Sociological & Anthropological-Module2

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Besas, Ma. Jane Gwen K.

November 10, 2018

Sociological-Anthropological Foundations of Education
(Module 2)

1. Understand the meaning of these terms and how they can be applied in the

educational setting. (Social Group, Social Status, Social Class, Social Mobility,

Relationships, Formal Organization, Social Standing, Social Organization,

Informal organizational, In-group)

► The society as a whole has different categories and structures. These categories

are interrelated to one another since an individual may be considered a part of two or

more categories. In the education setting, these different terms along with their

definitions are existing in every academic institution.

Even from the level of the educators, social groups and social class applies.

These allow the teachers to mingle and form close friendship with those who have the

same interests as them. In the general studentry, these different categories exist,

specially in those schools who accommodate higher income-earning families.

Formal organizations are created with the school through employment contract

among the teaching and non-teaching faculty. On the other hand, social organizations,

informal organizational and in-group are created through different school organizations

that welcome student members who will later on represent their schools in different

affairs. The in-group category is the underlying social group for all students, since upon

entering the school, they have imbibed the prestige of being a part of that certain

2. What are the kinds of groups that you commonly observe in school? Describe

their properties and how you can use them to enhance teaching learning


► Definitely, the most common type of groups in all academic institutions are the

peer groups. In every grade, students normally mingle and go with the ones who they

share the same interests and/or personality. Usually, during the first weeks, the student

would survey his or her new classmates and later on form their own peer group. This

type of group can be the most beneficial in enhancing the teaching learning activities

because here, the students have already developed their sense of belongingness and

will therefore willingly cooperate with different tasks and activities.

Other groups that are common in schools are gangs and cliques. Although there

are much negative connotation on these groups, a school cannot just prohibit the

forming of these two mainly because these are formed by the students even secretly.

However, instead of taking it negatively, these groups can still be used in various

activities. For example, a teacher may give a specific task that will be spearheaded by

one of these groups, since a gang or a clique usually recognize a leader. Also, a teacher

can encourage this groups to become good role models in different aspects and not just

in academics.

3. Why are collective behavior and social movements important for making people

aware of economic, political and environment values?

► Since the society is very dynamic and different issues are being tackled almost

everyday, it is actually imperative for all people to know what is happening around him or

her. This is because, as citizens of a democratic society, Filipino people holds the

sovereignty of the country.

As private citizens, we have, in a certain extent, entrusted the protection of our

lives, liberty and properties to the government. However, it is undeniable that the

government system is quite controversial. Therefore, the active participation of different

social groups and their social movements are definitely helpful in the delivery and

exposure of the current issues that will affect the lives of the citizens. Furthermore, the

members of these social groups willingly disseminate useful information that will be

helpful in the everyday lives of every Filipino people.

4. How are people in a given society ranked? Why do you think so? Give specific

example to show that these rankings are true in your family, community and the

school where you are teaching.

► Generally, people is a society is ranked based on (1) income or wealth, (2)

education or occupation and (3) lifestyle. Even subconsciously, people rank others in

their minds specially based on these factors. Undeniably, a person’s income or wealth is

the biggest factor in social stratification. Sometimes, no matter what degree you have

accomplished, the level of financial stability is still a major basis for some people.

In every family, it will never be an isolated case where siblings and other relative

members are being compared to one another based on the financial status and the

property one has accumulated through the years. That goes the same in a community,

where a family with the largest house and high-end cars are usually seen as higher than

everyone in the neighborhood. Lastly, in schools, it is very apparent that the different

social ranking are present. From the way the children are transported to the school –

through service, private cars (most of the students drive their own cars) and commute –

all these silently form ranks in the mind of other people. It is good thing though, that

these social ranks are not the basis nor affect in any way their academic performances.
5. Do you consider Filipinos as status-conscious? Cite specific instances to support

your view.

► Filipinos are definitely status-conscious. We have been trained all our lives to

pick a profession with a good title – doctor, lawyer, engineer. For those who do not carry

a prefix title, most of us want to have letter suffixes attached to our names – CPA, LPT,

RN, RSW and a lot more. Also, I am not quite sure if this exists in other places, but it is

only here in Pangasinan area where I see all houses with a mandatory tomb-like display

which bears the name of a family member and their respective profession. With all

these, I rest my case.

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