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WtahhcA A forrtlu ( R, .%,c w (h calf . ", B'oillbuy

Received 6 April 1967

The ion-optics of a split-pole magnetic spectrograph have been ening due to the nuclear reaction kinematics has also been taken
investigated theoretically. Expressions are given for the final into account . The equations were programmed on a CDC 3600
image distance, median plane and "vertical" magnifications, computer and results obtained for a given pole-face layout .
dispersion, momentum resolution . The effect of Doppler broad-

l . Introduction well as "vertical" magnification, and kinematic correc-

Among the several types of charged particle mag- tion are presented . No attempt is made to calculate tAe
netic spectrographs built upto now - ') the most final order of aberrations involved as this needs taking
important ones are the broad-range magnetic spectro- into account second order effects of EFF on the
graph of Browne and Buechner 6 ), the modified median plane motion.
Browne-Buechner type as suggested by Enge 7 ) and the
one proposed by Borggreen, Elbek and Nielsen s ). The 2. General theory
last mentioned instrument has properties similar to the The pole-face layout of the split-pole magnetic
split-pole magnetic spectrograph to be discussed in the spectrograph is shown in fig . 1 . The instrument employs
following pages . As for example, the focal plane is first a circular sector magnet (CSM) and then a straight
nearly straight, the mean exit trajectories are all sector magnet (SSM). The notations circular sector and
parallel and there is perfect second order focusing, over straight sector refer to the type of field boundaries .
the 1 :2.8 range of particle momenta . The split-pole These two sectors are separated by a region of com-
magnetic spectrograph') (SPMS) improves on these paratively low magnetic induction, called the "split" .
properties while at the same time giving a strong z- This is treated as another magnetic sector . The circles
focusing, thereby increasing the intensity of the charged representing the boundaries of CSN,,I are concentn : nzd
particles reaching the nuclear emulsion, and decreasing are represented by curvature radlj R' and R".
the chances of scattering from pole pieces . This According to convention the radius of curvature of ,i
procedure avoids the need for quadrupole lenses at the field boundary will be posjt~ve when the centre of
input end and gives a better signal-to-background ratio. curvature lies on the same side as the macrotjc field ank?
Furthermore, the magnet design in the SPMS permits negative otherwise . Thus in CSNI, R' is tie;atl\ c att~i
measurements at back angles upto 180°. An additional R" is positive. The radius of curvature a of the circular
feature is the type of fringing field employed"), which orbit in the magnetic field corresponding to a momen-
gives a calculated fall-off at the pole boundaries and
also enables the entire pole-face to go into saturation
uniformly . This gives rise to a case of extended fringing
fields (EFF) as discussed by Enge") in a recent paper,
where the effects of extended fields are compared with
those of sharp cut-off fringing fields (SCUFF) . It is
pointed out that to a first order, the median plane
properties are not changed by EFF except that there is
a displacement of the beam centre-line at the entrance
anda exit, the _a :
the respective _1_
slopes re-mlütning aL .-
iic . Ir at is
rate Sâ iic.
assumed that the trajectories inside the magnet for f:FF
and SCUFF coincide . This means that median plane t
deviations, entrance and exit angles remain the same. r
In the following pages a first-order theory of the (TARGET)

performance of SPMS giving such ion-optical proper- Fig. 1 . Sho«s the pole face layout of the split-pole magnet . - 1 lie
ties as the median plane image distance, median plane ion trajectories arc indicated by the dashed line , corresponding
magnification, dispersion and momentum resolution as to different particle momenta n.

by a~' - const. within r/,, over a range of a-values from

35 cm to 100 cm. In SPMS the centre of the system on
the focal plane is defined by an orbit radius a  - 50.
cm and 0,',, = 40". Thus one can write

Incidentally, eqs . (1) and (2) give the conditions valid

for the Browne-Buechner spectrograph as well as the
Mileikowsky type of spectrographs in that the exit and
incident angles are equal when R' R" R and
R' R" = oo respectively .
Fig. 2. Shows the motion of a charged particle throughCSM. The 2.1 .1 . Virtual image distance
entrance and exit angles are indicated by v% and e'l respectively
and angle of deviation is indicated by 0' . The point 0' represents it is possible to obtain the value of 1" for CSM in two
thecentre ofcurvature of thecircular entrance and exit boundaries,. ways. First by ray tracing calculation which involves
finding the intersection of three trajectories with in-
tum p is the same in both CSM and SSM. The magni- cident angles ai, ci ± As, and tingles of deviation 0',
tude of a is given in terms of mass M of the charged 0'-d¢6, and 0'+dcßI. . The other way is to apply
particles [emu], the magnetic induction Do [0e] and Barber's rule as modified by Cartan") for application
the parti:le energy E [eV] by to straight sector magnets for oblique incidence. The
latter gives a first order approximation to 1, but it is
a = 143.6(ME)} j(ZBO), [cm] found to agree well with the values obtained by ray
tracing calculation taking the fringing fields to be
where Z represents the charge number. The pole
absent and the field extended upto the virtual field
boundaries of SSM are fixed with respect to those of
boundary . Barber's rule gives
CSM by the sector angle 0 of SSM, by the magnet gap
6o and entrance angle c 2o to SSM corresponding to a l; = a[1 1 +tgo'(a + 1 ; tgei)]
mean circular orbit of radius ao, by angle 0 between the
[a+1;(tgEi-tg0'+tgE") +tgO'tgei(a+titgsi "' .
mean direction of charged particles entering the
spectrograph and entrance boundary of SSM, whose
length is Zo. Alternately 'his can be expressed by the Newtonian
form of the optical lens formula
The circular sector magnet produces virtual images where
of the source (target) corresponding to different particle
momenta p. If 11 represents the source distance along a gi = acosstcos( ç5' - ei)/sin(uh'-ai - ¬;),
mead incident direction at an angle of incidence Ei, gi = acoss;'cos(0'-&;i)/sin(0'-s ; -s;),
which is taken positive when the centre of curvature of
the circular orbit in the magnetic field lies on the same f i = acesaicossl Jsin(O'-s ;
side of the normal at the point of incidence as the
incident direction, the deviation 0', the virtual image
distance measured from the exit point be 1;, and the The median plane motion of a charged particle in the
exit angle a", the exit angle Ei and the deviation 0' are region of the "split" is similar to that in CSM and SSM,
given by eq. (1) and (2) except that the orbit radius of the circular trajectory is
larger than a. Calling it a', the magnitude is given by
sins" =(R""-R")/(2aR")+R'sinr'/R", (l) a'= a(B 0 JBJ where B., is the magnetic induction in the
split. The ratio (BJB0) has been taken in these calcula-
cos 0' -- tions to be 0.134 . To calculate exit angle E" and devia-
{(a - R'sin Ei)(a -Rsing) - R'R"cose', cos c; I tion in the median plane 0,, reference is made to fig. 3,
-(a2+R'2-2aR'sina,)-' . (2) where the length of the gap b considering the trajectory
in the split to be a straight line in case B, = 0 is shown.
Fig- 2 shows the exit angle 8i and deviation O' for CSM. The origin of coordinates is taken at the point of in-
t is found that eq. (2) can be approximately expressed cidence of the mean entrance ray into CSM with the

r = a'cosr.,' cos(o,+e 1 )/sln(.ll .+F r (17)

" r rr
kti = Cd COST~cos(0, -} FS )/Sltl((~ w -f-E r +fa), (li )

it is to be noted that the value of lï obtained from eq.

(4) has a negative magnitude and has to be changed in
sign before inserting in eq . (16) to calculate 1,.


Fig. 4 shows the incidence and exit of a charged
Fig . 3 . Shows the geometry used in calculating the gap h cor-
responding to zero induction in the "split" . particle passing through SSM of sector angle 0 and the
angle of deviation 0" produced by it. The exit anglr~ is
direction of incidence as X-axis and a perpendicular to represented by e,. It is readily noted that
it at the origin as the Y-axis . Then the coordinates of an 0" = Q+E2-e " .
exit point for the radius ao are given by 20)
If the lengths LN and LO are represented by A and B
Xo = aotgjOo+(bo+aotg1.00)cosO0, respectively, we can write
Yo = -(bo+aotgj00)sin00 . (9) sind;"=sin(Q+s")-f(Z o -B)/a1sinQ. (21)
Then the coordinates of an exit point of the split-sector where
for an orbit radius a are given by
B = (b+atgJO') (sin 0'/sin0)+
X, = (atg0'tgj0'-Yo +X o cot(O' +g'o) } .
+ {a'(1-coso,)/cos¢),}sin(o'+O,+O) . (22)
{tgo'+Cot(o0+C20)} -l s ( 10 )
The quantity Zo is taken to be a constant for the spectro-
Y, = (atg r '- X,)tg0'. (11) graph and it represents the distance between the sector
edge of SSM represented by L in fig. 4 and the point
In terms of X, and Y,, the straight section h is given by where the X-axis of fig. 3 meets the entrance boundary
b = [(Xr - atg~0') 2 + Yi]t-atg~0' . (1 -, of SSM . The magnitude of Zo in these calculations has
been taken as 1 .602 m. The length L.N is given by
It is seen in fig. 3 that the X-axis and the straight exit
boundary of the split sector make an angle f) which is
determined by the pole face layout . It follows that from eqs . (20) and (? 1) th . ~ : tlttc:s of,
:', and :i rc

0,+tü +¢' +0 = Jn . (13) determined . It follows that the Newtonian form of the
To a first approximation one can write a'4), = b and
calculate c". Another way of calculating O, is to write
0, = tg`(b/a'). But a more accurate expression is given
cß, = tg - ' (b/a')+ {cos[tg - ' (b/a')]-1 } .
{cos[tg^'(b/a')]tg[o'+(l+tg-'(b/a')]1-' . (1 4)
In these calculations 0 is taken to be r
7r . It follows that
- ÇP . -

eti = _C2 S'

Knowing E', and eß the virtual image distance a'

formed by the "split" can be written again using the
Newtonian form of the optical lens formula
2 Fig. 4. Shaws the deviation ofa charged particle through SSm by
(lx - g5)(IS - Rti)==f . (16) an angle 6" . The sector angle is represented by ~? and the esst
where angle by f. " .W .

Fig. 6 shows a plot of 14TH against a in the range of a-

values from 30--100 cm. It is seen that Af,, remains
practically constant over the range of a-values .

4. Momentum dispersion
The dispersion D is defined as clic nurnial distance at
the image between two exit rays of orbit radii a and
a+da divided by da, that is,
D = (dA/da)cosc2, (32)
where A is given by eq. (23).
Taking s 2 as a constant for SPMS we ., an write,
dal%da = {sin(12-s2)+sins'+arosc'(AE' /da)) /sinf2 .
From relation (13) where E~ _ -s~ it follows

1. i o n ~ i -J
30 40 SO 60 5O 80 100
Using the approximate formula act' = const., we can
IN cm
write -d¢'/da=rß'/a=constant, and one can estimate
Fig. S. Shows-w plot of the finalimage distance 1'e from the SSM - do,,lda numerically. Thus one can write
exit boundary with respect to circular orbit radius a. The image
distance is measured along the mean trajectory . D = [sin(f2-s')+sins'+
lens equation for an SSM gives the value of the distance +a{(O ' /a)+(dos/da))cossi]cose2 /sin 0. (35)
of final image from the exit boundary of SSM by To find do'lda more accurately, one can use the rela-
,, 2 tions
( 2 --g2)(1"2 - g 2) - f2 , (24)
where 2a(1-coso') = R'2+R"2-2R'R"cos(r,
g' = acos&'cos(cß"+E")/sinQ, (25) and eq. (1) to obtain
92 = acos&2cos(St-E')/sin S2, (26)

1'2 = acoss'coss"/sing . (27)

Fig. 5 gives a plot of 12 against a for a value 0 = 58`-.

It is seen that the 12- a-curve is almost a straight line.

3. Median plane magnificatiou, MH d

The median plane magnification MH for SPMS is a ü_
product of median plane magnifications MH1 , MHS and a
AIH2 of CSM, "Split" and SSM-sectors. Although 35

explicit expressions for MH1, MH, and MH2 can be ai


derived, they all reduce to a general form in first order d

=-fl/(11-91) =-( -1t-g1)JI,
(28) Ô

-f,Jls 9) _ -( - gs)l. s,
Tti114, = -- (2 9)
MH2 _12 21 2 - g2 2 ±
where lY = -1ï and i' _ -is , 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
MH = MHt * MHs * MH2 =
Fig. 6. Shows the variation of median plane maignification Mr-i
-- Y1fsf2) / {(ji-g')(1 -gs)(lâ-gâ)}- (31) with change in circular orbit radius a.

300 gap width . The equivalent focal length is given by

Fz = acotE, (38)
where i. is the entrance or exit angle and represents a
converging or a diverging lens depending upon whether
L is pusitive or negative:. This is called the sharp cut oil

(SCOFF) approximation, but it has been pointed out")

0 that in the case of fringing fields of the extended type
(EFF), there is need for applying corrections to eq. (38) .
n. These corrections have been calculated for two types of
ô EFF namely, the short tail and the long tail. It has been
200 shown that there is no difference between the positions
at the exit for EFF and SCOFF cases but that the slopes
are different. The change from a sharp cut off field to
an extended field results in a loss in total focu:ping
. , . power, a loss that is totally carried by the z- direction
focusing. The change in Fz is given for the EFF case by
30 10 SO 60 70 80 90 100

Fz = acot[e-(G/a)f2(Et) ] , 39)
Fig. 7. Shows the variation of momentum dispersion D with
circular orbit radius a corresponding to the relations given by
eq . (35) and eqs. (34) and (36) . The two curves apparently merge Et = E -- 1 .2(Gla)1 2 , (40)
with each other after a = 50 cm .
where G represents the full gap width and 12 has values
0.414 and 0.475 for short and long tail approximations .
-do'/da = [2a(1-cos0')+ {R'( .R"2-R'2) . The functionf2(Et) shown in fig. 9 is taken from Enge" ).
- sin(E1+E1-0)}(2a 2 coscr) -t ] - We find that the relation betweenf2(Et) and s t is given
approximately for values of ; t from -40' to 50' by a
- [a 2 sin o' + R'R"sin (r, + Eï - c>')] + 1 . (36)
relation of the type :
Fig. 7 shows the value of D plotted against a-values
from the relations (34), (35) and (36) . It is seen that the f2(Et) = 0.2 {8 .415-[41 .15-
1t1, ~.i Z ~1e, .
discrepancy in the two curves is seen only at low
values of a and the two curves merge into each other -(i: t -4 .572 x 0.414 a )
after a = 50 cm.
a s0OF
5. Momentum resolution RAOIU5

The momentum resolution R of the spectrograph is

defined as p/dp where p stands for the particle mo-
mentum . It can be shown that 0-1

R = (a/St)(D/1v1 H), (37) z

neglecting the effects of aberration, where S t represents ö10

the source size. Fig. 8 shows the variation of R with a W

using S 1 = 2 mm. Two values of R are calculated using

the two values of D mentioned above. It is found that R 1500
increases quite linearly with a from a value. of R = 1156 Z

for a = 35 cm to R = 2311 for a =100 cm. The inset in 0

fig. 8 shows to values given by the computer .

6. Lateral magnification,
The easiest approach to the calculation of "vertical" 1000L_ 1 1 1 1 1
'10 so 90
30 <0 so 00

magnification is to regard the fringing field as equiva- ORBIT RADIUS `N c-

lent to a thin lens placed at the virtual field boundary, Fig. S. Shoves the variation in mornentutn resoV,twn R ~011,h i
displaced from the physical boundary by t to I pole approximately l inear \~ith a chat :ge in a fro[" 35 cm : :! 1 ~?t) cm .

fa( Q
u ., - v2+a% ; V:1

where M, = {1 --(0 .866u3/a)Ta)`,

with T} -- t8[ 12( / tt).i:(f~ :)~ " (47)

üa - ti3 + 40" ; U4. = M

where M4 = (I +(u t Ja)T4 }"',

with T4 - tg[1 .2(~/a) . 2(sä}], (48)

MZ = Mt'M2 " M3 'M 4 (49)

.a and the distance of the vertical image from the exit

boundary of SPMS is given by v4 . In the above con-
-60- -Se -4e -W -W -Ib' 0* 16' W 3e W W fd
vention the v-values come out negative for real images .
This method of writing the equations for the individual
Fig. 9. Shows a plot of the function f2(6i) with respect to e' . The lenses is quite general and can be applied for any
curve has been taken from 11) . Eq . (41) gives a good fit to this number of lenses at a time. Figs. 10 and 11 show the
curve for a change in 6, from - 40° to 50°. value of MZ and va obtained by computer calculation
for different a-values . Although it is possible to consider
for the short tail case, while for the long tail case the the equivalent lenses of "split"-sector fringing fields
factor 0.414 in the last term has to be replaced by and those of the adjacent CSM-exit or SSM entrance-
0.475 . fields as nc t being in contact, but separated by distances
The fringing field at the entrance boundary of CSM of the order of 1 to 2 gap widths, actual calculation in-
is taken as short-tail and all other boundaries as long volving â gradual separation of these lenses does not
tail. Since the fringing fields can be replaced by thin show appreciable changes in the values of MZ over the
lenses, one can treat them individually and consider the whole range of a.
final magnification as the product of the magnifications
of the individual lenses . In the general case of a thin 7. Kinematic correction
lens for which eq. (38) is valid, the magnification My There is a shift of the median plane focus for an orbit
is given by radius a by a distance dk due to the finite acceptance
My = {l -(u/a)tge)-1 and L, = M v -u, (42) angle ± d9 of a magnetic spectrograph, when its median
plane coincides with the plane of measurement in
where u is the source distance and v the image distance . nuclear reaction studies . If 0 0 is the angle of observa-
Since the fringing fields of t'1e exit boundary of CSM tion compared to the accelerator beam direction,
and entrance boundary "split"-sector overlap, they are
considered equivalent to thin lenses in contact. Further
s; = -a 1 ; a.'= -a' re valid. The equivalent focal 300
lengths at the boundaries of the "split"-sector are given
F-' = ((a'-a)/(aa')Itgs =(0.866/a)tgsi, (43) RADIUS Ma

F2 = (0.866/a)t.gsi. (44) 35 cm 1 331
40 1

Applying these criteria, we get for the magnifications 2-00

50 " 2 061
60 " 2 356
M1 , M2, M3 and M,. i or the individual lenses as 2 539
2-665 ®0 -
90 " 2 772
where 14 1 = ~, 1-(ul/a)TI 00 2 .884

with Tl = tg [ 1 .2(Gja)fz(sl)], (45)

u 2 = v a +aO , v2 = M2U2-)
where M, = {l -(0.866u2/a)T~ }-',
Fig. 10 . Shows the variation in lateral magnification MZ for a
with T, = tg [ l .2(G,1a)f2(sï) ], (46) change in a from 35 cm to 100 cm .

100 An expression for (1k can be workee. out the

geometry in fig . 12. It can be shown by assuming that
the ratio of the angle JO to angle AO between the mean
w 80
raw and an extreme ray at image is equal to gift , . That is
70 0R8~T RAD I L)S ; ATER '% L I KIAGE

r"- cm DISIANCE IN Cm dk = (aDMH + 12AO)k . (51)

60 (from polo edgtsj
W 50 35 191 To zero 1h order in A8,
40 3111
40 50 53-6
60 70-7 (dklk) ^ aDMH, (52)
30 70 02 .0
Ir 20 so 82.4 where k is the kinematic factor : A O sin 00/(1- Ao cos 0a) .
w so 95 .1 It is evident that k = 0 in the forward direction and
10 100 10015
has its maximum value at 0 o = 90° .
0 t_.. ._._..__..tr_
The variation of (dk /k) with a is shown in fig . 13 . The
_. __.. .1 .._ ._ t 1 - _ t t

30 40 50 60 70 ~_80 90 100
Fig. 11 . Shows the lateral final image distance v4 from exit quantity AO depends on the type of nuclear reaction
boundary of SSM, the distance being measured along a mean being studied and dklk depends on the optical para-
trajectory . The variation of as is plotted against a in the range meters of the spectrograph only.
a = 35-100 cm .

charged particles entering the spectrograph at angle so RADIUS IN DOPPLER SHIFTIK

Cm Cm
00 -A8 have in the laboratory system a greater energy 35 3251
than those entering at 00 or 0 0 +A4 . Therefore the EU 40 3469
70 50 40 50
circular orbit radius would have a range a± ia. It is Z 60 4707
pointed out by Enge t ') that (Aa/AB) caused by this 70 5400
60 so 61 .13
kinematic shift is expressed as I- 90 68 40
Aa/A0 = T-a{(A osin0 o )/(I --Ao cos0o )) = +ka, (50) 100 75 76
U') 50
where l, E and R refer to the incident, emitted and 0
residual nuclei . EE.,) refers to the mean energy of the
___L__ ______ _._ ._
301 _L__ I _ I
emitted particles . 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 101,
Fig . 13 . Shows the. variation (di;, A) against a. , h . quai::its i-n ; ., )
gives a. factor dependent only on the SPNIS geometry and in-
dependent of the kinematics of the nuclear reaction under study.
To calculate d t in each case one has to multiply the (dk'k)-value
by the value of k obtained from the eqs. (50) and ( .51) .


The median plane magnification Aft, decreases v - ith
increase in source distance 1, as in the case of an
optical lens. Since momentum dispersion is independent
of the ratio D/AlH which determines the value of
_ __ 10
._I UtiVl1 I)f\ I ll~ .l4Q1LJJ V--
:th i . .r.1
IG1VlUll a, r,-,"a..sIatt :, wa
aw. m. .- ~n~atatf .~r
(not to Scala) calculations showing the variation of R \e'ith 11 ,,-
Fig. 12 . Shows the geometry used in the calculation of the plotted in fig . 14 for a change in 1, from Oil cm to 400 `I,1
kinematic shift dk . G, O and E represent the focii for energies in intervals of 40 cm . Thus one can choose the resolu-
EFo -AE, EEo and EEo+AE in case there is no kinematic shift. tion wanted by taking the proper source distance 1j .
Then the dashed lines HG and DE will represent the imaginary It is clear that the acceptance solid angle of SP1IS gigots
mean rays corresponding to energies E1 :o - ._-1 E and Evo + .1 E.
If / DEA =AOF, use has been made of the relation (.10/ :10 E) _ down with increase in I, . Further consequence, are the
NfH in deriving the eq . (51) . changes it. the position of the focal plane determined
188 M. N . VISwg5YARIAl1 At~D r1 . SARMA

by final median image distance 1", the decrease in the

®000~ sourre dinto "nce
magnLude of Doppler shift rl,, with increase in I, *
These variations are indicated in figs . 15 and 16.

7000- The equation developed in the previous pages were

,300 programmed for the CDC 3600 computer at the Tata
6000- 260 Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay. The
noteworthy features of the calculated parameters are
220 the comparative uniformity of the resolution, and final
180 median plane image distance curves and the relative
4000- constancy of the horizontal magnification and dis-
persion. The vertical magnification is a special feature
3000- 700 of the SPMS .
The range in radii of 1 :2.8 corresponds to an energy
2000 -
range of 1 : 8. In a magnetic field of 10 kilogauss protons


~O 40 s0 60 70 "0 110 100


Fig. 14. Shows plots of momr cum resolution R against a for

various source distances 1'i ranging from I', = 60 to 420 cm in
intervals of 40 cm. Thefigure shows that greater resolution can be
obtained by increasing the source distance . The corresponding
changes in the position of the image plane and Doppler shift are
shown in figs. 15 and 16 .


.30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Fig. 16. Shows the change in the Doppler shift dk that takes place
due to increase in source distance from 60 to 420 cm .

of 5 to 40 MeV, deuterons of 2.5 to 20 MeV and alpha

particles of 5 to 40 MeV can be focused over a length
of 2 meters of photographic plate.
The authors
authors axrich o !hank Dr
.»ax ta va.aauaaz~ a a oi . H . A~ . Gn
of cas -
a..a ~aJ-e of Mac

30~ sachusetts institute of Technology for sending the

at result, of experimental tests on a split-pole spectro-
graph and for his comments on this work . Further
40 50 60 1,170 80 90 100 thank i are due to Tata Institute of Fundamental
OR3iT RADU5 in crrr Research for making the computer facilities available.
Fig. 15 . Shows the change in final image distance 1"2 against a The aflvice and keen interest of Dr. R. Ramanna is also
forcl-ange in source distance from 60 to 420 cm in steps of 40 cm . acknowledged .

Rekrenm C P. Browneand W . \V, Ruecher, Rev Sci Insu . 27(1956) R9 ,),

1 ) D . L . Judd, Rev . Sci . ln%tt, . 21 W150) 21 .1 . J . Borggrecn, B . Elbek and L . Perch Niclsen, Nuci . Insu . and
I-') D. L. Judd and S . A . Bludilian, Nucl . Instr . 1 (1957) 46 . Meth . 24 (1963) 1 .
11 ) C . W . Snyder, S . Robin . W . A, Fowler and (% Q Laurimen, u) It & Unge, Nucl . Instr . and Meth . 28 (1964) 126 .
Rev . S6 . InQr . 21 ()95(1) H52 . ") (` . NI . Mmamn NmL Insu . and )Meth . 26 0964) 83 .
4) C. Mileikowski, Ark . Fys. 7 (1954) 57 . 11 ) H. A. Enge, Rev. Sci. Insu. 35 (1964) 278 .
3) W. G. Cross, Rev. Sci. Instr. 22 (1951) 717. 12) L. Cartan, J. Phys. 8 (1937) 453.

11) H . A . Enge, Rev. Sci. Instr. 29 (1958) 885. 13 ) H. A. lange, Rev. Sci. Insu . 29 (1958) 885 .

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