh
Ne'u nhCtng m~t hang co van M thl du voi ba't
ky hoan canh nao cCing n~n huy bo chung.
s s
l a
collaboration [kG labG're1SnJ
n. Stf lu;p tac
O;association - cooperation
n. SI/ h(1p tac C
We can choose to work in collaboration with
s h Q.collaborate
v. h(Jp rac
another company or on our own.
Chung ta c6 th€ chQn hQ'p tac lam vi¢c voi
cong ty khac hoi,ic chung ta lam chu.
l i O,collaborative
adj. mang tfnh h<Jp t6c

~ Giai tMch: dung v&i "with + dffi tuqng l11Jp tac".

n g
, ... . ........ .•. ... . .... .. ' ,.u ' ... . ~· . ...... .... . . ... .... ....... . ~.. ...... · ~ ' . •. .. .. ... .• .• ' .......... . ... . ~.. . ..... .... .... ... ....... . ' ' . .... ' . .. . ... ' . .. . .. .. .. . . . ...... .. .. ..... ... •. . ' ' .• ...

concentrate ['kons( Q )Q-trc1t]

v. t(ip trung
' s 0,focus v. t(lp trung
f> distract v. phan t6n

. concentration n. s~( lqp trung
You have to concentrate very hard to make sure
that you don't miss any problems.

B,.in phai t~p trnng rat nhieu d~ ctarn bao rang

b~n khong bo la bat ky va'n de nao.
~ Giai thich: khi chi "chuyen tcim VC/0 (vqt vifc nao
do)", cdn them giai tir on.

• • • • • <o . , ........... ....... .. .... .. , ........ . ...... ... ...... , .......... ............ .... . ........ fi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .... .. ,, ....... . ... . . . ...... . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. ... . ..

condition [kan, d1S(a)n] EJ,lconditional

adj. c6 diiu ki?n
n. ddu kien, tznh
C>living/working conditions
We want everything to go out in perfect condition. diiu ki?11 s,fngl/am vi?c
Toi mu6n m9i vi~c <kt(Jc ti~n hanh trong ai~u
ki¢n hoan hao.
110 · TRACK27
'--------------------J 0,.R<lalllOal Words & Synonyms Q!Antcnyms & Confuslng W0<ds .___ _

defect f' d1:fekt] & blemish - fault - flaw

n. khuytt ditm, khitm khuytt, l8i n. khuyf!t aiim, l6i
Q, birth defect ho(J.i tti
If an item has even the smallest defect, we must not
send it out. llJ,tgenetic defect
khie'm khuyet gen
Ntu m•t m6n ha ng du c6 khiem khuyet nho nhat
thl chung ta cung khong dttQ'c gi'ti n6 di. 0,,defective
adj. co nlui(Jc diim
s s
l a
disruption Ld1s' rApJnJ
n. St,( pha v{J
n. St! rdi lo(J.n

The mistake caused a big disruption to the order

schedule. s h 0,disrupt
V. pha VO

c1~t hang.
l i
L6i lfun da gay nen Sl/ pha vo Ion c16i vai ke ho~ch
adj. (lam) giiy, VO

n g
' s
experiment Lrk' sperun;.mtJ
lam thi nghi?m, thtt nghi~m
adj. thuqc vi th£ nghi!m

a i
We are experimenting with ways to improve the quality
of our product.
n. Sf! thu nghif m

Chung t6i dang thtt nghi~m nhung each a€ ning
cao chat It.tong san ph5m cua chung toi.
-❖ Gidi thick: khi lam dl)ng tit, can them gioi til with ho(ic
on. Cung co the' lam danh tu, chl "thf nghi?m, s1,1 thil".

fluctuate ['fl AktJue1tJ B,vary- change - shift

v. bie'n chuyin, thay d6i v. thayd5i
Quality can go up and down just a little, but it would be n. SI! bien chuyin,
better if it didn't fluctuate at all. sl,t thay d6i
Chlt lttQ'ng c6 th~ tang Jen r6i giam xu6ng m•l ti
nhung n6 se t6t hO'n ntu n6 khong thay d6i g'i ca.
Management Issues · Prep for the NewTOEIC · 111

garment ['ga:m:rntl lifgarment industry

nganh may m(fc
n. qudn do, y ph1:1,c >
We are very happy with the way our dresses and v,
other garments look. O'J
Chung toi dt hai long voi ki~u each cua nhftng ~
chie'c dam va nhung y ph\lC khac cua chung toi.
~ Gidi thich: garment la cdch n6i trjnh trqng,
s s zm

thuong khclu ngil dung clothes, ngoai ra clothing la

each noi chung cua y phf:lc.
l a
hamper ['hremp~J
V. can trCI, lam trCI ngt;ii
cramp - hold back -
obstruct - hinder

Our efforts are being hampered by a shortage of

s h lam tra ng<;li

trained staff.
Nhung n6 h;rc cua chung ta bi can tro' boi thiieu
nhil.n vien lanh nghe.
l i
may (d,/ng thuc iin, quan tfo).
n g
~ Gidi thich: khi lam danh tii, hamper chl "cdi horn

' s
indicator [' md1kcrt::)J
n. d1:1,ng qt chl bao, dJng h8 chl
B, pointer
n. cdy kim (dt5ng h6)

a i
Price is not always an indicator of quality.
Gia ca khong phai luc nao cung la dt,mg cv ch1
v. chl, chl dtin

ch1t htqng.

Q- indication
n. SI/ chl dJn

inspect (m'spektJ &,examine - scrutinize

v. kiim tra, ddu tra · v. kiim tra
We inspect every item before it goes out. n. thank tra vien
Chung t6i kil!m tra m6i m6n hang tntoc khi n6 Q-. inspection
xua't. n. St! c1iiu tra
112 · TRACK27 Q-flelaUonal Words l}! Syno11yms D\Antonym, & ConfusJno wo,ds
Opt [Dpt] & choose
v. ch()n, cfu;m [f!a v. ch<;m ll;(a
We have opted to take on an extra quality control n. s,,c ch9n ll;(a
Ch(mg toi vtta tuy~n chc;m c1€ nh~ tMm m•t quan
ly ki€m soat cha't l11<;1ng.
~ Gi,li thtch: each la opt/or stlz ho{'ic opt to V. s s
l a
recall [n'k>:l]
v. rut l(li, thu h8i
V. rut (tiin), ntt lt,1i, July bo
The automaker recalled 3,000 SUVs because of a brake
s h
Nha sJn xua't xe hoi da thu h6i 3.000 SUV v) c6 16i
0 b• ph~n rMng.
l i
n g
❖ Giai thich: recall c6 thi la danh ti't, order/issue
a recall o.f .. thi hifn "(cong ty nao d6) thu h6i (sdn
ph({m nao d6 )".
research [' ri :s~:tJJ
n. CUQC nghien ctiu
' s & study- investigation
n. CU(JC nghien ctiu

Q,.market research
Our research shows that employees work better if CU(JC nghien criu thj trl,(CJng
allowed several short breaks.

va T h
CUQC nghitn CL(U cua Chung 16i cho tha'y rang cong
nhan vien se lam vi¢c t6t hon ne'u c'ltt<;1c phep ngh1
gif1i lao ngfo.
~ research and development
(Rand D)
nghien cuu va phdt triln
. .researcher
❖ Gidi thfch: thi hi?n "slf nghien ttlll vi ( chu di new d6) ", n. nha nghien ci?u
dung gilli ti:t into ho(fc on. Cung c6 thl di'tng nhli dl)ng nr.

responsibility [rr,spuns1' b1hti] a.duty- obligation

n. trach nhifm, b6n pht;in n. trach nhijm, nghi'a v~
& responsible
It is your responsibility to make sure that the quality is adj. chiu trach nhitm
Tnkh nhi~m cua b~n chrnh la cl~ dam biio ring
cha't lLtQ"ng t6t.
❖ Gidi thich: Dung v(Jifor N.IV-ing ho(lc to V.
Management Issues · Prep for the New TOEIC · 113

scrutiny ['skru:tmi] /!\ 9'tinspection - examination

n. St! kiim tra
n. Sf! kilm tra, vi~c kiim tra ky )>
Otscrutinize V,
Even under the closest scrutiny, the product was v. kilm tra s:
found to be of the highest quality. ~
Du co aU'Q'c ki~m tra tl ml nha'c th1 san phim r
v~n d~t chit h.!Q'ng cao nha'.t.

s s lJ\

l a
supervisor [' su:p;warza-J
n. ng1hi quan Ly, nguili diiu khiln C
C,.executive - administrator -
manager n. 11gitC1i qudn l_y,
ngit&i dilu hanh
The supervisor makes sure that the workers are
doing a good job.
s h
v. quan ly, diiu khiin

dang lam vi~c t6t. i

NgLt<'fi quan ly dam bao rrtng nhung cong nMln

l D;supervision
n. St! qudn ly

n g U,supervisory
adj. mang tfnh qudn ly

waste [we1stJ
E s

n. vq,t pht th.di, Lang phi
cht{t thai con.g nghifpl

We throw away items with even the smallest flaws, hod h9c/hq t nhan :;:
which I think is a real waste. Q,+waste ground ~

T h
Chung ta lo;,ii bo nhung thCi du ch1 hO'i c6 khie'm
khuye't, Loi nghi <'.t6 la lang phi th~t s~r.
cij.n bii, rac thai

wrinkle [' n1J k(~)IJ S,crease - crinkle

n. Lan, nep nhan n. nip

The clothes should not have wrinkles in them.

Qu1n ao khong n~n c6 nep nhan.
l. _1_1_4_· _i_RA _ 2_s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,r ; ;,1,ttor~I WOfds IO'S)'nonym, 0,Anlonvms 8' Confusing Words
_CK I. . ___
agenda f~' d3cnd~J Q,tpolitical/economic agenda
n. hqi nghi hQi nghj chinh trj/kinh te'
llf!hidden agenda
We cannot discuss that today because it's not on the hoi nghi kfn, h<'Ji nghj nu]t
Chung ta khong th~ thao lu~n viec d6 h6m nay v1
116 khong c6 trong chll'dng trlnh nghj sv.

s s
l a
····•···················· .................................................. , ... .................................................. ······················································ .................
anxious ['re1JkJ;)sJ
adj. lo liing, h6i lu;p, n6n n6ng, hew hac desirous C
& eager - keen - ardent -

adj. ham hiJ, hang hdi

We are anxious to talk about it as soon as possible.
Chung t6i hao h(tc n6i v~ n6 cang som ding t6t. s h g.indifferent
adj. dung dung

~ Giai thfch.· Di'tng vai to V., fof N. hot;ic m?n.h di that.

l i lfianxiety
n. sf! lo !dng

n g • anxiously
adv. co ve lo ldng

ascertain r,as~'tem]
v. bie't chdc, tim hiiu chdc chdn., xdc djn.h
' s & discover - find out
& determine
a i
We need to ascertain what the problem is so we can fix V. quyet djnh

T h
Chung toi dn xac djnh xem st,1 c6 la gl c1€ chung
toi c6 the Stta n6.
~ Giai thich: Dung voi nhilng ta nghi van whatlwher.h.erl
how hot;ic m?nh dJ that.

••••••• • •••••••••••• ....... ,,,, ,, , •••••••••••• . ••••••.••••••~ ....... ,, ••• u• •••••• •••-• ••••• • •••••••••••••••• •• •••• ••• •••• • •• •••• • • •••• • • • ••••• • •••••••••••••••••• .. ••••••• ••• • •• •••

assume [;:i' sj u:mJ & presume - suppose

v. gid djnh, gid thuye't, cho rdn.g v. gid djnh
I assume everyone knows why I have called this meeting. n. Sf/ gia dinh
Toi cho rhng mc;>i ngltoi hi€u t~i sao toi tri~u t?P cu('ic
O,assuming (that)
h9p nay.
conj. giii. djnh rc1ng

Management Issues · Prep for the New TOEIC · 115

brand rbrrend] 9"trademarkn. thuCJng hi?u

n. nhan hi~u g..brand name ten nhiin hif u
C>brand loyalty V,
There is a new brand on the market, and we need ;S:
long trung thlmh vcti m{jt OJ
to discuss how it will affect us. ~
nhiin hi?u
C6 m(,t nhan hil;u moi tr~n thi tntong va chung zrm
ta dn thao lu~n xem n6 anh httdng de'n chung
ta nhv the' nao.
llJ,i.brand leader

s s
nguoi dung a&u vi thuang


l a
conclude [k:;in' kJu:dJ
v. ke't lu(m, kit thuc v. ket thucC
9,end - finish 0
Well, if no one has anything else to say, let's
s h
n. s~t ket lu(in
conclude the meeting.
Ne'u kh6ng ai n6i g'i nua th'i cht'.mg ta hay ke't
i Q,.concluding
th(1c bu6i l19p.

g l adj. cuoi, sau cung

adj. qua
quye't, hiln nhien

E n
goal [g~ulJ
n. mi,tc tieu
' s & aim - purpose - target
n. ml,(,C

Q-long-term goal

a i
The goal of this meeting is to decide on a new look
for our product.
m~,c tieu dai h{ln
Qtshort-term goal

T h
tieu cua bu6i hop nay la M quye't djnh
ch<;>n di~n 111~10 moi cho san phfun cua chung ta.
nu,,c tieu ngcin hf/n

lengthy ['letJ0rJ f>long - overlong

adj. dai, tau adj. dai, lau
rJ..short - brief
It was a lengthy meeting, but a good one. adj. ngdn, ngdn g9n
N6 la m•l bu6i hop dai dong nhLrng hay. m,. 1ength
❖ Giai thich: thong thuiJng c1/lng truac va b6' nghia n. chiiu dai
cho danh tu. CJ- lengthen
v. keo dai
_ CK
_ 2_s______________ [ Q-Relalio,., V10tds & sinooims 9 'Anlonyrns & Conf11Sin;;.:jL._ __

lobby f'lubiJ l'.ll,lobbyist

v. vq,n tl9ng hanh Lang n. n?,lli'Ji v(in ctqng hanh Jang

It sounds like you are lobbying to fire the general

C6 ve nhtf b~n dang v~n c1•ng hanh tang cl~ sa thai
t6ng giam ctoc.
~ Gilli thlch: each dung la lobby sb to do sth,
"vqn d(jng hanh fang ai do lam vi~c g, d6". nghta 1/11.liJng
co ngh.1a la
s s
MP khac cu.a lobby khi la danh tu la "hanh Lang".

l a
·················································· ··········· ········•···..····"·································· ························· ······························· .... ,, ..,. ................ .
matter ('mreta-J
n. van d&, chu di C
O,subject - topic
n. chu d€, di Lai

There is another matter I would like to discuss.

C6 1119t chu c1e khac t6i muon than lu~n. s h Efan important matter/
a matter of importance
mql van
d€ quan tr9ng

l i Q.a private/personal matter

van d€ rieng 111

n g
option [ 'upJ(J)nJ
n. sl!, ll:fa chr;n, tuy chr;n
' s & choice - alternative

n. st! ltfa. ch9n

or Thursday.
a i
We have the option of delivering the order on Tuesday v. ch9n l~ra
thv Nam.
T h
Chung ta c6 sv Iva ch9n giao hang vao thet Ba ho~c

4 Gidi thich: "st! lt!a ch9n llim vifc g'i. d6", each dung
adj. tuy y lt!a clu;m
G);a viable option
n19r chr;m lt!a mang tfnh
Lil option of doing srh.
kha thi

periodically LprnrI'nd1k( d) I iJ U,.occasionally - from time to

adv. mqt cdch djnh ky time - at times - sometimes
theo dfp, djnh Icy
We have meetings periodically, but not on a fixed
Ch(ing t6i c6 bu6i hQp cttnh ky nhtfng kh6ng phai
theo [ich c6 djnh.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _M
_a_n,gementlssoes · P"'P locthe N.:_wTOEIC · 117 j
progress ['pr~ogres] U,.advance
n. sf:( tie'n bq n. tien rriln
We didn't make much progress at the last meeting, so adj. c6 tien bQ
I hope we can be more successful this time.
Chung ta khong c6 nhitu tic'n b• r;,ii bu6i h9p
& progressively

tnroc vl v:;ly toi hy v9ng cbCmg ca

c6ng hO'n v~10 lan nay.
the' thanh
-- adv. co ve tien bi}
s s
• Giai thlch: khi lc)m aqng 111, chl "tien b(j, tien hlmh ".

l a
solve LsolvJ
v. gidi quylt
EJ- figure out-work out- resolve
gidi quyet, 1ie'n hanh

You can solve many problems by discussing them

with coworkers. s h 0,solution
n. S~( giai quyet
B;_in c6 th~ giai quy€t nhi6u vfl'n de bang each
thao lu~n voi d6ng nghi~p.
l i ::0

n g
' s
a i
T h
s s
l a
s h
l i
n g
' s
a i
Th 7-1 Banquets

7-2 Informal Lunches



7-3 Receptions TRACK 31

7-4 Reservations TRACK 32

7-5 Events TRACK 33

120 · TRACK29 __. G), Relatiooal Words l)+ Synor~msf); AnklnymsG+ Conlusing \V()(cjs

appeal r~'pi:IJ (t;-attract - draw

V. thu hut, cudn hut v. thu hiit
0, appeal
This restaurant appeals to people with lots of money to n. Sf! thu hut
Nha hang nay thu h(1t ngu'O'i ta ti~u nhi~u ti~n.
• Giai thich: khi dung di chl "fuip ddn (ai d6)", each
dung appeal to sb.
adj. quyin ru,

s s
hap d&n

l a
culinary ['kJ\_Imdri]
adj. thu(jc vi nha hep C
O,culinary skills
ky nang lam bep,

The banquet was a culinary success; everyone thought

the food was amazing. s h ky ruing ndu mtong
Q,culinary delights
so th[ch lam bip,
Bu6i ci~c l6n la m(>t thanh c6ng ct'1a nha b~p; mot
ngvoi nghi thuc an th~t ngon.
l i so thfch nau nu<Jng

• Giai thicli: dung phfa tnt(!c

n g
va b6 nghia cho danh tu.

delivery fdr' h v~ri]

' s
n. SI/ phtt.n phdi, SI/ phan phdt
v. phtin phat, giao

a i
We are waiting for the delivery of the chairs.
ChCmg t6i cha giao nhung chi€c gh€ nay.

T h
elegance ['ehg~ns] & class - gracefulness
n. slf tao nha, St/ nhii nh~n n. SI/ duyen dang
Q+crudeness - roughness
I love the elegance of a five-star hotel. n. sl,t tho kf ch
T6i y~u net tao nha cua khach s~n n~m sao. O,.elegant
adj. rao nha, nha nht;In
adv. c6 ve nhii nhc;i.n ...

Restaurants and Events · Prep for the New TOEIC · 121 )

----- ----- ----- ----

impress [1m 'presJ & affect- move - touch
v. tac dQng, llun d11h lutifog
V. t{IO ffn tU(J11g
If you want to impress your wedding guests, you
should hold an expensive banquet.
adj. co ci11 ttl(Jng
Nc'u b~n muon t~o a'n tuqng cho khach dV ti~c & impression
Cli6'i Cl'1a ban rhl ban nen c(~ ch(tc mot bu6i ti~c
Ion cHt ti~~-

. .
Gidi tMch: dc_wg cau tludtng diing impress sb
11. S(( CIII (t((Jllg

s s
with/by sth. 2

majority [mo ' d3until

n. da so'
f.> minority
n. 1hil11 sf{

The majority of the people we invited are going to
s hO,.major
adj. chinh yiu

so nhung nglteii chung t6i mcJi d~u de'n
l i liJ,t majority ru le
quy lu{Jt da s{/

n g
plan lplren]
E ., -,.,design

v. hoqch djnh, df! kie'ns v. sap xep
Q. planner

a i
The bride and groom planned their wedding a year
in advance.
n. ngttili Len ke' ho(lcll


T h
C6 dftu va chu rd ho~1eh c1inh cho dam ct.toi etl:l
hQ m•t nam truck.
❖ Giai th£ch: ciing co th€ ltim danh tit, co nghfa la

"ki ho(1ch, pht1<1ng pluip".


predict [pn ' d1kt] S,.forecast- foretell ,,.,<

v. df! doan, tien dodn v. d{t doan <.,~

It's difficult to predict how much food you'll need adj. c6 thi di/ doan dt(<JC
for a banquet. (>prediction
Th~t kh6 cl~ dV dofo m(>t bu6i ti¢c Ian din bao n. S{I d(I doan
nhh~u thuc ~n.
❖ Giai thfch:Dt'mg voi ctic tu nghi viin how/what/
when/whether ho(lc mf11h di rhat.
~ 7"ACK
_ _2_9_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -..J(O, Rt1a,rm1 Word$ & Synoo;ms fJ' Amony,n,O,. eon,.,1ng w..o, JL.___

theme [0i:mJ O, thematic

n. chu di, chu ailm adj. thu<)c chu di
& theme park
This banquet has a Halloween theme, so you should
cong vie11 chfnh
wear a costume.
Bu6i ti~c 16'n nay c6 chl'1 c1~ IJalloween , v1 tht b~1n IJ,; theme party
n~n m~c trang ph\1c. budi rite chti diim
(>theme song
s s
nlu;,c hi?u

l a
s h
l i
n g
' s
a i
T h
_ c
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _TRA _J_o . Resta,raotsaod '"'"" . P,ep
_K '°' the NewTOEI~

basic [ bc1s1kl & fundamental - essential

adj. thie't ye'u
adj. c<J ban, don gidn nhtft
& basics
I just want somethin g basic, like a sandwich or n. nhilng vtin di chu ye'u
noodles. C>basicall y
T•i ch] mu6n thu g1 c1dn glan, gi6ng nhLt banh
1111 sandwich hay m1.
adv. v€ ctJ ban

s s
l a
familiar f fo mJ1 1~1
adj. quen thuQC, thtin thie't
0- unfamiliar
adj. khong quen thu<Jc, xa lq

Are you familiar with this cafe?

s h
v. lt}m quen
Bi~n quen voi quan di ph~ nay ha?
l i
Giai thfch: al chl nghia "quen thu(jc voi ... ", dung
& fam iliarity
n. S{I quen than, sf/ than mijt
be familiar with.

n g :x,
E 0

flavor l' Oc1v~J

n. /u,t<Jng vi
' s & taste
n. vj

a i
What flavor of ice cream would you like?
B~n thid, hudng kem nao?


T h
-❖- Gidi thich: flavor co th€ di1ng nhu d(}ng tii, co
nghia la "cho gia vj, lam tang them mui vj ".

ingredie nt [m gri.d1~mtJ 0- element- componen t·

constituent - factor
n. nguyen li~u. thanh phdn n. ye'u to'. thanh phan
What are the ingredients of this amazing cake?
Nguyen li~u d1a chic'c banh ngon nay la g1?
-❖- Giiii thfch: cling co ttzd chl "td chift (cua ai do)",
vi d~ nhu ingredients of a great baseball player (to
chdt ciia mf)t ctiu thu bong chay ttu tu).
l , .. Tl1AO(J-O

randomly ['rrendoml iJ & aimlessly- at random

adv. tinh ciJ, ngciu nhien tinh ca
S,. random
I just randomly chose this place, but the food is actually
quite good.
adj. rlnh co
Toi ch1 t1nh co chc.m nai nay, nhLtng thuc i!n thiJt sv

s s
l a
suggestion [so'd3estJ~n1
n. st! di nghj
& advice
n. C
loi khuyen

I'll go with your suggestion and take the vegetarian

s h S,.suggest
v. d# nghf

Toi se di theo sv dd nghj ct'1a b~in va mang theo

b;inh pizza chay.
l i a>suggestive
adj. c6 ve g(Ji _y

n g
' s
a i
T h
TRACX 3f · Re<tau,aots and E.ents · P<ep fonhe New TO~

arrive [a ' ra1v] U,come - show up - turn up

de'n .,,
v. de'n
C,,.arrival >
The guests have started to arrive. n. chuye'11 den. thii.111 D
Khach bjt ddu dfo. 5l
• Giai thich: Di'tng vai ndi chon, arrive at/in + noi
s s

l a
.................. ·· ··················································· ···· ······· ·· ............... .
assist La' s1st]
V. giup, tr(J giup
V. C
gitip, tr<J giup

Can you assist Carol with the scheduling?

B~n co th€ giup Carol l~n ke' ho;,tch kh6ng? s h £1,fassistance
n. Sff giup d{J

• Giai thich: dqng ciiu thuiJng di,ng assist sb with/

in sth. l i f.>assistant
n., adj. ngttifi tr(/ ly

n g f> interfere - hinder

V. can triJ, gay trO ngfji

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · • · · · · " ' ' ' • • • • • · • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · • • . . 000000 0. • • • • • • • M o ,

burden ['b~:d(~)nJ
•••••••••· •••··• • •·• •• • t ••• •• ••• •••• •• ••• • ••••• •• •• ••·· •" '' ' ' ••••••• • •• • • • ••• •• •• • • •• • • •• •• •·· ·· ··· · ·· • •

v. de nt;, chc{t nq_ng
' s v. tdi ni;ing

a i
Can I burden you with a favor?
B41n c6 thl lc'un on giup gium toi ctur;c khong?
v. c1e n("ing
l>beast of burden

T h
• Giai thich: khi li'tm dqng tit, n6 c6 each dung la
burden sb with sth. Khi la danh ta, no c6 nghia la
thu vqt cho d6 n(
adj. n(Jng ni, lam kh6 chju
"trach nhifm ".

•• • •• u ••••• •• ••••• ••••• •• • ••n • •• •••• •-,·• ~•••• ••••••••••••• • •••• •• • •••• • ••• •• • ••• •••• •• • • •••••• ••••••• ••• ••••• • • • • • • ~• •• • •••• • •• ••• • • • ••• • •••••••••••••••• ••• • •••••••••• • • • • • • •• .. ••••• •• ••••

commonly ['kum~nli] & generally - normally <
adv. thur)ng thuifng z
adv. thuiJn.g thuiJng, ldm khi vi
Wedding receptions are commonly held in hotels. adj. ph6 bie'n, chung
Cac ti~c cu6'i thlrong dU'Q'c t6 chuc trong khach Q;commoner
s~n. n. ngztifi thztifng dan
126 · TRACK31 __,
£),Relational Words [I-Synonyms f),1>.ntonyms & Con!usino Words

individual [,mdi'v1dj uGI] Q.distinctive - peculiar -

adj. ca nhtin, rieng tu unique - separate
adj. d<J,c trung, rieng tit
The entire staff received individual invitations to the C,.individually
party. adv. c6 ve riertg tll
Toan be) nhan vien nMn loi m<'Ji rieng dln bua ti~c.
~ Giii.i thich: individual ciing c6 thi la danh. tit, chl "ca
11han, ca
n. ch.ii, nghfa ca nhan

s s
V. ca
l anhan h6a
········••"4•············· ............... ··········•···································· ········································· .. ,.................................. ································
list [l 1st]
n. danh sach C
e,.checklist - roll
n. danh sdch

There are almost a hundred people on our wedding list.

C6 gftn 100 nguoi trong danh sach tic;;c ctt(ii ctia
s h Q+waiting list
danh sdch chiJ

chung t6i.

l i Otshopping list
danh sdch mua sii.m

n g Q+mailing list
danh stich glli thu

mix [1mks]
.......... , ...................................... ····•··...................... ............................................................. ............. .

v. so'ng hoa hf!p voi nguai khtic, hoa d6ng

' s ft.socialize - mingle
v. hoa h<Jp
Q,la good/bad mixer

Receptions are a great place for people to mix. nguiJi hoa d6ng gioildo
Ti~c chieu c1ai la m(>t ndi tuy~t voi M m9i ngu<'Ji giao

T h
thi~p v6'i nhau.
• Giiii thich: dung vai gi<Yi tawith + ngu&i.

profession [prd, feJ(:;))n J & occupation - employment -

n. nghi, nghi nghi~p vocation
n. chuyen mon, ngh€ nghi?p
Anne enjoys her profession as a party planner. C,,professional
Anne thfch nghe lam ngv<'Ji t6 chuc ti.~c. adj., n. chuyen nghifp
1RACK32 · """"""" and Event, · P,ep fo,the New TOEIC · 127 J
----- ----- ----- ---
demand [d1'ma:nd] G),,demanding
adj. doi hoi khlit khe
v. doi hoi, yeu cdu
But we booked the table a week ago! I demand to
see the manager.
!'\hung cMng Loi da d~t ban each day m('>l tufo!
du dttQ'C g::tp giam (1oc.
• Gidi
tlitch: Dung v<ii to V ho(7c mf nh di that.
Ngoai ra, demand con c6 thi lam danh tit, chi "yeu s s
ciiu, doi /zoi". "TI
forget [fa'gctl
V. quen
f> rem ember
v. nluJ C ,...

Did you forget to make a reservation?
B?n quCn ci::tt ch6 lrLf()'C phi\i khong? s h
adj. l<i11g quen

❖ Gidi thich: forget to V co nghfa la "quen lam

l i
vifc gi d6 ", forget V-ing co nghia la "quen s~t vi?c
adj. defog quen

gi Cl qua kM".

n g :n

mix-up ['rnrks,ApJ
E 0-foul-up - confusion

n. SI/ tJn lqn, S(I h6n lot;in,
' CUQC du da n. Sf{

& mixture
l{)n x{) n

There seems to be a mix-up: you gave us a table n. SI/ tr{)11 /dn
near the kitchen, but we wanted a table near the

Dttc'lng nhtt c6
T svli'in 1¢n: b~in danh cho chung
t6i biln gfo nha bep nhung chung toi muon
n. SI/ cfii l()n
adj. dtf(lc tr{)n ldn
mQt biln g~n dta sf>.

patron [' pe1tron J .t.-,. & customer n. kluich hang

n. khach hang quen, nguoi hdo tr<! ill O,.sponsor n. ngubi bdo tr(!
C,.patronize v. SI/ bdo tr(J
Patrons of the hotel can park their cars for free.
Q+patronage n. bdo tr(/, gi11p diJ
Khach hang quen Clla khach S~tn co the dt)u XC
mi~n phf.
cK_J_2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ , t).Rela1iooa1IVOr<I$ g .synooyms &,,Antonyms G+ COnlU$iOg Wo r d ~ ' - - - -

relinquish (n' lrIJkwrJJ • yield - resign -

V. bo, fl( bo, tit chi:tc, nhu<'Jng waive - renounce
v. tu bo
Andy relinquished his seat to a guest who was waiting.
Andy nhuong chc'.'i dia anh cho ngttoi khach dang cha.
<> Giai thich: each dung relinquish sth to sb .

s s
.. ..... .......... .......... .......... '' ... '.' ............................ , ............. ' ................................ .................. ' .......................................... '' .... .
remind [rJ'mamdJ
v. nhdc, nhdc nhif
n. nguiJi nhdc nho

The waiter forgot my drink; I need to remind him.

Ngvo i pht,lC V\f <la quen th(tc u6ng Clla [oi; t6i dn
s h
nhk anb iy.
<> Giai thich: khi chl "nhcic nho ", dt~ng dgng diu remind
l i
sb about srh, remind sb to V. remind sb that... Khi chi
"lam cho ai nho ra", dung remind sb ofsth.
n g
. .. ... ..... .. ........ ' ......... ' .....................

secure [sr'kju0]
................ '' ...................... ··· •................ '' .. '.' .......... ...................... ' .. ' ............... .. --~.....................

9+get - achieve
V. bdo dam

' s v. doqt dttqc


a i
You have to pay now to secure the reservation.
B~n ph?ti tra bay gia c1~ bao (lam ch6 ct~t tru'6'c.
n. St! bdo dam

chdn, bcio ddm". h
• Giai thich: khi lam tinh tu, mang nghia "an toan, chdc
TRACK 33 · Restaurants and Events • Prep for the New TOEIC · 129

complete rk~m' pl i:tJ 0,.absolute - perfect - total

adj. hoan toan, tuyf t do'i
adj. hodn toa11, trrpi Vfn
The event was a complete success. adv. tuyf t dtfi
s~r ki~n nay la m•l thanh C:<Jng tron Vt:11.
Gitii tllich: rh11<)11g dung tnrllc danh ta. Khi lam n. sir /wan thanh
dqng tt~. mang nghia "hoan thanh, lc)m cho !wan
• incomplete
adj. con dJ dang s s

coordinate tbo ':):dmertl

V. xtp c1(it, phtfi lu/p, adu hanh C
f> coordination
n. s~I pho'i h</p

For the event to be successful, we need to

coordinate everything with the caterers.
s h f>coordinator
n. nguoi diiu phfli,
didu plu3'i vien
Oe sv ki~n thanh c6ng, cht'1ng ta dn ph6i hc;,p
moi \ iec: voi nhung nguoi qui'ln ly khac:h S[_lO.
l i
n g
daringly f'dcJ: n tJli]
E Q+boldly
adv. co ve gan dt:i, liRu /Tnh
adv. c6
ve tilu linh, tao b<;io

She daringly invited the mayor to the party. adj. !ilu linh, ufo b{IO V>
C6 n'y li~u !Inh moi thi tnr&ng den dV ti~c. U,.dare 1;;

T h aux., v. du can ddm, dam lam ::l


exact rrg 'ztektl Q+exactly

adv. ml)t each chfnh xac,
adj. ch£nh xac
c11ing ddn
The band played the exact same music as last time!
Ban nh~c chc:1i C:l1ng ml)t lo.,1i nh~c nhu' h:ic
_ J_3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __, IJ'Relatioool Words 0,Synon-,ms o,+Antonyms G4 Conluslno Wo«Js ....__ _

excite [1k'sart1 m,+excited

v. kfch thfch, k{ch d<ing adj. bi klch d9ng, soi ndi
Fireworks always excite a crowd. adj. hung thu, lam nao dl)ng
Phao hoa lu6n lam dam d6ng kfch d9ng.
n. sl,t kfch dqng

s s
l a
,u , ,, . ......•• . · · · ·········· ··· ···· ·· ·· ··· · ········· · · ······· · · ··· ···· ···· ·· ·· ·· ····· •···· · · ··········· ···· · · ········· ········· ···· ·········· ·· ··· ··· ····· .. .. ... ... . ..•• •• •• •••••.• •. .. .

general f' d3en(d)r(~)l]

adj. chung, phfl bien
~ common - usual
adj. chung, thttang

There was general agreement that this was the best

party of the year.
s h 9+public
adj. chung, cong cqng

C6 m(jt s~r a6ng y chung ding day la bfra ri~c tuy~t

vc1i nha't cua nam.
l i & rough
adj. tho lt5

n g
E .
••••• ••• • •• •••• •• •••• ••• •••••• •••• •••• •••••• •• ••••• •••••• •••• •• ••••••• •• • •• • •••• ••••••• ••••• •• •• •• • •••• • •••• ••• ••• •••••• •••• •••• • ••• • • • • • •••• • • ••• ••• ••• •••••• • •• • • • •• • •• •••••• •••

guide [ga1dJ 9tinstructions

. •••• •••• .. • •• ••• •

n. hu:cJng d&n vien

' s n. lai hutmg dtin
O,tour guide

a i
The restaurant guide gave this place a high rating.
Huong dfo vi~n cua khach s~n danh gia cao ndi
huong ddn vien du Lich
Chspiritual guide

T h
~ Giai thick: ciing co
ddn, chl dfin ".
thi la d911g tu, thi hi~n "huong
nglloi dOn lo'i tam
n. Sl,t chi df/O, Sf! httong ddn

···························· .. ······················•··························•··································••"1•········· ..........................................................................

ideally fa1 ' dr~liJ reality
adv. m<it each ly tttifng th(it ra, tren rh~tc te'
Ideally, the banquet should start at 4:00 p.m. adj., n. Ly tllong
Bu6i ti~c Ion nay nen bat dau IC1c 4 giei chi~u la ly G,idealize
MJng nM.'t.
v. ly tUdng hoa
n. S(( ly tttJng hoa
Restaurants and Events · Prep for the NewTOEIC · 131

incorpo rate [m ' k~:pgre 1t] O,.integrate - include

v. sap nhq_p, bao ham
v. sap nh~p, kit h<Jp ch<:J,t che CD
ll.)t incorporation •z
It would be great if we could incorpora te the n. SL.I sap nh{)p, C
presentation into our event. ktt hf/p ch(1t che i:!l

Th~t tuy~l vol ne'u chung ta kft h<;Jp dien thuye't

trong sv ki~n cua chung ta.
~ Giiii tliich: each dung tlutang g<Jp incorporate A
~ incorporated (Inc.)
adj. sap nh(ip, ll{Jp nlufr

s s
into/in B. z
judge [d3Ad3J
v. phan cloan, danh gia, phan xit
v. quye't djnhC
a.decide - determine )>
It's difficult to judge what kind of music to play at
these events.
s h
& judgment
n. SL,( danh gia, phiin XL~

Th~t kh6 de phan doan lo~i nh~c nao de choi

trong nhung s~r ki¢n nay.
l i QI Don't judge a book by its
Tot giJ luJn to't ILL(OC S(f/1.

"quan toa, thtlmphan".

n g
-¢- Gidi thich: judge cung c6 thl lam danh ti"(, chl

rely rn' la1J

E . depend - count

v. dlfa vao, tin vao, c(Jy vao
V. ph1, thul}c vao

ll.)t reliable

a i
You can rely on Judy to get everythin g done on adj. ctang tin c{jy

dung gio.
h c6 di/a vao Judy c1~ hoan thanh m<>i vi~c

T Gidi thich: each dung la rely on sb to V ho(ic rely

on sblsth for sth.

stage [stc1d3] Q-backstage

adv. (I sau san khifu,
n khttu
h{j:u trLl<Jng
The singer will be on stage soon. Q-stage fright
Ca si se len san kha'u ngay. S{t h6i hl)p khi cltlng trUoc
khtin gid
Giai tliich: cung c6 rill lam dQng tu, co nghia La
"dua (va kich) Len san khti'u, dim c&11h ".
s s
l a
s h
l i
n g
' s
a i
Th 8-1 Transportation
................. ' ......' ........... ' ... ' ' ' .................... '...
8-2 Tickets
.............. ' ...................... '

································· .. ········································· ... ,, ............................ ,
8-3 Schedules TRACK36
····························••·••······ ..-········································.. ········· .. ····· · ··" '' '''' ' '
8-4 Stations and Terminals TRACK 37
_ 1
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___. QI Relallooal \Vords f), Synonyms f)IAntooymsCf' Contusino \Vofds ...__ _

beverage I'bevorrd3] B;drink

n. n-uac gidi khat n. uo'ng
g+alcoholic beverages
What kind of beverages do you offer? mtdc uo'ng co c8n
B?n goi lo~i mro·c giai khat nao?
Q; nonalcoholic beverages
nU<Jc uo'ng khong chlia c8n

s s
l a
• •••~ ••••••• ••••u••••••••••• • • ••• • ••••••••••••"••• •• ••• •••••••• ••• ••••" •••••••••••• •••• • • •• • •• •••• .. • • ••••••• • •••• • ••• • • • ••••••• ••., ••• ••••• • •••• ••••• • ••• •••••• • .. ••••• • •••••• •• ••••••• •• •• •"•• •••

blanket [' blre1Jkit]

n., adj. min, chiin; bao trum C
Iii, blanket statement
lili phat bilu chung chung

Can you ask the flight attendant to give me a blanket?

B~1 c6 tM y~u du ti€p vi~n bay ch.ta cho t6i ,nay s h
chi& men OlfQ'C chu?
❖ Giai thich: tlul/Jng dung a blanket of dl hcnh dung "m9t
l i
ltJp phu day", nhu a blanket of snow.

n g
••••••••••··•··· .. ··••• ••••• •••••~···••·····•·•U••••• ••• ••• .. • · • ···· .. • •"•t .. ., • ••• •• .. •••••• ·· ·•·• • ·•••·"I • •••• • •·•• 14 •• ..... .... .. ,,, , .... . .... ,, ....... ... .. .. ,,.,o . ••••• ,, .... ..... . . .. ,l4.. •••••

board [bo:dJ
v. Len tau, Len may bay
' s Q,+ boarding pass
ve Zen may bay, len tau

a i
We need to board the plane now, as it will be leaving

T h
Bay gia chung ta phai Jen may bay vi no sap ca't
• Gidi tldch: the' hifn "mo ctia cho hanh khach (may
bay, thuyin ...) vao", c6 th€ noi be boarding.
... . ...... ... .......... ...... ............... .. ..····•···· ...................... .................................................. ....................................................................... .

chain [tJern l Q,+chain store

n. chu6i, day xfch, day. chubi ctia hang
Q+food chain
If you pull that chain, the train will stop. x{iu thac an
Ne'u b~n keo day d6, xe li'.ra se dt'Yng. f> supply chain
hang [O(lt cung cap,
chuJi Cung cap
r..,., · P,ep lo,the New TOEIC • 135 j
deluxe [d;;,'111.ksl 8- luxurious - lavish
adj. sang trQng, xa xl
adj. thuqc lot;ii sang tr<;>ng, xa xl
We bought tickets for the deluxe train car.
Chung toi mua ve xe he:tng sang.

s s
l a
disappoint Ld1s;;)' p~mt]
v. lam hong, lam that v<;mg
let down - dissatisfy- discontent
lam theft V()ng

I'm sorry to disappo int you, but the train is not

going to arrive in t ime.
s h
a,.satisfy v. lam thoa miin,
lam hai Long V,
Toi xin 18i da Jam b;.tn tha't VQng nhttng tau h:ta
de'n khong dung gic'1.
l i Ii)+ disappointment
n. SI/ thdt V()ng
f> disappointing

n g adj. lam thfit V()ng

Q,ldisappointed adj. thtit V()ng

distinguish [d1 ' str1Jgw1JJ

E & separate
v. phan bi?t, nh(ln ra
' s v. phdn bi?t

He can distingu ish where a w ine was produced j ust adj. d<fc sdc, di/.c trung
by tasting it 0,.distinguishable
Anh ft'y c6 the nh~n ra rvqu
c1au ch1 bang each ne'm thti.

dlf(1C san xua't

Giai tlzich: each dung la distinguish Afrom B.

adj. co thl phlln bift,
nh(in bier dU(IC

license t'la1sQ.s] Q,tdriver's license

bdng lai xe
n. s~, cho phep, gia'y phep, chang chl
£1,+license plate
You need a valid license to rent this car. bdng dang ky (xe o ro ... )
B~n dn gHfy phep hqp le M thue chiec 6 tO
❖ Gidi thich: khi lam dQng ttl chl "pltan phdt giify
chitng 11hqn cho ai do".
l 136 • TRA_cK
_ 34
_____________ -.-J( o-~lilaulV/onfs l), ~ C,.Alllll)ffl G, ~ ~- 11..___

multiple ['mAlt1p(::l )I J & multiple-choice

adj. nhiiu, phuc t(lp adj. da i(la cll{)/1
l>multiple personality
This train ticket allows me to make multiple stops. da tfnh each
Ve xe li'.ta nay cho phcp toi don xc CJ nhieu lr~m.
❖ Giai tMch: khi Mm danh t1'1 clil "bqi so".

s s
l a
prohibit lpro' h1 b1 t]
v. cdm, ngan ch<7n C
O,.ban - forbid
v. cti'm

Smoking is prohibited on the train.

Ca'm hut thu6c trCn XC li'.(a.
s h 0,.allow • permit
v. cho phep

❖ Gidi tllfch:
dgng diu thUClng gifp prohibit sb from
V-ing, 11h11ng rh11a11g di'mg duui d{l11g cau bi dqng.
n. S(f 11gii11 ctfm

n g 0,.prohibitive
adj. 11hli111 ng,111 cc?'m

relatively ['r cl~trvlI]

adv. t£f<Jng clo'i, kha, Vii{/ phdi
& comparatively
adv. tll(Jng do'i
O -relative

A plane ticket is relatively expensive, but we'll get there
adj., n. co lien quan,
COIi do'i v<li 11g1l(li ba COIi

Ve m~1y bay WO'ng d6i dctt nhttng chung ta se tli
nhanh hO'n.
service f'sJ :v1s] O,.serve
n. S(.t p/11;c v~ v. ph11c 1•~
0,.service charge
The service on the flight was really good, and so was the phi djch 1•11
SI/ ph,1c V\1 tren may bay th~t s~t c6t va th(tc :ln cCing f>service industry
ngon. ngdnh djch vu
Travel • Prep for the New TOEIC • 137

9tgreatly - much - considerably

substantially Is~b' st~nJJI i] adv. Ian /ao, nhidu, dcing ki
adv. l<Jn Lao, clang kl
f>basically - generally - essentially
Planes are substantially faster than other kinds of adv. vi ban c/111t, v& can ban
transport. 0-slightly - little
l\ht) bay th] nhanh hon rat nhieu so v(ti nhung adv. nho,
phtMng ti/:n giao th6ng khac. a nu?c dq khollg dang kl

s s
Q,+substantial adj. Mn loo, dang
kl, tr{)ng ye'u
thrill IOrilJ
n. Sff n1ng mznh, SI/ kfclz d(hzg
& excitement n. SI/ kfch d<)ng
0-thriller n. rilu thuye't,

Flying is always a thrill for me.

EH may bay lu6n 1?1 n6i s(J t16i v6'i t6i. s hw:i kic/1 ho(ic bq phim
c6 nl)i dung ly kj•

~ Gidi tli{ch:
g1 l i
dqng C(lll the thrill of (doing) sth chi
do tlem l<;zi S!{ SU/lg suang ". Khi lam
"(li'm1) ,·ire

dQng tt'r thrill chl "lam xuc d{)ng, lam rung minh".

E n
' s
a i
T h
138 • TRACK35 0, Relational V/o,ds 0,. Synonyms 0 Mnlonyms G> Coo!usino Words
agent [' e1d3;;,ntl ,9+ representative
n. d<;ii ly, tdc nhti,n n. ngu&i dg.i di? n, dg.i ly
. .agency
The agent says we can pay for the tickets with a credit n. dg.i ly, Sf! moi gi<Ji
Q,treal estate agent
D~i ly cho biet chung ta c6 th~ thanh toan ve
b~ng the tin dt,mg.
dr:zi Ly bat dqng san
Cf;travel agency
s s
khu nghl dufJng, khu du ljch

confirm fk;;,n' fa:mJ
v. xcic nh(l.n, xac minh
& verify
v. xac nhq.n

I'm just calling to confirm that our seats have been

s h Q;confirmation
n. Sf! xac nhq.n

T6i chI gQi d~ xac nh~n cha ng6i cua chung t6i da
dttQ'C d~t.
l i
❖ Giai thich: ddng sau di
hoqc mfnh di that.
n g
voi cac ta nghi van nhu what

destination [,dEstr'ne1J(;;,)n]
E Qt destined
n. n<Yi de'n
' s adj. di den
O,.tourist destination

a i
We're going to Paris, but on this ticket it says the
destination is London!
dilm den du Lich

la Luan Don!
T h
Chung t6i den Paris nhung ve may bay ghi ndi den

··········································································· ........................................................................ .................................................... .


economize f i'kon~HnArz] V. tiet ki?m
V. tie't ki?m f)+ waste
phung phf, Lang phi
We can economize by taking the train instead of flying.
Chung ta c6 thi:! tiet ki¢m bang each cti xe Itta thay Q;economy
vl c1i may bay. n. nin kinh te
❖ Giiii thich: khi th! hifn "tilt kifm, giam chi vqt g2 do",
adj. tilt ki? m
thu?mg noi economize on sth, nhu economize on fuel (tilt
ki?m nhien li?u), economize on water (tilt kifm nf.,(OC). & economic
adj. vi kinh. rt
Tmel · Prepfo,theNewTOEIC · 139 j
equivalent fr'kwrv::ikmfl i fequal
adj. bang
adj. fl,t<Jng d11<1ng, ngang bdng
(1, equivalence
US$500 is equivalent to about NT$16,000. n. SI/ tlt<Jng dudng,
500 06 la My b~ng 16.000 06 la Bai Loan. ngang biing
-¢-Gidi tliich: cung c6 thi lam dank tu, chl "v4t
utdng du<tng, tu d6ng nghTa, v(U d6ng gid". each
n6i the equivalent of sth, thl hi/n "t1l<tng d11<1ng vt1i s s
vc;it nao do".
, ..................................................... , , ................................. .
excursion 1rk' sk::i:J(~)n]
n. cuqc di ch<Ji, chuyin tham quan
D,outing - trip
n. cuqc di ch(fi C l
We're going on an excursion to llan next weekend.
Chung toi s~p di tham quan ILan cu6i tufo sau. s h
-¢- Giai th£ch: diing sau di v<Yi gi<Ji tu to + n<ti chon.
l i Ill

n g r-

expense [1k'spens]
••••••••••••• ••••••••••• •••••••••••••• ••••• ••••••• ••• ••• •• ••• ••••• •••• ••••• •• ••••• •••n•••••• t•·•• • ••••• ••• •••••••• ••• ••• ••• ••••••••••••• •• •• ••••• •••• •••• •••••••••••••• ••••• ••• ••

Q+costs - expenditure
n. ST/ tieu, phi t5n
' s n. chi tieu
~ expensive

Plane tickets are usually the biggest expense of a adj. ddt, ton kem
trip overseas.

T h
Ve may bay thuong la chi tieu Ian nha't cho
chuyen tham quan nu&c ngoai.

...................................................................., .... ··············· ..·......................................................................., ................ , ...........

extend [rk'stend) & extension
v. keo dai, mo rqng n. SI/ gia h(ln, SI/ miJ rt}ng
We want to extend our trip by two days. adj. co ph(lm vi rt)ng,
Chung t6i mu6n keo dai chuyen tham quan 2 keo dai ra
ngay. g+.extended
adj. miJ rqng
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,( Q. Rela11onol Vl«ds Qi Sy11onyms f.>Anlonym, G- Conltolno Words j...__ __

fare [fegl GI-bus/train/cab fare

-~ xe, tlen
n. tien -~ ve., tiin ve xe buyt/.xe ltlaltaxi
How much is the bus fare from the station to the zoo? adj. ntla ri&n ve binh tlnt<Jng
Ve xe buyt ttf tr~1m nay den scJ thu bao nhi<'.:u ti~n?
adj. tiin ve ddy du
s s
l a
quote [kw~otJ
n. vi¢c dt;i,t gia, djnh gici
n. ban dt! ke gia.

Can you give me a quote for remodeling the whole

s h Qolquotation mark
dau ngo<;1c kep
Anh c6 th~ dinh gia cha vi~c si'.ra cl1ti'a roan bQ nha
b€p ch(r?
l i
❖ Gidi thicli: chl "bao gia cua ... ", dung gi{!i tCt for, thi
hi¢n "trich ddn tir... ", dung gi(Ji tl'tfrom .
n g
rate [re1t]
' '' '
......... ....... ........ ....... ... ...... ......... .. . ........... ~,,.. .......... .......... ... '.... . ....... •,•............. .......................... .... ''...... .. ...... ... ......•......... -~.. .
' ''' '

n. ty !¢, gia
' s C,.the going rate
tlut<lng ht(J11g

a i
Does the taxi rate go up during holidays?
C6 phai ty I~ taxi t:lng len trong su6t I~ h•i khong?
Q;hourly/weekly/monthly rate
111/lc gia hang giol
hang tudnlhang rhang

T h Q;birth/unemployment/
crime rate
ty ff sinh/tha't nghi¢p/
ti}i ph(tm

, J • • • • ••• , . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·· · · · · · · · · · · " ·· · · · · · · · " ' ' ' '' ' ' ' ' · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • • • • • •••••••••••••• •• •• •• , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ••

reservation f, reza-'ve1J(g)nl &,booking

n. s4t dt;it ch6 tr,,t(Jc n. Sf! 11/UQ ve (rl/(/c,
d(il chO tnt{/c
You have a reservation for two tickets to Tokyo. S-reserve
B~tn c:l~l ch6 tnr6'c cho 2 ve c.1i Tokyo. v. cliJ.t chc5 trLICJC,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _r_ra_ve_l_·_P_re_p_i_o,theNewTOEIC· 141 j
tempt [tempt] 0..allure - seduce
V. loi cuon, cam d8 -l
V. loi cuffn, cam d6 ~
&,temptation ztJl
I was tempted to buy first-class tickets, but I didn't. n. SI/ cam d8, loi cuon "O
Toi bj 16i cuon mua nhung ve h~ng nha't nhlrng O tempting ~
t6i khong mua <1LtQ'c. ::l
adj. hap dcin, cam d6
~ Giai
into V-ing.
thich: each dung tempt sb to V. va tempt sb

s s 0

..................... ....... .......... ..... ''' -~--....... ' ................. '····· ....... ······..............'' .... .....................'' ame
...'' .... ' ....................................... .
ticket [' tikH]
n. ve
ve klui h6i
ll)lround-trip ticket
adj. Lon

How much is a ticket to Hong Kong?

Vede'n H6ng Kong bao nhieu tien?
s h Q,tone-way ticket ve n·19t chi!u
Q,tseason ticket ve d(Jt ,..,

l i Ci>meal ticket ve an

n g
valid [' vrelid]
..................' ........................ ~-.................. ' .......... ,.. ~--· .................. ' ............ ...............................................··· ••......· •....................
D, invalid
adj. hifu lt:fc, h(fp l~
' s adj. hit hi¢u [J!c,
khong con h<Jp I¢

Only keep the coupons that are still valid. li)tvalidate 0
Chi giu nhung phitu mua hang nao van con v. phe chudn, ;o

T h
hi~u l~rc.
cong nh(),n gid trj

n. Sf( phe chudn,


Sf! cong nh(in giti trj

142 • TRACK36 __,
Q, Relatiooal Words 0- Synooyms 0-Anlor,yms & Cool~•~ Words

coincide [,kgum'sardl 0..concur

V. trung wJi, dfJng nha't V<Yi v. d6ng ttnh, trung h<Jp
Our trip coincides with the festival. n. S/f trung lu;p
Chuye'n tham quan cua chung ta trung voi 1~ h¢i
~ coincident
❖ Gidi thich: khi chl "citng lu.c xay ra voi ... ", dung giCJi
tit with.
adj. I rung kht!p, trung h<Jp
s s
adj. tn'tng khtlp

comprehensive Lkarnpn'hens1v1
adj. bao ham, toan di~n extensive C
& complete - all-inclusive -

adj. hoim toan, hoim thanh

It's a fully comprehensive tour package; meals and
drinks are included.
s h ~ comprehensively
adv. hoan toan, toan difn
M9t chuy~n du Itch tron g6i bao g6m thuc ~n va mt6'c
l i
n g
confusion [kcn'fju3(~)n]
......................... ................ ................ ......................................................... ,............. ................................................................... .
, ,

9tpuzzlement - bewilderment -
n. s
sf/ h6n lot;r,n, Sf/ nhdm l&n, l{)n x{)n
n. ST! hon lor;m, ST/ rcf.c rtli

There seems to be some confusion as to when we're li)-confuse
stopping for lunch. v. lam xao trqn

fa tnta.

T h
Dttong nhtt c6 vai 1¢n x¢n khi chung t6i nghi d~ Qtconfused
adj. /9n xqn, khong ro rang
~ confusing
adj. kh6 hiiu, gay b{fi roi

............... ,.,, ................................................. ·············································································•••··········•·········································

contact ['knntrektJ
v. lien lq,c, lien hf
You need to contact the hotel to let them know we'll be
B~n cdn li~n h~ v6'i khach s~n M cho ho bie't chung
ta se d€n tre.
'• Gidi tliich: khi la danh tir thtJrJng di V<Ji giai tLI with,
cung c6 t!d mang nghia "nguai quen, co Mi gi;ip ga",
khi mcmg nghia nay tlntang du<Ji ck,ng st/ nhiiu.
T,a,el · Prep focthe New TOEIC • 143 J
delay fdr'le1 J 0,postpone - defer - hold up
hoiin, trt hoan
v. hoiin, trz hoan ::0
Q-advance z
The flight has been delayed until three o'clock. V. tn.lCIC, di truac -0
Chuy€n bay bi hoan h,1.i cho <l€n 3 gio. i:!
❖ Giai thfch: khi di v<Ji dong ta, delay + V-ing,
hitn "tri hoiin lam vi?c g2 t16 ".

s s 0

l a
········································ .. ····························"''''''·················••\................. , ......................................... ,, .,,,, .........., .......•....
depart [di'pu:t]
v. xudt phdt, kh<Ji hanh xuii't phdt C
9+-leave - go - get off

The train will depart at six o'clock, so don't

be late.
s h f.>arrive
v. den nm

Xe hh se khoi hanh hk 6 gio, v1 th€ dang c6

de'n trf
l i . .departure
n. St! khoi hanh

❖ Gidi th{ch: th! hi~n "khiJi hanh din ... ", dung
depart for + n<Ji ch(/n; thi hi?n "xuift phat tit... ",
n g
dung depart from+ nm chon.
•••••• •••••••• •• ... ... .. . ,,,o,•••••••••••••••••••••••• .. • ••• ••• ••••••• • ••••• •• •••••••• • •o•,.• ••••• " • • • ••• • •••••••••• •••"• • "• •• ••••••• • • --• •• .. •••••••••••• •• •• •• ••••• •• .. •• • • • •• •••• •• • •

duration [dju'rerJ(~)n] 9ttime - span - stretch

n. khoang thiJi gian
' s n. khoang thili gian

a i
I spent the duration of my vacation relaxing on the

Toi thtr gian tren bai bi~n trong su6t ky ngh1.

T h
............................... .......................,, ............... ._.. ,, ..., .................................. , ....................................... , ....................
embarkation t,rm' ba:ke1Jn] & disembarkation
n. st! cho Len bo,
n. SI/ cho len tau
At embarkation, please have your passport Cfiembark
available. v. Len tau, Len xe
L(lC l~n tau, vui long dm s~n h• chi€u cua quy
O,embark on/upon sth
vi. biit tay vao vi?c gr
L,... JRAC/(36

expect [1k' spektJ & expectable

v. mong, mong d(!i adj. c6 th! ky v9ng
What time do you expect the bus to arrive? n. SI/ 111ong d<Ji
B~n mong xe buyt tlen luc ma'y gio?
n. tinh lrftng mong cho

s s
l a
intend [m' tend]
v. di! djnh C
0,. plan - aim - propose
v. le11 ki ho(lch

We intend to do lots of shopping on this trip!

Chung t6i d~r clinh se mua s~m nhieu trong chuye'n
s h C,.intention
n. y dinh, di/ djnh

tham quan nay.

~ Giai
l i
tliich: each dttng intend to V. hoijc intend for
adj. cd c6y, chu tam


n g li),lintentionally
adv. cf! y, co'

itinerary Lal'tm~rnriJ
n. kl hoqch vi mot cul)c ha.nh. trlnh
a i
According to the itinerary, we'll be going to see a show
tomorrow night.

Theo k~ hoach cu6c hanh tt'lnh, chung ta se xem
bu6i trlnh di~n vao ·toi rnai.
notify [' n~mt1far] O, inform
v. thong bao v. tht'Jng bao
Please notify the tour guide if you will not be getting n. SI/ thong bao
back on the bus.
Vui long th6ng baa cha h110ng d~n vien du ljch bie't
neu b~n kh6ng th~ tr& l~i xe buyt.
~ Giai thicli: cau thu?mg glj,p notify sb of sth hor;t,c
mfnh di notify sb that.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ve_l_· P,,pronheNewlOEIC · 14:
rr_a_ J
optional L' npJ(o)n( ;}) IJ a.elective - voluntary
adj. tuy y, khong bdt bu<}c
adj. co
th! [f!a c/uJn,
tinh nguyfn
You don't have to go shopping with everyone else; • compulsory - mandatory -
it's optional. obligatory- required
Ban kh6ng phai di mua sdm cung mQi nguoi; adj. bilt bu17c, cuiJng cht
d6 la kh6ng bar bu•c. Q.option
n. S¥ lt!a clu;m, tuy cht;m
s s

l a
v. clu)n, ch(J11 Itta

preclude [prr' klu:dJ

V. ngan ch(i,n, ngiin can
v. ngc"in chq.n, ngi1n can

Rain would preclude our plans to have a picnic.

MLra se ngan d\n ke' ho~1ch di da ngo~i cua s h
Q. preclusion
n. SI/ ngiin ch(in, ngii11 con

chung La.
-❖ Giai thfch:
l i
each dt'tng preclude sb from doing sth.

n g
remainder rn ·mernda- I
E e,.rest - remains

n. thoi gian C<)n l<;1i, phdn con lg,i
n. ph!tn con [qi
Q.. remain

I think we will spend the remainder of the trip at V. C<Jfl [(/ i, COIi (1€
the beach.

Toi nghi chung rn se danl1 thc'1i g ian cc">n l:,ii cua
chuye'n tham quan t"1i bai bic'n.
❖ Giiii th{ch: thlfang di'tng ditui d<;mg the remainder
adj. ttnh tr(lng giil nguyen

l,. . TRAC/<37

advanced [md' va:nstJ Q+ developed - improved

adj. cao cap, tien rie'n adj. Iitn bi}
fJ.backward - primitive -
The station has a very advanced computer system that undeveloped
tells you where all the trains are. adj. l{lc hgu
Nha ga nay c6 h¢ th6ng may tinh tien tiln cho b"'n
biEt La°t d noi nhung chuyEn xe li'1a di qua.
v., n. c6 tiin b(i, SI/ tie'n b(j
GI-advancement s
n. S~( lien bi}

announc ement l:}'naunsm~ntl
n. st! thong bao C
v. thong bao

I just heard an announcem ent that the train is going to

be late.
s h
& announcer
n: ngttai thong bdo

Toi VL(a nghe tMng b{to rhng XC

lua se c.1~n tre.

n g
busy [ ' brzi]
' s
adj. b{ln rt)n, nao nhi~t
C:,.bustling - thriving -vibrant
adj. mfo nhiit, nh()n nhip
f>dead - inactive - lifeless

a i
This is the main station, so it's always very busy.
E>ay la nhil ga chlnh, v, ch€ n6 luon nao nhi~t.
adj. te nhqt

T h
claim lkle1m] C,.baggage claim
v. doi lu3i, yeu sach khu vvc hanh ly
You must show your ticket before you can claim your
B:µ1 phai tr1nh ve lrt!OC khi bl,U1 uoi hanh ly Clla m1nh.
~ Gidi thlch: claim cting lam danh tit, chl "s;f yeu sach,
Travel · Prep for the New TOEIC • 147

nervously ['no:vosli] 9+anxiously - uneasily - tensely

adv. lo ldng
adv. bJn ch6n, lo ldng
She's scared of flying and is nervously looking out adj. lo ldng
the w indow.
Co ay s(J di may bay va co ay lo lfog nh'in ra
ngoai dra s6.
n. day thiin kinh, khi phach

s s
l a
..................................................... .............................................. ..., ................. , ........................................ .,, ..,, ................

operate [' npore1t]

v. ho<;tt dqng, di&u khJin, quan Ly
n. SI/ ho<;1t dqng,
SI/ di&u khiln, qudn ly
That airline doesn't operate out ofTaipei.
Hang hang khong do khong ho~n c1¢ng ngoai s h £1,toperational
adj. sifn ell dung
Da i B~c.

l i :r.

n g
·········································.... ························· ............. , ....................................................................... ................ , , ... ,,, .. , .... .

punctually ['pAJJktJ;)li]
adv. dung gi&
' s O,.ontime
dung gio

The trains always leave punctually; they're never adj. c1iing giiY

T h
Xe lua lu6n kheii hanh Clt'.'111g gid, chung kh6ng
bao gio tr~.
n. t£nh dung gi&

remote Ln' m~ot] O,.isolated - ecluded

adj. bift lqp, heo lanh
adj. xa xoi, heo lanh, bi~t lqp
m,.remote (control)
You don't see many people at this station n. di&u khiln
because it's so remote.
B~n kh6ng thay nhi~u ngum t~i san ga nay v1 adv. IJ mac rtfr nho,
116 qua heo lanh. rf/t nuJ h6, ra't xa
G, . r~_c_K_
11_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..,( f> R•~tlooal Words O,. synooyms 0-Aotonyms & CQntus,no wo,ds !.____
system ['s1st~rnJ Q,lmethod - way - approach
n. h? thffng, che' dl), phuong phdp n. phuong phcip
The station has a very good system for making sure the adj. co hf Thong,
-trains leave on time. co pht1(fng phap
Nh?t ga nay co h¢ thong ra't tot cl~ bao diim ding xe
laa kh&i hanh dung gi<'J.
v. h? tho'ng h6a,
s s
siip xeJJ Theo h? tho'ng

l a
s h
l i
n g
' s
a i
T h
s s
l a
s h
l i
n g
' s
a i 9-1 Movies TRACK 38

Th 9-2 Theater TRACK 39

9-3 Music TRACK 40
9-4 Art TRACK 41
9-5 Media TRACK 42
__, s_o_-_r:_RA
_ CK_J_s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___, Q,+ fl,lational wo,ds 0- SynonymsrJoAnlonymsl f t Co11fuslng Word> .___ _

action rrekJ(d)nJ Q,action hero

n. hanh dqng, hanh vi ngtt<Ji hung
f)t act
I don't like action movies very much; there's always too v. hanh d9ng
much fighting.
Toi khong thfch phim hanh d•ng Mm; luc nao cung
c6 qua nhieu canh danh nhau.

s s
admire rred'mai;;>J l a
l)tappreciate - esteem - respect
v. ham mq, ngucfng mq C
- regard v. khli.m ph¥,c
I rea lly admire this actor because all his movies are
h adj. dang nguiJng mQ,
tuyf t dir,u
T6i tlwc s~r ham m<) nam <li~n vien nay VI ta't
phim ci'.1a anh §'.y c1€u hay.
l i i>admiration
n. sf! ngttiJng 111¢, ham mQ

• Gidi tliich: each n6i th€ hi?n "ton sung (ai d6) IJ m(i.t
new hotJ,c viic nao" la admire sb for N./V-ing.
llf+-admirer n. nguCli ham mq,
nguili ngttr7ng m(j

collection [ko'lekJ(:;,)nJ E 8' collect

n. SI/ suu t(j.p, SI/ thu thqp

v. suu t(),p, thu t.hgp
& collector

I have a collection of nature DVDs.
Toi c6 bQ SLJ'U t?p nhCtng DVD g6c.
n. nglliJi sliu tq,p

T h
dialogue (' da1~logJ a.conversation
n. cuqc dffi thoq,i n. CUQC doi thoqi
,> monologue
There wasn't much dialogue in that new kung fu movie. n. d{)c thoqi
Khong c6 nhi~u cu¢<.: c16i tho~i trong phim kuog fu
li),,dialogue box
phong doi tho<,li
• Gidi thich: tie'n.g Anh cua ngttoi My thuifng ghi la
Entertainment· Prep for th e NewTOEIC • 151

entertainment Lent~' tcmm,mtl O,.amusement - recreation

n. SI/ giai trf

n. CUQC giai tr{, CU<JC tieu khiln
C)+ entertain
Movies are my favorite kind of entertainment . V. giai tr£
Phim la ki€u giai tri ua th1clr nhit dia t6i. li)+ entertainer
n. ngttai lam tro tieu khiin
Q; entertaining
adj. lam vui long, lam vaa y s s

l a
............................................................ .............. ································ ................................................................................

experience [1k' sp1~m :ms]

n. kinh nghifm, trai nghifm
adj. ti't:ng trdi, Lao luyfn

For me, seeing a movie is a rea lly enjoyable

s h Q+·experiential
adj. theo kinh nghifm

06i vai t6i, xem phim la m<)t trai nghi~m thl)'c

s~, thu vj.
l i
-¢- Giili thich: c6 thi di vai giai
cilng c6 thi sti d1,mg nhLf c1¢ng ti:t.
n g
tu of hoi!c with;

leisure r'le3~J
.......................... ... ......................... ···•························•·· ·······-···················• ······ · · ··· · ····"'''' ' ''' ' ''' ''' ' ' ' '' ' ' ''' '' '''' ·······················


adj. nhan r6i, ranh r6i
' s adj. nhan
0,. leisure suit
r6 i, rd nh r6i

One of my favorite leisure activities is watching
qudn ao thoai mai
M•t trong nhung ho~t dc)ng ua thich nh1t cua

T h
t6i luc r?tnh r6i la xem phim.
-¢- Giai thich: khi la danh tu tht hif n "th/Ji gian
nhan r6i", hoq,c co thi n6i leisure time. at (one's)
leisure thl hifn "a thai gian nhan r6i (cua ai d6),
khi (ai d(5) nhan r6i ".
........................................................................................................... ..................... ... .......................................... .

release [rr' li:sl (I, release date

ngay phat hanh
v. ph6ng th{ch, phdt hanh, dua ra ban

When will the movie be released in Taiwan?

Khi nao bq plum nay c1V<Jc cong chilu a 0ai
-¢- Giai tluch: khi lam danh ti't, nghTa la "plui.t hanh,
ding bff" ho(fc "c1Ja hat dti<Jc phat hanh", "tin tuc
dtir/C cong bff".
l. . _ ,_s_2_•_TRA_CK_39_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___.( C>M-w.ros O, Syr,ooy,nsfJ-Anmy,,,s & cao._wuc1s I..____

audience [' :):d,:.msJ l>auditorium

n. khan gid, thlnh gia n. thl11h phong

The audience enjoyed the play.

Khan gia thkh vrJ kjch nay.
❖ Giai tllfch: la danh t1'/ t6ng h{lp. Ne'u mulln chl "mqt
vj khan gici" thL phcli n6i a member of the audience.
Ngoai ra, khan gid xem trQn dd'u rhi thao dit(lc g9i la
s s
spectators ho(Jc the crowd.
···•············· ..
······· ·········•·· ......
l a
continue [bn ' trnju:J
V. ti{p tl;IC V. C
8-tresume - restart
tiep l(lC

The show will continue after the break.

Bu6i dilln nay se tie'p t\lC sau gio giai lao.
s h f>discontinue
V. gian do<;1n

l i & continuous
adj. lien t1,1c, kh6ng ngim.g

n g & continuously adv. lien tl,lC

& continuity
n. S(l fien

criticism ['knt, s,z(;))mJ

E & criticize
tl,IC, lien tie'p

n. le1i phe binh, ST! phe binh

' s v. phe binh, btnh phtlm

The theater came under criticism for allowing people to n. 11ha phe btnh
li),tcritica I
T h
Nha h{tt nay bi pM b1nh vl <.:ho pbep nglrcti xem hC1t
adj. btnh phtlm, phe b,nh

occur (;, b:l &,happen - take place

v. xdy ra, diin ra, xudt hifn xdy ra, diln ra
& occurrence
The opening of the new theater should occur this n. SI/ ki?n, chuyf n xdy ra
Bu6i khai tntcmg nha hat m6'i se di~n ra vao mua he
Ente,ta;nment · P,ep fo, the New TOEIC • 153 J
perform [p(;)'fo:mJ & act - play v. diln
v. biiu ddn, tdnh diln, dt hanh 0,perform well/poorly/
The actors performed really well. biiu diln hayltfl
mqt each hai long
Cac di~n vien dien th~t sv hay.
n. budi bilu diln,
rehearse Ln ' h:;,:sl
v. nhcic lt;ti, diln tqp
bu6i trinh ddn

C)t rehearsal
C l a
C>performer n. nguiJi bilu dil n

n. SI! nhdc lt;ii, slf diBn t(J,p

s I
We need to rehea rse more because we sti ll
haven't got it quite right.
s h
Chung ta dn di~n ti!P nhieu hdn b&i v1 chung
ta vfo chtfa di~n dung Him.
l i )>

n g
,............................................................................... ········••,04••·················.. ········..... ...................................................,............
schedule ('skedju:IJ
V. di:( djnh, ten kt hOf/Ch
' s
a i
The play is scheduled to begin next Friday.
Vo Jqch nay dl,t c.1 inh dilu vao thu Sau toi.

T h
~ Giai thich: khi lam dqng tu th11iJng dutJi d(mg bi
dqng: be scheduled to V. ho(IC be scheduled for N.
khi lam danh tu chi "biiu thrJi gian, bang ph1,1 l1,1c ".

& consecutive - sequential

successive Ls~k'ses1vl
adj. lien t{lc, lien tieJJ
adj. lien t1:1,c, lien titp, ldn lur;t
C,.succeed v. thanh ding
This Christmas play has been shown here for four Q,tsuccessively
successive years. adv. lien t1,1c, lien tiep,
Vo kich Giang Sinh nay ctl(Q'c di~n & day 4 n~m Mn lu(Jt
lien ti~p. Q,succession
n. S(( ke tiep, S I/ ke Vi
Q,t by succession kt vj, n(fi ngoi
154 · TRACK40 __, 0, Relational Wo•d>& Sy"""yn,;C,.Antonyn»Cfi Conlt1Slng V/0<ds

available [~'veil~b(~)IJ It-accessible - obtainable

adj. sdn c6 di dung, c6 hitu htc adj. su dfmg du,1c
a,.unavailable - inaccessible -
The CD will be available in stores next month. unobtainable
E>Ta-eD-nay ~no trong ctta hang vao Chang r6'1. --adj. khong--ditng dur;1c
(>freely/easily available
miln ph[ldl dang su d1,mg

s s
l a
category ['kretigQri]
n. lo(li C
& class - group - kind - type
n. lo9i

His music is so different that it can't be put into just one

s h GJ,tcategorize
v. chia logi, phan log.i

Nh;,tc dia anh a'y ra't khac t1~n

no v?to m()t lo~i nao. i
n6i kh6ng th~ x€p

n. SI/ phan lo9 i

n g
combine [bm' bamJ
E & blend - mix - merge -
v. k(t h(Jp, ph<fi h(Jp
' s incorporate - integrate
v. kit hr;1p, pho'i IUJp

His songs combine jazz with traditional music. D, break down - break up -
t:Jhung bai hat cua anh a'y phoi hqp gicra nh~c jazz separate .
giiii tan, phan chia
va nll?C dan lQC.

• Giai thich: each dung thitong gijp combine A with B. O, combination
n. s(t kit h(Jp, ph<Ji h<!P

disparate drSpQrQt] & different - diverse - distinct
adj. khac hdn, khac loqi adj. khac nhau
O,.same - similar - parallel
She has taken two disparate music styles and made adj. gidng nhau
them work very well together.
Co a'y choi 2 thi lo?i nh;i.c khac nhau va ket h<;ip
n. Sft kluic bift
chung ra't hay.
Entertainment • Prep for the NewTOEIC • 155

element ['el::nn :mtl U,. component - factor

n. ye'u td n. ylu lo, nhon to s
~ elementary sm
Loud drums are just one element of the band's adj. s<J cap, so dc7ng ~-,
Tr6ng am thanh l6n du la m•t ye'u to trong
phong each c1fa ban nh~c.

s s
l a
•· ••• •• • • •• ••••••••• • ••• •• •• •••• • ' ••• ' • •• •• •• ••• ••• • ••• •·4 •• ••• ••••••••• ' •••• ' •• ••• ••••• •• • ••••• , • ••• • • •• • • ••••• ' . . .. . . . . . .. ' . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' • ••• • • ••• ••• •••• ••

fashion ['freS(~)nJ
n. mdt, thoi trang
adj. dung mift, C
h(Jp thai trang
Rock music isn't in fashion anymore.
Nh~c rock kh6ng con hQ'p thoi nua. s h
l i
n g
impact l' irn prekt)
·················································· ..., ................................................... ............................................................................. ,.
& effect - influence - sway

n. SI/ ilnh huong, tac dqng
' s n. anh h11ong, tac d(jng

a i
Her music has had quite an impact on the world.
Nh~c cua c6 ay rfft c6 anh httang tr~n the' giai.
significant/major impact
tac d(jng btit l(Jilsau sdcl

❖ Giiii th£ch: khi chi "c6 dnh lutong den ... " dung

each n6i have an impact on; impact cung c6 thi la
d(jng tit.
dang kflchfnh ye'u
Q, soften/lessen an impact
ldm giam tac d(jng

............................................................................ ··················"'''······· .. ·····--···· ....................................., .... ,, .. ···••·••··············"

influence f' milu~nsJ Q; affect - impact
v. tac dqng, anh huJng v. tac cl(}ng, dnh h11Jng
He was influenced by Japanese pop music. adj. ilnh fnt<Yng,co
Anh ay bi anh hl(o'ng b&i nhic pop Nh~t Ban. c6 sue thuyet ph1:1c
❖ Giai thich: kh(..thi hifn "dnh huiJng ai d6 lam vi?c
gi d6 ", dung influence sb to V; influence ding c6 th!
Id danh ta.
l. . _1_s_6_· _TRA
_ CK
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __.( Q; R~auoo,1 WO<ds & synooyms f;),AnlofrjmsO,. CoolLSlng ~ ...., _ _ _ __

range rre rnd3]

V. xe:v lo<,ii, di khdp

Her songs range from sad love songs to loud rock.

Cac baL hat cl'.1a c6 ~y bao gom tu· nhung ban ~ - - - - - - - - - -- - - -
ca bu6n ue'n nhung ban rock s6i c1¢ng.
~ Gidi dung range fi'om A to B hor;/,c range
between A and B.
s s
•••••••••••• •• •••• •••••• ••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. • ••••••••••• • ••••••••• •• ••• •• .... • •• • • H•• •• •••• ••••• ••••••••••• •• •• •••••••• "•

l a
• • •••• • •••• •• •••••• •••••••• • •••••• •• • ••• ••••

retaxation Lri:lrek'se1Jn)
n. sf! thu gitin, sf! nghl ng<Ji, sf! gidi trf n. C
& fun - recreation
Sf! gid.i trf, tieu khiln

For relaxation, I listen to classical music.

E>i thtt gian, toi nghe nh~c c6 c1iffo. s h !>relax
v. thu gian, gidi tri

l i f> relaxed
adj. thanh than, thod.i m6i

n g
sellout ['sel,aut]
...................... ··~ ..... ' .... '' ................... ., .... , ..... ' ................. ··~ ..................................................................................................
Q;sell out
n. bu6i di&n ban hit ve,
' s Slf ban ddt hang ban hit ve, ban he't hang

The popular singer's concerts were all sellouts. adj. ban hit (ve, hc'lng)
Cac bu6i nh?c cua ca sT n6i tieng lu6n ban he't ve .

T h
...... , ........................................................................... ···············............... ,.......................................................................................
significant ls1g.' mfi k:;rnt] & important- crucial -
adj. quan trqng, chinh ytu noteworthy
adj. quan tr9ng, chfnh ye'u
The musician has had a significant impact on jazz music. O,. insignificant- negligible -
Nh?C SI nay c6 anh hll'c'ing quan trong ve nh~lC jazz. inconsequential
adj. tdm thLliJng,
khong dang kl
13- significance
n. SI/ quan tr9ng, SI/ d(Jng kl
spectrum (' spektr~m] &-range n. diiy, ttim truy!n
n. loff,t nhilng dai am thanh tli(Jng ti! quang ph5 D+wide/broad spectrum
dcii am
thmzh rqng
He can play a b r oad spectrum of musica l
Anh fly c6 the chO'i nhung lo,i.i nh,j,c CL) c6
quang phd r(ing.
~ Giai thtch: thidtng dung a spectrum of sth th! s s I

hi~n "vgtlvifc trong ph<,un vi nito d6 ". :x:i
......................' ....... ................. ' ....' ..... ...................' ...................... ' ... ' ........ ............... '' ................................'.' .. ''' ..... .. .
' '

taste [te1st]
n. sTJ thu?mg thric, si'J thfch, tht hie'u
n. th[chso C
& liking - preference - appetite

Her taste in music is very strange.

Thi hie'u ~rn nlwc Ctla c6 ay rat ]~. s h Q,acquired taste
sit thfch tii th6i quen

~ Gidi thich: thl hif n "th; hie'u iJ phLlcmg dif n

nao d6 ", dung gi<Ji ta in. khi thl hifn "st! thLliJng l i 'l>

thac ... ", dung giai tt't for, vi di,' a taste for fine wines
(thtt!Jng thuc ru{lu ngon).
n g
' s
a i
T h
__ _4_1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~
1s_a_•_ r._'R_:A_CK Q-Rclaliooal WO<ds g. synonyms Q+Antonyms e ,eoo1~1ng WOfdS L - - -

acquire L0 'kw AI0(r )J 8,obtain - gain

V. d~t dl,(<Jc, thu dU(lc, kiem dUr;Jc V. gianh dlJ(JC, a(lt cllit;IC
tf.lose v. da11h mat
I have acquired a large number of very old paintings. Dtacguisition n. fil!. dat dU<J_c,
Toi thu dttQ'c rat nhi€u bu'c tranh cu. - thu du<7c, kie'm dUt;lc
~ acquisitive adj. c6 khd nling
tie'p thu, th€ h9c lu3i co
s s
~ acquirement n. Slf dr,11 du<7c,
thu d11<7c, kie'm d11<7c
•• • •••• • • ••• • ••• • • • ••••• ••• .. ••• • • • ••• •• • ••••• .. • •• •• •••••• ••••• •• •••••• • • •• •••• .. • ••••• • "! •••••••• • ••• • ••••• • •••••••• • ••• oo , .,,, ,, •• ••• ••••• •• •••••••• •• •• ••• • • •••• •• ••• • ••••••••• •••• •••••• • • ••

approach [a'prnutD
n. phue1ng phap, each tiep c<J,n
& method - style
n. pht1<1ng phap,C
His approach to art is to paint what he feels, not what
he sees.
s h phli<Jng tluic

Cach [i@'p c~n nghi; thu:;i.t ci'1a anh ay Ia ve nhung g1

anh ay nhin thay chCr khong phai nhung gl anh a'y
l i adj. c6 thl tie'p cqn,
c6 th! tie'p xuc
ai diJ,t vtin di
nhln thay.
❖- Gidi thich: khi rid hien
"phuong phap cua ... " dung
n g
d(1ng cau an approach to sth .
............................................................. ........................................... ......, ................. ............................ , ... ······•·······························
broaden ['bro:d(0)n]
V. m/J rqng
' s Ill-broad
adj. rqng

Studying art has really broadened my mind. n. b& rqng, stJ ph6ng khodng
Nghien Cl(Ll ngh~ thu~t lam c.H u 6c toi ma mang.

T h
••••• • ••• • •••• ••••• •••• • • • •••••• • • • • • ••••••••••• ••• • ••••••• • • • •••••••••• •• •••• ••• •·• • • • • • •••• •• •••••••••• • •• "°' '''• •• • • • •• • • • ••• • •• •••••••••••• • •••••• •• •••• ••• ••• • • • ••• •••• ••• •• •• •• • • •• U ••

constantly ['kunst;::intlil & always - invariably

adv. luon luon, Lien t¥,c, lien mien adv. luon lu6n
8,often - frequently
He's constantly experimenting with new techniques. adv. lien fflC, thuong xuyen
Anh ay lien u;1c t1m kie'm nhCrng ky thu~t moi.
& constant
adj. lien lft C, khong ngung
n. tinh kien dinh, s~r bift bien
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _E
_n_te _e_n_t_· _Pcep fonh, NewTOEIC ·
_r_ta_in_m ,J
creative [kri:e1t1vJ & imaginative - original -
ingenious - innovative -
adj. sang t(IO, giau tr[ tuiing ttt{Jng inventive
adj. giau tri tttong ttt(Jng
I'm not very creative, so I'm not very good at art.
-f.>uncreative --unimaginativ·......,..- - ~-
Toi khong giau tri tU'o'ng tlJQ'ng vl v~y t6i khong
gioi ve
ngh~ tlm~t. adj. khong sang t(IO,
khong giau tri tuong tu(Jng
s s -I

g+creativity n. SI/ f(lo ~
..................,,,,, .......... , ........................................................ ········•··············································································
disperse Ldi'spd:s] 6 & scatter v.
C gidi tan, phan tan
v. gia i tdn li).dispersal n. St! giai tan C

The crowd began to disperse after the concert.

Bam dong b~t d~u giai tan sau bu6i nlwc. s h V\

n g l I I

..................................................................... ··········•········ ············ ···"········ ..········ ··························································
in-depth trn 'depOJ
adj. sau sdc, hocm toan
' s & complete - comprehensive -
adj. /wan toan, sau sdc

a i
We shall take an in-depth look at the art of that

do,;111 d6. h
Chung t6i se xern xeL ky ngM thu~t trong giai

•' ••• ' ' ' • • ••• • ' ' ' •• •• •••• • • •• •• • • ••• • • • • ' ' ' • •'' •• •''' • •• •' • ••• • • • • •• • • •~••• • • • ••• •' •••' •' • • •• • • • ' •• • • • •• I • •• ••• • •'••• • •'' •• '••••••• • •••• • • •••• • ••• •• • •• • •••••• ••' •• ••• '•••••••• • • • •• • ••••• ••

prefer [pn' fa{r)] lJHavor

v. thich /,(In
v. thich h<Yn, lta chu{}ng h<Jn
What style of art do you prefer? n. SI/ Ila chui)ng /J(!n
B~u1 thich lo;,ti hlnh ngM thuit nao hO'n? li),preferable
❖ Gidi thich: khi thi hifn "thich B hrm A", dung adj. thfch h<Jp han
prefer B to A. 0,preferably
adv. tot nlufr la
160 • TRACK41 Q, nelatioo2I\Vanis O, Synonyms O,.Antonyms&, C o n ~
representation [,reprizen'teiJ(:;,)n] Q,trepresent
n. S(f mieu, rd, St! tr1nh bay, S¥ d(Ji di?n, v. trtnh bay
st! tur;ng mtng cho Q,representative
n. nguoi dqi di¢n
The painting is a representation of the artist's hometown. (>-representational
Bue tranh nay la rn(>t bi€u tnrng qui:! nba ci'1a nguoi
hoa sI.
adj. tieu biiu, ttt<;Jng trttng
s s
l a
n. Sif mieu Id, thu(ft ve

.......................... ......................................... ,, ....................... ·················•···· ···················································································•

subscribe [s:;ib'skra1bJ
v. d6ng y, ran thimh C
D,,approve of tan thanh,
ung thuq.n, bc7ng long

I don't really subscribe to the current idea of art.

T6i thl_!c S\i kh6ng c16ng y v6'i tli tttclng ngh~ thu~t s h m,.subscriber
n. ngitoi dang ky,

hi?n tho'i.
• Giai thiclt: phai di
v<Yi to. Ngoai ra subscribe con chi "d4t
l i nglloi g6p ti§n
,g +subscription
n. SI/ tan tha nh
xem (bao, rqp chf'", ho(l.c "quyen g6p (t6 chac tir thifn).

n g
urge ['Q:d3J
v. khuye'n khfch, elf va
' s &,encourage
v. khuytn khfch

it's very relaxing.i
I would urge everyone to just pick up a pencil and draw; adj. khtln dip

T6i khuye'n khfch 1119i nguoi cftm bur chi Je n ve; n6
rft't thti gian.
adv. c6 ve khtln. cap
TRACK 42 • Eote,ta;omeot · P,ep fo, the New TOEIC • 161 J
assignment [~'samm~ntJ CJ,;assign
n. nhifm v~, b<Jn phqn
V. phan cong, b6 nhifm ai

For my art assignment, I have chosen photography

as my medium.
V1 c6ng vi~c h•i hQa ci'ia toi, t6i chQn nhie'p
anh nhLi la m•t bLiOC trung gian.

s s
l a
choose [tJu:zJ
v. ch9n h!,a
1)1,select- pick
v. ch9n [fJaC
The painter chose to move to Paris.
NgLtai hoa si nay chon chuyt!n c1€n Paris. s h O,.choice
n. S/J lt!a ch9n

l i
n g
, ................................................ .. ,, ......... ································•··· ······•·······················································"''" "''····················
decision fd1' sr3(~)nJ
n. sl:{ quyit dtnh

i ' s
What influenced your decision to paint using ink?
v. quyet djnh
Qt decided
adj. do. dtl(JC quyir djnh,
Di~u gl lam b~n guye't cljnh ve b1ng nwc?

h 0, decisive
kien quye't

T adj. kien quye'r, dilt khoat

................................................................................... ...........................................................................................................

disseminate [d1' semmertJ Q- spread - broadcast -

v. ph6 bie'n, gieo rdc &. circulate
v. Lan rin, truyin tin
She helped d i sseminate information about the t)+ dissemination
new artist. n. s~( ph6' bie'n, s~t Lan r9ng
C0 ff'y giC1p ph6 bie'n th6ng tin v~ ngu<Yi ngh~ s1
162 • mACK42
---------------------' &, Re1,uooa1 WOfdSl}I Synonyms D- Antonyms G! C<mtus;ng Words
._ ___
express [rk' spres] & show - reflect
v. bilu LQ, diln dt;lt v. thi hifn, phan cinh
She used black paint to express her sad feelings. n. SI/ di€n dq,t
-eo-fy-dung nuoc son den di! 15i'-,l~~u- d"=""~--
t """c'a~m
. - e-x-pr_e_ss-:-iv_e_ _
bu6n dau. adj. y nghia, diln cam co
& expressionism
n. (nghf thuq.t) chJ. nghia s s
U•• ••••• ••••• ••• • •••••••••••• •••••••••••• ~••• • ••••• •••·•• •••• •• ••• • • •• ••• •••••••• • • • •• ••• • •••• • •• ••• ••••• •• •• ••• • ••••••••
biiu hifn

l a
favor ['fe1va"J
v. thfch hon
& prefer
v. th£ch h<JnC
This artist favors pencils over paint.
Hoa si nay thich ve d11 hem ve son.
s h li).favorable
adj. hu:a h~n, c6 triin v9ng

~ Giai thich: khi thi hifn "thfch A hon B", dung each
n6i favor A over B. favor con co thi dung nhLt danh tu,
l i
chl "dn huf, ung hq".

n g
specialize ['speJ~la1z]
.....' ......' .... ····~·............. '' .......................... ...... ' ................. • ·• ...................'' .. '' .. ' ' ' ... '' ... ............. ' ........ ' ...........................' ...'' ' .......... ...
S,. specialization
v. lam thanh d(l.c trl,(n,g, chuyen mon h6a
' s n. Sf! chuyen mon h6a
0, specialist

a i
He specializes in sculpture, but he also likes painting.
Anh ay chuyen v~ dieu khac nht(ng anh ffy cung
n. chuyen gia
thich h•i hoa.

T h
• Gidi thich: khi chl "chuyen sou vi (vifc gt)", dung
gioi tit in.
n. chuyen mon,
net dij.c tntng
s s
l a
s h
l i
n g
' s
a i
Th 10-1 Medical Insurance TRACK43
10-2 At the Doctor's Office TRACK 44

10-3 At the Dentist's Office TRACK 45

10-4 At the Clinic TRACK46

10-5 At the Hospital TRACK47
l__ ,_6_4 _·_~_
3 _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~~~~-~~~~~--
aware t;;, 'we~l Gtconscious - sensible -
adj. nh(i.n th.lie cognizant
adj. nhij.n ra, coy rhuc
I wasn't aware that my medical insurance didn't cover & unconscious - insensible -
--dent--a-l--wor.1,._- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -~ ,,.,..,,,..,,,...,,-- - - - - - - - -
Toi khong nh~n thuc Ol(()'C dtng bao hi~m y t€ Clla adj. khong co y t!uic
t6i khong bao g6m dich V\l ve rang.
• Giii.i tMch: each dtmg be aware of sth hoi')c be aware
n. S(( nhqn t!uic
s s
+ mfnh d& that.
• • ••• ••••••••• •• •••••••••• •••.. •••••• ••• •• ••••••• ••••••••• ••• •••• •• ••• •• • ••• •• • • • • • • • • u• • •• • ••••~• • • • , •••••••••• •• ••, •• ••• • ••

l a
convenient (k;;,n' vi:m~nt]
adj. thuqn lc;i, thu(J,n tifn C
Fi> inconvenient adj.
bfft l{Ji

The clinic 0n Maple Drive is more convenient for me.

Pnong m~.-:h i'J Maple Drive th'l thu?n ti~n hdn cho
s h adv. thu4zn /<Ji, thuij.n tifn
'D+convenience n. slj thuij.n tif n

l i G),;convenience store
Gila hang tif 11 nghi

n g Q, convenience food tlu1c an

(dong hQp, dong goi ... )

E rc1t ti?n l{Ji

···································•····· ·····•···················•·································· ·············•1••·····································································
limit ['hm1t] Q, upper limit gitJi h<;1.n tren
n. gitJi h(ln, h(ln c1jnh
' s D,lower limit giai hrp1 duoi

a i
Is t here a limit to how much my insurance will pay out?
C6 m•t h~n c1jnh bao hi€m c1.h t6i se tra bao nhieu
llJ; credit limit tz«n mu<; tfn d1pig
l> limitation

T h
❖ Gidi thich: con co th! dung nhu dqng ti:t, d(lng cau
tin.tong g<Jp limit ... to, chl ".. . bi hqn che' rrong phr,1111 se
n. Sf! girJi lu..m, lu;m dinh
adj. h<;1.n ch€, c6 gi(Ji hc;m
vi new do".

manage [' mrenid3J Q,, manageable

v. qudn Ly, diiu khi€n, xoay sa adj. c6 th! qucin ly
Did you manage to get the money back from the n. SI/ qui/n ly, s~r diJu khiin
insurance company?
0, managerial
B~rn c6 xoay sa
d€ lffy l~1i ti~n ttf cong ty bao hiim
adj. thuqc nguoi qudn Ly,
ban qudn !y
❖ Gidi thich: each dung thuimg MP manage to V.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _H
_ealth • P,eplO< the NewTOEIC • 165 j
personnel [,po:s;;l'ne lJ . staff - employees
n. nhan vien
n. nhltn SI/, nhtin cong
Q,human resources
Many of the factory personnel will lose their jobs. n =..:..:...:.
- - - -~ u6n nhan SJ!
::..:..:::c:..:....::I-_ _ _ _ __
Nhi~u nh!in cong ,lha may se ma't vi~c.

s s
l a
·········································· ···················· ······'·'·······················• ··················································"··············· .................. ,, ,, ....
pertinent (' p~:tn)~nt]
adj. thich acing, thfch h(!p
(ii.relative - relevant
adj. rhich dang. c6 lien quan

This med ication is not pertinent to your health

s h Q,irrelevant
adj. khong t!rich dang

Dlt'Q'c ph5m nay khong thich hqp cho b~nh
Lrqng ci'.la b~n .
l i ;,:,
~ Giai thich: "c6 lien quan ttfn ... ", dung gi(Ji tit to.
n g '"

E •
policy L'pohsi]
n. chfnh sdch, chu trU(Jng
' s Q;policyholder
n. nguc'ti
co h(Jp tlbng bdo

Your insurance policy states that you must get an . .life insurance

h a
official letter from your doctor.
Chinh sad I bao hi~ m ci'.1a b~n ytu du b~ phai
bdo hiim nMn th9
li)+automobile insurance

c6 thv chfnh thd'c tu' bac sT ci'.ia bqn.
• Giai thich: khi policy chi "luJp ct6ng bdo hiim",
cung c6 thi n6i insurance policy.
bao hiim xe
Q+casualty insurance
baa hilm tai n~m

salary ['sre[;;lri] a,.wage-pay

n. ti&n luong
n. luang, tiin lu<Jng
9' basic/base salary
Your health insurance payment comes straight out [u(fng cc1n bd11
of your salary every month.
liJ, monthly salary
Bao hiim y t€ se
Lhanh to{u, tr~rc tie'p qua IV(tng lu<Jng hang thang
hang thang ct'ta b~m. ..,,
Q,tannual/yearly salary
litang hang /Ul/11
166 • TRACK 43
0,. Relaliooal Words & Synonyms DI Antonyms & Confusino Wmls

statement ['ste1tm~mll O+ bank statement

n. Loi phat bi!u, bdn tuyen bo' ban ke kiwi tai khodn
Doi mission statement
- ~Ih~a~d~t~o:..:s~ig:t!n.!.!!.
st~a~te::.!m~e~nt:!:..:s~a~y..!.!.in!!:g:i...:t~h~a~t.!.!m!}.y~i.!..!.n:!'su,!.!r_,, .a.!. !.nc,, _,._c,
,e , ,l.,. _im
a'-'-...,__ _--l,l
ban.-ke-nhi~-m--v.,1r-- - - - - -
is correct.
T6i phai ky m•t ban tuyen b6 n6i rang loi khai bao
hiem cua toi la chinh xac.
~ Giai thich: "phat bilu" c6 thl n6i make/issue/give a
v. n6i, phdt bilu

s s

l a
s h
l i
n g
' s
a i
T h

JRAC/<4' • Health • P,ep fo<the New IDEIC • 167 j
- ----- ----- ------ ----- -
appointment [o 'pomtrnon t] O-engagement - date
n. stl lufa h{!n, CUQC h{!n g<;tp s:m
n. CUQC htm g{ip, Sf! haa h(}n
llJ,lappoint R
_ _ have an ~ointmen t to see Dr. Jones at three __.Y:_1Jnh, hfn (ngay, gi?J::..:l_ );,

o'clock. - - -- z
(>appointed V,

T6i c6 m•t cu(>c ht:n g~p ngai Jone hk 3 gio. adj. do dri(JC h{!n

s s C

l a
aspect f'respckt]
n. khia cr;mh, nu;Jt
O,.angle - facet - side
n. ldtfa c(J.nh, 11141

Seeing a docto r when you are sick is just one

s h
aspect of staying healthy.
Bi kham bac s1 khi b~n b~nh ch1 la m¢t vi~c
lam de khoe m~nh.
l i
n g
E :!j
assess f~'ses l
v. dc'mh gia
' s &;.estimate - evaluate
V. danh gia

f> assessment -i
The doctor can assess your problem and tell you n. S(I danh gia I.I\
how best to cure it. -n

Bae sr c6 th~ (1anh gia b~nh tr:,mg ct'.1a b~n va
n6i cha b~n each chua tri r6r nha't.

& empower - allow - permit z
authorize [' o:0orarzl R
v. cho phep
v. cho quyin, uy quyin, cho phep
I have authorized the doctor to perform all the n. 11y quy€n, quy€n thl
tests he needs.
T6i cho phep bac sr rlwc hi~n tfr'r ca xer nghi~m n. SI/ cha phep, S(I tly quyin
6ng ffy d n.
Q,.authorized adj. cho quyin,
❖ Giai thich: each dung authorize sb to V. 1iy quydn, cha phep
L 6' • TRAC/(4' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,r c;:;:1,or,ol Words l ,s1oonrm• QtAn1011yms G,c0r11us1no ~ - - - •
consult Lk~n ' tJ & consulting
v. hoi y kie'n, tham khdo adj. ct/ win, di hoi y kie'n
She consulted her doctor about her skin problem_. _____..!en'.•!......!c!s.1!:
u..!...h~o:.!:.i.Ly....!ck~ie:'..!~n!J..,_,,s-"!Cu--"b""ac.C-'n'-"bc.e:a,.,,,c_ __
Co ay hoi y kie'n bac s1 va'n cte ve da CLIU co ay. ~ consultant
co van, tLI van vien
-¢- Gidi thick: each dung consult sb about sth. n.
s s
............................................................................ ······························••·••·············································································
n. van phong tu vc1n

l a
effective (1' fekt1vJ
adj. co h.i?u qua, h.ifu nghi~m
&,efficacious - effectual
adj. co hifu quci, hi~u nghi~111

The medicine wasn't effective, so the doctor tried a

different kind.
s h C,..ineffective - ineffectual
adj. khong co hi?u qud,

DttQ'c phftm nay khong c6 hi~u nghi~m do c16 bac si

thtt m(>t lo~i khac.
l i hi?u nghi?m
Q.effect n. tac d1,tng, hi?u qua

n g 0,effectively adv. co hi?u quci


• • • • • ' ' • • • • • • , _, ~ - - · · . . . . . . . . . .• '

factor L'frekfal
' • • • • • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . ............ . . . . .. ···-· · ••••••• ••• ' ••••••
n. Si/ co hifu life
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ' • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • •••••• •• •• ' •• • ' •• ••• •••••• • • •••

n. ytu to'
' s & element
n. ylu td

Q,+decid ing/decisive/
Smoking is a major factor of many serious illnesses. determining factor
IIut thu6c la mc)t ye'u t6 chfnh ye'u cLia nhi~u can ye'u quye't dinhto

T h
b~nh nghiem trong.
IJ+risk factor
ylu torui ro

·········································'································ ·················•'-'t ••··················· ·........ ,.... ························••·••············································· .

incur [m'k3:J I
v. phdi gdnh chtu, mif.c

Smokers incur many health problems.

Ngtroi hut thuoc ph?1i ganh chju nhi~u vin cte ve sue
~ Gi.di thick: dii11g sau incur rldJng rhuong tli voi nhflng
fl{ mangy khong tot, v{ di!, losses (t611 Iha.I), dects (tUJ) ...
~,alth • Peep fo, the New TOEIC • 169 J
potential [p;;i' tenJ(.))J S,possibility n. khd ndng
n. kha nang, tiim lf!c 0.potentially adv. c6 khd ndng ~
Adam is so healthy that he has the potential to live Q,potentiality n. ti§m nifng (''.
- -to-a-1:lUJ'.ldredi!--!- - - - - - - - - 9'reahze/acfi1eve/ 2
Adam ra't khoe c1e'n n6i 6ng a'y c6 th~ s6ng dc'n fulfill one's full potential V>

tram tu()jl tiim l(✓C Ly tubng
• Gidi thfch: chl "c6 khd nifng.. . ", thuang dung
d<;mg cau have the potential for sth. Cung co thi la
t[nh tit, chl "c6 k/u3 nc1ng, ti€m tin". a s r,

restore rn'sb:J GJ,.restoration

n. SI,{ khoi ph1,1c,
• • • • .. •••••••• .. •• •••••• ••••• •••••••••••••••• •• ••• •• •••••• • •• .. ••• ••••• ••••••.,• •• •• •• ••••·• • • • •• ••• • •I•••--•• • • •• ••• •• •••• • • •••••• ••••••• • •• • • •••••• .. • • ••••••• •••••• •• •• •• •••• ••• " •• • •• •• • •

C h6i phw:
v. khoi ph¥,c l<;ii, h6i ph~c

The medicine soon restored my health.

s h GJ,restored
adj. dtt(Jc khoi pht,tc,
h6i plu;1c
Du'(jc pha'm nil.y nhanh ch6ng lam st'tc khoe t6i
h6i plwc.
• Giai thich: thuong ch,ng dt;tng cau restore sth to l i
sth, nhu restore the economy to good health (kh6i
ph~I.C n€n kinh ti cten trr;,ng thai ph6n thjn.h).
n g
E .?i
serious [' srnrrns]
adj. nghiem tr<;mg, nguy hiim
' s & dangerous - threatening -
adj. nguy hii m

a i
The doctor said that it's nothing serious, just a cold.
Bae sI n6i kh6ng c6 gl nghi~m trong, chl cam
adv. nghiem tn;mg,

l? nh th6i.

T h
• Giiii thicli: serious con mang nghia "thanh 1h(it ",
dc;mg cau thulJng dung be serious about sth.
trcim tr<;mg, n{Tng
n. tfnh chtft nghiem trang,
• <'

tinh chtft nghiem tn1ng,

tinh chtft thanh thq,t
, 7_o_•_TR_A_cK_4_s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____, Q+ Rel.llional \VOfd\) & synonyms O,Alltonyms & COnhJsino Words ' - - - - -

distraction fdi'strrekJ(:;>)n] Qf entertainment

n. SI/ xao Zang, Sf! giai tr£, SI/ lam dut quiing - amusement - recreation
n. S(( gia i lrf
I study in the library because there are no dj~ract_io_r:,s_._ __ m,~ dis_tra.c_..____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Toi hQC trong thu' vi~n boi VI khong c6 ba't ky st;( V. lam xao Lang, lam rffi tri
xao Jang nao.

s s
··············································································•············· ........, .............
l a
emphasize (' ernfasmzl
v. nhdn mg,nh
Q+stress - highlight - underline
v. nhdn m{l.nh, neu bq.t

The dentist emphasized the need to br.ush my teeth

after every meal. s h & emphasis
n. s(( nhtin mc;mh

Nha si nhfo m~nh rang toi dn oanh rfog sau m6i

bO'a an.
l i Q,!emphatic
adj. nu;mh me, drit khoat

n g
•••o• o• u•••• • ••••••••• •••• •••• •••••• •••••• ••0 0000, 00 0 ,,0. 0• ••••• • • ••••• • •••••• •• •••••• •••••·· •• •• ••••••• ~••••• ••••• H ••••• • •• •••••• • •• •• ••• •••• •••••• •••••••• •• ••• • • • ••••••• • ••• •• •••• ••·• ••• •• ••u• ••

habit ('hrebrtl
n. th6i quen
' s C,.custom - pattern
n. th6i quen, tq.p li,tc

S,. habitual
Regularly watching hours ofTV is a bad habit. adj. thilifng lf, quen thu<ic
ThLtong xuyen xem ti vi hang gia la mc';\t th6i quen

T h
·····················.................... , ............................................. ······•·--·········.. ·..·..........................................................................
instrument [' mstrumont] & implement - device - tool
n. d-1:1,ng Cl:I,, cong C~, nht;,.c Cl:I, n. d1,mg q.t, c6ng C(-l
O-string/wind instrument
The dentist uses many instruments to fix teeth. nh(IC C(,l day/khi
Nha sT str dt;mg nJ1i~u ch,mg ClJ de chua rfog.

Healt h • P,epfo,the NewTOEIC • 171 j
prevent [pn'vent] & preclude
v. ngiin chef,n v. ngdn ch(in ~
C,.prevention ~
Brush i ng_y_9_lJL_ tee!_b e_!'.~ day helps _p r_
_n_t_ _ _-'-"
- n""
"-n ,.,.,a"v-'n.!:..__ _ _ _ ____.,,~~
"= ch
problems later. 0,preventable 6i
Danh rang m6i ngay giu p ngan ch~n nhung
vifn d~ sau nay.
❖ Gidi thich: each n6i "ngdn can ai d6 lam viic gl
adj. c6 thi ngdn ngiia du(Jc

GJ,t preventive
s s
d6" la prevent sb from V-ing .
· ••·•
adj. phong ngita


l a
.....' ......................... ~-··'' .... ' "" ' ........... ............' ......' ' .... ... ....···•.····· ······~ ... ' ........... ........................... ' ............................ ' ....'.
procedure [pr:;,' sid3QJ
n. thu t~c, quy tr1nh, ca phJ.u thu(i,t
GI-- treatment - operation
n. s(I diiu trj,

The procedure lasted only a few minutes.

s h ca phdu thuq.t
Q+process - course

Ca pMu thu?t k eo dai du vai ph(1t.

l i n. quy tr1rzh
U.standard procedure

n g thu t1,tc chudn R


······· ····························"····························· .. ···················•""-'''··--············· ···••·••·······································································•···
regularly ['regjul1:Yli]
adv. djnh. ky, d€u d<:f,n
' s regular time - often
thuong xuyen, diu d(7n

You must visit your dentist regularly, at least every adj. diu d(in
six months.

T h
B~n phai di kham nha si c.Mu ai).n, ft nl1a't 6
thang m•t tjn.



l", . TRACK ..

annually l' renju~liJ lJ,lyearly

adv. nam adv. hdng ,uim

I annually go for checkups at my clinic. adj. nii111
T6i (ti ki~m tra sue klx'>e t6ng quat hhng nam.

s s
l a
concern rk:m's~:nJ
v. lo tdng, quan tam
&;disturb - bother
- worry- upset C
I was a little concerned about the pain in my arm.
s h v. lo Icing
Toi hoi lo lfog cho cai c:tau tren canh tay.
~ Gidi thich: dqng cau thuong dung be concerned about
l i •
adj. lo ldng

concerning prep.
lo tdng clfn ai/cai g1
h.o¢c be concerned+ mf nh d€ that.

n g ~

••••••••••• • • • ••••••••••• • •• .. •••• ••••••••••••••••••••u•••••••• • ••• • • •••• •• ••••• ••• •• • •• •••• I , , ,,., ,, ,,,,,,,., ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, ..• ... .. ••• ••• ••••• •••• • ••••••• •••• •• •••• •• •• ••• ••" •• ••••••••••••••

evident ['ev1dontJ
adj. hiin nhien, ranh ranh
' s G,apparent - obvious - clear
adj. ro rang, hiin nhien

of herself.
a i
It was evident that she had not been taking good care
n. cluing crJ, bling chung

Ro rang c6 a'y

T h kh6ng ti/ cham soc mlnh t6t.

.. ' .... ''' ..... ' ........................--~ ............................ ''' ...... ' ............................... ··• •·• ... ... ., ............. ''' ... '.' ....... '' ............................. .
identify [ar' dEn t1 fa 1] f>distinguish - recognize -
v. nh(i.n ra, nhq,n di~n single out - determine
phan bif t, nht}n bift
I hope the clinic can identify the problem. O,.identification
Toi hy v9ng dtrang (1Vang nay c6 th€ nMn ra van n. st! 11h(i11 difn
~ Giiii thich: each dc}ng la identify A as B (xac dinh A
11/nr BJ.
Health , P<ep fo, th, N,w m:1c d
usually ['ju:3u~1TJ 0,.generally- normally-typically
adv. tlui&ng thuimg, thong thul1ng adv. thong thuong ::.
O. usual 0
It usually takes a few days to get the results of the
adj. thong th.Uong ,-
test. z
TI1Lic)ng mfft vai ngay moi c6 ket qua xet nghi~m. C

s s z


l a
C ~

s h 0

l i VI

n g m

E ~

' s CJ


T h ;::;
l_ _ ,_7_4_·_Ti_
RA_c_K_4_7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __J( O,Relatienal IVO<US 0,. S)'llO"JffiS O,,An1001m• e, CQnluSinO wo,as I.____

admit tgd ' m1tl Q,!admission

v. nh<J,n vao, cho vao n. SI/ vao hot;ic dur;tc nh(i.n
He's been admitted to the hospital for a few days.
- Ani171'y~ cho nh~p v1~n va1 ngay. -
• Gidi thich: be admitted to (the) hospital chf "nhq.p
vi?n"; ngli<;tc l(l,i "xwft vifn" la be discharged from (the)
s s
l a
allow [a'laul
v. cho phep
& permit
v. cho phep C
They don't allow you to smoke in the hospital.
HQ kh6ng cho phep b~tn hut thu6c trong bi;nh vil;n.
s h g..forbid - ban - prohibit
V. cam
• Gidi thich: each dung allow sb to V. hoq,c allow sb
l i GJ,>allowable
adj. duqc cho phep

n g O,allowance
n. SI/ theta nh(i.n,
S(l cong nh(i.n

alternative [::>:l 'tg:ngtJvJ

E & replacement
n. sf! thay thf. sl! chqn [{ta khdc
' s n. SI/ thay !he'
g.choice - option

a i
I don't want to go to the hospital. Are there any n. SI/ fl/a ch9n
llJ,,,alternative medicine
T h
T6i khong mu6n ae'n b¢nh vi?n. C6 each nao khac

• Giai thich: dung alternative to sth khi thi hi?n "ngoai

thuoc thay the'
g..alternative energy
nclng ll,(<!ng !hay thi
st.t LI/a ch9n... ". Chn co thl lam tinh tu, chl "[(,ta ch9n
(mqt trong hai), thay phien nhau ".
, ............................................, ..................., .............................................. ···········•······················.. ·····""'·"········· .................. , ..

control lk~n 'trJul] g.controllable

n. sf! kilm soat adj. c6 thi kiim sodl
The doctor has brought the boy's fever under control. adj. du(fc kiim soat
Bae sT da ki€m soat c:tuqc b~nh s6t ci'.1a c~u be.
Health • P,ep fo<the New TOEIC • 175 j
detect [d1' tekt] & find (out) - discover - notice
v. phdt hi?n, phd ra v. kham phd ~
r,.miss - overlook V. bo qua m
They have detected a problem with his blood. D;detection n. sf! phat hi?n, ~
Ho phat lif~n ra mau cua anh7y c6 va'n at!. - s/f-kham-plui-ra- z
0,detectable V,
adj. c6 tht phat hifn ra

trinh tham, di kham pha ra s

f>detective n., adj. tluim tll s ~

& detector n. nguoi khdm phd ra

diagnose l' doi;}gn;)uzJ
v. chiln dodn
n. S/f C
chlfn c10lfn

The woman was diagnosed with cancer.

Nguoi ph1,1 nu cluQ'c chfo doan m~c b~nh ung s h
adj. chdn dodn

❖ Giai thfch: "chlnh
l i
doan ai do mdc b?nh gi d6" la

n g
diagnose sb with/as (having) sth, "chlnh ctodn tlnh
tn:;mg nao d6 cua b?nh nao d6" la diagnose sth as sth.

monitor ['mo111fo]
E GJ,,watch - keep an eye on

V. gidm s
sat, trong coi
giam sat

a i
They are monitoring his condition.
Ho clang giam sat Gnh tr:;ing cua anh iy.
❖ Giai thich:

khi la danh tit chl "may gidm sat".

recommendation [,rek;)men'derJ(d)nl 0- recommend z
n. SI/ di nghj, slf g<!i y v. d€ nghf, g(Ji y

I underwent the operation on my doctor's

T6i phai trai qua ca ph:lu thu~t theo cte nghi
cua bac si.
L:- rn
_ A_cK
_4_1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.J( O' Relat,onal Wo,d• & Synor,ymsf), AnlOnymsG, ConluSIJlll wo,ds).__ __

record ['rek~:dJ Q+ account- history

n. s6' scic:h ghi chep, hb s<J n. bdn ke kiwi

Your hospital record shows your medical history.

~6 sd ct'1a fj~rin vi~n cho biet qua tr}nh c@u tri Cl'1a
❖Giai thtch: khi la dijng tt't chl "ghi chep, ghi nhqn, thu
c7m", phat am rn'b:dJ.
s s
l a
refer [rr' fa: J
V. dua den
Q,, referral
n. s(( h116'ng ddn de'n

My doctor referred me to an excellent surgeon.

Bae si dia t6i gi'ti cho t6i m(}t. bac si phftu thu~t gioi. s h chuyen gia y h9c
Q-t reference

❖ Giai thfcli: each dung la refer sb/sth to sb.

l i n. s(( tham khdo

n g
.... , ............................................................................................ ........................................................................... , ..........................
regardless [n 'godlt s]
adv. ba't chdp, khong chu y t<Ji
' s
medical history.
a i
Your insurance must cover you regardless of your

Bao hi<im cua b~n phai chi tra cho b41-n bit k~ qua

trlnh di~u tri cua b~m.
❖ Giai thich: thuilng di chung v<Yi of

....''''' ................. .... ·· •·' ............' ....... ~--··........... •· ............ ..... ' .....' ................................ ... .... ........................
........... '' ' ' '' '' '' ''

result Ln'ztdtJ
n. ke't qua

The results show that everything is normal and you

have nothing to worry about.
K~t qua cho th~y dlng m9i vi~c la b'lnh thll'o'ng va
b~n kh6ng c6 gl phai lo Ifog.
~ Gidi thich: ciing co
thi la dQng ta, result from thi
hifn "do, Mi 111", result in thi hi?n "Mn de'n ... ".
Health · P,ep fonhe New TOEIC · 177 j
sample f'sa:mp(~)!J Q+blood sample
n. wJt mJu, hang mJu m&u mau ~
Q4urine sample 0
The nurse just needs to take a blood sample. mau nlitJc tiiu )>
"Y ta ch1 dn liy n1fo m~u. Qtfree sample I.I'
❖ Gidi thich: sample cung c6 thi xem la hang mdu miln ph[
chl "thi.i, {{/y mdu".
d{)ng tit,

s s z

l a
C ~

s h 0

l i vi


n g m

E ~

' s 0



T h
s s

TU la
s h
l i
n g
' s
a i
s s
l a
s h
l i
n g
' s
a i A~E TRACK48


• ••••• • • •••••• •• •• .. • ••• •• ••• • u• • • •• • • ••• • •••• ••H ••••:• • .. • • •• .. • • ••• • ••• ••• • .. •• • • •• •• • • ••• • • • •••• •


l_ _ 1_s_
0 _· _TR __48
_:ACK _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....Jr Qtn,1,toonal Words .-;yn.;, ,;-Ant:ym;G+ ~ntusinQ Vlordsl.__ __

a collection of[~ k~'lekJ(~)n ~v]

mqt b<) sttu t(ip, mt)t nh6m ngti&i
Our platoon consisted of a collection of farm boys from
different areas around the country.
Trung c1¢i cua cht'ing ta g6m tn(>t nh6m de C~ll nong
cl;;tn ti:t nhC(ng vung khac nhau tren kh~p d~fr mtoc.
❖ Giai thich: khi th! hifn "rhu thqp cua ... ", c6 thi dung
tinh ta vast, extensive al btf n.ghtt1, nhtt a vast collection
s s
of stamps (bq slfu tljp tem ph<>ng phu).

l a
a sense of achievement
[~ sens ~v ~'tJi:vm~nt] cam gidc thanh ac;i.t C
Finishing graduate school gave Rita a sense of
s h
T6t nghj~p Ci lrttong lam Rita c:6 m()t cam giac thanh
❖ Giai thich: a sense of c6 rhi dung di bilu dqr nhilng
l i
cdm gidc d(1c bi?r new t/6, nhu a sense of humor (cdm
gicic hai h116c), a sense of responsibility (y thitc trdch
n g
.' .. ' -~nhifm), a sense of security ( cam giac an toan) .. .
........... ' ·····.' ......... ' .... ' .... ' .... ,..... '. "'' ............ '' ......... ' .. ···~-· .......................................................
a variety of [o vo'raidti ov]
' s
This store offers a variety of electronic items.

Cib hang nay cung cap eta cl~ng cac m~t hang cli¢n

T h
❖ Giai thich: variety ciing ilu(lc xem la danh
de'm dll<Jc, chl "da d«ng, muon mau muon ve", give/add
ti:t khong

variety to sth la ''khie'n vQr nao t/6 tro nen da dt;mg, rhu

abide by [~' baid bai] Otstick to - comply with -

adhere to
tudn theo
tuan thii, tuan theo
You must abide by the contract.
8:)n phai ru;;tn thu hQ"p ct6ng nay.
❖ Gidi thfclz: khi abide giai th{ch Id "tutin thu ", cdn c6
gi6i tit by. Ngolti ra, abide con chl "chi,u dt!rtg, nhtfn
nhfn ", y giln v<Ji stand, tolerate.
Phrases A-E · Prep for the NewTOEIC • 181
----- ----- ----- ----- -- )

account for [a' kaunt fo:] G-explain

gidi thfch nguyen nluin gay ra vifc gt v. giiii thfch
• on account
I can account for my lateness.
do, vi
Toi c6 rhe -giai thkh l1 do t6i (ti t11T.
Q,ton account of
• Gidi thich: acco1111t ciing <111(/c coi la danh ti'/,
give a detailed account of sth ti,€ hif n "thuye't minh
ttilJng t(ln, giai thfc/1 vifc gi c16 ".
do cdi gi

s s
l a
add flavor to sth [red flc iv~ tu]
them hil(Jng vj \ICIO vitc gt C
a,. flavor of the month
nha11 v(it trong thcing
Craig and Naomi are taking an evening class
together in order to add flavor to their marriage.
Craig va Naomi cung nhau tham gia 16'p hQc s h
bu6i t6i c!l them st,1 Jang rnf1n cho ni(>c h6n
nhan db hQ.
l i
n g
• Giiii thfch: dii11g sau di voi danh tit trt}u lll(Jng,
rzhu· relationship, romance... , the' hifn "dl tin!, cam
them n6ng nan".

apply for [~'plai fo:]

dua ra mqt yeu cdu chinh tlurc
C,.apply oneself to V-ing
chu tt1m, chuyen tam
a i
Do we need to apply for a license to fish in this

Chung ta c6 dn xin gia'y phcp <le

tiep .nk voi ai ctl bie't tin

con s6ng nay khong?

cflu ca i:'J

• Gitii thicli: issue a license thl lzif 11 "dip giay

phep"; ngli(JC !qi revoke a license la "tlw hOi giay

as a matter of fact [rez a'mcet~ av frekt] Q-in fact - in truth

tren thf/c te: S/J tfuJt - in reality - actually
tren th((C ti, St,{ th(Jt
As a matter of fact, I don't really like Japanese food.
Tren tht!c te, toi thf,it st! kh6ng t11ich 1huc an
Nh~l Bi\n.
l_ _ _A_c_K_48_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...,{'o""Rel3!ionaJ wo,osO, SynonymsfJt AntonymsQ, conrusi,o Words
1_s_2_•_TR ).___ _

as a result of [rez ~ ri'zAlt ~v] Gt+ as a consequence of-

do kit quo cua, VI because of - owing to -
due to
The company's quality standards went down as a result do, vi
of the-increase in new, -untrained workers.
Tieu chuin cha't lu'Q'ng ci'1a cong ty giam do ket qua
cua vi~c tang nh~ln vien moi dHJa Ull'Q'c huiln luy~n.

s s
l a
as needed [rez ni:did]
phong khi cdn
khi cdn, hie kh6 khiin

You can put paper in the printer as needed.

B,;1n c6 thJ c1it gia'y vao may in phong khi dn. s h Glo\-in need of
cdn cdi gl

l i C,. if necessary
ne'u cdn thief

n g
at a discount [ret ~ ,diskaunt]
h(l gid, gidm gid
' s • offer/give sb a discount
giam gia cho ai
~ discount price

a i
We bought these car parts at a discount.
Chung t6i eta mua nhung ph~1 tung o t6 nay Jue
gid chill khtfu
C,. discount store

T h
giam gia.
❖ Giiii thich: khi thi hi?n vt;1t phdm niw (1u(Jc chift kha'u
dung gioi tit on, vi dt,1 a discount on books.
caa hang gidm gia

at sbs expense [ret ik' spens] f> at the expense of sb/sth

bdng m6 hoi nliCIC mdt cua ai d6 do ai/vifc g1 chiu phf t6n
Q,t medical/travel expenses
It's not funny. You're making the joke at your son's chi phl y rt/du ljch
N6 kbong dang Cltoi. B~n dang ctt)a v6'i m6 h.oi mt6'c
mit ct'1a con trai b~n.
❖ Giai thich: ct,tm ru nay con thi hi?n "chi tiin cua ai
d6 ", drmg cau thuiJng dung do sth at sb' s expense.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _P_h,ases A-E · P,ep fo,the NewTOSC • 183 j
attract criticism [;;i'trrekt 'kritisiz(o)m] Q,+ take/accept criticism
chlfp nh(in b'inh phdm
gay chl trich
g+,constructive criticism
If the company doesn't support environmen tal phe binh xay df:lng
initiatives, it will attract criticism.
Ne'u cong ty khong ting h• nhung sang ki€n
lien quan d€n moi truong thl n6 se bi chI Lrfch.
4- Giai tlilch: con co th! noi draw criticism hoi;ic
s s
come in for criticism.

l a
attract one's attention
[;;i' trrekt wAn7 ~·tenJ(;;i)n] rhu hut SI/ chu y
g.. bring sth to sb's attention
lam cho ai chu y

The billboard attracts our attention.

s h
Q,+ pay attention to
chu y, quan tam
Bang lhclng bao thu hut s\f chu y cua chung ta.
• Gitii thich: c6 thl thay the' attract bdng catch,
l i

n g
quen v{li
' s
be accustomed to [bi: o'kAst;;imd tu] & be/get used to
quen voi

a i
Mr. Derek is accustome d to these very forma l

T h
6ng Derck da quen v6'i nhCrng s~t ki¢n trang
trong nay.
voi be, con c6
• Giai tMch: accustomed to ngoiii di
th! c1i viii become, get, grow ... , c6 y "ddn ddn quen
vc'li, thfch 1.1ng... ".

be aware of [bi: ;;,' wed oA]

bie't, nh(in thuc, nluJn thdy & be conscious of
nhQn rMc, biit
Are you aware of the extra hours that come with O,. be unaware of
the position?
kh6ng bie't, kh6ng nlu;in thuc
B;,in c6 nMn tha'y vi tri nay mang l~i cMm gia
• Giai thlcli: con c6 thi d1'mg be aware + m/nh di
184 · TRACK48
---------------------' QI Relational Words &, Synonyms D,i1J11onyms G+ Corrus1ng wo,os
._ __
be filled to capacity [bi: fi ld tu k~'presi ti] m,.at full capacity
ddy ch6 dJy ch6
. have a capacity of
The stadium was filled to capacity. c6 sac chiia
San v~ d9ng da diy cha.

s s
l a
, •••••••••••••••• ••• •••~•••• • ••••• • •••••••••••~o• •••• • ••• ••• •• ••••••••••• • • ••••• ••• ••••.-,-.-, •• •• •••• ,, •••••••••• • ••• •••••• . •• • . ••••• ••••• • • , • •••• • • •••• , ••• ••••• ••• ••• • ••• • ••••••• ••••• ••• ••••••••••• • •

be high on the agenda

[bi: hai on ~, d3end;}] tr(Jng ytu
Getting the budget passed will be high on the agenda.
s h
Lam cho ngan sach nay dttQ'c thong qua la trQng
di~m d1a bu6i Mi nghi.
l i
• Giai tliich: dm c6 thi n6i be top of the agenda.

n g
•~••••• • ••••••••••••••••• .. H••• ••••• OO ,
••• •• ••••• • •• • •• ••• • • • •• u • ooooooo .. , , .. , -.,.,..., , , , , , , . . • •• ••••••••••·• ••• •• ••• f-Ooo o,.•••••• • • •••• ' " " "'' "'" •••• •• •• ••• •••••• • • ••••• • • • •••• •• •••••••••••• •"

be in the red [bi: in OQ red]

mdc n<;1, lam an thua ZJ
' s • be in the black
co tiin

IJ+be on red alert
I wouldn't invest in this company if I were you. They've canhgiac
been in the red for the past seven years.

T h
'Toi se kMng c1~u tlt vao cong cy nay ne'u toi la b?n.
HQ da lam an chua 16 trong suot 7 n~m qua.

• • , , , ooo , , , • • • • • , , , , • • • , , • , • •• • ••• , , ' " ' , , , • • , , " ~ , , o, ••, • • • • , , , ••• •••, •••~••, oo• , , ,-,,, , , , , , 0000 •• ••OH ... • , • , , , • • ~ , • • • • , o,~ U , , oo , , , ,ooo • • •• ••• , , •• •••, , , • ••• , o • • • , , o+o,,, ••+,oo, • •, o o , • •• • , , •• • • , , •• •, • ••

be made of [bi: mcid ~v] & consist of - be composed of

lam bdng
dit(/C du(lc lam

The desks are all made of dark wood, which looks very
Nhung chi& ban nay t1e1.1 dttc;ic lam bang g6 sim
mau, trong rit chuy~n nghi~p.
❖ Gitii thich: thi hif n "v(lt nao d6 do chtft lifu nao do
t(lo thanh ", dung cau be made out of sth.
Phrases A- E · Prep forthe NewTOEIC • 185 )

---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --

be ready for [bi: ' redi fo:]
siln sang
So, are you ready for your retirement?
Anh da sln sang v~ httu chlia?
-¢-Giai thich: cang co rhi dung d(wg cau be ready
to do sth.
s s
l a
bind sb to do sth [baind tu du:]
bdt buqc al lam vifC gt
& in a bind
bi rc'mg bu9c

The contract binds Alex to play for the Giants for

s h
the next six years.
Hc.11) dong nay bu()c Alex Jam vi~c cho Giants
khoang 6 ni\m t6'i.
l i
n g
bring in [bri1J in]

dem l<;Li (l(li tac) s
a i
Answering the phone quickly helps a business
bring in more sales.

Tra loi clit;n thol;li nhanh ch6ng giup elem J~i

nhieu doanh s6 hon cho vi~c kinh doanh.
Gidi thlch: 11goai ra, bring sb in to do sth c6
-¢- y
"mili ai do tham gia vifc g1 do, ruyln ai do".

bring togethe r [briJJ tu'goo~]

nhom lq,i, lu;p lt;zi
All her old colleagues were brought together for
her retirement party.
TUl ca c1ong nghi¢p cu cua co ffy c1a ding hQp
l:,1i de tham gia bu6i tic;c nghl hlill cua cl>.
186 · TRACK48
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' g. Ret,llooalW0<ds O, Sy,,onyms O,, All10nymsG, Conhlsing Words ...__ _

bring sth under control C,.take control of sth

[briIJ sth , Ano~ k:;m' trnul] kiim soat vi¢c gl d6
kiim soat du(lc vifc gi d6 Ill, lose control of sth
mftt kiim soat vi?c gi
The firefighters worked throughout the night to bring
(> out of control
the fire under control.
Unh chtta chay da lam vi~c suo'c dem di d~p Uft
dLrQ'C dam chay.
ngoai ttlm kiim soar

s s
l a
························ ··•·············· ............................... ,,, ..... ......... ······················•······················ .. ,, ..... .
bring up [brilJ t\P]
neu Zen, dua ra (win di)
neu Len, dua ra

Does anyone want to bring up anything else before we

s h
close the meeting?
Con ai muon dtta ra vfo c1~ g1 tn.tac khi chung ta
ket thuc bu6i hQp kh6ng?
l i
• Gidi th{ch: bring up con chl "duiJng d1,tc (tre nho)".
n g
·····················••>..••···················.. ,, ... ,........................................................... ........ ....................... ..................... ,........... ..•..
broaden ones horizons
[br~:d;;in WAn z h;)' raiz(d) n) mii rqng tdm nhzn
' s Qi+.broaden one's mind
mrJ r9ng hiiu bie't

Qt on the horizon
The reason Sabrina is traveling around the world is that sdp xay ra den ndi (SI/ vi¢c)
she hopes to broaden her horizons.

T h
Ly do Sabrina du ljch vong quanb the' gi<Ji la co a'y
muon mo' r¢ng t§m nhln cua m1nh.
• Gidi thich: con c6 th€ n6i expand one's horizons, chu
y horizon phai dung dt;ing so nhiiu.
•• H ••••• .... ••• • • ••• .. ••• ••• .. ••• •••• •••••• • • ••• • •• •• • .. •• • •••• • · .. ••••• •••••" • • •••• • •••• ••· .... ••••• •• •••••• .. •• •• •• •• · • .. • •••• .. •••••• • • • •••••• ••• '*• ••••••• .. ••••• • • .. • ••••• •••• .. ••••••• ••*' •••••

build up [bild Ap]

xay d1,tng, thcmh l(ip

She has built up an extensive portfolio over the years.

C6 a'y da thi€t l~p m•t ngu6n von cHu tu' kh6ng 16
nhi~u nam qua.
• Gidi th£ch: build sth up into chl "khie'n vtJt nao d6
phat triln thanh ... ", nhtt build the small hotel up into a
five-star resort (khien can khach sr;m nho nay triJ thanh
khu nghl mat niim sao).
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ph,ases A-E · '"P focthe
cash on delivery [beJ on di' liv(~)ri]
trd ti€n Luc nhl)n hang
Payment for t his item w ill be cash on delivery.
M~t hang nay se d11<;1c tr-:i ti~n luc nh~n hang.

s s
l a
carry out [' kreri aut]
tiin hanh, thl:(c hi?n
The officer carried out the assignme nt in a
s h
professional manner.
Vien chuc nay lhl/C hi<;n nhi~m Vl_l vNi tac
phong chuy~n nghi~p. l i

n g
Gidi thfch: tlntiJng di voi cac n'I plan (kt ho(lch),
promise (liJi hira), order (mfnh linlz), instruction

(hu(mg dOn) .. ., c6 y "hoa11 thank, chdp hanh ". ......~-·· .......... .

check in [tJek in]

' s
dang Icy, ghi ten khi din

a i
You need to check in first, or you won't be able to
get on the plane.

c1a. h
Muon len may bay b~n phai c11!ng ky ten tn.toc

come as a surprise [kAm rez ~ sJ:' praiz] 0,. come as no surprise

blnh thtt<Jng,
bdt nga, dang ngqc nhien chdng co gi bar ng&
I didn't know that you were married. That really f> to sb's surprise
comes as a surprise! lam ai c16 ng<;ic nhien
T6i khong biet b~n da k~t hon. t)i~ll c.16 thl,fc SI/
ba't nga!
-¢- Giai thfclt: dcing sau qun ti1 co th! di voi gioi tt'I
ro. rhl hifn "(vifc gi do xdy ra bat ngif) khie'n ai do
cam thay kinh ng(lc ".
~ 8 _TR_~_C_K_48_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J f> Refaticn,i Words Q- Synonyms 0-AntooymsG, Contusing Words '....__ __

come to an agreement &;reach an agreement-

[kAm tu :m o'gri:mant] d9t dzt(Jc thc>a thu<J,n be in agreement
dqt dtl<;tc tlu3a t/zu(in
We still haven't come to an agreement with our supplier.
Chung toi vfrn chLfa d~t <.1LtQ'c thoa thuin v6'i nha
cung dfp ci.h chung t6i.
-¢- Giiii thich: thl hifn "dg,t din h.ifp u<Jc vai ai d6" phai
dung gi<Ji tit with, "vifc nao d6 dftf dtn hifp uric", dung s s
gi<Ji ut on.

l a
, ·~ ...................................... , ...' .... ' ' ....' ........... ......... ' .. '' ' ...................... .. '.' ....... ' .................. ..... ' ............ ·· • .......... '' .. '' .... ' ......... ·• ..... .
' '' '

come under scrutiny [kAm , Ano;:i 'skru:tini]

chju Sf! kilm sodt
The accounting practices of that company have come
under scrutiny recently.
s h
Gful c1iiy nhung ho~t d(>ng ki~m coan ct'ia c6ng ty d6
d~u chfu sv ki~m soat.
l i
-¢- Gidi thich: ne'u mu{fn thl hifn "chap nh(ln kiim tra
chi tilt, tucm.g tqn" c6 thi n6i come under close/careful
n g
··································································· ........................... , ............. , .........., ............................................ , ..................................•
come up with [kt,m AP wio]
neu Zen, nghl ra
' s
we were both happy with.
We discussed my salary and came up with something

Chung toi da thao lu~n muc htO'ng cua t6i va ngh1 ra

m9t clieu ma l am chung t6i cteu vui ve.
-¢-Giiii th{ch: dung trong kluiu ngu, come up with ciing
co thi chl "quyen (tiin) ".

••• • •••• ••••••••• •••• •o•••••••••• ••·•••••••••• • .. •• •• ••••• •••• • •••• .. •••••• • •••••••• ••" ••• •• •• ••••• ••• •• ••• ••• •• •• • ••••••••••••• • ••••• •• •••• ••• •••••• • •••• •••••• • • •••• • •• •• .. •••• •• • .. •••••••• •• •••••

compromise with sb on sth

[' komprnmaiz w io on] nhci't tr{ wJi ai vi vifc g"i
I don't think the opposition party will compromise with
the ruling party on this new health bill.
Toi kh6ng nghT dang d6i l~p se nha't tri v6'i dang
dm quyen ve
dv lu~l y te' m6'i nay.
-¢- Gidi th{ch: compromise cung dtt<;tc xem la danh tu,
cr,tm tit make a compromise with sh thl hi?n "th{lc hifn
m(jt thoa hi/p v<Ji ai d6 ".
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _P_h_ra_s_
_-E P"P fonhe NewTOEIC · 189 ~ j
concentrate on [' ktms(~)ntreit on] D,focus on - pay attention to
tqp trung vao, chu y din
tqp trung vao
Justin has a lot of trouble concentrating on his
Juslin khong tM t~p trung vao bai t~p v~ nha
ct'1a m1nh .
s s
•• . . ' ' • • .,• •• •J • •• • • • •• • ••• •••• •• •• •• ' ' •• • • ' • •• ••••• • • ••• •• • • J • •• . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. ' • • •• •• •••••• •• •• ' ' •• •• ' •• • • ••• •• • • • • • • • • • • •• ' ' . . . . . . . . . .

l a
. ... .. . . .... ... . .... .. .. . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . '

deal with [d i:l wi5]

gidi quye't, xrl ly
9 handle - be concerned with
gia i quyet, C Xii ly

I prefer to go on organized tours so I don't have to

s h
deal with the planning.
Toi thi<.:h ui nhung chuye'n du lich ch.tQ'c
s~n de coi kh6ng phai ll/ len ke ho~d1.
l i
c6 chuc

• Giai thich: deal with con chl "kinh doanh, h<1p

tac (vdi ai d6)", cu.11g nghia v<Ji do business with.
n g
·····················································.......... ............................ ······························· ···································································

deduct A from B [d i' drkt fram]

giam til B xudng A
' s Q+add A to B
cqng 1hemlcho them A vao B

a i
The accountant says they're going to deduct
NT$125 from my salary.

T h
Ke' roan n6i rung hQ si1p giam luo·ng cua toi 125
c16 la 0ai Loan.

• ••• ••• •••• • •• • .. ••• • ••• •• ••• • • •• • • • •• • •• •• ••• ••• ••• • •• •~•••• • ••••••• • • •• •••••• •••• • •• ••••• • n •••••• .. •••• • •• • • •• • • ••• ••••• • ••••• • • ••• • ••••• •••• •• • ••••• • • •••• •• • • • •••••••••• ••• •• ••• • •••••

demand a refund [di' ma:nd;;) ri' fA.nd] O;be given/get a refund

trci lt;ii tiin
doi tra lfli tiin

Chris demanded a refund for all the faulty toys his

wife had bought at the store. ·
Chris doi tra l~i lien d6i v6'i ta't d m.6n c16 cho'i
hong ma vq anh fly c1fl rnua o ci:ta hang.
• Giai thlch: demand co thi tlt1<1c thay the' Mi ask
190 · TRACK48 __,
rl)iRelalional Words 0,Synonyms G-Antooyms & Conrusinll Words

drive a hard bargain [draiv;) ha:d ' ba:gin]

co ke bot m(}t them hai, mijc cd
Eric knocked thirty percent off the original price. He
drives a hard bargain.
Eric co ke b6't m('>t them hai, cu6i cung cGng b6't
dtt(Jc 30% so v&i gia g6c.

• Giai thtch: ciing c6 thl n6i strike a hard bargain. s s

l a
drive sb to distraction
[draiv sb tu dis'u·rekJ(Q)n] khie'n ai do phat dien
Q,ldrive sb to desperation
lam ai tuyffet w;mg,

The noise from the construction going on next door is

driving me to distraction.
s h d6n ai vao thi cung
0-drive sb crazy/mad

Tie'ng 6n cua c6ng trrnh xfty cit.tog ben qi.oh lam t6i
s:ip phat c1i~n !en.
lam ai phat dien

n g
' s
a i
T h
TRACK49 · Phrases F~J • Prep forthe New TOEIC • 191

fail to [feil tu) li)tfail sb

lo cti, quen, theft b9-i
f>;achieve - accomplish -
The florist failed to bring the flowers on time, so I succeed
don't think we should pay him. v. dt;zt dtt~c, thank cong
NgL(oi ban hoa quen mang hoa din dung gia
v'i th~ toi nghI chung ta khong nen tra ti~n cho
anh a'y.
co thi hoan thanh
s s
-¢,- Guii thfch : sau to phai la clqng tu nguyen mdu.

l a
fall into (a category) [fo:l ' intu)
xtp vao loq,i C
I don't know if this kind of music falls into a specific
category. s h
Toi khong biet li~u lo~i nh~c nay co duQ'c xep
vao lo~i cl~c bi~t hay kh6ng.
l i
-¢,- Gidi thich: con c6 thi n6i belong in/fit into (a
n g
oo, ,o Ho ,,,, .. ,o ,, •••••• ••• •• •• ••• •• • • ·· ••• • • • • • •• •• ••• ••• ••••• • • • • • ••• • • •••• • ••• •• •• •••••• ..••·•• •• ••• •• •• oooo • ••• ••• •• •• • • •••••• •• • •• • • ••••• • • • ••• • • •••••> ooo ,o, • ooo •• .. • •• •• •• • •• • •

figure out [' figd aut]

hilu ra, tim ra, giai quytt
' s & solve - work out
giai quyet, tlm ra

a i
I can't figure out how to use the fax machine.
Toi khong th~ nghi ra each stt d1.;1ng may fax

T h
• Gidi thich: thttrJng di'tng di th! hifn "t'im du<1c
phu(Jng phdp gidi quye't wfn di", hoefc "nifm ro
trift ct! ai hay vif c g'i do", va thuong di v(Ji tii nghi
van, nhu how, what, why...
············.................. , ........................... ................................................................................, . .................... , .... ···•········............
fill out [fil aut] & fill in
diin vao, ghi vao
diin vao
8'fill up with
Please fill out the tax form using a black pen. lap ddy vui, diin vao day du
Vui long di~n vao dcm thu~ nay bhng but c1en.
~ 2 ' rn_~_C_K_49
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __, t)IAelatJooal Word, 9- synooyms e,,Antonyms 9 ' Con1us1no Words! .__ _--,

follow a procedure ['fol~u o pro'si:d3~]

theo thu h;tc, theo quy trtnh
Being a phone operator requires following a procedure.
La m9t nMn vi~n tnfc t6ng dai di~n tho;,ii c1oi hoi
phai Lheo quy trlnh.
❖ Giai thich: khi procedure lam danh 1,'t, c6 lhi 1,hl hifn
s s
"trtnh /If, ccic bu<Jc", thuong co dqng tit follow di tn1f1c,
dang SC/U th/Jong di voi undergo.

l a
follow up [' fohm Ap]
b6i them, them vao
It is important to follow up an interview with a thank-
you e-mail.
s h
Vi~c glti them m(it bttc thti di¢n ti'.t cam dn sau khi
phong van Ja rft't quan rrong.
❖ Gidi thich: follow-up co thi xem la danh tit, chl "hanh l i
aqng kl t~ic '', hoqc lam tfnh tu, th€ hif n "thuqc vi kl
t',lc", nhl,(follow-up action (dqng tac kl l¥c), follow-up
n g
care (chtim soc kt t1,1c).
for the duration (of sth)
[fo: o~ dju' reiJ(~)n] khoang cua vifc g1, sw3't
' s
a i
As the office was freezing, Wendy felt uncomfortable for
the duration of the meeting.

T h
Vi khi v:In phong l~nh c6ng, Wendy cam tha'y
kh6ng thoai mai trong suot bu6i h9p.
❖ Gidi thich: khi thi hif n "thr)i gian bao lau ", co rid
tn/c tie'p them duration ngay sau. thoi gian, nhf.t five
days ' duration (1hiJi gicm 5 ngay).
• . . • . ' ••••. ... ····~ .••.....••••••.. uo, '' •• '' •••• '' ••• -~ ... ••...••••••..... ' . . .••. ' ..••..•..•••.. •••• ..••• .•. •• . ' • •• ..••••••.•• ···~· .•.•• .. ••.•....... . . ····•· •..••..••••.••• '' ••• ' • •• '' •. •••...•• .. .•• .

gather around ['greo:.:> Q'raund]

f(lp hr;p xung quanh

We gathered around the Christmas tree to open the

Ch(ing t6i ti,1 h9p quanh cay thong Noel de m& qua.
❖ Giai thich: tilng Anh cir.a nguoi Anh, thttimg thay the'
round bc1ng around.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Ph,ases F-J · P,ep fo,the New_TOEI~

get out of [ get aut QV] • get sth out of sb

gqt bo, lo«i bo, khong thl/c hi~n gt;tt bo g'i ra khoi ai

Ken got out of the company picnic by claiming he

had a doctor's appointment.
Ken kh6ng tham gia chuye'n cla ngo;,ti ci'.,a c6ng
ty bang each tuy~n b6 anh iy c6 CUQC h~n vai
bac si.
s s
❖ Gidi tlzich: con chl "ngitng lam vi~c g1 d6" ho(ic
"rut Lui tu vi~c g1".
l a
give sb a thrill (g iv sb g 0ril]
cudn hut, gay hang thu
Iii+ get a thrill out of doing sth
gt;tt bo ham muon, dam me

Investing in the stock market gives Warren a thrill.

s h Q,; be thrilled to bits
coo hang
Vi~c cHu ttr vao thi trtiong chCtng khoan cu6n
hut Warren.
l i
n g
give sb/sth the green light
[giv sb/sth OQ gri:n Jait]
' s & give permission/the OK/
the go-ahead cho phep

ai/vi~c g'l
a i
cho phep ailvi~c gz xay ra, b(Jt den xanh cha

light. h
She's still waiting for her boss to give her the green

Co 1y v~n cho· 6ng chi', cho phep .

.......... ,, .................................................................. .............. , ............................................ ·······•···· ............... .......... , ........... .

, ,

go ahead (ggu o' hed]

tiin !en, thdng tien, titn hanh
Peter, would you like to go ahead and start the
Anh co mu6n tie'n hanh va bat c1~u CUQC hQp
cl1Lia, Peter?
❖ Gidi tlzich: go ahead thtti'Jng dung du<'Ji d(lng khifu
ngil, thi hifn "cho phep ai do lam vifc nao t/6 ".
194 · mACK 49 _. 1)+11tlabooal Words OI S)'nooyms IJ!AnlOOyms & Confos!ng Words

go into a profession [g0u intu g pr0' faJ(0)n] ❖ Gidi thich: go into c6 thi
huong vao m<Jt chuyen man thay thi bting enter, join: Ngoai
ra, c!iing sau go into di trl/C tiip
When Henry was a boy, his father often encouraged him voi ten ng/ii nghi?p, thi hi?n
to go into a profession. "lam nghi ,wo d6 ", nhll go into
Cha Henry tht.tang khuy~n khich c:]lu 1.y huang vao medicine (lam nghi du<Jc), go
m()t chuyen mon ti:t khi c:]lu ch1 la m•t c1lfa be. into law (lam vi~c vi phap lug,t).
O,.by profession s s
.' ...' ..... ' ........................... '' .... '' ' ... '.' ....... ~--· ................................................ '...........
chuyen nghifp
........ ' ........ '
l a
..... ' ............... ......., .................' .... .
go on an excursion g:rn on 0n [i k ' sk 3:J(0)n]
tiip tr,tc CUQC hanh trtnh C
My mother will go on an excursion this afternoon.
s h
Tnra nay, my toi se ti~p tt,tc cu(lc hanh trlnh.
❖ Giai thich: c!ling sau c~m ti:t nay tlnt&ng di voi to
nai chtfn. l i +

n g
······················..., .................................................... ··· ····················• ... , ...................................... ................................................ , .....

go to waste [g;)u tu we ist]

liing phi, phung phi
' s Q+a waste of t ime/effort/money
lc1ng phf thoi gian/sac l~(c/
ti§n cua

a i
Eat up! I don't want all of this cake to go to waste.
Hay an he't c1i! T6i khong mu6n b;_in bo phi cai banh

T h
..... ' .............................' .... ' ................................... '.' ..... ''' ... ' ...................... ' ........ '··~.' ..... ' '' .. '.'' .............' ..............' ... '' ... ' .......... ..
have a reputation for Q-earn/gain/establish a
[hrev 0 D pju'teiJ(0)n fo:] n6i tieng nho
tg,o d~tnglrhie't l<1P
Toyota has a reputation for making durable cars. thanh danh
Toyota n6i tie'ng nho san xuit nhCrng chie'c 6 to b~n
❖ Giiii tliich: "Idy danh tieng la ... " dn dung gioi ti'I as,
nhll have a reputation as a grec// cook.
Ph cases F-J · P,ep fonhe New TOEIC · 195 j
in association with • in cooperation w ith
h(Jp tac vai
[in ~s~usi'~iJ(~)n wio]
. .association between A and B
hr;p tac v<Yi, lien kit wJi
SI/ h(Jp tac gii7a A B va
The company is developing a new line of fall
fashions in association with this designer.
Cong ty dang hQ'p tac v&i nha thie't
phat tri~n dong thoi trang m6'i cho mt'1a tl1u.
ke nay d~
s s
l a
in case of [in keis ~v]
.,.,, , • caz gt xay ro
' ?
ll),in any case
trong bdl ky truiJng hr;tp nao,

In case of fire, pull this lever.

s h bcft Luqn the IUJO
Q+in that case
Neu xay ra hoa ho~n th1 hay keo cai dn g~t
l i trong mrlfng hr;lp d6, neu v~'ly
Q.a case in point
v[ dft thich h(Jp doi vai van

n g di dang tranh luqn

························"''········,·· ............................. ..................,. ....................,,........................................ , ..............................

in charge of [in tJa:d3 ~v]

chju trach nhif m
' s EJ,tbe responsible for
chju trdch nhifm

a i
Someone needs to be in charge of watering the
GJ+take charge of
chtu trach nhifm,
dam d11<1ng

T h
Ai d6 dn chiu trach nhi¢m vi~c tuoi cay.
m-,in/under sb's charge
trach nhi?m,
b6n phq.n ci/a ai

................................................................................. .. ......................................................................... ····················· .. ··········

in fashion [in ' freJ(~)n] 9" in style

mot, hr;tp thiii trang
hr;p thi'J; trang, mot
g.all the fashion
Miniskirts are in fashion again this spring. phiJ bien, h(Jp thlfi
Vay ngin l<}.i la mo't trong mua xuan nay. out of fashion
h(Jp thlfill6i thr'Ji
l 196 · mACK49 ______________ _., ~ ----
QI Relational WOids e, Synonvms9 'Anlonyms9t Con~:~,g wo,;-')

in good condition [in gud kon'diJ(~)n] t.>in poor condition

trong ttnh trt;1,ng tift trong tinh trg,ng t6i t?
Ct+out of condition
This secondhand car is still in good condition. kliong kMe 11u;mh
Chie'c 6 t6 si'r cl~mg r6i vfo con tcit.
-¢- Gidi thich: thl hi?n "trgng thai rttr t(/t" c6 thi n6i in
excellent condition.
s s
l a
in order of priority [in ::>:00 ~v prai'oriti]
thu· 111 iru tien
O,.take priority
Ltu tien

If there at'e more requests than the number of places

avc1ilab:e, t 1t. /II be dealt with in order of priority. s h
Nc'u c6 nhiEu yc;u du hO'rl so ch6 san co th1 ho r:;e
gilti quyet theo thu·
t~( Lill W~n.
l i
-¢- Giai Illich: in order of thi hif n theo tr1nh tff niLO d6, nh.u
in order of importance (theo thll tlf tdm quan 1r9ng), in
n g
order ofpreference (theo tMt t{t ttu tien) .
........... ..... .............................. ,, ......................................... ............. ............ ,, ................................................... ······················

in session [in 's~s(~)n]

dang h9p
' s Qt between sessions -
in closed session
th?Ji gian gidi tao

a i
Court is in session now. Would everybody please sit

ng6i xu6ng?
T h
Bay gio phien toa ctang di~n ra. M<.>i ngLt'o'i vui long

•• · · • • •• •• •· • · ••·•• · · · · · ··• · ·••· • • • •• •••• .. •·· ••• •·• . .••·•· • . . ,• . • .. •• •• •• M •• ••O<OO•• ·· ·• • • •• •••• .. • • • .. • ••• .. ,, .... .. .... ..

in stock [in stok] 9"out of stock

trJn kho, cdt trong kho t,e't hang t rong kho, khong
co stfn trong Clht hc'zng
We have lots of paper in stock. • take stock
Chung t6i con nhieu giay trong kho. kitm ke hang hod 1rong klzo
Phcases F- J · Prep fo<the NewTOEIC • 197 j
in training for sth [in tre iniIJ fo: ' sAm0il)]
dit{JC dao ft;IO, huan luy~n cho vi~c gt

Karl is in training for the upcoming Olympics.

Karl dang dLrQ'c hua'n luy~n cho ky Olympic sjp
-¢- Gidi thich: dQng tu th€ hifn chap nhqn hulfn luyf 11
s s
co thi dilng receive, undergo.
........ ~

l a
.... '' ...' ..........................................' ~...................... ...................'' . ........... .......... ' .... ' . .''' ...................................... ''' .. ''' ..
incur sbs wrath [i.n' k3: rue]
g6nh ch.ju SI! phdn nq, crm giqn cifo ai
GJ,incur sb's displeasure
chiu St! bt!c m111h t£ia ai

I'd be careful if I were you. You don't want to incur

s h (ilo,incur sb's disapproval
chf u st! phcin cl/fi cua ai
Mr. Clark's wrath.
Toi se d'n th~n ne\1 toi la b~n. B;,in khtmg mu6n
ganh chju cdn gi~n et".ia 6ng Clark. l i
n g
' s
a i
T h
l__1_9_s_-_™_a_~--------------~ --· ~~-&~-~----
keep ones promise [ki:p wAn z ' promis] a+ break one's promise
giil l<Ji thdt hua
a,+make a promise
Grandpa Roy kept his promise to come to my birthday hua, hua hf!n
Qolfull of promise
6ng n('>i Roy da giu lai hua la de'n bua tie;c sinh
nh~t ct1a t6i.
dAy hua hf!n

s s
l a
keep a record [ki:p
ghi chep, ghi vao sfJ sach
:J ' reko:d] C
'&maintain a record - keep
an account ghi vao s6

Tell Ms. Hopkins to keep a record of her expenses.

s h Q, on record dii di.l(Jc ghi,
d11<;1c bie't. cong khai
Hay n6i ba Ilopkins ghi vao s6 nhung chi tH~u e1h
ba ay.
l i Ii¥, set a record frJp ky lt,tc
St beat/break a record

n g pha ky l1,tc
Ii); hold a record giil ky 11,tc

keep ones options open
' s
[ki:p WAnz ' o pf (g)n ':mp:m] chua vqi ll!a ch9n
Q,thave no option but to V.
khong elm ch9n [tfa nilo

a i
I haven't decided which offer to take. I'm keeping my
options open.
khcic ngoai...

Iva ch9n. h
Toi vii.o chtta quy€t c1jnh ch,rn cai nao. Toi chLfa v• i

-¢- Giai thich: con c6 thi n6i la leave one's options open.

keep up with [ki:p Ap wi5]

theo kip, khong thua kem
Although I graduated over ten years ago, I have always
kept up with the latest research.
Du toi da tot nghi~p 10 nam tnt6'c cliy n11Ltng toi
luon theo kjp nghi~n Clt'U m6i nhat.
-¢- Gidi thtch: keep up wirh sb thuimg dung al chl "th!
hifn tot nhu ngui'Ji khac"; ngu(fc lqi "tt,tt hqu so v<Yi
nguiYi khac" c6 th€ noifall behind sb.
Phca,,. K-O · Peep fonhe New TOEIC · 199 j
lock into (lok intu]
buqc vao, kh6a vao
The company is locked into that contract for five
Cong ty nay bi dinh vao mc)t h<;1p dang khoang
5 nam.
❖ Gidi thick: dgng cau nay ihuiJng dung iJ trq,ng
s s
thai bt d{)ng, thi hifn ''chtu s(f rang buqc (cua h(Jp
d6ng, hifp u(Jc) ", y g&n gi<fng n.h11 be bound by.
l a
look forward to [luk ' fo:w~d tu] C
& can't wait to (do sth)
khong thi d<1i di lam gi
mong, mong d<;Ji
I'm looking forward to retiring. I won't miss working
s h
at all.
Toi mong v~ huu. Roi t6i se kh6ng nh6' c6ng
vi~c ty nao ca. l i
,¢, Giai thich: dting sau cdn di voi danh
V-ing . n gta hor;tc

.................. .................................... ........................,, ..... ···•·········· ................................................ ............... ,,..... .....................

look to [l uk tu]
mong d<;Ji, toan tfnh
' s ill

a i
They're looking to hire a lot of new staff in the new

nam moi.
HQ dang tfnh thue nhi€u nMln vitn mai vao

• Giai thich: thttong di'tng ctiu be looking

to do st.h; ngoai ra, dling sau look to co thi di voi
danh tit, ,hi hifn "dlfa dfim vao, y l(Ji" .
...... ..... ...... . ···~· ................................ ' ............. '.' ...' .....' .............,............. '' .......'... .. ..................'.' .. '''' .. ' ...........................' ....''
look up to [luk AP tu] . admire - respect
v. ngu{Jng mq, ton kinh
nguiJng m<>, ton kinh
fJ+look down on
I'm going to miss you, Harriet. I have always looked ra ve ke ca, pho truong
up to you and have learned so much from you.
Toi se nh6' b?n, Harriet. Toi luan nguong m¢
b?n va hoc hoi nhi~u tu b?n.
l ,oo • mACKso - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' ( 0,.RelalronaJ Words 0,. Synonyms a,+An;ooyms 9+con1r:sing Word-:"L..-_ __

make a calculation Q+by one's calculations

(meik ::i krelkju'leiJ(a)n] tinh toan trong toan tfnh,
tru li~u cila ai
I have no idea how much it'll cost. I haven't made a
calculation yet.
Toi kh6ng bie'c 116 tri gia bao nhi~u. Toi vfo chLta
tinh nfta .
s s
,❖ Gidi thich: con c6 thi n6i do a calculation.

l a
make a decision (meik ::i di' si3(~)n]
dua ra quylt djnh
C,reach/come to a decision
dua ra quye't di,nh

Our manager still hasn't made a decision on how the

s h C.,.reverse/overturn a decision
dao ltJn quye't dfnh
layout will be.
Giam d6c cua chung ta vftn chLJ'a quyet clinh mau
thie't k~ cuoi cung se nlw the nao. l i
n g
• ••••• •••••• .. ••• ••••••••• ••••• •••••• .. ••• •• ••• .. ••• •••••••---•• .. •••••• ,, . .. , , ,,. •o• • .. •• ••• ••••••~• ..•••••• • ••• ••••••••• ••••• •••• •••• ••• •• •• ••• •• ••• ••• ••••••• •••••• ••••• •••• ••••~•• •••• •••" •••••• ••

make a list (meik

lgp danh sach
' s G list]

a i
Santa will make a list of all the naughty little boys.
Santa sc l~p danl1 sach tit ca ciu be ngllich ngom.
~ Giiii thfch: con c6 rid noi draw up/write a list.
... ....
. .. . ............, .........~-· ..., .,-,'' ' ..........'. ···•' ....... ,................. ''' ... '' ...................................... ' .... ''' ....... ' .......................................... '' ....

make a reservation (meik ~ rezg'veiJ(~)n] m,+have reservations about sth

d4t chO trlldc nghi ng<;ii vi diiu gi
CJ;without reservation
I made a reservation for this Saturday at my favorite khong de d(lt, f10an toan
Toi da c1~t ch6 tru'6'c cho Lh(t Bay nay 0 nha hang
ma t6i thfch.
• Gidi thich: ne'u mu{}n thi hifn "xac nhqn d<1t tntoc"
co the' 116i confirm. a reservation.
Phcases K- O · Prep fo,the NewT00C · 20 1 j
make a suggestion Q+at sb's suggestion
theo ii€ nghj CLta ai
[meik ~ s::i' d3estJ(~)n] di nghf, neu Len gqi y
f>open to suggestions
Can we make a suggestion? It might help. mo ra tthilng g(Ji y
Chung t6i c6 the net1 len gqi y ch(t? N6 c6 th~
huu 1ch.
❖ Giiii thich: c6 thi thay th( make bting offer.
s s
••••• •• ••• •••• •••••••• ••••••• ••••• •• ••• ••• ••• ••••••• ••••• .. ••••• ••• •••• •••• •• •• u • •••• • • ••• •••• • •••••• O-,• • -#•••••• • •• • ••• ••• •• •••• • •• • •• •• • ••••• • • •• •• • • •• ••• • ••• • ••• • • • • • ••••••• •••••• • • ••• •••• •
l a
make an appointment
[meik :m ~'p~intment] co cuqc hfn giJp
Q,cancel an appointment
huy CUQC hr:n C
Jack made an appointment with his dentist for two
s h Q+miss an appointment
bo liJ cu(jc hrn
Jack da lwn g~p v6'i nha si khoang 2 gia.
l i Q,lkeep an appointment
giil dung h~n
• Giai thich:
hf with + nguai.
dd11g sau thuong di voi gioi ti't quan

n g . by appointment only
c6 h<1n tntac

..... . . . . . . ,, •• • , • • • • • • • u . ... .. . ..... .. ... . .. .. .... . .. .. .. E

. .... ... ... .. .... .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

make an impression
[meik Qn im' prQJ(Q)n] gay an trJ<lng
' s Q+be under the impression
ctl I(1 i ctn tLl{fn.g

company's CEO.
a i
John's speec h made an impression on the

T h
13ai dien thuye't ct'.ta John gay fo tttqng t1oi v6'i
chi'.1 tjch hc;i d6ng quan tri cua c6ng ty.
• Gidi thich: phia tntoc i111pression co th# dung
tinh ti't al b6 nghia, nfnt make a good/bad/strong
impression (dl /qi dn ftt(Jn.g ttftlxtfulfin tLl(lng).
· · · · · ···~ · · · · · · · · · · · · .....· ·· ·· · · · · · · · · · ·· · · · · · · -- · · · · · · · ·· · · · · · · · · · · .... . . ..... . .... .. ... .. ...... . ...... . ..... . ... , .• u . .... . . . .. . .... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... . . .. . . . ... , , .... . . .. . .. . ... .. .... . . .. .

make contact with 9 get in contact/touch with -

get hold of lien h;,c, lien Ii?
[meik 'kontrekt wio] hen z«c, lien h~
m,.be/stay/keep in contact/
As far as I know, we've never made contact with touch giil lien lqc
that company. S,.lose contact/touch with sb
Theo ta't ca nhung gl toi bie't, chung toi chua mc1t lien /qc wJi ai
bao gio lie n ht; v6'i c6ng Ly d6.
_ 2_0_2_•_TR
_ AC
_ K_s_
o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____, Qi RelaU01131Wo,o, l)i s ynonyms 0,Antonyms &, CQnlusing Words ...___ _

make progress [meik 'J)rnugres] Q;monitor/track progress

co lien bi}, tien triin theo doi tiin trtnh

I can understand Tina a lot better now. She's made ll)tin progress
progress in her English. dang tilp diln
Gia day t6i c6 th~ hi~u Tina nhieu hdn. Ti€ng Anh
eth co a'y c1a c6 tien bt'.\.
~ Giiii thich: "sit vi~c er, tien triln rdt lcJn c6 thl n6i II

s s
make good/a lot of progress; nguqc lqi "(duiJng nhu)
khong c6 tiin triin la make little/no progress. II

l a
•••••• • • • ••• •• •••• •• .. •••••• • ••• • • ••••••••••••• •• •••• .,•• •••• • • • • • • •••• ••• •••• • • • • •• •• ••• ••••••••• • • • • •• •• •••• • •• v • • • •• • • ••• • .. , , . , , , ,, , , • • •••• ••• •••••••••••• • •• •• ••• •• • •• . . ••••• • •• • • ••• •• ••• • • • • •

match sth/sb up [mretJ sth/sb Ap] O, match up

lc'i.m cho ailcai gi phu h<;1p v(li kit ndi

Can you match us up with a similar company in India?

s h . match up to sb's
B~n co the' sip x€p ch(ing _toi thich hqp vao m(lt
cong ty tuong tt,t nhli v~y Ci An 0¢ chu?
l i lam thoa miin rnong dr;i
? •

n g
meet a deadline [mi:t;,) ' dedlain]
kf.p thai ht;m da djnh
' s Q,miss a deadline
khong kip thai h1;m da djnh

G)tset/impose a deadline
If you accept this project, you'll have to meet a deadline. l(lp rhiJi gian hit h(l-n
Neu b~n cha'p nMn cl~t an nay thl b~n phai tlWc
hi~n dung thai h~n

a.a djnh .

.' ............... ''' ................................' .....'.' .......................... ~-··.'' .... ' ................. .............'' .....' .......................'' .. .........·· •·•··· ·
.... ..

meet an obligation [mi:t on obli'g~iJ(;,))n] &,fulfill an obligation -

thifc hi?n trach nhi?m, nghfa V¥ meet a commitment
thl!c hifn tnich nhiim,
Kathy hasn't met all the obligations of a good manager. ngh'ia V!I
Kathy kh6ng thvc hi~n ct\y c1t".1 trach nhi~m cua m(;lt Qt-under an obligation
giam doc gioi. c6 ngh'ia V~I , trach nhifrn
Phrases K- O • P<ep fonhe New lOEIC • 203 J
move up [mu:v Ap] Qtmove up the corporate ladder
chuyin Zen, tien len, thi'ing tie'n thang tien
G>move up in the world
She wants to move up in the company. n6i riing
Co ay mu6n thang titn trong cong ty.

s s
··················· ................. ...................... ········ ........................... ............................................................................................. .
l a
not to mention [not tu ' menJ(o)n]
chua tinh, chua ki de'n
&+don't mention it
khong sao
The company has lost a lot of money, not to
s h Ot now you mention it
giif b(m neu Len vitn d€ di
mention prestige.
C6ng ty c1a ma'.t nheu tien, clnta
ti€ng nCt'a.
dtn danh ke
l i Qtmention in passing
nhan ti?n neu Zen van di

n g
........., ... . . . , • • ,,, , , E
• •••••••• • •H••••0 0 0000 . . 00 < •• ••o• ••• • ••• • ••• •• •• ••••• • . . • UOO OO OO•O• • •• ••• • •••• • •• •• •• •••• • ••• •• •• . . · · · · •• · · ••• ••• • • • • ••• • • • •••••• •• ••••• •• •• ••• •·• • · · ·• · · ••• ••·· ••

on duty [on ' dju:ti]

trong ca tn/c
' s c,+,neglect of duty
xao Zang trach nfri~m

a i
Richa rd is on duty from two to ten.
Richard tn,tc tu 2 gi<'1 de'n 10 gio.

T h
4 Giai thich: co thl di chung v<Ji dqng tit go, nhzt
go on duty (di lc)m), go offduty (tan ca).

on hand [on hrend] & available

s<fn c6 adj. siln co
CJ, on the other hand
We k eep most supplies on hand, but sometimes mi;it khac
we still need to make special orders.
Chti ng t6i sin c6 Mu he't cac hang h6a d€ cung
dp -nhttng thtnh choang chung t6i van dn th~tc
hi~n n hung c1cm hang d~c bi~t.
~1RACKso _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,~ 1at.onaJWords 9 ' Synooyms fJ;AnlCnyms &- conlu,ing~

on reflection [on ri'flekJ(;})n] f>be a reflection on sb/sth

suy nghiky suy nghT ky vi ailvi¢c g1

On reflection, I have decided to take your advice.

Sau khi suy ngh1' ky tOi quye't dinh nh~n Joi khuy~n
cua b;m.
❖ Gidi th{ch: c6 th! 116i t/1c1nh upon reflection.
s s
l a
on target [on 'ta:git]
dij,t m11,c lieu
Q,meet/achieve one's target
dgt dur;c m1:1c tieu

We're still on target for an early completion date.

s h
Chung toi vfo d~t nwc tieu ngay hoan thftnh som.

l i
n g
on track [on trrek]
di du n.g /il,((Jng
' s Q,be on the track of sb/sth
theo doi

a i
She's been working very hard recently and seems to be
on track for a promotion.
li)+keep track of
rheo doi

T h
Gfo c1ay co ay !~1m vi~c ra't chum chi va c.Itrong nhtt
c6 t1i c1ung htrong cl€ c1u·0c thang chCrc.
❖ Gidi thfcli: clifng sau CIJ,m 1u c6 thi di voifor N.N-ing
O,.get off the track
thodt khoi ldi mon, ccii tie'n

l10ljc to V.

on the basis of [on O;} 'beisis ~w] & based on difa lren
tren C(J sif, dJ!a tren C,.on a daily/weekly basis
tren co so hiing ngayl
You will be evaluated on the basis of how much you've hcingtu6n
contributed to the company.
13,Jn se clttQ'c c1~1nh gia civa tren vi~c b::tn eta d6ng
g6p bao nhieu cho c6ng ty.
❖ Giai thich: q1111 tu 110)' con c6 1hl chl "biJi Vt", acing
sau thuong la Sif thqt ho(1c tlnh hutfng d{fc bi¢t, gcfn nhtl
because o/
Ph,ases K- O · P,ep ~' the New TOEIC · 205 j
open to ['~up~n tu] ll)+open to the public cong bo'
ri)ng riii trliCIC cong chLtng
c6 thi dung, dua ra
C,.open to negotiation
This proposal is open to discussion. dua ra di rhuang lt1(Jn.g
Be nghi nay c6 th~ Olfa ra ct~ thao lul;in.
• Gidi th{ch: open to sth con c6 thi chl ''c6 th! g<l.p
phai ... , c6 thi chtu anh huong cua ... ", 11h11 open to
s s
criticism (g<ip phiii Sf( chf rrich).

l a
out of [aut ~v]
he't, dung he't r6i

out of it
- her, hong

We're out of printer ink. Can you order some more?

s h
Chung ta he'.t mvc may in r6i. B~rn c6 the d~t
them ch(t?
l i
❖ Giai thfclt: con co thi n6i nm out ofsth.

hu, khong ho(lf dqng s
out of commission [aut ~v k~' miJ(G)n]
S,. damaged - broken
adj. Int, lu,ng

a i
Those machines were out of commission.
NhCtng chi& may d6 da hong roi. commission
c6 rhi dung,
dt1(Jc tra11g bi, dtiy du

T h
• Giai tl,ich: trong khtlu ngu c«m tit nay con c6
thi dung di hinh dung ngt1&i, the' hifn "bi bfnh, bi
C> on commission
ht1ong hoa fuJng
thuang, khong thi lam vifc duf/c".

out of habit [aut ~v 'hrebit] 9"from habit theo th6i quen

theo thoi quen & get in/into the habit ofV-ing
thoi quen lam g'i
Sorry, I'm just sitting here out of habit.
f> develop/form a habit
Xin 16i, toi ch1 ng6i a day theo th6i quen. hinh thanh th6i quen
0, break/kick a habit
tit bo tlz6i quell
20_6_· T_RA
_ c_
Ks_1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____J Q.Relotiooal VIOtds l)I Synonyms O-A111cnyms G1 Conl~ng Wo1d5 ....__ __

pay dividends [pei ' dividendz] • bring dividends - produce

c6 l(Ji, sinh lr;i great advantages
sinh lqi
My decision to get my MBA is really paying dividends.
Quy~t cljnh hoc b~ng tlwc sI cua toi thl th~tc s~t c6

s s
l a
pay off a debt [pei of~ det]
trd nr;
f> cancel/write off a debt
huy nq

Greg still needs to pay off a debt to his uncle.

s h li)+in debt
Greg vfo Cl:in tra n<;i cho cht'.1 anh ay.
l i
Gidi thich: pay off con co thl thay thi clear,

n g
thtfc hi¢n mqt nhi~m Vl(s
perform a function [p~'fo:m a fA1JkJ(~)n] ~ fulfill a function - carry
out a duty

This job requires you to perform a variety of functions.

C6ng vi~c nay ctoi hoi b<;1n t!Wc hi~n nhi~u nhi~m
th;tc hi?n m()t nhi?m v~

T h
V\l khac nhau.
-¢- Gidi thich: c1,1m tic nay con co thl chl "(may m6c) co
chtic ru1ng ... ", nhu My new cell phone pe,forms many
functions. (may di~n tho(J i 111<Ji cua toi co rift nhi§u
chuc ming).

pick up (p ik AP]
nh{it, don
Can you pick up a snack for me on your way home?
Bq.n c6 th~ mua cho t6i chut thuc an nhr; cren dtt0ng
v~ nha chu?
❖- Gidi thtclz: pick up ngoai each dung tren, con c6 thi
chl "nh(tn dLl<JC (pluin tluing) ", 11h11 pick up a prize, hoqc
"bi nhiim (benh tqt, vi rut gay bfn.h) ", nhu pick up a
Phmses P~ T • P"'p lo, the New TOEIC • 207 j
pull out [pul aut] Qtpull sb/sth in
keo ra, rut ra loi vao, cfijt VC/0

If the investment keeps doing badly, I will have to

pull my money out.
Neu vi~c clau tu nay van tiep t1.,1c thua 16 thl toi
se rut tien cua m1nh ra.
❖ Gidi thich: pull out con c6 thi chl "(xe llla) roi s s
tr<:1m"; ngzt(/c l<;1,i "(xe Lila) vao trf}m" co thi n6i pull in.
l a
put one's signature on
(put wAnz 'sig11JtJJ on] ky vao
Could you please put your signature on the dotted
s h
Xin vui long ky t~n vao dong chilm ch1:lm dlfcjc
l i
n g
reach one's destination

' s
[ri:tJ WAn z desti' neiJ(~) n] de'n dich

They didn't reach their destination until after

T h
HQ khong th~ ue'n d.ich cho de'n sau giua khuya.
❖- Giai thich: con c6 thi dung arrive at thay the'

restore sb's sight [ri'st::>: sb's sait] Gtrestore sth to sb

khoi phr,tc tht lf!c khoi ph¥c cai g'f cho ai

There's a good chance that the operation will

restore her sight.
Co m(it ca hc)i tot dlng ca phnu thu~t se khoi
phvc thi lvc cho co iy.
❖ Giai thfch: dilng sau restore c6 thi di'mg hearing
(nghe) ho<;rc danh ta tril'u tur;ng, nhll morale (sT
kh{), confidence (long tin).
208 . TRA
_ C_
Ks_1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -1f o-i:::wO:se- l.____
Synorr.,m5&);Antonym, e; Conf.omo WOidt

see eye to eye [si: ai tu ai] O+agree

d611g y v, d611g y
After talking to Amy for over an hour, I can safely say we
see eye to eye on this issue.
Sau khi n6i chuy~n ,·6'i Amy hon m•l gio, tOi c6 th~
c1am baa ding chung r6i se nha't trf v6'i vtrn c1e nay,
• Gidi thicli: tlii hicn "c<5 cung each 11h'in voi ai do"
di'mg gifli tt't with, "nlta't chf 1-J vif c 11do do", di'mg gi{Ji s s
tir 011 ho<fc about.

l a
set a goal [set o g;:ml]
d(f,t 111{lC tieu C
& achieve/reach/attain a goal
t1q,t d11<7c 11lltlC tie11

If Michael sets a goal, he tries to reach it.

Ne'u Michael d~t ra nwc tiQu anh a'y se s h
'• Giai thfclt: set c6 l
th! dung establish thay the'.
c6 gfog

n g
thanh toan h6a d<111
' s
settle one's bill (set(~) I wAnz bil] C,. fit/fill the bill
thfch h<7p v<1i th(,(C te'

a i
We can't leave yet because I haven't settled the bill.
Chung t6i van c.:htta Lh€ di bo'i v1 chung t6i chtra

thanh toan Ma cldn, '
• Gidi tMch: settle ngoai thi hi?n ''chi trd, ke't 10611 ",
con c6 y "gidi quyet (van d€)", ke't rluic (tranh chdp)".
do do "giiii quytt rranh chap, xung d<)t" c6 th! 116i seule
a dispute/conflict.

shut down [fAt daun]

tdt, ng11ng ho~t a(}ng
Remember to shut down your computer before you go
Hay nho tilt may vi tinh ctm b~ tnroc khi ra ve.
• Gidi thfch: shutdown la da11h flr, ch1 "ngitng hoqt
for the NewTOEIC • 20:_j
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Phrases P- T • Prep

sign up for sth [sain Ap fo: 's/\mOirJ] ll)+sign sb up

dang ky cho ai
defog k)• vifc g1
Tiffany signed up for t he beauty contest.
Tiffany d~ng ky cu9c chi l10a h~u.
❖ Giai tMch: "ghi danh ghip ai d6" c6 rhl dung
d(mg cdu sign sb up for uh, nhu Jeff signed his wife
s s
up for conking lessons (Jeff dci ghi danh giup v<J
vi10 bai h9c nflu c1n).
l a
stay on top of [stei on tup ~v]
n<'fm biit dU{Jc
fil C
Q.(sth) get on top of sb
Vif C gt khie'n ai do chju

Regular meeting s help a business stay on top of

s h khong nili

any problems.
Cac CUQC hQp deu c1~n giup cho doanh nghi¢p
ndm bat dl((jC van M. l i

n g
tL'ty tlzuqc vao
' s
subject to [' sAbd3ik t tu]

a i
Wine quality is subject to the quality of the grapes.
Cha't lu'c.1ng ntQ't1 l a tt1y thuc')c v:'to cMft luqng


Giai fli{cl,: be subject co11 mangy "co klui ming
/J;. .. dnh huifog ", 11/ut ratel are subject to change
(mire giti c6 klui 1Uiflg thay d6i).

take a ... approach [teik ~ ... :)' proutS]

llun theo phuoni phap
Let's take a wait-and-see approach.
Trny d,vc hi~n phtrong rhar '·uc,1i cla'y 111:1 xem".
❖ Giiii thfcl,: co rhil dimK adopt, use rhay rhe' rake;
difng trlt<Jc approac h c6 11,l di1ng tfnh tt't di bd
nghi'a, 11/ut positil'e (tfch qlc). rou,:h (ctfog 1-dn).
l 210 . TRAC/( 51

take back [teik brek] . take sb back

mang vi, dem vi 111ang ai Ira l(li

I didn't know that, so let me take back what I just said.

T6i kh6ng biet ct i~u c16 v1 v~y hay cho t6i rut l,:ii
nhnng g, toi VLta n6i.
~ Giiii tlzlch: qon tu nc'ly t/111img dung di thi hifn "nil
s s
lqi (!iii n6i sai) .,. nhLt take it back, take one's words back.

l a
••• •··· ••• .. ·· · ······ ·•••• ••• •• ...•• ••• ••••·• •· ···· •· •··· · •••••• •• .....v,, ... , ,, .. ... . . .. . . . ... . .... .......... .... ,,,,,, ••..•. . , .. .. ... . . . ... .....•. , .... , •• •. .. . ...... . .. .. ... .. , .• . ,, ,.,. ,,,, •.• .. .. . . . •

take center stage [teik 'sent~ steid3)

ndi b(lt ~
1l' C
S;be in the spotlight
116i bgt

Toyota's new SUV is taking center stage at this car show.

s h G go on the stage tr(! thdnh
nhan vq,r trung tiim
SUV moi ci'.1a Toyota n6i bi,lt trong bu6i tri~n lam 6
l i C,.take/leave the stage
len/xuo'ng san khii'u

n g
• •• ••••• • •• •• • • • ••• ••• •• ••• •••• •••• ••••..••

take into consideration E

••••••• 1• • ••• • ..••• ••• •••H ••••••• ••• --4 •••••• •• • •• • ••• •• ••••• L•• ••••• •••••4••••»•• • •• •• • •••••• ••• •••• •• ••••••• •••• • •• ••••••••••• • ••• •••••• ••• •• ••• •• ••• •• • •••

[teik intu k~nsidJ' reiJ(~)n] xem xet

We promise to take your suggestion into consideration. ' s U.take into account
xem xet

D under consideration
Chung tOi h(ta xem xet c1~ nghi d1a b;,tn.
ditOi St/ xem xet

T h
1············................................................................................................................... ............................. ··················"·············"·····
take out [teik aut] 9+withdraw
rut, rut ra V. rut, rut ra
Q+make a deposit
I can only take out five hundred dollars a day from the giii vao
T6i chI c6 th<i rut 500 ao la m(>t ngay ttt ATt\11.
Phrases P~ T • Prep for the New TOEIC · 211 j
take out a policy [teik aut Q 'po l~si] ❖ Gidi thfch: hqp cl611g bdo
hiim tie11g Anh con co thi 116i
rut h<1JJ d<Jng
insurance policy; ngo(li ra, th!
It seems Mr. Howe took out a life insurance policy hif11 "rie11 l(JC hr;p d<Jng bJo
on his wife a week before she died. hii111 ", cdn di'tng d911g fl't renew.
Duc'1ng nhu ong Howe nh l;~i hqp c:tcing bao
hi~m nhan th9 cho vq ong
khi b;t a'y chet.
«y m(>t 1uttn tn.t&c

s s
l a
take part [teik pa:t]
tham gia
9'participate - be involved -
play a part (role) rham gia

Will you be taking part in the running of the

s h
B~rn s/1 lham gia thanh l~p cloanh nghi~p ch(f?
l i

n g
Gidi tldch: ciin them gioi tit in trtt<'Jc danh u't.

take sb up on sbs offer E 9taccept sb's offer

[teik sb Ap on sb's ' ofo]

chaJJ nhqn al nghf cua ai s dbng ylchf{p nh(in d€ nghi
cua ai

a i
If you give me a ten percent discount, I'll take you
up on your offer.

T h
Ne'u anh clua t6i 10% chic't kha'u toi se cha'p
nh~n c.l~ nghi cua anh.
❖ Giai th{clt: dm co rlzl d1'mg promise, suggestion
ct! tlwy the o.ffer, tM! hif n "tin ttlifng liJi Ma (cua ai
d6 ), cMp nhqn kien nghi (Clla ai do)".

take the consequences & face the music

ganh chiu hqu qmi
[teik o~ 'konsikwQ ns] chju luJ.u qua
If the deal falls through, I'll take the consequences.
Neu giao <l[ch nay thua le) lhl toi se ganh chiu
hiu qua.
❖ Giiii tMc/1: take ci.>11 co th! d1)11g face l10(1C suffer
di rlwy rhl
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ , C)o~elalional Words O,. Synonyms 9 'Antonyms If' Con1u,;ng Words l___._

throw out [0rnu aut]

phdt ra, tung ra

I'd like to throw out some ideas and see what you think
of them.
Toi se ra vf1i y k.ien r6i xem h;,tn ngh'i g1 v~ chung.
~ Giai tltich: throw out c<)n c6 nghia nem ra, du,fi (ai d6)
s s
roi khoi, phat ra (kh6i, b1;ti... ), tz'ty theo nghia cua ctlu.

l a
s h
l i
n g
' s
a i
T h

TRACK 52 · Phrases U- Z • Prep for the New TOEIC · 213

under a cloud [' Anoo o klaud] 0,. under suspicion - out of favor
bj nghi 11giJ lc)m diPu sai
lam \1(10 ngu V((l'
Mr. Wang left the country under a cloud of
Ong Yl(ctng rai khc'>i mr6'c trong Slf ngu \ ~(C.
❖ Gidi thfch: c1r1111 ttr 11ay thur'Jng dung d! thf hifn
s s
"b,ft hqp pluip (illegal). plup11 !Qi (criminal)".

l a
under fire [' Ano;:, 'faio]
chju S(f phe binh
G+be criticized/blam ed
bi phe bi11h

The government 's new medical policy has come

s h
under fire.
Chfnh s,kh y 1e' mOi cua chinh phu bi ph~
l i

n g
Giai thfch: thurmg dimg d(lng ciiu come;
ngoai ra, "chju S{( phe binh cua ai t16 ", dung giai Iii

from, "vi... mii chiu phe b111/z ", dt~ng gi(Ji tit for.

' s
under no circumstances
[' Anoo n:;iu 'ss:komst:;insiz]
S,.in no circumstances - under
no conditions - by no means
du trong /wan ciinh 11ao

dt1 trong lzoim cdnh nao cting khong dU<Jc ciing kho11g Oll<JC

Under no circumstances are you to smoke in this

C,.under the circumstances

T h
Du crong hoan dnh nao Lhl b,Jn cung kh6ng
dltQ'c ht.'1t thu6c crong van ph<>ng nay.
trong ltod11 ci/11!, nhu vgy

❖ Giai th{ch: ne'u l'lr'fll Ill nay dung ddu cau, ciiu
tl11tlJng phai ado nga.

under sbs thumb [' Anoo sb's Ot.mb] ,r.... S,. be controlled completely -
bi c,i khdng che' ill under sb's influence/sway
bj ai khff11g che'
Kathy is tired of being kept under your thumb.
She's leaving.
Kathy m~l moi vl hi b~tn kh6ng c:he'. CO n'y ra cli.
214 · TRACK52

up for grabs [ Ap fo: grrebz]

c6 di'I. cho 111<:>i nguai
The championship is up for grabs! It'll be decided on
the last day of the season.
Mqi ngLiOi c1~u c6 quyen clanh giai VO djch nay! N6
se Cluc,l'c quyc't c1[nh v~to ngay cu6i cirng cua 11111a.
❖ Gi<ii tlifch: q1111 tic I ren 1h11011g c1i 116i job (crJnK vif c ),
s s
prize (gidi 1/11tiJ11g), opportunity (cd hQi)... , tM hi?n "chl
ctln c{/ gd11g, ai ai cling co khd niing dg t c11rr;c ".
l a
up in the air [AP in oi 'e~]
huv lwyin, viln vong, if tlau t!au
Q,be in the air
lido huyin, Fi811 vo11g,

Our vacation pf3ns are still up in the air.

s h adau dau
Q,be on (the) air
K.l: ho~1d1 chuye'n du lich d1a ch(mg
dftu c1au.

l i
v~n con c5 clang ph6t tre111.ruy€11 htnh

n g
Eo~ 6.
¥:alk in the park [w~:k 1n
de dang
' s pa:k] a+apiece of cake - really easy
hoc1n toan dl dang

a i
Physics is like a walk in the park for Albert. He's a genius.
Y~t ly th1 th~l d~ c1oi voi AJbe1t. Anh a'y !ii m(>t thien
D,no walk in the park
kh<'}ng dl dang


walk on eggshells [w~:k on egJelz] 6 8'texercise extreme caution -
be very careful
himh dqng m<)t each tluJ..n tr()ng
himh d(Jng 111(31 each thq.n
Peter's been walking on eggshells ever since he started tnJng
working here.
Peter lam vi~c ra't tMn t.rqng kc? ttr khi anh ay lf1m
vit}c & c1fty.
• Giiii thfclt: ciing co thi 116i walk on eggs.
Phrases U-Z · Prep forthe NewTOEIC • 215

walk on air [w:,:k an 'e;,)] /.'-. . .float on air - feel very happy/

clfc k)'. sung su<1ng, ra't h(wh pink ill elated - be on cloud nine
qrc kS· sung .11tcJ11g, n1'1 h{111h
Ever since Eric was accepted into Harvard, he's
been walking on air.
Ttr khi Eric dtrc,1c chffp nh~ vao tntdng I larvard,
anh :fr \'6 t img sung sti6ng.
• Giiii thicli: tluril11g d1111g be ll'a!king air de' s s
bifu ct«r.

l a
watch the grass grow
[wotJ 0;;1 gra:s grnu]
0,watch the paint dry -
be really boring

clui11. buJn chan, 11/u,llte

s h re?', 11ha111 cluin

Every time Terry goes to his mother-in-law's home,

he just sits around and watches the grass grow.
~!61 !fa de'n nha 1111,. \cj, Ten, thi ng6i
l i
\a chan.

n g
• Gidi thiclt: 1l1uil11g d1111g sth is like watching the
gl'll.\S grow 11,{!' hifll "rife /IClO ,to qua 11ha111 chci11 ",

E cfo
vll(lt qua kho khan
' s
weathe r the storm ['weo;,) st::,:m] /.'-.
Q+get through difficult times -
survive a crisis
I•lf<1t qua kM kht111

a i
The Lakers are coming on strong. Do you think the
Suns will be able to weather the storm?

Lakl:l'S dang hung manh. B;_tn co nghi ~uns

c6 th~ vi.r<,11 qua kh6 khan khong?

will never fly [wil ' nev;,) nai] O,.have no chance of succeeding
- will not succeed
khc1ng thf 1hdnh co11g kllo,,g th! thc't11h co11g
This ad campaign will never fly.
Chien clicl1 qu{mg do nay se khong b,10 gic'i
lhanb c6ng.
• Gitii tlrich: q1111 IL"r co v flt<Jng f!l la when pigsjly,
d1111g di ta "vifC kho11g 1/il c6 ··.
l 5
216 . Tl!A_cK_ _2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,~ ., wo,ds & synonyms l>Anl<lnyms &; Conl\JSlno IVordsJ,__ _ _ ✓
with a heavy hand [wio g ' hevi h rend] 1.-.. Dtoppresslvely - severely-
nghiem kluic ill with severity- in a strict way
nghie111 khifc
You shouldn't treat Tiffany with such a heavy hand. 0,with a high hand
D~1n khong nen d6i xi', v&i Tiffany nghitm khJc nhU' 11g(lo lll(l/1, kieu cc111g
~ Giai tlifch: qun ll'r nay con co rhi bie'u il(tl "v1:1ng vi",
.Y gtln nhll clumsily, awkwardly. s s
l a
•• ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• •••••••••••••••••••<-••••••••••• •• •••.. ••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •u ••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••• • •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• • •••• •••• •••• •••••

you're toast [i•: faust)

b,;111 se g(fp phi€11 phrlc C
G+be in a lot of t rouble - be

If you don't do a good job on the presentation, you're

s h phiPn pln?c, phi€11 toai

Nc'u b;_tn khong thuye't trlnh t6t thl b~tn sc g~p phien
phi.'k dn'.y.
l i
n g
• ! ,-..-., ••••,, • oo•• , •••• , • • ••• • , ,\, •--•••~, o,,,. •·••• , >,, •••
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your call [i•: k~:1]

ltty vao b~m
' s & up to you - your choice -
your decision f11y vao b(ln

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You could either stay or leave. It's your call.
B~II'\ c6 the a l~i hay ra V~. 0cS la tuy v~o b;;m.

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