Madda Walabu University: College of Natural and Computational Science Department of Environmental Science

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NAME………………………………………………………………ID NO,

BENEYAM BAYE…………………………………………..UGR/6310/11


SUDMITED DATE...05/10/13

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Environmental Management System

ISO 14001 specifies the requirements for an Environmental Management System that an
organization can use to enhance its environmental performance. ISO 14001 is intended
for use by an organization seeking to manage its environmental responsibilities that
contributes to the environmental pillar of sustainability. Designed for any type of
organization, regardless of its activity or sector, it assures the company and employees
as well as external stakeholders that environmental impact is being measured and

ISO 14001 certification can help your organization achieve its environmental
management objectives by increasing operational control and better integrating
environmental. Considerations into business strategy. Environmental Management
System audits by Bureau VERITAS can help your organization gain a competitive
advantage and enhance its reputation by improving the environmental impact of all
areas of business

ISO 14001 is one of the many services offered by Top Certifier, the global consulting and
certification solutions provider. The environment and sustainability are a major focus for
every industry. As a result, it’s necessary to take a more proactive approach to
environmental management, comply with environmental regulations and improve your
environmental performance. We deliver ISO 14001 certification services across all cities
in Ethiopia, includes Addis, Ababa, Dire Dawa, Bahir Dar, Gondar.

ISO 14001 Certification in Ethiopia is a universally concurred standard that characterizes

measures for a natural administration framework (EMS). The historical backdrop of ISO
14001 mirrors the steadily changing and developing assumptions for shoppers and
residents concerning business ecological execution. The ISO 14001, i.e., ISO 14001:1996
Standard set some base necessities dependent on natural arrangements and
destinations that the association expected to characterize. The majority of the emphasis
was on contamination control and overseeing adverse consequences on the climate. The
following emphasis ISO 14001:2004 Standard improved the gauge prerequisites and
included more rules in regards to consistence According to this norm, associations
needed to separate the perspectives "they could straightforwardly influence" and "they
could impact. The reason for building up the ISO 14001 Standard is to shield the climate
from the adverse consequences of perilous and non-unsafe waste created by the
enterprises and people. An ISO 14001 normalized organization is a business.

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ISO 14001 Certification helps reduce negative impacts on the environment, aids
compliance with legal requirements related to the environment, and is a strong step
towards sustainable business. This certification will give you a distinct edge over your
rivals and will help to maintain and improve your market position.



 We will do a FREE GAP analysis of your organization with respect to ISO 14001
Standard and give you a quote.


 Once you have agreed to our quotation, Our team will provide the required
trainings to you and will complete the documentation work required for ISO
14001 certification.


 We will then conduct a pre assessment audit to ensure that you organization
meets the desired certification requirements.


 We will provide assistance during final certification audit to ensure that your
organization achieves certification successfully.


 We are a quality conscious organization and believe in Total Customer

Satisfaction. So if you are 100% satisfied and happy with our service, make
payment to us.

Companies are increasingly required to demonstrate that they take a proactive

approach to environmental management. ISO 14001 certification by Bureau VERITAS
supports you in managing your environmental impacts.

Public pressure and regulatory requirements are mounting for organizations to

proactively promote sustainability. A systematic approach to environmental
management is vital to respond to rapidly changing requirements, while ensuring
complete transparency and accountability.


 REGULATIONS: certification allows you to certify your compliance with the


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 STRATEGY: certification serves the purpose of your environmental strategy and
shows your concrete commitment to the preservation of the environment.
 RECOGNITION: improving your environmental performance will enable you to
establish your position in the market and thus benefit from a good brand image.
 EXPERTISE: our experts have in-depth knowledge of the processes and the legal
and regulatory context of your activities in order to guarantee you relevant

The guidelines assist organizations to assemble better associations with their clients and
general society. With associations getting more mindful of the effect of businesses and
people on the climate, many need to oversee and control the ecological dangers brought
about by dangerous waste. By carrying out an ISO 14001 environmental administration
system, they are formalizing this cycle and acquiring acknowledgment for their activities.
The different advantages of ISO 140001 those associations. ISO 14001, as a globally
perceived norm, organizations working in various areas across the globe needn't bother
with numerous enrollments or certificates for their business. To get your organization
ISO 14001 ensured, to carry out your EMS, you need to characterize your organization's
natural approach you need to execute an Environmental Management System (EMS) in
view of the ISO 14001 Registration in Ethiopia prerequisites, trailed by recruiting an
examining group to review and endorse your EMS. The reviewer will support EMS just if
the association ISO 14001 Cost in Ethiopia.

Protect the Future with ISO 14001:2015

ISO 14001:2015 is the worldwide norm for natural administration frameworks.

Associations in any industry and of any size can utilize it to meet their consistence
commitments for natural guidelines while discovering operational efficiencies that set
aside cash and satisfy client need for manageable creation. Starting at 2019, there are in
excess of 300,000 ISO 14001 certificates across 171 nations all throughout the planet.
The latest version of ISO 14001 is intended to supplement the principles for other
administration frameworks, for example, ISO 9001:2015 for quality administration
frameworks and ISO 14001 consultant in Uganda for word related wellbeing and security
the executives frameworks. The undeniable level design normal to these principles
works with the formation of incorporated administration frameworks and permits
associations to direct coordinated reviews, all of which prompts measure efficiencies
that are at the core of feasible strategic policies. The worldwide commercial center has
spoken boisterously that monetary development and success.

How to get ISO 14001 Certification in Ethiopia

ISO/IEC 27001 affirmation cost for associations relies upon a critical number of factors,
so each organization should set up a totally different financial plan. Comprehensively,
the fundamental expenses are identified with:

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 Training and writing
 External help

There is a prime region for innovation, food industry, producing industry is a worldwide
norm, it will perceive the organization How to get ISO 14001 Certification in Ethiopia to
make a framework to guarantee consumer loyalty and cycle improvement, and all things
considered, numerous organizations request this as the base necessity for an association
to be known, as ISO 14001 is likewise known for marking reason.

Genveritas – Your ISO Certification Consultant in Ethiopia

ISO refers to the International Organization for Standardization. ISO certification helps to boost
your business quality additionally overall potency of the business. ISO is an independent
organization that gives standards in terms of quality, safety, and efficiency of products and
services provided by businesses. With the increasing competition among the business, it’s top of
the notch to deliver top quality of goods & services so as to sustain within the market.

The Process of ISO Certification in Ethiopia irrespective of industry and nature of business for
successful Need for ISO Certification for a Company

Let us realize the process of getting ISO Certification in Ethiopia. We will understand step by step
activities that an organization or company will go-through for ISO Certification in Ethiopia

1. Requirements to ISO Certification Process

 Type of ISO Certification Standards

 Choosing an ISO Certification Body

2. ISO Certification Cost in Ethiopia

3. ISO Certification Processing Time

4. ISO Certification Process in Ethiopia

 Complete ISO Application

 Documents Review
 Prepare an Action Plan
 ISO Certification Audit
 Get ISO Certification
 Surveillance Audits

Requirements to ISO Certification Process

Pick right types of ISO Standards in Ethiopia

First of all, the applicant should choose the type of ISO certification required for his/her
business. There are various types of ISO certification are available such as listed below:

Genveritas is specialized in following ISO Certification in Ethiopia:

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 ISO 9001 Certification Quality Management System
 ISO 45001 Certification Occupational Health & Safety Management System
 ISO 27001 Certification Information Security Management System
 ISO 14001 Certification Environmental Management System
 ISO 29990 Certification Learning Services for Non-formal Education and
 ISO 22000 Certification Food Safety Management
 ISO 50001 Certification Energy Management
 ISO 20000-1 Certification IT Service Management System

Picking an ISO Certification Bodies in Ethiopia

It must be noticed that ISO itself doesn’t give certification to the organizations. Certification is
provided and the process is implemented by the ISO Certification body. It is significant that you
pick a perceived and valid certification body.

While picking the ISO enlistment center, you should remember the accompanying:

 Assess a few ISO Certification specialist co-ops.

 Check on the off chance that they are observing the CASCO standards. CASCO is the ISO
advisory group that takes a shot at issues identifying with congruity appraisal.
 Check whether they are licensed.
 They should meet the prerequisites of ISO Accreditation Bodies.
Cost of ISO Certification in Ethiopia

The cost of getting ISO certification is not fixed and fluctuates from business to business. We
Genveritas ISO Consultants in Ethiopia can make sure of the affordable cost for ISO certification
by considering various parameters:

 The size of an organization

 Number of workers
 Number of Processes
 Level of hazard
 The Administration framework
 The quantity of work

ISO Certification Processing Time in Ethiopia

Time taken in finishing the entire procedure of ISO certification additionally changes from
business to business. The reasonable thought can be given by the ISO certification office in the
wake of surveying the size of the organization.

For the most part, the time required to finish the procedure of ISO certification is:

 Small Enterprises: 2-3 months

 Medium Enterprises: 3-6 months
 Large Enterprises: 6-12 months

Procedure for ISO Certification in Ethiopia

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1. Make an application/contract

Once the business owner has selected the ISO certification body and ISO standard, the registrar
and the applicant should agree on a contract. The application should contain rights and
obligations of both parties and includes liability issues, confidentiality, and access rights.

2. Quality Documents Review

The ISO registrar will see all your quality manuals and reports identified with different
approaches and strategies being followed in the organization. The Survey of existing work will
help the ISO registrar to recognize the potential holes against the prerequisites stipulated in the
ISO standards.

3. Make an Action Arrangement

After the ISO auditor conveys the current holes in your association, you ought to set up an
activity intend to take out those holes. Set up the rundown of the necessary tasks to be
performed to acquire the ideal changes in your association. You might be required to prepare
your representatives to work proficiently while adjusting to new methods. Make every one of
the representatives mindful of the ISO standards as far as work productivity and quality

4. Certification Audit

Initial ISO Certification Audit is partitioned into two classifications Stage 1 and Stage 2.

A. Onsite Audit:

The ISO auditor will check all the progressions made by you in the association. At this point
attempt to recognize the conceivable non-congruities in your frameworks and methods to the
ideal quality administration framework. They will partition these non-similarities into minor and
major non-congruities. Get all these non-similarities adjusted and carefully evaluated according
to the ideal quality standards through alteration in the methods and procedures utilized by the

b. Final Audit:

ISO auditor does the final examination, after all the necessary changes are done in the
association. The auditor will check whether all the non-congruities have been disposed of or not
according to ISO quality standards. Once the ISO auditor is fulfilled by the final examination,,
they will set up the ISO audit report and forward it to ISO registrar.

5. Finishing the ISO Certification

After all the non-conformities are reviewed and every one of the discoveries is submitted in the
Final ISO Audit report, the ISO registrar will grant you the ISO certification.

6. Surveillance Audits

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Surveillance Audit is conducted time to time essentially to guarantee that ISO quality standards
are being maintained by the organization.

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