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Besas, Ma. Jane Gwen K.

September 15, 2018

Sociological-Anthropological Foundations of Education
(Module 1)

1. How may the study of sociology – anthropology be of use to you as:

a. Private citizen

- Being a citizen of a country with a rich historical background, the study of

sociology and

anthropology is definitely useful. The culture and norms of our society can be traced

back to its history. Since the Philippines has become a melting pot of various cultures

and traditions from different countries and colonizers, the Filipino people has adopted

a very diverse practices, which have undoubtedly evolved through time.

In order to become a responsive and responsible citizen, one must have a deep

understanding on the different societal issues. One cannot just whine and complain

about a certain issue without the proper knowledge of the current situation in the

society. Moreover, as a citizen, possessing a competent knowledge about sociology

and anthropology is not just counted as a privilege, but also a responsibility. No

matter what status we identify ourselves in, as long as we live in a society that faces

perennial challenges and consistent changes, we have to equip ourselves with


b. Student

- One of the most important subjects that the educational institutions have included

in the curriculum is the study on sociology and anthropology. As students, it is

never correct to see these subjects as some requirements in their academic

courses, but rather as the one of the most practical subjects that will be able to

empower them in real life. Sociology-anthropology helps the students understand

the different interactions and/or activities that are appropriate for each type of


Also, with this subject, the students are given a good perspective about the

real world, which they are being prepared for. Finally, the discussions on this

subject showcase the students’ ability to observe and analyze the society and

eventually develop programs that will create a positive difference in the society

they belong. In this way, the learning is not just confined within the four corners

of the classroom, but is extended to the real world.

c. Teacher

- The degree of significance of sociology and anthropology to the teachers is

definitely higher than that of the students’. It is undoubtedly necessary – critical

even – for the teachers to possess knowledge on this subject. As teachers, we are

not just dealing with the students as other human beings, but more importantly,

we are training them to be competent and responsible citizens in the future.

As the cliché goes – we cannot give what we do not have. We cannot just

stand in front and lecture on them about the different societal issues without even

grasping the essence of sociology and anthropology. As we teach them the

different subject matters, we must give them a wider and better perspective on

how to properly understand and evaluate the society. as teachers, it is our

responsibility to present to them factual and scientifically based lessons, specially

when it comes to the discussion about human interaction and the societal issues.
2. Distinguish/ differentiate the theories of Karl Marx and Max Weber.

- Karl Marx and Max Weber are just two of the most influential people who have

impacted the field of sociology. Both of them presented their theories on

sociology, and the major difference that can be observed in their ideologies is the

basis of social classification.

On one hand, Karl Marx stated that the economic status of the people is

primarily based on their function in the society – whether they are considered as

bourgeois (middle class/capitalist) or proletariat (laboring class). For Marx, the

accumulation of wealth is the major basis for a person’s societal status.

On the other hand, Max Weber stated that wealth is not just only bases to

identify the status of a person. He presented a more bureaucratic idea, where he

said that people also gain their social status based on power and prestige.

3. To which of the different theories studies would you relate the school as a system?

Explain the relationship by giving illustrative examples.

- The education sector, among all the institutions, upholds the sociological

ideologies in the everyday operation. In the daily classes, the teachers and

students interact among each other and collectively create a standard in the school

community. Because of this, almost all the sociological theories are almost

applicable and relatable to the education system. However, among all the theories

presented, the most relevant in terms of its relation and reflection in the

Philippines educational system is the symbolic interaction theory.

The symbolic interaction theory emphasizes that every individual actually

reflects his/her society through his/her interaction with other individuals. Also,

this theory presents that a person eventually learns different beliefs as well as the

values language and technically the idea on what is good and bad. Although these

lessons should be taught at home by the parents, it is not always the case.

In the Philippines setting, most specially in public schools, some cases

about young children, who are still observed to be lacking of moral values, are

ordinary stories. Needless to say that schools are considered to be the second

home of the learners. This means that these values should be taught in schools.

Also, schools promote the different teaching-learning approaches in order to

ensure that an effective interaction between the teacher and students are present.

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