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Bangued, Abra
School of Arts, Sciences and Education
Bachelor of Elementary Education/Bachelor of Secondary Education

Module in Contemporary World (GE 04)

Raiza B. Palangi

 So far, I learned a lot. Where even though this learning is a flexible learning where
we could both used technology and modules to gather information about these
lessons. I learned to be much knowledgeable in globalization process rather in this
subject. I learned to be more optimistic in to our future. Wherein, there is still hope
even though our generation is advancing through globalization that produces
technology products. I also cultivated that this subject was not meant for selected
courses such as us education but this subject suits for all because we us living in the
current society where involved and with the helped of this subject, we were going to
be aware on what really is happening on our own society and outside our society. On
why these things are emerging and advancing and being influential. Through this
subject we could have enough knowledge on trading products, societies influential
organizations and individuals, different institutions that being connected to
globalization and many more that could helped us more to understand how society
is going through and how society is being built.
As I wrapped up everything this subject was a wake-up call for us to be aware and to
fathom things around us. As a student we should not be just a learner of this subject
but be an individual that will bring consciousness and stability in the near future. A
stability that through this subject we could influence younger generation to be more
alert in this world that is only contemporary. And to bring stability of peace due to
the emerging consumption of resources which every leader right now is being greedy
to have it.
Bangued, Abra
School of Arts, Sciences and Education
Bachelor of Elementary Education/Bachelor of Secondary Education

Lesson 4: Global Demography and Migration, Global Economy

Activity 1: Direction A. In not less than 3 sentences, answer the following questions.
1. What do you think is the effect of a high dependency ratio in developed countries? In
developing countries?
- A higher dependency ratio is likely to reduce productivity growth. A growth in the non-
productive population will diminish productive capacity and could lead to a lower long-run
trend rate of economic growth. The dependency ratio is the percentage of people either too
old or too to be working, where the age divided by those 15-64 years of age. Dependency
ratios indicate the population breakdown of a nation and how well dependents could be
taken care of.

2. Has globalization facilitated or obstructed greater labor migration?

- Globalization is the exchange of goods and services between national economies and is
made more accessible by developments in communication and technology. As technology
is set to become more advanced in our digital age, globalization will certainly facilitate
greater labor migration. In the economic realm, migrant labour has become a key feature in
Bangued, Abra
School of Arts, Sciences and Education
Bachelor of Elementary Education/Bachelor of Secondary Education

meeting economic, labour market and productivity challenges in a globalized

economy. Migration today serves as an instrument to adjust the skills, age and sectoral
composition of national and regional labour markets.

Direction B: Define the following words: (1 pt. each)

1. Demography - is the scientific study of human populations primarily with respect to their size, their
structure and their development; it takes into account the quantitative aspects of their general
2. Demographic transition - is a long-term trend of declining birth and death rates, resulting in
substantive change in the age distribution of a population.
3. Mortality rate - s a measure of the number of deaths (in general, or due to a specific cause) in a
particular population, scaled to the size of that population, per unit of time.
4. Fertility rate - at a given age is the number of children born alive to women of that age during the
year as a proportion of the average annual population of women of the same age.
5. Dependency ratio - is an age-population ratio of those typically not in the labor force and those
typically in the labor force. It is used to measure the pressure on the productive population.
6. Vagabonds - a person who wanders from place to place without a home or job.
7. Tourists - a person who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure.
8. Refugees - a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution,
or natural disaster.
9. Asylum seeker - a person who has left their home country as a political refugee and is seeking
asylum in another.
10. Diaspora - the dispersion of the Jewish people beyond Israel.

Activity 2: Direction: In not less than 3 sentences, answer the following questions.
1. Do you think that the Philippines is harmed as other countries transfer their activities to us
through outsourcing?
- Outsourcing is also one of the most helpful industries that contributes to its growth.
Most Filipinos can now enjoy working in the Philippines through the outsourcing industry
and choose the most suitable career for them which also give them a higher compensation
than the average Philippine salary rate. When a certain company in other countries
involves itself in an outsourcing, normally it brings harm locally than any other countries
outside. And given that the Philippines has outsourcing companies, this means that the act
of companies involving in outsourcing opens up works for the Filipinos. Hence, the
Bangued, Abra
School of Arts, Sciences and Education
Bachelor of Elementary Education/Bachelor of Secondary Education

2. Does the position of rich countries as giants in the economic chain threatened the status of less
developed countries?
- In a sense Yes, it does threaten the status of the less developed countries, for the title itself
of being a developed country is a high status compared to the very living or the normal
system and progression from other countries who were not yet or not developed. The rich
countries typically from Europe acts as a threat in the global market against the less
developed countries for it has more hold of their income and has a more stable mortality
and birth rate which is the most problem around the less developed countries.

3. What is the importance of?

a. Trade Liberalization or free trade?
- Trade liberalization removes or reduces barriers to trade among countries, such as tariffs
and quotas. Having fewer barriers to trade reduces the cost of goods sold in importing
countries. Trade liberalization can benefit stronger economies but put weaker ones at a
greater disadvantage.

b. Fair trade
- Fairtrade provides disadvantaged farmers and workers with better prices for their crops.
This gives them an opportunity to improve their lives and plan for their future. Farmers
receive a stable price even when the market drops. Workers are guaranteed a good wage
and safe working conditions.

4. Is it possible to eradicate the extreme poverty and hunger in the world? Why or why not?
- Children who are malnourished when they reach their second birthday could suffer
permanent physical and cognitive damage, thereby affecting their future health, welfare,
and economic well-being. For developing countries, the impact on their ability to raise a
productive workforce can last for generations, while in the shorter term rising food prices
can exacerbate inequality and lead to conflict and political instability.

Activity 3: Direction: In not less than 3 sentences, answer the following questions.
1. What is the importance of sustainable development?
- The Sustainable Development Goals, also known as the Global Goals, are a call from the
United Nations to all countries around the world to address the great challenges that
humanity faces and to ensure that all people have the same opportunities to live a better
life without compromising our planet. Sustainable development encourages us to conserve
and enhance our resource base, by gradually changing the ways in which we develop and
use technologies. Countries must be allowed to meet their basic needs of employment,
food, energy, water and sanitation.

2. Why is that the cycle of efficiency harms the planet?

- Driven by public awareness and international regulations and standards, sustainability and
environmental impacts have become increasingly important distinguishing factors between
competing products and services. Circular economy aims to increase economic growth by
Bangued, Abra
School of Arts, Sciences and Education
Bachelor of Elementary Education/Bachelor of Secondary Education

using natural resources and ecosystems in a more effective way with the aim of
maintaining products, components and materials at their highest utility and value at all
times. More effective use of materials enables the creation of more value both by cost
savings and by developing new markets or by developing existing ones.

3. If you were a member of the United Nations Committee on Global Food Security, what certain
agenda you would push to address the issue? Choose among the following and discuss.
a. new version of Agriculture b. water scarcity c. protection of environment
a. As the world population continues to grow, much more effort and innovation will be urgently
needed in order to sustainably increase agricultural production, improve the global supply
chain, decrease food losses and waste, and ensure that all who are suffering from hunger and
malnutrition have access to nutritious food. Many in the international community believe that it
is possible to eradicate hunger within the next generation, and are working together to achieve
this goal.

4. Explain, “The way globalization occurring could be much better, but the worst thing is not being
part of it.:
- The 1 to 2 billion poorest in the world, who don't have food for the day, suffer from the
worst disease: globalization deficiency. The way globalization is occurring could be much
better, but the worst thing is not being part of it. For those people, we need to support good
civil societies and governments.
5. What is Global inequality?
- International inequality refers to the idea of inequality between countries. This can be
compared to global inequality which is inequality between people across countries. This
may refer to economic differences between countries.

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