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Increasing safe recycling in Jeddah and

linking it to an electronic Application
The community and individuals must be aware of the grave situation of waste issues in
Jeddah. There are two kinds of waste. One is organic, and the other one is metallic. Our focus
is on the metallic side. This type consists of cans, packs, food preservation boxes, product
packaging etc. We came with an idea to introduce three bins in every community area. These
bins contain different types of materials. As the first bin has Aluminum, the second one
contains plastic; the third bin contains paper. This arrangement will help to manage the trash.

Along with it, we have a plan to provide an app that will be integrated into the bins and user
activities. The app will have multiple features to increase awareness about green products,
and it will be a source of funding for this project too.

The app will motivate through points and reward systems. The user will have a balance to
purchase products after reaching a specific amount of points. The consistent user will be able
to buy credits from the green environment products from the green store.

This project will be a milestone to overcome the challenges of safe waste recycling.
The concept of waste recycling has been getting increasing attention in Saudi Arabia in recent
years. The country produces around 15 million tons of municipal solid waste each year, with
an average daily rate of 1.4 kg per person. This rate is projected to double (30 million tons
per year) by 2033, with a current annual population growth rate of 3.4%. Preserving the
environment and the resources of nature is one of our religious, moral, and humanitarian
duties for the sake of future generations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which is included in
the Kingdom's 2030 vision. Consequently, the Kingdom needs a system that helps and
encourages citizens and residents to preserve the environment through waste management
and clearly clarifies the forms of recycling outcomes.

To address the above problem, a number of researches have been done already. Such as
(Alharbi, 2009; Noweir et al., 2013; Hello & Al Momani, 2014; Hakami & Seif, 2015) have
concluded that the waste handling and management has a significant impact on the
environment and human health, It also has a significant impact on the future of the city and
all over the country, which requires further study and research to reach recommendations by
relying on the electronic application that has multiple advantages.

Safe recycling saves human health, as well as improving the level of environmental
preservation, and strengthening the national economy. In waste recycling operations, Saudi
Arabia currently needs a sustainable and coherent model in the collection of waste residues
and the separation of recyclables. This is a strategic option to rationalize the consumption of
precious raw materials. In addition, the maximum benefit will be made from recyclable
materials such as paper, glass, metals, and aluminium, reducing waste dumped in landfills,
thus reducing harmful environmental costs and maximizing the benefits to the national
economy. Saudi Arabia recognizes this and is a party to the Basel Convention to control
illegal and uncontrolled movements of wastes internationally to reduce bad practices and
impact on the environment. Therefore, the study is interested in finding innovative solutions
to the problem of waste in the city of Jeddah. By relying on the electronic application to help
ensure a safe recycling process.
According to Al Farawati et al., (2008) for effective management of water resources, Jeddah
has utilized recycled wastewater. Jeddah has used the water for the green areas and parks.
Considering this, the author has proposed a study to determine the possible health risks that
may appear from poor water treatment. To conduct the research 20 water sample have been
collected from which it is determined that there are several harmful elements present in
water; however, Jeddah city has not focused on the safety aspect of using the recycled water
of green areas. From the study of ALHARBI (2009), it is determined that the author have
mainly focused on the Saudi Arabia cities to determine their regulations of waste
management. Also, the paper consists of a detailed elaboration about the waste handling
approaches of Jeddah city from which it is determined that there is a significant relationship
between the volume of domestic wastage with the economy of the city. Through this study,
the researcher has delivered detailed content of the human factor affecting waste in Jeddah

According to the study of Noweir et al., (2013) the occupational safety is also related to
wastage management. Considering this, the researchers have focused on evaluating the
progress of occupational safety as well as health management in the Jeddah industrial estate.
To address the objective, the researcher has investigated 135 plants that include 18351 staff.
From the investigation, it is determined that the Jeddah industrial estate has effectively
improved safety and workplace protections. The research paper of Momani & Fadil (2013)
has focused on determining how the hazard analysis model of Jeddah city influence the
decision-making approach of Jeddah municipality. While analyzing the paper, it is
determined that the study has aimed to enhance the effectiveness of the Jeddah municipal
operations by using risk index methodology. From the study, it is determined that Jeddah city
has addressed hazardous issues with useful strategies. According to the study of Hello & Al
Momani (2014), Jeddah City have focused on green marketing as well as its relationship with
the environmental wastage. From which it is determined that Jeddah purchasing green
products reduces the threat of ecological wastage. Hakami & Seif (2015) have stated that the
urbanization of Jeddah has increased household solid waste which holds a significant impact
on the environment and human health. And by minimizing the household wastage as well as
feeding habits, the household solid waste management can be improved.

Aljoufie & Tiwari (2015) stated that the green infrastructure of Jeddah has majorly
influenced residential wellbeing. Hakami (2015) also mentioned that the water and soil
pollution significantly influence the safety and health concern of the food. According to
ElQuliti (2016), solid wastage management of Jeddah is one of the threats experienced by the
city which has been addressed by using Pyrolysis technology. Alharby et al., (2016) have
stated that the application of zinc oxide on calculus induction eliminates agricultural wastage.
Jeddah has experienced threats due to the indoor dust which has been mitigated by adopting
effective strategies (Ali et al., 2016). In addition to this the study of Ali et al., (2016) has
mentioned that the application of advanced membrane desalination of shallow Jeddah has
enhanced the urban water recycling. Almalki (2017) has also stated that mitigating flood
possibilities of Jeddah will help to improve the environmental impact of the city.

This study focusses on the determination of a sustainable approach to developing the local
street of Jeddah (Badawi 2017). The safety and health of the workplace are highly related to
the wastage management of Jeddah. Thus, the study of Rehan (2017) has focused on the
determination of the strategies to improve workplace safety by eliminating and recycling
wastage. The study of Xu et al., (2018) have mentioned that real-time control technology
significantly helps to improve rainwater harvesting. The recycling of glass and fiber helps to
improve the environmental aspect of Jeddah (Javani, Kashi & Mohamadi 2019). Yigitcanlar
et al., (2020) have stated that an AI-equipped city significantly reduces the threat of wastage.
According to Al-Mur (2020), Jeddah city has experienced issues with coastal water. To
eliminate the threats assessment of nutrient and metal distribution has been performed. Al-
Dweik & Nayer (2020) have stated that transportation also caused wastage; thus, the
development of improved transportation can improve the waste management and recycling

From the above discussion, it is determined that however, Jeddah municipality has focused
on the mitigation of wastage it is required to focus on the recycling process as well. Thus, in
the future, I will focus on the recycling process of wastage in Jeddah.
Increasing safe recycling in Jeddah and linking it
to an electronic Application
Due to the plantation of heavy industries, the spreading of urban population increased the
issue of recycling of solid waste. The kingdom of Saudi Arabia, more specifically, Jeddah
city, is facing a big challenge in the recycling of wastages. There are basically two types of
wastes. The first one is organic, which is generated through the food leftover.

The second one is the disposables. The items used to preserve food and other items. It
includes the packaging of a product. The aluminium and plastic made cans and packs. To
safely recycle, an individual and the local community must take a step forward to save the

The above chart denotes the diversion rate fom landfills(it is inclusding recycling and
conversion to energy).

The graph shows the global MSW collection in percentage. In which Germany is at top with
100% MSW collection. Sweden with 99% at number two. USA stands at number 3.
Australia’s situation below 60 and it stands at number 4 with 53%. The KSA has worst
postion according to this graph. KSA stands at number 5 with the lower municipal solid
waste collection. KSA culd collect only 10%.

Current Scenario
Recently, in the Jeddah city, the people of communities are using trash bins for wastages. The
conventional methods are followed to manage the wastages. These trash bins are delivered to
the dumpsites. But till when can these dumpsites and landfills be used? As it is predicted that
after ten years there will be no more space to dump the waste.
This chart hows that KSA produces around 15 million tons of municipal solid waste (MSW)
each year with average daily rate of 1.4 kg per person. We have divided the types of waste
along witheir percentage in this pie chart. So, according to the chart the biodegradeable which
includes the food that decomposes is takes the big part of chart which is 37.50%. The second
biggest part on chart is paper waste that is 28.50% portion in waste. The minerals waste
portion is around 8.10%. The plastic has 5.20% portion in all the waste. The glass waste has
4.60% while wood waste covers has the 7.50% while the textile 6.40% portion in the overall

So, instead of dumping it, we have to increase the awareness in the people to recycle to make
it environment friendly and to get economic benefits for the nation.

We suggest the following necessary measures can be taken at an individual and the
community level to improve the wastage recycling.

Our Mission
Develop and implement comprehensive policies and effective strategies with the participation
of the non-profit and private organizations and related parties to protect the environment by
promoting recycling in Jeddah.
Our Vision
Raise the awareness and communicate with people about the importance of waste reduction
and recycling to find prosperous and sustainable environment.

Our Goals
1. Run efficient recycling programs.
2. Helping to conserve the natural resources.
3. Playing an active role in raising environmental awareness.
4. Producing high-quality and environmentally friendly products.
5. Encouraging the manufacture of products through the use of recycled materials.
Our Objective
Our objective is to increase the rate of recycling in Jeddah by 50% over the Next Three

Use of Green Products

The first and foremost thing we can do is to use green products. The use of green products
will lead to manage the wastage easily. The green products are those that are environmentally
friendly. We should ensure the use of green products, especially in public places. Using green
products, we can provide the safety of our environment.

Separate Bins
If we want to increase safe recycling, we will have to increase awareness about the modern
approach of waste-energy. To avail of it, we have to separate the different types of waste. It
will be easier to manage. To attain this, there should be separate bins to differentiate between
the types of garbage. For example, a bin for plastic items, one for aluminium packs that are
used in preservations one bin for papers.

This step will help to separate the important material items to help in manufacturing products
at low cost to strengthening the economy as well as save the environment and land from

Mobile App
The mobile app will be useful to increase the effectivity of safer waste recycling measures.
An app can help to manage the waste. The app can be built to inform and motivate the
individual to dup your waste by following certain instructions. The mobile must have multi-
functions that should be linked to waste instructions.

Some features are given below, can be added to gain perfect results from the recycling app.

How does it work?

A subscriber can join the application through registration himself on through the app
subscription form. On this form, the user is required to fill the form with his details. There are
options of name, surname, email address, contact number, and details.

After filling it up, the user submits the form. The user receives a six digits number to confirm

Point system
The app is based on a point system to motivate the user to act upon the instructions to dup the
waste properly. The points may differ from the use of bins. The points will increase if you
use the bin to dispose of the trash. If the bin is used regularly, the user will enjoy extra points
than the normal one.

How to use
The points are added to the subscriber’s balance by having a code on the bins. Once the subscriber
uses the bins and puts the waste in it, he passes his mobile device on the code. This is a way to
confirm that the user has used the bin. The details of your products are not needed. The app is to
improve the way people deliver trash awareness.

Referral Incentives
The app has a referral subscription offer. The user can gain more points to refer the app to his
friends or other family members. More the people will join more points he will receive. A
reward will be given to the user after reaching a certain amount of points. Likewise, the
reward will increase after reaching a certain number of points.

The points are added to the subscriber’s balance by having a code on the boxes. Once the
subscriber uses the box and puts the waste in it, he passes his mobile device on the code.
Points into Balance
The points are not only digital points but also the digital balance. This will provide the user to
buy credits and enable him to purchase products from environment-friendly stores products.
The user who put the waste into these disposable waste bins after reaching the certain limit of
amount will get the balance to buy products from environment-friendly products store.

Credit Facility
The app points facilitate the users to purchase credits in home and garden cleaning
companies. The credit will help to make your home clean and will provide you with the
credits to make comfortable.

Subscribers’ Suggestions
As the project expands, new advantages and features will be added to the app to provide the
users with more facility and improve their experience with the app. It will fun and also spread
the culture of green environment and the products that are eco-friendly.

Fund Arrangements
A question arises when talking about this project. The question is how to raise the fund? The
app will advertise those eco-friendly companies in one sense. So, we will charge some
amount for this advertisement to bear the expenses. Funds will be arranged through the
patterners of environment-friendly stores.

In conclusion, we assure after this idea of the project is implemented; the project will be a
milestone for the awareness of the people. After using the integrated app with the measures,
we mentioned above will increase the safer recycling of different kinds of waste.

If the project is expended, there will be a day we will be able to overcome the ecological and
environmental issue that is rising, and those are increasing day by day.
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Vision2030 of Saudi Arabia, from

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