Family Law-II

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Family Law-II Question Bank

Answers – Italic Clicks

1. Mitakshra Coparcenary consist of....

A. Only female
B. Only male
C. A & B is correct
D. None of these
2. If father debts for avyavaharika purpose, then the responsible person is…
A. Sons
B. Daughters
C. Other members of family
D. None of the above
3. Partition mean and includes…
A. Bringing joint status into an end
B. Unequivocal intention to severe
C. Division of property
D. All the above
4. Female are the part of Dayabhaga Coparcenary
A. True
B. False
C. Partly true
D. Partly false
5. Mitakshra Hindu Joint Family consist…
A. Male members
B. Female members
C. Dasi
D. All the above
6. Karta of the joint family is generally…
A. Male member
B. Senior male member
C. Junior male member
D. Female member

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7. Dayabhaga fathers property is devolve by…
A. Succession
B. Survivorship
C. Any above
D. None of the above
8. Scheme of Hindu Succession is founded on…
A. Principle of Propinquity
B. Preferentiality of Heir
C. Proximity of Relations
D. All the above
9. Succession to the Hindu male dies intestate is governed by…..of the Hindu
Succession Act, 1956
A. Section 10
B. Section 15
C. Any above
D. All the above
10. Heritage under Hindu Law includes…
A. Obstructed
B. Unobstructed
C. A and B
D. None of the above
11. Karta has power to sale family property if there is…
A. Legal Necessity
B. Personal Necessity
C. Others Necessity
D. None of the above
12. Mitakshra Coparcenary consist of…
A. Father plus three generations
B. Father plus three male lineal descendants
C. Father plus sons and daughters
D. Father and sons only
13. Dayabhaga coparcenary first time come into existence

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A. On death of the father
B. Birth of the son
C. Birth of daughter
D. Birth of the sons and daughters
14. Who inherit first…
A. Class I
B. Class II
C. Agnates
D. Cognates
15. Escheat mean…
A. When relative inherit property of propositus
B. When State inherit property of propositus
C. Any of the above
D. None of the above
16. Will is governed by…
A. Hindu Succession Act
B. Indian Succession Act
C. Muslim Succession Act
D. Christen Succession Act
17. Indian Succession Act deals with succession to the property of…
A. Christen
B. Hindu
C. Muslim
D. Sikh
18. Stridhana is…
A. Self acquired property
B. Separate property
C. Joint property
D. Inherited property
19. Position of karta is…
A. Sue-generis
B. Being grand master of family Circus

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C. Any of the above
D. None of the above
20. Re-union can takes place between…
A. Parties to partition
B. Father, brothers
C. Uncle and nephews
D. All the above
21. Source of Muslim Succession include
A. Holy Quran
B. Sunna
C. Qiya
D. All the above
22. The Islamic Law of inheritance is a combination of the Pre-Islamic
customs, it incudes…
A. The estate of a decease Muslim devolves on his heirs separately
B. The heirs are entitled to hold as tenant –in- common
C. Each having definite share in the property
D. All the above
23. Antecedent Debt includes..
A. Unpaid deceased fathers debt
B. Alive fathers debt
C. Brothers debt
D. Relatives debt
24. Partition may be re-opened on the ground of…
A. Love and affection
B. Practice of fraud
C. Quarrels on pity cause
D. None of the above
25. Partition can not be reopened if…
A. Readjustment is possible
B. Suit is bared by limitation
C. Cause of action doesn’t arrive

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D. None of the above

26. Hindu law is

A. Lex Loci

B. Not Lex Loci

C. Both
D. None of these
27. The Hindu law applies
A. To any person who is Sikh
B. To any person who is Buddhist
C. To any person who is Lingayat
D. All of these
28. Mitakshara is a commentary by
A. Jimutavahana
B. Vijnaneshwara

C. Raghunandan
D. None of these
29. Hindu law includes

A. Codified law

B. Uncodified law

C. Both a and b

D. None of the above

30. Which of the following is a school of Hindu law?
A. Mitakshara School

B. Dayabhaga School

C. Both a and b

D. None of the above

31. On which date did The Hindu Succession Act, 1956 came into force?
A. 17th March 1956
B. 17th June 1956

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C. 11th March 1956
D. 11th June 1956
31. Which of the following persons does The Hindu Succession Act, 1956, not
A. A Buddhist who renounces Buddhism and becomes a Monk not
following any religion
B. Sikh who has converted to Buddhism
C. Christians in the state of Pondicherry
D. It governs all of the above
32. A person who is related to another wholly through males will be called ___
under The Hindu Succession Act, 1956.
A. Cognate
B. Agnate
C. Nambudri
D. None of the above
33. How many categories are there of Heirs as per Section 8 of The Hindu
Succession Act, 1956?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
34. Who comes first in succession as per Section 8 of The Hindu Succession
Act, 1956?
A. Cognate
B. Agnate
C. Relatives specified in Class III of the schedule
D. Relatives specified in Class IV of the schedule
35. Under section 8 of The Hindu Succession Act, 1956 what will be the
sequence of following heirs?
A. Daughter of a pre-deceased daughter of a predeceased daughter
B. Daughter’s son’s son
C. Brother’s son
D. Father’s widow

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d. None of the above

36. Son in Class I of the Schedule of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956 does not
A. Step son
B. Adopted son
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above
37. As per section 14 of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956 any property
possessed by a female Hindu, whether acquired by her before or after the
commencement of this Act, shall be held as a
A. Half owner
B. Limited owner
C. Full owner
D. All of the above
38. The relation of a HUF arises from___________
A. Status
B. Contract
C. Agreement
D. None of these
39. The types of partition of a HUF includes
A. Complete
B. Partial
C. a and b both
D. Not allowed
40. What is the place of Karta in HUF
A. Major member
B. Minor member
C. Male member only
D. Any one of above
41. The Hindu law applies
A. To any person who is Sikh

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B. To any person who is Buddhist
C. To any person who is Lingayat
D. All of these
42. On which date did The Hindu Succession Act, 1956 came into force?
A. 17th March 1956
B. 17th June 1956
C. 11th March 1956
D. 11th June 1956
43. The types of partition of a HUF includes
A. Complete
B. Partial
C. a and b both
D. Not allowed
44. Interest of member in HUF is decided by
A. Hindu law
B. Indian constitution
C. Muslim law
D. Income tax authority
45. Who is liable to pay tax in HUF
A. Karta
B. Coparceners
C. Minor member
D. None of the above
46. Income is not included in the income of family
A. Only family business income
B. Only ancestral property income
C. Income from other head except salary
D. Karta’s income
47. Who is eligible to adopt a son?
A. Who has one natural son
B. Who already has one adopted son
C. Who has no son

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D. All of the above
48. A Hindu dies intestate leaving behind two sons, one daughter and widow.
His property shall devolve upon—
A. Sons only
B. Sons and daughter
C. Sons, daughter and widow
D. Widow only
49. Under Hindu Succession Act, 1956 which one of the following is not a
class I heir?
A. Mother
B. Father
C. Son
D. Daughter
50. Which of these properties is not heritable:
A. Movable
B. Ancestral
C. Self acquired
D. None of these

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