Name - Roll No - Class-II Sec - Date - Chapter-16 - Be Safe Worksheet-16 Q.1 Tick The Correct Answer

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SESSION 2020-2021

Name-______________________ Roll no- __

Class-II Sec-____ Date-_________
Chapter-16_Be Safe Worksheet-16

Q.1 Tick the correct answer.

a) The rules we follow to keep ourselves safe are called ____________________.
i. Safety rules ii. Traffic rules

b) We should ____________________ electric wires and plugs.

i. touch ii. not touch

c) We should be _________________ while climbing stairs.

i. careful ii. careless

d) You should not _______________ on chairs; you may fall and hurt yourself.
i. sit ii. stand

e) Always cross a road only at the _________________________.

i. Zebra crossing ii. horse crossing

f) We should not play with:

i. ii.

g) What does the green traffic light shows?

i. stop ii. go

h) The first help that an injured person gets is called _____________________.

i. first aid ii. second-aid

i) We should not play with _____________ objects like knives, scissors etc.

i. smooth ii. sharp

j) While waiting for a bus, always wait in a ________________ and get in when your turn
i. queue ii. crowd

Q.2 State whether True or False.

a) We should try to open the doors of moving vehicles. ____________

b) We should use subway or over bridge to cross the road. ____________

c) We should slide the down the railing of the stairs. ____________

d) We should not get in or get of the moving bus. ____________

e) We should always play in an unsafe place like road. ____________

Q.3 Match the following.

a) Safety at home

b) Safety in school

c) Safety on the road

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