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Owner Mohamad Ruzaini Bin Jamri.

Name of business Mie_Kookies Jar Premium.
Products to be sold Kookies Jar premium three variations (Red Velvet Crumbs,
Melted White Chocolate & Crispy Bubble Rice)
Product selling prices RM 15 each packet.

Number of products to be sold 10 packets.

in the first week to test market
Distribution plans to be used Instagram users will look at the page and will click on the direct
link to the WhatsApp account. They will place the order they
want via message. Order information can be collected, including
arrival information, because goods will be delivered via courier
services. Prior to the delivery of the goods, payment must be
Marketing communications to Use the Ig story platform to promote using the short video to
be used grab consumers attraction. By regular posting on Instagram with
exclusive promotional offers such as buy 4 get 1 free. Free
delivery cost with a minimum buy 3 packets.

Weekly sales targets to be 15 packets.

Screenshot of seller account in This business's target market will be Instagram, as many young
marketplace & Instagram users search their accounts on a daily basis. When they see posts
account from this blog, it will help to fuel sales. As a result, the market
place and social media for this business's ads will be all on
Instagram, using the same account.

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