Evangelista RR22

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Gabrielle Angela B.

Evangelista RR22

Informatics Lecture

1. Why is nursing informatics considered a nursing specialty?

Nursing informatics is considered as a specialty because it integrates the science

of nursing with multiple information management and analytical sciences. Its goal is to
identify, define, manage and communicate data, information, knowledge and wisdom
within nursing practice, according to the American Nursing Association. The ultimate goal
of nurse informaticists is to support the quality and safety of patient centered care through
implementing and evaluating electronic healthcare data. This specialty is accomplished
through the use of information structures, information processes, and information

2. What could be the competitive advantage of a nurse informaticist among other nursing

The competitive advantage of a nurse informaticist among other nursing specialties:

Nurse informaticists can help computer science specialists better understand how
care is delivered and documented, which affects how information systems are designed.
Informaticists also work as the go-between the hospital and information technology
vendors to implement and provide training for registered nurses and medical staff. It also
plays a critical role in patient care by ensuring their information stays safe and is available
to the medical staff at all times.

3. Among the models AND theories of Nursing Informatics, what for you is most beneficial
to nursing practice. Justify your answer.

For me, Knowledge Model of McGonigle and Mastrian is the most beneficial to
nursing practice because it is used throughout the text to illustrate how knowledge is used
to meet the needs of healthcare delivery systems, organizations, patients, and  nurses. It is
also a model that proposes that humans are organic information systems constantly
acquiring, processing, and generating information or knowledge in both their professional
and personal lives.

4. Choose 1 organization as resources of Nursing Informatics, relate its importance and

contribution to the field of Nursing Informatics.

 American Nursing Informatics Association

ANIA is an organization originally founded in 1982 as the Capital Area Roundtable on

Informatics in Nursing (CARING). CARING was developed and organized by nurses in 1982 as a
non-profit undertaking to provide a forum for the advancement of automated healthcare
information systems. Its role is to advance nursing informatics through education, research, and
practice in all roles and settings and to be the organization of choice to advance nursing
informatics. Also, in 1992 the American Nursing Informatics Association was formed in Southern
California to provide networking, education and information resources that enrich and
strengthen the roles of nurses in the field of informatics.

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