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Republic of the Philippines

Commission on Higher Education

Region V
Alfelor Sr. Memorial College Inc.
Poblacion Zone II. Del Gallego, Camarines Sur
Region V
Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 1
June 22, 2021

Content Standard
Demonstrates understanding of line and non- standard units of length, mass and capacity.

Performance Standard
The learner is able to apply knowledge of time and non- standard measure of length, mass and
capacity in mathematical problems in real life situations.

Learning Capacity
The learners estimates and measures length using non- standard units of linear measures.

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:

Estimates and measures length using non- standard units of linear measures
Perform to measure an object using non- standard units.
Appreciate the importance of measuring length

II. Subject Matter

Skills: a. Estimates and measures using non- standard units of linear measures.
b. Performing for measuring object using non- standard unis.
References: My distance Learning Buddy
Menor Noel M. San Vitores, Maria Cecilia J. MA. Et. Al.
Materials: Pentelpen, Cartolina, real object
Value Integration: Cooperation

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am.

How are you today? Fine Ma’am.

Good! We are all fine today? Yes Ma’am.

Please all stand, we will pray. The name of the Father, of the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Thank you children please take your sit.

1. Checking of Attendance Yes Ma’am.
Class, I will check your attendance. Say
present when I call your name.

2. Checking of Assignment
Class, I give you an assignment yesterday? Yes Ma’am.

Get your assignment and pass it forward

and I will check it later. (Pupils pass their assignment.)

3. Review of Past Lesson

Class, can you still remember our lesson
yesterday? Yes Ma’am.

What is it class?
Ma’am, days in a week.
Very good!
How many days do we have in one week?
7 days Ma’am.
What is the first day of the week?

Can you enumerate the names of the days Ma’am Sunday.

in a week in order?
Please stand.


Very good! Ma’am Sunday.

What is the day that we are going to

Very good!
Now class, you already know the 7 days of
a week.

Any questions class? None Ma’am.

4. Drill

Now class, please stand up. I have here a

box, do you want to know what is inside? Yes Ma’am.

What is it?

Many pencils inside the box! Write? Pencil Ma’am.

Class can you help me to count the pencils? Yes Ma’am.

Good, let’s start! Yes Ma’am.

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,,10,11,12,13, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,,10,11,12,13,
14,15,16,17,18,19,20 14,15,16,17,18,19,20

How many pencils do we have class? Ma’am 20 pencils.

Thank you please take your sit. And don’t

worry class later I will give you this pencils Thank you Ma’am.
to all of you.

5. Motivation
Now class.
Please go infront ___ and ___.
What did you observe in your classmate Ma’am _____ have a short hair.
about their hair? Ma’am ____ have a long hair.

Very good!
Thank you ___ and ____.
Take your sit.

A. Activity

Now class, I will give you an activity. For

your activity I will group you into two
groups. Please count 1 and 2.

All number 1 will be sitted here and all

number 2 will be sitted here.

Class, what is our agreement when

doing an activity?

Very good! Ma’am follow the instruction.

Every group will choose a leader to Cooperate to the groupmate.
present your work.
Understand class?

I will read first the instruction for each

group. Yes Ma’am.

Group 1

Estimate and measure the object inside

the box using handspan.
Explain it with your team leader.

The bel has _________handspan The bel has 6 handspan

Group 2

Estimate and measure the object inside

the box using paper clips.
Explain it with your team leader.
The comb has __________ paper clips The comb has 10 paper clips

B. Analysis

now based on your activity class, do

you have any idea about our lesson? Measuring object.

Class we will study the length using
non- standard measurements. Class Length is a distance of an object.
any idea about length?

Very good!
When we say length, it tells how long
an object is or it is measuring a

Again class, what is length? It tells how long an object is or it is measuring a distance.

For example, this pencil! This side is the

length of the board.
This pencil, this is the length of a pencil.

Understand class? Yes Ma’am.

For example, if we are going to

measure the distance of this board, we
will start to the left and to the other
side like this:

Did you understand class? Yes Ma’am.

Class we measure length using non-

standard units. The measurement of
those objects that are not typically use
as measuring tools, we use such as
paper clips, pen. Box, hand spoon,
pencils and others.
In measuring non standard units, we
use big units of measure for big objects
and small units of measure for small

Again class, how do we choose a tool We can easily compare the lengths of object using non-
for measuring? standards measurements.

We use Ma’am big objects for the big units of measuring

Another answer? and small objects for the small units of measuring.

Very good!

C. Abstraction

Again class, what is length? Measuring distance.

Who can give me an example of Ma’am.

measuring of length?

Any question or clarification about our None Ma’am.


What tools are we going to use in small units of measure for small objects.
measuring a non- standard units?

Very good class.

What is the importance of using non- To determine the estimate measure of an object.
standard unit in measuring an object?

Very good class.

Please all stand up. We will do a smile Pupils do the smile clap.
clap for your great performance today.

D. Application

Class, I have here some objects in a

box. You are going to measure the
length of each objects using non-
standard units.
You are going to use small box in
measuring small objects and pencils for
big objects.
Do you understand class?

Any volunteer for object no.1? please Yes Ma’am.

go in front.

Direction: Estimate the measure of the Ma’am.

length of each object.
Object 1

Used 6 box to get the measure of notebook.

Object 2

Used 7 box to get the measure of scissors.

Object 3

Used 4 pencils to get the measure of table.

Object 4

Used 4 pencils to get the measure of the cell phone chord.


Estimate and measure the length of the following object. Use the given non- standard units
to measure the length of each object.


____ cubes long

2. Comb
_____ pins long

3. Pencil
4. ____ paper clips long

5. Scissor

_____ match sticks long

6. Toothpaste
_____ tooth picks long
V. Assignment:
Estimate and measure the following object that is found inside your house. Use the given
nonstandard unit of measurements.


______ Paper clip long


______ Paper clip long


______ Pencil long

Prepared by:

Nemia D. Yu
Student Teacher

Noted by:

Merly D. Pendor
Cooperating Teacher

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