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SESSION 2020-2021

Name-______________________ Roll no- __

Class-II Sec-____ Date-_________
Chapter-Season Revision sheet-2

Q.1 Tick the correct answer

a) Some days are hot, some days are cold, some are rainy or cloudy. This called __________.

i. weather ii. season

b) It is very cold during _____________.

i. Summers ii. winters

c) April, May, June are very ______________ months of the year.

i. hot ii. cold

d) When weather remains same for few months it is called __________________

i. summer ii. season

e) It is spring in India during the months of ______________ and ______________.

i. February and March ii. October and November

f) We wear ______________ clothes in summer.

i. woolen ii. cotton

g) In the below given lines we are talking about which season?

There are dark clouds in the sky, Sometimes there are strong winds and storms. We
also wear rain coat and gumboots.

i. rainy season ii. autumn season

h) In autumn season _________________________

i. flowers bloom ii. most trees shed their leaves.

Q.2 Match the following.
a) Light fire and use heaters in spring

b) Flowers bloom in winter

c) Drink lassi and juices December and January

d) Umbrella in Summer

e) Coldest months of the year are in month of July, August

and September

f) See rainfall in India monsoon

Q.3 Label the below given objects with their correct name of season these objects are
associated with.




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