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Adjectives describe nouns. They tell us about the quality of a person, a place or an animal.
Comparison of adjectives
There are three degrees of comparison.
a) I am as tall as Faiz. (positive) – compares two equal people
b) I am taller than Faiz. ( comparative ) – compares two unequal people
c) I am the tallest in the class. ( superlative ) – compares three or more unequal people.
When the adjective is of one syllable we add ‘er’ to form the comparative and ‘est’ to form the
Positive Comparative Superlative
cold colder coldest
neat neater neatest

For most adjectives of more than one syllable we add ‘more’ to form the comparative degree and ‘most’
to form the superlative degree.
Positive Comparative Superlative
careless more careless most careless
important more important most important
polite more polite most polite

Irregular adjectives are not formed from the positive

Positive Comprative Superlative
good better best
bad worse worst
many more most

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