LIP Format

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Details required for LIP Date:

Person Met Name: Time:

S. N. Particular Remark
1 Loan Amount
2 Loan Purpose (Purchase/construction/BT)
3 Proprietor/Partnership
4 Name of Organization
5 Work Experience
6 Education
7 Business caretakers Name & Relation
No. of Family members
Earning Family Member Details
Dependent Family Member Details
Monthly Family Expenditures

9 Joint Family/ Nuclear Family

10 Residence Address
11 House Status- Own/Rented
12 House Size
13 Residence at address since
14 Value of house/ Rent of house
15 Shop (Owned/rented)
16 Size of Shop
17 Value of Shop/ Rent of shop & since operating
18 Area (Commercial/residential)
About The Business ( Nature, Type of work, Items,
19 business activity)

20 Shop timings
21 Holiday, If any
22 PAN Number
23 Aadhar Number
24 GST Reg. number
25 Shop act reg. number
26 Any other registration, specify if any
27 Proportion of sale on:
Cash Basis %
Cheque Basis %
28 office set up
29 Number of employees observed in office
Fixed Employee
Temporary Employee
30 Stock value *(In Cash) (Rs.)
31 Name board observed or not
32 Business Setup (Excellent/ Good/ Poor)
33 Major 3 Customers (Name & Mobile)
( c)
34 Major 3 Suppliers, (Name, Mobile & City)
( c)
35 Salary of employees
36 Security offered against Loan
37 Address of security
38 Value of security
39 Size of security
40 Neighbor Check Status (Excellent/ Good/ Poor)
1 Bank Details
Bank Name Brach Name Account type Account since
A/C 1
A/c 2
A/C 3
A/c 4
2 Current Loans
Balance tenure
Bank Name Type of Loan EMI of Loan
Loan 1
Loan 2
Loan 3
Loan 4

Business Details (Brief Note About Business) :


(As Per Customer)

Monthly Profit
(As Per Field/Credit Executive)
Monthly Profit

5 Net profit Margin %

Assets owned
6 Car
Shares/ Mutual Funds
Insurance (LIC/ Medical/
Property/ Term Insurance)
Fixed Deposits/ RD
Sale Purchase records available
7 for how long period (Mention
Starting Date also)

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