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Designing an ICT (Information and Communication Technology) Policy:

Limkokwing University of Creative Technology (LUCT)

LUCT is composed of a number of faculties that are engaged in research, invention,
innovations and generation of new knowledge in line with its motto “be the best”. The
purpose of developing the ICT Policy is to assist researchers, auditors, research
managers and LUCT, in ensuring that they have access to best practices for the
identification, protection and management of ICT and, therefore, to maximize the
benefits and returns from public investment in ICT. Furthermore, the implementation of
this policy is expected to enhance the visibility of the university.

The University has steadily expanded ICT resources and services since its inception.
The number of computers in the University College has grown to over a large number
desktops most of which are networked. The ICT network comprises a fiber optic
backbone and several Ethernet LANs that cover the academic and administrative
blocks. The LANs are managed from a central server room which hosts various servers,
switches, routers and other data terminal equipment. Additionally, the University has
acquired licensed software and support staff.

The policy framework adopted will aid the University in sustaining the expansion,
effective management and optimum utilization of ICT resources. It will also guide
acquisition, further development, administration, maintenance and usage of the ICT
facilities. With adequate investments in ICT, this policy document can be implemented
to the advantage of the University customers and enable the auditing to be at ease.

Our vision is for all teachers and learners in LUCT to become confident users of ICT so
that they can develop the skills, knowledge and understanding which enable them to
use appropriate ICT resources effectively as powerful tools for teaching and learning.
The aims of the ICT Policy
The overall aim for Information and Communication Technology is to enrich learning for
all students and to ensure that lecturers develop confidence and competence to use
Information and Communication Technology in the effective teaching of their courses.

 Information and communication technology offers opportunities for students to

develop their ICT capability and understand the importance of information and
how to select and prepare it.
 Develop their skills in using hardware and software so as to enable them to
manipulate information.
 Develop their ability to apply ICT capability and ICT to support their use of
language and communication.
 Develop good Health and Safety attitudes and practice.

Objectives of an ICT policy

 Increasing the benefits from information technology.
 Providing information and communication facilities, services and management at
a reasonable or reduced cost.
 Improving the quality of service.
 Encouraging innovations in technology development, use of technology and
general work flows.
 Attaining a specified minimum level of information technology resources for
educational institutions and government agencies.
 Supporting the concept of lifelong learning.
 Helping to understand information technology, its development and its cross-
disciplinary impact.

Literature Review
ICT is a convergence of microelectronics, computing (hardware and software) and
telecommunications. Modern trends in micro-processors and semiconductors has
enable the processing and storage of enormous amount of data while integration of fibre
optics and fast Ethernet technology in networks has facilitated rapid distribution of
information through communication networks. Linking computing devices and allowing
them to communicate with each other creates networked information systems based on
a common protocol. This has radically altered access to information and the structure of
communication, extending the networked reach to many parts of the world (Literature
Review Of Information Communication Technology ..., n.d.).

In addition, ICT comprises of technologies and tools that people use to share, distribute,
gather information, and to communicate with one another, one on one, or in groups,
through the use of computers and interconnected computer networks. They are
mediums that utilize both telecommunication and computer technologies to transmit
information (Literature Review Of Information Communication Technology ..., n.d.).

With reference to that, universities implement ICT in a wide range in order to achieve
the mission and objectives related to the education process learning and teaching; and
research and business so that they can transfer knowledge and ensure their position on
the market. ICT has been closely related to universities from the start. Constant
technological development of ICT enables the implementation of new ICT devices and
services which influence and change the teaching and learning process, research and
business (Literature review: The use of ICTs in the fight against ..., n.d.).

According to the Lisabon Declaration, ICT is supposed to take an active part in creating
the society of knowledge, transforming the process from teaching to learning, as well as
in enabling the students to access information and learning materials, ICT becomes the
resource with a strategic significance (Literature review: The use of ICTs in the fight
against ..., n.d.).

Underlying principle for the use of ICT

In accordance with Voogt (2008:118), it is generally believed that ICT has potential
economic benefits to all and has therefore become part of the daily life. Currently, ICT is
widespread across all nations and the education sector, and other sectors have been
attracted to utilize its perceived benefits. This has led to most countries subscribing to
this notion, and as a result being forced by circumstances to put systems in place to
introduce ICT to education. In turn, the introduction of ICT in education has been
identified with various applications, with choices of application ranging from the
combination of context of use, the possible technologies to select, and the instructional
moment in which it could be used.

The general use of ICT is expressed through national policies and categorized into the
social rationale, vocational rationale and pedagogical rationale, defined by Voogt (2008:

 The social rationale, related to the preparation of people for their place in the
 The professional rationale, emphasizing the importance of offering appropriate
skills for future jobs.
 The academic rationale, focused on the enhancement of teaching and learning,
and using computers.

Anderson and Plomp (2009) noted that making decisions about whether and how to
integrate ICT into teaching and learning is sometimes complex, technically demanding,
and the effects thereof are not always known due to lack of research on which to base
the decision. It is imperative therefore for countries to develop national ICT policy to
serve as a guide to what needs to be done, when, and by whom, for the smooth
implementation of ICT. A number of countries developed their national ICT policy for
learning, ranging from Global and cross-national policies, national policies and school-
level policies.

However, it was noted over time that having national policies in place did not guarantee
feedback to decision makers. These policies need to state a developmental strategy
that conveys a vision on how this goal is to be achieved (Kozma, 2008).978IU

General use of ICT

This section summarizes the general use of ICT in education, with a model of innovative
uses of ICT presented and adapted to suit this study. This information is useful in
classifying science teachers in an effort to investigate how ICT is being implemented.
Ainley et al. (2008) has articulated that in the national policy document, the use of ICT
should be made clear to the stakeholders so that money and effort can be spent
appropriately. In addition, Kozma (2008) argues that the decisions involving ICT use
should be informed by a strategic educational ICT policy framework and that without a
strategic rationale to guide the national use of ICT the effort of educational stakeholders
may diverge.

Further, a dependable information system is essential for efficient management and

operation of the public and private regions. However, there is a shortage of locally
generated information needed for efficient performance of these sectors. In order to
meet this objective, ICT use in every sector shall have to be accelerated in terms of
information generation, utilization and applications. But this can only be recognized if
there are procedures put in place to facilitate adoption of relevant ICTs in every sector
of the economy. This therefore calls for need of formulation of ICT policies both in
organizational level and national level.

Kozma (2003) offer a model of classification of uses of ICT:

An adapted model of patterns of uses of ICT

Tool use

 Use of email, production of documents, information search, word processing and


Information management

 Use of ICT to organize, manage and use information for teaching and learning,
and to present information.


 Designing instructional material or activities.

Product creation

 Design and creation of digital products using software packages.

Tutorial projects

 Using tutorials or drill-and-practice software to allow students to work


ICTs can be grouped into three categories (Information technology & Communication

• Information technology uses computers, which have become indispensable in

modern societies to process data and save time and effort
 Telecommunications technologies include telephones (with fax) and the
broadcasting of radio and television, often through satellites
 Networking technologies, of which the best known is the internet, but which has
extended to mobile phone technology, Voice Over IP telephony (VOIP), satellite
communications, and other forms of communication that are still in their infancy.

General Guidelines
(Anderson and Plomp, 2009)

 All users should be aware that several network usage issues are covered by the
ICT management policy and violation of which is an offence.
 The LUCT campus-LAN and Internet access resources are meant for official use
arising from the academic or research activities and administrative
responsibilities of the faculty, staff and students of the University. Use of network
resources for personal purposes is discouraged.
 Users should view the ICT and network resources with a sense of ownership and
participation, and should actively help to prevent any misuse. Procedures laid
down from time to time regarding the management of ICT and network
resources, must be understood and followed carefully by the user community.
 The Computer Centre has the right to monitor and scan all information carried by
the network for the purpose of detecting and identifying inappropriate use. As
such, the privacy of information carried by the network is not guaranteed.
Computer Centre is authorized to break open a PC or disconnect it from the
network, if called for.
 Every user is expected to be aware of the contents of this policy document, and
agrees to abide by its provisions. Once adopted, this policy should be publicly
posted on the LUCT website, and all individuals who use ICT & network
resources of the university should be made aware of this policy.
 Every effort will be made to aggressively publicize the policy and make it widely
understood and accepted, by holding training sessions for end users, circulating
training material and organizing personal meetings.
 ICT Policy Implementation Committee shall look into all violations of this policy,
and recommend suitable action to the University Authorities.

Defining Policy in Different Area


Network Access
Staff and students have access to reliable and industry-standard hardware and software
in order to use ICT effectively as a teaching and learning resource, and as a working
tool for management and administration. Every staff member has at least one PC for
staff use. All staff and student users have access through the school’s Curriculum
network to their personal data areas, shared data, applications that are not held locally
including the internet. The Administrative network, which is managed by the Network
Manager, allows all staff access to electronic student data, timetables and attendance.

Computers for student use

A policy of integrating ICT into teaching and learning across the curriculum is reflected
in the ongoing provision for the expansion of digital projectors and interactive
whiteboards in classes. There are now a large number of these in course areas and it is
hoped that this will be expanded on over the next few years such that a digital projector
and interactive whiteboard will be installed in every classroom wherever feasible. This is
because there is a huge shortage of digital projectors, forcing each lecturer to have to
wait for available projectors if in use.

Staff issues
All staff should be entitled to training to improve their ICT capability and have a
responsibility to keep abreast of developments in ICT. The ICT Coordinator, the
Network Manager and the institution ICT support Unit can be contacted to request
support and training in the use of ICT. This will help the institution to increase better
literacy on ICT; not only for the IT management but it will also be for the whole
departments, hence amplifying better ICT control within every faculty.

Student data
All staff is provided with training in pupil data management information systems on
request. Faculty Leaders and Year Leaders have a responsibility for improving the use
of data throughout the school. There is a rolling program of improving access to, and
improving the quality of staff computers throughout the school. The school started using
electronic registration since early approximately 2010 to improve pupil attendance.
However, the management must ensure appropriate confirmation for students’
registration so that it is easy to retrieve their overall courses registered even in the
middle of the semesters or after examinations. This will therefore help in guaranteeing
that there are no arising problems that will probably not be carefully ministered.

Furthermore, staff registers classes for every lesson through the PC in each classroom.
In the event of technical difficulties, paper registers are taken and sent to reception for
collation and entering onto the system as soon as possible. Attendance and lateness is
regularly reviewed by Faculty Managers and suitable action taken to reduce instances
of lateness or absenteeism. Line managers identify with staff their ICT training and
development needs and inform the School Development Plan.

Other staff developments are identified through performance management procedures

and any new initiatives that require whole school training. Staff is expected to use ICT
based procedures to book and record the programs and students performance. All staff
use online assessment procedures to record and report on student progress.
Health and Safety/Security
Before being allowed to work in the computer suites, students have not been made
aware of the arrangements if they hear the fire alarm in multimedia. The belief is that
the fire protection systems are not well installed or activated. The existence of fire
extinguishers can be found on the wall of the suite but it seems to be very old and
probably has reached its expiry date. Therefore, students are in danger if there happens
to occur fire in multimedia.

With regard to that, it has come to a awareness that the ICT management hat to check
every portable equipment annually and computers three-yearly under the Electricity at
Work Regulation. Again, students must be made aware of the correct way to sit when
using the computer and the need to take regular breaks if they are to spend any length
of time on computers so that they know how they have to react to any occurring

Despite the above, there are multimedia rules placed on display within the ICT room for
reference along with specific rules for the use of Internet, computers and electricity
although approximately 20% of students follow the rules. As regards, the IT department
earnestly makes use of the written policy for the use of multimedia. This directive is
followed for only supervision staff. Whilst this legislation only applies to students who
use multimedia, the management must seek to provide conditions for all students which
meet these requirements.

Pertaining to the above, the university must guarantee that an alarm system is installed
throughout the institution so that students and all staff reactions to the fire are well-
timed. Each computer system has individual security against access to the
management system to restrict students’ interference. The files and network system are
backed up regularly. The virus checker is hoped to be updated regularly.

Acceptable Use
Access to networked computers to support students' academic work is provided. The
institution’s Acceptable Use Policy is an extension to the School Rules. It includes
guidelines for the safe and responsible use of the network and the internet, and
identifies those activities which constitute an abuse of the university’s ICT facilities. In
summary, users of LUCT network are prohibited from:

 Logging on to the network with another user's account

 Creating or sending offensive or harassing materials to others
 Altering the settings of school computers or making other changes which render
 Unusable by others tampering physically with the equipment installing software
without authorization
 Hacking into unauthorized areas of the network
 Accessing inappropriate websites or trying to circumvent the College filtering
 Attempting to spread viruses via the network any form of illegal activity,
including software and media piracy.

ICT policy for management

 All users or user departments must adhere to the policy guidelines published.
 All users or user departments must take prior approval of ICT Committee for
requirement and specifications of the ICT equipment they wish to procure.
 The committee shall strive to standardize the terms and conditions as well as the
process for the procurement of ICT equipment and software in line with the ICT
 It must perform the purchase and maintenance evaluation and registration
process every two years to identify and register the suppliers for the general
purpose ICT equipments and circulate the same to all user departments.

ICT policy for stakeholders

 All users are expected to make use of the ICT resources accessible to them with
sensibility and awareness.
 The Intranet and Internet access will not be used for commercial activity,
personal advertisement, solicitations, or promotions, such as hosting or providing
links of commercial websites or email broadcasts of commercial promotions to
the users.
 Any part or component of the ICT infrastructure of the university shall not be
misused for Anti-University activities. The ICT Policy Implementation Committee
will be authorized to undertake appropriate measures to ensure maintenance of
such discipline and initiate suitable actions for prevention of such undesirable
 Outsiders will not be connected to the Intranet, and cannot be a part of the
domain space.
 The downloading of audio and video files is to be done strictly for approaved
 Each user must preserve and maintain the confidentiality of the password used
by them. No user must try to access the ICT resources using other user’s
password, either knowingly or otherwise.
 Access to sites that are banned under law or that are offensive or obscene is
 Use of the network to tamper with information on other computers, to deliberately
spread harmful or pirated programs, compromise other systems, or to cause
damage of any kind using the intranet/internet is prohibited .The user is liable for
any civil losses caused since no equipment or user other than those registered
with the University, can be used to connect to the intranet.

The following aspects must get a consideration, as a part of ICT Policy:

Feasibility: If an item or technology does not already exist and is being introduced, an
appropriate justification for introducing new item or technology must be prepared. It
must also consider the alternate technologies explored and the reasons why the choice
for the selected technology was made.

Accounting: Entire ICT Infrastructure including Hardware, Software and

Communications Equipment comes at a cost and certainly needs to be accounted for
accurately. These items must be treated as assets and their procurement, transfers and
disposals must get reflected in the Accounts Books of Assets at any given time.

Insurance: Each item must get covered either in general Insurance Policies or for
specific items and must get covered under specific policies related with Electronics
Items. For example, Servers must get covered in Policy for Electronic Items with Data
Restoration. Insurance against loss of data and cost of recovery also should be

Systems Audit: There must be a system of cross checks and physical verifications of
ICT Assets to ensure that all assets exist; they are functioning as expected, are
technically fit and not obsolete. Such audit help in determining in advance the items that
need replacements over a period of time and so, can be well planned. This activity will
prevent any dreadful conditions of efficiency in the ICT Services.

Information Security: There are different aspects of Information Security. They are
broadly classified as Digital and Physical. Security related to Digital Devices is related
with Passwords, Access Rights, Backups, Anti Virus Measures, use of external media
and so on.

Physical Security involves securing parts of physical location to regulate its access, to
restrict only authorized personnel, to provide for smoke detectors and fire alarms, to
enable monitoring through CCTV Cameras and so on. On the other hand, Physical
Security covers classification, storage and upkeep of documents, regulating access to
classified documents and arranging for their safe custody, sharing of confidential
information, inadvertent leakage of classified information and so on.

Outsourcing: In the modern world, outsourcing is beneficial and cannot be avoided but
there are many aspects that need to be considered while outsourcing activities or while
having external staff working within University premises. These concerns are related
with providing information related with outsourced jobs, getting certain repairs done,
disposing off items or equipment, all of which must be carefully carried out considering
ICT Security and safety in mind. Similar care should be taken while executing any turn-
key projects in the area of ICT implementation.
Best Practices: There must be personnel earmarked to keep abreast of the
developments in Technology, who must be assigned the identification of appropriate
avenues wherein new technology or products may be profitably deployed. They must
also keep themselves aware about the best practices desirable or being followed
elsewhere, which may be beneficial to the university.

Role of Stakeholders
All stakeholders of LUCT will need to work together to ensure that the ICT policy
achieves its full potential. This includes; to build capacity, increase confidence and
security in the use of ICTs, create an enabling legal and regulatory environment, and
encourage international and local cooperation.

The Management
 The management role is to provide the vision and policy with a legal and
regulatory framework that will guide the activities of all stakeholders.
 Establish institutional mechanisms to ensure the successful implementation of
the ICT policy.
 The management must also play a key role in channeling resources to invest in
the supporting infrastructure for ICTs in partnership with international and
regional universities and other institutional partnerships.

IT Controller
 The IT controller will play a key role in the development and expansion of ICT
infrastructure and provision of ICT services and products.
 It must also attempt to exploit new technology support presented by ICTs and
spread the use of ICTs throughout the university to increase the development of
powerful computer support and networking.
 The IT controller will be called upon to improve service quality to ensure the
proper management of multimedia rooms the reliability of WI-FI network.
Other Institution Departments
 They must play a major role in improving teaching and learning mechanisms that
develop lecturers that are ICT literate and capable of producing local ICT
products and services.
 They must ensure that ICT literacy is part of the prospectus.
 They must use ICTs to expand access to education as well as improving the
quality of education.

Implementation Strategy

Policy Statements
In order to ensure focused implementation of ICT policy the following articles of policy
statements are hereby declared; it is the LUCT Policy to:

i) Assure availability of all anticipated ICT services or systems at any workplace

in the University, and for selected services, to locations outside the University
through Common Network Services. Common Network Services (Network
Infrastructure), mainly comprising physical network infrastructure (wiring,
switches, routers and servers) and communication protocols (TCP/IP), from
the collective or systems, and in accord with and overall education standards.

ii) Assure availability and controlled usage and changes of basic User-level Data
Communication and telecommunication Services such as e-mail, Access-to
Internet or Extranet or Intranet services and telecommunication terminal
equipment which actually are major elements of the low-level network and
communication services.

iii) Promote office computing in all offices. This applies to lecturers, researchers,
administrators, managers, as well as to secretarial and clerical workers. Major
office computing applications are: word processing, electronic mail,
spreadsheet processing, data and document storage and retrieval desktop
publishing, access to internet and intranet.

iv) Continuously improve both the efficiency and effectiveness of library

operations and services through the implementation of an integrated online
library information system.

v) Enhance and modernize education related administrative and managerial

processes and to improve academic reporting through the implementation of
an integrated academic records information management system.

vi) Enhance and update financial management processes and reporting through
the implementation of an integrated financial information management

vii) Enhance and streamline the human resource management and administrative
processes through the implementation of a human resource information

viii) Enhance and modernize asset management and administrative processes

through the implementation of an asset and inventory information system.

ix) Enhance and streamline acquisition management systems.

x) Exploit ICT potential in enhancing online learning in order to maximize

flexibility in education and reach out to a wider coverage of prospective

xi) Ensure that all students and staff are trained on a continuing basis to equip
them with the basic skills to fully exploit the ICT potential in their different
functions, in order to make the entire institution organization “IT – Complaint”.

xii) Ensure sustainable management of the institution’s ICT resources through

the creation of appropriate policy guidelines and regulations, advisory and
operational organs that will cater for the broad interests of all users.
xiii) Provide for the growth of its ICT resources and their financial sustainability
through adequate funding and appropriate operational mechanism.

This school seeks to develop the use of ICT:

 To promote students’ skills in using ICT thoughtfully.

 To help them apply their ICT skills effectively to their work in their respective
 To build a library of related electronic source materials to promote the process of
research in courses
 To promote the skills associated with enquiry and using information as a raw
material to build 'information products'.
 The development plan will describe the stages in moving towards the vision for
 Develop appropriate database systems and applications including Geographic
Information Systems (GIS) to support the integration of ICTs in the provision of
postal products and services.

Approaches provided for the strategic framework

These are needed to guide the successful implementation of the ICT policy and to
realize the goals of LUCT. These approaches are:

 ICT and Supporting Infrastructure

 Education and Human Resource Development
 Rapid Delivery of ICT Services

ICT and Supporting Infrastructure

LUCT needs modern and efficient infrastructure, including computers, utilities and
communications networks in order to realize the benefits offered by ICTs. Without such
infrastructure, it becomes impossible to deliver telecommunications, broadcasting,
computing and information services such as the access to internet, WI-FI network and
interactive multi-media.

Policy Objectives and Strategies

LUCT physical infrastructure is underdeveloped and limited in coverage. Special policy
measures are needed to assist the development of advanced communications networks
and to improve coverage, range and quality of services.


The objectives for supporting infrastructure development are to:

 Promote the deployment of advanced communications networks that are

universally accessible.
 Provide and sustain the diffusion of ICT infrastructure for access to ICT services
and products.
 Encourage infrastructure sharing among network operators so as to optimize
scarce resources.
 Create a favorable investment environment for the IT sector in the development
of ICT, infrastructures.
 Endorse competition in the ICT sector so as to increase students’ choice for the
institution, quality and affordability of services.


The strategies for implementing the development of ICTs and Infrastructure are to:

 Adopt a technology neutral approach in selecting appropriate, scalable

technology needed to build advanced, robust communications networks.
 Promote partnerships with other institutions to mobilize resources needed for
infrastructure deployment.
 Establish efficient and effective broadband connectivity between departments
in LUCT and the whole of the institution.
 Encourage the expansion of the school grid in order to support the
deployment of ICT infrastructure.
 Encourage that public domain networks are expanded to facilitate the
deployment of ICT infrastructure.
Education and Human Resource Development within LUCT
It is essential for an institution to invest more on human resource management and
better educational technologies for its students in order to transfer to a knowledge-
based society. LUCT must assign a human resource base that is effective enough to
support the deployment and exploitation of ICT services and technologies driving an
information economy. Thus, investments must be made in all departments within the

Policy Objectives and Strategies

There is a limited supply of qualified ICT professionals in the institution and the high
cost of ICT training programs serves as a barrier to building capacity in this area.
Departments frequently lack ICT literacy and expertise and thus, in many cases, have
been ineffective at integrating and utilizing existing ICTs in the institution. This is
because the policy made within every department is hardly attained, that is, there is a
shortage of multimedia Ethernet cables to be acquired by each student during the
researches. There is also less functioning WI-FI network that sometimes limits or
restricts students from accessing media websites for vital tutorials.

Furthermore, the high cost of equipment deters educators from making the purchase of
computers and Internet connectivity a priority when LUCT lack basic facilities and
educational supplies. The management is committed to comprehensive programs of
rapid deployment, utilization and exploitation of ICTs within the university. Policy efforts
shall be directed at using ICTs to facilitate learning and to support efforts of each
department in its delivery of training learners and re-training programs.


The objectives that will lead to effective education and human resource development

 Facilitate the deployment, utilization and exploitation of ICTs within LUCT to

improve access to information so as to support teaching and learning at all
 Transform the LUCT into an ICT literate institution by promoting ICT awareness
and computer literacy throughout the all the departments and faculties.
 Use ICTs to develop the best education system to improve and expand access to
teaching, learning and research resources and facilities.
 Promote and facilitate programs designed to improve learner skills within every
 Build and retain a critical mass of ICT professionals needed to manage
innovation in the institution.


Strategies to be employed to achieve these objectives are to:

 Encourage all departments to invest in computers and to connect to the Internet.

 Work with both local and international departments to create affordable packages
and schemes under which students, lecturers and educational institutions can
afford ICT Products and services.
 Use information systems to improve the management of LUCT.
 Develop mechanisms to retain a large pool of ICT professionals to meet the
needs of LUCT.
 Establish and enforce standards for the guaranteed ICT skills.
 Develop and promote programs and initiatives for enhancing ICT skills within the
existing workforce at LUCT.

Rapid Delivery of ICT Services at LUCT

Government acknowledges that Lesotho must develop initiatives that foster rapid
diffusion of ICT services to the whole of society, in order to close the gap to the digital
divide between itself and the rest of the world.

The dissemination of ICT services will be improved by ensuring that a multi-channel

distribution system is accessible throughout the LUCT. In this way, lecturers can choose
the most appropriate and affordable means of access that will also be appropriate to aid
each student. The quality and variety of media is also a key to rapid delivery of ICT
services. Freedom of expression, diverse media and professional codes of conduct will
encourage the take up and demand for media made available via ICTs. Thus, LUCT
management must be committed to ensuring that a variety of distribution channels,
including radio, television, and telecommunications networks are universally available
for accessing ICT services on demand. The policy also obligates LUCT management
to protect freedom of expression, the right to information and to facilitate the
development of diverse, independent sources of quality media.

Policy Objectives and Strategies

Policies and initiatives are needed to speed-up the delivery of ICT services. Measures
are also needed to develop and promote ICT delivery systems, services and
applications that offer practical solutions to the development challenges faced by the


The objectives for ensuring rapid delivery of services are to:

 Speed-up the provision of appropriate, affordable, cost-effective and equitable

access to ICT services throughout the country.
 Facilitate wide access to ICT services over diverse platforms such as
telecommunications networks, radio, television and the Internet.
 Encourage local content development, including information in Sesotho.
 Improve the quality of information available by strengthening and diversifying the
mass media and improving independence and professionalism.
 Support and facilitate the growth of entrepreneurs in the provision of ICT


 Promote the take up of communications services throughout the university.

 Encourage competition in the provision of ICT delivery networks and services in
order to multiply the sources of information.
 Access the institution’s library and other student-related venues to allow students
freedom to ICT facilities and applications.
Ainley, J., Enger, L., & Searle, D. (2008). Students in a digital age: Implications of ICT
for teaching and learning. In J. Voogt & G. Knezek (Eds.), International handbook of
information technology in primary and secondary education (pp. 63 – 80). New York:

Anderson, R. E., & Plomp, T. (2009). Introduction. In T. Plomp, R. E. Anderson, N.

Law & A. Quale (Eds.), Cross-national Information and Communication Technology
Policies and Practices in Education (pp. 3-17): Information Age Publishing. FOR LESOTHO POLICY.[ONLINE] Available at:

content/uploads/2018/04/Lesotho_ICT_Policy_Final.pdf [Accessed 9 July 2021].

Kozma, R. B. (2008). Comparative analysis of policies for ICT in education. In J. Voogt

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