Fibers As Structural Element For The Reinforcement of Concrete-Dikonversi

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R ei nf o r c e m e n t o f C o n c r e t e .


1 - Introduction

2 - Fibers as structural element for the reinforcement of concrete

2.1 - Historical review of the technology of incorporating fibers in concrete

2.2 - Concept of reinforcement of concrete through fibers
2.3 - Fiber types – Classification of current commercial fibers in function of
the raw material. Organic fibers (natural and synthetic polymers) and
inorganic fibers (metallic)
2.4 - Steel fibers. Classification upon geometrical, physical, chemical, mechanical
char- acteristics and production process
2.5 - Synthetic and natural fibers. Classification based upon geometric,
physical, chemical, mechanical characteristics and production process
2.6 - Current standard situation
2.7 - List of MACCAFERRI’s fibers. Classification of MACCAFERRI’s fibers

3 - Fiber reinforced concrete; Basic elements for the structural project

3.1 - Mechanical characterization of fiber reinforced concrete. Most

important resistant features
3.2 - Structural compatibility of fiber reinforced concrete elements
3.3 - Instructions for the design of fiber reinforced concrete frameworks
3.4 - Current standard situation

4 - Design and detailed considerations for concrete

mixtures; advice for fibers incorporation into the mixture

4. 1 - Concrete, technological aspects for its formulation

4.2 - Advice for the incorporation of fibers in concrete
4.3 - Advice for insertion of fibers into concretes for prefabricated elements
4.4 - Recommendations for the use of fibers into wet and dry sprayed concretes
4.5 - Concrete admixtures and their compatibility of use in fiber reinforced concrete
4.6 - Typical applications of the structural and not structural fiber reinforced concrete
4.7 - Current standard situation

5 - Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels,

design of the pre-lining and of the final lining

5.1 - Conventionally bored tunnels and tunnels excavated through TBM

5.2 - Design criteria for tunnel supports and linings
5.3 - Design of supporting structures made of fiber-reinforced shotcrete
5.4 - Design of lining made of fiber-reinforced concrete pumped on-site
5.5 - Use of fibers for fire resistance of concrete. Description of fiber
mixes, structural and anti-spalling proposal for final linings

5.5.1 - Objective of passive protection of concrete against fire

5.5.2 - Polypropylene and cellulose fibers as passive protection of
concrete against fire
5.6 - Quality control of fiber-reinforced concrete in tunnels
5.7 - Current standard situation

6 - Appliances in Fiber reinforced concrete. Floors design

6.1 - Industrial, harbour, airport, road, and special uses

6.2 - Methodology of conventional design for floors
6.3 - Design of joints in floors
6.4 - Methods of floors design in fiber reinforced concrete
6.5 - Fiber reinforced concrete and the joints design
6.6 - Control of quality in fiber reinforced concrete for floorings
6.7 - Current standard situation

7 - Applications of fiber reinforced concrete: prefabricated elements

7.1 - The use of fiber reinforcement in prefabricated/pre-cast concrete

7.1.1 - Final remarks
7.2 - Design of precast segment in fiber reinforced concrete
7.3 - Examples of applications. Padding panels, prestressed beams, non-
structural prefabricated elements
7.3.1 - Closing panels
7.3.2 - Double T covering prestressed beams
7.3.3 - Structures for flat coverings
7.3.4 - Pre-casted stretched beams
7.3.5 - Different elements
7.4 - SFRC special applications
7.4.1 - Foundation systems
7.4.2 - New potential applications - Structures exposed to earthquakess
7.4.3 - Flooring covering with metal shaped sheets or precast – metal deck

8. Measuring equipments for Wirand® fibers

8.1 - Equipments for the introduction of fibers into concrete

8.2 - Measuring systems of fibers for shot concrete
8.3 - Measuring systems of fibers for the production of ashlars
8.4 - Measuring systems of fibers for floorings concrete
8.5 - Measuring systems of organic and polymeric fibers
8.6 - Circular batchers

8.6.1 - Description of the machine

8.6.2 - Aim
8.6.3 - Typology
8.6.4 - Principle of working
8.6.5 - Principle of use
8.6.6 - Technical data and main dimensions
8.6.7 - Moving/conveyance
8.6.8 - Necessary electric arrangement
8.6.9 - Tools and implements necessary to the installation
8.6.10 - Positioning
8.6.11 - Feet fixing
8.6.12 - Eccentric masses adjustment
8.6.13 - Welding operations
8.6.14 - Fibers storage
8.6.15 - Information to gather for the correct configuration of the installation
8.7 - Pneumatic batchers
8.7.1 - Aim
8.7.2 - Typology
8.7.3 - Principle of working
8.7.4 - Principle of use
8.7.5 - DOSOBOX
8.7.6 - SC99/2
8.7.7 - Special machines
8.8 - Personalized machine

9 - Authors

10 - References
1 - Introduction.

The purpose of this manual is to provide general information, criteria and new methodologies
for the calculation, project and execution of concrete reinforced works with fibers. They will be
presented, therefore, the obtained data of the investigations made by Maccaferri, oriented to
the study of the behavior, resistance and efficiency of such structures.

The Maccaferri intention is to have new and useful contributions to concrete works reinforced
with fibers, helping the consultants and contractors work who act in the segment of structural
engineer- ing.

For a more detailed analysis on the arguments treated here, we suggest to consult the specific
pub- lications that are indicated in the bibliographical references.
This manual they will be presented and discussed theoretical foundations, numerical examples
of the of the concrete reinforced with fibers applications and details of the use of the Wirand®
metallic fibers and Fibromac® plastic fibers.

Maccaferri is placed to total disposition, to give solution to problems, cradle in its experience,
acquired along more than 100 years of existence in all the world.

2 - Fibers as structural element for
the reinforcement of

2.1 - Historical review of the technology of incorporating fibers in concrete.

The idea of using a fibrous material to provide tensile strength to a material strong in
compression but brittle, looses itself in the mists of time; in ancient Egypt straw was added to
clay mixtures in order to provide bricks with enhanced flexural resistance, thus providing
better handling properties after the bricks had been dried in the sun.

Other historical cases of fiber reinforcement exist: plaster reinforced with horsehair, or again
with straw in the poorest building conditions, so as to avoid the unsightly occurrence of
cracks due to shrinkage, counter-ceilings made of plaster reinforced through reed canes,
cement conglomerates fiber-reinforced through asbestos, etc.

But the scientific approach to such a problem is definitely more recent.

First studies dealing with use of steel fibers and glass fibers in concrete date back to the
1950’s; in the 60’s the first studies concerning fiber reinforced concrete using synthetic
fibers appear.

Definition of fiber-reinforced concrete (Official Bulletin CNR n.166 part IV):

“The purpose of the utilization of fibers within a cement matrix is the formation of a composite
material in which the conglomerate, which can already be considered as a composite material
that is composed by a litic scaffold dispersed in a matrix of hydrate cement paste, is combined
with a reinforcing agent that is made of fibrous material of various nature”.

2.2 - Concept of reinforcement of concrete through fibers.

The presence of fibers having adequate tensile strength, and being homogeneously distributed
within concrete, builds a micro-scaffolding that, on the one side, demonstrates itself being ef-
ficient in counteracting the known phenomenon leading to crack formation due to shrinkage,
and, on the other side, leads the concrete’s ductility(1) to become increasingly relevant with
increasing strength of the fibers. This provides the concrete with a high toughness(2) as well.

As it is known, in the vast majority of currently applied calculation and verification rules, the
concrete’s tensile strength is generally neglected in the calculation route, given concrete’s
brittle behaviour. The use of a fiber-reinforced matrix makes it possible to stabilize tensile
properties. In this way, the tensile strength can be now be exploited as well between other
mechanical properties in the design phase. This highly relevant technical advantage will be
reported in de- tails in chapter 3 of the present publication.

Given operative difficulties, tensile tests are generally not realized onto the concrete directly.
The evaluation of tensile properties, as well as of ductility and toughness, are carried out indi-

Ductility is the ability of a material to stand considerable deformation thereby maintaining good resistance.
Toughness is the ability of a material to counteract crack propagation by dissipating deformation energy.
2. Fibers as structural element for
the reinforcement of concrete.

rectly through bending tests on beams or sheets, as it will be reported in details in the following

Graphic 2.1 shows qualitatively the possible outcomes which can be obtained from bending
tests on fiber-reinforced concrete elements through graphs reporting load vs. crack formation or
load vs. deflection.

Under the incidence of moderate loads, below breaking loads for concrete, the material’s be-
haviour is always elastic and no fracture is produced in the specimen during the bending test,
independently from the presence or the quality and quantity of fibers. In contrast, considerably
different behaviours can occur in continuing the test, thus increasing the applied load departing
from point A, called “first-crack point”:

First-crack point


Elastic phase Non-elastic phase

Graphic 2.1 – Bending tests.

- Curve I depicts the behaviour of a traditional concrete without reinforcement. Since

the structure is isostatic (the beam is simply supported at both ends), it collapses
immediately after first-crack loading is reached, such as typically occurring for brittle

- Curve II shows some ability of the (fiber-reinforced) concrete to absorb, departing

from the first-crack point, a certain although low load (A-B) through a progressive slower
collapse (degrading behaviour).

- Curve III, in contrast, is typical of a ductile material, and shows a concrete able to
sus- tain, departing from the first-crack point, a considerable deflection (A-B) under constant
load, still before the even slower occurrence of collapse (plastic behaviour).

- Curve IV finally highlights even an increment in the tolerable load under a wide
deflec- tion (A-B) after the first-crack point (hardening behaviour).
2. Fibers as structural element
for the reinforcement of

It is evident that all these possible behaviours, or different ductility and toughness levels ac-
quired by the concrete, depend both from the quantity of the present fibers as well as from their
mechanical, and geometrical characteristics.

Considering the influence of the fiber geometry on the behaviour of FRC(3) and of SFRC(4),
although any aspect is relevant, it is the relationship between the fiber length and equivalent
diameter (L/D named aspect ratio or slenderness ratio) which is considered as the most
charac- terising element, since ductility and toughness of a fiber-reinforced concrete
depend in large measure on its value (Graphic 2.2).
Absorved energy (%)

Graphic 2.2 – Absorbed energy vs aspect ratio.

Equally important are the mechanical characteristics of fibers, and, between them, tensile
Aspect ratio (L/D)
strength essentially. Tensile strength plays a fundamental role on the behaviour of FRC and of
SFRC as the hindered pull out, which is due to the real and the forced adherence between fiber
and concrete (Graphic 2.3), can lead to fiber breakage caused by insufficient tensile strength
(Graphic 2.4).
Straight Fibra com
Hooked fiber
Pull - out load

Pull - out load

Displacement Displacement

Graphic 2.3 – Increase in the adherence fiber-concrete with fiber shape.

CRF = Fiber reinforced concrete
CRFA = Steel fiber reinforced concrete
2. Fibers as structural element for
the reinforcement of concrete.

To fiber pull-out caused by sufficient teensile strength. To fiber breakage caused by insufficient teensile strength.

Fiber pull-out Fiber breakage

Energy absorbed
Energy absorbed
Pull-out load

Displacement Pull-out load Displacement

Graphic 2.4 – Energy absorbed by the fiber.

Finally, dosage, which is the effective quantity of fibers embedded in the concrete (kg/m 3 or%V
), certainly
impacts considerably on the ductility and toughness levels acquired by the fiber-
reinforced concrete (Graphic 2.6), together with the already mentioned geometric and
mechanical characteristics of the fibers.
It is interesting to observe that through an increase of the aspect ratio (L/D), the quantity of
fibers (dosage) necessary to achieve a given result decreases within certain limits (Graphic
2.5). This is due to the fact that, statistically, the tensile strength is increased as a direct
consequence of the statistic increase of the fiber length to be pulled-out.

McKee law  = 33/2x/4x(D/L)2xfs3x7850

90 fs= 1.00 fs= 1.15 fs= 1.25
Dosage fiber (kg/m )

fs= 1.35


Aspect radio (L/D)

Graphic 2.5 – Dosage vs L/D for the same effectiveness.

%Vf = Fibers percentual in volume.
2. Fibers as structural element
for the reinforcement of

Ductility increment

Dosage (kg/m3)

Inicial part Second part Third part

Graphic 2.6 – Ductility vs dosage.

It is important to point out that it is definitely the whole set of reported characteristics which
collectively contribute to determine the behaviour of the fiber-reinforced concrete, and that an
optimal output is always depending from an adequate combination of all these factors together
since each factor alone is capable to impact on the final behaviour up to a certain limit, after
which its influence would become useless if not even damaging, as it is highlighted by Graphic
2.6 as far as the influence of dosage is concerned.

The initial part of the curve shows how a very small dosage has practically no effect (degrading
behaviour) because, if only few fibers are dispersed into the mixture, their relative distance is
as high that no resistance is produced.
The second part shows how, by increasing the number of fibers, which is reducing the volume
of influence of each fiber, configurations of static superimposition of fibers between themselves,
with high possibility to interact, are achieved (plastic behaviour). As such, an increase in the
concrete’s ductility is produced, which is directly depending on the effective dosage.
Finally, the third part shows how, by overcoming a certain dosage (hardening behaviour),
the increase in ductility is insignificant, although evident. Thereby, it becomes in contrast
increasingly difficult to obtain a uniform and fluid mixture.
To conclude, the following quantitative considerations can be given regarding the quality and
quantity of fibers to be embedded into a SFRC:
- Fibers should have very high mechanical properties, whereby their tensile strength should
be in the order of 1100 MPa.
- Their aspect ratio should be sufficiently high as well, ranging between 45 and 70.

- Dosage should not be lower than 25 kg/m3, whereby it could reach 40 or 80 kg/m3 for
particularly demanding applications.
2. Fibers as structural element for
the reinforcement of concrete.

2.3 - Fiber types – Classification of current commercial fibers in function

of the raw material. Organic fibers (natural and synthetic polymers)
and inorganic fibers (metallic).

Different types of fibers can be used for concrete, depending from the raw material from which
they are produced:
Metallic: carbon steels and nonalloy steels,
aluminium Natural: asbestos, cellulose, carbon
Synthetic: nylon, polypropylene, polyacronytrile, polyvinylalcohol

Diâmeter Density Young´s modulus Tensile strength Elongation at break

Fiber ( m) (%)
(103kg/m (kN/mm2) (kN/mm2)
Steel 5 - 500 7.84 200 0.5 - 2 0.5 - 3.5
Glass 9 - 15 2.60 70 - 80 2-4 2 - 3.5
Asbestos 0.02 - 0.04 3.00 180 3.30 2-3
Polypropylene 20 - 200 0.90 5-7 0.5 - 0.75 8
Nylon - 1.10 4 0.90 13 - 15
Polyethilene - 0.95 0.30 0.0007 10
Carbon 9 1.90 230 2.60 1

Kevlar 10 1.45 65 - 133 3.60 2.1 - 4

Acrílic 18 1.18 14 - 19.5 0.4 - 1 3

Table 2.1 - Mechanical characteristics of the fibers.

A general classification of fibers has been provided by BISFA(6).


Natural Man-made

Organic Inorganic

By transformation of natural polymers From synthetic polymers:


Fiber to chlorine Fiber to fluorine Poliamida Polystyrene
Polyethylene Poliamida Polypropylene Vinyl

The polyethylene and polypropylene are polyolefins

The same code is used in the plastic industry for polyether sulfone (ISO 1043)

Table 2.2 - Fibers classification by BISFA.

2. Fibers as structural element
for the reinforcement of

Note: the present classification concerns all synthetic fibers and not alone fibers used for

Some types of fibers:

Loos steel macrofibers. Gludes steel macrofibers. Polypropylene fibers.

Glass fibers. Cellulose fibers. Melt extract steel macrofibers.

Sheet steel macrofibers. Steel microfibers. Macrofibers of high tenacity polypropylene.

Polypropylene microfibers. Synthetic macrofibers. Steel fibers.

2. Fibers as structural element for
the reinforcement of concrete.

2.4 - Steel fibers. Classification upon geometrical, physical, chemical,

mechanical characteristics and production process.

Fibers are a steel product geometrically characterised by one dimension prevailing onto the
others. Fibers may have a smooth or a worked out surface, they may be employed as reinforce-
ment into a cement conglomerate, they may have straight or shaped configuration, capable to
be homogeneously dispersed into a mixture by keeping unaltered geometrical characteristics
(UNI 11037).
A fiber is geometrically characterised by the length L, the shape and the equivalent diameter De.
The ratio between the length L and the equivalent diameter De provides the aspect ratio, or
shape ratio (=L/De).

Figure 2.1 - Steel fibers with hooked ends.

Length (L)

Diameter (D)

A fiber can be defined as straight if its longitudinal axis presents localised deformations having
a size which is smaller than L/30, and in any case not greater than its equivalent diameter.

Length L (mm): it is the distance between the two ends of the fiber measured as geometrical
projection with respect to the dominant axis.

Axially, the shape may be straight or shaped; transversely, the fiber may have round,
rectangular or irregular cross-section (Figure 2.2 and 2.3).


De De

Figure 2.2 - Different forms of steel fibers.

2. Fibers as structural element
for the reinforcement of



(a) Various shapes of steel fibers

ROUND (wire) RECTANGULAR (sheet)IRREGULAR (mel extract)

(b) Types of cross sections (c) Sticked steel fibers

Figure 2.3 - Different forms of steel fibers.

Equivalent diameter De (mm): it is defined by means of different methods, depending from the
cross-sectional shape and the production process.

Direct method
In the case of fibers obtained from wire, disregarding from the longitudinal shape, the equivalent
diameter De is equal to the nominal diameter of the original wire or of the finished fiber.

Indirect geometric method

In the case of fibers obtained from laminate, disregarding from the longitudinal shape, the
equivalent diameter De is equal to the circle having the same area as the fiber cross-section
given by the following relation.
2. Fibers as structural element for
the reinforcement of concrete.

Whereby A is the area of the fiber cross-section (mm2).

Where w = width, t = thickness

Indirect gravimetric method

In the case of fibers manufactured using other production methods and having a variable cross-
section, disregarding from the longitudinal shape, the equivalent diameter is calculated based
upon the mean length L of the fibers, the mean weight m [g] of a given number of fibers, and on
the base of a volumetric mass  = 7.85 g/cm3, following the relation:

Simplifying, in the case of steel fibers:

Following prEN 14889-1. Fibers for concrete. Part. 1: Steel fibers, the equivalent diameter is
calculated from the fully developed length of the fiber Ld obtained by flattening or straightening
the fiber by hand or by hammering.

Number of fibers per kilogram [n°/kg]

The number of fibers in a kilogram is calculated using the following relationship:

L = Length of the fiber (mm)
De = Equivalent diameter of the fiber (mm)
 = Density (kg/m3)
2. Fibers as structural element
for the reinforcement of

The aspect ratio [=L/De] defines the slenderness of the fiber: for the same fiber length, the
higher is the aspect ratio, the smaller is the equivalent diameter, which is the thinner is the
Moreover, for the same fiber length, the greater the value of , the more lightweight the fiber is,
indicating a higher fiber density.
If the direct method and the indirect geometric method are applied, the aspect ratio neglects the
longitudinal shape, thus the volume and weight of the fiber.
If, in contrast, the indirect gravimetric method is applied, the aspect ratio takes the effective
geometry of the fiber into account through the fiber’s mass:

The tensile strength Rm [N/mm2 or MPa] of the fiber is calculated by dividing the tensile force
necessary to break through the cross-section of the fiber or of the intermediate product (UNI
EN 10218 for wire). Besides the tensile strength Rm, the standard UNI 11037 foresees that the
tensile strength for a residual deformation set of 0,2 %, Rp0,2, is indicated as well. Again, in the
same Ital-
ian standard, the tensile strength is divided into three classes, R1, R2 and R3. Each of these three
classes is further subdivided depending upon the case that the tensile strength is referred to
the intermediate product applied to obtain straight fibers:
1) Straight fiber: in this case is does not matter to test the intermediate product or the fiber
itself, and the case that the tensile strength is referred to the intermediate product applied to
obtain shaped fibers.
2) Fiber with hooked ends: In that case, and for a same class, the strength threshold is higher if
it is foreseen that the shaping / forming process produces a detriment of the tensile strength of
the fiber. This classification of tensile strength takes into account the diameter of the fiber: to
decreas- ing diameters correspond increasing strength thresholds.

Tensile strength
Equivalent (N/mm )

diameter R1 R2 R3 All the
(mm) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) class
Rm Rp0.2 Rm Rp0.2 Rm Rp0.2 Rm Rp0.2 Rm Rp0.2 Rm Rp0.2
0.15 < D < 400 320 480 400 900 720 1.080 900 1.700 1.360 2.040 1.700 Tensile
0.50 e
0.50 < D < 350 280 450 350 800 640 1.040 800 1.550 1.240 2.015 1.550
0.80 e
0.80 < De < 1.20 300 240 390 300 700 560 910 700 1.400 1.120 1.820 1.400

NOTE: The indicated mechanical properties in the present table mention all to it the types of steel fibers.
1) Straight fibers.
2) Profiled fibers.

Table 2.3 - Tensile strength for three fibers classes according to Italian norm.

2. Fibers as structural element for
the reinforcement of concrete.

To evaluate the ductility of a fiber, or of the intermediate product from which it is obtained,
alternate bending tests are applied. If drawn wire has to be considered, please refer to UNI EN
Production process
Following the standard UNI 11037, according to the production process different types of
fibers can be considered:
- Cold-drawn steel wire obtained from rod produced following standard UNI EN
10016- 1,2,4 or UNI EN 10088-3
- Cold-laminated sheet of non-alloy (plain carbon) steel
- Other production methods (such as, e.g., milling from a steel block)

The classification of fibers is fur ther cross-impacted by the che mical composition:
Fibers from drawn wire Fibers from cut laminated sheet Other production methods
A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3
Low C High C Inox Low C High C Inox Low C High C Inox
content content content content content content
Table 2.4 - Fibers classification in function of its chemical composition.

In prEN 14889-1. Fibers for concrete. Part. 1: Steel fibers the category “Other production
methods” is further detailed:

Group I: cold-drawn wire;

Group II: cut sheet; Group
Ill: melt extracted;
Group IV: shaved cold drawn wire;
Group V: milled from blocks.

Chemical composition
The raw material might have various chemical compositions. It is for this reason that in the
standard UNI 11037 a prospect for the chemical analysis of casting has been elaborated.

Type of steel C Mn Si Smax. Pmax. Cr Ni

1) 2)
A1-B1-C1 < 0.20 < 0.60 < 0.30 0.045 0.045 -- --
1) 2)
A2-B2-C2 < 0.20 < 0.80 < 0.30 0.06 0.05 -- --
A3-B3-C3 Following UNI EN 10088-1
Table 2.5 - Chemical composition of steel fibers according to Italian norm.

Surface coating
In order to guarantee durability in the case that the fibers are applied in particularly
aggressive environments, fibers may have a zinc surface coating. The following table
presents coating thick- ness as a function of wire diameter:

2. Fibers as structural element
for the reinforcement of

Diameter (mm) Minimum coating mass (g/m )

0.15 < De < 0.50 15

0.50 < De < 0.80 20

0.8 < De < 1.20 25

Table 2.6 - Minimum zinc coating for steel fibers.

Standards (UNI 11037, prEN 14889-1 and ASTM A820) provide different criteria for the evaluation
of toler- ances. The following table reports the most restrictive conditions provided by prEN 14889-1,
which prescribes that the percentage of conformity should not be less than 95 % of the verified
specimens (whereby ASTM A820 considers 90%, and additionally, with deviation onto the higher
average nominal values):

prEn 14889-1- Tolerances

Deviation of the individual value Deviation of the average value
Property Symbol relative to the declared value
relative to the declared value
Length + 5%
> 30 mm L + 10%
< 30 mm + 1.5 mm
Equivalent diameter + 5%
> 30 mm De + 10%
< 30 mm + 0.015 mm
Length/diameter = L/De + 15% + 7.5%
Table 2.7 - Dimensional tolerances of steel fibers according to European norm.

The least 95% of the individual samples the specified tolerances must be in agreement.

ASTM A820 - Tolerances

Deviation of the individual value Deviation of the average value
Property Symbol relative to the declared value
relative to the declared value
Length L + 10% + 10%

Equivalent diameter De + 10% + 10%

Length/diameter = L/De
ratio + 15% + 15%
Table 2.8 - Dimensional tolerances of steel fibers according to American norm.

The least 90% of the individual samples the specified tolerances must be in agreement.

Standard prEN 14889-1 indicates tolerances for the tensile strength and the Young’s
modulus. For tensile strength, a tolerance of 15% is considered onto the average value, and
a tolerance of
7.5 % is considered onto individual values; at least the 95% of the specimens must be conform
to the above indicated tolerances.
2. Fibers as structural element for
the reinforcement of concrete.

Following UNI 11037/2003 “steel fibers to be employed in the manufacture of fiber-reinforced
cement conglomerate”, fibers are designated through the following short-name:
UNI 11037 – A1 – 1.00 x 50 – R2 – shaped

A = indicates fibers obtained from drawn wire
1 = indicates low carbon content
1.00 = indicates the fiber diameter
50 = indicates the fiber length measured between its ends
R2 = indicates the 2nd tensile strength class (R > 910 MPa for the considered diameter)
Shaped = indicates transverse or longitudinal deformations greater than L/30

2.5 - Synthetic and natural fibers. Classification based upon geometric, physical,
chemical, mechanical characteristics and production process.

Synthetic fibers for use in the most common concretes can be grouped as indicated by the
following figure, taken from a BISFA document:

Polypropylene Fiber composed of linear macromolecules Polyproyilene

made up of saturated aliphatic
hydrocarbon units in which one carbon
atom in two carriesa methyl side group,
generally in an isotactic configuration and
without further substitution.

Vinylal Linear macromolecules of poly (vinyl Acetalized poly (vinyl alcohol)

alcohol) whith different levels of

Where n>0

Modarcrylic Fiber composed of linear Acrylic copolymers

macromlecules having in the chain at
least 50% and less than 85% by
mass of acrylonitrile.

IfX=He Y= Cl
Poly(acrylonitrile or vinyl chloride)
IfX= Y= Cl
Poly(acrylonitrile or vinylidene chloride)

2. Fibers as structural element
for the reinforcement of

Polyamide Fiber composed of linear macromolecules Polyhexamethylene adipamide (polyamide 66)

or having in the chain recurring amide
nylon linkages, at least 85% of which are joined
to aliphatic cycloaliphatic units.
Polycaproamide (polyamide 6)

Aramid Fiber composed of linear Example 1:

macromolecules made up of aromatic
groupps joined by amide or imide
linkages, at least 85% of the amide or
imide linkages being joined directly to
Example 2:
two aromatic rings and the number of
imide linkage, if the latter are present,
not exceeding the number of aramide

Note: In example 1. the aromatic groups may be

the same or different.

Table 2.9 - Classification of synthetic fibers according to BISFA.

2.6 - Current standard situation.

From raw material to the intermediate product, the following standards can be applied (in a
European contest):

- UNI 5549 Mechanical tests for metallic materials – Alternate bending tests of thin
steel sheets and tapes with thickness below 3 mm.
- UNI EN 10002-1 Metallic materials – Tensile test – Part 1: Test method (at ambient
- UNI EN 10016 Rod of non-alloy (plain carbon) steel destined to cold-drawing
and/or to cold-lamination.
- UNI EN 100 Stainless steels.
- UNI EN 10130 Flat cold-laminated products made of low carbon content steel for
dishing or cold bending.
- UNI EN 10204 Metallic products – Types of control documents.
- UNI EN 10218-1 Steel wire and wire products - Part 1: Generalities – Test methods.
- EN 10244-2 Steel wire and wire products – Non-ferrous metallic coatings on steel
wire – Part. 2: Zinc or zinc alloy coatings on steel wire.
- ECISS CR 10261 Information circular n. 11 – Steels and cast irons – List of
available chemical analysis methods.

2. Fibers as structural element for
the reinforcement of concrete.

Specific standards concerning steel fibers are:

- UNI 11037 Steel fibers to be applied for confection of fiber-reinforced cement con-
- ASTM A820 Standard specification for steel fibers for fiber-reinforced concrete.
- prEN 14889-1 Fibers for concrete – Part 1: Steel fibers – Definition, specifications
and conformity.

The standard EN 14889-1 has been further elaborated by CEN/TC104/WG11, under Man- date
M128, CPD 89/106, and has been approved by the Formal Voting of May 2006. This is a
harmonized standard. The following scheme depicts the standard and the other correlated

Construction Product Directive

CPD 89/106

Products related to Concrete, Mortar and Grout CEN Enquiry (May 2004)
CEN Enquiry (August 2004)
prEN 14845-1
Test method for fibers in concret
Part 1- References concret
prEN 14889-1
Fibers for concret Part 2. Steel fibers
Concrete fibers for concret CEN Enquiry (May 2004)

prEN 14845-2
Test method for fibers in concret
Part 2 - Effect on strenght

prEN 14889-2
Fibers for concret Part 1. Polymer fibers
CEN Enquiry (July 2003)
prEN 14651
CEN/TC229/WG3/TG7 Test method for metalic fiber concret Measuring the flexural strenght CEN Enquiry (August 2004)
Precast concret products Test method for metalic fiber

Table 2.10 - Outline of the Norms prEN 14889-1 and correlated.

2. Fibers as structural element
for the reinforcement of

2.7 - List of MACCAFERRI’s fibers. Classification of MACCAFERRI’s fibers.

Officine Maccaferri produces shaped fibers and fibers cut from cold-drawn steel wire. Chemical
characteristics of the raw material (rod) are reported in the following table, in function of the final
diameter of the fiber:

Fiber classification Tensile Dimensions

Code of Material of
according to strength Aspect Number of
the Fiber production Length Diameter ratio fibers for
productive process (MPa) (mm) (mm) (L/d) kg (n°/kg)
Cold-drawn wire
Wirand FF1 with low 1100 50 1.00 50 3212
Inorganic carbon content.
Cold-drawn wire
Wirand FF3 with low 1200 50 0.75 67 5710
Inorganic carbon content.
Cold-drawn wire
Wirand FS1 with low 1200 37 0.55 67 14348
Inorganic carbon content.
Cold-drawn wire
Wirand FS3N with low 1200 33 0.75 44 8651
Inorganic carbon content.
Cold-drawn wire
Wirand FS4N with low 1200 33 0.60 55 13518
Inorganic carbon content.
Cold-drawn wire
Wirand FS7 with low 1300 33 0.55 60 16087
Inorganic carbon content.

Multifilament of 180.000.000
FibroMac 12 virgin polypropylene 320-400 12 0.02 3
(for m of
Inorganic mixture)

Vegetal Multifilamento of
Ultrafiber 500 organic virgin cellulose
90-130 ksi 02:01 0.02 1.450.000.000

MC1 extracto
800 32 0.4 32 7657
Table 2.11 - Maccaferri fibers.

Wirand Wirand Wirand Wirand Wirand Wirand FibroMac Ultrafiber MC1

FF1 FF3 FS1 FS3N FS4N FS7 12 500

Qualitative properties of the

steel fiber reinforced concrete.
Ductility and tenacity
Fatigue resistance
Impact resistance
Microcracking control
Abrasion Resistance
Long term shrinkage
Fire resistance
Maximum performance Minimum performance

Table 2.12 - Qualitative behavior of the Maccaferri fibers.

2. Fibers as structural element for
the reinforcement of concrete.

Wirand Wirand Wirand Wirand Wirand Wirand Wirand Ultrafiber
Minimum dosages (kg/m³) FF1 FF3 FS1 FS3N FS4N FS7 FF1 FibroMac 500
and minimum thicknesses

25 25 15 15 15 25 Advised Advised
Maximum diameter of aggregates 18 addition addition
Dos. Thick. Dos. Thick. Dos. Thick. Dos. Thick. Dos. Thick. Dos. Thick. Dos. Thick. Dosage Dosage

Industries 25 200 25 200 30 200 0.6 / 0.10 0.6 / 0.9

Floors and pavements

Airports 35 300 30 300 40 300 1.9

Commercial areas 20 150 20 150 30 200 0.6 / 0.10
Improvement of sub-base 20 100 20 100 20 60 25 50 20 50 20 50
Foundation for machines base 40 250 35 250 30 250 35 250 35 250 35 300 35 300

Primary linings 25 150 35 150 30 150 25 150


Final linings 30 300 35 300 0.6 / 0.9

Precast segment 60 350 50 350 60 300 0.6 / 0.9
Prefabricated and others

Light 25 60 30 50 30 50 25 50 0.6 / 0.10

Pretensile 50 50 50 50

Extruded 30 150 25 150

Channel linings 25 150 20 150 0.6 / 0.10

Table 2.13 - Application guide of the concrete fibers reinforced. Orientation according to type of fiber and
thicknesses. Comments:
All the advised dosages and thicknesses in this table are based on experiences, therefore they can vary each in accordance with case that will have
particu- larly to be studied.
To consult the Structural Engineering department of the Maccaferri for a correct orientation to its project.
3. Fiber reinforced concrete; Basic elements
for the structural project.

3.1 - Mechanical characterization of fiber reinforced concrete. Most important

resistant features.


By adding to concrete fibers of different kinds, either micro or macro fibers, as related in the
previous chapter, a new material with features different from normal concrete is obtained.

Such a mixture is called Fiber Reinforced Concrete. If it’s a reinforcement made of steel fibers
it’s called Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete.

The surveys of FRC different technological properties are made by normalized tests, some of
which typical of ordinary concrete, some others made on purpose for the fiber reinforced one.

Properties of the fiber reinforced concrete in hardened state

Here are the factors which affect the properties of a fiber reinforced concrete:

- The fibers: geometry, aspect ratio, contents, orientation and distribution;

- The matrix: resistance and maximum dimension of the aggregates;
- The interface fiber-matrix;
- The tests: test dimensions, geometry and methodology.

The properties of under load (static and dynamic) fiber reinforced concrete may be classified
accord- ing to the following actions:

- Compression;
- Uniaxial direct traction;
- Splitting indirect traction;
- Bending indirect traction (measure of toughness and fracture energy);
- Shearing and torsion;
- Fatigue;
- Impact;
- Abrasion;
- Viscous deformation (Creep).

The physical and chemical behaviour is to be valued according to the following phenomena:

- Short-term shrinkage (plastic);

- Long-term shrinkage (hydraulic);
- Durability;
- Freeze-thaw;
- Carbonation;
3. Fiber reinforced concrete; Basic elements
for the structural project.

- Fibers corrosion in the presence of chlorides (cls cracked and not cracked);
- Exposure to the fire.

For each of the above-mentioned features suitable prescriptive references will be

given. Compression

Concrete compressive strength isn’t substantially modified by fibers addition.

A moderate increase for considerable rates of steel fibers (no less than 1.5% in volume, approxi-
mately) can be observed.

After reaching the peak, the material shows a marked ductility which strongly depends on fibers

Graphic 3.1 - Chart load vs. deformation, for concrete with different fiber dosages.

Again about the behaviour of fiber reinforced to compression, the elastic modulus and the ratio
of Poisson prove to be substantially unchanged for rates of fibers lower than 2% in volume.

Strength tests are made on cylindrical (diam 150mm, height 300mm) or cubical (side 100 or
150mm) specimen.
Reference prescriptions are the same applied to ordinary concrete (ASTM C39, EN 12390-3,

etc.). Uniaxial direct traction

Fiber reinforced behaviour to uniaxial traction is strongly affected by the presence of fibers,
particu- larly in the phase following the first cracking.
3. Fiber reinforced concrete; Basic elements
for the structural project.

Only by using high measurings, above all of microfibers (about 1.5 – 2% in volume and above),
re- markable additions of peak value can be obtained:

Figure 3.1 - Graphic 3.2 - Load curve (P) vs. deformation ( ), for concrete with low fiber dosage (a) and high
Arrangement for direct fiber dosage (b).
tensile strength test.

It’s the case of High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites (fck > 100 MPa) and
with high short fibers measurings (Lf < 13 mm, measuring > 2% volume), where the behaviour
turns into hardening kind.

The direct traction test of fiber reinforced concrete isn’t easy to be carried out.

As it may be proved by the following picture, it’s better to engrave the specimen so as to spot
the crack:

Figure 3.2 - Arrangement for fiber reinforced concrete tensile strength test according UNI U73041440.
3. Fiber reinforced concrete; Basic elements
for the structural project.

At present there are no regulations on direct traction.

The UNI U73041440 norm, which provides some information on dimensions of the specimen,
cy- lindrical or prismatical, on the engraving depth, by which the cracking aperture can be
measured, is being passed in Italy.

Indirect traction – Brazilian test

The practical difficulties to carry out the direct traction led to alternative procedures, as the
splitting indirect traction, also called “Brazilian test”:

Figure 3.3 - Arrangement for Photo 3.1 - Indirect tensile Photo 3.2 - Example of configuration for indirect tensile strength test
Brasilian concrete tensile strength test apparatus. element.
strength test.

In the picture the specimen is cylindrical but it’s also possible to test cubical or prismatical
speci- men.

The test consists in subjecting a cylindrical specimen to a compression force applied to a

restricted zone for the cylinder overall length.

The breaking comes after reaching the maximum traction strength in direction orthogonal to the
applied force. The fiber reinforced concrete indirect traction strength is obtained by the
maximum load.

To determine such a property it’s possible to apply to ASTM C496 and EN 12390-6 norms.

As for ordinary concretes, it’s possible to deduce the direct traction strength following up the in-
direct one (EC 2, Italian Technical Norms, ACI). The possible correlations also for fiber
reinforced concretes aren’t at present codified.

Indirect traction - Bending

The bending test is surely the most widespread owing to its carrying out relative facility and as
it is representative of many practical situations. Another reason for the success of this test
comes from the higher degree of the test redundancy, which points out the ductility brought by
the fibrous rein- forcement, more than it happens in the previous tests (compression and direct
3. Fiber reinforced concrete; Basic elements
for the structural project.

Average tension  (MPa)

zoom w = 0.2 mm

TRA0 med TRA4 med

4.0 TRA8 med




0.00 0.10 0.20
Displacement w (mm)

Graphic 3.3 - Results comparison of fiber reinforced concrete tensile strength with different dosage rates.

zoom w = 5.00 mm
FLE0 med FLE4 med FLE8 med
Load P (kN)



0.00 2.50 5.00
Deflection f (mm)

Graphic 3.4 - Results comparison of fiber reinforced concrete flexural strength with different disage rates.

There are two kinds of tests: bending test on prismatical specimen (beam) and plate (circular or
square) punching test.

Bending test on beam:

This test aims at determining the toughness brought by the fibers to concrete.

The toughness is the strength opposed by the material to the feed of breaking process (static,
dy- namic or after shock) owing to its capacity of dispersing energy distortion.

The specimen rests on two points, and is loaded in one or two points: the former case is called
Three Point Bending Test (3PBT), the latter Four Point Bending Test (4PBT) (Figures 3.4 and
3. Fiber reinforced concrete; Basic elements
for the structural project.

Support Loading device


Figure 3.4 - Configuration of flexural test with the third point load Figure 3.5 - Configuration of flexural test with the four point load
arrangement. arrangement.

The beam on three load points is loaded at midspan, while in the four points one the span is
divided in three parts of equal length.

The beams dimensions in the main regulations aren’t so different one from another.

In ASTM C1018 norm, according to the fibers length, it’s possible to choose between two
different structures:
Specimen and Specimen Parameters
Standard loading dimensions monitored Measurements

ASTM 1018-92 - Beam 100x 100x 350 mm - Load - First crack strength and deflection
- Third-point loading preferred - Net deflection - Toughness index 15, 110, 120 (ratio of energy
(variations permitted) at midspan absorbed up to n and that absorbed energy
up to r
r (n= 3; 5,5; 10,5)
- Residual strength factor(s)
UNE 83-510-89 - Beam d/b< 1,5 - Load - First crack strength
Spain - Third-point loading l= 3d - Deflection at midspan - Energy absorbed until the deflection of 1/150
s> 3d+ 50 mm - Ratio of energy absorbed up to
deflection of 15,5 r to that up to  r
P 18-409 - Beam b = d = 140 - Load - First crack load Pr
France - Third-point loading mm l = 420 - Deflection at midspan - Ratio of load at deflection  to
mm (avg) load Pr ( = 0,7; 1,4; 2,8 mm)
s = 560 mm
NBNB 15-238 - Beam b=d= 150 mm - Load - First crack strength
Belgium - Third-point loading l= 3d - Net deflection - Flexural strength
4d < s < 5d at midspan - Energy absorbed up to deflection l/n (n = 300,
- Equivalent flexural strength up to deflection
l/n (n = 300, 150)
- Ratio of load at a deflection of l/n (n = 300,
150) to the first crack load

Concrete - Beam h = d = 100 mm - Load - Flexural strength

Institute - Third-point loading for
l < 40 mm - Net deflection - Load ratio P*max / Pmax (P*max = maximum
JSCE-SF4 h = d = 140 mm at midspan, or load on reloading after unloading at 0,9P
Japan for If> 40mm Net deflection at in the max
l= 3d+ 80 mm load points post-peak; Pmax= maximum load)

DBV Recommendat - Beam h = d = 150 - Total load - First crack strength

(Germany) - Third-point loading mm l = 600 - Net deflection - First crack load
mm at midspan - Equivalent flexural load carrying capacity until
s = 700 mm (avg) deflection  = (G /)
limit fibers
- Equivalent flexural strength until deflection 

CUR Recommend - Beam h = d = 150 - Total load - First crack strength and load
(The Netherlands) - Third-point loading mm l = 450 - Net deflection - Energy absorbed up to deflection ( = 1,5,3
mm at midspan mm)
s = 600 mm - Equivalent flexural strength up to deflection to
the first crack strength
Concrete - Beam h= 125 mm - Total load - Flexural strength
Association - Third-point loading d= 75 mm - Load point deflection - Residual flexural strength at deflections of 1
Recommend l= 450 mm mm and3 mm
Norway s= 550 mm - Toughness classification based on residual
flexural strength
Table 3.1 - Comparison table of different international codes, description and results.
3. Fiber reinforced concrete; Basic elements
for the structural project.

Dimensions/span System/ Flex. Cq. flex. Res. flex. Tensile
Nº Country Standard Issued ratio Specialties
w x d x l/s (mm) 2 loading strength strength strength strength
(mm )
l/1000 Notched
150 x 150 x 550 / 3 pt/ LOP (Fu) (0.5 mm) beams
Rilem - 0.37 x flex.
nn World 2000 550 781,3 centrally 0,05 mm l/200 Concrete part
TC 162-TDF 0.45 x flex
(150 x 125 x 550 / interval (2.5 mm) of absorption
500) taken into
h0 x h0 x 6h0 / 4,5h0 Dependent on Crack location
Suisse - - -
1 SIA 162/6 1999 (h0 100) 370,4
4pt/3 rd crack location normalized
0.5 mm
125 x 75 x l / 450 Fu - 1.0 mm - -
2 Norway publication 1999 260,4 rd
4 pt/3 pt
( l 500) 2.0 mm
n°7 (1st 4.0 mm

Fu (1
l/1200 Concrete part
DBV rd crack) (0.5 mm) - 0.37 x flex. of absorption
3 Germany 1996 150 x 150 x 700 / 600 937,5 4 pt/3 pt
tunneling 0,05 mm l/200 0.45 x flex taken into
interval (3.0 mm) account

125 x 75 (125) x l / Fu, Fcr

SB Report 260,4 - fcr x R10, Refers to
4 Sweden
nr 4
1997 450 723,4 4 pt/3 rd (special
x/100 (ASTM 0.37 x flex. DBV, ASTM
(l 550) pt 1018)
AENOR UNE 2000 4 pt/3 rd l/300
(1,5 mm)
5 Spain 83-5xx 150 x 150 x 600 / 450 1250,0 pt Fu, Fcr - - -
CIMNE n°54 1989 3 pt/ (3,0 mm)
Fu (1
CUR 35 1994 crack) (1,5 mm) - -
6 Netherlands
Komo-Attest 1997
150 x 150 x 600 / 450 1250,0
4 pt/3 rd 0,05 mm l/150
R = feq/fcr
pt interval (3,0 mm)
OBV 100 x 100 x 400 / 555,6 Toughness
7 Austria guideline 1998
4 pt/3 pt - (DBV) classes - -
300 1250,0
for shotcrete l/600 l/150
150 x 150 x 600 /
Fu, Fr
NBN rd l/300 (1,5 - - -
8 Belgium 1992 150 x 150 x 600 / 450 1250,0 4 pt/3 pt 0,05 mm
B-15-238 mm)
l/150 (3,0
Fu l/600 (0,7 mm)
France - Fr (0,05 - l/300 (1,4 mm) - ctility factors
9 NF P 18-409 1993 140 x 140 x 560 / 420 1088,9
mm l/150 (2,8 mm) dx.x = Fx.x/Fcr
l/600 (0,75 mm) Residual
100 x 100 x 380 / 555,6 l/300 (1,5 mm) factor after Reloading
10 Japan JSCE-SF4 1984 4 pt/3 pt
Fu -
300 1250,0 l/200 (2,25 mm) reloading of specimen
150 x 150 x 530 / l/150 (3,0 mm) F 0.9/Fu
Evaluation stages
Toughness Residual depending on
ATSM 100 x 100 x 350 / 555,6
indices strength -
11 USA C 1018 1997 300 1250,0 4 pt/3 rd Fcr
Ixx factors Rx,x
150 x 150 x 500 / pt
Table 3.2 - Comparison table of different flexural test international codes, description and results.

The bending test may be represented by a Load curve – Vertical displacement (measured
under load points) or, if the specimen is engraved, by a Load curve – Crack Opening
Displacement or COD), so as it can be seen in the following picture:

7,0 R60-FF3-35 - Vf=0,45%

Nominal stress (MPa)




0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5

CTOD (mm)


Graphic 3.5 - Example of UNI 11039 flexural test. Load vs. crack opening.
3. Fiber reinforced concrete; Basic elements
for the structural project.

A particularly interesting parameter is the “first crack point”, starting from which the fibers start
to give their share.

This parameter is prearranged, owing to the difficulty to determine the trigger of crack procedure.

The first crack formation is associated by some regulations to the loss of linearity of the load-
dis- placement curve (ASTM), while in further cases it is associated to the intersection between
the load- displacement curve and a parallel to the linear outline starting from a uniform value of
0.05 mm on abscissae axis (vertical displacement) (RILEM, CUR, DBV, AFNOR, NBN).

As for the behaviour in postcracking phase, the regulations are based on the definition of
dimen- sionless ductility indexes based on the energy dispersed in the cracking procedure
and/or on the residual strength.

In ASTM C1018 norm it’s calculated the area subtended by the Load-Displacement curve for
mul- tiple values of the first crack displacement; in other cases it’s assumed the punctual
residual strength for a vertical displacement denominated as ratio of the beam span (NBN, JCI-

The recent European norm EN 14651 locates the postcracking residual strength values as
punctual values of crack aperture: the RILEM norm assumes “equivalent” strength values which
are obtained by the energy absorbed in crack aperture intervals

Figure 3.6 - Example of first crack moment definition. Energy absorption calculation in the post cracking phase in the load vs. crack
opening chart.

The Italian norm UNI 11039 is based on bending tests on 4 points in control of crack aperture.
3. Fiber reinforced concrete; Basic elements
for the structural project.

Figure 3.7a - Geometry and restraints for fiber reinforced concrete beams. Figure 3.7b - Detail of the triangular shaped engraving.

Photo 3.3 - Frontal view of an instrumented specimen before the beginning of the test.

The UNI 11039 norm allows to classify the fiber reinforced concrete according to its resistance
and its toughness.

The first crack strength (fIf) derives from the relation

- l is the distance between inferior supports (450 mm)
- b is the width of the beam (150 mm)
- h is the height of the beam (150 mm)
- a0 is the depth of the engraving (45 mm)

The norm provides as well the determination of two post-crack strengths: the former, typical for exercise
3. Fiber reinforced concrete; Basic elements
for the structural project.

conditions, is the medium tension in the stretch with crack aperture at the top of the engraving
(CTOD) variable between 0 and 0.6 mm (feq (0-0.6)); the latter, typical of breakdown conditions, is
the medium tension in the stretch of crack aperture variable between 0.6 and 3.0 mm (feq(0.6-3.0)):

. .
. . . .


P If

U1 U2
U1 U2

CTOD0CTOD0 + 0.6mmCTOD 0 + 0.3mm

0.30.6 1.8 3 mm

Graphic 3.6 - Typical Load – CTOD curve. Graphic 3.7 - Crack intervals considered for the calculation of
equivalent tensions.

The UNI 11039 norm (2003) proposes to determine two “Ductility indexes” defined as:

. ..

Bending test on plate

The bending test on plate, also called punching test, was codified for the first time by SNCF
(French Railways Company) in 1989.

Unlike the bending test on beam, in this case a plate, square or circular, is subjected to central
concentrated load, so as to determine, for a prearranged lowering of the load point, the
absorbed energy.

Both in case of square plate and in case of circular plate, the lowering is equivalent to 1/20 of
the free span, so as to generate a very large cracking sight, concerning more than a cracking
line of remarkable width.

3. Fiber reinforced concrete; Basic elements
for the structural project.

Figure 3.8 - UNI 10834 or EFNARC test Photo 3.4 - UNI 10834 or EFNARC test full configured front view.
arrangement. Plate test or energy absorption

This kind of test has become very popular in common in usual practice being fairly easy to be
carried out. On the other hand, the results show a marked statistical dispersion, owing to the
redundant bond: that’s why it’s spreading, starting from the USA, the test on circular plate put
on 3 spherical hinges and for this reason statistically determined.

Figure 3.9 - ASTM C1550 plate test, geometric arrangement.

Photo 3.5 - Example of ASTM C1550 energy absorption test configuration.

3. Fiber reinforced concrete; Basic elements
for the structural project.

A schedule of the existing regulations is following.

Nº Country Standard Issued a x b x d/s System/loading Toughness classes Specialties
Allround hinged,
nn UE CEN TC229 - 600 x 600 x 100 / 500 centrally loaded E in J -
100 x 100
E1: > 500 J
Allround hinged, E2: > 700 J -
nn UE EFNARC 1996 600 x 600 x 100 / 500 centrally loaded E3: > 1000 J
100 x 100 (@ 25 mm defl.)
l: 500 J
600 x 600 x 100 / 500 Allround hinged, ll: 800 J Calculation of equivalent
1 Suisse SIA 162/6 1999 centrally loaded lll: 1000 J
Ø 800 x 100 / 700 flex. tensile strength
100 x 100 (min G = 4 kN/m)

NB Allround hinged,
Norway E700: > 700 J -
2 Publication 1999 600 x 600 x 100 / 500 centrally loaded
E1000: > 1000 J
n°7 100 x 100

E1: > 500 J

OBV Allround hinged, E2: > 700 J
3 Austria Guideline for 1998 600 x 600 x 100 / 500 centrally loaded -
E3: > 1000 J
Shotcrete 100 x 100
(@ 25 mm defl.)

ASTM 4 pt/3 pt support @ 5, 10, 20, 40 mm Bernard´s statically

4 EUA 2005 Ø 800 x 75 / 700
C1550-05 determined test

Table 3.3 - Comparison table of different energy absorption test or plate test.

Shearing and torsion

Generally, steel fibers increase the strength to shearing and to concrete torsion.

After test carried out on beams in which fibers for shearing and longitudinal framework for
bending had been used, it’s possible to state that fibers can replace partially or totally the
traditional hangers for tangential strains, by modifying the mechanism of shearing cracking in
bending cracking, with suitable contents and kind of fiber.

A few formulations of beams shearing strength (ACI Building Code, Walraven, etc.) have been
sug- gested.

Some of them are following:

(ACI Building Code)

(ACI Building Code – simplified rel.)

3. Fiber reinforced concrete; Basic elements
for the structural project.


Generally, it’s possible to state that the field of validity of all the expressions above is anyway
still rather restricted, as they derive from experimental observations and as specific national
regulations don’t exist.


The increase of fatigue strength caused by the introduction of fibers is well known: in support
there exists a wide literature based on several experimental campaigns.

The tests dimensions and procedures are various: in this case, too, there are no regulations in
this matter.

The fatigue strength can be defined as the maximum stress level to which the fiber reinforced
con- crete can resist for a definite number of load cycles before cracking, or as the maximum
number of load cycles necessary to breaking for a definite stress level (ACI Committee: Report
544.1R – Fiber Reinforced Concrete; Report 544.2R – Measurement of Properties of Fiber
Reinforced Concrete).


The behaviour of fiber reinforced concrete may be studied by various test procedures (ACI
Commit- tee: Report 544.2R – Measurement of Properties of Fiber Reinforced Concrete):

1. Weighted Pendulum Charpy-type impact test;

2. Drop-weight test (single or repeated impact);
3. Constant strain-rate test;
4. Projectile impact test;
5. Split-Hopkinson bar test;
6. Explosive test;
7. Instrumented pendulum impact test;

For instance, in the case 2, the number of drops necessary to generate a certain level of
damage in the specimen is measured.

With these kinds of tests it’s possible to compare:

1. Difference of behaviour between fiber reinforced and ordinary concretes;

2. Difference of behaviour between fiber reinforced subjected to impact and static load.

Some experiments carried out by several researchers have proved that, by using drop-weight
proce- dure, it’s registered a very strong increase of the strength of normal strength concretes,
of about 6-7
3. Fiber reinforced concrete; Basic elements
for the structural project.

times in comparison with not reinforced concretes, with measurings in volume equivalent to
0.5% of steel fibers.


The calculation of abrasion, cavitation and/or erosion strength may be carried out by ASTM
C418 and C779 tests.

Particularly interesting it’s the use of fiber reinforced to prevent or repair the damages caused
by cav- itation, as it was experimentally proved in laboratory by carrying out some tests
according to ASTM C779 - C779M-05 Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of
Horizontal Concrete Surfaces.

Another suggested procedure is CRD-C 63-80 “Test Method for Abrasion-Erosion Resistance
of Concrete (Underwater Method)”, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

On the other hand, it isn’t easy to prove the advantage brought by fibers in improving the
behaviour of the surfaces subjected to traffic of tyred vehicles.

Viscous deformation (Creep)

The tests carried out so far don’t show remarkable differences between ordinary and fiber
reinforced concretes (fibers contents < 1%) subjected to compression prolonged in time.

The norm for the test is the same as for ordinary concrete: ASTM C512-02 Standard Test
Method for Creep of Concrete in Compression.

Short-term shrinkage (plastic) – Plastic Shrinkage Cracking

The plastic shrinkage cracking develops owing to water leak in the transformation from the
liquid to the plastic state.

The concrete plastic shrinkage may be efficiently controlled by using microfibers of polymeric
kind in virtue of the very high specific surface of such fibers for volume unit and therefore of
their capacity of restraining water for superficial tension.

There are various procedures to measure cracking, one of which is AASHTO PP34-98
“Standard Practice for Estimating the Crack Tendency of Concrete”.

A specific norm for fiber reinforced has been recently drawn up: ASTM C1579-06 “Standard
Test Method for Evaluating Plastic Shrinkage Cracking of Restrained Fiber Reinforced
Concrete (Using a Steel Form Insert)”.

Long-term shrinkage (hydraulic) – Long Term Shrinkage cracking

During concrete ripening the water leak goes on and that requires a volumetrical reduction:
should this happen freely there would be no tensions in the structure.
3. Fiber reinforced concrete; Basic elements
for the structural project.

If, on the contrary, the structure isn’t free of shrinking, there would arise some traction tensions
which can overcome the material resistant capacity causing the arising of cracks spread over
con- crete.

It’s possible to get out of this phenomenon by adding to the mixture short fibers, in suitable
quan- tity.

The optimum fibers in this sense are steel microfibers (Q  0.20 mm) owing to the larger
specific surface and, therefore, to the possibility of interacting with cementitious matrix.

One of the procedures used to measure the effects of shrinking, in not confined conditions, is
the norm ASTM C157 “Standard Test Method for Length Change of Hardened Hydraulic-
cement Mor- tar and Concrete”.

At present, there are no confined condition regulations, for fiber reinforced

concretes. Durability

In the recent instructions CNR DT204 2006 it’s reproduced a table concerning steel fibers,
which specifies these fibers possibilities of use according to exposure classes (in accordance
with the norm EN 206-1:2006 - Concrete - Part 1: Specification, performance, production and
conformity) and to penetration depth of water under pressure (UNI EN 12390-8).


As for frost resistance of fiber reinforced mixtures with steel fibers, it must be said that just an
in- crease of air pockets ratio is to be held as efficient: only by acting this way it’s possible to
obtain frost resistant concretes and this is true also for fiber reinforced concretes.

Reinforced concretes with steel fibers, with suitable air contents show a very good resistance to
freeze-thaw cycles in comparison with not reinforced concretes (Massazza and Coppetti, Italce-
menti, 1991).

The norm to be used, ASTM C666-03 “Standard Test Method for Resistance of Concrete to
Rapid Freezing and Thawing”, applies to fiber reinforced concretes, too.

In European ambit it’s possible to use the regulations CEN/TR 15177:2006 “Testing the freeze-
thaw resistance of concrete - Internal structural damage”, EN 13581-2003 “Products and
systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures - Test method - Determination of
loss of mass of hydro- phobic impregnated concrete after freeze-thaw salt stress” or the norm
UNI 7987-2002 “Concrete
- Determination of deterioration resistance for freeze and thaw

cycles”. Carbonation

The presence of fibers seems not to affect meaningly the carbonation phenomenon as no
increases of the depth of CO2 face have been noticed.
3. Fiber reinforced concrete; Basic elements
for the structural project.

The measurement of fiber reinforced concrete carbonation depth is carried out by the test
procedure used for ordinary concretes: UNI 9944-1992 “Corrosion and protection of concrete
framework. De- termination of carbonation depth and of profile of penetration of chloride ions
into concrete”.

Fibers corrosion

In order to estimate the effects of the exposure of fiber reinforced concrete to aggressive
environ- ments (environment saturated with salt, aggressive ions, etc.) it’s necessary to
distinguish between integral concretes and pre-cracked concretes.

In the first case the corrosion is restricted to the surface fibers with just an aesthetical result.

In the case of cracked specimen, the strength lowering is moderate and depends on the crack
width and depth: with crack apertures larger than 0.1 mm, but limited in depth, there are no
consequenc- es on structural efficacy (ACI 544.1R – Fiber Reinforced Concrete).

Fire exposure

The following statements are integrally drawn from the Instructions CNR DT204 2006. On the
basis of the experience so far acquired on the behaviour in the presence of fire of fiber
reinforced con- cretes with steel fibers the following remarks can be expressed:

- Low ratios of fibers (up to 1%) don’t’ alter meaningly the thermal diffusivity, which
remains therefore computable on the basis of the data available for the matrix;

- The damage caused in the material by a thermal cycle pushed up to 800 °C proves to
be mainly correlated to the maximum temperature reached in the cycle and produces an
irreversible effect on the matrix. This behaviour, mainly noticed in presence of limited
volumetrical fractions of metallic fibers, suggests, once restore the room temperature, to rate
the deterioration produced through the calculation of the remaining strength;

- As the exposure maximum temperature varies, the first crack strength proves to be
basically lined up with that of the matrix. With temperatures above 600°C, the fibers improve
the behaviour of the matrix;

- As the exposure maximum temperature varies, the coefficient of elasticity of fiber rein-
forced concretes isn’t meaningly affected by the presence of limited volumetrical fractions (
1%) of fibers and, therefore, it may be assimilated to that of the matrix;

- The presence of polypropylene fibers proves to be effective to limit the consequences

of destructive spalling. In particular, such fibers partially sublimate at a temperature of 170°C
leaving free cavities in the matrix. A volumetrical fraction of fibers included between 0.1% and
0.25% can meaningly mitigate or remove the phenomenon.

To verify the effects of fire exposure, there are several procedures, some of which here quoted:
3. Fiber reinforced concrete; Basic elements
for the structural project.

- ISO 834 – 1994: Fire-resistance tests - Elements of building construction;

- BS 476 – 2004: Fire tests on building materials and structures.

3.2 - Structural compatibility of fiber reinforced concrete elements.

In principle, the use of fiber reinforced concrete is recommended above all for redundant
frame- works, as the remaining traction strain can increase the total load capacity of the
framework and improve its ductility.

The mechanical properties of fiber reinforced concrete must be directly determined on

specimen through normalized tests.

In absence of specific tests the properties not explicitly specified below can be assimilated to
those of ordinary concrete.

Here are the minimum requirements, as quoted in “Instructions for the Design, the Execution
and the Control of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Frameworks - CNR DT204 2006”:

- The minimum measuring of the fibers for structural employments mustn’t be inferior to
0.3% in volume;

- The employment for structural aims of fiber reinforced concrete with deteriorating
behav- iour is allowed provided that the remaining strength to traction in exercise fFts is equal or
superior to 20% of that of the matrix fct;

- In all fiber reinforced frameworks it’s necessary to assure that the maximum load is
superior of at least 20% to that of first crack; otherwise it can be at least equal or superior
provided that the ratio between the maximum displacement and that of first crack is at least
equal to 5;

- It’s possible to carry out monodimensional elements in fiber reinforced concrete in

absence of traditional framework if, besides satisfying the previous restrictions, the fiber
reinforced concrete has a hardening behaviour to traction so that the ratio between the last
remaining strength fFts and the matrix strength fct is at least equal to 1.05.

Graphic 3.8 - Tension vs. deformation relation.

3. Fiber reinforced concrete; Basic elements
for the structural project.

3.3 - Instructions for the design of fiber reinforced concrete frameworks.

The design of fiber reinforced concrete frameworks is based on the principles stated by the
Euro- codes for concrete and reinforced concrete frameworks.

In this paragraph there will be a hint at the regulations included in “Instructions for the Design,
the Execution and the Control of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Frameworks” (CNR DT-204/2006)
and in the document “RILEM TC 162-TDF: Test and design methods for steel fiber reinforced
concrete –
- Design Method”.

The strength and the constitutive connection to compression of fiber reinforced concrete may
be assimilated to those of ordinary concrete, therefore according to what provided in
EUROCODE 2, “Design of Concrete Structures”, ENV 1992-1-2, 2003.

For the traction, if there isn’t a hardening behaviour reachable only for measurings of about
1.5–2% in volume, the traction strength is the same of the cementitious matrix fct, which may
be drawn starting from the first crack strength obtained by the bending test (Instructions CNR
DT204 2006 and RILEM TC 162-TDF).

The constitutive connections  -  are drawn by the curves  -  obtained by the bending tests,
(UNI 11039 or RILEM TC TC 162-TDF – Bending test).

In case of hardening or deteriorating bending behaviour there are some equivalence formulae
to ob- tain the values of remaining strength to traction in service fFts and last fFtu starting from the
equivalent strengths feq(0-0.6) and feq(0.6-3.0).

In case of rigid plastic behaviour, in CNR Instructions slightly different formulae are used:

(Fibers Volumen > Critical Volumen) Plastic-Rigid
(Fibers Volumen = Critical Volumen)

(Fibers Volumen < Critical Volumen)

Graphic 3.9 - Constitution law determination, tensile strength vs crack opening. Hardening, plastic-rigid and softening behavior idealization. CNR DT

The same can be said for the advice RILEM TC 162-TDF, with some differences in the
constitutive con- nection and in the formulae which correlate the bending remaining strengths and
the traction ones:
3. Fiber reinforced concrete; Basic elements
for the structural project.

fc (N/mm ) 2

(% ) (% )
0 0

(Axial force)

fc (N/mm ) 2

Graphic 3.10 - Tension versus deformation diagram considered for RILEM TC-162).

The testings of fiber reinforced elements must be carried out both concerning the limit states of
exercise (SLE), and concerning the last limit state (SLU), as determined in the regulation in

It must be tested, through the partial coefficients procedure, that, in all design situations,
adopting the design values of actions, of stresses and of strengths, no limit state has been

Therefore it must come out:

where Ed and Rd are, respectively, the design values of the generic effect taken into
consideration and of the corresponding strength in the environment of the limit state examined.

The design values are obtained from the characteristic ones, resulting from laboratory
normalized tests, through suitable partial coefficients, the values of which, for the various limit
states, are those recommended by the regulation in force appropriately supplemented
concerning fiber reinforced concrete traction strength.

The properties values of the materials used in the fiber reinforced frameworks design must
have been determined through laboratory normalized tests.

The mechanical properties of strength and distortion of the materials, as it was said above, are
quan- tified by the corresponding characteristic values.

The only rigidity parameters (coefficient of elasticity) of the materials are evaluated through the
cor- responding average values.

The design value of the generic strength property, Xd, may be expressed in general form
through a relation such as:
3. Fiber reinforced concrete; Basic elements
for the structural project.

where Xk is the characteristic value of the generic property and m is a partial coefficient of the material.

In the determination of the characteristic value of the fiber reinforced concrete traction strength
it’s possible to consider the structural redundancy:

where fFtm is the middle value, k is Student’s factor, s the standard deviation while  is a
coefficient which decreases when structural redundancy increases.

Testing to limit states for monodimensional elements

Combined compressive and bending stress

The design to SLU of beam elements subjected to bending requires the reckoning of the
resistant last moment and the comparison with the design moment.

It’s assumed that bending cracking shows when one of the following conditions takes place:

- Reaching of the maximum compression distortion in concrete;

- Reaching of the maximum traction distortion in framework steel (if present);
- Reaching of the maximum traction distortion, Fu, in fiber reinforced concrete.

For a deteriorating constitutive connection, the maximum traction distortion is assumed equal to
2% and anyway the maximum crack aperture mustn’t be wider than 3 mm.

For a hardening constitutive connection, the maximum distortion is about 1%.

The calculation of bending and combined compressive and bending stress SLU, with or without
the presence of steel bars ordinary framework, can be carried out on the basis of constitutive
connec- tions simplified as in the following picture:

Hardening Softening
f crítico (V >V )(V <V ) f crítico

Graphic 3.11 - Limit states for the combined compressive and bending stress: use of the constituent simplified laws (stress-block with coefficients  e
 as EC2).
3. Fiber reinforced concrete; Basic elements
for the structural project.

A similar approach is followed in the advice RILEM TC 162-TDF:

Equivalent resistance Axial strenght


Factors Relation
Graphic 3.12 - Limit states for the combined compressive and bending stress: simplified method (stress-block as RILEM TC-162).

As already quoted, the values to be used in testing come out of bending tests in laboratory and
are then converted into traction values, reduced of safety partial coefficients.

Shearing and torsion

Without going into details (it’s possible to refer to the quoted normative documents for the
study in depth) it’s interesting the possibility of quantifying the contribution due to fibers (to be
determined with the same procedure followed for the combined compressive and bending
stress) which allows to replace, partially or totally, the shearing or torsion framework.

If the shearing or torsion strain is of little importance, the regulations require, however, a
minimum framework which can be guaranteed by the fibrous reinforcement.

Testing to SLU for plate elements

For plate elements without conventional framework subjected to prevalent bending strains, the
strength testing can be carried out referring to the resistant moment, mRd, reckoned assuming
the rigid-plastic constitutive connection:

In case of contemporary action of two bending moments mx and my acting in orthogonal

directions, the testing to SLU requires the fulfilment of the restriction:
3. Fiber reinforced concrete; Basic elements
for the structural project.

It’s worth noticing that the resistant capacity of a plate lying on the ground, as in the case of
floor- ings, would be of little importance if estimated, with a traditional approach, in tension
terms, as prescribed by all regulations, and CNR Instructions aren’t an exception.

To consider properly the contribution given by structural redundancy, very high in case of
ground floorings, absolutely necessary for deteriorating bending behaviours, it’s possible to
work with not linear analysis methods (Yield lines method or Non-Linear Fracture Mechanics

Testing to Exercise Limit State

Tensions testing

The testing of compression tensions in exercise must be carried out according to the current
regula- tion, as for ordinary concrete.

If the structure is made with a deteriorating behaviour fiber reinforced, the testing of traction ten-
sions in exercise is implicitly fulfilled if the same structure has been tested at the SLU.

If, on the contrary, the fiber reinforced concrete has a hardening behaviour, it’s also necessary
to carry out the testing of traction tensions in exercise, checking that the maximum stressing
tension complies with the following condition:

Cracks aperture

In reckoning the cracks characteristic width, it’s possible to quantify the contribution given by
fibers through the aliquot of the strain absorbed by the fiber reinforced for the benefit of the
ordinary framework (RILEM TC 162-TDF and Instructions CNR DT204 2006).

To do this the CNR Instructions suggest to assume a constant distribution of width tensions
equal to traction tension characteristic to SLE, fFtsk.

Minimum framework for crack control

In order to control crack, in bent elements it’s necessary to provide for a minimum

framework. In CNR Instructions the minimum framework area is equal to:

3. Fiber reinforced concrete; Basic elements
for the structural project.

- As is the stretch bending framework area [mm2]. In case As is negative, the minimum frame-
work may consist only of fibrous reinforcement;
- Act is the concrete area of the section subjected to traction [mm2], determined
assuming a strain state to the elastic limit;
- s is the maximum tension in the framework admissible in cracked phase. It may be as-
sumed equal to steel yield;
- f ct, efis the traction strength to concrete effective at first crack moment [mm 2]. It depends
on environment conditions. In absence of specific data, the traction strength must be
considered as determined 28 days after the casting;
- kc is a coefficient which considers sectional reallocation of strains soon before the
crack. kc = 1 in presence of pure traction, kc = 0.4 in presence of pure bending,

for e/h<0.4; for e/h>0.4;

- ks considers the effect of not uniform autobalanced strains. In absence of precise data,
this value may be considered equal to 0.8;
- kp considers the presence of precompression:


is the precompression ratio, v is the eccentricity of precompression strength resultant,

In pure bending kc = 0.4 , then kp = 1-1.5

3.4 - Current standard situation.

All norms previously quoted are following.

- ACI Committee - Report 544.1R – State-of-the-Art Report on Fiber Reinforced Concrete
- ACI Committee - Report 544.2R – Measurement of Properties of Fiber Reinforced Con-
3. Fiber reinforced
concrete; Basic elements
for the structural project.

- ACI Committee – Report 544.4R – Design Considerations for Steel Fiber Reinforced Con-
- ASTM C39 - Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Speci-
- ASTM C157 - Standard Test Method for Length Change of Hardened Hydraulic-cement
Mortar and Concrete
- ASTM C418 - Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Concrete by Sandblasting
- ASTM C496 - Standard Test Method for Splitting Tensile Strength of Cylindrical
Concrete Specimens
- ASTM C512 - Standard Test Method for Creep of Concrete in Compression
- ASTM C666 - Standard Test Method for Resistance of Concrete to Rapid Freezing
and Thawing
- ASTM C779 - Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Horizontal Concrete Sur-
- ASTM C1018 - Standard Test Method for Flexural Toughness and First-Crack Strength of
Fiber Reinforced Concrete
- ASTM C1116 - Standard Specification for Fiber Reinforced Concrete and Shotcrete
- ASTM C1399 – Standard Test Method for Obtaining Average Residual-Strength of
Fiber Reinforced Concrete
- ASTM C1550 - Standard Test Method for Flexural Toughness of Fiber Reinforced
Concrete (Using Centrally Loaded Round Panel)
- ASTM C1579 - Standard Test Method for Evaluating Plastic Shrinkage Cracking of
Re- strained Fiber Reinforced Concrete (Using a Steel Form Insert)
- CRD-C 63-80 - Test Method for Abrasion-Erosion Resistance of Concrete
(Underwater Method), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- AASHTO PP34-98 - Standard Practice for Estimating the Crack Tendency of Concrete
- EFNARC - European Specification for Sprayed Concrete
- EN 206-1 - Concrete - Part 1: Specification, performance, production and conformity
- EN 12390-3 - Testing hardened concrete - Compressive strength of test specimens
- EN 12390-6 - Testing hardened concrete - Tensile splitting strength of test specimens
- EN 12390-8 - Testing hardened concrete - Depth of penetration of water under pressure
- EN 13581 - Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures -
Test method - Determination of loss of mass of hydrophobic impregnated concrete after freeze-
thaw salt stress
- EN 13687-1 - Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures
- Test methods - Determination of thermal compatibility - Freeze-thaw cycling with de-icing salt
im- mersion
- EN 14651 – Precast concrete products - Test method for metallic fiber concrete -
Measuring the flexural tensile strength
- CEN EN 1992-1-1 - Eurocode 2 – Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1:general
rules and rules for buildings
- CEN/TR 15177 - Testing the freeze-thaw resistance of concrete - Internal structural damage
- RILEM TC 162-TDF: Test and design methods for steel fiber reinforced concrete – Bending test
- RILEM TC 162-TDF: Test and design methods for steel fiber reinforced concrete – s-e
De- sign Method
- RILEM CPC-18 – Measurement of hardened concrete carbonation depth
- NF P18-409 – Beton avec Fibers Metalliques. Essai de flexion
3. Fiber reinforced concrete; Basic elements
for the structural project.

- UNE 83-510 – Determination del Indice de Tenacidad y Resistencia a Primera Fisura

- NBN B 15-238 – Essai des bétons renforcés des fibers. Essai de Flexion sur éprouvettes
pris- matiques
- JCI–SF4 – Method of Tests for Flexural Strength and Flexural Toughness of Fiber
Reinforced Concrete
- UNI 7087 - Calcestruzzo - Determinazione della resistenza al degrado per cicli di gelo e
- UNI 9944 - Corrosione e protezione dell’armatura del calcestruzzo. Determinazione della
profondità di carbonatazione e del profilo di penetrazione degli ioni cloruro nel calcestruzzo
- UNI 11039-1 – Calcestruzzo rinforzato con fiber di acciaio. Part. I: Definizioni,
classificazi- one e designazione
- UNI 11039-2 – Calcestruzzo rinforzato con fiber di acciaio. Part. II. Metodo di prova
per la determinazione della resistenza di prima fessurazione e degli indici di duttilità
- UNI U73041440 - Progettazione, esecuzione e controllo degli elementi strutturali in
calces- truzzo rinforzato con fiber d’acciaio
- Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni – Decr. 14/09/05 – G.U. 23/09/05
- CNR DT204 2006 - Istruzioni per la Progettazione, l’Esecuzione ed il Controllo di
Strutture di Calcestruzzo Fibrorinforzato
- ISO 834 – Fire resistance tests - Elements of building construction
- BS 476 - Fire tests on building materials and structures
4 - Design and detailed considerations for concrete mixtures;
advice for fibers incorporation into the mixture.

4. 1 - Concrete, technological aspects for its formulation.

Concrete is, no doubt, the material most employed by humankind in the construction of civil
engi- neering works. Much testing and research has been done in order to better understand
the behav- iour and to improve the performance of the material. This chapter will summarize
briefly the main characteristics of the material, and identify the contribution that fiber
reinforcement can provide. The aim of this chapter is to give the reader a picture of the
technological aspects for the formulation of reinforced concrete with steel fibers.

Steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) is simply a standard concrete mixture into which
reinforcing fibers are incorporated, creating in the matrix a three-dimensional framework that
significantly in- creases the post-crack mechanical strength of the concrete.

Concrete of pumped or cast kind is nowadays the most used in the greater part of appliances.
When designing a concrete mixture, it is important to consider the what its use will be and
whether it’s necessary more or less workability. In this chapter will be introduced, concisely, the
main factors and necessary considerations for your formulation.

For the formulation of any kind of concrete, it is necessary to consider the three main variables
which must be modified to reach the desired result: water/cement ratio, workability (measured
by Abrams’s cone) and cement content. The interaction of these three variables allows the
designer to achieve a specific concrete strength. Any variation in one requires the others to
vary accordingly if the same strength is to be achieved (See Figure 4.1).




Figure 4.1. - Base relation between the parameters which affect the mixture.
4. Design and detailed considerations for concrete mixtures;
advice for fibers incorporation into the mixture.

The relation existing between these three variables may be determined with reasonable
precision through the following equation:

c = cement content (kg/m3)
 = a/c = water/cement ratio (1/kg)
T = Slump of Abrams’s cone (cm)
K, m e n are variables which depend on the kind of aggregate used.

This equation is known as the triangular ratio. Together with Abrams’s law (workability), these
rela- tionships form the two main laws which must be considered for the design of concrete
mixture using the method presented in this handbook.

At present, there are many design methodologies proposed for the design of concrete mixtures.
For the purpose of this handbook, a method with a general character has been selected that
has been used and proven on many occasions. The method has been developed for use in the
design of com- pression strength concretes (average strength after 28 days of age, in cylindrical
test tubes of 15 cm of diameter and 30 cm of height) between 18 MPa and 42 MPa and
Abrams’s cone lowering between 2,5 cm and 18 cm. For concrete mixes that differ from these
stated conditions, it is recommended to use another design methodology.

The methodology which follows will be proposed in summed up form, if there’s the wish of
analysing better this subject it’s advisable to see the corresponding regulations.

Entry data

1) Strength

The calculation strength or characteristic strength will have to be equal to compression strength
ex- pected by the designer, increased through the following equation (strength measured in test
tubes of 15 cm of diameter and 30 cm of height):

Fcr = calculation compression strength or characteristic
strength. f´c = compression strength expected by the
Z = student’s variable of normal distribution (see Table 4.1).
 = deviation expected for concrete (see Table 4.2).
4. Design and detailed considerations for concrete mixtures;
advice for fibers incorporation into the


20 0,842
10 1,282
5 1,645
Table 4.1 - Frattili and values of Student’s variable Z correspondent.

STANDARD DEVIATION MPa 9,0 6,5 5,0 4,0 3,0
STANDARD DEVIATION kg/cm >92 66 51 41 31
Table 4.2 - Ratio between control degree and standard deviation.

2) Workability

It has to be calculated through Abrams’s cone. It must be considered that the more it’s difficult
to cast concrete, the greater the expected lowering will have to be. Table 4.3 shows the usual
values of lowering to the cone:

Element Design Slump (cm)

Prefabricated building None 6

Huge foundations 3 8
Reinforced pedestals and foundation walls 4 8
Floors 5 8
Plates, beams, columns, edgewise walls 6 11
Thin structural walls 10 18

Carried by pumping 6 18

Superplasticized Greater than 18

Table 4.3 - Typical values for slump.

3) Aggregates maximum dimension

The maximum aggregate dimension will have to be selected according to the application of the
structure and the type of structure being designed. The maximum aggregate dimension should
not be more than ½3 of the minimum dimension of the element to be produced, nor should it be
more than ¾ of the spacing distance between two adjacent pieces of reinforcement.

4. Design and detailed considerations for concrete mixtures;
advice for fibers incorporation into the mixture.

Normally the maximum dimension of the aggregate varies between 20 and 50 mm; if
aggregates of greater dimension are used, there will be a tendency for the mixes to segregate.
For high strength concretes, reduced maximum dimensions are recommended.

4) Aggregate gradation limits

In concrete there must be aggregates of different dimensions, allocated so as to minimize the

con- tents of interstitial voids. On this subject there are many theories about the optimum
combination or better granulometry which must be adopted in a definite design. Table 4.4
presents granulometrical limits suitable for aggregate of different maximum dimensions.

5) Ratio 

It represents the weight of sand expressed in percentage in ratio with the aggregates total
weight to be found in the mix (sand + coarse aggregate) and is expressed through the following

This ratio must be such as to include the granulometry in the zone recommended in Table 4.4.
There are several methods for the correct calculation of , the easiest and quite precise it’s the
graphic method which can be found in the usual bibliography for the formulation of concrete.

6) Abrams’s law

This law fixes the correlation existing between concrete strength and the relation of water
content/cement in weight, the expression of which is called :

a = water weight;
c = cement

Abrams’s law can be expressed as:

R = strength to a defined age of ripening;

4. Design and detailed considerations for concrete mixtures;
advice for fibers incorporation into the

M and N: they are constants which depend on the characteristics of the materials component
the mixture and on the test age.

Maximum dimension 88,9mm 76,2mm 63,5mm 50,8mm 38,1mm 25,4mm 19,0mm 12,7mm 9,53mm 6,35mm
Sieve 31/2 '' 3 '' 21/2 '' 2 '' 11/2 '' 1 '' / ''
3 4 / ''
1 2 / ''
3 8 / ''
1 4
inches) (mm/inches)
88,9mm 3 / ''
2 100-90 - - - - - - - - -
76,2mm 3'' 95-80 100-90 - - - - - - - -
63,5mm 2 / ''
2 92-60 92-70 100-90 - - - - - - -
60,8mm 2'' 85-50 87-55 87-65 100-90 - - - - - -
38,1mm 1 / ''
2 76-40 80-45 80-55 87-73 100-90 - - - - -
25,4mm 1'' 68-33 72-38 73-47 77-59 84-70 100-90 - - - -
19,0mm / ''
4 63-30 68-35 68-43 73-53 77-61 90-70 100-90 - - -
12,7mm / ''
2 57-28 62-35 62-37 68-44 70-49 75-55 85-65 100-90 - -
9,53mm / ''
8 53-25 58-30 60-35 65-40 65-43 68-45 75-55 78-90 100-90 -
6,35mm / ''
4 45-22 48-25 58-30 60-35 60-35 60-35 65-45 65-51 73-61 100-90
4,76mm 4'' 45-22 48-25 50-28 55-30 55-30 55-30 60-38 58-42 62-48 62-52
2,38mm 8'' 40-20 43-20 45-20 45-20 45-20 45-20 45-20 43-37 40-26 38-26
1,19mm 16'' 35-15 35-15 35-15 35-15 35-15 35-15 35-15 31-17 26-14 21-9
0,595mm 30'' 25-10 25-10 25-10 25-10 25-10 25-10 25-10 20-10 13-5 8-2
0,298mm 50'' 16-7 16-7 16-7 16-7 16-7 16-5 16-5 11-5 7-3 5-1
0,149mm 100'' 8-2 8-2 8-2 8-2 8-2 8-2 8-2 6-2 5-1 2-0
Table 4.4 - Gradation limits recommended for different maximum dimensions of the aggregate – passing rates.

If from the expression 37 the unknown  is made explicit, the result is:

For coarse aggregates of 25.4 mm of maximum dimension, natural sand (both in saturated
condi- tion with dry surface) and Portland cement Type I of a medium quality, good
approximations are obtained with:

a) R = 902.5 / 13.1 ;  = 1.724 – 0.3887 Ln R ; (MPa)

= 88.50 / 8.69 ;  = 2.073 – 0.4628 Ln ; (MPa)
b) R R
28 28
c) R = 95.43 / 7.71 ;  = 2.232 – 0.4896 Ln R ; (MPa)
90 90
Formule 37. Specific Abrams Low.

7) Correction of 

In case the conditions of M and N aren’t those expected originally, there is a factor KR the aim of
which is to fit the values of  to the different kinds of aggregates. Refer to Table 4.5 and Table
4. Design and detailed considerations for concrete mixtures;
advice for fibers incorporation into the mixture.

Dimension 6.35 9.51 12.7 19.0 25.4 38.1 50.8 64.0 76.1
Maximum (1/4) (3/8) (1/2) (3/4) (1) (1 ½) (2) (2 ½) (3)
Factor KR 1.60 1.30 1.10 1.05 1.0 0.91 0.82 0.78 0.74

Table 4.5 - KR, factors to correct  for maximum dimension, mm (inches).

Coarse Cobblestone
Ground Half-ground
Fine (natural gravel)

Natural sand 1.00 0.97 0.91

Ground sand 1.14 1.10 0.93
Table 4.6 - KA, factors to correct  for kind of aggregate.

Once calculated, it is necessary for the correction factors KR and KA to be applied according to
the kind of aggregate to be used so as to obtain a more precise value

8) Limits of  for durability

It’s important to consider that  must be within certain limits, as this factor affects concrete
durabil- ity. In case  exceeds these values, its value will have to be considered as the
maximum allowable. See Table 4.7.

Kind of damage Conditions Maximum


Deterioration of 0.55
concrete and
corrosion of 0.50
frameworks ,

According to case
Deterioration for 0.45
washed out.
permeability 0.65
Table 4.7 -  maximums for different conditions of services or environments.

9) Triangular ratio

Through this law, it is possible to correlate three of the most important parameters which are
typical of concrete, water/cement ratio (), quantity of cement (c) and slump through Abrams’s
4. Design and detailed considerations for concrete mixtures;
advice for fibers incorporation into the

Where K, n and m are constants which depend on the characteristics of the materials being
parts of concrete.

Similarly to the case of , in the situation where concrete is formed by coarse, round aggregates of
25.4 mm of maximum size, natural sand (both in saturated condition with dry surface) and
Portland cement Type I of a medium quality, good approximations are obtained with:

c = 117.2 . -1.3 . T 0.16


is expressed in cm and c in kg/m3.

10. Correction of c

Similarly to the case of , in the event of using other characteristics different from those
previously described for concrete components it’ll be necessary to use Tables 4.8 and 4.9 to
correct the quantity of cement to be used.

Dimension 6.35 9.51 12.7 19.0 25.4 38.1 50.8 64.0 76.1
Maximum (1/4) (3/8) (1/2) (3/4) (1) (1 ½) (2) (2 ½) (3)
Factor KR 1.33 1.20 1.14 1.05 1.0 0.93 0.88 0.85 0.82
Table 4.8 - C1 factors to correct c in function of the maximum dimension, mm (inches).

Coarse Cobblestone
Ground Half-ground
Fine (natural gravel)

Natural sand 1.00 1.03 0.90

Ground sand 1.28 1.23 0.96

Table 4.9 - C2, factors to correct c for kind of aggregate.

And, as in case of , the quantity of cement will never have to be inferior to the values shown in
Table 4.10
4. Design and detailed considerations for concrete mixtures;
advice for fibers incorporation into the mixture.

Quantities of cement
Service or environmental conditions (kg/m )

In any circunstance (massive concretes are a special case) 270

In sea aggressive environments. etc.
in concretes subjected to deterioration 350

Table 4.10 - Minimum contents of cement according to environment al service conditions.

11) Calculation of the remaining components

Any mixture design is carried out on the basis of one cubic metre (1000 litres), therefore it’s
neces- sary to consider the other components which form concrete. As the aim of this
handbook isn’t that of give specific details, the remaining components will be briefly described.

- Included air:

V = volume of included air
c = quantity of cement (kg/m3)
P = maximum dimension of aggregates (mm)

- Cement absolute volume:

It’s equal to the weight of the material divided by its specific gravity, it’s a value which must be
cal- culated in laboratory, for the aim of this handbook it’s sufficient to know that, in normal
conditions, this value is equal about to 3.3, the opposite of which is 0.3.

- Water absolute volume (kg/m3)

Considering that water specific gravity is equal to 1.

- Aggregates absolute volume

It corresponds to their weight, divided by their respective specific gravities. These specific
gravities will have to be calculated in laboratory; for the aim of this handbook it’s sufficient to
know that, in normal conditions, this value is on average near to 2.65 both for big aggregates
and for sand.
4. Design and detailed considerations for concrete mixtures;
advice for fibers incorporation into the

12) Final calculation of mixture

As said before, the mixture design must be carried out on the basis of 1 cubic metre, therefore,
the sum of components will have to be equal to unity;

(G+A) + 0.3.c+a+V  1000 litros

 (G+A)

 (G + A) = Specific gravity of the combined aggregate. This value can be calculated on the basis of b
through the following expression:

; (  < 1)

Finally, drawn A + G from formule 42 and using ratio , each of the weights can be obtained
sepa- rately;

G+A = 1000- (0.3.c+a+ V).G+A

A. G A G+A= 


Evidently, as already previously explained, the method shown in this handbook is rather
simplified and doesn’t consider many other factors which may come into play when designing a
mixture, neverthe- less it sums up, in a simple way, the main steps to follow for concrete
4. Design and detailed considerations for concrete mixtures;
advice for fibers incorporation into the mixture.

4.2 - Advice for the incorporation of fibers in concrete.

Fiber Reinforced Concrete is simply a standard concrete mix with an additional component,
reinforcing fibers. For the mixture production, the fiber must be considered as an additional
aggregate; it is necessary to slightly modify the components after adding these in the mixture
design. The initial considerations to obtain specified compression mechanical strength and the
breaking modulus remain valid.

There is fundamental advice to control the addition of fibers in a mixture which meet the
suitable geometrical selection of the element, to avoid some problems such as segregation,
agglomeration and assuring then a uniform distribution. There follow such fundamental rules
which are valid for any kind of concrete and for any appliance:

- The length of the selected fiber will have to be greater than double maximum dimension of the
aggregates with 20% tolerance.

 max > 0.5 LFiber , com uma tolerância de até 20%.

Example: aggregate maximum 1” (25 mm) of diameter, would require a fiber of 2” (50 mm) of
length, with a variation not superior to 20% of length (40 mm < LFiber< 60 mm).

- The fiber length will be defined in function of the minimum dimension of the structural
element, according to the following ratio:

Smin  1,5

LFiber For this rule, too, a 20% tolerance can be


- It will be necessary to consider the minimum measuring advised according to the current
regulation of the country where the fiber is used. It’s never advised to use less than the
following measuring of steel fibers:
• Minimum Measuring: 20 kg/m3 (0.25%V) for not structural elements.
• Minimum Measuring: 25 kg/m3 (0.3%V) for structural elements.

As we have commented for previous rules, which can be applied to any kind of concrete, some
hints in function of the peculiarities of mixtures for cast on site concretes are following.

These concretes must have a workability compatible with the difficulty of their allocation and the
general advice for fibers applications is to consider an additional lowering of 1” (25 mm), to
make up for the loss of workability which can occur owing to fibers forming a minimum
interblocking. Such a device is valid for measurings which go from a minimum of 20 kg/m 3 to a
maximum of 45 kg/m3. Clearly all that follow the basic rules of fibers geometrical selection, and
non-keeping them may substantially damage the result with the possibility of causing problems
such as, for instance, segregation and agglomeration.

The lowering expected in the reference schedules previously shown, will have then to be increased
no more than 1” (25 mm), and the workability will have to be obtained with concrete plasticizing
4. Design and detailed considerations for concrete mixtures;
advice for fibers incorporation into the

Fibers can be incorporated in the mixture in two ways:

Incorporation into batched mixture at site. The fibers are added directly into the truck mixer
prior to placing into the concrete formwork. In this particular case, it is advisable to specify the
mix workabil- ity/slump before and after the incorporation of fibers in the mixture, and to
conduct field testing to verify. In any case, following the hints previously given, there mustn’t be
any problems of workability caused by adding fibers.

Photo 4.1 - Mechanical addition in the truck mixer. Photo 4.2 - Manual addition to the truck mixer.

Photo 4.3 - Appearance of wet concrete mixture after adding fibers. Photo 4.4 - Slump testing after adding fibers.

Insertion with the aggregates at batching plant. The fibers are incorporated with the dry
aggregates during the batching of the concrete mix. In this case, it is important to specify the
correct water/ce- ment ratio in order to obtain the desired workability. The design slump can
vary up to +/- 25 mm.

Photo 4.5 - Manual insertion with the aggregates in the belt Photo 4.6 - Slump testing of batched concrete mixture.
4. Design and detailed considerations for concrete mixtures;
advice for fibers incorporation into the mixture.

Photo 4.7 - Manual insertion in the concrete mixer. Photo 4.8 - Slump testing of batched concrete mixture.

The use of fiber reinforced concrete cast on site does not require the additional use of
specialized equipment. Equipment normally used, such as vibrators and pumps, is all that is
required. Special care is required when using pumped concrete mixes in order to avoid
clogging. The fiber length must not exceed 70% of the diameter of the exit mouth of the
pumping system.

Presented below are photos of fiber reinforced concrete mixes being poured in various
conditions and using different types of equipment.

Photo 4.9 - Casting directly from truck mixer. Photo 4.10 - Casting directly from truck mixer.

Photo 4.11 - Placing pumped concrete. Photo 4.12 - Discharging concrete mix into pump hopper.

Concretes poured in the field typically have slumps ranging between 100-150 mm and
water/cement ratios of 0.3-0.5. The choice of the aggregates and their granulometry will have to
suit the element to cast and will be affected only by the structure and the mechanical strength
required by the design, so the choice of the fiber will have to be compatible with these bases.
4. Design and detailed considerations for concrete mixtures;
advice for fibers incorporation into the

4.3 - Advice for insertion of fibers into concretes for prefabricated elements.

In the previous sections, it has been widely described the manufacture of mixtures with the
addition of fibers, and the fundamental rules to avoid problems of segregation or fibers
conglomeration. The flexibility of the insertion of fibers into the mixture is so wide that can
generate concretes with very low ratio water/cement, in this particular case, the rules of fibers
configuration and geometrical se- lection are of maximum importance. Nowadays, the steel
fibers of loose format can be incorporated to dry mixtures without harming homogeneity.

In the case of concrete mixes with a low water/cement ratio, the role of the additives is to keep
the mixture workable and to obtain a suitable finish of the precast elements.

The suggestion for these types of mixes is to use fibers with low high aspect ratios. This will
avoid fiber conglomeration during the dry mixing process that can prevent the development of
uniform fiber distribution in the mix. It is generally accepted that fibers with high aspect ratios
have a greater tendency towards conglomeration; there are few producers that have been
successful in controlling this phenomenon.

One possible solution to control the tendency to conglomerate of high aspect ratio fibers is to
use fibers that have a thin coating of glued. This approach is problematic in the case of low
ratio water/ cement mixtures, as the small quantity of water cannot thin completely the glue
resulting in a certain amount of conglomeration of fibers. The use of plasticizing admixtures in
this case can help improve this situation.

As previously mentioned, the presence of the fibers in the concrete mix does not require the
use of specialized production equipment. Standard concrete batching facilities are used and the
fibers are incorporated as an additional aggregate, as shown in the photos below:

Photo 4.13 - Example of dry mixture with fibers. Photo 4.14 - Mixer in a precast concrete plant producing dry
mixture for vibrocompressed concrete.
4. Design and detailed considerations for concrete mixtures;
advice for fibers incorporation into the mixture.

Photo 4.15 - Batching of dry mix for vibrocompressed concrete. Photo 4.16 - Incorporation into the pump.

Photo 4.17 - Batching of dry aggregates for ashlar concrete. Photo 4.18 - Introduction into the pump.

In case of mixtures used in the manufacture of precast concrete elements, it is possible to

sometimes use higher slump mixes than normally used for cast-in-place structures. The
considerations previously stated for cast-in-place concretes must be followed.

The selection of aggregates and their gradations are generally controlled by the dimensions of
the precast elements to manufacture. The choice of fiber used in these mixes should be
compatible with the element dimensions and aggregates used.

4.4 - Recommendations for the use of fibers into wet and dry sprayed

A sprayed mixture of sand, water and cement commonly referred to as shortcrete or gunite has
been used for almost a century in the field of civil engineering. The materials used in the
formulation of the mix are the same as in traditional concrete mixes, only the method of
application differs – pneumatic spraying instead of casting.

There are two general methods of applying shotcrete mixtures, wet or dry. In the dry method,
sand, gravel and cement are worked in a mixer and then conveyed through pipes using
pressured air. In the wet method, the mixture is conveyed through pipes as well, but water is
introduced at the point of discharge.

A combination of the wet and dry methods of shotcrete application is also used. A small
amount of water is incorporated into the mix during batching. The resultant ‘damp’ mixture is
conveyed through pipes and onto the work surface by pressured air. This procedure is in
common usage throughout the world. In some countries, it is the only method used.
4. Design and detailed considerations for concrete mixtures;
advice for fibers incorporation into the

There are numerous fields where shotcrete technologies have been applied. The ease of use of
its manufacture and the advantages it offers in approaching in quick and effective way places
difficult to be reached in another way, are some of the reasons for which this procedure was
and keeps on being used all over the world. Typically applications are:

- Building of tunnels.
- Mining industry.
- Slope facing.
- Stabilization of excavations for foundations.
- Clearance works.

Generally, shotcrete can be used in any kind of work directed to pursue the stabilization or the
covering of an irregular superficial layer where the conventional formwork cannot be used.
Although the pri- mary application is that of soil support, it can be used in the general repair of
concrete structures.


As it has already been stated, the composition of shotcrete is similar to that of conventional
concrete mixes. There are, however, some differences, including:

- Low water/cement ratio.

- Lower quantity of water.
- Lower quantity of cement.
- Maximum aggregate of 16 mm.

Regarding the water/cement ratio, it is necessary to mention the differences between the two
appli- cation procedures. For the dry application method, the water/cement ratio is calculated
considering not only the water which will be added to the pipe mouth, but also the moisture
content of the ag- gregates used in the mix. Nevertheless, in this procedure there isn’t a definite
value for the aforesaid ratio as the worker who controls the pipe is the same who controls the
quantity of water which will be discharged, which is a disadvantage. Just the physical
characteristics of concrete get Water/Cement ratio not to be so changed, because in case such
proportion isn’t between the allowed values either there will be an excess of powder (in case of
water shortage) or concrete will not fix to the surface (in case of water excess). Such ratio
varies normally between 0.4 and 0.5.

In the damp way procedure, the Water/Cement ratio keeps the same levels as the dry way
procedure, the difference is that, as the mixture has been manufactured previously, it’s possible
to control such ratio from the beginning.

Owing to the fact that, in most cases, gunite is used through damp way, this will be the method
of most reference in this chapter.
4. Design and detailed considerations for concrete mixtures;
advice for fibers incorporation into the mixture.

As for aggregates composition, it’s important to pay special attention, as for any kinds of
concrete, to their quality. In order to obtain good results it’s necessary to have a good
granulometric distribu- tion of the aggregates. Some of the criteria on which it’s impossible to
skip at the moment of using shot concrete are:

- The aggregates maximum dimension mustn’t exceed 16 mm and, in any case, it’s advisable
that parts larger than 8 mm don’t exceed 10% of the total, otherwise there will be an
excessive bounc- ing when these get in touch with the surface.

- The aggregates granulometric curve is of maximum importance, none of the fragments will
have to exceed 30% of the total weight. It will be necessary to pay special attention to the
inferior sec- tion of the curve, the finest aggregates (Sieve no 0.125) will have to be between a
minimum of 4% and a maximum of 9%. In case there is an excess of fine material there
would occur segregations which would cause obstructions of the pipe. A shortage of the
material will cause on the contrary that mixture loses cohesion interfering on the last concrete
strength (See Graphic 4.1).

- The use of additives has the aim of improving the material conditions, such as for instance:

- Increasing setting quickness.

- Improving concrete workability.
- Improving aggregates distribution.
- Reducing bouncing.

Given the importance and the variety of the additives existing on the market, this subject has
been left for a separate chapter. For more information see chapter 3.1 and 3.2.

- The insertion of fibers distributed homogeneously in concrete, on one hand proves to be

extremely effective to contrast the phenomenon of shrinking crack and, on the other hand,
gives the concrete a ductility which may become remarkable insofar as the fibers strength is
increased. For further information see chapters 3.1 and 3.2.

As peculiarity of the dry way procedure, the fibers incorporation isn’t very spread as they then
bounce in great quantity (up to 50%).

Sieve ISO
Detein rate (%)

. . . ... . . ..

Sieve ASTM (mm)

Graphic 4.1 - Recommended granulometric curve for shot concrete.

4. Design and detailed considerations for concrete mixtures;
advice for fibers incorporation into the

Tamiz ASTM (mm) Tamiz ISO Min. % Max. %

0.149 0.125 4 12
0.297 0.25 11 26
0.595 0.5 22 50
1.19 1 37 72
2.38 2 55 90
4.76 4 73 100
9.51 8 90 100
19 16 100 100
38.1 32 - -

76.1 64 - -
Table 4.11 - Selection of aggregates in function of the sieve for a shotcrete mixture.

Shotcrete application equipment

The specification and selection of the type of equipment used to apply the shotcrete is as
important as the selection of the suitable components from which form the concrete mixture.
Depending on the procedure used (wet or dry process) there are substantially two different
kinds of equipment.

Dry process:

There is on the market a wide range of mixers for this use, anyway all are based on the same
prin- ciple. The aggregates mixture must be poured into the hopper designed for such aim
(Figure 4.2(A)). Insofar as the mixer turns (See Figure 4.2 (B)) the aggregates begin to fall and
to fill the ejection zone and, in the end, through an air pressure between 3 and 6 bars, are shot
through the conveying pipe which ends into the mouth where they are mixed with water (See
picture 4.2 (C)).


Figure 4.2 - Diagram of equipment for dry mixture. On the left diagram of mixer machine: A. Material, B. mixture rotor, C. pipe
way out nozzle, P. pressure from the compressor to pump the mixture.
4. Design and detailed considerations for concrete mixtures;
advice for fibers incorporation into the mixture.

Here follows a photographic sequence of preparing and using of concrete mixture with dry way

Photo 4.19 - Introduction of aggregates into the mixture. Photo 4.20 - Introduction of fibers into the mixture.

Photo 4.21 - Coming out of dry mixture from the mixer. Photo 4.22 - Material conveyance by belt.

Photo 4.23 - Material conveyance by belt. Photo 4.24 - Material conveyance by belt.

Photo 4.25 - Aggregates belt and spraying equipment. Photo 4.26 - Detail of spraying equipment.
4. Design and detailed considerations for concrete mixtures;
advice for fibers incorporation into the

Photo 4.27 - Mixer detail. Photo 4.28 - Pumping of mixture into the system.

Photo 4.29 - Detail of spraying with insertion of water in the way Photo 4.30 - Detail of spraying with insertion of water in the way
out nozzle. out nozzle.

Damp process:

At present, the pumping mechanisms of the equipments used for spraying concrete through
damp way use two kinds of systems: a) a spiral system which pumps the flow of concrete or b)
a system of plungers which, through pressure, expel the mixture from the conveying pipe.

It’s important to point out that in damp way procedure the mixture must be prepared before
being incorporated to the machine (including corresponding water). This mixture must be
enough fluid to avoid obstructions of the pipe, it’s advisable the use of additives to increase
concrete fluidity at the moment of pumping.

Here follows a photographic sequence of preparing and using of concrete mixture with damp
way process:

Photo 4.31 - Fibers loose for the mixture. Photo 4.32 - Insertion of fibers into the truck.
4. Design and detailed considerations for concrete mixtures;
advice for fibers incorporation into the mixture.

Photo 4.33 - Ready damp mixture. Photo 4.34 - Ready mixture with fibers uniformly distributed.

Photo 4.35 - Check of lowering (slamp). Photo 4.36 - Notice the mixture homogeneous distribution.

Photo 4.37 - Incorporation of mixture into concrete pump. Photo 4.38 - Incorporation of mixture into the pump.

Photo 4.39 - Spraying with manual nozzle. Photo 4.40 - Spraying with manual nozzle.
4. Design and detailed considerations for concrete mixtures;
advice for fibers incorporation into the

Spraying techniques

As already pointed out, being shot concrete a method of application, its correct carrying out is
as important as the mixture composition. An uncorrected carrying out leads to a faulty result.

With a good application of Shotcrete a conglomerate with the characteristics required by the
designer is obtained. The uncorrected carrying out may lead to a bad distribution of the
components, excessive waste or bouncing, bad allocation, among the other unwanted factors.

In order to finish this chapter there will follow some of the most important recommendations
which will have to be respected during the gunited:

Photo 4.41 - Worker who keeps the perpendicularity between the surface to gunite and the position
of the plain of the nozzle mouth.

Angle of incidence:

The angle of incidence through which the concrete casting is going to reach the surface must
be perpendicular to the surface itself. Otherwise, the quantity of bouncing material (wasted
material) will be excessive. For this reason, the mouth of the conveyance pipe will always have
to be perpen- dicular to the surface.

Velocity of impact:

The distance between the mouth and the surface is of great importance; this distance is directly
pro- portional to the way out speed of concrete that is, the faster it is, the greater the distance
will have to be and vice versa. So, in case the velocity of impact is very high there will be an
excess of bouncing preventing that concrete gets fixed effectively to the surface, on the
contrary, owing to absence of cohesion, the mass of concrete won’t get fixed to the surface
causing wide leaks.
4. Design and detailed considerations for concrete mixtures;
advice for fibers incorporation into the mixture.

In order to reach a balance in this relation, it’s advisable to add some air at the rate of 7-15
m3/min at a pressure of about 7 bars in the end mouth and, in this situation, the distance
between the pipe and the surface will have to be between 1 and 2 meters.

Selection of the suitable worker:

As it can be seen in the two previous recommendations, much of the responsibility is charged
to the worker who uses the pipe (both manually and through a robot), the choice of the right
person for the gunited is of great importance, as he largely affects the final result (nozzle
allocation, distance of separation, quantity of water in the dry way process, etc.).

Photo 4.42 - Gunited with robot. Photo 4.43 - Manual gunited with pipe.

4.5 - Concrete admixtures and their compatibility of use in fiber reinforced


In the application of Fiber Reinforced Concrete (FRC), there are common considerations on the
ap- plication of additives in the mix-design which aren’t different from those commonly adopted
for mixtures of simple concrete.

Here are following, according to the technological aspects of mixtures formulation on the basis
of the different applications previously described, the additives which can be used.

- Plasticizers and retarders. As their names imply, these admixtures are used to control the
workability of the concrete mix. They are normally they are based on Sulfonato Naphtalene,
Vinyl Copolymers, Modified Policarboxilati. They can keep the concrete workability from 2 to 6
hours, according to the mix design requirements. These additives are incorporated, once the
mixture has been prepared, to control the time of workability when there are difficulties of
access to the place of shotcrete or in case of long way stretches of concrete up to arrive at the
work. Liquid format.

- Setting accelerants. These admixtures are setting accelerants and are incorporated to the
mixture to obtain a rapid increase of strength. Normally they are products derived from silicates
and aluminium sulphate. It is important to control the rate of application of these chemicals as
excessive use for a prolonged period of time can reduce the material strength. A typically
dosage rate is 4% to 6% of the cement fraction. The format may be in powder or liquid.

- Corrosion protectors. This is a newer class of additives that can be used to inhibit chloride
ions reactions within the concrete.
4. Design and detailed considerations for concrete mixtures;
advice for fibers incorporation into the

The additives discussed above are in common usage in the design and batching of concrete
mixtures. There have been no interaction problems reported with the use of fiber
reinforcements. The addi- tives control the mixture quality and workability; the fibers are a
reinforcement. The fiber dosage in a concrete volume does not appear to represent a
workability problem requiring additional methods of control.

4.6 - Typical applications of the structural and not structural fiber reinforced

Starting in the1960’s, the technology of steel fiber reinforced concrete has evolved from lab
experi- mentation done in the 1950’s, into practical industrial applications. Examples of the
various applica- tions are monolithic prefabricated elements, industrial floors, the supports of
surface and subsurface excavations using shotcrete, and prefabricated tunnel lining segments.
Steel fibers reinforcement is now accepted as a viable alternate to conventional reinforcing

The steel fibers were initially incorporated to the concrete matrix in order to avoid brittle
behaviour and improve its physical characteristics. Under normal conditions concrete, will tend
to crack, mainly owing to the traction forces which are internally produced. In order to avoid this
phenomenon, it is necessary to reinforce the concrete either with welded wire mesh or with
fibers. The advantage of using fibers is that the fibers will blend into the matix, creating a three-
dimensional framework, avoiding then the phenomenon of plastic shrinking.

Additional research has concluded that fiber reinforcement not only improves the physical
proper- ties of the concrete, but also improves the mechanical characteristics. These
improvements allow the fibers to used as structural reinforcement in many cases.

There are many cases in which fibers can be and are used as structural reinforcement.
Nevertheless, the lack of a clear and simple regulation is the greatest restriction limiting this
“new” technology to be able to spread among a greater number of engineers and applications.

4.7 -Current standard situation.

There are many different standards and codes involved in design and manufacturing of
concrete mixtures. These documents have been previously presented in chapter 3 of this
handbook, and cover such phases as:

- Mixture design.
- Fibers, regulations for their incorporation in different production processes.
- Control of material mechanical properties.
- Structural design codes.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

5.1 - Conventionally bored tunnels and tunnels excavated through TBM.

When great length and constant geometrical properties are characterising elements for the
project design of an underground tunnel, conditions are in principle suitable to choose for a
mechanised construction through the use of a TBM (Tunnel-Boring Machine), which can be
adequately selected between the ever increasingly wide range of ever more versatile design

Photo 5.1 - Tunnel obtained through TBM of 12 m diameter, Line 9 of the metro in Barcelona, Spain.

In the almost total number of cases, this mechanised excavation procedure is associated to the
use of lining rings made of precast segments of reinforced concrete. These segments are
adequately as- sembled within the underground tunnel systematically and continuously throughout
the advancement of the excavation works in such a way that the tunnel turns out to be
completed after the passage of the TBM.

Photo 5.2 - Precast ashlars for TBM tunnel construction, Line 9 of the metro in Barcelona, Spain.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

However, when we decide by the conventional excavation of a tunnel, be by means of the

explosives use or resorting to mechanical removal of the soil, generally we procede immediate
stabilization of the exposed cavity with the front advance of excavation, where are placed
supports, characterized by your technological compatibility in the extensive use of the projected
concrete. These supports are eventually integrated for metallic structures elements, such as
anchorages and profiles. (It is then placed a support by the construction of which current
technology does extensive use of the shotcrete, eventual integrated with metallic structural
elements, which are the anchorages and the profiles).

Photo 5.3 - Example of a tunnel obtained through conventional excavation with explosives.
Railway line Caracas-Charallave, Venezuela.

Photo 5.4 - Example of a tunnel obtained through conventional excavation with explosives,
place- ment of metallic support. Railway line Caracas-Charallave, Venezuela.

Right after or even immediately after tunnel excavation has been completed, the cavity is
generally, although not necessarily, covered through an on-site casting of completely or
partially reinforced concrete, which function may vary from rigorously structural to purely
“cosmetic”. This depends from the geostatic and functional conditions of each specific work.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

Photo 5.5 - Example of tunnel obtained through conventional excavation with explosives, which
final lining is obtained though on-site concrete casting. Railway line Caracas-Charallave,

For all the above sequentially mentioned elements, such as the precast concrete rings, the
primary supporting structures in shotcrete and the linings of cast-in-place concrete, modern
technology of structural concrete makes use of metal fibers, either in substitution or in addition
to conventional reinforcement metal bars, ever more frequently and with ever increasing
comparative advantages and excellent results. Metal fibers may be eventually also
complemented through the use of synthetic fibers.

5.2 - Design criteria for tunnel supports and linings.

The geostatic behaviour of an underground excavation depends, between many other factors,
on the geomechanical characteristics of the working environment, on the natural stresses which
were already present in the environment, on the adopted construction process and constructing
proce- dures, thus including the nature of the construction support which has been eventually
installed, and the specific circumstances in which the installation was made. The aforesaid
reflects in what is appropriately defined as “type of behaviour of the excavation” that
comprehends, between other factors, the geomechanical concretization of the environment (the
geomechanics of the rock mass to be excavated) as well as the definition of the status of
natural stresses (as function, in a first instance, of the depth or covering of the tunnel and of the
density of the rock mass).

The initial, or primary phase, support shall guarantee safety conditions for workers and
(possibly to- tal) stability of the cavity in the short term. It is generally put in place in
uncomfortable, hostile and even dangerous environmental conditions, which render controls
over its quality generally limited and sometimes even insufficient. As a result, it is
recommended not to assign a formal long-term structural reliability to such initial lining, but only
an immediate and temporary task of support in guaranteeing structural integrity. A conservative
initial lining (such as made up of shotcrete containing metal fibers, metallic ribs or sewing or
fixing spiles) may be integrated with elements for mechanical strengthening (for improvement)
of the rock mass (such as e.g. metal spiles, glassfiber composite, injections, etc.) or
alternatively, with elements having pre-supporting function (such as e.g. truncated cone archs of
concrete in pre-shear, or jet-grouting, or microspiles). These criteria may be applied each
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

time that such an integration may result necessary or beneficial towards improving safety
conditions and achieving an adequate control over stabilization of the cavity in the short term,
concurring at the same time to the establishment of more efficient static conditions in view of
the exploitation of the final lining’s functions.

The deformation of the advancing nucleus of the excavation represents a fundamental element
in the control of stability of the excavation. Thus, controlling and limiting deformation of the
advanc- ing nucleus (extrusion) by appropriately increasing its rigidity plays a fundamental role
in the whole tunnel’s stability both in the short and in the long term. This derives all from the
proven existence of a strict relationship between the phenomenon of nucleus’s extrusion at the
excavation advancement face and the phenomena of pre-convergence and convergence of the
cavity, where a chronologic dependence exists between phenomena of deformation of the
cavity and those preventively impact- ing the nucleus at the excavation face. Analogously, an
equally strict relationship exists between the instability or collapse of the excavation face or
advancing nucleus and the consequent instability or collapse of the cavity, though preventively

The final lining shall guarantee that the adequate safety factor or the reliability defined for the
work are achieved, thereby absorbing loads estimated to be applied to the lining in the long
term, fol- lowing criteria defined to the purpose. Between those loads, at the beginning, seismic
actions will not be included, unless it is dealt with specific sections corresponding to situations
considered to be particularly sensitive to seismic actions, such as e.g. it happens for tunnel
sections located close to the surface or for tunnel sections excavated in particularly
unfavourable geologic sectors (fault fractures, etc.). In the lining sections where reinforcing
steel is not requested to be applied to absorb static tensile stresses, steel will be placed to
control cracking due to shrinkage.

In case tensile stresses are limited and in case reinforcing steel is only requested to be applied
to control cracking due to shrinkage, reinforcing steel can be advantageously applied in form of
metal fibers in the adequate quantity. When the lining is not to be directly applied to fulfil
structural require- ments, its functions will be, between others: to facilitate natural ventilation, to
guarantee geometric regularity of the section, to contribute to waterproofness. In these cases,
the lining thickness will be limited to minimum values compatible with technological
requirements (in the order of 30 cm), and, in those cases, the quantity of reinforcing fibers to be
applied will be limited to minimum values foreseen by standards (25 kg/m3).

Procedures to be applied for excavation, as well as for the support and the lining, shall be
selected in such a way that they will result statically efficient, feasible from the point of view of
construction, and ideal from an economic perspective. As a result, at the beginning, they will be
characterised by a horseshoe profile, or by a single arch of a circle, except for the upper part,
which will be adequately selected for each sector of the tunnel, thereby ranging from flat to
curve, with same radius as the rest of the tunnel section perimeter, inasmuch as the
geomechanical quality of the excavated section ranges from very good to highly precarious

In the case that the final lining is not conceived to have structural character or provide structural
func- tion, but to provide a “cosmetic” function only, including the case in which this element
should miss completely such as it happens in some designs, then, it will be the primary phase
support that will have to fulfil all structural functions formerly assigned to the final lining, both in
terms of structural capacity as well as in terms of structural reliability.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

In a certain sense, something similar happens also in the case of the pre-cast concrete ring
segments applied to cover tunnels excavated through TBM, because of the fact that this single
support shall fulfil all permanent static functions. Moreover, in this case, each element
composing the lining shall fulfil as well all highly demanding temporary structural functions,
which are related to the construc- tion process, to the storing, handling, assembling processes,
and, sometimes, to the process of counteracting forces exerted at the face by the TBM during

Finally, and independently from which is the case, the structural design shall begin from the
defini- tion of acting loads and of boundary conditions. As such, the geomechanical
characterisation of the environment to be excavated results being a fundamental prerequisite.

Geomechanical characterisation of rocks and ground.

The identification of grounds, soils, rocks and rock mass, which will be impacted by the
excavation, is the first step in the complex process of designing a tunnel. This characterisation
is directly related to results of what is traditionally named a geological study, or a geological
survey, or, more simply, the geology of the site of the underground construction work.

It is important that such identification and eventual classification of the involved soils, rocks and
rock mass, is carried out not just following geologic criteria, but also following engineering
criteria, in what is meant considering at any time physical and mechanical conditions and
properties of the materials and of the system as a whole.

Since the tunnel will be definitely excavated and constructed in the rock mass on a natural
scale, this will be in the end the medium towards which the geomechanical characterisation will
be directed. Nonetheless, as a consequence, characterisation will pass from the characterisation of
single materi- als (soils and intact rock) forming the rock mass, to the characterisation of
structures (discontinuities) interconnecting materials composing the rock mass.

For highly pronounced rocky environments, in function of the fracture density and orientation
(level of anisotropy) with respect to the rock medium, the rock mass can be represented with a
continuum model, a discontinuum model, or an equivalent continuum model. For environments
typically consisting of cohesive or incoherent soils, it will be generally referred to the respective
continuum models.

In case a discontinuum model is applied, fundamental objective of the characterisation is to

identify geometric and strength characteristics of discontinuities, thereby utilizing, as an
example, Barton’s criterion, which becomes explicit through the following equation for shear

 - shear stress
n - normalized stress
b - base friction angle (obtained through shear tests onto smooth, non-altered, surfaces)
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

JRC = roughness coefficient (Joint Roughness Coefficient)

JCS = compressive strength of the discontinuity (Joint Compressive Strength).

In case rock mass can be represented by a continuum model or an equivalent continuum

model, ac- cording to the methodology proposed by Hoek and Brown (1997), in order to
estimate geomechani- cal parameters such as strength and deformation of the rock mass,
which can be macroscopically considered isotropic related to the specific scale of application,
the following thee basic parameters should be know, whereby two of them are related to the
rock materials forming the rock mass, and the third is related to the macro-structure of the rock

- The uniaxial compressive strength of intact rock ¨ci¨

- The constant ¨mi¨ defining the friction character of the rock
- The Geological Strength Index ¨GSI¨ of the rock mass.

Two tables summarizing values to be possibly assumed by each of the first two parameters
mentioned above are enclosed. These tables can be used, as a first approximation, to estimate
values which those two parameters could assume for a specified rock, if laboratory tests are
completely missing, or to be used as complement to laboratory test results. Subsequently,
Hoek’s tables to be applied for the definition and determination of the third parameter, the GSI,
are enclosed as well.

The following step consists in considering the geomechanical characteristics of strength and
defor- mation of the rock mass:

- The angle of friction of the rock mass ¨m¨

- The cohesion of the rock mass ¨cm¨
- The uniaxial compressive strength of the rock mass ¨cm¨
- The modulus of deformation of the rock mass ¨Em¨.

The following empirical equations are recommended by Hoek and Brown:

m = sen-1[(6amb (s+ mb 3n)a-1)/(2(1+ a)(2+ a)+ 6amb (s+ mb 3n

 )a-1)]

cm = ci[(1+2a)s+(1-a)mb 3n](s+ m b )3n

/(1+a)(2+a)[1+(6am (s+m
 )a-1)/((1+a)(2+a)]0.5
b 3n

cm =  ci[(m +4s–a(m

–8s))*(m /4+s)a-1]/[2(1+a)

E = 1000( /100)1/2 10 (GSI-10) / 40 (in MPa)

5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

3n = 3max/ci / ) =cm0.47.( /H)

(3max cm

with H = depth of the tunnel and ¨D¨ construction disturbance factor: equal to ¨0¨ for
undisturbed conditions and equal to ¨1¨ for not well controlled explosions.

It must be highlighted that since these equations are empirical, they should be used carefully.
And in any case, it is recommended that each of those seven geomechanical parameters is
quantified in statistic terms, thus assigning to each of them a probabilistic distribution in
function of its nature, and some statistic indexes and factors in function of the specific
knowledge available for them.

Uniaxial Point
comp. load
Grade* Term strength index Field estimate of Examples
(MPa) (MPa) strength

Extremely Specimen can only be chipped Fresh basalt, chert, diabase, gneiss,
R6 strong > 250 > 10 with a geological hammer. granite, quartzite.

Amphibolite, sandstone, basalt,

Specimen requires many blows of a gabbro, gneiss, granodiorite,
R5 Very strong 100- 250 4- 10 geological hammer to fracture it. peridotite, rhyolite, tuff.

Specimen requires more than one

R4 Strong 50- 100 2-4 blow ofa geological hammer to Limestone, marble, sandstone,
fracture it. schist.

Cannot be scraped or peeled with

Medium a pocket knife, specimen can be
R3 strong 25- 50 1-2 fractured with a single blow from a Concrete, phyllite, schist, siltstone.
geological hammer.

Can be peeled witha pocket knife

with difficulty, shallow indentation Chalk, claystone, potash, marl,
R2 Weak 5- 25 ** made by firm blow with point of a siltstone, shale, rocksalt.
geological hammer.

Crumbles under firm blows with point

of a geological hammer, can be Highly weathered or altered rock,
R1 Very weak 1-5 ** shale.
peeled by a pocket knife.

R0 Extremely 0.25-1 ** Indented by thumbnail. Stiff fault gouge.


* Grade according to Brown (1981).

** Point load tests on rock witha uniaxial compressive strength below 25 MPa are likely to yield highly ambiguous results.

Table 5.1 - Rock bulk degrees in accordance with the estimates of resistance the uniaxial compression for different types of rock.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

Values of the constant Mi for intact rock group. Note that values in parenthesis are estimates.
The range of values quoted for each material depends upon the granularity and interlocking of
the crystal structure - the higer values being associet with tightly interlocked and more frictional
characteris- tics.

Rock Texture
Class Group
type Coarse Medium Fine Very fine
Conglomerates Sandstones Siltstones Claystones
(21 + 3) 17 + 4 7+2 4+2
Breccias Greywackes Shales
(19 + 5) (18 + 3) (6 + 2)
(7 + 2)
Crystalline Sparitic Micritic Dolomites
Carbonates limestone limestones limestones (9 + 3)
(12 + 3) ( 10 + 2 ) (9 + 2)
Non- Gypsum Anhydrite
Clastic Evaporites (8+ ( 12 + 2
2) )
07 + 2
Marble Hornfels Quartzites
9+3 ( 19 + 4 ) 20 + 3

Non foliated Metasandstone

( 19 + 3 )
Migmatite Amphibolites
Slightly foliated (29 + 3) 26 + 6

Gneiss Schists Phyllites Slates

Foliated* (7 + 3)
28 + 5 12 + 3 7+4
Granite Diorite
32 + 3 25 + 5
(29 + 3)
Cabbro Dolerite
27 + 3 (16 + 5)
20 + 5

Porphyries Diabase Peridotite

(20 + 5) (15 + 5) (25 + 5)

Rhyolite Dacite Obsidian

(25 + 5) (25 + 3) (19 + 3)
Andesite Basalt
Vulcânica 25 + 5 (25 + 5)

Pyroclastic Agglomerate Breccia Tuff

(19 + 3) (19 + 5) (13 + 5)
* These values if relate the proven samples of unbroken rock in the normal direction to the stratification. The gotten value of mi it can vary significantly
if the rupture itself verifies in the direction of the weak or plain plan of stratification.

1* Note: this table contains substantial exchanges in reference to the shown ones in preceding publications. Such exchanges had been made to
reflect given accumulated in recent tests of laboratory and the gotten experience of great quarrels techniques with Geologists and Engineers

Table 5.2 - Values of mi for different classifications of rock according to its geomorfológical origin.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.


GSI selection: 31 GOOD



INTACT OR MASSIVE - Intact rock specimens
or massive in situ rock witha few widely spaced 90
discontinuities. N/A N/A
BLOCKY - Well interlocked un-disturbed rock
mass consisting of cubical blocks formed by 70
three intersecting discontinuity sets.

VERY BLOCKY - Interlocked, partially disturbed

mass with multi-faceted angular blocks formed 50
by 4 or more joint sets.

angular blocks formed by many intersecting
discontinuity sets. Persistence of bedding
planes or schistosity. 30

DISINTEGRATED - Poorly interlocked, heavily

broken rock mass with mixture of angular and 20
rounded rock pieces.

LAMINATED/SHEARED - Lack of blockiness 10

due to close spacing of weak schistosity or
shear planes. N/A N/A

Table 5.3 - Classroom determination of rock according to GSI.



A- Thick bedded, very blocky sandstone

The effect of pelitic coatings on the bedding planes is 70
minimized by the confinement of the rock mass. In
shallow tunnels or slopes these bedding planes may cause A
structuraly controlled instability.
B - Sand- C - Sand- D - Siltstone E - Weak
stone with stone and or silty sitstone or 50
thin inter- siltstone in shale with clayey shale
layers of
sandstone with B C D E
layers sandstone
layers 40
C, D, E and G - May be more or less
folded than illustrated but this does not F - Tectonically deformed,
change the strength. Tectonic deformation, intensively folded/faulted, sheared
faulting and loss of continuity moves these clayey shale or siltstone with broken 30
categories to F and H and deformed sandstone layers F
forming an almost chaotic structure
G - Undisturbed silty or clayey H - Tectonically deformed silty or
shale with or without a few clayey shale forming a chaotic
very thin sandstone layers structure with pockets of clay. Thin
layers of sandstone are G 10
transformed into small rock pieces H

Means deformation after tectonic disturbance

Table 5.4 - Values of the GSI in function of the condition of the rock in the surface and its breaking.

5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

Very wringled, surfaces without meteorization. VERY GOOD

Mirrors of breaking, surfaces very meteorized with hard waddings of BAD

Mirrors of breaking, surfaces very meteorized with hard clay waddings. VERY BAD
Wringled, slightly meteorized, spotted oxide surfaces. GOOD

Plain, moderately meteorized, modified surfaces. MEDIA

From the description of the structure and the conditions of the

surface of the rock mass, to select the appropriate interval of
this table. Esteem the average value of Geolocical Strength
Index (GSI) of this interval. It does not have very to be looked
for to be necessary. To choose an acceptable value of GSI
between 36 e 42 that to fix a GSI =
36. It is also important to recognize that the criterion of Hoek-
Brown will have only to be applied in rock bulks where the

angular fragmentos.
dimension of the fragmented blocks is small making a
comparison with the dimension of the hollowing that must be
evaluated. When the dimension of the individual blocks is
approximatively bigger to the quarter of the dimension of the
excavation, generally the rupture would be controlled for the
structure and the criterion of Hosk-Brown would not have to be


Reduction of the surface quality

UNBROKEN OR MASSIVE - unbroken rocks

or massives rocks with few widely 90 N/A N/A
separate discontinuities


BROKEN - Massive rock partially disturbed,

formed in cubic blocks formed for three 70
ortogonais systems of discontinuity, very joined
well between itself.
MUCH BROKEN - Massive rocky partially
disturbed, formed in blocks joined between 50
itself, formed for four more the systems of

BROKEN/DISTURBED - Massive rock folded
and/or failed with angular blocks formed by
the intersection of the some systems of
discontinuity. 30

DISINTEGRATED - Massive rock highly

broken with mixtures of angular and rounded 20
off, joined fragmentos poor between itself.


stratified and fissured. The schists prevail on
any system of discontinuity, completely without N/A N/A

Table 5.5 - GSI determination in function of the superficial quality observed and its degree and breaking.

Type of behaviour and pre-selection of the initial support.

The geostatic behaviour of an underground excavation, or more schematically, the “type of

behaviour of the excavation”, depends from the combination of a number of factors, which can

be identified, in highly simplified terms, as: the state of pre-existing natural stresses in the
environment where the excavation will take place, and its geomechanical strength.

5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

In a first approximation (and in case additional elements such as on-site measurements are
missing), the state of natural stress can be related directly to the depth or covering of the
excavation (H) and to the geomechanics of the environment where the excavation will take
place. Moreover, it can be related, with some approximation, to the strength of materials
dominating the environment on the one side, and to the geomechanical macro-structure of the
rock mass on the other side (fractures, modifications, anisotropies and morphologies of
surfaces from discontinuities, between others), for whose identification several geomechanical
quality indexes can be used (such as e.g. the RMR of Bieniawsky, the Q of Barton, the RSR of
Wikham, etc.), and especially the already commented Hoek’s GSI.

If natural stresses result being considerably high with respect to the strength of the rock mass,
and simplifying further, one can directly refer to the non-confined compressive strength of the
rock mass
(cm). The latter can be directly related to the state of natural stress (H), with () being the
density of the rock mass, whereby, for such correlation, the important concept of “index of
excavation com-
petence” (IC=cm/H) is introduced, which will be very useful at the time of discriminating the
type of behaviour of the excavation in the above described circumstances. Whereas, for high
values of the above mentioned index (IC), such as it generally happens for moderate coverings,
where natural stress conditions result being low as well, the geomechanical quality of the rock
mass (GSI) alone will be sufficiently conditioning and discriminating of the type of behaviour, as
it will be explained forward.

Within this framework, for practical reasons, the possible types of behaviour of an excavation
can be summarized in the following five ones:


Behaviour presenting stable overhead face and cavity. This type of behaviour appears when
the state of stress at the cavity face and the surrounding, forming as a consequence of the
redistribution of natural stresses following excavation, is such that stresses in the environment
are not overcoming strength characteristics of the environment itself. Thus, the relationship of
mobilization between strength and stresses is always greater than one (FS>2.5).

The deformation phenomena, which follow the excavation, evolve by maintaining themselves in
the elastic range; they are immediate and generally of modest capacity, thereby limiting
themselves to the order of few centimetres. The nucleus’ axial deformations, which appear in
the form of extru- sions, are negligible.

The free radial deformation of the cavity (percentage relation between radial displacement and
radius of the tunnel: Ro) is very low (<1%). Even lower is the radial deformation at the face
(o<<0.5%). The plastification (expressed as the spread of plastic radius, Rp) is practically
inexistent (Rp/Ro=1), and the index of excavation competence results being very high
(IC>>0.45). The GSI, which is the principal
control over the behaviour of the when coverings are contained, is high (GSI>60).

The eventual presence of water, also if hydrodynamic conditions exist, does generally not
influence the stability of the tunnel, unless for loose ground, or unless excessively high hydraulic
gradients cause such a wash-out that shear strength along the existing planes of discontinuities is
drastically reduced.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

The whole excavation is globally stable. Eventually, only extremely localized instabilities might
occur in the form of isolated blocks falling down, due to localized unfavourable geo-structural
conditions within discontinuous rock mass.

Stabilizing interventions are generally the lowest and are principally directed towards avoiding
the occurrence of localized sliding of ground, which could be potentially dangerous for people,
and, at the same time, towards maintaining a regular excavation profile.

Regarding specifically the support to be pre-selected for this class, the installation of isolated
spiles is deemed to be sufficient. Eventually, a thin layer or fiber-reinforced shotcrete may be
applied as well.

Photo 5.6 - Example of excavation in area of type A behaviour.


Behaviour presenting stable overhead face and stable cavity in the short term. This type of
behaviour appears when the state of stress at the cavity face and the surrounding, forming as a
consequence of the redistribution of natural stresses following excavation, is such that stresses
in the environment approach elastic strength characteristics of the environment itself. Thus, the
relationship of mobiliza- tion between strength and stresses is greater than one (FSf2) at the
face and is near to one (FSc1)
in the cavity surrounding at a certain distance from the prior one.

The deformation phenomena, which follow the excavation, evolve in the elastoplastic range in
the cavity surrounding; they are slightly postponed in time and generally of modest capacity, in
the order of few centimetres. The nucleus’ axial deformations, which appear in the form of
extrusions, are limited and do not influence the stability of the tunnel since the ground is still
capable to mobilize sufficient residual strength.

In case of high coverings, the free radial deformation of the cavity corresponds to (1%<<2.5%).
The radial deformation at the face corresponds to (o<0.5%). The plastification radius
corresponds to (1<Rp/Ro<2), and the index of excavation competence corresponds to
(0.3<IC<0.45). The GSI,
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

which is the principal control over the behaviour of the excavation when coverings are
contained, is relatively high (40<GSI<60).

The eventual presence of water, and particularly if hydrodynamic conditions exist, promotes
expand- ing of plastification by reducing the ground’s shear strength capacity, thereby
increasing the relative importance of instability phenomena. As a result, the presence of water
must be prevented, especially at the excavation advancement face, by draining water in order
to keep it as far as possible towards the nucleus’ outer side.

Instability phenomena, appearing in the form of localized sliding at the face and the surrounding
of the cavity, leave generally the time to take action after a relatively short dismissal from the
working front, allowing the use of traditional radial containment intervention methods.

Stabilizing interventions are generally of conservative type and are based on passive contrast
techniques, which are directed towards avoiding complete confining of the rock mass in the
cavity surrounding and thus its decompression well beyond the surrounding itself.

Regarding specifically the support to be pre-selected for this class, the installation of a system
com- posed of the integration of a layer of fiber-reinforced shotcrete of moderate thickness with
short spiles, and eventually light metal centres, capable to contrast radial loads with an
appropriate safety factor, is considered appropriate.

Photo 5.7 - Example of excavation in area of type B behaviour.


Behaviour presenting unstable cavity. This type of behaviour appears when the state of stress
at the cavity face and the surrounding, forming as a consequence of the redistribution of natural
stresses following excavation, is such that stresses in the environment slightly overcome elastic
strength characteristics of the environment itself. Thus, the relationship of mobilization between
strength and
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

stresses is near to one (FSf1) at the face and is lower than one (FSc<1) in the cavity
surrounding at a certain distance from the prior one.

Deformations develop slowly with respect to normal excavation advancement velocities, and,
although evident collapses of the overhead face do not take place because of the moderate
tension unbalance, the nucleus’ axial deformations, which appear in the form of extrusions,
may influence the stability of the tunnel. Moreover, due to the occurrence of plastic
deformations already at the face itself, the cavity conditions far from the face result rather
critical, and the plastic fringe develops radially with an extension which overcomes the tunnel
radius, thus resulting in a considerable radial convergence and axial deformations at the front.

In case of high coverings, the free radial deformation of the cavity corresponds to (2.5%<<5%
The radial deformation at the face corresponds to (0.5<o<1%). The plastification radius
corresponds to (2<Rp/Ro<4), and the index of excavation competence corresponds to
(0.2<IC<0.3). The GSI, which is the principal control over the behaviour of the excavation when
coverings are contained, is low

The eventual presence of water promotes expanding of plastification by reducing the ground’s
shear strength capacity, thereby increasing the relative importance of instability phenomena. As
a result, the presence of water must be prevented, especially at the excavation advancement
face, by draining water in order to keep it as far as possible towards the nucleus’ outer side.

Regarding specifically the support to be pre-selected for this class, stabilization actions are
generally realized in that only an adequate counteracting structure is applied, which consists of
ribs and fiber- reinforced shotcrete, having sufficient weight to withstand equilibrium loads. Just
eventually, the structure may be complemented by scaffolding the overhead face with glassfiber
composite elements, which are placed up to a distance of the same dimension order of the
tunnel radius, with the objec- tive of providing to the overhead face enough stiffness so as to
enable the temporary equilibrium of the cavity. These elements’ function will end as soon as the
installation of the primary support will begin, after a limited, thus beneficial, convergence of the
cavity will have taken place.

Though, due to the more critical conditions characterizing this class, interventions may become
mainly of improving character. For this purpose, the consolidation of the face by means of
glassfiber composite elements may be extended to the vicinity of the excavation perimeter, by
installing a set of outlying glassfiber composite elements. These will be slightly sloping with
respect to the tunnel axis so as to interfere with the mechanical action of the pre-consolidating
scaffolding, a rock crown immediately outside the excavation perimeter, thus contributing to
limit the extension of the plasti- fication radius of the rock around the excavation, and, as a
result, limit final equilibrium loads above the selected support.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

Photo 5.8 - Example of excavation in area of type C behaviour.


Behaviour presenting unstable overhead face. This type of behaviour appears when the state of
stress at the cavity face and the surrounding, forming as a consequence of the redistribution of
natural stresses following excavation, is such that stresses in the environment overcome
strength character- istics of the environment itself. Thus, the relationship of mobilization
between strength and stresses is lower than one (FSf<1) at the face and is much lower than
one (FSc<<1) in the cavity surrounding
at a certain distance from the prior one.

Deformation phenomena are unacceptable as they evolve rapidly in the braking range, thus
giving rise to serious instabilities’ displays such as breakouts at the face and collapses of the
cavity, which do not leave the time to take action through radial containment interventions. As
such, the nucleus’ axial deformations, which appear in the form of extrusions or collapses,
influence the stability of the tunnel. At the face the tension unbalance is such that it gives rise to
high deformation gradients, because the face’ stability conditions result critical for normal
excavation advancement velocities. Moreover, the cavity conditions far from the face result
critical, and the plastic fringe develops radially with an extension which overcomes the tunnel
radius, thus resulting in a highly important radial convergence. As a result, pre-consolidating
interventions must be provided upstream of the excavation advancement face in order to put in
place pre-containment actions capable to induce artificially arc effects.

In case of high coverings, the free radial deformation of the cavity corresponds to (5%< <10%).
The radial deformation at the face corresponds to (o>1%). The plastification radius
corresponds to (Rp/Ro>4), and the index of excavation competence corresponds to
(0.15<IC<0.2). The GSI, which is the principal control over the behaviour of the excavation
when coverings are contained, is low

The eventual presence of water, if hydrostatic conditions exist, reduces even more the ground’s
shear strength capacity, thus promoting a further increase of plastification and increasing the
magnitude of deformation phenomena. If hydrodynamic conditions exist, water produces
materials dragging
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

phenomena and siphoning phenomena, which are absolutely unacceptable and dangerous for
the global stability of the excavation. As a result, the presence of water must be prevented,
especially at the excavation advancement face, by draining water in order to keep it as far as
possible towards the nucleus’ outer side.

In order to contain the development of plastification, both beyond the overhead face and in the
radial direction, a massive intervention of improving character directed towards the preventive
consolida- tion of the nucleus by means of resistant glassfiber composite elements connected
to the rock mass through the injection of cement mixes is very useful.

The pre-selected primary support must be heavy and should be constituted by a thick fiber-
reinforced shotcrete layer and heavy metal ribs eventually integrated with radial elements to be
applied for the improvement of the rock mass, whose number and length will depend
essentially from the deforma- tion behaviour of the rock mass around the excavation. Such
radial improving elements may be made of glassfiber composite, or they may be constituted by
structurally equivalent strands or spiles. This will depend from the practical feasibility related to
construction with respect to the number and the length which will result necessary.

Photo 5.9 - Example of excavation in area of type D behaviour.


Unstable behaviour. This type of behaviour appears when the state of stress at the cavity face
and the surrounding, forming as a consequence of the redistribution of natural stresses
following excavation, is such that stresses in the environment highly overcome strength
characteristics of the environment itself. Thus, the relationship of mobilization between strength
and stresses is much lower than one (FS<<1) both at the front and in the cavity surrounding.

This type of behaviour is characterised by a short-term instability of the front with immediate
sliding breakouts of the face itself as a result of advancement operations and by the presence
of a highly emphasized free convergence of the cavity.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

Such behaviour is typical e.g. of incoherent grounds, of cataclastic rock mass, as well as in
fault zones, or in the presence of high hydraulic gradients, or in any case whereby extremely
high tension unbalances determine immediate sliding of the face just as the cavity is opened.

In the case of crossing faults, or in any tract characterised by a short-term instability of the face
with immediate collapse conditions, the necessity of pre-confining, pre-support or improvement
inter- ventions, or eventually of an adequate combination of the aforesaid methods, to be
applied during excavation advancement should be evaluated in function of geo-structural and
hydrogeological characteristics.

In case of high coverings, the free radial deformation of the cavity corresponds to (>10%). The
radial deformation at the face corresponds to (o >>1%). The plastification radius corresponds to
(Rp/Ro>>4), and the index of excavation competence corresponds to (IC<0.15). The GSI, which
is the principal
control over the behaviour of the excavation when coverings are contained, is very low (GSI<20).

The eventual presence of water reduces drastically the ground’s shear strength capacity, thus
promot- ing a greater extension of plastification and increasing the magnitude of deformation
phenomena, thereby possibly producing materials dragging phenomena and siphoning
phenomena, which are absolutely unacceptable and dangerous for the global stability of the
excavation. As a result, the presence of water must be prevented by draining water in order to
keep it as far as possible towards the outside.

Due to the reduced load capacity of soils, besides resulting sufficiently heavy and properly
integrated such as for the prior type, the primary phase counteracting system should foresee as
well adequate complementary technical solutions (such as e.g. ribs with incremented support,
remedial treatments of the centres’ foundation ground, temporary inverted archs, permanent
inverted archs during the advancement of works, excavation’s pre-supporting archs, etc.).

The pre-selected primary support must be extremely heavy and should be constituted by a
extremely thick fiber-reinforced shotcrete layer and heavy metal ribs integrated with radial elements
to be densely applied for the improvement of the soil. Such radial improving elements may be
made of glassfiber composite, or they may be constituted by structurally equivalent strands or
spiles. This will depend from the practical feasibility related to construction with respect to the
number and the length which will result necessary.

Photo 5.10 - Example of excavation in area of type E behaviour. Figure 5.1 - Example of conceptual representation of support for type E soils.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

HIGH LOW (Tunnel of approx. 10 m diameter)

Stability at the face

Stability in the cavity
Eventual instabilities Sprayed concrete (5-10 cm)
(blocks' kinematisms)
A > 0.45 > 60
FSf > 2.5 FSc > 2.5 + Spiles L = 4 m (eventual)
< 1% o
(Rp /R
= 1)

Stability at the face

Instable cavity Sprayed concrete (10-15 cm)

+ Spiles (L= 4-6

B 0.3 - 40 - 60 m) (density
FSf 2,5 FSc 1 0.45 0.25/m²) or light
1%< <2.5% o
<0.5% ribs @ 1.5 m
(1<Rp o/R < 2)

Face approaching equilibrium Sprayed concrete (15-20 cm)

Instable cavity
C 0.2 - 0.3 30 - 50 + Spiles (L = 6 m) (density
FSf 1 FSc > 1 0.5/m²) or Medium ribs @ 1 m
2.5% < <5% 0.5%< <1% o
(2 < Rp o/R < 4) + Reinforcement of the face (eventual)

Sprayed concrete (20-25 cm)

Instable face
Instable cavity + Heavy ribs @ 1 m
(high deformations) or spiles (L = 6-9 m)
0.15 - (density 1/m²)
D 20 - 40
FSf 1 FSc > 1 0.2
5% < <10% o <1% + Reinforcement of the face and
(2 < Rp o/R < 4) extrados

+ Integrative spiles (eventual)

Sprayed concrete (20-30 cm)

Generalized instability
(very poor rock mass + Very heavy ribs @ 1 m
and/or fault zone)
E FSf << 1 FSc << 1 < 0.15 < 20 + Reinforcement of the face and
> 10% >> 1% extrados
(Rp /R >> 4)
o + Integrative spiles
+ Pre-support (eventual)

Table 5.6 - Classification of support behavior in function the GSI, index of competence and quality of the bulk and the covering of the escavation.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

Determination of applied loads.

Once the support, necessary for an adequate stabilization of the tunnel, has been pre-selected,
and considering the determination of the type of behaviour of the excavation, according to rules
defined before, as base, in order to proceed in elaborating a detailed structural design, all
related analyses and calculations must be conducted stepwise. The fundamental objective of such
analyses and calculations is the determination of loads acting over the support structure,
besides, obviously, the calibration of the rigidity of the soils which will hold the same structure of
the support to be designed.

In order to proceed to the practical determination of applied loads, it is convenient to

differentiate the excavated sections of the tunnel corresponding to modest coverings (up to the
order of 10 times the width ¨b¨ of the tunnel) from the deeper excavated sections, given the fact
that those applied loads depend from such covering (H) conditions. Applied loads are then
generally estimated by ap- plying two different methodologies for the two cases: the
methodology of the “loads’ solid” in the first case, and the one of the “characteristic lines” in the
second case.

Moreover, different schemes are applied as well for the acting loads’ distribution: over the final
lining this is vertical gravitational loads in the vault and horizontal loads in the frontispieces for
sections with moderate coverings, and radial loads only in the vault for deeper sections. Over
the primary support, the model of radial loads in the vault and in the frontispieces is generally
applied indiscriminately.

For excavated sections below modest coverings, and classifiable as “superficial” (H<2b), the
contrast- ing equilibrium load over the primary support and the vertical loads acting over the
final lining will be the same, and will be also equal to gravitational loads (H) corresponding to
a solid of the same height of the specific covering.

Over the final lining of these sections, design horizontal loads will be the same as loads derived
from the application of the classical theory of thrusts over soils containment structures, whereby
seismic actions will contribute additionally.

For excavated sections below modest coverings, and classifiable as “moderate” (2b<H<=10b),
the contrasting equilibrium load acting over the primary support will be radial and will be equal
to the
gravitational load corresponding to a solid of height Hp=(b+h), where ¨ is a coefficient of
linear proportion (Terzaghi’s coefficient) that is function of the geomechanical characteristics of
the ground,
and ¨h¨ Is the height of the tunnel section.

The linear proportion coefficient () is function of the ¨GSI¨ and of ¨mi¨, as it can be observed in
the graph attached, and can be derived approximately through the following equation:

 = 1244 mi-1.433.GSI (0.0004.mi2-0.0046.mi-1.2344)

5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

mi = 7 mi = 5

3.8  = 1244mi–1,433 GSI(mi0,0004mi–0.0046mi–1.2344)





mi = 10


mi = 13




1.6 mi = 16

mi = 20
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
mi = 25

mi = 30
mi = 35




Graphic 5.1 - Terzaghi’s load factor “alpha” (Perri, 2000).

In those sections classified as intermediate, in order to estimate vertical loads acting over the
final lin- ing, an appropriate reduction of the factor ¨¨, between 25% and 50% of the value
derived through the equation, could be eventually considered. This would depend from the
geomechanical conditions and from the construction times foreseen for the lining.





D = YH D = Ya(b+h) D = Pppl
v v v


Graphic 5.2 - Relationship between loads acting in to the supports vs. covering, incidence of the factor Alfa in
function of the GSI.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

The above mentioned reduction of the design load acting over the lining would be in fact the
more emphasized, the more it can be assumed that the primary support has been effectively
loaded by the effects of the loads’ solid before the construction of the lining. Thus, the latter
should only hold the whole portion of loads not already taken over by the primary support due
to the effects of the loads’ solid before the construction of the lining.

Over the final lining of these intermediate sections, design horizontal loads will be the same as
loads derived from the application of the classical theory of thrusts over soils containment
structures, or they will be simply the same as loads deriving from the elastic reaction to
confining generated by the soil over the deformable lining, following what is indicated by the
analysis model applied in each specific case.

Seismic actions will be only considered where explicitly recommended by geologic and
geotechnical studies.

For sections classifiable as “deep” (H>10b), the contrasting equilibrium loads acting over the
primary support will be the ones derived through an interaction analysis following the
characteristic lines method.

Over the final lining, design horizontal loads will be radial and will be only applied in the area of
the vault. Their value will be proportional to the extension of the plastification radius obtained at
the equilibrium reached by the application of the primary support, or, eventually, of the radius
which can be actually reached up to the actual entrance into action of the lining, while applied
horizontal loads will be resulting from the elastic reaction to confining generated by the soil over
the deform- able lining.

Seismic actions will be only considered where explicitly recommended by geologic and
geotechnical studies.

All the afore mentioned elements, related to criteria to be used to calculate loads acting over
sup- ports, can be accurately applied to obtain a detailed structural design on the base of the
structural capacity of specific supports to be possibly applied in each specific case.

These same elements have been used in this handbook to define supports to be applied on the
base of most common geomechanical conditions, and considering generally available supports,
as it will be reported in the following chapters.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

Sprayed concrete espessura e = 0.14
2 IPN-140




Figure 5.2 - Primary support - loading scheme.




19º 19º


4.09 4.09

CB = Loads in the vaultCH = Loads in the sides

Figure 5.3 - Loading scheme on the final lining - moderate coverings.



0.70 19º 19º



4.09 4.09

CB = Loads in the vaultCH = Loads in the sides

Figure 5.4 - Loading scheme on the final lining - high coverings.

5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

5.3 - Design of supporting structures made of fiber-reinforced shotcrete.

In modern tunnels technology, supporting structures placed during the excavation are
composed of a number of resistant elements, of which fiber-reinforced shotcrete, eventually
complemented by metal ribs and spiles, is the principal element. The placement of ribs and
spiles may occur, case by case, following different combinations. Examples are indicated in the
following table for five typical primary supports (SP-a; SP-b; SP-c; SP-d; SP-e), which, in the
specific case of the table, are referred to a tunnel of approximate width (b), or equivalent
diameter, of 10 meters.

In the mentioned table, it can be observed that, with except for the two extreme situations cor-
responding, in the one case, to geomechanical conditions for which it is not necessary to
integrate the support with metal ribs, and in the other case, to geomechanical conditions for
which their use is essential, in all other intermediate situations, which are more recurrent in
tunnel practices, it is always possible to decide upon at least to alternative technical solutions
for the support. One solu- tion is based on the use of metal ribs to integrate the shotcrete, while
the other solution is based on a systematic and intensive use of metal spiles to integrate the

In fact, from a strictly structural point of view, it is certainly possible to reach the same result in
what concerns the structural capacity or the contrasting capacity of the support, by using the
two alternative technological solutions. Thus, finally, a practical selection depends anyway from
other factors such as, for example: the availability of the elements on the construction site, the
availability of equipment for the placement of those elements, compared costs for those
elements on a specific market, contractual conditions, production efficiencies, the expertise and
tradition of the constructor, and the workers’ safety.

Of course, a wider set of other technical-comparative advantages or disadvantages might be

mentioned as well for the two alternative solutions, but the subjective judgement of the author
would certainly strongly influence this aspect, and this would definitely invalidate all respective

In order to highlight technical-economic advantages to which it is normally turned to when the

alterna- tive solution of fiber-reinforced concrete must be sustained, without damaging however
the objective proposal for other supporting solutions, we underline that this solution leads to
qualitatively important technical improvements, which provide added value to the design, thus
allowing to obtain:

- A homogeneous lining without cavities or voids which might be generated at the

interface between the rock mass and the shotcrete with welded wire mesh.

- The reduction of rebound of material on the welded wire mesh.

- A more compact and even mix.

- An improvement in safety conditions of the construction site due to the reduction of the
personnel’s exposure time to excavation operations. In fact, it is possible to begin stabilization
of the working face immediately after explosions have taken place. In this way, it is avoided that
personnel is exposed to the risk of eventual sliding of material remaining on the surface of the
excavation, as it is the case for fastening operations of the welded wire mesh.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

- A homogeneously reinforced surface, capable to absorb stresses in its entire thickness.

- It generates a dúctil concrete capable to absorb efforts.

- Flexural-tension stress capacity.

- Capability to absorb energy through deformation.

Finally, on the base of the available, or the foreseen, supporting solutions alternatives for each
design, it is necessary to proceed to a specific selection for each design section, by comparing
values of pres- sures (loads) applied in function of the coverings and of the possible
geomechanical conditions of the forward coming soils (whereby these are represented, for
example, by Hoek’s Geological Strengh Index) with values of capacities (strengths) of the
available supporting structures.

For example, following this procedure for a tunnel with approximate width and equivalent
diameter of 10 meters, the supports indicated in the following table have been preliminarily

Type of Fiber-
reinforce Metal ribs Metal spiles 20 t Capacity
support (Kg/cm²)
SP-a 10 cm - - 1.5

2 IPN140 each 150 cm 2 x 4 m each two ribs

SP-b 14 cm 2.5
or, alternatively, 7 spiles x 4 @ 150 cm (without ribs)

2 IPN160 each 125 cm 4 x 6 m each two ribs

SP-c 16 cm 3.5
or, alternatively, 11 spiles x 6 each 150 cm (without ribs)

2 IPN200 each 100 cm 6 x 6 m each two ribs

SP-d 20 cm 4.5
or, alternatively, 15 spiles x 6 each 100 cm (without ribs)

SP-e 20 cm 2 IPN200 each 075 cm 10 x 6 m each two ribs 6.5

Table 5.7 - Geomechanical and structural characteristics of base supports.

5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

Covering: H (m) H (m) H (m) H (m) H (m) H (m) H (m)

5 -10 10-20 20-100 100-150 150-200 200-300 300-500

GSI <= 20 SP-e SP-e SP-e SP-e SP-e SP-e SP-e

20 < GSI < 40 SP-e SP-d SP-d SP-d SP-d SP-d SP-e

30 < GSI < 50 SP-d SP-c SP-c SP-c SP-c SP-d SP-d

40 < GSI < 60 SP-c SP-b SP-b SP-a SP-b SP-b SP-c

GSI > 60 SP-c SP-b SP-a SP-a SP-a SP-a SP-a

Table 5.8 - Pre-selection of base supports in function of the GSI and of the covering.

Alternatively, the design of a support made of fiber-reinforced shotcrete may be also realized
on the base of the calculation of its residual flexural strength, with respect to a support made of
shotcrete reinforced through welded wire mesh.

In fact, it is already since some decades that shotcrete has been traditionally applied
universally in tunnels construction, thereby being coupled with a layer of metallic wire mesh
with various objec- tives: providing a certain flexural strength to the concrete, controlling
shrinkage cracking, improving adhesion to faces and heading of the excavation, and limiting

Thus, since the principal functions of the mesh result being much more efficiently performed by
metal fibers, it is easy to understand how the replacement of the metallic wire mesh with metal
fibers has taken rapid spread.

At the same time, it has been equally easy and obvious to turn to a calculation methodology, for
supports made of fiber-reinforced shotcrete, that departed from researching mechanical equivalence
between the pressure-flexural strength capacity of a layer of concrete reinforced through a
metallic wire mesh installed in the middle of its thickness, and an equivalent layer of fiber-
reinforced concrete.

The flexural strength (maximum resistant moment) of a 1 m concrete slab of thickness (d)
reinforced by a metallic wire mesh of section Sm (mm2) and strength y’ (N/mm2), installed in the
middle of its thickness (d/2 in mm), can be obtained (in Nmm) through the equation:
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

while the maximum resistant moment of the same 1 m fiber-reinforced concrete slab results from:

where feq is the equivalent tensile strength on bending of fiber-reinforced concrete in N/mm²
(MPa), whereby, from the equivalence of the resistant moments, it is finally obtained:

feq = 0.0027.Sm .y’/d (strength requested to achieve the equivalence given a specified
thickness) d = 0.0027.Sm .y’/feq (thickness requested to achieve the equivalence given a
specified feq)

The characteristic equivalent tensile strength of the fiber-reinforced concrete feq must be initially
ob- tained directly from tests on the beam, or, if testing results are missing, it can be
preliminarily derived by empirical correlation with the base concrete type (from which tensile
strength at the first-crack point on bending of fiber-reinforced concrete f If principally depends)
and the type and dosage of
fibers (elements from which ductility of fiber-reinforced concrete depends, expressed through
the indexes D0 and D1).

Accordingly to all what was mentioned before, the structural design of supporting structures is
based on the equivalence between flexural strength of shotcrete reinforced through metallic
wire mesh (for example: 4 x 100 x 100 mm) and flexural strength of fiber-reinforced shotcrete.
Essentially, it consists of the determination of the fiber dosage (kg/m3), assuring to the fiber-
reinforced concrete, for a specified concrete strength class and for a specified thickness, an
equivalent tensile strength (feq) that is capable to provide the same resistant moment as the
one obtained through a corresponding section of concrete reinforced through welded wire

Thus, one should begin with determining the value of the reported minimum equivalent strength
which should be achieved, for each of the foreseen primary supports, and then, one should use
the correlation (referential or experimental) between the dosage of the selected fiber and the
equivalent tensile strength on bending (feq) of the specifically foreseen shotcrete (for example:

By applying the equations reported before, the following minimum strengths are obtained, for
fiber-reinforced concrete, for each of the four primary supports, corresponding to the four
concrete thicknesses examined (10 cm – 14 cm – 16 cm – 20 cm):

10 cm (P-a) 14 cm (P-b) 16 cm (P-c) 20 cm (P-d/e)

feq= 1.40 (MPa) feq= 1.00 (MPa) feq= 0.88 (MPa) feq= 0.70 (MPa)

For concrete type C24/30, corresponding to a characteristic cylindrical strength f’ c = 240

kg/cm2, European EFNARC standards indicate a tensile strength at the first-crack point of fIf =
3.4 MPa and, for Wirand FS3N fibers, whose characteristics are included as an example, the
producer reports the following approximate correlation between minimum ductility and dosage:
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

Ductility (f eq/flf ) 50 % 40 % 30 % 25 % 20 %
kg/m de FS3 33 26 23 21 20

Thus, the following correlation, between dosage and minimum equivalent tensile strength on
bend- ing, results for concrete type C24/30:

kg/m Fs3 33 26 23 21 20
feq(MPa) 1.70 1.36 1.02 0.85 0.68

An Excel sheet, appositely developed to complete the described procedure, follows, which
corresponds to the design of fiber-reinforced sections whose flexural strength is equivalent to
strength of sections reinforced through welded wire mesh.

In the last row of the table, one can observe that recommended dosage is maintained at 25
kg/m3 as minimum value, with reference to standards indicating this value as the minimum
value for structural concrete, independently from theoretical results of analyses conducted.

Concrete e=10cm Concrete e=14cm Concrete e=16cm Concrete e=20cm

A) Calculation of the equivalent strenght Mesh Fiber Mesh Fiber Mesh Fiber Mesh Fiber
(4/100) (0.75x30) (4/100) (0.75x30) (4/100) (0.75x30) (4/100) (0.75x30)
mm Thickness (h) of the shotcrete section 100 140 160 200
N/mm Tensile strenght of the welded mesh 414 414 414 414
mm Diameter of the welded mesh 4 4 4 4
mm Side of the welded mesh 100 100 100 100
mm2 Area (s) of the weldwd mesh in the section of 1 meter of 125.7 125.7 125.7 125.7
kg/m2 Weight of mesh/m2 1.97 19.7 19.7 1.97
kg/m3 Weight of mesh/m3 19.7 14.1 12.3 9.9
mm Useful thickness (d) of the section of concrete with mesh 50 70 80 100
Nmm Flexion resistant moment of the concrete withmesh 2,341,115 3,277,561 3,745,784 4,682,230
Nmm Flexion resistant moment of the concrete with fibers 2,341,115 3,277,561 3,745,784 4,682,230
mm Thickness (h) of the section of concrete without fibers 100 140 160 200
N/mm Equivalent strenghteq f requested of the concrete with fibers 0.88 0.70

Concrete e=10cm Concrete e=14cm Concrete e=16cm Concrete e=20cm

B) Experimental determination of the fibers dosage Mesh Fiber Mesh Fiber Mesh Fiber Mesh Fiber
(4/100) (0.75x30)
1.40 (4/100) (0.75x30)
1.00 (4/100) (0.75x30) (4/100) (0.75x30)
N/mm Minimum equivalent strenght fm requested 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40
Theoretical flexion resistance f of the concrete base 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.40
2 (C24/30) r 41 41 41 41
N/mm Minimum requested ductility for concrete with 27 27 27 27
2 fibers Empirical reference dosage vs. requested 10 10 10 10
ductility Rebond only of fibers
kg/m3 Recommended dosage 30 30 30 30

Table 5.9 - Mechanical comparative degree between reinforced sections with fibers and sections reinforced with conventional steel for the
determination of the thicknesses in the primary covering.

What has been reported is certainly a simplified way to proceed in sizing a resistant section
made of SFRS to be applied as support for tunnels. The objective is essentially to define the
section having the same flexural strength as the strength of an equivalent section reinforced
through welded wire mesh. Nevertheless, it may be eventually useful whether it is the case to
take a decision towards a change in the construction technology, thus whether to decide for the
use of fiber-reinforced concrete for a project, for
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

which the use of concrete reinforced through traditional reinforcing techniques was originally
foreseen. Standards for the design of fiber-reinforced concrete are under approval procedure,
where criteria for calculation of the minimum reinforcement are prescribed. These will be also
described in chapter 3 of the following publication, and may be applied to this design situation,
being more elaborated.

On the other hand, other structural analysis and calculation methodologies are available, which
can be easily adopted and comfortably adapted to the design of structural resistant elements
made of fiber-reinforced concrete. These range from simpler analytical methods to more
sophisticated and more versatile numerical approaches, such as methods which make use of
powerful and widespread codes like SAP 2000®, or of other even more complex codes based
on bi-dimensional or three-dimensional finite difference and finite element algorithms, such as

Input data necessary for sizing fiber-reinforced concrete supporting structures vary following the
analysis method applied: in the simpler case based on the equivalence of flexural strength, only the
value of the equivalent tensile strength of fiber-reinforced concrete on bending (feq) is required, while
for numerical mod- elling the detailed geometry of the structure, of the specific loads and of
constraints (such as the stiffness of supporting soils, and particularly the modulus of reaction of the
soil k), are required, besides, again, the value of the equivalent tensile strength of fiber-reinforced
concrete on bending, and its modulus of elasticity.

Analysis results for supports of 10 m width tunnels will be illustrated, whereby numerical modelling
has been conducted through the code SAP (Structural Analysis Program) of the University of
California - Berkeley, for three of the already considered thicknesses of fiber-reinforced shotcrete (14
cm for P-b, 16 cm for P-c and 20 cm for P-d/e). The primary support P-a of thickness 10 cm was not
analysed because its use is generally limited to cases with zero static loads or very low static loads,
and its function is essentially to protect against possible localized accidental breakouts of small rock
blocks from the heading and the faces of the excavation.

The most representing cases, between the numerical analyses conducted, are represented for
what con- cerns maximum tensile stresses in critical areas of the structural section of the support
(the vault and the faces). These are function both of the stiffness levels of the ground and of the
loading schemes which have been considered for the analyses, which is: a uniform normal
pressure over the whole perimeter of the supporting arch, and, more critically, again a normal
pressure but of different intensity in the vault and in the faces (lateral pressure is gradually reduced
only to a fraction towards the bottom of the arch).

Highest tensile stresses are obtained for those analyses simulating ground’s loads over the
support having a reduced lateral pressure, while lowest tensile stresses, in contrast, are
obtained for those analyses simulating uniform pressures over the whole perimeter of the

The most critical areas for what concerns the presence and intensity of tensile stresses in the
support are those of the faces in contact with the ground; in analyses considering uniform
pressure over the whole perimeter of the support, no tensile stresses are produced in the area
of the vault, while in analyses considering reduced lateral pressure, tensile stresses produced in the
area of the vault result being always lower than the ones generated at the faces.

Tensile stresses in the faces’ areas, which are generated as well in the case of uniform pressure
over the whole perimeter of the support, are always higher, if a lower stiffness of the ground is
considered. The highest tensile stress that has been obtained is equal to 9.0 kg/cm2 (0.9 MPa),
followed by some other high values (8.2; 7.3; 5.7 and 3.9 kg/cm2). All the other maximum tensile
stresses obtained are equal to 2.8 kg/cm2 (0.3 MPa), or lower.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

More rigid Less rigid Lesser lateral pressure

Loads ground ground Support
Traction Traction
cases type
Traction in walls walls roof
(kg/cm2 (kg/cm2 (kg/cm2 (kg/cm2
) ) ) )
1 0.80 0.94 2.50 2.10 P-c
2 0.55 0.56 2.00 1.30 P-c
3 2.50 2.53 8.20 3.30 P-d
4 1.30 1.50 5.70 2.60 P-d
5 0.45 0.51 2.30 1.50 P-d
6 0.35 0.41 1.50 0.90 P-c
7 1.10 1.54 7.30 4.10 P-e
8 2.80 2.80 9.00 3.70 P-d
9 0.20 1.30 2.40 1.50 P-e
10 1.10 2.90 3.90 2.20 P-d
Table 5.10 - Values resulting from the analysis of the maximum tensile stresses in primary.

All the considered case studies, including the ones corresponding to the most unfavourable
conditions as far as loads’ intensity and schemes are concerned, such as the stiffness of the
ground, show how tensile stresses generated in supports result always being lower than 1
MPa, thus, being in principle always compatible with the characteristic equivalent tensile
strength on bending that can be reached for shotcrete type C24/30 with minimum dosage of
metal fibers (25 kg/m3), which is approximately
1.5 MPa according to various test results.

Numerical analyses allow thus to conclude that, from a strictly structural point of view, replacing
welded wire mesh with a minimum dosage (25 kg/m3) of adequate metal fibers in shotcrete for
tunnel supports is generally technically feasible, thereby confirming results obtained with
simpler calcula- tions based on the equivalence between flexural strength of supports made of
shotcrete reinforced through welded wire mesh and flexural strength of supports made of
shotcrete reinforced through metal fibers.

In more general terms, numerical analysis allowed to demonstrate that by using adequate
metal fibers in shotcrete type 24/30 (and obviously also of more elevated type), a fiber dosage
of 25 25 kg/m3, such as indicated as minimum value for structural concretes by main standards,
is in principle suf- ficient to provide to shotcrete a tensile strength (feq) as high as (1.0 –1.5
MPa), which is compatible with stresses that are generally generated in tunnels supports in the
most common geotechnical, geometrical and covering conditions.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

Fiber FS3 (30/0,75) Concrete C24/30 Dos. 25kg/m


f/f f(0-0,6) f(0,6-3) Dosage feq m

Sample (MPa) Do x Dl (MPa) (MPa) 3

(kg/m ) (MPa)
Sanchon_Test_1A 4,5 0,3111 3,01 1,40 25 1,72
Sanchon_Test_1B 3,7 0,2620 2,47 0,97 25 1,27
Sanchon_Test_1C 4,3 0,3865 3,58 1,66 25 2,04
Sanchon_Test_4A 4,2 0,4074 3,89 1,71 25 2,15
Sanchon_Test_4B 2,6 0,3458 1,95 0,90 25 1,11
Sanchon_Test_4C 3,0 0,4418 2,21 1,33 25 1,50
Corona_Test_3A 3,5 0,3517 2,52 1,23 25 1,49
Corona_Test_3B 2,7 0,6726 1,04 1,82 25 1,66
Corona_Test_3C 2,8 0,3482 1,32 0,97 25 1,04
Pila 4-2 27-8-04 2,8 0,3881 1,97 1,09 30 1,26
Pila 4-4 27-8-04 2,6 0,4167 1,61 1,08 30 1,19
Pila 1-2A 01-9-04 2,8 0,4339 1,79 1,21 30 1,33
Pila 1-2B 01-9-04 3,1 0,4181 1,29 1,30 30 1,30
Pila 1-2C 01-9-04 2,5 0,5663 1,83 1,42 30 1,50
Midium 3,22 0,39 2,44 1,33 25 1,47
Table 5.11- Table representing average strength values obtained through bending tests following UNI11309.

To continue, the table related to the design of the primary support, obtained by the union of all
analyses conducted, following what has been reported so far, is enclosed. The table can be
carefully applied in order to produce an immediate preliminary design for a tunnel support
having equivalent diameter in the order of 10 metres.

The first part of such table allows selecting the support on the base of the type of behaviour of
the excavation, which can be referred to: the GSI (Geological Strength Index) for sections of
tunnels below moderate coverings, and, for sections of tunnels of greater covering, to the Index
of Competence:
IC =  /iH =ci(0.0034.m 0.8). [1.029+0.025.e (-0.1mi)]GSI/H.
H/ ci 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 25 28 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 90 100
(m/MPa) mi ABILITY INDEX (IC = cm/yH)
5 0,11 0,09 0,08 0,08 0,07 0,06 0,06 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,04 0,04 0,04 0,04 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01
7,5 0,15 0,13 0,11 0,10 0,09 0,08 0,08 0,07 0,07 0,06 0,06 0,06 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,04 0,04 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01
10 0,18 0,16 0,14 0,12 0,11 0,10 0,10 0,09 0,08 0,08 0,07 0,07 0,07 0,06 0,06 0,05 0,05 0,04 0,04 0,03 0,03 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,01 0,01
GSI <=20 15 0,24 0,21 0,19 0,17 0,15 0,14 0,13 0,12 0,11 0,10 0,10 0,09 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,07 0,06 0,06 0,05 0,04 0,04 0,03 0,03 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,02
20 0,29 0,26 0,23 0,21 0,19 0,17 0,16 0,15 0,14 0,13 0,12 0,11 0,11 0,10 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,07 0,06 0,05 0,05 0,04 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,02 0,02
25 0,35 0,30 0,27 0,24 0,22 0,20 0,19 0,17 0,16 0,15 0,14 0,13 0,13 0,12 0,11 0,10 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,06 0,05 0,05 0,04 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,02
30 0,40 0,35 0,31 0,28 0,25 0,23 0,21 0,20 0,19 0,17 0,16 0,15 0,15 0,14 0,12 0,11 0,10 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,06 0,06 0,05 0,04 0,03 0,03 0,03
35 0,45 0,39 0,35 0,31 0,28 0,26 0,24 0,22 0,21 0,20 0,18 0,17 0,16 0,16 0,14 0,13 0,11 0,10 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,06 0,05 0,04 0,04 0,03 0,03
5 0,17 0,15 0,13 0,12 0,11 0,10 0,09 0,08 0,08 0,07 0,07 0,06 0,06 0,06 0,05 0,05 0,04 0,04 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,01 0,01 0,01

7,5 0,22 0,19 0,17 0,15 0,14 0,13 0,12 0,11 0,10 0,09 0,09 0,08 0,08 0,08 0,07 0,06 0,06 0,05 0,04 0,04 E 0,03 0,03 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,02
10 0,26 0,23 0,20 0,18 0,17 0,15 0,14 0,13 0,12 0,11 0,11 0,10 0,10 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,07 0,06 0,05 0,05 0,04 0,04 0,03 0,03 0,02 0,02 0,02
GSI =(20-40) 15 0,33 0,29 0,26 0,23 0,21 0,20 0,18 0,17 0,16 0,15 0,14 0,13 0,12 0,12 0,10 0,09 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,06 0,05 0,05 0,04 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,02
20 0,40 0,35 0,31 0,28 0,26 0,24 0,22 0,20 0,19 0,18 0,17 0,16 0,15 0,14 0,13 0,11 0,10 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,06 0,06 0,05 0,04 0,04 0,03 0,03
25 0,47 0,41 0,37 0,33 D 0,27 0,25 0,24 0,22 0,21 0,19 0,18 0,17 0,16 0,15 0,13 0,12 0,11 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,07 0,05 0,05 0,04 0,04 0,03
30 0,54 0,47 0,42 0,38 0,34 0,31 0,29 0,27 0,25 0,23 0,22 0,21 0,20 0,19 0,17 0,15 0,14 0,13 0,11 0,09 0,08 0,08 0,06 0,05 0,05 0,04 0,04
35 0,60 0,53 0,47 0,42 0,38 0,35 0,32 0,30 0,28 0,26 0,25 0,23 0,22 0,21 0,19 0,17 0,15 0,14 0,12 0,11 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,06 0,05 0,05 0,04
5 0,26 0,23 0,20 0,18 0,16 0,15 0,14 0,13 0,12 0,11 0,11 0,10 0,09 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,07 0,06 0,05 0,05 0,04 0,04 0,03 0,03 0,02 0,02 0,02
7,5 0,32 0,28 0,25 0,23 0,21 0,19 0,17 0,16 0,15 0,14 0,13 0,13 0,12 0,11 0,10 0,09 0,08 0,08 0,06 0,06 0,05 0,05 0,04 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,02
10 0,38 0,33 0,29 0,26 0,24 0,22 0,20 0,19 0,18 0,17 0,16 0,15 0,14 0,13 0,12 0,11 0,10 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,06 0,05 0,04 0,04 0,03 0,03 0,03
GSI = (30-50) 15 0,47 0,41 0,37 0,33 0,30 0,27 0,25 0,24 0,22 0,21 0,19 0,18 0,17 0,16 0,15 0,13 0,12 0,11 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,07 0,05 0,05 0,04 0,04 0,03
20 0,56 0,49 0,43 0,39 0,35 0,32 0,30 0,28 0,26 0,24 0,23 0,22 0,20 0,19 0,17 0,16 0,14 0,13 0,11 0,10 0,09 0,08 0,06 0,06 0,05 0,04 0,04
25 0,64 0,56 0,50 0,45 0,41 0,37 C 0,32 0,30 0,28 0,26 0,25 0,24 0,22 0,20 0,18 0,16 0,15 0,13 0,11 0,10 0,09 0,07 0,06 0,06 0,05 0,04
30 0,72 0,63 0,56 0,51 0,46 0,42 0,39 0,36 0,34 0,32 0,30 0,28 0,27 0,25 0,22 0,20 0,18 0,17 0,14 0,13 0,11 0,10 0,08 0,07 0,06 0,06 0,05
35 0,80 0,70 0,63 0,56 0,51 0,47 0,43 0,40 0,38 0,35 0,33 0,31 0,30 0,28 0,25 0,23 0,20 0,19 0,16 0,14 0,13 0,11 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,06 0,06
5 0,43 0,38 0,34 0,30 0,28 0,25 0,23 0,22 0,20 0,19 0,18 0,17 0,16 0,15 0,13 0,12 0,11 0,10 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,06 0,05 0,04 0,04 0,03 0,03
7,5 0,52 0,46 0,41 0,37 0,33 0,30 0,28 0,26 0,24 0,23 0,22 0,20 0,19 0,18 0,16 0,15 0,13 0,12 0,10 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,06 0,05 0,05 0,04 0,04
10 0,59 0,52 0,46 0,41 0,38 0,35 0,32 0,30 0,28 0,26 0,24 0,23 0,22 0,21 0,18 0,17 0,15 0,14 0,12 0,10 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,06 0,05 0,05 0,04
GSI =(40-60) 15 0,71 0,62 0,55 0,49 0,45 0,41 0,38 0,35 0,33 0,31 0,29 0,27 0,26 0,25 0,22 0,20 0,18 0,16 0,14 0,12 0,11 0,10 0,08 0,07 0,06 0,05 0,05
20 0,81 0,71 B 0,57 0,52 0,47 0,44 0,41 0,38 0,36 0,34 0,32 0,30 0,28 0,25 0,23 0,21 0,19 0,16 0,14 0,13 0,11 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,06 0,06
25 0,92 0,81 0,72 0,65 0,59 0,54 0,50 0,46 0,43 0,40 0,38 0,36 0,34 0,32 0,29 0,26 0,23 0,22 0,18 0,16 0,14 0,13 0,11 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,06
30 1,03 0,90 0,80 0,72 0,66 0,60 0,56 0,52 0,48 0,45 0,42 0,40 0,38 0,36 0,32 0,29 0,26 0,24 0,21 0,18 0,16 0,14 0,12 0,10 0,09 0,08 0,07
35 1,14 1,00 0,89 0,80 0,73 0,67 0,62 0,57 0,53 0,50 0,47 0,44 0,42 0,40 0,36 0,32 0,29 0,27 0,23 0,20 0,18 0,16 0,13 0,11 0,10 0,09 0,08
5 0,94 0,82 0,73 0,66 0,60 0,55 0,51 0,47 0,44 0,41 0,39 0,37 0,35 0,33 0,29 0,26 0,24 0,22 0,19 0,16 0,15 0,13 0,11 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,07
7,5 1,07 0,94 0,83 0,75 0,68 0,63 0,58 0,54 0,50 0,47 0,44 0,42 0,40 0,38 0,33 0,30 0,27 0,25 0,21 0,19 0,17 0,15 0,13 0,11 0,09 0,08 0,08
10 1,16 1,02 0,90 0,81 0,74 0,68 0,63 0,58 0,54 0,51 0,48 0,45 0,43 0,41 0,36 0,33 0,30 0,27 0,23 0,20 0,18 0,16 0,14 0,12 0,10 0,09 0,08
GSI > 60 15 1,30 1,14 1,01 0,91 0,83 0,76 0,70 0,65 0,61 0,57 0,54 0,51 0,48 0,46 0,41 0,36 0,33 0,30 0,26 0,23 0,20 0,18 0,15 0,13 0,11 0,10 0,09
20 1,44 1,26 1,12 1,01 0,92 0,84 0,78 0,72 A 0,63 0,59 0,56 0,53 0,51 0,45 0,40 0,37 0,34 0,29 0,25 0,22 0,20 0,17 0,14 0,13 0,11 0,10
25 1,60 1,40 1,24 1,12 1,02 0,93 0,86 0,80 0,75 0,70 0,66 0,62 0,59 0,56 0,50 0,45 0,41 0,37 0,32 0,28 0,25 0,22 0,19 0,16 0,14 0,12 0,11
30 1,76 1,54 1,37 1,23 1,12 1,03 0,95 0,88 0,82 0,77 0,73 0,69 0,65 0,62 0,55 0,49 0,45 0,41 0,35 0,31 0,27 0,25 0,21 0,18 0,15 0,14 0,12

Table 5.12 - Type of behaviour of the excavation in function of:GSI –H - ci for tunnel of 10 m width or equivalent diameter.
35 1,94 1,70 1,51 1,36 1,23 1,13 1,04 0,97 0,91 0,85 0,80 0,75 0,71 0,68 0,60 0,54 0,49 0,45 0,39 0,34 0,30 0,27 0,23 0,19 0,17 0,15 0,14
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

The second part of the table describes basic geometrical and structural characteristics of the
sup- ports mentioned, for which, according to the principal structural element identifying those
supports that is fiber-reinforced shotcrete, the related minimum equivalent tensile strength on
bending (feq) referentially recommended for each case, is indicated.

DESIGN OF THE PRIMARY SUPPORT: Tunnel of width ~ 10 m


GSI <= 20 SP-e GSI <= 20 SP-e IC<=0.15 SP-e

20< GSI <= 40 SP-e 20< GSI <= 40 SP-d 0.15< IC<= 0.20 SP-d
30< GSI <= 50 SP-d 30< GSI <= 50 SP-c 0.20< IC<= 0.30 SP-c
40< GSI <= 60 SP-c 40< GSI <= 60 SP-b 0.30< IC<= 0.45 SP-b
GSI> 60 SP-c GSI> 60 SP-a IC> 0.45 SP-a
Table 5.13 - Supports classification for tunnels of 10 meters of diameter in function of the GSI.

SUPPORT (fiber-reinforced) Metal ribs Metal Spiles (20 t)

SP-a 10 cm (f eq= 1,0 MPa) - -

14 cm (f eq= 1,1 MPa) 2 IPN160 2 x 4 m each two ribs

each 150 cm

16 cm (f eq= 1,2 MPa) 2 IPN160 4 x 4 m each two ribs

each 125 cm

SP-d 20 cm (f eq= 1,3 MPa) 2 IPN200 6 x 6 m each two ribs

each 100 cm

20 cm (f eq= 1,4 MPa) 2 IPN200 10 x 6 m each two ribs

each 075 cm
Table 5.14 - Example of specification of resistance required for the concrete reinforced with fibers in the primáry support of tunnels.

5.4 - Design of lining made of fiber-reinforced concrete pumped on-site.

The table for the design of a support made of fiber-reinforced shotcrete, eventually integrated with
metal spiles and/or ribs, that is reported in the previous chapter, refers to a support conceived as
a primary support, which foresees the subsequent construction of a final lining. The primary lining
shall be realized by considering safety and reliability requirements that correspond to a
permanent structure, as it should fulfil the objective of stabilizing the excavation in the short term,
thus considering a relatively low safety factor (e.g. 1.1 to 1.5), or, what is the same, a relatively
high defect probability (e.g. 1% to 5%).

If in contrast, the fiber-reinforced shotcrete structure would be conceived as the only permanent
structure to be applied for the structural support of the tunnel, as it is often the case in modern
en- gineering when geomechanical and geostructural conditions of the excavation are
contained within non-critical limits, and when functional characteristics of the tunnel enable
such a situation, then, it would be necessary to design such structure by considering much
higher safety factors, or much lower defect probabilities.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

Figure 5.5 - Basic scheme of structural model for final lining.

Requests of containment

Interaction containment-ground

In a first approximation, the design of such a type of structure, constituting in fact the final lining
of the tunnel, can be carried out on the base of the same principles and procedures as
illustrated before with reference to primary supports, whereby the required safety and reliability
factors characteristic of a permanent final lining must be included in calculations.

By proceeding in the same way for the same five types of behaviour of excavations that were
previously defined in function of the GSI and the IC, respectively for moderate and for high
coverings, results summarized in the following tables are obtained for tunnels with approximate
equivalent diameter of 10 metres. Tables are as well in accordance with numerical results of
corresponding systematic structural analyses that were conducted, in a similar way to the ones
reported afterwards, for linings made of cast-in-place concrete.

Final linings result having a minimum thickness of 20 cm, and, in order to apply fiber-reinforced
shot- crete, this should have more demanding mechanical characteristics, which should be
by tensile strength not lower than 1.5 MPa (feq >=1.5 MPa), capable to provide high and
permanent flexural strength to resistant sections of the lining’s structure.

COVERINGS < 20 m COVERINGS 20 - 100 m COVERINGS > 100 m

GSI < = 20 RD - e GSI < = 20 RD - e IC < = 0.15 RD - e

20 < GSI < = 40 RD - e 20 < GSI < = 40 RD - d 0.15 < IC < = 0.20 RD - d

30 < GSI < = 50 RD - d 30 < GSI < = 50 RD - c 0.20 < IC < = 0.30 RD - c

40 < GSI < = 60 RD - c 40 < GSI < = 60 RD - b 0.30 < IC < = 0.45 RD - b

GSI > 60 RD - c GSI > 60 RD - a IC > 0.45 RD - a

Table 5.15 - Basic project of structural model for the definitive covering.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

Type of Fiber-reinforced
Metal ribs Metal spiles 20 t
lining Shotcrete

20 cm - -
RD - a (feq>= 1,5 MPa)

2 IPN200@ 150 cm 2 x 4m@ each two ribs

20 cm
RD - b (feq>= 1,5 MPa)
or, alternatively7 spilesx 4m@ 150 cm (without ribs)

2 IPN200@ 125 cm 2x 6m@ each two ribs

25 cm
RD - c (feq>= 1,5 MPa)
or, alternatively 11 spilesx 6m@ 125 cm (without ribs)

2 IPN200@ 100 cm 6x 6m@ each two ribs

25 cm
RD - d (feq>= 1,5 MPa)
or, alternatively 15 spilesx 6m@ 100 cm (without ribs)

30 cm
RD - e (feq>= 1,5 MPa) 2 IPN200@ 075 cm 10x 6m@ each two ribs

Table 5.16 - Project of the definitive covering in shotcrete reinforced with fibers (*),

The abovementioned numerical structural analyses have been conducted systematically for
linings of tunnels of 10 m net diameter, considering good quality concrete (C32/40), cast-in-
place, and considering three possible thicknesses (30 - 40 - 50 cm). The two already defined
possible covering conditions (low and high) were analysed, and two different geomechanical
ground qualities were simulated (GSI lower than 40 or GSI higher than 40).

Detailed results are reported in the enclosed table that includes, for each of the sixteen
simulated cases, maximum tensile stresses reached in the intrados of the keystone and in the
extrados of both faces of the lining section.

In the inverted vault arch, that is considered as being present in every model with a bending
radius equal to three times the radius of the main arch of the section, tensile stresses in the
intrados result being almost always high. As a consequence, they should be more efficiently
absorbed by classical reinforcement.

(*) For tunnels with approximate width, or equivalent diameter, of 10 metres.

5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.


CASES Traction Traction Traction Traction LINING

More rigid ground Less rigid ground
roof walls roof walls Type
(Kg/cm2 (Kg/cm2 (Kg/cm2) (Kg/cm2)
) )

1 24.60 2.43 131.50 101.70 RF2-Pc

16 12.50 0.95 34.40 11.60 RF2-Pc
2 42.20 7.40 221.00 178.10 RF2-Pd
3 32.60 4.30 175.50 141.80 RF2-Pd
4 16.70 2.10 53.30 12.80 RF2-Pd
5 4.80 0.57 27.50 4.30 RF2-Pc
6 1.83 0.35 15.40 0.76 RF1
7 46.60 11.60 276.30 250.00 RF2*

8 44.9510.80 165.30216.70 RF2-Pd


CASES More rigid ground

Traction Traction Less rigid ground
Traction Traction LINING
roof walls roof walls Type
(Kg/cm2 (Kg/cm2 (Kg/cm2 (Kg/cm2
) ) ) )
9 0.60 0.40 1.52 1.90 RF1
10 1.20 0.70 6.60 0.83 RF2-Pc
11 0.29 0.16 0.70 0.75 RF1
12 2.40 4.20 20.50 1.60 RF2-Pd
13 0.65 0.31 3.60 0.00 RF2-Pc
14 4.20 1.65 55.40 1.80 RF2*
15 3.70 2.41 32.70 2.70 RF2-Pd

Table 5.17 - Maximum traction strenght in the covering gotten of the numerical analyses.

One of the results obtained through numerical analyses is reported as an example, whereby
principal maximum stresses in the tunnel’s lining section are graphically represented.

Scheme of design loads for the final lining

Gravity effect

Decompression is accompained by the formation of a unstable zone above the crown which might eventually colapse
Unstable edge


– Gravity effect on decompressed zone

Figure 5.6 - Scheme of design loads for the final lining.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

Figure 5.7 - Graphical example of principal maximum stresses in the lining.

Finally, the following table summarizes numerical values of maximum tensile stresses obtained
in the vault and in the faces, for each of the three lining thicknesses considered, for the two
covering conditions analyzed, and for the different geomechanical qualities simulated for

Maximum tensile stresses in the vault and in the faces (MPa)

Low coverings (< Hs) High coverings (> Hs)

Linings Less rigid More rigid Less More rigid
ground ground rigid ground
RF (30cm) 1.54 0.18 0.19 0.06

RF (40 cm) 22.1 4.49 3.27 0.37

RF (50cm) 27.63 4.66 5.54 0.42

Table 5.18 - Maximum tensile stresses in the vault and in the faces (MPa).
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

By analysing all the numerical results obtained, the following can be observed:

- For sections of tunnels characterized by ¨low coverings¨, if one refers to geotechnical

condi- tions characterized by grounds having little hardness, and with except for few cases
characterized by very little loads that are a seldom exception for low coverings, tensile stresses
generated in the vault and in the faces result generally being highly incompatible with
equivalent tensile strengths on bending that are achievable in fiber-reinforced concretes,
independently from concrete type and also from dosage of metal fibers to be possibly applied.

If, in contrast, one refers to geotechnical conditions characterised by relatively hard grounds,
that is grounds having high moduli of reaction as well as good geomechanical characteristics
(GSI > 40), tensile stresses generated in the vault and in the faces result being relatively low,
thereby being always lower than 5 MPa, and lower than 3.5 MPa in at least one third of
analyzed cases (moreover, in the faces, they reach maximum values of the order of only 1

Although in some of these cases tensile stresses result being quite important, they are still
compat- ible with a fiber-reinforced concrete produced by applying a high quality and high
dosages of metal fibers, both for linings of 40 cm thickness and for linings of 50 cm thickness.

Finally, for exceptionally good geomechanical conditions (GSI > 60), tensile stresses may result
neg- ligible, also in the case a lining of only 30 cm thickness is applied.

- For sections of tunnels characterized by ¨high coverings¨, if one refers to geotechnical

condi- tions characterized by relatively hard grounds, that is grounds having high moduli of
reaction as well as good geomechanical and geostatic conditions (GSI > 40 e IC > 0.45),
tensile stresses generated in the vault and in the faces result always being very low, thereby
being lower than 0.5 MPa. Thus, as a consequence, they result being globally compatible with
a normal selection of fiber type and fiber dosage, also for linings of only 30 cm thickness.

If, in contrast, one refers to geotechnical conditions characterised by grounds having little
hardness, although tensile stresses generated in the faces still remain largely within very low
limits (lower than
0.5 MPa), stresses generated in the vault are relatively high, with except for few cases
characterized by little loads that are a seldom exception for high coverings. Thus, they oblige
differentiating in function of ground’s geomechanical quality (GSI lower than 40 or GSI higher
than 40) and geostatic conditions of the section (IC lower than 0.20 or IC higher than 0.20):

In the case of ground and tunnel section characterized by good geomechanical and geostatic
condi- tions (GSI > 40 and IC > 0.20), tensile stresses generated in the case a 40 cm thick
lining is applied are only relatively high (slightly higher than 3 MPa). Thus, as a consequence,
good compatibility still exists with equivalent tensile strengths on bending that are achievable
with a fiber-reinforced concrete produced by applying a high quality and high dosages of metal

In contrast, in the case of ground and tunnel section characterized by poor geomechanical and
geostatic conditions (GSI < 40 and IC < 0.20), tensile stresses generated in the vault, although
a 50 cm thick lining is applied, are very high (higher than 5 MPa). As a consequence, they are
practically incompat- ible with any equivalent tensile strength on bending of any excellent fiber-
reinforced concrete.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

Finally, in conclusion of this chapter dealing with geostructural design of final linings of tunnels
made of fiber-reinforced both shotcrete and cast-in-place concrete, it is absolutely necessary to
highlight that methodologies indicated and, above all, results summarized in the design tables
enclosed, should in no case be considered completely exhaustive in order to proceed to an
executive design of a tunnel. This is because such results could not take into due account all
peculiarities, which might characterize real circumstances, as these could often become non-
usual and possibly critical in function of real geologic and construction conditions related to a
specific tunnel section.

On the contrary, the reported methodologies and results may be very useful in order to proceed
to a correct preliminary design of a tunnel. They may be even efficiently and successfully
applied in real circumstances, in the case of designs characterized by almost coinciding
geomechanical, geostatic and construction conditions, by taking into account the basic
assumptions that average represen- tative cases have been considered as far as behavioural
models are concerned, for all the analyses conducted over design conditions presented in this
chapter for tunnels’ final linings constructed by applying traditional excavation methods.

Project of the final covering in fibers reinforced concrete placed in situ


GSI < 20
RF reinforced

20 < GSI < 40 reinforced 20 < GSI < 40 (50 cm) 0,20 < IC < 0,30 (40 cm)

40 < GSI < 60 (50 cm) 40 < GSI < 60 (40 cm) 0,30 < IC < 0,45 (40 cm)

GSI > 60 (40 cm) GS > 60 (30 cm) IC > 0,45 (30 cm)

Characteristics of the concrete fiber reforced placed in situ.

RF reinforced
RF reinforced feq> = 5 MPa

RF (40 cm) feq> = 4 MPa

RF (30 cm) feq> = 2 MPa

Table 5.19 - For tunnels of approximately 10 meters of width or diameter equivalent.

5.5 - Use of fibers for fire resistance of concrete. Description of fiber mixes,
structural and anti-spalling proposal for final linings.

Tunnels’ structures are commonly designed to withstand actions to which they will be exposed
to for their entire life-cycle. Nevertheless, there is an additional phenomenon which must be
taken into
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

account when designing tunnels’ supporting structures, which is exposure to fire.

The risk of the occurrence of a fire is high in tunnels. Moreover, following recent accidents
occurred in various tunnels all over the world, characterized not only by structural damages but
also by loss of human lives, the design of fire resistant structures has become an absolute
priority both for standard- izing entities and for designers.

Tunnel Concrete Max Fire Length

Affect on segment
(year) strength temp duration affected
16 segment
Great 76 MPa 800 ºC - Peak of
7 hrs rings
Belt 28 day 1,000 ºC spalling 270
(1.65 long)
(1994) mm
damaged in
500 m with 50 Up to 100% (400 m)
Channel 110 MPa
1,000 ºC 9 hrs m severely of thickness spalled
(1996) mature
affected by showing grout

Mont Blanc 900m – tunnel Serious damage

(1999) Not reported 1,000 ºC 50 hrs crown most to tunnel
affected structure
Table 5.20 - Summary of structural damages related to recent tunnel fire events.

The fact that tunnels are confined structures and that, in the event of a fire, flames come
directly in contact with the concrete of the structure, makes temperatures reaching very high
values. Thus, rapid degradation of the structure takes place if no protection measure has been
taken against fire.

The exposure of construction elements to high temperatures has the consequence that
physical and mechanical characteristics of such elements are altered, with the result that their
structural functionality is thereby reduced. In the specific case of concrete, degradation occurs
stepwise with increasing tem- perature levels. A graphical representation of degradation can be
observed in the following figure:

Temperature Increase vs. Concrete Degradation





0 Frontal face collapse “spalling” First cracking appearance Bearing capacity half reduction

Graphic 5.3 - Increase in Temperature vs. Concrete Degradation.

The primary function that has to be fulfilled by any type of fire protection instrument in tunnels is
to leave people sufficient escape time, besides assuring sufficient mechanical strength of the
structure so as to enable firefighters to enter the tunnel and extinguish the fire. It becomes
therefore clear that it is principally in the initial phases of a fire that a passive protection
measure should come into action.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

As it can be observed in Fig. 5.8, the first phenomenon occurring by an increase in temperature
is crumbling of the surface layer (spalling). As soon as the concrete’s surface temperature
increases, most of the water vapour, that is present in concrete, will migrate towards the inside
part, where lower temperature conditions exist. The consequence to this phenomenon is an
increase in internal pressure of the cement matrix up to the point at which the concrete’s
characteristic strength is over- come, and at which spalling (crumbling of the surface layer)
takes place.

Load  and
thermal stresses  I

Pore pressure  P


 +LI

Figure 5.8 - Graphical representation of the “spalling” phenomenon.

Concrete structurally not useful

Concrete melted

Melting starts .
Ceramic binding Total loss of water of hydration 800ºC

Dissociation of calcium carbor ate 700ºC

Marked increase in “basic” creep

α β Inversão expansiva do quartzo

Calcium hydroxide dissociates
Triple point of water Thames river gravel breaks up
Start of siliceous concrete
Strength loss
Explosive spalling (surface temperature)

Some flint aggregates dehydrate 200ºC

Hidrothermal reactions
Loss of chemically bound water starts “Hot” permeability increases markedly
Free water lost at 1 atm

Figure 5.9 - Physico-chemical reactions taking place in the concrete’s

structure with temperature increase.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

It is evident that a fire’s intensity will depend from the materials originating the fire. Thus, when
designing a protection against fire for concrete, one should take into account the type of
vehicles passing through the tunnel. Nowadays, different standards propose various heating
curves, which give the designer the opportunity to select the one that is most representing of
the specific tunnel situation.
The European Norm EN1363-1-2/1999 defines two types of curves that can be
used: Standard (for low fire intensity): T = 345 . Log10.(8.t + 1) + 20
Hydrocarbons (for fires of higher intensity): T=1080.(1– 0.325 . e-0.167.t – 0.675 . e-2.5.t) + 20

t: is the time, in minutes, calculated from the beginning of the test;
T: is the average temperature required in the furnace in ºC.
Furnace temperature (ºC)



600 RWS (NL)

Hydocarbon (EC) Standard ISO or BS 476

0 5 10 30 60 90 120 150
Time (minutes)

Graphic 5.4 - Example of heating curves following different European codes.

5.5.1 - Objective of passive protection of concrete against fire.

The principle objective that has to be achieved by any passive protection of concrete against
fire is to avoid loss of human lives by acting in such a way that mechanical characteristics of
structural elements are kept stable during the tunnel evacuation process and the intervention of
firefighters. Structural characteristics that should be guaranteed for passive protection are:

a) Preservation of the supporting capacity.

b) Avoided emission of flammable gases in the exposed face.
c) Avoided dissipation of flames or gases.
d) Thermal insulation towards the internal part of the structural element.

Thus, it may be concluded that the whole passive protection of concrete against fire should play
an important role during the first minutes in which it is called to take action, given the fact that it
is in such period of time that evacuation of people would take place and that firefighters would
try to extinguish the fire.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

As it can be observed in degradation of concrete by increasing temperature, the phenomenon

which should be primarily controlled is “spalling”, since this is the principal degradation
phenomenon which concrete would suffer during the initial minutes of a fire.

Before any kind of protection against fire is utilized, it is important to study the behaviour which
is produced by such protection in concrete. Although there is currently no standards to be
applied for tests of fire resistance of concretes to be applied for tunnelling, it is recommended
that the European standard EN 1363 –1 and 2 (2000) is applied, regulating fire resistance tests.
Here, procedures for tests are described.

5.5.2 - Polypropylene and cellulose fibers as passive protection of concrete

against fire.

Recent studies have allowed to conclude that the addition of micro-fibers of polypropylene
(mono- filament type, with diameters lower than 32 mm) or of cellulose to the matrix,
significantly reduces the occurrence of “spalling” in concrete during a fire. Moreover, those
studies have allowed to conclude that a directly proportional correlation exists between the
number of fibers embedded in the matrix and the improvement of the concrete’s behaviour with
respect to fire.

The mechanism following which polypropylene fibers contribute to reduce the “spalling”
phenomenon is rather simple. When the temperature of 160°C is reached, polypropylene fibers
melt, thereby reduc- ing their occupied volume. When the temperature of 360°C is reached,
polypropylene evaporates, thereby forming a set of small conduits within the matrix, which
arrive up to the surface.

Those small conduits are utilized as well by the gases which are produced due to evaporation
of water within the concrete. In this way, pressure is reduced and crumbling of the surface
layers is avoided.

Figure 5.10 - Escape ways of gases within the matrix.

5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

Various opinions exist referring to the quantity of fibers which should be embedded in the
matrix in order to offer efficient protection. What is evident, however, is that the higher is the
number of fibers, the better will be the results. Currently, recommendations concerning the
minimum dosage of fibers indicate a volume percentage of  0.2 % (corresponding to 1.82
kg/m3). This evidently depends from the quality of concrete, since the application of high
resistance concretes would imply a higher requirement for protection, thus higher dosages.

In order to provide a clearer graphical representation of the effect of this material, in the
following section a summary of experiments conducted over specimens exposed to the heating
curve as pro- posed by standard EN 1363-1-2/1999 is presented.

Figure 5.11 - Detail of the evaluated prismatic element, with a reinforced of 30 mm. All dimensions are in mm.

Specimens with three different types of mixtures have been tested:

- Normal concrete mixture without the insertion of fibers.

- Mixture with insertion of polypropylene fibers.
- Mixture with insertion of cellulose fibers.

Photo 5.11 - Example of a specimen in the testing furnace.

5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

The different behaviours in the different stages of the heating curve proposed by standard EN
1363- 1-2/1999 have been evaluated, and the mass losses of the material have been evaluated
during the same curves. With the insertion of fibers, excellent results have been obtained, and
the final objec- tive of maintaining integrity of the element for a period of time that was safely
corrected to assure the possibility to evacuate from structures which are accidentally exposed
to a fire, has been thereby achieved.

Case of cellulose fibers

Photo 5.12 - Specimens evaluated with cellulose fibers.

Water drops on the material surface, produced by the increase in temperature.

Photo 5.13 - Specimens evaluated with cellulose fibers.

Photo 5.14 - Samples of material lost due to superficial “spalling” in specimens with cellulose.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

Relatively to the behaviour of specimens prepared with mixture, in which cellulose fibers had
been inserted, a good behaviour has been observed, as only a light “spalling” has been
produced after 8 minutes of testing. Moreover, subsequently, and up to the end of the test, no
significant loss of material mass was observed

Case of polypropylene fibers

Photo 5.15 - Specimens of material with use of polypropylene fibers. Specimen after the end of the test.

Photo 5.16 - Specimens with polypropylene fibers. To be observed superficial watering due to the loss of water and

In the test of specimens with addition of polypropylene fibers, an adequate behaviour, with a
mini- mum loss of mass produced by the physico-chemical reactions already reported in
previous sections, has been observed during the whole heating curve. Moreover, over these
specimens, an almost null effect of “spalling” has been observed.

Case of specimens without fibers

Photo 5.17 - Example of experimental specimens without use of any type of fibers.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

Photo 5.18 - Samples of material that have detached due to “spalling” during testing of specimens without

The degradation degree is evident that can reach a structure without any type of protection.
During the experimental process, a begin of “spalling” has been observed in the initial 3 ÷ 8
minutes of the test. Thereby, significant additional loss of material has been observed, which
can be considered as being caused by the loss of water or of vapour due to heating of the

To summarize, and in order to provide an exemplifying comparison between the loss of mass
related to the three different types of specimens that have been tested, the following graph
showing mass loss is shown:

Time (minutes)
05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
Pertes de masse (%)


Fibers CF16 Prisme 1 Fibers CF16 Prisme 2

Fibers PP18-18 Prisme 1 Sans fibers Prisme
Fibers1PP18-18 Prisme 2 Sans fibers Prisme 2

Graphic 5.5 - Graph showing a comparison between the loss of mass related to the different experimented

As a final reference to the present theme related to protection of concrete structures against the
effects of fire, it is fundamental to highlight that the use of fibers provides an effective solution
for new works. This generates that emphasis that is currently given by technicians to this kind
of solution especially in the case of underground work designs, considering the fact that those
types of projects have a highly significant economical, social as well as political importance,
and considering the fact that any kind of failure or accident which might occur would have
irreversible consequences.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

What has been hereby presented by means of this document, reports about experiments and
consid- erations related to materials produced by MACCAFERRI. In any case, good technical
practices foresee material suppliers to demonstrate quality adequateness of materials, as well
as compliancy of their behaviour with heating curves foreseen by the project design.
Various options exist as well for protection of existing structures. These proposals may be
considered as well for the type of underground works of which it is reported within this
document. Neverthe- less, particular attention should be paid to the development of solutions
for protection of structures against fire.

5.6 - Quality control of fiber-reinforced concrete in tunnels.

Quality control of fiber-reinforced concrete in an underground work is fundamental, since

concrete is one of the principal components forming the supporting structure in the case the
latter is of primary type, of final type, or is made of precast elements such as segment rings.

As it has been highlighted in previous chapters, the presence of concrete as fundamental

element in the supporting structure of an underground work is specified by detailed mechanical
properties that must be assured during the whole life cycle of the work. Mechanical properties
such as compressive, and flexo-tensional strength, are the principal mechanical characteristics
that must be accurately evaluated. They will depend from a rigorous composition of the mixture.
Quality controls on ag- gregates, cement, water-cement ratio, additives selection already
discussed within chapter 4 of the present publication, constitute the basis to manage to obtain a
mixture that guarantees mechanical specifications considered in the design of the whole

Available mixtures to be employed for the design of an underground work are:

- Mixture for sprayed concrete. It can be used both as primary lining, and as final lining
in an underground work, primarily depending from the type of work, whether it is underground
hydraulic, for rail or street transport, pedestrian, etc.

- Mixture for pumped concrete. Commonly applied in case of final linings, upset archs,
and other structural elements of a final lining. This type of mixture is applied for elements such
as ring segments, that are immediately used as final lining.

All these choices for concrete have been exemplified at the elaboration level within chapter 4.
In the current chapter, technical considerations leading to the need for quality control on the
material will be reported.

The design of a tunnel supporting structure is influenced by the type of mechanical and
functional characterization, as specified below:

Mechanical characterisation: - Structural

- Non-Structural

Functional characterisation: - Temporary

- Permanent
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

Combinations of these terms will lead to different analyses having following conditions, ordered
by importance:

- Non-Structural Temporary. Regularly, in excavations of self-supporting systems, where the

lining just provides a function of sealing the surface in order to avoid its degradation due to
exchanges with the atmosphere that may occur between the surface of the fresh rock and its
diaclases, or fractures on the surface of the rock mass. These may be activated by the
exchanges with the new environment, and, as a result, they may generate partial detaching of
blocks, which might become an operational hazard, even if they do not produce a structural
disequilibrium in the excavation. This kind of supports complies with behaviours of type “a” that
have been discussed in chapter 5.2 of the present publication, where deformations of the arch
are not foreseen. Generally, they are characterized by very low thicknesses, ranging from 3 cm
to 5 cm, they are realized with sprayed concrete, both by dry or wet systems, and are put in
place during the first phase of the excavation of an underground work.

- Non-Structural – Permanent. This type of lining has the same functional

characteristics as the ones described for the type “Non-Structural – Temporary”, with one
difference, that is the fact that, at the design level, it may be increasingly loaded in order to be
considered as a permanent lining within the work. It is generally realized with sprayed
concrete, both using dry or wet systems. In this case, higher thicknesses are foreseen, that
may be in the order of 10 - 15 cm. Occasionally, it may be combined with the use of dispersed
anchorage spiles to be applied in those areas from which blocks may potentially detach, with
the objective of increasing the safety factor of the work as a whole. Another alternative exists
that may be also included within this class, that is final linings made of concrete that has been
pumped on-site in mobile moulds. Though this alternative has a permanent character as well,
in this case, it provides no structural function. Instead, it is only fore- seen as finishing for the
section of the underground work, whereby all the structural responsibility for the underground
excavation is assigned to the primary lining, which has been properly designed to fulfil this
function. As an example of geomechanical behaviour corresponding to this functional
classification, areas of behaviours type “a” and “a/b”, as reported within chapter 5.2 of the
present publication, may be mentioned for the case of supports made of sprayed concrete.

- Structural – Temporary. This type of linings, generally realized in the first phase of the
exca- vation, correspond to heavier linings when compared to the previous ones, since these
are effectively put in place to withstand loads generated by the rock mass and/or by the layer
of ground through which the underground work passes. Having temporary characteristics,
these linings are designed by considering low safety coefficients, ranging from 1.2 to 1.5, with
the objective of providing tem- porary containment, while the subsequent construction of a final
lining is taken into account, which would take over final responsibility for the whole supporting
system of the work, and which would be characterized by greater safety factors. These linings
are generally realized by using a set of sup- porting elements such as sprayed concrete,
anchorage spiles, occasionally metallic profiles known as centres or ribs, and even piles’ or
micro-piles’ systems, jet-grouting when geomechanical zones are very week, thus requiring an
action of this kind. The combination of these elements manages to stabilize the excavation,
and, in this case, thicknesses of sprayed concrete are in the order of 15 cm up to 30 cm.
Moreover, they may arrive to 45 cm in the case of particularly unfavourable areas. Pumped
concrete is not applied in this particular case. In order to provide a reference to the type of
lining that may be included in this functional classification, supports of types a”, “b”, “c”, “d”
and “e” are extensively discussed within sub-chapter 5.2 of the present publication.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

- Structural – Permanent. In this functional classification supports previously

denominated as “Structural – Temporary” supports may be included. However, in order to be
considered as perma- nent, these should be designed by considering safety factors higher than
the ones reported in the previous section, and specifically by considering minimum values
between 2 and 2.5. This results in a set of supports having the same structural conception as
before, but being evidently characterized by a higher stress level due to the increase in the
safety factors. This is valid for the case of linings which make use of sprayed concrete. In this
functional classification final linings made of pumped concrete may be included as well.
Moreover, also the case of precast elements such as ring segments that are placed in a tunnel
excavation by TBM (Tunnel Boring Machines) or EPB-TBM (Earth Pressure Balanced - TBM)
machines may be included. It should be highlighted, however, that a TBM system is not only
related to the placement of ring segments; currently, other machines are available which allow
the lining being put in place through the use of robots for sprayed concrete, whereby also this
latter use is considered within the functional class “Structural – Permanent”.

Once the functionality of the supporting system has been explained, the presence and the
feasibility of putting in place fiber-reinforced concrete, either sprayed, pumped, or applied by
using precast segments, can be highlighted, as it has been extensively reported in the previous

The concept of quality control should be directly oriented towards the functionality of the
support, whereby the latter is directly related to the concept of deformability of the supporting
structure. This opens up two possible criteria - about which nowadays it is very much discussed
between specialized consultants of the sector - regarding the configurations of fiber-reinforced
concretes for underground works. They propose to orient control and/or the requirements for
fiber-reinforced concrete in the following way:

- Supports with possible deformability up to the achievement of the stability of the

excava- tion. Following the criterion of functionality that has been set out above, these may be
– Non-Structural” or “Temporary Structural”, whereby the criterion of deformation of the support
is allowed with wide tolerances, without leading to collapse of the structure. For this type of
sup- ports, quality control is directly oriented towards testing of Absorbed Energy or towards
Plates Tests of types EFNARC and/or ASTM C1550. What is sought by applying this concept,
is to guarantee that the ductility of the material is such that it is compatible with deformations
foreseen for this type of support. It is for this reason, that this type of testing investigates the
behaviour of the material for high deformations in the order of 25 to 40 mm. Currently, a wide
discussion exists regarding the effectiveness of the two abovementioned tests related to the
statistic dispersion that is obtained by them, and regarding the possibility to manage to
compensate for this by means of an adequate performance classification taking this variable
into account.

- Structural supports without deformation. Within this concept, functional classifications

defined as “Permanent – Non-Structural”, for the case of pumped final linings, and “Permanent
– Structural”, in all its possibilities, are considered. Since these are the definitive structures of a
lining, the majority of them are conceived so as to avoid generating deformations, as these
should be con- trolled during the excavation of a primary support that should control this effect
in a primary phase. These may be also conceived as primary supports with a high safety factor,
having the objective to mitigate by 100% the possibility of an immediate deformation of the
excavation. For this type of supporting structures, which can be realized by using fiber-
reinforced concrete, the equivalent re- sidual post-cracking strength is applied within limits set
by the norms on structures. The mechanical
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

characterization of the material towards the structural design is made by bending test of types
ASTM C1018, ASTM C1399, UNI 11039, Eurocode EN 14487-1.

An adequate quality control depends on the definition of the support’s function. It is at this point
that the need for bending tests as well as for plates tests is generated. Currently, this theme
has been discussed in the most recent codes for Fiber-reinforced Concrete and its

The objective of quality control of fiber-reinforced concrete is to guarantee that pre-requisites

set out by the design-engineer for the design of supporting structures are fulfilled. In addition to
tests foreseen for mechanical characterization and characterization of the behaviour of fiber-
reinforced concrete, which can be set out according to the type of support, all currently most
complete and comprehensive codes for characterization of fiber-reinforced concrete, such as UNI
10834, EN 14721, EN 14488, foresee the execution of field tests to confirm homogeneity of the
mixture with respect to the specified dosage for metal fibers.

Additionally, these codes suggest criteria for approval of the material.

As the most complete reference for quality control of fiber-reinforced concrete norm UNI10834
is to be found, followed by the recent EN 14487-1 integrating all previously explained concepts
for qual- ity control of sprayed concrete.

Standard UNI10834, for what concerns fiber-reinforced concrete, proposes a classification of

shotcrete by responsibility, and by levels of absorbed energy measured by punch testing on

Deformation energy absorbed

Class up toa point of 25 mm (J)

a < 500
b > 500
c > 700
d > 1000
Table 5.21 - Table showing the type of fiber-reinforced concrete,
following punch test on plate, UNI10834.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

Destination of use Acronym Use examples

- Foundations
- Fillings
Non-structural TN - Protection of temporary slopes
- Surface protection
Temporary - Protection of excavation surfaces in

- Bypass tunnels
- Piers
Structural TS
- Surface protection
- Protection of excavation surfaces in

- Fillings
Non-structural PN - Protection of slopes
- Waterproofing
- Single-shell structures
Structural PS - Repairs, restorations and tunnels linings

Table 5.22 - Table showing the functional classification of fiber-reinforced concrete, as proposed by UNI10834.

After having proposed a classification of the type of concrete following plate testing, quality
control of the mixture is proposed, which begins by determination of the fiber content of the
mixture. Testing is based on separation of the fibers embedded in a representative sample of
fresh or of hardened mate- rial having a weight not below 5÷6 kg. After washing, the weight
ratio is calculated following:

Df : is the fiber dosage.
Mf: is the weight of the fibers contained in the sample expressed in
kg. Mc: is the weight of concrete of the sample.
Pm: is the volumetric mass of concrete expressed in kg over a cubic metre of concrete.

This equation is currently applied by any current standard norm to determine the mass ratio of
metallic fibers contained into a concrete mixture of any type.

In order to provide an example of the process, a sequence of photos dealing with the process is
shown hereinafter:
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

Photo 5.19 - Manual addition of fibers to the aggregates which are

Photo 5.20 - Appearance of the ready mixture in the fresh condition, to be
transported to the mixing machine at the cement mixing station
noted the presence of fibers without agglomerations or any kind of
problem related to inhomogeneity.

Photo 5.21 - Placement of the fresh mixture in moulds of calibrated weight. Photo 5.22 - Beginning of the washing operation of the mixture to obtain the
mass of fibers contained in it.

Photo 5.24 - Extraction of the fibers by means of a magnetic element towards their
subsequent weighing and calculation of the mass ratio as proposed by the equation in the
Photo 5.23 - Weighing of the mixture in the mould.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

Norm UNI 10834 foresees quality control of concrete in working conditions, beginning with the
determination of the fiber content, and proposing a first testing sequence following the
functional classification set out before. The case of testing of energy absorption is left open in
order to be de- fined by the responsible of the project. The reference is provided hereinafter:

Temporary Temporary Permanent Permanent

non-structural structural non- structural
Test structural
Initial (*) At steady Initial (*) At steady Initial (*) At steady Initial (*) At steady
state state state state
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Compressive strength 1.000 m (**) 400 m 1000 m 400 m 1.000 m 200 m 400 m
1/month 1/week 1/month 1/week 1/month 2/week 1/week
3 3 3 3
Initial strength (**) (**) 200 m 400 m (**) (**) 200 m 400 m
2/week 1/semana 2/week 1/week
3 3 3 3 3
Fiber content (***) (**) (**) 400 m 1000 m 400 m (**) 1000 m 400 m
and additives dosage 1/week 1/month 1/week 1/week 1/week

Thickness 400 m
400 m
400 m
400 m
200 m
400 m
400 m
400 m

(*) A sample is considered as initial up to 15

samplings. (**) Upon request.
(***) In fiber-reinforced concrete.
Nota: If it is intended to make reference to the m 2 put in place, an conventional thickness of 20 cm should be assumed.

Table 5.23 - Table providing suggested testing sequences as proposed by the code UNI10834.

The standard UNI10834 does not deal with bending tests. For that, the norm UNI 11039 exists,
of which it has been widely discussed within chapter 3, and where material characteristics are
defined by means of results of bending tests. This norm proposes a classification of the
material by means of ductility indexes.

Ductility classes
Ductility indexes
(minimum Ds0 Ds1 D s2 DP DHo DH1 DH2
characteristic values)
D0 1) >0,5 >0,7 >0,9 >1,1 >1,3 >1,55
D1 >0,3 >0,5 >0,7 >0,9 >1,1 >1,3

Softening behaviour Plastic behaviour Hardening behaviour

1)Values of ductility index

0 < 0,5 are typical of non-reinforced concretes with
D steel fibers.
2) Classes DH1 and D of index D are characteristic of SFRC of highest
performance, which formulation
the use of appropriately dosed
special fibrous reinforcements and of ad hoc designed base concretes.

Table 5.24 - Table providing ductility indexes as proposed by code UNI 11039.

Recently, the European standard EN 14487-1 has been approved, which considers control and
prepa- ration of sprayed concrete. This is the first complete proposition comprising all the
concepts proposed in previous sections. It proposes in a consecutive way, the following

As a first instance, it delimitates the characteristics of the material by means of bending tests as
well as plate probes.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

Deformation range Strength level (minimum strength, MPa)

(mm) S1 S2 S3 S4
D1 0,5–1
D2 0,5–2 1 2 3 4
D3 0,5–4
Table 5.25 - Table providing levels of residual stress for fiber-reinforced concrete obtained by means of
bending tests following EN 14487-1.

Energy absorption in J
Energy absorption class for deflection up to 25 mm

E500 500
E700 700
E1000 1000
Table 5.26 - Table providing classification of fiber-reinforced concretes following their response to
testing of the absorbed energy on rectangular plate (EFNARC) EN 14487-1

After having defined mechanical requirements for the material, the norm EN 14487-1 defines
speci- fications for the materials composing the mixture.

Component Requirements and test methods

The type of cement shall be specified, taking into account the influence
of current temperature and heat evaluation on required workability time,
the requirement on strength development and final strength as well as
the current conditions. If required, it shall be checked by means of an
Use of cement appropriate method.

For permanent structures, the environmental conditions to which the

sprayed concrete is exposed shall be in accordance with EN 206-1, as
well as precautions regarding resistance to alkaki-silica reactions
according to EN 206-1.

Precautions regarding resistance to alkaki-silica reactions according to

Use of aggregates
EN 206-1 shall be applied.

Limitations for the use of admixtures set out in EN 934-2 and prEN 934-5
Use of admixtures
shall not be exceeded.

Use of additions The use of additions for permanent structures shall conform to EN 206-1.

The chloride content of a sprayed concrete for permanent structure

Chloride content shall not exceed the values given in EN 206-1, table 10 for the
specified class. For steel fiber reinforced sprayed concrete, values for
steel reinforcement apply.

For permanent structures, the environmental conditions to which the

sprayed concrete is exposed shall be in concordance with EN 206-1.
Water/cement ratio
Where water/cement ratio of a wet mix is specified, it shall be calculated
according to EN 206-1.

For fiber reinforced concrete

Steel and polymer fibers shall comply to prEN 14889-1 and prEN
14889- 2, other types of fibers shall comply to clause 5.1.1 of this
Use of fibers
standard. Fibers shall be added in such a way that a homogeneous
distribution is obtained.

Table 5.27 - Table providing materials specifications for the preparation of the mixture following instructions laid out in EN 14487-1
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

After having defined requirements for materials composing the mixture following due
specifications, the norm EN 14487-1 provides recommendations for quality control of the same
components in the fresh mixture, by foreseeing the determination of the fiber content set out in
the mixture, as shown hereinafter:

Property Requirements and test methods

Density The density shall be determined in accordance with EN 12350-6

Fiber content shall be determined from a fresh sample according to prEN 14488-7
Fiber content
The sample shall be taken from in situ material unless otherwise specified
Table 5.28 - Table providing recommendations for determination of consistence and density of materials in fresh concrete following EN
14487-1, determination of fiber content in the mixture.

Once the content of the mixture and its density in the fresh condition have been determined,
the norm EN 14487-1 provides recommendations for control and determination of the mixture
properties in the hardened condition. These foresee the assessment of mechanical characteristics
of the material as set out in the following table:
Property Requirements and test methods

An estimate of the early compressive strength can be determined in accordance with

Early age strength
prEN 14488-2.

The compressive strength of sprayed concrete is expressed and defined according to EN 206-
1. The strength shall be determined from tests carried out at 28 days in accordance with EN
12504-1 on drilled cores, taken from the sprayed concrete structure according to EN 12504-
Compressive 1, or from sprayed panels according to prEN 14488-1. Their minimum diameter shall be 50
strength mm and the heigth/diameter ratio shall be either 1,0 or 2,0 specimen shall be tested in
accordance with EN 12504-1.
NOTE: The length/diameter ratio should be:
- 2,0 if the strength result is to be compared to cylinder strength
- 1,0 if the strength result is to be compared to cube strength

Density The density of hardened concrete shall be determined in accordance with 12390-7.

The modulus of elasticity in compression shall be determined in accordance with ISO 6784,
Modulus of elasticity except in repair application where EN 13412 shall apply.

The flexural strength shall be determined in accordance with prEN 12390-5 for sprayed
Flexural strength concrete without fibers unless it is to be compared to fiber reinforced sprayed concrete when
prEN 14488-3 shall be used.

The resistance to water penetration shall be determined in accordance with EN 12390-8.

The depth of an in situ sample may be reduced where the layer thickness is less than 150
Resistance to mm. The depth shall be sufficient to ensure that complete penetration does not occur. In
water penetration addition the direction of water penetration and the method of surface preparation shall be
specified. The maximum value of penetration shall be 50 mm.
The test is normally perfomed at 28 days.

Freeze/thaw Note: while a European test method is not available, reference should be made to national
resistance standards.

The bond strength shall be determined for repair materials in accordance with EN 1542 with
the exception of mould size which shall not be smaller than 500 mm x 500 mm to provide a
Bond strength border of at least 100 mm in order to exclude defective material in the edges of the
to substrate specimens. Surface finish shall either be troweled when wet or ground when hardened
otherwise it shall be on drilled cores in accordance with prEN 14488-4.

For fiber refinforced sprayed concrete

The first peak flexural strength shall be expressed as the average value of the strength at the
First peak
moment of first peak determined in accordance with prEN 14488-3. The test shall normally
flexural strength
be performed at 28 days.
The ultimate flexural strength of fiber reinforced sprayed concrete shall be expressed as f
Ultimate flexural 0

when determined according to prEN 14488-3. Unless otherwise required, tests shall normally
be performed at 28 days.

The residual strength class of fiber reinforced concrete shall be determined for a specified
Residual strength deformation level. The stress-deflection curve shall be determined in accordance with prEN
14488-3. The test is normally done at 28 days.

The fiber content shall be determined from a hardened sample in accordance with prEN
Fiber content 14488-7, when it is not practical to determine it from the fresh sprayed concrete.
The sample shall be taken from in-situ material unless otherwise specified.
The energy absorption capacity shall be expressed as the average energy absorption
Energy absorption capacity, determined in accordance to prEN 14488-5. The specified energy absorption
capacity capacity for the required class shall meet the requirements in table 3. The test is normally
done at 28 days.
Table 5.29 - Table for determination of mixture properties in the hardened condition, comprehending the same mechanical properties as
set out in EN 14487-1.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

By interpreting the philosophy of underground works, the norm EN 14487-1 defines test
methods preliminary to construction, in order to verify prerequisites set out in the design of the
work following functionality concepts proposed by the norm itself, which consider what had
been explained at the beginning of this chapter, and what is explained hereinafter as well:

Type of work: Repai r and upgrading Free standing stru ctures Strengthening of gr ound
Inspection category 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Consistence for wet mix
Early age strength development
Compressive strength
Modulus of elasticity
Bond to substract
Ultimate flexural strength
First peak flexural strength
Residual strength
Energy absorption capacity
Freeze/thaw resistance
(with or without deicing
Resistance to water penetration
Fiber content
Maximum chloride content
Table 5.30 - Proposition for determination of the mixture’s properties preliminary to the work following EN 14487-1

In the same norm, procedures for quality controls during the course of the work are proposed.
Min sampling frequency
Material Inspection/test Purpose Category1 Category 2 Category 3

Test for density for For comparison with

7 liquid admixtures manufacturer´s stated In case of doubt
according to ISO 758 value
To ascertain if the
Additions Inspection of consignment is as
8 Each delivery
bulk powder delivery ticket ordered and from the
correct source
To ascertain if the
Inspection of consignment is as
9 Each delivery
delivery ticket ordered and from the
Additions in correct source
suspension Test for density
10 To ascertain uniformity - Each delivery
according to ISO 758

If the water is not

potable; when
Test according to To ascertain that the water newsource is
11 Water is free from harmful -
EN 1008 constituents used for first time;
and in case of

Inspection of length,
diameter and shape To ascertain if the
consignment is as Each delivery
12 Fibers according to prEN ordered and from the
14889-1 and prEN correct source
The delivery ticket or the product data sheet shall also contain information on the maximum chloride content
and should identify classification with respect to alkali silica reaction in accordance with the provisions valid in
the place of use of the concrete. The delivery ticket shall contain or be accompanied by a declaration or
certificate of conformity as required in the relevant standard or specification.
It is recommended that samples are taken at each delivery and stored.
Table 5.31 - Proposition for verification of materials received at the construction site following pr ENI 14487.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

Min sampling frequency

Type of test Inspection/test Purpose Category 1 Category 2 Category 3

To assess conformity with

Consistence Test according to
required class of consistence
1 when using EN 12350-2 or
and to check possible changes
At start of production
wet-mix method EN 12350-5
of water content

Admixture Record of the

2 content except quantity added To check the content Optional Every batch

Additions Record of the

3 content quantity added To check the content Optional Every batch

Record of the
4 Fiber content quantity added To check the content Every batch

Table 5.32 - Proposition for determination of in situ mixture’s properties following ENI 14487-1.

Altogether, a routine procedure is indicated setting out test methods for quality control of the
work to comply with its classification.

Minimum sampling frequency

Type of test test Strengthening of ground Reapir and upgrading Free standing structures
according to
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3

Control of fresh concrete

1 Water/cement Daily Daily Daily
ratio of fresh By calculation
concrete when or by test
using wet mix method
2 Accelerator From record Daily Daily Daily
of the quantity
3 2 3 3 3 3
3 fiber content According to min 1 3
1/200 m or 1/100 m or min 1 1/500 m 1/250 m or 1/200 m or 1/100 m or 1/50 m or
in the fresh prEN 14488-7 1/1 000 m
1/500 m
min 2 min 3 1/1000 m
1/500 m or 1/250 m

concrete or min 1 min 2 or min 3

Control of hardened concrete
4 Strength test 1/5000 m
1/2500 m
2 2
1/250 m or
of young 1
prEN 14488-2 or /2 or 1/month 2/month
3 3 3 3 3
5 Compressive 1/1 000 m 1/500 m or 1/250 m or
1/500 m or 1/100 m or 3
1/50 m or
1/500 m or
1/100 m or 1/50 m or
strength or 1/2500 m
1/1250 m
1/2500 m
1/500 or 1/250 or 1/2500 m
1/500 or 1/250 or
EN 12504-1 1/5 000 m or min 1 min 2 min 3 or min 1 min 2 min 3

6 Density of
hardened EN 12390-7 When testing compressive strength When testing compressive strength When testing compressive strength
7 Resistance 1/1000 m 1/500 m or
1/250 m or
1/1000 m
2 2
1/500 m or 1/250 m or

to water EN 12390-8 or min 1 min 2 min 3 or min 1 min 2 min 3

2 2 2
8 Freeze/thaw 1/1000 m 1/500 m or 1/250 m or
1/1000 m
1/500 m or 1/250 m or

resistance See note d or min 1 min 2 min 3 or min 1 min 2 min 3

9 Bond prEN 14488-4 1/2500 m

1/1250 m
1/1000 m
1/500 m or
1/250 m or

strength a
or min 1 min 2 min 3
EN 1542
Control of fiber reinforced sprayed concrete
10 fiber content When testing residual strength or energy
of hardened prEN 14488-7 absorption capacity When testing residual strength When testing residual strength
2 2 2 2 2
11 Residual 1/2000 m or 1/400 m or 1/1250 m 1/2000 m 1/2000 m
3 3
1/500 m 1/500 m
strength or prEN 14488-3 1/10000 m2 1/2000 m2 1/500 m
Min 1 or min 2 or min 3 Min 1 or min 2 or min 3
energy ou
absorption prEN 14488-5
12 Ultimate
flexural prEN 14488-3 When testing residual strength When testing residual strength When testing residual strength
13 First peak
flexural prEN 14488-3 When testing residual strength When testing residual strength When testing residual strength
Table 5.33 - Proposition for routine tests following the work’s function category as set out in pr EB 14487-1.
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

Work’s function categories are suggested by the norm EN 14487-1 as indicated in the following
reference tables:

Category Example of inspection categories

Structures with low durability requirements and without risk for users and local residents,
such as:
1 - Construction in un-urbanized zones and far-off traffic ways
- Temporary repairs in low risk situation

Structures and components with moderate durability requirements and with moderate risks
for users and local residents, such as:
- Small buildings, houses
- Sewers in medium sized urban areas

Structures and components with high durability requirements and with high risks for users
and local residents, such as:
3 - Rail or road tunnels with heavy traffic
- Factories classified as high risk, hospitals, schools
Table 5.34 - Functional characteristics of repair works or construction of structures with moderate loading requirements following EN 14487-1.

Category Examples of inspetion categories

Structures and components with normal design complexity regarding risk of instability or
funcional safety and with low risks for users and local residents such as:
2 - Sewers in small urban zones
- Tunnels, bridges and other structural light traffic circulation
- Permanent stabilisation os slopes

Structures and components with special design complexity regarding risk of structural
instability or functional safety as well as high durability requirements and with medium to
high level of risk for users and local residents, such as:
3 - Rail or road tunnels with medium traffic
- Aqueducts for drinking water
- Small dams, sewers in medium size urban areas, canals
- Hospitals, schools and high occupancy buildings

Table 5.35 - Functional characteristics of works with high loading requirements following EN 14487-1.

Category Example of inspection categories

Constructions with minor degree of risk in design and structural instability as well as low
durability requirements, usually constructions with short design life and low risk of structural
1 instability, such as:
- Small permanent constructions
- Stabilisation for small or temporary slopes or pits

Constructions with normal design complexity regarding risk of structural instability or

functional safety as well as constructions with moderate durability requirements/design life,
2 such as:
- Permanent stabilisation of slopes
- Temporary sprayed concrete for tunnels and caverns in poor ground

Table 5.36 - Functional characteristics of constructions with high loading requirements for underground works following EN 14487-1.

5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

Category Example of inspection categories

Constructions with minor degree of risk in design and structural instability as well as low
durability requirements, usually constructions with short design life and low risk of structural
1 instability, such as:
- Decorative imitation rock
- Surrounding walls

Constructions with normal design complexity regarding risk of structural instability or

functional safety as well as constructions with moderate durability requirements and low
risks for users and local residents, such as:
2 - Open-top arqueducts or canals
- Small swimming pools
- Decorative imitation rock or sculpture

Constructions with special design complexity regarding risk of structural instability or

functional safety as well as constructions with high durability requirements and high risks for
users and local residents, such as:
- Small business, houses
- Domes and shells
- Fire protection for steel structures
- Large swimming pool
- Security structures
- High imitation rock receiving public
- High climbling walls

Table 5.37 - Functional characteristics of self-supporting constructions with high loading requirements following EN 14487-1.

It is important to clarify that the norm EN 14487-1 provides classifications not only for the use of
sprayed concretes to be applied for underground works; the norm describes as well other types
of works following their functionality.

5.7 - Current standard situation.

Referring to the normative situation for underground works, it may be concluded that the combi-
nation of the complete set of norms already described within chapter 2 concerning classification
of fibers, within chapter 3 concerning characterization of fiber-reinforced concrete, and within
the present chapter concerning quality control of fiber-reinforced concrete for underground
works, is globally sufficient in order to obtain proper specifications for a design integrating the
technology of fiber-reinforced concrete.

In the past years a number of standards have been developed which objective is to clarify that
fiber- reinforced concrete is a complex theme depending from many factors such as:

- the type of fibers

- the quality of concrete
- the structural responsibility and functionality of the work
- the mechanical characterization of the material

By highlighting that most complete standards laid down up to now which include these
concepts, depart from the selection of materials, their characterization, and the consideration of
structural criteria for the design and control of the work, one can find:
5. Applications of fiber-reinforced concrete: tunnels, design
of the pre-lining and of the final lining.

EN 14487-1 Sprayed Concrete — Part 1: Definitions, Specifications and Conformity. This norm
is coherent with Eurocodes, managing to cover comprehensively criteria for the selection and
quality control of the material.

Referring to the level of criteria for structural design, one can find:

CNR - 25 - Istruzioni per la Progettazione, l’Esecuzione ed il controllo di Strutture realizzate con

Calcestruzzo Fibrorinforzato. (Instructions for design, execution and control of structures made
of fiber-reinforced concrete) This being the most complete norm concerning the design of
structures made of fiber-reinforced concrete.
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced
concrete. Floors design.

6.1 - Industrial, harbour, airport, road, and special uses.

The industrial, harbour, airport, road pavements and further ones, are technically considered as
plates resting on the soil subjected to punctual, distributed or constant loads and are
traditionally reinforced to shrinking and temperature, and, moreover, may be reinforced to
bending when the load level needs it. There are cases where the floor design doesn’t provide
for any reinforcement, as for pedestrian floorings and parking areas.

The mechanical behaviour of the plates resting on the soil, through the different kinds of loads
to which they may be subjected, is compatible with the level of resistant strains which may be
produced by fiber reinforced concrete.

The technology of fiber reinforced concrete has reached a very important technical level, as in
the last decade, the methods of analysis and the behaviour of the material have been
developed for the correct modelling of the appliances, causing a substantial increase of the
appliances achieved with this technology, and the development of research and regulations for
the design which mark out the structural responsibility of this new material.

In the following paragraphs of this chapter there will be explained in detail the technical
possibilities offered by the technology of fiber reinforced concrete in comparison with the
existing traditional methodologies.

Photo 6.1 - Example of use in the airports. Photo 6.2 - Example of use in the parking areas.
Photo 6.3 - Example of use in industrial flooring. Photo 6.4 - Example of use in the ports.
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design.

6.2 - Methodology of conventional design for floors.

Nowadays the normative codes refer to a methodology of calculation for the not reinforced
concrete based on Westergaard theory, in which a rigid plate resting on the soil is considered,
and where it’s determined the thickness of the plate through the modulus of relative rigidity in
function of the bearing capacity of the soil. This methodology has been exposed by ACI 360R –
Design of Slabs-on- Ground, through the following available methods:

- WRI (Wire Reinforced Institute).

- PCA (Portland Cement Association).
- COE (Corp of Engineers).
- PTI (Post Tensioning Institute).
- ACI223 (shrinkage compensating institute).

The resistant capacity to determine the thickness of the plate is just committed to the Bending
resistance or Concrete Modulus of Cracking (MOR). The only exception is the PTI method,
which exploits the post-stretched and pre-stretched technology to increase its load capacity, as
this is an option for plates where soils have a poor and unstable bearing capacity, or for
structural solutions. Consequently there are plates which require bending reinforcement, for
load reasons, in which the design conventional criterium for reinforced concrete is applied.

The basic principle which differentiates the design criterium from the methods previously
mentioned, in which the responsibility to bending is only based on the concrete modulus of
cracking, is based on the applied safety factors.

In all methods it’s applied the concept of state in service of concrete as resistant material,
minimizing its risk, decreasing its capacity through a safety factor which may vary from a
minimum of 1.7 up to a maximum which may fluctuate from 3.9 to 4, according to the following

- Modulus of cracking radium, for the bending strain tension.

- Influence of shrinkage strains.
- Number of loads repetition.
- Material fatigue and impact.

Behavior of the ordinary concrete

P max
Minimum FS = 1.7 for the ordinary concrete

P Pmáx available for the


calculation of Mr of project, in the conventional concrete


Graphic 6.1 - Exemplification of the minimum service level for design in simple
concrete. Bending test to determine the material MOR.
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design

Classification of plates proposed by ACI 360R – Design of Slabs-on-Ground.

In order to be more precise on the alternative of plates resting on the soil, ACI 360R – Design
of Slabs-on-Ground, mentions the possibility of designing the six following cases:

A. Plates in simple concrete. In this kind of plates the design of thickness is based on simple
con- crete bending capacity (Modulus of cracking – MOR), where the element is considered not
to arrive at cracking and not to need any reinforcement. The loads and the quality of material
have a safety factor to assure the usable life condition before generating the cracking. They are
floors where the joints spacings are quite narrow.

B. Plates reinforced for shrinkage and for temperature effects. The design conditions are the
same as those arranged for plates without reinforcement, but in this case a reinforcement is
added to control shrinkage and thermic effects; the reinforcement is allocated in the third
superior of thickness of the element, where there is the resultant of the strains triangular
diagram. The distance between the joints may be enlarged according to the equation “Sub
Grade Equation”, which will be illustrated afterwards.

C. Plates in compensated contraction concrete with shrinkage reinforcement. In this case plates
are produced with compensated contraction concrete. The plates are shrinkage reinforced in
the third superior, and the thickness measurement is based totally on concrete bending
capacity, as in cases A and B.

D. Shrinkage post-stretched plates. As it can be inferred by the name, they are plates which will
be post-stretched to face the shrinkage and temperature effect, as it’s possible that large joints
spacings are reached. The thickness premeasurement strictly follows the methodology used in
the previous cases.

E. Plates post-stretched and reinforced with active pre-stretched ropes. They are designed for
the condition of not cracking, where the pre-stretched ropes allow to optimize the plates
thickness, and the post-stretched ones allow to control the shrinkage effects. These plates may
be designed as independent systems of attics, of wide spans, for the case of low capacity soils,
where the solution of resting plate becomes a structural attic, which will convey the loads to a
system of deep founda- tions. The PTI has got all the methodology for the design of these
plates which differentiates from those previously mentioned.

F. Reinforced plates for structural actions. Unlike the cases mentioned above, the design
methodol- ogy of this kind of plates implies cracking as a mechanism which activates the
established strain, and the design is made real through the conventional methodologies of
reinforced concrete, in which the bending strains to which the plate is subjected require a
conventional reinforcement, both in one and double common bars mesh, and in welded wire

Nowadays the available design methodologies, provided and described in ACI 360 R and
previously mentioned, are considered valid; here follows a correspondence of provided design
methodologies in function of the typologies of floor plates described:
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design.

Project method
Type of construction Type of project action

Thickness design
Type A.

Plates in plain concrete

Related details, joints

Type B.
Thickness design
Reinforced plates for shrinkage

and temperature effect Related details, joints

Type C.
Thickness design
Plates in concrete for

contraction compensated with

Related details, joints
retraction shrinkageo

Type D. Thickness design

Plates prestressed for retraction

Related details, joints

Type E.
Thickness design
Plates prestressed and
reinforced with prestressed
Related details, joints
active cables

Thickness design
Tipo F.

Plates reinforced for

Related details, joints
structural actions

Table 6.1 - Types of design methods in function of the floor type. Reference ACI 360-R.

Characteristics of the foundation.

In the design of plates resting on the soil, a factor of great importance for the design is the
condition of the supporting soil. In all design methods previously commented it’s necessary to
propose a stable condition of the soil, which will have to be guaranteed for the framework
usable life.

Most of the bibliography on the subject expresses the condition of the soil with two basic
expressions highly used in geotechnical environment, such as:

- Soil Modulus of Reaction.

- California Bearing Ratio (CBR).
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design

Here is following a correlation between the two expressions:

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 26 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
(BCS 314) California Bearing Ration 'CBR' (%)

7.5 1520 253540 5055 70 8095 115 130 135155 165

Standard modulus of soil reaction K (MPa/m) (Placa de 30" = 76 cm)

G = Gravel S = Sand M = Silt GM
C = Clay GP
W = Well graded P = Poorly graded GU
U = Uniformly graded GC
L = Low to medium compressibility H = High compressibility
O = Organic SW SM


Compacted densities Natural densities

NOTE: The value of k is extracted of the abacus for each type of soil, especially for groups L and H, would have to coincide with the inferior limit of the
interval of corresponding values.
Table 6.2 - Schedule of the types soil in function of CBR and Vertical Reaction Modulus. Reference ACI 360-R.

In all designs the improvement of the foundation which will have to hold the framework is
recom- mended. For this improvement, it’s advisable to use at least a layer of granular selected
material well assorted of about 30 – 40 cm which, in combination with the foundation soil, may
reach a modulus of vertical reaction or CBR, which offers a good safety factor to the framework
and minimizes the risk. There are situations in which the improvement must be more severe,
including the removal of shims of the soil, which have to be replaced by selected material, and
cases when reinforcement geosyntethics are used, always with the aim of generating a stable
value of the soil condition which may be guaranteed during the framework usable life.

Definitions of loads for the design of plates resting on the soil.

The load conditions more commonly used in the design of plates resting on the soil, are the
follow- ing:

- Vehicular wheels loads: trucks, montacarichi, planes, etc.

- Concentrated loads, such as shelves, equippings supports, etc.
- Equippings line or load strip, assorted goods, etc.
- Uniformly distributed load. Materials resting directly on the floor.
- Load in the structural phase. Support of equippings necessary for the floor manifacture.
- Environment effects (temperature effects) including the case of expansive soils.
- Extraordinary loads. Any special event which may cause a remarkable effect on the plate.

They have to be considered all important and, under the ingegneristico point of view, in every
design it’ll be necessary to start the respective analysis to determine the most unfavourable
case, which will lead in the framework. In consequence of the experience, the concentred
loads, shelves, equippings,
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design.

vehicular loads, are the most demanding for these frameworks and the area on which they stand
affects substantially the effect that they produce in terms of plate stress.

Here are following as example some valid relations between the contact surfaces and the kinds
of concentred loads.

Type of load

Concentrated loads
Distributed loads
Posts of storage racks
Without base plates With base plates
Vehicle wheels
Storage areas

Special loads Considerations of project
- Negative moment in
uloaded area
Concrete bearing- Joint faulting
Punching shear- Settement

- Flexural stress under load

241020 40 100 200 400 10001020 40 100 200 400

Square inchesSquare feet
Load contact area
(for each tire, post, os single loaded area)

Table 6.3 - Project considerations in function of the type of load.

Safety factors.

The safety factors for the design of plates resting on the soil, as for all frameworks, are defined
by the national technical regulations and, in Europe, by the EuroCodes.

In various Countries, for instance in France and in Italy, there are specific regulations for the
design, construction and testing of industrial floors.

A distinction has to be made between the safety factors on loads and those on the material.

In the case of concrete, in Europe it’s used a safety factor equal to 1 for the control at SLS, and
1,5 for SLU. In the case of loads a distinction between cyclical and static loads has to be made:
in every Country there are different values. In any case, it’s necessary to provide more and
more increasing safety factors for more and more important numbers of load cycles.

The safety factors defined for the design may be of a minimum of 1.4 and may arrive at factors of
3.9 – 4.8 in function of the use.
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design

ACI 360R suggests safety factors in function of the kind of analysed loads, and doesn’t consider
further factors.

Commonly used Occasionally used

Load type
factors of safety factors of safety

Moving wheel loads 1,7 to 2,0 1,4 to 2,0+

Concentrated (rack Higher under

and post) loads 1,7 to 2,0 special circunstances

Uniforme loads 1,7 to 2,0 1,4 is lower limite

2,0 is a conservative
Line and strip loads 1,7 upper limit*

Constructive loads 1,4 to 2,0 -

Table 6.4 - Minimum safety factors for loads effects recommended by ACI 360-R.

Design methods.

As it has been mentioned before, the available plan methods assume that concrete doesn’t
have any reinforcement and that its capacity resistant to bending (modulus of cracking), to be
used for the framework design. In most methods the use of reinforcement is required only to
assure a joints wider spacing and for checking the effects of shrinkage and thermic variations.

For the thickness measuring of a plate framework resting on the soil there are three of the
methods shown at the beginning of the chapter. There follows a description of some of the
important differ- ences between them.

Portland Cement Association Method (PCA).

This method has been developed on the basis of Pickett’s analyses, where there are included
variables such as the stressing tension due to loads, the capacity resistant to concrete bending,
the contact area and the loads spacing, and the modulus of reaction of soil. The method uses
abacuses which include the variables mentioned before for the definition of thicknesses. The
work is always done considering the not cracked condition of concrete. The cases of wheel
loads, concentred loads, uniform loads are considered. Temporary loads are not considered.

To continue there are shown some examples of the graphics used for the different kinds of
loads, the initial condition for all graphics is equivalent to the work strain, which will be
determined in function of the capacity to concrete bending, decreased by a safety factor which
will have to be selected by the designer, according to the regulations in force:

6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design.

work = work strain;
MR = concrete modulus of
cracking; fs = safety factor.

Stress per 1000 LB axle load (psi)

40 25
60 50

Slab thickness (In.)

80 100
200 11

20 120
Effective contact area (Sq. in.)
Wheel spacing (In.)
10 8
7 7¾


Figure 6.1 - Graphic example for the measuring of thickness for the case of wheel loads with
simple axes, for different types of soil. PCA Method. Reference ACI 360-R.

50 0.90

45 0.85
F, Equivalent load factor

40 0.80
Slab thickness (In.) 12
Sd, Dual wheel spacing (In.)

35 0.75

30 0.70

25 Effective contact area (sq. in.) 0.65

20 50 0.60

15 0.55

10 0.50

Figure 6.2 - Graphic example for the measuring of thickness for the case of wheel loads with
double axes, for one type of soil. Several curves for different values of soil capacity exist. PCA
Method. Reference ACI 60-R.

For the case of distributed loads, the method PCA has got an abridgement of load capacities of
plates resting on the soil in function of its bearing capacity, the concrete quality and the
provided thickness of the plate.
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design

Slab Allowable load (psf )
thickness (1) Concrete flexural strength (psi)
k (pci)
(In.) 550 600 650 700
50 535 585 635 685
5 100 760 830 900 965
200 1075 1175 1270 1370
50 858 640 750 750
6 100 830 905 1055 1055
200 1175 1280 1495 1495
50 680 740 865 865
8 100 960 1045 1220 1220
200 1355 1480 1725 1725
50 760 830 865 965
10 100 1070 1170 1365 1365
200 1515 1655 1930 1930
50 830 905 1055 1055
12 100 1175 1280 1495 1495
200 1660 1810 2115 2115
50 895 980 1140 1140
14 100 1270 1385 1615 1615
200 1795 1960 2285 2285
Table 6.5 - Abridgement schedule of the PCA Method for strains
available in the plates design for several thickness, for the case of
distributed loads. Reference ACI 360-R.

For the case of concentrated loads, as shelves could be, the machines foundations, or any kind
of element which generates concentrated loads, the method has got some schedules for
thickness measurings, in function of the contact surface, of the support load and of its
orthogonal distribution. These schedules are generated for different levels of soil bearing
Stress per 1000 LB post load (PSI)

70 80

Slab thickness (In.)


40 40 4060
60 11
100 100
30 x. In. y. In.



100 40 6
10 Subgrade K = 50 pci 60
Effective contact area (Sq. In.)

Figure 6.3 - Schedule of abridgement of the method PCA for thickness measuring of plates with concentrated
loads. Reference ACI 360 R.

The method has all the same produced an abridgement for the case of distributed loads, in
which limitations for joints spacing are mentioned.
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design.

Critical Allowable load (psf)

Slab Working
aisle At critical At other aisle widths
thickness stress
width aisle
(In.) (psi) (2) 6 ft. 8 ft. 10 ft. 12 ft. 14 ft.
(ft.) width aisle aisle aisle aisle aisle
Subgrade k = 50 pci



Subgrade k = 100 pci



Subgrade k = 200 pci




Table 6.6 - Schedule of abridgement of the method PCA for strains available in the design of plates of different
thickness. For distributed loads, it provides for joints spacing. Reference ACI 360R.
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design

Method Wire Reinforced Institute: This method, like PCA, assumes as condition concrete
without reinforcement, considering as resistant capacity the concrete modulus of cracking. Very
similar to PCA method, it proposes curves and schedules for the measuring of shims for the
cases of loads of wheel axes, uniformly distributed loads, it doesn’t provide for concentrated
loads, nor variable loads in the constructive phase.

For the case of loads for wheel axes, starting from known conditions, as the concrete bending
strength, which is already reduced for the assumed safety factor, wheel loads and axes
separation, concrete modulus of elasticity and foundation strength, they are applied in
consequent graphics that from a given thickness, determine the “parameter of relative strain”.
Once determined such parameter, this is applied in other graphics, for the determination of the
acting moment and, with it, it’s possible to go on with the final check graphic as, in function of
the work bending strength of the material and of the design moment, the definitive thickness of
the plate may be verified.

For the case of distributed loads the process is exactly alike, but, stating from the definition of
the relative strain parameter, there are particular curves for the condition of uniformly
distributed loads where in function of the preliminary joints spacing, the thickness can be

The previously described graphics are shown below:

Figure 6.4 - Relation between plate thickness and relative strain parameter. Method WRI. Reference ACI 360-R.
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design.

Add M = 16 inch (pounds/inch/kip)

420 Influence of other loaded wheel

Additional unit moment (lb-In. per In.)

380 100
N - 265 inch (pounds/inch/kip) Unit moment - 1000 lb wheel (lb-In. per In.)
360 20
340 2.5
40 45 5060708090100 110 120
320 Distance between centers
of load wheels (In.)


260 D/k = 3.4

240 D/k
220 100

180 10

120 2.5

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Equivalent loaded diameter (In.)
Diameter = 5,0

Figure 6.5 - Graphic of design for wheel loads, in function of the relative strain parameter. Method WRI. Reference ACI

500 2.3
600 D/K = 3.4
700 Uniform load = 2500 psf = 2,5 ksf
Uniform load (ksf)
Total slab moment (lb-ft. per ft.)

900 10
1,000 D/K Allow tension = 190 psi
7 10,000
1,500 5 8,000
Total slab moment (lb-ft. per ft.)

7,000 500 400

3 6,000
2,000 20 300
2 5,000
1.5 200
1.0 3,000
0.7 100
0.5 2,000
3,000 50 0.4 1,500 50
4,000 100 0.15 1,000
5,000 0.10 900
6,000 150 0.07 800
0.05 700
7,000 600
8,000 500
11,000 250 400
12,000 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 2004681012 14 1618
10,000 Slab thickness (In.)
Aisle width (In.)H = 8”
Aisle width = 10 ft. = 120”

Figure 6.6 - Graphic of design in function of the acting moment, definitive thickness measuring. Method WRI.
Reference ACI 360-R.
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design

600 2.3 D/K = 3.4
800 Uniform load = 2500 psf = 2,5 ksf
900 5
Uniform load (ksf)
Total slab moment (lb-ft. per ft.)

1,000 10
D/K Allow tension = 190 psi
10 7 10,000
1,500 5 8,000

Total slab moment (lb-ft. per ft.)

500 400
2,000 6,000 300
2 5,000
20 1.5 200
1.0 3,000
3,000 0.7
0.5 100
0.4 2,000
0.3 1,500 50
5,000 50
6,000 0.15
7,000 0.10 1,000
8,000 100 0.07 800
9,000 700
150 600
11,000 250 400
12,000 4681012141618
40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Slab thickness (In.) H = 8”
Aisle width (In.)
Aisle width = 10 ft. = 120”

Figure 6.7 - Graphic of design for distributed load, in function of the relative strain parameter and its relative design graphic of the definitive thickness.
Method WRI. Reference ACI 360-R.

Corps of Engineers (COE) Method: This method bases its analyses on the resistant
characteristic of not reinforced concrete, called Modulus of Cracking. The method determines
relations for axis load conditions per wheel, defining “Design indexes” in function of the kind of

The method considers the strain produced in the intrados of the concrete section.

There are proposed curves in function of the “Design Index” and of the material bending
capacity, in function of the bearing capacity of the supporting soil.

Category I II III IV V VI
Capacity (lb) 4000 6000 10000 16000 20000 52000
Design axle load (lb) 10000 15000 25000 36000 43000 120000
No, of tires 4 4 6 6 6 6
Type of tire Solid Solid Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic
Tire contact area (sq. In.) 27.0 36.1 62.5 100 119 316
Effective contact pressure (psi) 125 208 100 90 90 95
Tire width (In.) 6 7 8 9 9 16
Wheel spacing (In.) 31 33 11.52.11 13.58.13 13.58.13 20.79.20
Aisle width (In.) 90 90 132 144 144 192
Spacing between dual wheel tires (In.) -- -- 3 4 4 4

Table 6.7 - Schedule of “Design Index” in function of the load for axis types. Method COE, Reference ACI 360-R.
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design.

900 16

800 14
K = 25 pci7

Flexural strength (psi)

200 50
400 5
300 100
700 12

Thickness (In.)

600 10

615 2

500 8


300 4

Figure 6.8 - Graphic of the thickness measuring in function of the “Design Index”, soil
bearing capacity and concrete banding strain. Method COE, Reference ACI 360-R.

Post-stretched Plates (PTY) Post-stretched Attics (PTY)

The decision of using post-stretched floorings technology, arises generally from some simple
reasons such as:
- Systems which will be put on soils with very low support capacity and where the
solution turns from solution of plate resting on the soil into a system of attics resting on
elements of deep foundation, where it’s necessary a system of attic having a structural
behaviour different from that of a plate resting on the soil. This system must be designed as a
superstructure attic.
- To obtain wide spans without joints. Being this case considered as a plate resting on
the soil, the post-stress of the inferior part of the section has the aim of resisting the effects of
shrinkage and temperature, as the bending design is carried out in the same way as it has
already been explained for the previous methods, using the concrete bending capacity.
As for post-stress methods, this handbook will not go into details. A good treatment can be
found in ACI 360R. As for the design concept, the institution PTY has got in its publications all
the options of design for this kind of elements.

Conventional design in reinforced concrete considering the elastic soil

As last alternative, the flooring plates can be bending designed through the conventional
criteria of reinforced concrete, in which there are frameworks in the inferior part to generate a
reinforced section capable of resisting the stresses caused by loads. The modulus of
calculation will be that of an attic resting on an elastic soil according to the theory of plates. It
would be very conservative to analyse the attic as a rectangular strip with a bending capacity.
In order to develop suitably the calculation, it’s advisable to use programs to the finished
elements which allow the plate spatial moulding and to mean the structural behaviour under
basic aspects such as strain, distortions and breaking mechanisms.
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design

As example the following cases of loads for plates resting on the soil are shown:

Fibers dosage (kg/m3) Fibers dosage (kg/m3)

The loading area (mm2)

Figure 6.9 - Example of concentrated loads in a plate resting on the soil. Figure 6.10 - Example of concentrated load at the centre of supported about
the soil.

Wing landing gear

Body landing gear

Nose landing gear

Figure 6.11 - Example of concentrated loads generated by a plane in a

plate resting on the soil.

Here follow some cases of analysis of plates resting on the soil, with moulding to the finished
ele- ments:


Maximum value: Minimum value:

Maximum value: Minimum value:

Figure 6.12- Example of a plate model FE, case of central load Figure 6.13 - Example of a plate model FE, case of central load in an
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design.

Plate Plate
Load Load

Maximum value: Minimum value:

Maximum value: Minimum value:

Figure 6.14 - Example of a plate model FE, case of load in the plate corner. Figure 6.15 - Example of a plate model FE, case of distributed load.

6.3 - Design of joints in floors.

The design of joints in floors is a particularly important subject for the durability of such frame-

In various Countries there are Regulations or Recommendations of Good Practice, such as ACI
360R (USA), TR34 (United Kingdom), NF P 11-213 (France), UNI 11146 (Italy), which classify
the different kinds of joints and establish the criteria for design and manifacture.

Here are listed the kinds of joints:

Shrinkage or control joints.

They are joints prepared for the control of concrete shrinkage, which are made by cutting the
hardened concrete some hours after the flooring casting, normally between 6 and 8 hours after
the casting. Its spacing will depend on the attic thickness and by the possible addition of a
reinforcement. The joints can provide or not elements of interconnection between the plates,
that will depend on the use destination.

Armor Congrol joint

Figure 6.16 - Example of cut control joint.

6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design

Photo 6.5 - Example of a control joint execution. Photo 6.6 - Example of a control joint.

Insulation joints.

As their name mean, they are joints made to insulate constructive elements which for the
different rigidity may damage the plate. Such joints are provided before concrete casting.

Figure 6.17 - Example of insulation joint.

Joint filling Form

Expanded poliestirene

Photo 6.7 - Example of insulation joint. Photo 6.8 - Example of insulation joint already manufactured.

Construction joints.

It’s the joint which delimits the floor plates cast in different phases of the construction. Such ele-
ments are to be planned so as to be compatible with the control joints modulation. This kind of
joints provides for the interconnection between plates with mobile elements which allow the
sliding of two adjacent plates.
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design.

Armor Construction joint

smoot dowel steel bar

Figure 6.18 - Example of construction joint.

Photo 6.9 - Example of a construction joint. Photo 6.10 - Example of a construction joint already executed and the
connection bars close-up.

Photo 6.11 - Connection bars arrangement in the construction joint. Photo 6.12 - Crossing between construction and control joints after casting.

Control joints measuring.

For control joints measuring there are several technical positions of different institutions. The
control joint may be designed for two kinds of plates on soil:

Plate without reinforcement Type A (according to ACI 360 R).

6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design

In this kind of plates, already described at the beginning of this chapter, the control joints
measuring is based upon the behaviour of the plate subjected to plastic shrinkage. It’s
advisable that the plate, rectangular or square, has similar dimensions, with ratio Lmax / Lmin 
1.2. The basic rule in measuring establishes:

L = spacing length;
h = provided height of the plate.

The PCA (Portland Cement Association) recommends a very similar spacing the previous one,
con- sidering the maximum dimension of aggregates and the mixture slump.

Slump 4 to 6 inches Slump

Aeggregat Aggregate less
thickness ''
<3/4''. >3/4''. than 4''.
5 '' 10 13 15
6 '' 12 15 18
7 '' 14 18 21
8 '' 16 20 24
9 '' 18 23 27
10 '' 20 24 30

Table 6.8 - PCA recommendation for the control joints spacing for not reinforced
plates. Recommended measures in ft (Feet). References ACI 360-R.

Plates reinforced for shrinkage and temperature.

In order to space further the control joints, or when the temperature conditions to which the
plate is subjected during its usable life are severe, all reference publications and institutions
state to add a reinforcement going from a minimum quantity of 0.015% up to 0.03% of the
section area in severe cases.

This reinforcement must be settled in the superior third of the thickness where there should be
the resultant of the strain triangular diagram due to shrinkage and temperature


Figure 6.19 - Example of plate reinforced for shrinkage and temperature.
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design.

The codes traditionally used for the design of floors on the soil without bending reinforcement,
such as PCA (Portland Cement Association), WRI (Wire Reinforced Institute) and COE (Corp of
Engineers), use, for steel measuring for temperature and shrinkage, the formula “Subgrade drag

As = Steel area in square inch per linear foot;
fs = Allowable strain of reinforcement steel in
psi; F = Friction factor;
L = Provided distance between joints;
w = Weight of the plate in psf, considering 12.5 psf per inch of thickness.

With this formula it’s possible to verify how much a good spacing without the presence of
reinforce- ment can be exploited.

The dimension of the plate will be subordinated to its feasibility, according to the load levels,
being possible that the applied load can reduce its dimensions.

Compensated shrinkage concretes.

Compensated shrinkage concretes are the solution to the problem of control joints. These
kinds of concretes are described in ACI 223. Their work mechanism is based upon concrete
expansion in the first days, that later on will be compensated by shrinkage. It’s necessary a
minimum reinforcement of 0.15%.

This technology allows to obtain control joints spacings wider than those previously explained.
Nowadays, thanks to this possibility, there’s a trend towards solutions of floors with joints
spacing wider than 15 m.

Curling (or bending) and Warping of the plate resting on the soil.

The phenomenon of bending or curling is common in not reinforced plates and consists of the
an- gular distortion of the angles surface. Normally this phenomenon affects a radium from 2 to
5 feet, measured from the same edge. The phenomenon is due to the difference of water
contents and temperature between the external and internal surfaces of the plate.

The Warping phenomenon, very similar to curling, coincides with the distortion of the surface in
general, caused by internal strains generated by differences of steam or of temperature
between the framework surfaces

Both phenomena can be controlled with a combination of control and construction joints, and
with a suitable shrinkage reinforcement.
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design

Zone 2 Zone 1 Zone 2

Zone 2 Zone 1 Zone 2

Figure 6.20 - Examples of bending of plates resting on the soil. Zone Nr.2 value is usually equivalent to a length from 2 to 5 feet.

6.4 - Methods of floors design in fiber reinforced concrete.

Fiber reinforced concrete is used in plates resting on the soil when the strains produced by
loads on the framework are compatible with its mechanical behaviour.

As it has been explained in the chapter on the mechanical characterization of fiber reinforced
con- crete, for the design of floors on the soil is exploited the bending mechanical property at
the material last state. Having also an improvement of the cutting strength, in a tridimensional
analysis of such frameworks, it’s possible to visualize the correct redistribution of the strains.

Fiber reinforced concrete, being a homogeneous material in its whole volume, offers a
continuous strength in all directions to the actions which may take place and, in the particular
case of flooring, this property can be exploited as much for the bending design, as for the
shrinkage and temperature design.

Basically, the addition of fibers in concrete matrix, causes the change of the behaviour from
fragile to ductile. In particular ductility allows to change the criterium of analysis of the material,
passing from a service condition with safety factors for the material, to work with increased
loads and to design at last state, only possible with ductile materials, getting as result a better
possibility of exploiting the material resistant capacity.
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design.

Wirand Fibers fc,cube=30 MPa

Plain concrete Vf=0.38% (30 kg/m3)

Nominal stress  N (M P a

Curves SFRC

Plain concrete curves
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
0.5 CTOD m (mm)

Graphic 6.2 - Example of bending test UNI 11039 to determine the bending capacity of the

Plain concret behavior

P max
Minimum FS=1.7 for plain concret

P available for the


calculation of the design Mr, in conventional concrete


Graphic 6.3 - Example of minimum service level for a plan concrete design. Bending test to
determine the material resistant moment.

As it can be noticed, on the basis of the norm ACI 360 R, there is a minimum reduction of 42%
of material resistant capacity, being a fragile material.

Using fiber reinforced concrete, it’s exploited the material last resistant characteristic as
resistant capacity and opposing increased loads to it.

The minimum requirement for fiber reinforced concrete structural use consists of a residual strength
 50% of first crack strength. The fiber reinforced concrete, depending on the quantity of
reinforce- ment it has got, will have the possibility of being more exploited at a structural level
and offering a resistant capacity equal or greater than the maximum one reached in service by
plain concrete.
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design.

Wirand Fibers fc,cube=30 MPa

Plain concrete Vf=0.38% (30 kg/m3)

Nominal stress  N (M P a

Curves SFRC

Plain concrete curves
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
0.5 CTOD m (mm)

Graphic 6.2 - Example of bending test UNI 11039 to determine the bending capacity of the

Plain concret behavior

P max
Minimum FS=1.7 for plain concret

P available for the


calculation of the design Mr, in conventional concrete


Graphic 6.3 - Example of minimum service level for a plan concrete design. Bending test to
determine the material resistant moment.

As it can be noticed, on the basis of the norm ACI 360 R, there is a minimum reduction of 42%
of material resistant capacity, being a fragile material.

Using fiber reinforced concrete, it’s exploited the material last resistant characteristic as
resistant capacity and opposing increased loads to it.

The minimum requirement for fiber reinforced concrete structural use consists of a residual strength
 50% of first crack strength. The fiber reinforced concrete, depending on the quantity of
reinforce- ment it has got, will have the possibility of being more exploited at a structural level
and offering a resistant capacity equal or greater than the maximum one reached in service by
plain concrete.
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design.

In this case the shrinkage control framework is placed in the third superior of the provided
section, letting concrete bear the stresses due to acting loads.

Here’s an example with a typical

section. The initial conditions are:

- Floors with 15.00 cm of thickness in concrete f´c = 25 MPa, Modulus of cracking of 3.2
- Minimum steel quantity, for shrinkage and temperature, in welded wire mesh fy = 414 N/
mm , bars with diameter 6.00 mm spaced out of 15 cm in both ways.

- Soil modulus of reaction between 0.09 and 0.12 N/mm3.

- Maximum loads: goods lifts with capacity of 6 ton.


Figure 6.21 - Basic project of the concrete with reinforcement for temperature. Floor 15 cm of

The aim is to prove that, with the same structural behaviour, fiber reinforced concrete has got
for this case mechanical characteristics equal or superior to those that could be obtained with a
traditional reinforced concrete.

The resistant moment of the reinforced section is equal to:


Mres = Resistant

moment; fy = Steel

resistant strain; d =

Usable height.

It’s possibile to replace the traditional framework using fiber reinforced concrete with 20 kg/m3 of
steel fibers FF1 (MACCAFERRI), considering as bending strength of a fiber reinforced element
of a rectangular section:
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design

Fiber reinforced concret behaviour

f If
F >eqif0.5 f for a estructural use.

U1 U2

CTOD 0 CTOD 0 +0.6mm CTOD 0+3 mm CTOD

Graphic 6.4 - Example of level of minimum performance for the structural use of the concrete
reinforced with fibers.

Wirand FF3-30 - C40/50

Nominal stress N (M P a


0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3

CTOD (mm)

Graphic 6.5 - Example of a concrete reinforced with fibers with elasto-plastic behavior.

Nowadays in the European environment there are normative proposals which underline these
con- cepts:


ELE- MENTS - Standard UNI U73041440

- Rilem TC162-TDF “Test and design methods for steel fiber reinforced concrete”.

These regulations have the aim of determining the mechanical properties of fiber reinforced
concrete, that is the first crack strength and the post-crack residual strengths.

The increase of residual strength may vary from 50% up to more than 100%, depending on the
quan- tity of fibers used, for measurings which may vary from a minimum of 20 kg/m3 up to 60
kg /m3.

Reinforced floorings and floors for shrinkage and temperature.

An applicatory example of fiber reinforced concrete is that of floors reinforced only for shrinkage
and temperature, in which the provided section has been designed according to the criteria
stated in ACI 360 R.
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design.

In order to determine fiber reinforced concrete equivalent strength the results rising from
bending tests according to Norm UNI11039 have been considered; for strength C25 and for
measurings of 20 kg/m3 the first crack strength is of 3.2 MPa and the minimum ductility of 50-

Test UNI 11039, Concrete C25/30

V CTOD0  I  eq(0-0,6)  eq(0,6-3,0) D1
Sample 3 L/d D0
(kg/m ) (mm) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
20 50 0,0178 3,208 2,128 1,913 0,663 0,899
20 50 0,0178 2,658 1,161 0,563 0,437 0,485
20 50 0,0178 2,725 2,023 1,667 0,742 0,824
FF150L25 0,0178 3,505 2,752 2,601 0,785 0,945
D20D 20 50
FF150L25 0,0178 3,484 1,694 1,574 0,486 0,929
20 50
FF150L25 0,0178 3,581 2,545 2,382 0,711 0,936
D20F 20 50
FF150L25 0,0178 3,114 1,560 1,396 0,501 0,894
20 50
FF150L25 0,0178 3,033 2,032 2,210 0,670 1,088
D20H 20 50
Midium value 0,0178 3,164 1,987 1,788 0,624 0,875
Table 6.10 - Schedule of UNI 11039 tests results.
Equivalent strenght (MPa)

Strenght vs. dosage

Resitencia Concrete C25
vs. Dosificación
Hormigónes C25

i 2,00


0 5 1015202530354045
Dosage fiberen Kg/m3
(kg/m 3)
Graphic 6.6 - Curves of equivalent strengths vs. steel fibers measuring.


The determination of fiber reinforced concrete equivalent strength can be obtained also
according to the regulations
0,00 ASTM, RILEM, EFNARC, European.

The shown methodology is a sufficient subject to prove the equivalence of the technical solutions.

The solution in fiber reinforced concrete, besides being equivalent to the traditional one, offers
ad- ditional advantages at the level of concrete performances as the better fatigue behaviour
and the better crack control.
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design



The measuring of a flooring based upon the elastic behaviour (Westergaard or FEM) doesn’t
allow to exploit the mechanical properties of fiber reinforced concrete.

One of the alternatives developed in the latest years consists in implementing the not linear
crack mechanics (NLFM).

The crack mechanics applied to the floorings on elastic soil in fiber reinforced concrete has
been valued numerically and experimentally, using the “fictitious crack model”, by Hillerborg,
Modeer and Petterson (1976), Plizzari - Meda (2004).

The experimental research allows to determine the shape of the strain curve vs. crack opening,
which is numerically represented with constitutive laws of various geometry (linear, bilinear,
trilinear, ex- ponential or hyperbolical). In case of fiber reinforced concrete it’s used a bilinear
law in which the first phase of the curve is dominated by the post-crack behaviour of the
material with a high curve gradient (mesh of the aggregates) and, afterwards, when the micro-
crack turns into macro-crack, there is the activation of the strength to the fibers unthreading.

Figure 6.23 - Constitutive law. Curve of Strain vs. Stress in phase of pre peak and
strain curves vs. crack aperture in the phase of post peak.

The constitutive connection (or law) has been determined through numerical simulations of UNI
11039 tests in which the connection -w of the material has been varied until the numerical
curve has turned out to be in good accordance with experimental results. The following
characteristics of the material are considered:

- Traction strength obtained through direct traction tests;

- Modulus of Elasticity;
- Modulus of Poisson assumed equal to 0.20.
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design.

• Shift from ratio -w to ratio  dividing w with the square root of the middle area of the
analysed element.


Figure 6.24 - Mathematical description of a bending beam according to UNI11039, (a) Evident
crack model, (b) Spread crack model.

It’s obtained a numerical expression which gauges the numerical behaviour with the
experimental one obtained in tests, adopting this matrix of behaviour as analysis model of
different sections. It’s clear that, as this behaviour depends on the quantity of fibers and quality
of concrete, it’s necessary to check the constitutive law whenever one of the variables changes.

Wirand FF1-30 - C30/37 - Vf=0.38%


 N (MPa

Nominal stress


2.5 FEA Diana Smeared

2.0 1.5



0.0 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 CTODm (mm)

Graphic 6.7 - Numeric simulation of tests UNI11039 with Software DINA, the fine curves are experimental and the thick
curve represents the gauged curve in FE.

The University of Brescia has developed mathematical models and carried out experimental
tests for plates resting on the soil, generating matrixes of behaviour for plates for different soil
conditions, loads and concrete classes of strength.
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design

Photo 6.13 - Springs installation to simulate a Winkler soil. Photo 6.14 - Experimental settlement.

Photo 6.15 - Steel springs to simulate an elastic foundation. Photo 6.16 - Steel springs to simulate an elastic foundation.

The modelling has allowed to analyse the mechanism of cracking of a plate resting on the soil,
marked out by a crack according to the medians, confirming the experimental results.

P4 Experimental

250 Slab

Load (kN)


a 150


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Displacement (mm)
Figure 6.25 - Comparison of numerical and experimental results for the plate.

6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design.

The research program, numerical and experimental, has got as result the generation of
abacuses for the thickness premeasuring of the plates in fiber reinforced concrete under
punctual concentrated loads, different soil carrying capacity conditions, concrete strength
classes, type and measurings of steel fibers.


Ultimate load (kN)

N ]
k ]
k [
[[ 500
N d
ee k
Abacuses in function of the kind of soil.
[rLr 400 (1)
rred 300
llm 200
iii o
100 (3)
Slab tickness (mm)
0 thicthicthicthicknesknes
100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Graphic 6.8 - Design abacuses for a plate resting on the soil with a volume fraction Vf = 0.38% of fibers 50/1.0 in a concrete
matrix C25/30.

The sequence of crack, with the help of a software to the finished elements, working in a not
linear environment, allows the modelling of any load condition. What is fundamental, it’s the
character- ization of the material for mixture strength class, according to its modulus of crack
and the specific measuring, for the determination of the connection -w and for the
characteristic curve of not linear behaviour, which will become the basis for the analysis to the

6.5 - Fiber reinforced concrete and the joints design.

Fiber reinforced concrete offers the possibility of increasing the spacing between the control
joints in comparison with what turns out in the traditional formulations previously discussed.

Everything is based on the capacity of a homogeneously reinforced section of resisting the

effects due to temperature and shrinkage in comparison with the traditional solution, which has
only got a steel layer placed in the resultant of the stresses triangular diagram. The basic
concept is the trans- formation of this strains diagram, from a triangular diagram to a
rectangular diagram owing to the material resistant effect in its whole section, as it is shown


Figure 6.26 - Diagram of base presented with traditional solution.
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design

Concrete reinforced with fibers


Figure 6.27 - Diagram of stresses owing to temperature in a fiber reinforced plate.

The addition of fibers may lead to an increase of joints spacing from 30% up to 100% out of the
one originally provided by the present codes.

The possibility of manifacturing plates with greater dimensions is a reality based upon two
funda- mental bonds:

- Plate thickness;
- Quantity of reinforcement.

ACI 360R, in the “Sub Grade equation”, previously shown, provides for these parameters and
allows to reach spacings wider than 10 metres, up to a maximum of 30 metres.

It turns out evident that the solution will be orientated towards high measurings of fibers, owing
to the necessity of reinforcement, and to remarkable thicknesses, in many cases greater than
18 cm, to resist the effects of curling and warping.

Here is the description of a couple of examples of increase of joints spacing, one for a standard
floor and one for floors highly reinforced for shrinkage.

Example Nr.1 Attic 15 cm thick, minimum steel and shrinkage.

- Floor thickness 15.00 cm in concrete f´c= 25 MPa;

- Minimum quantity for shrinkage and temperature, in welded wire mesh, fy = 414
N/mm2, bars diameter 6.00 mm and with spacing of 15 cm in both ways. Placed in the third
- Soil modulus of reaction between 0.09 and 0,12 N/mm3.
Figure 6.28 - Concrete slab with reinforcement for temperature. Floor 15 cm thick.

6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design.

Proposed fiber reinforced solution:

Concrete reinforced with fibers

Figure 6.29 - . Slab in fiber reinforced concrete. Floor 15 cm thick.

Calculation of the mechanical equivalence between the two solutions:

Comparison Traditional Reinforcement vs. Fibers Thickness = 15 mm

Measure Mesh Fibers

unit 6/150 FF1 (1.00x50)

N/mm2 Mesh traction strength 414,00

N/mm2 Concrete with fibers bending traction strength (21 Mpa) 3,20

N/mm2 Concrete equivalent resistance (per 20 kg/m of fibers)


% Ductility of concrete with fibers 55,50

mm Diameter of the mesh 6,00

mm Section of the mesh 150,00

kg/m2 Weight of the mesh/m2 2,96

kg/m3 Weight of the mesh /m


mm2 As = mesh resistant area 188,50

mm b = base of concrete section 1.000,00 1.000,00

mm h = concrete theoretical thickness 150,00 138,40

mm d = section usable thickness 80,00 150,00

Nmm M = Mesh Maximum Bending Moment 5.618.676

kg/m Advised measuring 20

mm H = Proposed section thickness 150

Nmm M = Maximum Bending Moment of Concrete with fibers 6.600.000

Table 6.11 - Cálculo da equivalência mecânica entre as duas soluções.

It’s obtained the mechanical equivalence of a fiber reinforced concrete, measured with 20 kg/m3
of Wirand® FF1 fibers, for the section reinforced in a traditional way.

According to PCA advice on spacing between joints, ACI 360R, the plates must be provided
with joints with maximum distance of 4.95 m in case of floors without reinforcement for
shrinkage and temperature (15 feet).
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design

Slump 4 to 6 inches Slump

Aeggregat Aggregate less
thickness ''
<3/4''. >3/4''. than 4''.
5 '' 10 13 15
6 '' 12 15 18
7 '' 14 18 21
8 '' 16 20 24
9 '' 18 23 27
10 '' 20 24 30

Table 6.12 - Reinforcement analysis according to ACI 360-R, Design Slabs on Grade.

If the formula “Subgrade drag equation” is applied:

As = Steel area in square inches per linear
foot; fs = Allowable reinforcement steel strain
in psi; F = Factor of friction;
L = Provided distance between joints;
W = Plate weight in psf, considering 12.5 psf per inch of

thickness. That is:

Distance calculation between joints according to ACI 360R

Formula of resistance of the sub-base
(Subgrade Drag Equation)
Mesh 6/150 Unit of measure Value
Diameter mm 6,00
Spacing2 mm 150,00
Steel area Inch /pie linael 0,07
fs psi 30.000,00
Plate thickness Inch 5,91
w psf 73,82
F Adimensional 2
Minimum spacing suggested 26,72 pés
for contraction joints 8,14 m
Table 6.13 - Spacing calculation of between joints, according to ACI 360-R.

On the basis of what explained, by calculating the maximum spacing in case of traditional
reinforce- ment, according to ACI 360 R, and considering the structural equivalence of the
provided fiber rein- forced section, the reachable maximum spacing can be of 8.00 x 8.00 m for
control joints, obtaining that way an increase of 60% in comparison with the traditional spacing.

Example Nr. 2. Attic 18 cm thick, with strong shrinkage reinforcement.

6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design.

- Floor thickness 18.00 cm in concrete f´c = 25 MPa.

- Minimum quantity for shrinkage and temperature, in welded wire mesh, f y=414 N/mm2,
bars with diameter 12.5 mm, spaced out 150 mm in both ways.
- Soil modulus of reaction between 0.09 and 0.12 N/mm3
- Maximum load, unknown.


Figure 6.30 - Basic outline of concrete with temperature reinforcement. Thickness pavement 18 cm.

Proposed fiber reinforced solution:

Concrete reinforced with fibers


Figure 6.31 - Diagram of base presented with fiber reinforced solution. Floor 15 cm thick

Mechanics equivalence mechanics calculation between both the sections:

6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design

Comparison Traditional Reinforcement vs. Fibers Thickness = 15 mm

Measure Mesh Fibers

unit 12,7/150 FF1 (1.00x50)

Mesh traction strength 414,00

N/mm2 Concrete with fibers bending traction strength (21 Mpa) 4,00

N/mm2 Concrete equivalent resistance (per 40 kg/m of fibers)


% Ductility of concrete with fibers 98,00

mm Diameter of the mesh 12,40

mm Section of the mesh 150,00

kg/m2 Weight of the mesh/m


Weight of the mesh /m
mm2 As = mesh resistant area

mm b = base of concrete section 1.000,00 1.000,00

mm h = concrete theoretical thickness 180,00 179,28

mm d = section usable thickness 70,00 180,00

Nmm M = Mesh Maximum Bending Moment 20.998.239

Advised measuring 40

mm H = Proposed section thickness 180

NmmM = Maximum Bending Moment of Concrete with fibers 21.168.000

Table 6.14 - Comparison of a rectangular section with traditionally bending reinforcement vs. steel fibers reinforced section.

It’s obtained the mechanical equivalence for a fiber reinforced concrete, measured with 40
Kg/m3 of Wirand® FF1 fibers, for the traditionally reinforced section.

Reinforcement analysis according to ACI 360 R-Design Slabs on Grade.

Distance calculation between joints according to ACI 360R

Formula of resistance of the sub-base
(Subgrade Drag Equation)
Mesh 12.70/150 Unit of measure Value
Diameter mm 12,70
Spacing2 mm 150,00
Steel area Inch /pie linael 0,29
fs psi 30.000,00
Plate thickness Inch 7,09
w psf 88,58
F Adimensional 2
Minimum spacing suggested 99,75 pés
for contraction joints 30,40 m
Table 6.15 - Distance between joints calculation , according ACI 360 R.

A control joints spacing of 30 m is obtained.

As the quantity of incorporated fibers offers the same resistant capacity of the analysed
rectangular section, it can be inferred that joints spacing might keep this level. It’s necessary to
be careful as, for
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design.

the attic minimum thickness of 18 cm, there could arise some phenomena of curling, which
could be avoided only by decreasing the spacing, or with the use of building edge joints such
as “Omega”, or “Diamond Dowels”, in the plate outline. It’s important to underline that, in order
to manifacture floors with widely spaced out joints, it’s necessary to consider some important
factors such as an excellent quality of foundation such as the one recommended, minimum
value 0.12 N/mm3 of verti- cal modulus of reaction, equivalent to a CBR of 40/45%, great care
in concrete seasoning, perfect mixture workability and its continuity during the whole process of
the floor laying.

All these conditions make possible this kind of solution, which can’t be put down just to the fact
of adding fibers in concrete. Any lack of control in the work concerning the mixture, workability,
seasoning, etc may generate problems in the aim of obtaining very spaced out joints without
crack troubles.

6.6 - Control of quality in fiber reinforced concrete for floorings.

The control of quality of fiber reinforced concrete for floorings must be carried out according to
the same criteria recommended for materials, so as to verify the mechanical strengths
considered in the design. The design responsible engineer will have to guide the carrying out of
these tests, in order to determine the material bending strength, compression and residual

Besides the control of the material mechanical properties, there are basic recommendations to
follow in the correct design of the mixture to use in floors:

- Limitation of water/cement ratio, recovering the workability through the use of

fluidifying additives;
- The use of prevailing inerti greater than ¾ “ succeeds in reducing the effect of
shrinkage in the mixture, as to incorporate inerti of greater dimension affects the water demand;

- It’s advisable to use cements Type II, in comparison with Type I and Type III, as these,
nor- mally, increase the use of water in the mixture;

- To use slumps or lowering cones at a level between 4” and 6”, in function of the kind of
laying (mechanized or manual);

- As for the solutions of increased distance joints it’s advisable to carry out an increase
of the resistant section at the plate ends which substantially may help to resist the curling

- It’s fundamental to control the material seasoning process to assure the homogeneity
of the hardened material.
6. Appliances in fiber reinforced concrete.
Floors design

6.7 - Current standard situation.

Besides the regulations mentioned in the previous chapters concerning the control of quality of
fiber reinforced concrete, here are the following codes of floors design:

- ACI 360R – Design of Slab-on-ground;

- TR-34 – Third Edition – Concrete Industrial Ground Floors;

- UNI 11146 – Concrete floors for industrial use;

- NF P11-213 – Dallages – Conception, calcul et execution;

- TR-34 – Concrete Industrial Ground Floors;

- UNI 11146 – Pavimenti industriali;

- NF P11-213 – French code.

7. Applications of fiber reinforced
concrete: prefabricated elements.

7.1 - The use of fiber reinforcement in prefabricated/pre-cast concrete.

The reinforcement of concrete with steel fibers is a common practice as it succeeds in reducing
the phenomenon of cracking, improves the durability of the concrete, and in some cases can
replace completely the standard steel reinforcing bars.

The pre-cast concrete industry has shown a particular interest in the application of SFRC.
Reinforcing with fibers allows to industrialize the process and to improve the material properties
of the concrete. In some cases, while it may not be possible to completely replace the
traditional reinforcement, there may be the potential to reduce the thickness of the element and
review the minimum cover thick- ness required.

The use of fiber reinforcement in structural elements is becoming more common, especially in
the pre-cast concrete industry, where exhaustive quality control testing is required by national
codes. A high degree of quality control during the production process allows the designer to
rely upon the mechanical properties of the material. In the case of fiber reinforced concrete, it is
important to ensure a good distribution of fibers in the matrix in order to achieve the desired
material properties.

One of the most recent and meaningful applications in which fibers are used as structural
reinforce- ment is in underground works. It is used in conjunction with some methods of tunnel
excavation through which prefabricated elements are used as final covering where fibers replace, at
least partially, the traditional reinforcement.

Some examples of prefabricated elements where the steel fibers reinforcement has been
successfully used are:

a) Non-structural elements where the main function of the steel reinforcement is the
supply of ductility and the limitation of crack phenomenon.
b) Pre-cast concrete pressure pipes, when there is no danger of life for people.
c) Sleepers on which trains rails are resting, in which the main problem consists in
fatigue phenomena due to cyclical loads. It has to be specified that fibers have a
function comple- mentary to the main reinforcement.
d) Pre-cast structural panels used in the construction of industrial building.

Apart from the possible applications previously mentioned, there are many other cases where
steel reinforcement can be beneficial. Structures designed for different types of impact loading
may be another possible application.

Although there are many applications in which fibers are used, in practice, the potential
advantages they can offer must still be exploited. This is due to the lack of regulations for the
use of fibers as concrete reinforcement. In fact, the existing regulations would fit with difficulty
to Fiber Reinforced Concrete (FRC) as, to design with this kind of material, it is necessary to
consider the material plastic phase, as fibers start working after concrete crack initiation, while
with the traditional steel bar rein- forcement, the material behaves in a linear manner. (Fig. 7.1)
7. Applications of fiber reinforced concrete:
prefabricated elements.

Figure 7.1 - Bending test. Typical response of beams reinforced with steel fibers (a) and with traditional steel (b).

7.1.1 - Final remarks.

There is increasing interest in the use of fiber reinforced technology in pre-cast/prefabricated

concrete structures. It has been recognized that steel fibers can be used to replace traditional
steel (totally or partially), improve concrete performance, and reduce production costs and
production cycle times. There are many advantages to incorporating fibers into the concrete
mixture, primarily due to the reliable mobilization and utilization of residual strains.

At this time, no formal design codes have been developed specifically for steel fiber reinforced
concrete, making it difficult to promote the use of this technology. Design recommendations and
guidelines (RILEM - TC162-TDF) have been prepared by some national agencies and industry
associations, but there has been no formal acknowledgement of this material into building
codes. Clear and simple rules are required by designers who are prepared to take the
responsibility of working with this material.

A recent example of a step in this direction is the latest recommendation of the organization
charged with drawing up the Italian standard UNI U73041440, Design, Carrying out and Control
of Structural Elements Reinforced with Steel Fibers. This standard covers the main criteria to
allow for the insertion of steel fibers in order to replace, totally or partially, traditional steel in
structural elements.

7.2 - Design of precast segment in fiber reinforced concrete.

One of the possible and, at the same time, most promising structural applications of fiber
reinforced concrete, is certainly the one which refers to the manufacturing of rings for
prefabricated panels (ring segments) for the use as tunnel liners in projects excavated with the
use of Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM).
7. Applications of fiber reinforced concrete:
prefabricated elements.

The use of metal fibers as a partial or total substitute of traditional steel reinforcement in this ap-
plication is especially advantageous when:

- The typical conditions of saturated cohesionless soils make difficult the predictions of
the stresses which operate in the tunnel cross and axial sections and, consequently, many of
the hypoth- eses put forward in the design of the covering of tunnels built with integral
excavation machines (TBM) must be accepted although they have an important negative
impact on the carrying out or on the economical aspects.
Under this point of view, to be able to rely on the stiffness characteristics of a material
as concrete reinforced with steel fibers, is of fundamental importance as the combination of
bending moments and of the normal forces applied in tangential direction is particularly
favourable for the use of this material as substitute (at least partial) of the traditional
- SFRC offers a good ductility in relation with the splitting crack and good impact resis-
- SFRC allows in general a better control of the possible local collapses of the covering por-
Schnütgen (2003) has investigated different kinds of load for the ring segments of the subway
system in Essen, Germany (Fig. 7.2) and has experimentally verified the positive contribution of
steel fibers in relation with splitting crack as, after the crack has come about, the applied load
has kept increasing until it has doubled the first crack one. The same author has verified the
behaviour of key ring segments and has proposed some design formulae based upon the RILEM
TC 162-TDF (2000, 2002) work.

Further studies have been produced by Mashimo and others (2002) Kooiman and Walraven

Bending test
(transportation state)

Hidraulic jacs

Plastic deformable
supporting pads

Test of in plane actions Splitting test Shear test

(placing situation)

jacs Plastic deformable supporting pads

Figure 7.2 - Conditions of analysed loads (Schnütgen, 2003).

7. Applications of fiber reinforced concrete:
prefabricated elements.

The study of prefabricated ring segments in SFRC can be completed through numerical
analyses with programme to the finished elements in which the main load conditions to which
they will be subjected are studied. This section will present a methodology that can be used for
this numerical study.

In order to carry out a study with a programme to the finished elements, it is necessary to
define in advance the framework detailed structure, the specific loads and the bonds, so as the
equivalent traction strength for fiber reinforced concrete bending besides its curve of behaviour.

As example, and to understand better the methodology to follow, here are described the
analyses achieved with the programme Abaqus 6.4.1 (2003) for one of the segments used in
the liner rings of the Barcelona underground.

Fig. 7.3 shows the geometrical characteristics of a typical ring segment for the Barcelona project. Fig
7.4 shows the typical loading conditions corresponding to the critical phase of thrust (TBM
thrust); the TBM must be able to push off against the last completed segment ring in order to
move forward.

Frontal view Scale Support plates

Support plates e = 2mm


Figure 7.3 - Cross section and plan view of a ring segment.

7. Applications of fiber reinforced concrete:
prefabricated elements.

Jacking thrust Direction of the excavation

Analyzed segmented ring panel A1 Soil thrust

Lateral friccion
Jacking application region
TBM shield
Fixed considered ring lengthwise
Analyzed segmented ring A1

Figure 7.4 - Load scheme during TBM thrust .

Fig. 7.5 shows a typical situation of voids in the annular space around the ring segments. This
situation will subject the ring segments to bending loads. This situation has been experimentally
modelled at the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC) with laboratory bending tests
(Gettu et al., 2003; Photo 7.1).

Inadequate filling



Segments ring

Injected filling
Figure 7.5 - Bending on the segment due to the insufficient filling of the annular space
(overdigging)between the covering ring and the digging perimeter (Gettu et al., 2004).

Photo 7.1 - Configuration of plain bending test (Gettu et al., 2004).

7. Applications of fiber reinforced concrete:
prefabricated elements.

Graphic 7.1 shows the experimental results (upper and lower limits) concerning the load as a
function of the displacement of the fiber reinforced ring segment and of the fiber reinforced ring
segment with traditional reinforcement (mixed reinforcement). A slightly declining behaviour of
the segment with just the fibers was observed. Hardening behaviour of the ashlar with mixed
reinforcement was also observed.

In order to verify the ABAQUS 6.4.1 (2003) model, the experimental results have been
afterwards simulated with analyses to the finished elements, based on the crack mechanics,
achieved with such programme; obtaining a good approximation (Graphic 7.1), there has been
a confirmation of the used numerical model.
Load (kN)

Graphic 7.1 - Comparison between the experimental and numerical Load-Arrow curves.

Further numerical analyses have been carried out with the aim of considering the stresses that
are produced when there are especiallyDeflection (mm)
meaningful situations of load that affect transitory
phases, during ashlars manipulation and during ring assembling.

In particular the critical phases analysed with simulation to the finished elements, have been
the two following:

1) Thrust on the arch central ashlar during TBM advancing;

2) Load on the ring segment that supports 6 other segments during storage.

In the thrust phase, the TBM hydraulic jacks apply loads on specific areas of the cross section
of the previously assembled ring, that are large enough to cause the concrete to crack, as the
ring itself is the “contrast” necessary to allow the extension of hydraulic jacks that provide the
thrust to propel the TBM forward during the excavation.

In the particular case of the Barcelona Underground, there are 4 hydraulic jacks for each ring
seg- ment and 2 for the key segment, for a total of 30 (7 x 4 + 2) jacks operating on the ring.
The thrust from each jack varies as a function of the soil characteristics and of the tunnel depth,
reaching 3 MN when the tunnel axis is placed at a depth of about 25 m.
7. Applications of fiber reinforced concrete:
prefabricated elements.

For the central segment of the inverted arch, the numerical model has been worked out with a
mesh of 3D elements of medium dimension equal to about 90 mm. The following situations
have been considered in the analyses (shown in Fig. 7.6):

Figura 7.6 - Schemes of loads and bonds of the ring segment subjected to the jacking thrust.

- The last completed ring receives the jacking stresses prior to completion of the filling
of the annular space between the ring and the soil (grouting), while at the same time, the filling
of the space between the immediately front ring and the soil has yet to solidify. The void
corresponding to the front ring has already been filled and the filling has set, therefore it can be
considered as a rigid support in the direction of the tunnel axis;

- The ring support is considered uniform as along there are polyethylene panels (pad) at
the contact locations between the rings. It is considered elastically capable of being deformed
as it’s necessary to contemplate the front ring axial changeability which in addition represents
an unilateral bond which doesn’t resist to traction;

- The unilateral rigidity of the springs which simulate the changeability of the ring
support, that is the front rings changeability, has been suitably gauged through imposed
displacements analyses;

- The interaction of the segment with the adjacent segments of the same ring is, too,
always unilateral, as the ring segments are simply in contact and assembled with pins;

- The lateral friction which can be generated between such lateral surfaces of the
adjacent ring segments is not considered and there are positioned springs which operate in
compression normally to surfaces. Also the rigidity of these springs has been suitably gauged
to simulate the changeability of the adjacent ashlars;

- The four jacks operate on the segment through metallic plates which can be
considered rigid, distributing the load uniformly on the respective contact areas.

Fig. 7.7 show the typical numerical results obtained by the simulation of the behaviour of a ring
segment with 45 kg/m3 of Wirand FF1fibers.
7. Applications of fiber reinforced concrete:
prefabricated elements.

From Graphic 7.2, both the presence of splitting cracks corresponding to the service load, and
the load increase (after the crack) made possible by fibers can be observed.

Fig. 7.7 shows the distribution of the radial strains in the four load zones (the four jacking plates)
corresponding to the service loads.

Graphic 7.3 show the distribution of radial stresses (r) during the depth of the ring segment in
direction (z) of the tunnel axis, as a function of the service load.

It may be observed, under the load zone, a behaviour of the ring segment similar to that of a
plate subjected to concentrated loads of great intensity: as a matter of fact, after a tract of about
100 mm, in which there are strains of compression, there show tractions along about 300-400
mm and these tend to disappear to come back again later on the opposite side of the ashlar.

The fact that the traction radial stresses show also in the bottom of the ashlar is simply due to
the presence in that zone of the longitudinal springs (which simulate the axial changeability of
the ring already built on which the ring object of the analysis is resting) which, being uniformly
distributed on the whole rear cross section of the ashlar, generate compression longitudinal
strains much more limited and modest local radial tractions.

Splitting behavior: First Crack

Maximum load
Load (kN)

Service Load

Second crack

Graphic 7.2 - Load applied in function of the horizontal displacement.

Second crack

Deflection (mm)

Figure 7.7 - Radial strains r in correspondence of the exercise load.

7. Applications of fiber reinforced concrete:
prefabricated elements.


Graphic 7.3 - Radial strains r along the ring segment axis.

In order to analyse the solicitationswhich are caused by ring segments during the storage, it is
necessary to consider that, generally after the extraction of the form, the ring segments are
placed in groups of three after the first day and on the seventh day the stacks are completed
with the remaining segments of the ring (in total 7 + 1 key), always using wooden blocking as
shown in Fig. 7.8.

Figure 7.8 - Arrangement of the stacked wedges with the critical segment highlighted.

The ring segment at the base of the stack is positioned on wooden support blocking consisting
of two wide surfaces of about 300 mm each, formed by great wooden supports that follow the
curvature of the segment placed with a wheelbase of about 2,80 m connected below by struts
in order to hold the blocking in position. The next segments are placed on small wooden
beams, with an approximate section of 100 mm x 100 mm and length equal to the one of the
segments, that will have to be positioned with a wheelbase of 2,80 m so as to remain lined up
with the inferior supports in order to remove or at least minimize the bending effects on the
segments. In practice, the blocking is typically out of location, resulting in loading eccentricities
that may induce strong bending strains in the segment.

In order to analyse in suitable way this phase of load, there have been considered especially
unfavourable arrangements of the segments small beams of support and one of these is the
one represented in Fig. 7.8, referred to the second segment (Gettu et al., 2004) which rests on
some small beams placed with a wheelbase of 2,80 m + 2ee (meaning with ee the external
7. Applications of fiber reinforced concrete:
prefabricated elements.

while the superior segment is arranged with small beams at a distance of 2,80 m – 2e i (meaning
with ei the internal eccentricity). In this situation the weight of the segments, above the critical
load, operates at a distance from the supports equal to ee + ei. Once the stack is completed, the
second segment will turn out loaded for the total weight of 5 segments + 1 key. 438 kN
correspond to the weight of 6 whole ashlars. The numerical analyses have been developed by
adopting for the eccentricity the values (Gettu et aL., 2004), quoted in the same Fig. 7.9.

Figure 7.9 - Geometrical configurations of supports and loads.

For the modelling with the programme to the finites elements Abaqus 6.4.1, the minimum 3D
elements of the thrust phase have been adopted, but with a medium dimension near to 90 mm.
The load zones correspond to those of the small beams support surfaces (about 100 x 1800
mm) and on such surfaces there has been applied a uniform pressure in vertical direction with
the aim of simulating the weight of superior ashlars (Fig. 7.10). The lateral supports are
modelled as rigid supports operating in the vertical direction, arranged along the whole depth of
the segment.

Figure 7.10 - Mesh bonds and loads for the analysis of the maximum weight of stacking.

The aim of the analyses carried out has been that of calculating how many ashlars can be
stacked without causing crack or collapse phenomena of the most stressed ashlars, as the
crack control is an aspect of basic importance for the covering ashlars of tunnels for which it’s
necessary to assure a perfect watertight seal being therefore essential to avoid the production
of cracks also in the transitory phases as for instance the storage one.

The numerical elaborations have been achieved under the hypothesis of presence of
eccentricity and letting progressively grow the load operating on the ashlar up to the forming of
the first crack. The
7. Applications of fiber reinforced concrete:
prefabricated elements.

crack is discovered for the presence of plastic distortions, as code Abaqus is based on a
spread crack model.

In the condition of simulated load, after the crack forming there takes place also the collapse of
the segment being the framework of isostatic kind and the material is represented as
homogeneous along the depth of the segment (the crack forms immediately along the whole
depth of the segment), which prevents the redistribution of the internal actions.

The analyses have been carried out referring to the concrete mechanical characteristics after
two different periods of hardening, equal to 4 days and 28 days respectively. The first condition
has the aim of verifying the behaviour in conditions very similar to the real ones and, as the
fresh concrete characteristics after 4 days can’t be directly determined, these are calculated on
the basis of those corresponding to concrete after 28 of hardening, using for this purpose the
correlative expressions provided by the Eurocodes. The second condition has the aim of
obtaining numerical results by using the characteristics of the material experimentally

Graphic 7.4 - Applied-Arrow load in the second ashlar with eccentricity of 250 mm.

In Fig. 7.4 there are represented diagrams in terms of applied load and of arrow valued in the
half of the second ashlar with ee = ei = 250 mm. It may be observed that, already with 4 days of
hardening, the second ashlar is in condition of supporting the exercise load of 6 superior
ashlars. After 28 days of hardening, the segment shows naturally a rigidity and a last load
superior and is in condition of supporting the weight of almost 10 ashlars stacked one on

In the end, the segment achieved with Wirand FF1 fibers, with measuring of 45 kg/m 3, allows, in
presence of not excessive eccentricities and anyway within a limit of 250 mm, to stack the 6
ashlars necessary for the forming of a ring.
7. Applications of fiber reinforced concrete:
prefabricated elements.


From the numerical analysis carried out for the ring segments of the Barcelona Underground, it
is possible to conclude that for these types of structures, it is possible to partially replace the
traditional steel bar reinforcement with steel fibers.

Given the high stresses which can be reached in the thrusting phase of the jacking operation
around the perimeter of the precast segments (the first 400 mm), and the guarantee that in the
intermediate part of the precast segment the reinforcement with fibers is in conditions of facing
the strains which can be reached, it can be concluded that the segment need only be
reinforced with traditional bars at the perimeter of the segment.


Figure 7.11 - Traditional reinforcement + Fibers (a). Traditional reinforcement (b).

7.3 - Examples of applications. Padding panels, prestressed beams, non-structural

prefabricated elements.

7.3.1 - Closing panels.

Testing on prefabricated concrete panels reinforced with both with traditional reinforcing steel
and with steel fibers has been carried out.

This testing was done in order to provide a framework to conduct research into the methods to
optimize the structure of the panel considering the static stresses, the production process and
the reduction of weight.

The main focus of the research has been the replacement of the traditional steel welded wire
mesh, typically positioned near the external front face of the panel, with steel fibers.

The primary goal of the research was the development a load model that would represent the
loads that the wind could generate on the panel. The panels vertically placed are subjected to
cross loads owing to the effect of the wind and to a limited axial load, caused by their own
weight. It is neces- sary to combine the bending strains due to the self weight of the panel with
those derived from the wind loads. (Fig. 7.12 and Photo 7.2).
7. Applications of fiber reinforced concrete:
prefabricated elements.



Concret Finishing gravel

Photo 7.2 - Horizontally placed panels. Figure 7.12 - Cross Section of the Traditional Panel.

The tests have been carried out on full scale panels (dimensions of 11.2 m by 2.5 m (L x H)).
The results of these tests show that in the panel reinforced with steel fibers it’s obtained a
ultimed load similar to the panel reinforced with welded wire mesh and moreover it’s possible to
control in a more effective way the generated cracks.

Photo 7.3 - Test on horizontally placed panels.

7.3.2 - Double T covering prestressed beams.

The steel fibers can be used in double T prestressed elements. In such frameworks there are
no problems and need only be reinforced with longitudinal steel. The double T section elements
are com- monly reinforced on the flanges with a steel mesh in order to obtain better behaviour
to concentrated loads, shear and torsion strength, especially at the last limit state where it’s
considered that torsions represent the most critical stresses.

The research carried out to date proves that if the cross steel ( 5/25) is replaced by moulded
steel fibers on the ends (50 kg/m3), and the rest of steel is not modified (Fig. 7.13), then there
are no modifications in the bending longitudinal behaviour of the elements (Fig. 7.14).
7. Applications of fiber reinforced concrete:
prefabricated elements.

Load (kN)


(a) Deflection (mm)

Figura 7.13 - Double T prestressed beam simply leaned and subjected to distributed load. Load-Displacement Curve in an element reinforced with
traditional steel (a), distribution of cracks in the element reinforced with traditional steel (b) and with steel fibers (c).


Head web-reinforcement stirrups Current web-reinforcement stirrups Head web-reinforcement stirrups

Prestressing strands Prestressing strands

Detail of the web reinforcement

Figura 7.14 - Double T section element. Cross section (a), traditional reinforcement (b) and reinforcement with fibers (c) on supports.
7. Applications of fiber reinforced concrete:
prefabricated elements.




Deflection (mm)

Figura 7.15 - Cutting test. Load model (a); Load-Cutting Behaviour (b); crack mode with not reinforced concrete (c); with traditional
steel (d) and with steel fibers (e).

Besides studying which would be the distributed loads to which the framework will be
subjected, it has been studied the way of simulating them in laboratory. Some tests have also
been carried out on the element without any kind of framework (in the matrix there have been
inserted no fibers or welded wire mesh).

The comparison shows the interaction of various kinds of loads, besides those which generally
are considered (punctual loads, cross bending strains, distributed loads).

In this way the ductile behaviour to the framework cutting has been assured when the
framework corners have given way.

Due to the dynamic parameters selected , on the other hand, expressed by the results that refer
toed the vertical displacements, they were obtained fragile results, except for the concrete
element without armor that was broken before, due to inflection.
7.3.3 - Structures for flat coverings.

This kind of framework marks itself out for its great slenderness (ratio depth/longitude up to 35),
a thin section in the compression zone to allow the drainage of water and the stresses laterally
distributed, which generates meaningful cross bending moments.

Once studied the critical loads to which the framework will have to be subjected during its
usable life, the corresponding tests have been carried out in the University of Brescia (Italy)
laboratories. The test has been carried out with four loads points, which are described in Fig.
7.18a. An electromechanical sensor has been positioned in the half of the framework supported
with ring nuts with two metal bars welded to a metal beam.
7. Applications of fiber reinforced concrete:
prefabricated elements.

The tests have been carried out on three different models with the same structure: the former
two models have been reinforced with steel fibers, one with low carbon contents fibers with 30
mm of length and 0.7 mm of diameter, the other with high carbon contents fibers with 30 mm of
length and 0.4 mm of diameter, while the third one has been reinforced in traditional way with
welded wire mesh (15/25/20).

The elements reinforced with steel fibers have shown a greater ductility and a greater service
last load in comparison with the model reinforced with traditional steel (Fig. 7.18a). The
breaking, in any case, has been caused by longitudinal bending moments with cracks on the
framework flanges (Fig. 7.18b, c, d).

It can be inferred, after the tests carried out, that steel fibers represent a reinforcement
homogeneously distributed in the matrix which can compete with the traditional steel mesh, and
moreover allow to reinforce in effective way frameworks of complex sections which have
stresses both in two and in three directions.

The behaviour of the frameworks of prefabricated flat coverings in concrete reinforced with
metal fibers is comparable with the one of frameworks reinforced with welded wire mesh and,
as the results obtained show, with an increase of ductility.


Figura 7.16 - Cross section (a), displacement of the structural element (b).



Displacement (mm) (c)


Figure 7.17 - Bending behaviour of the structural element (a); Load-displacement curve of the element under distributed
loads (b): Horizontal attic (c); flange inclination (d).
7. Applications of fiber reinforced concrete:
prefabricated elements.

Figure 7.18 - Test in real scale: system of loads (a); simulation of loads (b); measurement equipment (c); behaviour of cracks in the element (d).


(b) (d)

(a) (b)

Figure 7.19 - Test of the framework reinforced with steel fibers. Symmetrical (a) and asymmetrical (b) section.
7. Applications of fiber reinforced concrete:
prefabricated elements.

Comparison - Section C
Load - Total displacement

Load (kN)

First cracks
Elastic limit

Total displacement (mm)

(b) (c) (d)

Figura 7.20 - Global behaviour in real scale of the structural element. Last load Vs Deflection (a); Crisis of the structural element reinforced with
traditional steel and with steel fibers (b, c, d).

7.3.4 - Pre-casted stretched beams

The possibility of replacing the minimum cross reinforcement (hangers) with steel fibers in
prefabri- cated beams may lead to important improvements in the framework performances.

The shear behaviour of prefabricated elements with the minimum cross reinforcement has been
studied with tests on full scale beams. The tests simulate the behaviour of the beams close to
the supports, where hangers are normally designed according to the building regulations in
those places where only a minimum steel is required. The tests have been carried out on
beams with no kind of traditional reinforcement (beam 1), with traditional cross reinforcement
(Beam 2) and beams rein- forced with steel fibers (beams 3 and 4).

The experimental results prove that the shear behaviour of beams reinforced with steel fibers
(Vf = 0.64%) is similar, or better, to those reinforced with the minimum traditional cross steel
required by Eurocode 2. Fig. 7.21b shows the cutting-displacement curve of the tests carried
out on beams with
minimum reinforcement. In any case the crack has started to show (final of the elastic part)
when reached a stress to cutting of 450 kN. The behaviour of the concrete beams reinforced
both with traditional steel and with steel fibers has produced similar results. It has been
possible to notice that, in beams reinforced with steel fibers, the cracks thicknesses have been
thinner than those of the beam reinforced with traditional steel.
7. Applications of fiber reinforced concrete:
prefabricated elements.


Shear (kN)
Beam 1
Ultimate shear Ultimate design shear
Sericeability shear
Beam 2

Beam 3

Beam 4

Figura 7.21 - Cutting test. Test in laboratory (a); load-displacement curve in beams reinforced with minimum cross steel (b).

7.3.5 - Different elements. Displacement (mm)

There are numerous cases in which fibers can effectively replace the traditional reinforcing
steel, improving the quality of the element and allowing a degree of optimization to the
production process. The cases in which the traditional reinforcement can be replaced with
metal fibers are those in which mechanical stresses are limited and when the reinforcement
steel will have secondary functions such: crack control, increase of strength to abrasion and
impact, improvement of strength to thermal variations.

Examples where the traditional reinforcement has been replaced with metal fibers, can be
observed in the following images.


(c) (d)

7. Applications of fiber reinforced concrete:
prefabricated elements.


Figura 7.22 - Example of different prefabricated elements reinforced with steel fibers.

7.4 - SFRC special applications.

7.4.1 - Foundation systems.


Unlike industrial floor slabs, which are plates resting on elastic soil, foundations are load
bearing structures. Their design and construction must be in accordance with the local design
and building codes. Fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) is not regulated in many countries and,
consequently, special permission may be required for use in many applications. In Germany, for
the application of steel fibers in buildings in which the structural stability must be proved, official
permission from the German Institute of the Technics of Civil Building (DIBT) of Berlin must be
obtained. Such permission may not be required in relation to floorings and buildings where
steel fibers are used only for the analysis of the exercise limit state (SLS). These applications may
be of secondary importance as there is no risk for life in case of damages or collapse.

Concrete foundation slabs

In the last 5 years, a new application in building construction has been developed. The
concrete foundation slabs for residential buildings may be constructed using SFRC. The weight
of the walls can be easily supported by the concrete slabs in SFRC, provided the structure is
built on competent soil. The principles of design are the same as industrial floors.

Photo 7.4 - Foundation Slabs SFRC for residential building foundations (private houses), Germany.
7. Applications of fiber reinforced concrete:
prefabricated elements.

Nevertheless, it is possible to introduce project for the general approval of such systems. In
Germany, for example, the general approval can be asked to the German Institute of
Technique of the Construction (DIBT) in Berlim.

Photo 7.5 - Concrete foundation slab (diameter: 39 m) for an agricultural silo with combined reinforcement (mesh reinforcement + steel fibers + PP
fibers), Germany, 2005.

Foundations for mesh framework of aerial electrical lines

Using SFRC, the foundations for aerial utility services (trams, railway lines, etc.) can be
redesigned in order to remove much of the conventional steel reinforcement. The main function
of these foundations is to ensure their stability through their own weight (dead weight). The
steel fibers work as minimum framework for crack control. Consequently a structural analysis at
SLS must be carried out. This control has been achieved through a strut-and-tie system.
Conventional reinforcement remains in the upper part of the foundation, typically for anchor
bolts and flanges. As these foundations are generally quite large they are typically cast on site.

Figure 7.23 - Cross section of foundations in SFRC for aerial electricity posts (left) and strut-and-tie model for the analysis of internal stability (right).
7. Applications of fiber reinforced concrete:
prefabricated elements.

The advantage of steel fibers over conventional reinforcement is the decreased installation time
and the ease of installation of ancillary services (cable ducts, etc.).

7.4.2 - New potential applications.

Drilled concrete caissons

Steel fibers can improve the construction of drilled concrete caissons. In this application, the
steel fibers may be able to replace the minimum reinforcement steel, usually consisting of a
prefabricated steel reinforcement cage. These cages are inserted into the fresh concrete, a
process that can be cumbersome and time consuming. Fresh concrete with steel fiber
reinforcement would substantially reduce the process of setting up, while time of building would
be remarkably reduced.

Currently, there are no standards allowing the replacement of a conventional reinforcement in

such applications, as that concerns the support of frameworks in elevation.

Photo 7.6 - Field with concrete posts drilled and set up. Photo 7.7 - Drilling plant. - Structures exposed to earthquakes.

Some of the strongest earthquakes in the latest years have proved that new materials and
building techniques are needed. The collapse of many structures, together with the death of
many people, proves that the kinds of buildings used can’t support the impact of the high
dynamic strength which takes place in the strongest earthquakes, due to insufficient capacity of

Starting in the 1970’s, research has been conducted into the beneficial effect of steel fibers on
the behaviour of concrete and reinforced concrete structures subjected to dynamic load. The
main interests at that time were the potential safety and the resistance of the nuclear plants and
of the military structures of protection:

- Steel fibers improve in meaningful way the deforming behaviour and the ductility.
7. Applications of fiber reinforced concrete:
prefabricated elements.

- The concrete softening capacity of concrete can be improved in meaningful way with
the development of new building materials.

- The attenuation of reinforced concrete frequency can be increased up to 10 times with

the addition of steel fibers.

- The capacity of dissipation under impact and the stationary cyclical load can be clearly
in- creased.

- The strength to impact can be increased up to 2000% with steel fibers.

These beneficial effects of steel fibers on softening and deterioration can improve in meaningful
way the stability of the framework subjected to dynamic loads during earthquakes.

A research to measure the ductility in Column-Beam union has proved that the ACI method of
calcu- lation together with SFRC, can increase ductility and the union (column-beam)
performance, which gives the opportunity of revaluing the global ductility of the framework.

Joint # 1 Joint # 4
Joint # 6 SRFC 6-in (15.2 cm) SFRC 8-in (20.3 cm)
Conventional spacing spacing
Foto 7.8 - Of steel fiber reinforced concrete in beam-column unions. Thesis presented at the Faculty of the San Diego State University, by Michael
Gebman. Year 2002.

7.4.3 - Flooring covering with metal shaped sheets or precast – metal deck.

The fiber reinforced concrete application can be technically justified in case of covering, both
the metallic one to cover the collaborating formwork, and that of prefabricated attics systems. In
both cases the welded wire mesh is commonly used.

Here follows the technical argument which exemplifies that the fiber reinforced solution at the
minimum succeeds in equalling and improving the alternative mechanical conditions, which is
provided to be reinforced just to check effects of thermal shrinkage.
7. Applications of fiber reinforced concrete:
prefabricated elements.

These are the initial conditions presented in the original design:

- Usable floor medium thickness 8 cm (5 cm of covering on the Steel Deck crest), in

concrete fck = 21 MPa.

- Reinforcement steel in rods of 5.00 mm of diameter, fy = 414 MPa, spaced every 15

cm in both directions, located 4.0 cm below the floor surface, according to the
recommendations of the manufacturers (source or similar.

Concrete C21
Both direction

Figure 7.24 - Traditional section of reinforcement for Steel Deck.

Figure 7.25 - Steel Deck perspective.

Concrete thickness Specification of Ast. of the specified Minimum ast.

over the crest the mesh 2
section (cm /m)
(cm /m)

5-6 cm 15 x 15 - Ø4,2 0.92 0.91

8-10 cm 15 x 15 - Ø6 1.88 1.52

12 cm 15 x 15 - Ø6 1.88 1.82
Table 7.1 - Recommendation of reinforcement for Steel Deck shrinkage (Source
7. Applications of fiber reinforced concrete:
prefabricated elements.

Analysis for alternative in fiber reinforced concrete:

Figure 7.26 - Fiber reinforced section of Steel Deck.

Fiber reinforced concrete (C21) Dosage 25 kg/m3

Initially the resistant maximum characteristic in the simply reinforced traditional section is
obtained with the following:


Mres = Resistant

moment. fy = Steel

resistant strain. d =

Usable height.

By using the bending strength conventional equivalence of the section traditionally considered
by the regulations which include the use of fiber reinforced concrete, it’s obtained the total
replacement of the reinforcement provided for 20 kg/m 3 of FF1 steel fibers, in which it’s
considered as fiber reinforced element bending resistance of a rectangular section:

Mr = Resistant moment.

Req = Fiber reinforced concrete equivalent strength, considered that the section is
homogeneously distributed and reinforced.

Sx = b.h2 = Modulus of strength of the provided rectangular section.


Here follows the comparison:

7. Applications of fiber reinforced concrete:
prefabricated elements.

Comparison Traditional Reinforcement vs. Fibers Thickness = 80 mm

Measure Mesh Fibers

unit 12,7/150 FF1 (1.00x50)

N/mm Mesh traction strength 414,00

Concrete with fibers bending traction strength (21 Mpa) 3,00
2 3
N/mm Concrete equivalent resistance (per 25 kg/m of fibers) 1,85

% Ductility of concrete with fibers 61,50

mm Diameter of the mesh 5,00

mm Section of the mesh 150,00

Weight of the mesh/m2 2,06

Weight of the mesh /m

As = mesh resistant area 130,90

mm b = base of concrete section 1.000,00 1.000,00

mm h = concrete theoretical thickness 80,00 79,65

mm d = section usable thickness 40,00 80,00

Nmm M = Mesh Maximum Bending Moment 1.950.929

kg/m Advised measuring 25

mm H = Proposed section thickness 80

Nmm M = Maximum Bending Moment of Concrete with fibers 1.968.000

Table 7.2 - Mechanical comparison between rectangular section with traditional armor vs. rectangular section reinforced with fibers.

To determine the equivalent resistance of fiber reinforced concrete there have been considered
the results deriving from the Norm UNI11039, having as results of concrete characterization for
resistance C25 and measurings 25 kg/m3 the parameters shown in the schedule above. Using
as suggested value for a concrete C21, a first crack strength of 3,00 MPa, and maintaining a
minimum of ductility of 61.5% for this measuring of fibers, being these data based on the
characterizations of concretes according to RILEM.
7. Applications of fiber reinforced concrete:
prefabricated elements.

Equivalent resistance vs. Fibers measuring (Concrete f´ck = 21 MPa)


Equivalent resistance

Graphic 7.5 - Residual resistence vs. fibers measuring for concrete f´ck = 21 MPa.

The methodology previously shown, being based on the equivalence of resistant moments,
would be a sufficient argument to proveFibers measuring of the soultions, succeeding this way
the equivalence
to obtain the ratification of the design.
8 - Measuring equipments for Wirand® fibers.

8.1 - Equipments for the introduction of fibers into concrete.

At present fibers are provided in different package formats, which can be chosen by the user,
on the basis of the introduction system which can be applied under way.

MACCAFERRI offers two formats which cover in a flexible manner the different ways of
introducing fibers into concrete. These formats are:

Format Cardboard BOX. The box can hold 20 kg of material. Its dimension and weight are
designed to be handled by the workers, as much in the warehouse as in the yard. This format
can be used for the manual introduction of fibers, or for batcher machines like.

Photo 8.1 - Box front view. Photo 8.2 - Box back view.

Photo 8.3 - EBox packaging in pallets with 1200 kg of material. Photo 8.4 - Loose fibers box content.

Format BIG BAGS or Sacks. Big Bags are big sacks which can weigh between 500 and 1000
kg, de- pending on the product used. This format is of exclusive use for circular batchers like
SF-500, DOSO
1.6 or DOSO 2.0, which have a maximum capacity of 1600 kg. This kind of equipment is used
in fixed concrete mixing installations, where the time per cycle of concrete preparation is very
strict and demands a greater autonomy.
8. Measuring equipments for Wirand® fibers

Photo 8.5 - Big Bag example. Photo 8.6 - Big Bags in pallet in a concrete plant.

Photo 8.7 - Big Bags mobilization example. Photo 8.8 - Big Bags double packing format.

Equipments for fibers measuring.

In function of the different formats of material package, MACCAFERRI offers, as service,

measuring equipments able to fit to concrete levels of production. The machines performances
are variable in function of the fiber used.

DOSO BOX. Light, portable equipment, designed for works where fibers in box are used. This
machine works with a pressure air system which conveys fibers through a pipe, up to the truck
mixer mouth, in a fast and safe way. Its efficiency can reach 40-80 kg/min.

Photo 8.9 - Doso Box at the job site. Photo 8.10 - Doso Box assembly.
8. Measuring equipments for Wirand® fibers

Photo 8.11 - Doso Box assembly. Photo 8.12 - Doso Box in operation, dosing the fibers in the
mixing truck.

SF500; DOSO 1.6; DOSO 2.0. They are fixed equipments for concrete mixing plants, they have
a maximum capacity of 1600 kg. They are of exclusive use for BIG BAGS. They offer an
efficiency up to 200 kg/min and can batch fibers in different ways:

- Directly to the mixing truck. In this case it’s necessary the construction of a framework to place
the batcher at the height suitable for the unloading. This framework must be protected with a
small roof under which it’s placed a stock of big bags to feed the equipment. The framework
may be equipped with an electric or manual crane to lift the Big Bags and fill the batcher. In this
case the equipment can be released by the concrete mixing plant, as the measuring will be
carried out in the truck mixer after the other ingredients of the mixture.

- Unloading on aggregates conveyer belt. In this case the equipment is inside the concrete
mixing plant and is placed so as to unload fibers on the conveyer belt of the aggregates of the
plant. In this case, too, it’s necessary to protect the machine from bad weather and to equip it
with lifting devices for Big Bags.

- Unloading on the hopper for mixer feeding (prefabricated). In this case the equipment is
placed in the hopper load zone of the aggregates, which is at the end of the installation, so
allowing to unload fibers together with aggregates. In this case, having light measuring, for
volumes from 1 to 2 m3, other reserve equipments are used to guarantee the precision and
homogeneity of the unloading. For the protection and lifting of big bags are valid the remarks
previously expressed.

Figure 8.1 - Schematic example of Doso Box ready to load mixing trucks.
8. Measuring equipments for Wirand® fibers

Figure 8.2 - Schematic example of Doso Box ready to load in aggregates conveyer belt.

Figure 8.3 - Schematic example of Doso Box ready to load in the hopper for mixer feeding

Photo 8.13 - Dosage machine DOSO 2.0. Photo 8.14 - Dosage machine DOSO 1.6.
8. Measuring equipments for Wirand® fibers

Photo 8.15 - Dosage machine DOSO SF-500 Photo 8.16 - Dosage machine DOSO SF-500 with crane for Big Bags shipment.

8.2 - Measuring systems of fibers for shot concrete.

The fibers measuring for shot concrete preparation can be carried out in different ways, from
manual measuring up to industrialized one. The fibers commonly used in this kind of mixture
are of loose format with a slimness ratio > 40 and with a length of about 30 – 35 mm.

Later on some examples of the different alternatives will be shown.

Manual alternative. Where boxes are emptied directly on the prepared mixture, both in truck
mixers and in containers for conveyance, and on the aggregates conveyer belt in case of mixer

Photo 8.17 - Concrete production in the mixing truck. Photo 8.18 - Slump verification before the fibers placement.

Photo 8.19 - Fibers placement in the mixing truck. Photo 8.20 - Fibers manual incorporation in aggregate conveyer belt.
8. Measuring equipments for Wirand® fibers

Photo 8.21 - Homogeneity mix verification after few minutes in the Photo 8.22 - Slump verification after the fibers incorporation.
mixing truck.

Photo 8.23 - Mixing truck during the discharge of the mix in the Photo 8.24 - During the shot concrete procedure.
concrete bomb.

Industrial alternative. In this case, depending on the investment available for the work, all
machines offered by MACCAFERRI will be usable and the choice of the equipment will depend
on the effective advantage of the customer. In this case it’s possible the use both of DOSO
BOX and of the equip- ments DOSO 1.6 / DOSO 2.0 and SF-500.

Photo 8.25 - Mixing truck in approach of Doso, after the mix slump
Photo 8.26 - Mixing truck in approach of Doso, after the slump mix
verification without fibers.
verification without fibers.

Photo 8.27 - Fibers load in the mixing truck. Photo 8.28 - Slump mix verification with fibers. The mix is ready
in few minutes of rotation in high speed by the mixing truck after
the fibers incorporation.

8. Measuring equipments for Wirand® fibers

Photo 8.29 -In any cases is necessary the measure of Photo 8.30 - Discharge of the mix about the equipment for shot
temperature when it is working on places with high temperatures. concrete.

Photo 8.31 - Mixing trucks supplying the equipment for shot Photo 8.32 - Automated equipment of shot concrete in conclusion
concrete. phase of work.

8.3 - Measuring systems of fibers for the production of ashlars.

The measuring of fibers in the preparation of concrete for ashlars premanufacturing of ashlars,
is a very particular case, in which the mechanized measuring is necessary for a strict control of
the quantity introduced in the mixture.

Concretes for ashlars premanufacturing have got a very low workability and quantity of mixture
between 1 e 2 m3.

The fibers measuring for one piece may vary between a minimum of 25 kg/m3 up to a maximum
of 60 kg/m3. The fibers used in this kind of mixture have a ratio of aspect > 50 and length 50
mm, being mixtures with aggregates with maximum characteristic diameter of about 1” (25

The process of mixing is very fast, as it’s necessary to reach the optimal productivity in the
premanu- facturing of such elements.

MACCAFERRI has designed a special system for ashlars premanufacturing installations, which is
con- nected with the computer of the concrete mixing plant, so as to obtain a centralized control
of the fibers measuring.
8. Measuring equipments for Wirand® fibers

The concrete mixing plant adjusts the measuring of the various components of the mixture
(cement, fibers, aggregates) which are poured into a hopper. The whole is introduced in the
premixer, where water is added; the mixture is finally poured in the formwork. The accelerated
seasoning process allows to obtain in 12 hours a piece ready to be conveyed and stocked.

The equipment is formed by:

- A batcher like SF 500 / DOSO 1,6 / DOSO 2.0.

- Second weighing machine (ex. Defibrator).

- A control system.

In the production process, the fibers are unloaded simultaneously to the aggregates into the
reception hopper. The quantity of introduced fiber is preloaded and weighed on the second
weighing machine which, in its turn, is fed by the circular batcher.

Here follows the description of the equipment used and the productive cycle:

Figure 8.4 - System general outline. Photo 8.33 - System general view.

Photo 8.34 - Doso and vibrator during the load of fibers in the Photo 8.35 - System general view, material discharge
conveyer belt. visualization at the conveyer belt
8. Measuring equipments for Wirand® fibers

Photo 8.44 - Precast segment after the curing, ready to be Photo 8.45 - Precast segment being turned in the position to be
extracted of the form. stored.

Photo 8.46 - Precast segment transported in the storage patio. Photo 8.47 - Precast segment in the storage patio.

8.4 - Measuring systems of fibers for floorings concrete.

In the measuring of fibers for floorings concretes, it’s possible to proceed in manual way or in
indus- trialized way. In particular, in this kind of works, in case of industrialized production, the
most applied measuring system is the use of DOSO BOX.

The technical remarks are identical to those of the previous cases.

In this case the mixtures are fluider than in premanufacturing. The fibers, depending on the kind
of mixture will have a long or short format, in function of the chosen aggregates.

Here follows the example of a production process of concrete for flooring:

Photo 8.48 - Doso Box ready to supply the mixing truck. Photo 8.49 - Exit of the Doso Box feeder tube placed in the entrance
of the mixing truck.
8. Measuring equipments for Wirand® fibers

Photo 8.50 - Doso Box ready to supply the mixing truck. Photo 8.51 - Worker introducing the fibers in the Doso Box.

Photo 8.52 - Fibers loading in the Doso Box entrance. Photo 8.53 - Fibers loading in the Doso Box entrance of where will
be blower until the mixing truck.

Photo 8.54 - Mix aspect ready for application. Photo 8.55 - Concrete placement over the floor surface.
8. Measuring equipments for Wirand® fibers

Photo 8.56 - Concrete placement. Photo 8.57 - Final finishing of the surface.

8.5 - Measuring systems of organic and polymeric fibers.

The introduction of organic or polymeric fibers into any concrete mixture, is normally carried out
in manual way. The typical measuring for this kind of fibers go from 0.6 kg/m3 to 1.5 kg/m3.

This material is supplied in water-soluble bags which are directly thrown into the mixture; the
pack- age will be melted by the water contained in the mixture. Its contents will spread in the
mixture after a couple of minutes of mixing.

Here follows an example on the addition of these fibers:

Photo 8.58 - Format of the water-soluble packing of 0.6 kg. Photo 8.59 - Worker introducing the water-soluble bags in the mixing

Information techniques detailed on equipment and systems of dosage displayed here could be
found to follow.
8. Measuring equipments for Wirand® fibers

8.6 - Circular batchers.

8.6.1 - Description of the machine.

The machine consists of, in its superior part, a cylindrical hopper and, in its inferior part, the
framework including a fixed part of support and a mobile part provided with vibrant motors.

The inferior part is connected to the mobile one through antivibrant rubbers, inside the frame
there are the load cells for obtaining the weigh of the fibers in the hopper.

The hopper has got inside a helical track; the track comes out, in the upper part, forming a pipe
with rectangular section.

To complete the batcher described above (1), there is the electric board (2) and the control
instru- ment (3).

8.6.2 - Aim.

The batcher helps to feed, in automatic way, with a flow of Wirand fibers, other machines or
equip- ments, for instance the aggregates belt, batching a prearranged quantity of it measured
in kg.

The batcher is connected and handled by the concrete mixing plant automizing the production of
fiber reinforced concrete

8.6.3 - Typology.

There are three available models of circular batchers which are essentially distinguishable for
the hopper diameter; moreover there may be different performances in relation to the
motovibrators equipment:

Name Nominal diameter

DOSO 1.6 1600
SF500-S 1800
DOSO 2.0 2000

8.6.4 - Principle of working.

A great quantity of fibers is received, during the machine load phase, in the central hopper
space; this one, owing to the action of eccentric masses motovibrators, is put on vibration.

During the vibration the fibers arrange themselves in a uniform way on the hopper bottom,
taking up also the lower part of the helical track.
8. Measuring equipments for Wirand® fibers

The flow capacity can be adjusted operating on the recording of motovibrators eccentric masses.

During the work phase (machine on vibration), the batcher controls the quantity (weight) of fibers
come out through the load cells.

The batcher is provided with electric/electronic equipments which allow the control, the planning
and the monitoring of the main operations of work.

8.6.5 - Principle of use.

The operations can be divided as follows:

Load operation

With this operation great quantities of fibers are introduced inside the batcher.

The supply takes place by using some Big Bags the handling of which is carried out by tackles
or suitable equipments.

The fibers big bags, from 500 to 1000 kg, are placed on the batcher; later on, cutting their
bottom, the fibers are let falling into the hopper central zone. The load phase may also be
carried out by empting boxes of 20 kg of fibers inside the batcher.

The load process takes place with the machine not running, and must be carried out with such
a frequency that the batcher isn’t too full or too empty.

To open the big bags bottom it’s necessary to keep at a certain safety distance not to be struck
by the fibers; usually it’s necessary a raised platform around the batcher which may make
easier this operation.

Planning operation

The plant operator must set up the recipe for the fibers measuring.
The recipe consists of the quantity of fibers which must be taken out of the

batcher. Machine work phase

During this phase the machine is put on vibration; it can be activated by the operator in manual
procedure, otherwise the concrete mixing plant will synchronize this phase with the other
machines (ex. aggregates belt).

The length and the deactivation of this phase is handled by the batcher itself in function of the
planned recipe or of possible further signals concerning the procedure of extracting fibers (ex.
emergency stops, aggregates belt stop, etc.).
8. Measuring equipments for Wirand® fibers

8.6.6 - Technical data and main dimensions.

DOSO 1.6 SF500-S DOSO 2.0

Nominal diameter 1600 1800 2000

Standard Rotated Standard Rotated

Overall height H 2300 2050 2335
Overall dimension A 2000-1700 1750 1850 2400-2100 2700
Overall dimension B 2450-2500 2300 2350 2700-3000 2700
Weight (Kg) 2200 1400 2800
Pipe inferior height C 2065 1737-1787 2100
Pipe protrusion Sc 1410 1400 1500-16001410
Pipe height Hc 235 245 235
Pipe width Lc 370 375 375
Pipe wheelbase Ic 675 810 890
Track external diameter Dep 1600 1800 2000
Track internal diameter Dip 1100 - 1000 1200 1500 - 1401010
Track width Lp 250 - 300 250 250 - 300
Feet wheelbase diameter DP 1360 1840 1770
Approximate maximum load (1000 Kg) * (1000 Kg) * (1000 Kg)(*1000
Strain 400 V 400 V 400 V
Frequency 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz
Installed power 6,75 Kw - 6,75 Kw
Total current 13,8 A 10 A 13,8 A

NOTICE: All dimensional values are expressed in mm.

(*) Weight varies in function of the kind of fiber used.

The pipe may be in a position mismatched of 45° to make easier the conveyance or the
positioning in positions which otherwise wouldn’t be possible with the standard version.

The total bulks may then vary in function of the kind chosen.

The positioning of the standard batcher inside a container may take place in two different ways
obtaining therefore different bulks.

8.6.7 - Moving/conveyance.

Before moving the batcher, it’s necessary to block the weighing

devices. Before using the batcher, it’s necessary to unblock the

weighing devices.

For the details on blocking and unblocking operations see the machines use and maintenance
hand- books

8.6.8 - Necessary electric arrangement.

To use the batcher it’s necessary to arrange an electric connection with the requirements listed
below. The machine is provided with some extensions which make easier the positioning of the
machine itself and of its control instrument (STANDARD supply).
8. Measuring equipments for Wirand® fibers

In case it’s necessary the cutting off of the machine electric board there’s available as
OPTIONAL ON DEMAND a further extension to interpose between electric board and machine
(20mt), in this case the extension supplied for instrument ED231 will be 20m long.

For the optional on demand or for personalized uses or configurations as for example the
interaction with other machines it’s necessary to apply to the technical department in charge to
get modalities, times and possible additional costs.


1 - Strain: 400 V
2 - Frequency: 50 Hz
3 - Installed power: 6,75 kW
4 - Total current: 13,8 A


- Extension cable 30 m for supply.

- Extension cable 30 m for control instrument ED231.
- N°4 rings for the safety fixing of the support feet.


- Extension cable 30 m for supply.

- Extension cable 2 m for control instrument ED231.
- Extension cable 20 m for electric board.
- N°4 rings for the safety fixing of the support feet.

8.6.9 - Tools and implements necessary to the installation.

Here below is listed the minimum necessary equipping to carry out the normal operations of
machine installation and of performances adjusting through adjusting the eccentric masses

N. Denomination Measure Use

2 Open spanner 32 Hangers removal and feet adjusting
2 Open spanner 30 Feet adjusting
1 Open spanner 17 Electric board removal
1 Open spanner 13 Control board removal
1 Hexagonal male spanner 8 Motovibrators lids removal
1 *Hexagonal male torquemetrical spanner 10 Motovibrators masses adjusting
- Edge/Cruciform Screwdrivers - -
* Torquemetrical spanner calibration = 130 N.m (see schedule of the specific MOTOVIBRATORS handbook container in the section enclosures of the
USE and MAINTENANCE handbook).
8. Measuring equipments for Wirand® fibers

Different operations and their necessary equipping will have to be carried out according to the
USE AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK which is provided with the machine.

8.6.10 - Positioning.

The batcher is normally placed near the aggregates belt of the concrete mixing plant, so that
the protruding pipe of the machine from which fibers come out is placed above the belt, possibly
in a central position.

It’s better to have a certain vertical distance between the pipe and the point of the belt where
fibers will fall (1m.); considering that the pipe is at about 2m from the plane of support of the
batcher itself, the considered point of the belt must be at about 1m. from the plane of support

Often in the yard such position of the belt isn’t available, in these cases it’s advisable the
building of frameworks in reinforced cement (plinths) or raised platforms, which can house the
batcher. The exact position of the machine is then variable on the basis of the real yard

The batcher location is chosen by the person responsible of the plant, he will have also to
arrange the building of possible platforms, necessary to the machine load operations,
respecting all the safety regulations in force.

The machine must work under cover: then it’s also necessary to build roofing, if not present, to
pro- tect the batcher from bad weather

8.6.11 - Feet fixing.

The batcher has got 4 rings which must be fixed to the framework on which it has been placed.

The rings have just the function of avoiding that the batcher may move too much in case of bad
operation or of unstableness due to the vibration itself.

The rings must be placed around the machine feet and be fixed through welding or mechanical
fixing using their fins. In the picture the kind of fixing is red highlighted.

Here follows schematically the use of plinths in reinforced cement.

The iron plates must be integral part of the plinths framework, on these plates the batcher feet
will rest.
8. Measuring equipments for Wirand® fibers

On these plates it will also be possible to fix the 4 rings which will block the batcher feet.

8.6.12 - Eccentric masses adjustment.

The capacity of fibers flow can be varied within certain limits operating on the adjustment of mo-
tovibrators masses.

The procedure of adjustment and the control of the masses way of rotation must be carried out
respecting all the instructions of the USE AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK.

8.6.13 - Welding operations.


If in case of necessity, maintenance, crack or something else had to be necessary a welding

operation of electric kind on the machine it’s important to disconnect the 4 ground cables and
the conveyance hangers which connect the hopper to the fixed framework.

If this doesn’t happen the electric welding operation will cause the crack of the weighing cells
con- tained in the inferior part of the framework.

8.6.14 - Fibers storage.

The fibers storage or warehousing (big bags or boxes) is of basic importance for fibers workability.

If this doesn’t happen correctly some rust might form and consequently there would be
agglomerates of fibers difficult to disentangle.

It’s advisable:

- That fibers pallets are kept protected by bad weather; it’s suggested the warehousing
in suitable covered structures and the use of waterproof lengths of cloth, moreover it’s better to
protect fibers boxes from the moisture of the soil using wooden beds or something similar.

- To arrange pallets so that the fibers that have been in the yard for the longest time are
used, following then the same chronological order of their delivery. This would avoid that fibers
are used after a long time, with consequent protracted exposure to bad weather.
8. Measuring equipments for Wirand® fibers

8.6.15 - Information to gather for the correct configuration of

the installation.

1 - Can the concrete mixing plant receive the batcher in a correct position?

2 - Can the plant staff build the necessary frameworks for the use of the batcher?

3 - Is it necessary to provide for material and configurations different from the standard ones,
further extensions, different electric connections?

4 - Is the plant electric installation compatible with that of the

machine? 5 - Shall the batcher be used in manual or automatic


6 - Which batching settings is it preferable to prepare the batcher

with? 7 - Is it necessary to train the plant staff on the use of the


8 - Is the plant staff provided with the equipping for the moving, installation and maintenance of
the machine?

9 - Is the plant arranged to receive in a suitable zone the fibers in big bags or

boxes? 10 - Will the installation take place autonomously or is our service


If possible, it’s better to gather some photographic documents and a report on the plant and on
the installation operation which have taken place.

8.7 - Pneumatic batchers.

8.7.1 - Aim.

The pneumatic batchers help to introduce Wirand® fibers directly in the truck mixer, the quantity
of fiber must be calculated previously using a number of pre-measured boxes (normally 20 kg
each) in function of the required measuring and of the quantity of mixture in the mixer.

The machine simplifies the operations inside the yard; the operation of fibers batching may take
place in manual or automatic way.

In the automatic way the batcher is connected and handled by the concrete mixing plant,
further simplifying and automizing the production of fiber reinforced concrete.
8. Measuring equipments for Wirand® fibers

8.7.2 - Typology.

There are two available models of pneumatic batchers, they can be substantially distinguished
de- pending on the principle of working of the first phase of disentangling, besides on the safety
and practical ness level.


8.7.3 - Principle of working.

A great quantity of fiber is received, during the machine load phase, in the vibrant hopper space
for DOSOBOX or in the revolving drum for SC99/2; these devices allow to adjust the flow of
fiber which will pass through the automatic circuit.

After this phase the fiber is shot along the pipe inside the suitably positioned mixer.

8.7.4 - Principle of use.

The use of the machine is easy: after positioning the machine inserting the pipe into the mixer
hop- per, the load cycle starts; after a minimum starting time, the vibrant board or the drum
begin to work allowing the operator to empty the boxes inside them.

It’s better to lead the mixer rotation to the maximum of turns to make easier the mixing of fibers
during their insertion.

8.7.5 - DOSOBOX.

DOSOBOX conveys the fibers inside the mixer through pneumatic conveyance; the
disentangling takes place through a vibrant pipe.

By increasing with a provided number of fibers boxes the required measuring will be obtained.

The superior safety level of the machine implies a minor velocity of installation and use in
comparison with SC99.

Technical data

Conveyance bulk dimension:

1600 x 1200 x 1500 (h) mm.
8. Measuring equipments for Wirand® fibers

Bulk dimension with assembled

pipe: 5000 x 1200 x 5300 (h) mm.
Weight: 1200 kg.

Use strain: 380

Frequency: 50
Installed nominal power: 10 kW.

8.7.6 - SC99/2.

The machine SC 99 too uses pneumatic conveyance to convey fibers inside the mixer; unlike
DOSO- BOX, the disentangling takes place through a revolving drum.

The minor safety level of the machine implies a greater velocity of installation and use in
comparison with DOSOBOX.

Technical data

Conveyance bulk dimension:

2300 x 1100 x 1400 (h) mm.

Bulk dimension with assembled

pipe: 8000 x 1000 x 5000 (h) mm.

Weight: 750 kg.

Use strain: 400

Frequency: 50
Installed nominal power: 8 kW.

8.7.7 - Special machines.


The defibrator is normally used together with circular batchers; its function is that of
“disentangling” the fibers which come out of the batcher and discharging them on a aggregates
belt or into a hopper of the mixing plant. It’s then used for fibers with high aspect ratio, superior
to 67.

There is a different appliance which considers it as second weighing phase in plants for ashlars.

The installation of the defibrator must be carried out just by specialized personnel, checking the
cor- rect positioning and according to the safety regulations.
Owing to the presence of high risks and to the fact that its incorrect installation and use might
gener- ate dangers for workers and damage other plant machines, it’s preferable not to use it.
8. Measuring equipments for Wirand® fibers


In some plants it’s necessary to introduce small quantities of fibers in little time with high
precision. These requirements are typical of ashlars manufacturing plants and wherever, anyway,
the measuring required for each mixture is quantitatively limited. To satisfy these needs it’s
necessary to combine and modify some of the standard machines; for instance a combination
already used in several yards is arranged like that:

DOSO 2.0 with closing Kit

DEFIBRATOR with cells and weighing instrument

The combination of these two modified machines allows to check the weight with some pre-
load cycles, the quantity of pre-load fiber can be handled by the mixing plant or by the
connected with the defibrator.

The concept is that of weighing in a static way a limited quantity of fiber inside the defibrator.

DOSO 2.0 feeds then the defibrator during the pre-load cycle; when it reaches the provided
weight the defibrator drives the closing of the door assembled on the circular batcher
preventing the not controlled fall of further fibers.

In a second phase the defibrator will feed the belt or the mobile hopper (skip) on which
aggregates are conveyed, having already a fairly good mixing.

After this phase the cycle of pre-load will start.

For this kind of installations it’s necessary to know well all the features of the mixing plant, the
cycle times and the quantities involved for concrete manufacturing.

8.8 - Personalized machine.

In some plants it’s necessary to study particular and personalized machines to be able to obtain
the introduction of the fiber in an optimal way.

Obviously the building of these machines is STRONGLY UNADVISED as it generates very high costs
and log times of achievement.

The manufacturing of machines according to CE and to the consequent handbooks weighs

heavily on the single machine causing high costs and times of starting up longer than usual.

Special machines are meant as vibrant pipes with or without weighing systems, conveyer belts
or particular hoppers, here are some of the manufactured examples:


With this machine it’s possible to feed the aggregates belt with a prearranged pre-load of fibers.
8. Measuring equipments for Wirand® fibers

The pipe carries out the weighing of the pre-load statically and, differently from the defibrator,
doesn’t carry out the further disentangling during the cycle of fiber introduction.


With this machine it’s possible to feed with a prearranged pre-load two different points of fibers

The superior pipe carried out the pre-load weighing and during the introduction of fiber the
switch and the inferior pipe will activate or not in order to feed the load mouth in which it’s
necessary to convey the fibers in function of the controls set up in the control cab.
9. Authors


Structural civil engineer graduated by the Central University of Venezuela (1992). It acted as
promotion and technical manager in structural projects and seismicresistant rehabilitation, for
the Maccaferri of Brazil (1999) was commercial end technical manager for the Maccaferri of
Venezuela (2001). In the fibres for reinforcement sector of the concrete (2005) it worked as
technical consulting for the Officine Maccaferri S.p.A. (Italy) e, currently, works as technical
manager of product, fibres for reinforcement of the concrete, for the North America, Maccaferri
Inc. (U.S.A.).

Structural civil engineer graduated by the University of Bologna, Italy (1992). For the company
Officine Maccaferri S.p.A. it acted in the areas of in reinforced structures, of gravity retaining
structures and hydraulic works (1996). It co-ordinated the research applied to the sector of
active defense of the rock fall and currently he is the technical responsable and the research
and development coordinator of fibers for concrete reinforcement in Officine Maccaferri S.p.A.,

Mining Engineering Doctor, acts as professor in the geomechanical, soil and rocks mechanical,
geo- statistical and roads geotécnical areas since 1974; Head of the department of Mining
Engineering in the Central Universidad of Venezuela, works with the Projects of Tunnels and
Slopes (2007). It also exercise the functions of consulting and designing engineer, developing
ample activity in the several geotechnical areas.

Civil engineer and doctor by the Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany, with specialization in
Structural Engineering and Durability (1992-98); complementary studies in the Essen
Management Academy “Specialist Engineer for Project Management” (1999). It acted as
technical manager responsable for the Research and Development, Technology and Engineering,
Quality control, Marketing and Support Marketing in the Fibco GmbH (2003). Currently it
develops the technician consultant function of Of- ficine Maccaferri S.p.A., Bologna, Italy;
responsable for the fibres for the concrete reinforcement.


Civil engineer graduated by Metropolitan University of Caracas, Venezuela (2004); master in
Direction of Construction and Real Estate Companies in the ETSAM of the Polytechnical
Universidad of Madrid, Spain (2005); MBA Executive in the European School Business-oriented of
Madrid, Spain (2006). Cur- rently it works as technical responsable of the fibres for concrete
reinforcement department of the company A.Bianchini Ingeniero S.A., Barcelona, Spain.
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