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Reading Comprehension

Answer or complete the following from your text book:

1- Lucy's brother is clumsy. (True/ False)

2- How do many people find fishing?
3- The Panther 3.0D is actually very expensive. (True/ False)
4- What crops are grown by the Marsh Arabs?
5- How fast can falcon dive?
6- Samara's mother liked her tea. (True/ False)
7- The sports city cost …………………… . (Complete)
8- What was Ibn Al-Haitham called?

9-Animal farming is not important in Sudan. (True/False)

10-Who helped Professor Heyerdahl to build The Tigris?

11-How many seats does the Panther 3.0D have?

12- Professor Heyerdahl is from ………………… (Complete)

13- What did the Bedouin use to eat before falconry?

14- Libya is mostly desret?

15- Where were the first Games held?


Do as required:

1- Define a lawyer. (Use: advises people about laws)

2- Hadi loves animals. He (be) a vet.(Use: going to )
3- Sara enjoyed standing at the back. (Change into negative)
4- A bear is bigger than a wolf. (Complete using: small)
A wolf is …………………… .
5- If there were no spiders, there (be) more insects.(Correct the verb)
6- I lost my suitcase at the airport. My suitcase …………….. . (Complete the
sentence in passive)
7- She has (straight hair black/ black straight hair/ straight black hair).
8- 13:30 (Tell the time)
9- carefully/ homework /his/ after supper/ does/ Manaf. (Put in order to
make a sentence)

10-I'm not afraid of rats. (Agree)

11-I like ……….. apples that grow in our garden. (a, an, the)

12-Zeid is unfriendly. (Make the sentence more polite)

13-Let's go to the park. (Accept )

14-Use ( would you like) to invite a friend to come to your birthday party.

15-I like playing football. Do you? ……….. I prefer ………….


16-How ……… time will it take? (many/ much/ more)

17- What's (on/ in) at the theatre? (Choose)

18- I have been living in this village ( for/ since/ ago) 2010.

19- I'd rather (go/ going/ to go) to the beach and play football.

20- The thief (which/ who/ whose) stole the bike was put in prison.

21- We like (to camp/ camping/ camp). (Choose)

22- The Bedouin used (their/ there/ them) falcons to catch food.(Choose)

23- It has a (really/ quite) beautiful shape.You will love it. (Choose)

24- In the desert, a camel is more useful than a horse.(Use : as….. as)

In the desert, a horse is ………………………. .

25- Cars have airbags so that you (can/ can't) be safe in a crash.

Vocabulary and Punctuation

A- Match the words in List (A) with the words in List (B)

List A- 1- borrow 2- do 3-score 4- have 5- write 6-drive 7- win 8- fly 9-spend

List B- a- a medal b- some time c- a goal d-the plane e- gymnastics

f- a letter g- a book h- a rest i- a car

B- Choose the words from the list that match these definitions

( falcon, hobby, queue, advertisement, comedy, brush )

1. The fastest bird in the world

2. Something you do in your spare time
3. Words or pictures to help sell things
4. Three or more people waiting in line
5. We clean our teeth with this
6. A funny book, film or play

C- Write words that match these definitions.

1. Another word for a writer . …………

2. It makes cars, boats and planes move. …………..
3. Hobby is to sit by a river with a long ,thin rod. …………
4. A person who helps others is. ……………….
5. A person in a book, film or play is. …………………
6. You go to one of these to hear someone sing or play music. ……………
9 .A bird that hunts and kills other birds . …………….
10. An animal that kills and eats other animals. ……………..
12. Sit and travel on a horse or camel. ……………….

Re-write the sentence below using correct capital letters and punctuation
i think muneer wont go to hilla next friday

Story Time and Spelling

Story Time
Do as required:
1. What was Kareem's dream? ( answer)
2. To the right, the deer spots ……………… approaching. (complete)
3. The deer focuses on giving birth a new life(T/ F)
4. Kareem has been saving up to………………… .(complete)
5. Describe Kareem's character. ( answer)
6. The pregnant deer was surrounded by dangers when she was about to
give birth. (True/ False)
7. Kareem had read all of AL-Nawab's poems at least twice and found
them very boring. ( True/ False)
8. What was there for customer number 50?(Answer)
9. Kareem had read AL-Nawab's poems ( once/ twice) and found them
( Interesting/boring). (Choose)
10. What's the name of the new book Kareem wants to buy? ( answer)
11. The deer is trapped by …………… and ………….. .( complete)
12- What is the moral lesson of the story (Life is like a cup of coffee)?
13- Why did the professor bring different cups for coffee?
14- What did Salam take with him when he went to the restaurant?
15- What was the special thing attracted Salam's attention?
Write the missing words:
1. Happy X sad; beautiful X ……………….. ; dangerous X ………………
2. Long, longer ; heavy ,……………. ; good, …………….. ; wet,……………
; expensive,………………
3. Long, longest ; useful,…………… ; big ,…………..
4. I , me; he, ………… ; she,………….; we,………
5. I , my; they,……….. ; he,………… ; we,…………
6. Look, looked; put, …………. ; leave,………….;win,………;

7. Book, books; wife, …………… ; roof,……………; story, ……………….;

box, …………. .
8. Clear, clearly; angry, ………………. ; beautiful,……………
9. Go, going; stop,………….. ; hit,………… ; play, …………..
10. Happy, un happy; polite, …………….; comfortable, ………………….
11. Iraq , Iraqi; japan, …………… ; Spain, ………………; Qatar,…
‫االجوبة النموذجية‬
Reading Comprehension:
1- False
2- Relaxing
3- False
4- Rice, wheat and barley
5- 240 kph
6- False
7- 1 billion IQD
8- The physicist and sometimes al – Basri.
9- False
10-Iraqi and foreign workers.
11-(8) seats
12- Norway
13- Dates, milk and bread
14- True
15- New Delhi

1- A lawyer is someone who advises people about laws.
2- He is going to be a vet.
3- Sara didn't enjoy standing at the back.
4- A wolf is smaller than a bear.
5- If there were no spiders , there would be more insects.
6- My suitcase was lost at the airport.
7- Straight black hair
8- It's one thirty or It's half past one
9- Manaf does his homework carefully after supper.
10- Neither am I .
11- The
12- He's not very friendly. Or He's a bit unfriendly.
13- Yes, let's/ Yes, I'd love to/ Yes, why not?
14- Would you like to come to my birthday party?
15- I don't I prefer tennis.
16- much
17- on
18- since
19- go
20- who
21- camping
22- their
23- really
24- In the desert, a horse is not as useful as a camel.
25- can

Vocabulary and Punctuation

1- g
2- e
3- c
4- h
5- f
6- i
7- a
8- d
9- b
1- falcon
2- hobby
3- advertisement/ adverts
4- queue
5- brush/ tooth brush
6- comedy

1- author
2- an engine
3- fishing
4- helpful
5- character
6- concert
7- bird of prey
8- a predator
9- ride

I think Muneer won't go to Hilla next Friday.
Story Time
1- to be a famous poet.
2- a hungry lion
3- true
4- be the first one to buy the new book by his favourite poet.
5- Hard-working, imaginative and quiet.
6- True
7- False
8- A big prize to meet the famous poet Al-Nawab.
9- Twice/ interesting
10-Islands of Salt
11- The fire and the fast flowing river.
12- Focus on the most important things in life, rather than details
Details can lead you to lose focus and miss the point about
enjoying the quality of what you have.
13- He wanted to show that in their lives, the alumni always chose
the best for themselves, often missing the more important
points about life.
14- A notebook and a camera.
15-A young boy taking his old father, who was in a wheelchair, to
the restaurant for a treat.

1- ugly; safe
2- heavier; better; wetter ; more expensive.
3- most useful; biggest.
4- him; her; us
5- their; his; our
6- put; left; won
7- wives; roofs; stories; boxes
8- angrily; beautifully
9- stopping; hitting; playing
10- impolite; uncomfortable
11- Japanese; Spanish; Qatari
‫ السؤال االول في االمتحان الوزاري يتضمن قطعة خارجية‬:‫مالحظة‬
‫ السؤال االخير يتضمن االنشاء ويختلف من وحدة الى اخرى ويكون الجواب مختلف‬: ‫مالحظة‬
.‫من طالب الى اخر حسب ما تم حفظه من قبل الطالب‬

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