(AH) Article and Questions

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Laboratory Activity 1

1. Psychological Testing is composed of systematic tests. This is usually done to test the difference
between people.

For example, a teacher wants to know if Student A is more intelligent than Student B. Whereas
Psychological Assessment, is made to understand something thru deep talks, interviews, etc. Like
conducting a survey to understand the phenomenon behind Stress. The latter also requires analysis and
interpretation of data. For instance, conducting a survey about the levels of Stress of a student. It does
not end as having the data alone, rather it requires thorough analysis and interpretation of data based
on previous studies to understand more about the phenomenon.

2. a. The test was composed of 200 questions based from different areas of study. It was answered
individually, with 35 students inside the room. We were tasked to not be pressured while answering.

b. The test was administered to evaluate the knowledge of the students. It was also done to assess the
school's competence. Lastly, it was to refresh students from previous lessons.

c. The test made the students recall their previous lessons. It also proved that the school was competent
enough. Lastly, the test made me equipped in answering different types of questions despite not
learning about it prior.

3. Intelligence test - to test how knowledgeable a person is.

Personality test - to know the personality and traits of a person

Aptitude test - to measure the abilities of a person in a specific area.

4. Test Developers uses psychological testing to create another set of tests. Example is the American
Psychological Association. Next are the Clinical Practitioners, to identify a possible illness occuring in the
patient. For instance, psychologists. Lastly, school personnels, so that they will know the proficiency
between students and/or teachers. For example, a teacher testing his/her students.

5. It is essential as this is the way for us to understand a person. This will also pave way for finding
solutions in some problems. Lastly, this will help us confirm the claims written on textbooks.

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