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17th May 2021 Private & Confidential

Baharul Islam,
Ranipukhuri,Kajiamati, Udalguri,

Subject: Appointment Letter

Dear Baharul Islam,

We are pleased to appoint you as Gati Trainee (Grade: I) with Gati-Kintetsu Express Private Limited (“Company”).
The terms and conditions of your employment will be as follows:

1. Your date of joining with the Company on or before 21th May 2021.
2. Your initial place of work will be Hyderabad.
3. For the initial 2 (Two) months of training period, you will be paid a monthly Stipend of ₹ 9,500/- (Rupees Nine
Thousand Five Hundred only). Further, you will be entitled to Gati Nivas and deduction as mess & diet charges are
4. Post successful completion of your training period, your Total Cost to Company will be revised to ₹ 1,65,000/-
(Rupees One Lac Sixty Five Thousand only). Further, you will be entitled to “Benefits” as applicable to your grade.
The components of your Total Cost to Company and details of the Benefits, Including Statutory benefits are provided
in Annexure ‘A’ and will be governed by Company policies as amended from time to time.
5. The age of superannuation shall be 58 (fifty-eight) years and on the Basis of resume / documents submitted by you,
we have recorded your date of birth as 19-11-2001.
6. Your normal working hours will as per your shift i.e. in case of General Shift it will be from 9:00 a.m. to 05:30 p.m.,
Monday to Saturday with a 30 (thirty) minutes lunch break. The Company reserves the right to change workdays
and hours of work at any time and as per exigencies of work.
7. You will be eligible for the following 30 (thirty) Leaves per Financial Year subject to prior approval from your
reporting superior/manager. Accumulation/carry-forward of leaves will be as per the Company policy, as amended
from time to time.
8. The Company will have the right to transfer you to any function or business group, any location within India or
overseas, or to its affiliate and subsidiary companies, at any time in future. While on transfer, you will be governed
by the rules, regulations and service conditions of that business, location and the company, as applicable. The
Company also reserves the right to second your services to any affiliate company or any company within the Gati
group of companies.
9. Whilst employed by the Company:
a. You shall not undertake any other full time or part time employment or consultation or engage in any
activities of a commercial or business nature, unrelated to your work, without prior written approval of the
b. You will be required to effectively carry out all the duties and responsibilities assigned to you by your
supervisors, management and any other employee authorised by the Company to assign such duties and

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responsibilities. Your performance evaluation will be done periodically as per the Company’s appraisal
system and process.
c. Except in the ordinary course of your employment and unless otherwise required in the performance of
your duties, you shall not divulge to any third party, any information regarding the affairs or business
matters of the Company or information regarding its customers without prior written approval form an
authorised person of the Company . All information that you receive or otherwise comes to your knowledge
because of your employment with the Company is deemed confidential and any disclosure thereof, in
breach of this clause, shall be a violation of the Company policies. The Company may, at its sole discretion
file for injunctive reliefs in addition to any of the rights and remedies to which the Company is or may be
entitled at law or in equity or otherwise under this agreement.
d. You confirm that there is no litigation /conviction against you before any court of law which involves any
criminal offence or offences involving moral turpitude.
e. You confirm that you have disclosed fully all of your business interests to the Company whether or not they
are similar to or in conflict with the business or activities of the Company, and all circumstances in respect
of which there is, or there might be perceived, a conflict of interest between the Company and you or any
of your immediate relatives. Also, you agree not to create or enter into such business interests during the
course of your employment and, in the event, such interests occur for reasons beyond your control, you
undertake to disclose fully and immediately to the Company any such interests or circumstances as and
when they arise during your employment.
f. You will not bind the Company against a third party, in any manner whatsoever, thereby creating pecuniary
or other obligations, without prior authorization in writing from an authorised person of the Company. You
will exercise your best efforts to conserve the resources of the Company and incur expenses judiciously
and within the authorized limits.
g. You will be required to apply and maintain the highest standards of personal conduct and integrity and
keep yourself informed and comply with all the Company’s policies and procedures.
10. During the period of your employment with the Company and 12 (twelve) months thereafter, you agree:
a. Not to solicit or induce any person employed or engaged by the Company or its affiliate companies
(whether as an employee, consultant, advisor, business partner or in any other manner) to terminate their
contractual relationship with the Company and become an employee of your then current company or
offer services in any form or manner to any other company, person or entity;
b. To keep the Company indemnified in respect of any loss/damages etc. that may be caused to it as a result
of your act/omission/commission/negligence, breach of the terms or covenant of this Appointment Letter
etc. ;
c. To refrain from soliciting any customer, vendor, business partner, other business associate etc. of the
Company to remove or reduce its business from the Company or its affiliates.
d. In addition to your fulfilling the requirements of secrecy and confidentiality, as specified herein, you shall
not engage in any vocation, training, employment, consultancy, business, transaction, or any other activity,
which is in conflict with the interests of the Company, in any capacity whatsoever either on your own or in
association with any other individual / firm / institute / body corporate, etc., whether for any consideration
or not.
11. The Company shall at all times have the right to access and monitor all the emails and other data files, created, sent,
received or stored by you, using the Company facility and on the Company’s system and such data/system shall be
accessed by the Company at any time without giving you any prior notification. All such data and information shall
be the property of the Company at all times. You shall refrain from accessing such emails/data on a personal
platform and failure to do so shall be considered a violation of Company's Code of Conduct and shall result in
appropriate actions being taken against you.
12. The personally identifiable information provided by you in connection with your recruitment and during the
subsistence of your employment will be used for the purpose of administering the terms of your employment with

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the Company. The Company may provide this information to other parties authorized by law to receive it and/or in
terms of the Company’s privacy policy.
13. Your employment hereunder is contingent upon all information, facts and figures provided by you to the Company’s
representatives at any point in time, being accurate and true. The Company, at its discretion, may conduct
background and medical checks including screenings for substance abuse as per Company policy including reference
check prior to joining. In the event the results of such reference/ background checks or screenings for substance
use are not to the Company’s satisfaction, or it is detected that you have attempted to misrepresent, conceal and/or
supress any material information, then the Company shall be within its rights to summarily terminate your
employment without assigning any reasons/or without any notice and/or any compensation whatsoever, besides
taking any other legal action, as it deems appropriate.
14. You represent to the Company that at the time of commencing this employment, you are medically fit to be
employed and perform the job responsibilities as discussed with you at hiring stage and before commencement of
your employment.
15. Your employment may be terminated by either you or the Company, by providing a prior written notice (“Notice
Period”) as per Annexure ‘B’. The Company may, however, at its discretion require you to serve the entire Notice
Period or waive off part or full Notice Period or require payment for the remaining period in lieu thereof (“Notice
Pay”). For the purpose of calculation, Notice Pay would refer to the last drawn monthly “Basic Salary” only. If you
avail of any leave during the Notice Period, the period of notice shall get proportionately extended by the days
equivalent to the leave availed during the Notice Period. If you fail to serve the full Notice Period or remit the Notice
pay in lieu thereof as specified in Annexures ‘B’ for any reason whatsoever, Company reserves the right not to issue
a Relieving/Experience Letter to you.
16. The Company reserves the right to terminate your employment immediately following due process, at any time, in
a. You are found guilty of misconduct or of any offence involving moral turpitude, or you fail to observe
without sufficient cause the Company’s Code of Conduct, or other Company’s policies or the Certified
Standing Orders (as applicable).
b. You are absent from work for a continuous period of 8 (eight) days (including overstay of sanctioned
leave/training) without prior intimation and written approval. You will then be deemed to have abandoned
employment voluntarily.
17. On termination of your employment:
a. You shall not, for a period of 12 (twelve) months (“Non-Compete Period”), take employment with any
company which engages, even partly, in the same or similar line of business as that of the Company. You
acknowledge that any breach of the foregoing covenant may result in irremediable damage to the
Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Non-Compete obligation”). Notwithstanding the above, the
Company shall have right to claim damages arising out of your act of omission or commission of any of the
terms of this Appointment Letter, besides getting injunctive relief of not joining the competitor / similar
industry, as mentioned above or any other relief as made available under laws of the land.
b. Without limiting the scope of the above, you will not divulge to your future employer any confidential and
commercially sensitive information pertaining to the Company including, without limitation, any
information meant exclusively to be in the possession of certain officers of the Company and which by
virtue of your employment you had a recourse to such information; such confidential and commercially
sensitive information shall include without limitation sales and customer leads, trade secrets, business,
technical, financial, operational, marketing and economic information and any data of a secret and
proprietary nature including any memorandum, reports and valuations to which you had a recourse or
possession thereof during the subsistence of your employment.
c. You shall immediately return to the Company all the assets and property of the Company including but not
limited to notes, data, tapes, reference items, books, documents, effects, money, securities or other
property; whether in hard or soft copy; which is in your possession or custody.

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18. The terms set out herein and the Annexures must be kept strictly confidential. You agree not to disclose it to any
person or entity including the employees of the Company except as required by law or legal process. Your
employment will take effect from the date of your joining. During the course of your employment, you will be
governed by Company’s policies including Code of Conduct and Certified Standing order (as applicable) available on
the Company’s intranet or otherwise as stated from time to time. The Company may, in its sole discretion and as it
deems fit, revoke, modify, amend or change such policies and such change, modification or amendment shall take
effect from the date as determined by the Company. This letter is in harmony with the Company’s Code of Conduct
and Certified Standing Order, as applicable, however in case of any conflict of any of the term of this Appointment
Letter with Company’s Code of Conduct or the Standing Order (as applicable) the latter shall prevail.
19. The terms of your employment shall be governed by the laws of India and the Courts at Hyderabad, Telangana State
shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
20. The terms of your employment as contained herein, including the Annexures hereto, constitute the entire
understanding between you and the Company and cancels and supersedes any previous agreement, understanding
or arrangement whether oral or in writing relating thereto.
Kindly sign and return a copy of this letter including all Annexures ‘A’ to ‘C’ to confirm your unconditional acceptance of
the terms and conditions set out herein latest by 3 (three) days from the date of this letter failing which the offer
contained in this Appointment Letter shall stand automatically withdrawn.
We take this opportunity to extend to you a warm welcome to the Company and look forward to a mutually rewarding
and enriching career.


Authorized Signatory Agreed and Accepted

Karuna Kamath Baharul Islam

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Annexure ‘A’
Compensation Details

Component ₹ per month

Stipend (lump sum payout) as Trainee 9,500/-

Component (Post Confirmation) Rs. Per Month Rs. Per Annum

Basic Pay 6,500 78,000
House Rent Allowance 3,127 37,528
Advance Against Stat Bonus 1,300 15,600
Provident Fund Contribution 780 9,360
Gratuity 313 3,750
Employee State Insurance/ Medical Insurance 355 4,262
Total Fixed Pay 12,375 1,48,500
Performance Pay 16,500
Total Cost to Company 1,65,000

Group Term Life Insurance (Self) 26,00,000
Medical Insurance (Self + 5 dependents) 2,00,000
Personal Accidental Insurance (Self) 5,94,000

1. Performance Pay mentioned above is indicative and payable biannually i.e. on 30th November and 31st May. The
actual amount will be based on your Individual, Operating Unit and the Company’s performance. You should be
active on the rolls of Company and not serving notice period on Performance Payout disbursement date in order
to receive the payout.
2. Your next Compensation review , if applicable, shall be determined and processed as soon as reasonably practicable
following the end of each fiscal (March 31st) and will be pro-rated from the date of joining. In case, your date of
joining is post September 30th, you will be covered in next cycle.
3. Depending on the location and salary slab, you will either be covered in Employee State Insurance or Medical
4. Gratuity mentioned above is indicative and payable as per the provisions of Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
5. The pay-out of above is subject to Company’s policies, statutory laws and deduction of Income Tax as may be
required in accordance with the applicable legislation(s), in force from time to time
6. You will be entitled to receive mentioned Benefits after one month of joining
7. Under the directives of Company's Compliance Code of Conduct, it is expected of you to maintain absolute
confidentiality about your remuneration and any breach of confidentiality leads to very stringent action.
8. Any expenses incurred either in the form of onetime payment or allowance, relocation related reimbursement,
joining expenses and/or special reimbursement, will be recovered from your Full and Final settlement in case you
exit from the services of the Company, for any reason whatsoever, within 1 (one) year of your availing such benefits.
9. The Company reserves the right to amend the Compensation structure and benefits coverage as it may deem fit.
10. The Company reimburses authorized expenses you incur on Company's business as per applicable Company policy.
A guiding principle in settling expenses is that you should neither benefit nor lose financially as a result.

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Annexure ‘B’
Probation and Notice Period

1. You will be on a probationary review during the first 3 (three) months of your employment with the Company
(“Probation Period”). Confirmation of your employment is contingent upon your successful completion of the
Probation Period. The Company, at its sole discretion upon reviewing all relevant performance parameters
during the Probation, may confirm your services, extend the Probation Period or terminate the probation, as it
may deem fit in consultation with your reporting manager(s). However, unless you are informed in writing by
the Company that your services are not confirmed, your services will deem to be confirmed at the end of your
Probation Period.
2. During Probation Period your Notice Period will be 15 (fifteen) days. Upon successful completion of the
Probation Period, your Notice Period will be 1 (one) month.

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Annexure ‘C’
List of Joining Documents

Please submit photocopies of the following documents, as applicable, at the time of joining. Please also bring the original
copies of your certificates and testimonials for verification.
1. Latest Resume
2. Copy of eAadhaar Card
3. Proof of Age and Current Address (Passport / Ration Card / Driving License/ Voter’s Id/House Lease Agreement,
Telephone/Electricity Bill etc.)
4. Permanent Account No. (PAN)/Copy of PAN application (in case PAN is not available)
5. Universal Account Number (UAN) for Provident Fund contribution (applicable for those with prior contribution
to Provident Fund)*
6. Education Documents (Certificate and Mark-Sheet)
a. SSC
b. HSC
c. Graduation / post-graduation Degree / Diploma
d. Professional Degree / Diploma
7. Relieving Letter/ Stamped Resignation Acceptance from last 2 (two) Employers, applicable for candidate with
prior experience
8. Proof of your last drawn Salary of last 2 (two) companies with details Last 3 (three) months’ salary slip/ Salary
Annexure from previous employer(s)/ Bank Statement as a proof of salary credit/ Affidavit for Salary
9. 4 (four) passport size colour photographs
10. 2 (two) professional references (with email address and telephone number)
Please Note that submission of all the above-mentioned documents and completion of all the forms given in your joining
kit are mandatory. Any non-compliance may result in your joining kit being declared as incomplete, for which you would
be solely responsible, and thus consequently delay/impact:
a. The generation of Employee Code and Salary pay-out
b. Your coverage under Life Insurance, Mediclaim, Personal Accident Cover, etc.
c. Settlement of claims etc., were they to come up
Your present and permanent addresses, as mentioned in your application form, are recorded in the Company’s systems
and records. Please inform the Company about any change in your address and telephone numbers and/or email id on
immediate basis.
*Please ensure your, Name, Father’s/Guardian Name, Date of Birth is same in PAN and Aadhaar. In case of any
mismatch, your Provident Fund contribution may get impacted.

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