Documentation PXV5000 - Machine Control Data Exchange

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Software Development - Customized Solution

PXV5000 – Machine Control Data Exchange



Document information

Author: Sven Larsen / Helgo Loewenstrom / Anders Hvid Nielsen

Document: User manual / Specification Nr. 1
Published: October 2012

Document history

Version Date Author Change(s) Status

1.0.0 24.12.2012 S. Larsen Create document Valid


Q-DAS ASCII Transfer format (V.5 March 2006 / E-PD 04 D)

Q-DAS GmbH & Co. KG – Eisleber Str. 2 – D 69469 Weinheim

YXLON International GmbH Essener Bogen 15, D-22419 Hamburg YXLON International GmbH Am Walzwerk 41, D-45527 Hattingen
Tel. +49 40 52729-0, Tel. +49 2324 5629-0,
PXV5000 – Machine Control Data Exchange / 2


1 Introduction 3

2 Description Portion 4
Key Fields 4
Structure of the Descriptive Portion 5
2.1.1 Machine Control Data (#8xxx) 5

3 Key Fields Listing 6

4 Use Cases 8
Writing mode 8

5 Defined field content 9

Date/Time 9
Files and Folders 10
Control item 11
System mode 11
Test result 11

6 Writing mode 12
PQE Structure 12

YXLON International GmbH Essener Bogen 15, D-22419 Hamburg YXLON International GmbH Am Walzwerk 41, D-45527 Hattingen
Tel. +49 40 52729-0, Tel. +49 2324 5629-0,
PXV5000 – Machine Control Data Exchange / 3


The MCDE transfer format is distinguished by:

 simple transparent structure (pure ASCII, variable)

 flexible (new contents are easily defined and integrated)
 space-saving (it is not necessary to save information which is not required, values may be
saved in a convenient version)
 easily copied and compressed (all information may be saved in one file)
 Based on QDAF transfer format

Data model:

Maacchhiinnee CCoonnttrrooll



(#80xx) (#81xx - #8299) (#83xx)


(#85xx - #8599)

#xxxx: Key for the characteristics definition of an element

YXLON International GmbH Essener Bogen 15, D-22419 Hamburg YXLON International GmbH Am Walzwerk 41, D-45527 Hattingen
Tel. +49 40 52729-0, Tel. +49 2324 5629-0,
PXV5000 – Machine Control Data Exchange / 4

1 Description Portion

Key Fields

All descriptive data starts off with a # Field (Key Field), which ensures the allocation of the contents.
A summary of the supported fields together with information regarding field type and the maximum
length of the field contents is located in the appendix.

The fields are structured as follows:

#8000 … #8999 Machine Control Data

General notation regulations:

 Key number and field contents are separated by a space.

 One field is written per line.
 As line-end identification the combination of <CR><LF> (Hexadecimal $0D $0A), (Decimal #13
#10) is to be used.

Mandatory fields:

The following fields must be included in the data format in order to explicitly identify data sets.

 -

YXLON International GmbH Essener Bogen 15, D-22419 Hamburg YXLON International GmbH Am Walzwerk 41, D-45527 Hattingen
Tel. +49 40 52729-0, Tel. +49 2324 5629-0,
PXV5000 – Machine Control Data Exchange / 5

Structure of the Descriptive Portion

1.1.1 Machine Control Data (#8xxx)

The parts data of a part is located in a block before the corresponding defect objects data. This data
is written in the following pattern:

Field structure for control data

# nnnn Field record

└────┘ └──────────────────┘
↑ ↑ ↑
Key Key No. Record


#8001 1 {COMMAND: X-Ray ON}

#8002 1 {COMMAND: SET X-Ray parameter}
#8003 0 {COMMAND: X-Ray OFF}

YXLON International GmbH Essener Bogen 15, D-22419 Hamburg YXLON International GmbH Am Walzwerk 41, D-45527 Hattingen
Tel. +49 40 52729-0, Tel. +49 2324 5629-0,
PXV5000 – Machine Control Data Exchange / 6

2 Key Fields Listing

The following table lists the supported fields according to key, field description, length and type.

 the keys are structured according to the following pattern:
o #8xxx machine control data

 for explicit identification of the data sets the following fields must be included in the data for-

 the numbers in brackets indicate the field length (no. of characters)

 Identification characters
 I3 = Integer (1 Byte)
 I5 = Integer (2 Byte)
 I10 = Integer (4 Byte)
 F = Float
 D = Date/Time format
 A = Alpha numerical
 S = special coding

 Hints regarding field contents
 Module specific usage: AS (Sample Analysis), PC (Process Capability), GC (Measurement System
Analysis), RB (Reliability Analysis)

YXLON International GmbH Essener Bogen 15, D-22419 Hamburg YXLON International GmbH Am Walzwerk 41, D-45527 Hattingen
Tel. +49 40 52729-0, Tel. +49 2324 5629-0,
PXV5000 – Machine Control Data Exchange / 7

Key Fields Listing

Field max. Test Sta-
Key Field name Misc Remarks
Type Length purpose tus

COMMANDS (Control items)

#8001 I3 1 X-Ray ON 1

#8002 I3 1 Set X-Ray parameter 1 #8101 - #8109

#8003 I3 1 X-Ray OFF 1

#8010 I3 1 Integration 1 #8110 - #8119

#8011 I3 1 Image Annotation 2 C #8200 - #8299

#8012 I3 1 Execute Macro 2 #8120 - #8129

#8013 I3 1 Evaluation decision 2 #8130 - #8139

#8015 I3 1 Save Image 1 #8150 - #8159

#8020 I3 1 LIVE ON (after processing) 1

#8050 I3 1 Show message 2 #8301 - #8310


Field max. Test Sta-

Key Field name Misc Remarks
Type Length purpose tus
Set X-Ray parameter

#8101 F 22 Set kV 1

#8102 F 22 Set mA 1

#8103 I3 1 Set Focos 1


#8110 I3 3 Number of Frames 1

Execute Macro

#8120 A 512 Macro name 1

Evaluation decision

#8130 C - Test Result 1 C Catalogue

Save Image

#8150 A 1024 File location (Path and File name) 1

#8151 I3 1 Image depth (1=16Bit,0=8Bit) 1

YXLON International GmbH Essener Bogen 15, D-22419 Hamburg YXLON International GmbH Am Walzwerk 41, D-45527 Hattingen
Tel. +49 40 52729-0, Tel. +49 2324 5629-0,
PXV5000 – Machine Control Data Exchange / 8

Error from customer

#8301 I5 5 Error number 1

#8302 A 1025 Error text 1

#8305 I5 51 Command key return the Error 1


Field max. Test Sta-

Key Field name Misc Remarks
Type Length purpose tus
Error to customer

#8501 I5 5 Error number 1

#8502 A 1025 Error text 1

#8505 I5 51 Command key return the Error 1

3 Use Cases

To support the various applications for machine and process qualification and inspection process
requires consideration of specific field content and field relationships.

Writing mode
 PQE [PXV5000 Quality Data Exchange Format]
 One file for each test position

YXLON International GmbH Essener Bogen 15, D-22419 Hamburg YXLON International GmbH Am Walzwerk 41, D-45527 Hattingen
Tel. +49 40 52729-0, Tel. +49 2324 5629-0,
PXV5000 – Machine Control Data Exchange / 9

4 Defined field content


The format should be observed:

DD => Day
MM => Month
YY => Year (last two numbers)
YYYY => Year (four numbers)

HH => Hours
MM => Minutes
SS => Seconds

Date Time
Format Example Format Example
YY-MM-DD 96-4-26 HH:MM:SS 15:20:25
YYYY-MM-DD 1996-10-23 H:M:S 5:3:6

Standard ODBC canonical.


2008-07-26 13:22:19

YXLON International GmbH Essener Bogen 15, D-22419 Hamburg YXLON International GmbH Am Walzwerk 41, D-45527 Hattingen
Tel. +49 40 52729-0, Tel. +49 2324 5629-0,
PXV5000 – Machine Control Data Exchange / 10

Files and Folders

The Microsoft Windows UNC, short for Universal Naming Convention or Uniform Naming
Convention, specifies a common syntax to describe the location of a network resource, such
as a shared file, directory, or printer. The UNC syntax for Windows systems has the generic




NOT allowed:


YXLON International GmbH Essener Bogen 15, D-22419 Hamburg YXLON International GmbH Am Walzwerk 41, D-45527 Hattingen
Tel. +49 40 52729-0, Tel. +49 2324 5629-0,
PXV5000 – Machine Control Data Exchange / 11

Control item

Value Description
0 No
1 Yes

System mode

Value Description
0 Automatic
1 Semi automatic
2 Immediate Review
3 Manual

Test result

Value Description
0 Reject
1 Accept
2 Accept, overruled by operator
3 Reject, tagged for retest
4 Reject, double scrutiny
5 Accept, double scrutiny
6 Error
7 No result
8 System Performance / System Test

YXLON International GmbH Essener Bogen 15, D-22419 Hamburg YXLON International GmbH Am Walzwerk 41, D-45527 Hattingen
Tel. +49 40 52729-0, Tel. +49 2324 5629-0,
PXV5000 – Machine Control Data Exchange / 12

5 Writing mode

The text in curved brackets is for an explanation of the examples only and should not be included in
the actual data exchange format. In order to get a better overview, the Key fields are separated by
blank lines into single blocks. These blank lines may be deleted.

PQE Structure

The example describes the data of one part with two defect objects. All the data will be saved to a
shared PQE file.

Both variants of the notation were used in the descriptive part, i.e. several defect objects on one line
with corresponding defect object separators, as well as the extension of the key number by a numer-
ical defect object number.

The value part also shows mixed notations, i.e. with and without the usage of #-fields. Besides the
measurement values, additional data was also recorded. A value line is structured as follows:

YXLON International GmbH Essener Bogen 15, D-22419 Hamburg YXLON International GmbH Am Walzwerk 41, D-45527 Hattingen
Tel. +49 40 52729-0, Tel. +49 2324 5629-0,

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