Business Sole Traders and Partnerships0001

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Businesses are often referred to as organisations. An ORGANISATION is a body that is set up to meet needs. For ‘example, the St. John’s Ambulance organisation was originally set up by volunteers to train the public in life saving measures. Business organisations satisfy needs by providing people with goods and services. All organisations will: © try to achieve objectives; © need to be directed; © have to be accountable; ‘© have to meet legal requirements; © havea formal structuee, One method of classifying businesses is by sector. The PRIVATE SECTOR includes all those businesses which are set up by individuals or groups of individuals. Most business activity is undertaken in the private sector. The types of business in the private sector can vary considerably. Some are small retailers with a single owner. Others are large multinational companies such as Cadbury Schweppes. Businesses will vary according to the legal form they take and their ownership. * Unincorporated businesses. These are businesses where there is no legal difference between the owners and the business, Everything is carried out in the name of the owner or owners. These firms tend to be small, owned by either one person or a few partners. * Incorporated businesses. An incorporated body is one which has a separate legal identity from its owners. In other words, the business can be sued, can be taken over Figure 1: Business organisations in the private sector Wie ree La Peace) Sole trader. (Ce) and can be liquidated. Figure | shows the different types of business organisation in the private sector, their legal status and their ownership. These are examined in the rest of this unit. ‘The simplest and most common form of private sector business is a SOLE TRADER or SOLE PROPRIETOR. This type of ‘business is owned by just one person. The owner runs the business and may employ any number of people to hep. Sole traders can be found in different types of production. In the primary sector many farmers and fishermen operate like this. In the secondary sector there are small scale manufacturers builders and construction firms. The tertiary sector has large ‘numbers of sole traders. They supply a wide range of services, such as hairdressing, retailing, restaurants, gardening and other household services. Many sole traders exist in retailing and construction, where a very large number of shops and small construction companies are each owned by one person. Although there are many more sole traders than any other type of business, the amount they contribute to total output in the UK is relatively small. Setting up asa sole trader is straightforward, There are no legal formalities needed However, sole traders or selfemployed entrepreneurs do have some legal responsibilities once they become established. In addition, some types of business need to obtain special permission before trading * Once turnover reaches a certain level sole traders must register for VAT. + They must pay income tax and National Insurance contributions. eed) rior ouns Joanna Carter Contemporary Flowers in Wel cfs customers in three areas ~ ndings, corporate work fr lc private homes. Despite only sting up n July J somand has soared thanks to Joanna's growing reputation for ements. She setup as sole raver after leaving her Job to Family. 'Atr leaving my personel ob to have my chien, now pein and six, | ha time to think about whore realy wanted to go in | was keen to develop my pasion fr flavers wih proper nd 0 | took a two-year part-time course at Abingdon and Witney 2. She also gained work experience working one day a weak in a Se%SE shop in Walingor. When she graduated, she had akeady ecehed ber of offers from people wanting her to do private rangement for en. So shelf the shop to run her awn business from home Joanna aporoached the local Business Link, a fee and impartial guide ice, resources and information short after setting up the ida ls ous with highly respectad London fst Jane Packer in May. The use costs £900 and haf of the cost vl be pald for though the Skils opment Team at Business Link. | am also ooking Into a broadband i s0| can provide a slideshow of my work for potential corporate stots and wedding bookings. I'm nthe process of appyng for an Exterprising Woman grant run by Suey Unversity which wl hve me worth of funn Souree: adapted from wow businessik go. (@) Asa sole trader Joanna Carter has unlimited liability. What does this mean? Explain two advantages to Joanna Carter of operating as a sole trader. (9) How did Business Link help Joanna Carter in running her ‘small business? Some types of business activity need a licence, such as the sale of alcohol or supplying a taxi service ot public transport, ‘Sometimes planning permission is needed in certain locations, For example, a person may have to apply to the local authority for planning permission to run a fish and chip shop in premises which had not been used for this activity before Sole traders must comply with legislation aimed at business practice. For example, legally they must provide healthy and safe working conditions for their employees. Sole traders have a number of advantages, * The lack of legal restrictions, The sole trader will not face a lengthy setting up period or incur expensive administration costs, * Sole proprietorships can be set up with little or no money in the business. They don't cost anything to set up. So the capital cost of creating a sole proprietorship ean be minimal * Any profit made after tax is kept by the owner. * The owner is in complete control and is five to make decisions without interference. For many sole traders independence is one of the main reasons why they choose to set up in business, © The owner has flexibility to choose the hours of work he or she wants and to take holidays, Customers may also benefit. Sole traders can take individual customers’ needs into account, stocking a particular brand of a good or making changes to a standard design, for example. * Because of their small size, sole traders can offer a personal service to their customers. Some people prefer to deal directly with the owner and are prepared to pay a hi price for doing so. ‘> Such businesses may be entitled to government support. However, there are also disadvantages of sole traders. * Sole traders have UNLIMITED LIABILITY. This means that if the business has debts, the owner is personally liable. A sole trader may be forced to sell personal possessions or use personal savings to meet these debts * Sole proprietorships can be risky for their owners. Ifthe business is unsuccessful, sole traders can end up working for nothing or even subsidising the business out of their ‘own private resources. Also, because the business is the so trader; long term illness can have a devastating effect on it Becoming an employee is less risky and is one reason why workers may not want to work for themselves, * Sole proprietorships face continuity problems. Will the business survive ifthe sole trader dies, takes retirement or decides to do something different? Some sole traders run family businesses where parents tend to pass on their business to their children. Farming is an example However, many sole traders will not pass their businesses on to family members. So these businesses will disappear. * The money used to set up the business is often the owner's savings. It may also come from a bank loan. Sole traders ‘may find it difficult to raise money. They tend to be small and lack sufficient collateral, such as property or land, on Which to raise finance. This means money for expansion ‘must come from profits or savings, + Independence is an advantage, but it can also be a disadvantage. A sole trader might prefer to share decision ‘making, for example. Many sole traders work very long, hours, without holidays, and may have to learn new skills. * In cases where the owner is the only person in the business illness can stop business activity taking place. For example, ifa sole trader is a mobile hairdresser, illness will lead to a loss of income in the short term, and even a loss of customers in the long term, * Because sole traders are unincorporated businesses, the owner can be sued by customers in the event of a dispute. * Large businesses can employ specialist workers. A sole trader often has to be purchaser, drives, accountant, lawyer and sup ssoutsng atp ut poysanuy Aouour axoqnay ued dere] soured atp req os da punos 9q ast diysiowed ay], © sotp stowed axp yo 90 way spup diystounzed 21, « siouo Woy proMpostu 2q ues weyp A2uout Jo yumoure a4 sq st, "soUAEE 0 jo wmeupxeur v or powu st daysraurzed v Jo 2218 24, suounsoaul 10} upeior 6} 1yoxd Jo wunOWE aq snoge 20 aaojdaua mou v ast 0} 1aYRays Uo SA. zTaU ut sayep wus Aoxp‘9pduuexo 10g -zar8esip Aowt sIAU Te 6 ‘sioumo axouu Buotre pases 2q 01 axey SIO © sagap 40} a1qen Aifenbo st sounsed ypee ‘oy diysiounzeg Sup 2opun -amqey pawrunun axey srouned jeapiayput 9q, « ssousng ai apysino wos Aouow 210u asges oy uoH'sod z2BuoH)s PM sty open jos 01 wet J08se] aq oF spay ssaunsng jo ada sup 29UI5 « “ape 90s © YHA ase> amp St se‘wosrad ouo jo Age atp wodn puodop you pn ssoursng, 2up Jo ssonans atp ‘osty “suorsppap ay Supe oy se=pt sBuvyoxo wep doy “Sau pure sKepyyoy 40} 29420 (PD a909 01 24g 24 [fas AOU, MIOM a4p 2TeYS WED SIDE © rape 908 P Sea UIy ay 1 ueyp Paste ‘5q ue souetry a10Uu JaUsO 90 HEP YOU 81 DIOKP 22uI 3394 ‘op dotp syses atp ano {axe ura sraunaed se ‘ssaursng 2tp JO Suruunu amp anouduuy Aeur sy, ssyepads we> sored YET & uvdwio> v Jo 2804p te YUE} POPP $89] fe ur ng Sygnd xp dq wonsadsty 01 usdo are diyssomnsed Aagiqen para] v Jo sumnonse ou, “2snoH sarudtI0;) ‘xa wotp 298 01 se ous auoxUE OF 2/geytENe axe AtredwHOD fe yo simmonpe at aseNuOD Up “dyysiauyzed v Jo syUNo>> ‘up on ssanse aaey stn saptoUaME xe axp dquE omgnd aap Aq tas aq Aes y>re stunoDse Aue YstIqNA 04 P99t_ OU soop diysiguued Azeurpso we ‘diyssoyarzdoud 2]os er] © ss0utsng 3p in Sumas toy y9]duros 01 sopmqeu yeRD] OW ATE AIT, & ‘seuvape jo soquinu v axey sdiysiaunzea ‘roused ain Strote Ajjenbo poseys are sioud erp saves PY up ‘sigoad jo areys aug Suypaeou ayndstp e st azoqp 3 '9ydumexo Jog TPy daysiaueg yp 0} akg 29 qs siaUIed waaMiag, squowaSueare a di uawsp sj daysiounzed Jo p22p Ou JL ssaaured sa Uo upyer 404 Son ‘sey soutaed ypes joswo> ym oy, sdrysiounied 2xp Suypu> 20} ampaood amp ssrounred oop 18uowe pareys 9q [ls (523801 pure) sigord soy ‘ainqmnod jas Jauuzed ype yeuede> pnw oy se yon sans sia4o9 9] “ayndsyp e 30 yuoaa 2qp wy syySEt srauzed savers ypiyon quatuno0p [689] ®t STL UIHSUANDIVA 40 CAAA ® dn esp dou sromsed ‘ran2moy “pouLs0§ $1 daysromned e vaya uajduuo> 04 sonseutuog fea] OU ase 210%, “suunyau VA 20 SIUSLUNSPAUL SME esdiysiouved jo soBewvenpesip jeu exp Jo oto eaBuasniy O80 si S20p MOH (0) ‘dysiouyed & ‘5 Guneiedo yo sysnuep oun 0} soBeiUEApE Om UIE (a) “Ediyssoursed Jo pa0p OU st 8194111706 OF ‘An seuyed ovo 81 yonus mo} “eonoeId aXN Aa @PELL ‘Sem 00010813 J0 woud w s08K pun oxy Jo pus.omn IY (@) clysseuyd en wos Sete eax 0 24 0} SEH psEM} fe a 1 Jonauy ‘ven uONNOS @ pw olay sem SuySOU SAAILEC paeuelsp svopEOMNLUCD aieyN waUEAIDESD Jo payed B ay ‘aw ou BN ay HM SH 1 FLD BOL ‘ata UY PL YesRS “AeA Alan en 8) I HOH EL feuynba ason Kuejroyed ‘Suoyo eyed OU EE o PAUEN LED ‘a0re weygod JayeboySSAUNG Bak ySsacoNS Be NY qondane@ Ue SUSIE eI sap ES Jao sno soda ssausng au quewdnbo Ang pu savas avep ow Auadaad © venvco oy psn sen feuow au YuEg @ WO powOg sem OOD’ 4uny yey dh- ls apwad 0} 0g" PAU HOES sysquep aay "GOO U pausIOESe sem duslauLed au YOM ‘end oy sooo euogd| Ja 0 wnowe BuseaNoU UE ‘SAN aL 40} on eeyepun fay ussoued w se ajsedd fay aroununas Uweonred eqep 2 uns Tedury Bue nue Silay LEHI '=¥EIO URES se se yas ‘soueug Jo oodse 240 ur sexyerads sunsed wpe 49 te pono aq yr suonze gy sUBEND PIT vo tay v asyepods ox souared oj enn st] "uonrstue8s0 ‘Suton joa wouuroo our agp age sysraused qs soe anya sopop sitejmoxe septs reos2joud wt ptnoy Hoyo a sdysuounuegsigoud ap ares ose pu ssousng ayy Suu oy Aaqsuosns ey [tm siouso gel a, "UNO SHO HER sou sey diysioused eds ang youd 0 01a WOUND ys “outs to Sut4utsstosiod wooo sisqns EPPS HORE, aun 90681 “BY dysiounted 9 P>UEp St THSAANTIVA V ‘panty aue ajeas Jo soyurouons azoqse BUM] ‘se uns saxrismput Hy paresnuaou0> 2g 04 pudd SIapEN 30S _pjeas Jo sarurotto39 se usouny ‘s9stz ndino yo aumnjoa aq se wonsnpoad so sisoo 3m ur suonnpas uIeS oy aqeun are oup og sossoursng jews Ayjensn aie sdiyssoraudoad qos « “safe samo soxpesuraig Suk Aq 203 dn ayeur 0} parsoy a2e Aoup wpe Afaannaduuo> afequeapestp ee aq we> sx9peN) ‘3]05 0g Jun Jad uopanpoud Jo s1s09 2960] 0} PrD| HE ayqerads 07 suayz0m SuINOmTY ssouEG aep tN OF JaMOGE| normal for the remaining partners to form a new partnership quickly afterwards, Any decision made by one partner on behalf of the company is legally binding on all other partners. For example, if one partner agreed to buy four new company cars for the business, all partners must honour this, Partnerships have unincorporated status, so partners can be sued by customers. imited partnerships The Limited Partnerships Act 1907 allows a business to become SLIMITED PARTNERSHIP, although thsi rare. This is where Sen partners provide capital but take no part inthe Seanagement ofthe business. Such a partner will have LIMITED BIABILITY - the partner can only lose the or Toney invested. A partner with limited lability cannot be made inal amount of Be all personal possessions to meet any other business debts, his type of partner is called a sleeping partner. Even with a NOWLEDGE "1. What isthe difference between a corporate body and an "unincorporated body? State three advantages and thre di trader What is the advantage ofa deed of partnership? State three advantages and three disadvantages of partnerships, What is meant by a sleeping partner? vantages of being sole e Study: O» isto Petrov runs a small business buying and selng vintage Plasterer ai on a sells them on Ebay. At the moment Hristo does not undertake rk on the ca Best year he made a proft of £37,000, However, Hristo is ny renovator He just buys them and sells them on Sibiious.and wants to setup his ann website and operate from @ {Showraom in Oxford. lt ofthe cars he sells are MGBs and GAS. These cars were orginally made in Oxfod and Hristo likes the idea of Jecating a showroom in their home city. He also wants to employ a fear of mechanics to renovate them, He knows that premium prices 2x2 paid for wel restored vintage ca Unfortunately Hristo can only raise £50,000 of the £100,000 ed to develop the business, He has approached several banks but ot been abl to secure funding as he has a poor crect rating after having his house repossessed. A fi koen to gat volved inthe business, Mark Watkin to three ars ago and the any to provi ome an equal partner, Hristo nas eventually aocepted Marks offer and the new showroom is due to open very shorty. The partnership, called Oxford Vintage Cars, limited partnership there must always be at least one partner ‘with unlimited liability. The Act also allows this type of partnership to have more than 20 partners, ‘The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2000 allows the setting up of a LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP. All partners in this type of partnership have limited liability. To set ‘up as a limited liability partnership, the business has to agree comply with a number of regulations, such as filing annual reports with the Registrar of Companies. Deed of Partnership - a binding legal document which states the formal rights of partners. Limited liability ~ where a business owner is only liable {or the original amount of money invested in the business. Limited Liability partnership ~ a partnership where all pariners have limited liability Limited partnership ~ a partnership where some members contribute capital and enjoy a share of profit, bbut do not participate in the running of the business. At least one partner must have unlimited ability Organisation ~ a body set up to meet a need. Partnership ~ a business organisation which is usually owned by between 2-20 people. Private sector ~ businesses that are owned by individuals or groups of individuals, Sole trader or sole proprietor ~ a business organisation which has a single owner. Unlimited liability - where the owner of a business is personally lable for all business debis. has a smart website which contains detls ofall the cars in stock and other useful information for enthusiasts After a deed of partnership was drawn up Hristo sad At fist | dd rat want to go into parnershig, but now | think it wil work. Mark is as committed as me and has come up with some good ideas example, he reckons we can rent aut some of the cars in special occasions such as wedcings. | hadn't even though oft wil also be good onthe restoration side and he wil be abl to supervise the mechanics more effectively than me.I wll concentrate on the buying and seling, that's what I'm good at Using this case as an example, explain what is meant by a partnership. (4 marks) ‘Oxford Vintage Cars is an unincorporated business. What {dogs this moan? (6 marks} How does this case highlight one of the problems of ‘operating as a sole trader? (6 marks) Why do you think Hristo did not want to enter @ business: partnership? (8 marks) ‘To what extent wil the partners be able to specialise in the business? (12 marks)

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