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Hot Work Permit

1. The work cannot be allowed, if the permit is not signed from Authorised person.
Note 2. The Permit is valid for one shift / for 8hrs, If the work extends beyond the shift, new permit to be generated.
3. The completed Permit is to be hanged adjacent to the work to be carried out along with approved copy of SWMS of the activity.

Project Name: #REF! Permit No.: HoWP/

Location of Hot Work: Date : ______/______/20______
Permit Valid From: AM / PM To AM / PM
Task to be Completed:
Heat generating equipment used:
Fire protection equipment required:
In the event an emergency, call (Phone):
Personal protective equipment required:
(Hard Hat, Safety Shoes & Reflective Vest is Mandatory)
Prior to issuing this permit, the following questions must be verified and answered:
Precautions to be taken Yes N/A

1 Have all combustible materials been removed far away from the work area or made safe?
2 Are appropriate fire extinguishers located within 2 metres of ignition source?
3 Is ventilation adequate?
4 Will sparks be contained completely; are flash screens available to be used?
5 Have welding machine/gas cylinders been inspected, including for spark arrestors?
Is the welding machine earthing clamp directly connected to the job and has supply amperage been
6 checked?
7 Pipe work or other vessels decommissioned and vapours flushed?
8 Trolley is being used for the Gas cylinders
9 Have all drains, pits and depressions been checked, isolated and sealed?
10 Is Personal protective equipment available and being used?
11 Is the body of the welding machine is connected with earthing?
12 Is the area is cordon off with the barricading tape & Displayed with HOT WORK Signage?
Working in shafts, precautions adopted, secured in other floor levels covered with a fire blanket or other
13 non-combustible materials.
Operatives carrying out hot work Yes N/A
1 Must understand the permit conditions and the fire and safety precautions.
2 Must be in possession of a permit at all times.
3 Must stop work if required to do so by an authorised person.
4 Must report immediately any hazard likely to affect the fire and safety precautions.
5 Must ensure a satisfactory access/egress from the work area.
Requesting and confirming by contractor’s representative: I confirm that the precautions specified above is complied with and the persons carrying
out the work are fully briefed on the safe method of work.

Name Signature Date

Confirmation: I understand and certify that the precautions are taken for carrying out the hot work as per the above check points and according to SWMS.

Name Signature Date

Name Signature Date

CANCELLATION OF PERMIT / TASK COMPLETED: I confirm that the work has been completed and the area has been checked
for smoking embers and is safe.

Name Signature Date

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