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Direction: Match column A with column B.


1. Establishing a trusting environment helps

learners feel a sense of security in confiding information,
believe their concerns are taken seriously and are
considered important, and feel respected. Ensuring A. Identify the learners
privacy and confidentiality are recognized as essential
to establishing a trusting relationship.

2. Who is the audience? If the audience is one individual,

is there a single need or do many needs have to be fulfilled?
Is there more than one learner? If so, are their needs
congruent or diverse? The development of formal and informal B. Involve members of the
education programs for patients and their families, healthcare team
nursing staff, or students must be based on accurate
identification of the learner.

3. A list of identified needs can become endless and

seemingly impossible to accomplish. Maslow’s (1970)
hierarchy of human needs can help the educator prioritize C. Choose the right setting
so that the learner’s basic needs are attended to first
and foremost before higher needs are addressed.

4. Once the learner is identified, the educator can determine D. Collect data about the
characteristic needs of the population by exploring typical learners
health problems or issues of interest to that population.

5. Nurses are not the sole teachers of these individuals;

thus, they must remember to collaborate with other E. Prioritize needs
members of the healthcare team for a richer assessment
of learning needs.
F. Assess the demands of
the organization

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