Big Data Analytics Module-1 Questions

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Module-1 questions
1. What is HDFS? List the components of HDFS and explain any four components.
2. With example explain the different general HDFS commands.
3. With neat diagram explain parallel map-reduce dataflow.
4. Write the JAVA code for Map and Reduce of word count problem. Describe the steps of
compiling and removing the map-reduce program.
5. Explain the following roles in HDFS deployment with a neat diagram High availability
and Name node federation.
6. How does the Hadoop map-reduce dataflow work for a word count program? Give an
7. Explain briefly the HDFS Name node federation, NFS gateway, snapshots, checkpoint
and backups.
8. Bring out the concepts of HDFS block replication with an example.
9. Explain rack awareness, Name node high availability in HDFS.
10. Explain basic Hadoop benchmarks and how to manage the map-reduce jobs.
11. Explain fault tolerance and speculative execution in Hadoop.
12. Write and explain the mapper and reducer scripts for the MapReduce model.

Module-2 questions
1. Explain Apache Sqoop Import and Export methods with neat diagram.
2. Explain with a neat diagram Apache Oozie work flow for Hadoop architecture.
3. How do you run MapReduce and Message passing interface on YARN architecture.
4. What do you understand by YARN Distributed shell.
5. With block diagram discuss the various frameworks that run under YARN.
6. Discuss the various views supported by Apache Ambari.
7. Explain the different HDFS administration features.
8. What is the significance of Apache pig in Hadoop context. Describe the main
components and working of Apache pig with a simple example.
9. Explain the features and benefits of Apache Hive in Hadoop.
10. With neat diagrams explain the Apache Oozie DAG workflow and the types of nodes in
the workflow.
11. What is Apache flume? Describe the features, components and working of Apache flume.
12. Explain the Apache HBase.
NOTE: According to student list SI. No 1-17 students have to answer questions
1-4, SI.No 18-34 have to answer 5-8 and SI. No 35-52 students have to answer
9-12 from each module.

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