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Memory centric storage

ACID and SQL compliant

SQL apis- ANSI 99 compliant sql, It provides DDl create drop alter table , index

Key value api, sql api, for fetching same dataset

Compute grid api, helps u run aribitrary comuptatn in cluster

U deploy ur servicdes in ur cluster, multi service architecture

Ignite Persistance

Native - Flash, SSd 3rd party - rdbms, hfs, nosql

They are highly integrated with memory

So u see we can work with ignite as a distr db

Ignite we do phene… key for collocated joins

Ignite will automatically reshuffle the data achieve the colloation and then run the join

Collocated ,processing is done where the processing api is send to the specific node, and executes
Durable memory architechture

In memory performance and durability in disk

Data on disk is superset of that in ram

Memory level they use off heap storage, which is outside the jvm , it avoids noticeable GC pauses,
and ahieve predictable memory conusumption,

We update a WAL , thoughput of append only file is faster than partition file.

Time – 25.02

Checkpointing process – It IS a background process, doesnot affect the performance of individual


It basically takes all the pages from the memory, and wprites them into these partition files, (WAL
may saying).

Data Storage Configuration

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