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1 CSP 4G te cgualto 6 1£30% of anumberis 45, whatis 4 of the number? 3 (a) a a © 20 ” 150 z oaks = number when added to 1 gives 27 i of the digit 2 in the | hs Ble 3 Hi a s = vin wile i os L- ~ “AS 8° 8 Betty shared a sum of money in ratio 2:3. IfAnn received $60 less than & Betty, what was the totalamountofmoney 8. ‘The highest common factor (HCF) of 12, shared? 15 and 60 is $n a en A (© S180 © 2 @) $300 ©) 60 4. If 235 * 48.7=11 4445, then 9. "The next term in the sequence (23.5 * 0.487 = 1,6, 13, 22, 33 is 1444s 114.445 . “a 4 a @) 45 © 114445 s ® iat rs 5. Atest was marked out of 80. A boy scored 60% of the marks on the test. How many [By the distributive law, 49 17-449» 3= marks did he score? ae SAY (B) 52% 66 @) a © 49+20 60 @) 49x20 @ GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012340107" 2017 M. IfP={2,3,5,7), ‘Item _14 refers to the following Venn Q= {2,3, 6) and diagram. S=(2,4,5) ‘Then PAQAS= @ 2 ® 23) © (2.3.5) a {2,3, 4,5,6,7) ‘Item 12 refers to the following Venn 14. _IfP= {Factors of 6} and Q={Factors of 4), diagram. represents them the shaded region up Pv I} ZLLLZ wo 0 ®) 0,2) (4,6, 8.: ca (2, 15. A dress which costs $180 is being sold ata discount of 10%. ‘The amount of the discount is 12, In the Venn diagram, the shaded area ‘represents = $ 180 ‘x ®) ,$ 10.00 $ 18.00 ) Pug © our ») $170.00 @ onP 16. The Value ofaplotofland is $18 000. Land tax is charged at the rate of $0.70 per $100 13. In aclass of 32 students, 17 study Music and_ ‘value. What is the TOTAL amount of tax 20 study Art. What isthe LEAST number of ‘paid for the land? students who study BOTH Music and Art? (A) $110.00 “w 3 (B)_ $126.00 ® 5 a $180.70 C) $257.15 O12 1s 17. Atte end of any year a caris worth 5% less ‘than what it was worth at the beginning of the year. Ifa caris worth $9 500 in December 2016, its value in January 2016 was $ 9995 :) $10.000 © = si002s @) = $12000 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 01234010/F 2017 18. Aman bought mobile phone for $800 and ‘sold it for $1 000. What was his profit as a percentage of the cost price? 5% 3) 15% (C) 20% @) 25% A man’s annual salary is $45 000. His tax- free allowances total $13 000. He pays tax of 35% on his taxable income. The tax payable is (A) $4550 (B) $1200 (©) 815750 $2030 ‘The simple interest on a loan of $6 000 for 3 yeurs was $900. What was the rate of interest per annum? ) 2% B) 73% ™% 18% ‘A television set costs $330 cash. Whea ‘bought on hire-purchase, a deposit of $35 is required, followed by 12 monthly payments ‘of $30 cach. How much is saved by paying ‘eaah? $10 $25 oO so © Ms 01234010F 2017 ‘How much does a customer pay for an article marked at $50 if a sales tax of 6% is charged? ese © $53 @) $56 ‘Seven times the product of two numbers, ‘and d, may be written as tab ) 49ab © tard ©) ars) ‘cis an intoger that satnfes the inequality 4 <2x5 6, then (A) 2 » ‘Which of the following BEST describes ‘the function? (A) fx)ex ®) x" fx)+3 © fia)nyt3 ©) fixyext3 Ifeach exterior angle of a regular polygon is 60°, then the polygon is a (A) quadrilateral B) © ©) triangle -10- ‘Tem 53 refers tothe following diagram of ‘8 pair of intersecting lines. ¢ B rE ‘The measure of angle ABE is A) se @) 12° © 142, (D) 302° ‘tem 54 refers to the following diagram of an isosceles triangle. In the triangle, the value of xis (a) 30° B) 6° © 120° @) 150° ‘Item 55 refers to the following diagram of the straight line y =x. a “x x ~~ ‘What isthe image of the line y =x when it @ yr0 ®) x0 © yx ©) ye 57. [tom $7 refers tothe following rght-angled triangle, ABC. a ic In the triangle, not drawn to seale, angle BAC™30° and AB™ 40 m. The length BC, in metres, is (A) 40sin 30° (B) 40 tan30° (©) 40 sin 60° (D) 40 tan 60° Item S8 refers to the following right-angled, triangle, ABC. ¢. ee om Tem 3 In the triangle ABC, not drawn to seale, AB is 17 om, ACis 15 cm and BCis xem. The ‘value of x, in centimetres, is “om 7 @® & © » @ 2 In atriangle, POR, angle P= x* and angle Q= 2x", What is the size of angle R? “ @B) © 60° @) 3) ican 60 refers to the following diagram of a building. A surveyor sets up his instruments 12 metres from the foot of a building, and records the angle of elevation of the top of tho building, <—_ite—> An stimate of the height of the building is cobiained by calculating (A) 12tan40" @®) 12sin4r (C) 1.6+12c0s 40° ©) 16+12un40 a Ul The number 3.14063 written correct 03 6. decimal places 1s (A) 3.140 (B) 3.141 (C) 3.146 (D) 3.150 What percentage of 40 is 8? (Ay 5% 2 (B) 20% (C) 32% (D) 150% Using the distributive property 494174493 (A) 4920 (B) 49-20 (C) 52*66 (D) 52+66 ‘The next term in the sequence 1, 6, 13, 22. 33, is a 4 ® «®) 45 c ) 8 0.45 written as a common fraction, in its sumplest form. 1s 2 (A) 0 (B) + 9 © i s o = A certain amount of money is the ratio 2.3:9. If the difference between the first and second shares is $40, then the amount of moncy shared 15 (A) $280 (B) $360 (cy) = $400 (D) $560 Which of the following sets is equivalent to fa, b,¢,d}? (A) (4) (B) {abe} C) teaenst () (1,2,3,4,5) The shaded region represents (A) Pr (B) (PUR «© Pug (2) nr -4- [EEGs ‘Mem 8 refers to the fullowing Venn diagram. nh 3 Ja the Venn diagram U = {stadents who play games} H= (students who play hockey} io V = (students who play volleyball} The number of students in cach set is shown. How many students do NOT play volleyball’? (A) 2 (By) 3 @© §$ (D) 8 a If Q = a, 6. c} how many subsets can be obtained from the set Q? (A) 2+3 (B) 2” © 2? (Dp) ¥ ia VA [sem LI refers to the following i on the description of three sets, P= {prime numbers} Q= (odd numbers} R= [even numbers) Which of the following sets 1s empty? (Ay POR (By) PUG «cy Png (D) -ONR If P and @ are two sets where MPUQ) = 13, n(PNQ) = 6 and m{P) = 9, then n(Q) = (ay 4 «By 10 «cy 15 (0) 2 A man’s taxable income is $20 000. He Pays tax at the rate of 28%. The amount of income tax he pays is (Ay $3 825 (Bh = «$4. B00 («) «$5600 (D) $7 200 ‘A man’s basic wage for a 40-hour week is $160.00. He is paid $5.00 per hour for overtime. fhe works 6% hours overtime in a corain week. his wage for that week is (A) $168.00 (By $166.50 «Ch SITI.S0 Le 16. 17. STPAPERS.COM IC TT$6.00 s equivalent iy USS1.00, then TTS15,00 in US dollars is tay $025 (8) S840 (c) $2.50 (D) $4.00 ‘The annual interest rate on a 15-year morigage on a house assessed at a value ‘of $450 000 is $ cents on every $1, What is the interest paid on the mortgage for the first year? (A) $ 11750 (By -$ 22500 «C) $107 S00 (D) $117 S00 Mary invesied $200 for $ years at 5% per annum. Joba invested $800 at the same rate, Ifthey both received the same amount ‘of money in simple interest, for how many years did John invest his money’? (Ay 2 ke (By dy «cy 3 ws A salesman sells a car for $11 000. If he is paid a commission of 4.5% for the first $10 G00 and 7.5% on the remainder, then the commission he receives is (Ad $ 495 (B) $ $25 (Cc) $ 82S (D) $1320 A television set costs $350 cash, When bought on bire-purchase, # deposit of $35 is required, followed by 12 monthly payments of $30, How much is saved by paying cash? (Ay S10 (By 825 (Cc) $40 (D) S45 Mr Jones bought a car for $64 000. The car deprectates by 20% inthe first year and 10% in each of the following years. The value of the car at the end of the second year was (A) $19 200 (B) $4400 «) $46 080 () 851200 he ae & * is w & i ®) & © 2% o 2 PS ra ae MfS(2x— 1) © 35, then = ay -4 i a + © 3 om 4 Bet = teh Ay 6 (B) Ss’ c) 6r (Dy) 728° Given that 3° 6 = 12 and2* $= 9, then a b may be defined as A Mb ~ a) 8) o'- Cy) ba-b wo lerb When & is subtracted from a certain umber and the result es multiplied by 3 the answer is 21. What is the original number? «a ot eo 3 «© wm 15 aten-ayedere2itien [5] = w 3 w + © F oF nm. Wf te vectors p and @ oe | >} ond [-!) Mie MM refers bo thu! following parailelo- cospectively, then p—2q ix (2 pram, WXYZ In dhe paralictagram, R is the muedpoimt of KT. a (3) %, y ou © (3 ™ (1) wo we tm scan refers to the following diagrams of a square and a rectangle. 4 31, Whicb of the following statements is true about the perimeter of the square and the rectangle’ (A) Perimeter of A = Perimeter of 8 (B) Perimeter of A > Perimeter of 8 {C) Perimeter of A > Perimeter of B (D) Perimeter of A < Perimeter of B BS 3 800 millimetres expressed in metres 1s ss fA) 038 «B) 38 «cy au (D) 380 The distance around the edge of a curcular ond is 8K metres. The radius. in metres, 36. is (A) ie (B) 76m as © = ss wo in ” tei. refers to the following figure which shows a triangle resting on a square ‘Sem The length of one side of the square is Scat and the heught of che rangle 14 cm ‘What is the TOTAL area of the figure, in om’? ‘ars a 4s * «a so wr io The volume, in cm’, of a Cubs of “dee Semis A) 9 (B18 © 7 (Dp) 34 ‘The area of a recuangte 18 $3.6cn¥. Ifthe Jengih 1s muluplied by four and the wid ishalved, the area would then be (A) 26. em? (By 53.60m* « 107 2em’ (D) 2144 cm" On leaving Trinidad, the time on a pilot's watch was 23.00 h, Whem he aevived at his destination in the sate time 7On€ on the next day, his watch showed 03:00h. How many hours did the flight whe? ay 4 (6 cy Oo % Item MB refers to the following diagram of a trapezium stem — > € e +——_ 18m —___p» The area of the trapezium PORS above is (A) 4Sem'* (B) 6S em’ () Wem (D) 130m? (FT -ToMPASTPAPERS.COM ma ‘Lems22-40 refer to the following histo- 41. The median of the numbers gram which shows the aumber of children aged 4, 5, 6, 7 and ¥ who took part in a 1,1, 3,5,6,7, 7.7.7, 86 survey, w (a) «© oy a, eee hee ae the possible outcomes are (HHH, HHT, ATH HTT, THM, THT, 1TH, TTT), where ‘H represents a head and T represents a wil What is the probability of randomly obtaining at LEAST TWO heads? “ + o ? 39. What was the modal age? © + «Ay S$ 2 ® 6 -” F © 7 (Dp 8 43. Six hundred students wnite an examination. 48. How many children took pant in the survey? The probebiity of a sandomy selected student failing the examination is “—° (Ay oS (By 4S How many students are expected to pass? (cy 78 (D) 87 (A) 120 (B) 480 (Cc) $00 (D) 600 bo SePASTPAPERS.COM ‘EILAd refers to the following diagram, 45. which shows the cumulative frequency illustrates a function” polygon of the lengths, in metres. of 20 44. — The interquartile range of the lengths of the fish is (A) 12m (8) 21m >< ©) 25m m y | ) 37m 4%. — The equation of the line which passes through the point (0, $) and has a gradient of Fis (A) ye ae (B) y= Se (Ch) ywanes (Dy) yw See ee -" Mema.A2 refers to thy fol rember line lowing diagram ot 49, We AUx) = 2x! = 1, then f{-3) = sa oo a ar er +19 (cy 7 . The of () 3s Ws defined Me inthe diagram (A) xt ‘tci.S0 refers to the following graph of a > ort quadratic fuecon > ox2t (DB) rst Ice 48 refers to the srsight foe Owes wrph ofa 50, The maximum point of y ~ 4x ~ x 1s (A) (44) (B) (0,4) «cy (4,2) (Dy 4) 48. The gradient of AB in the graph above is gy What is to padion of te sigh Hoe “ 2 aie ay -3 (B) 2 - @) © 4 3 ‘ © 2 sk © 3 o 3 -12- Lem S2 refers to the following arrow tom. $4 refers 10 the following diagram, diogram which shows a fusiction, f- x 4 y a a \_, ¢ D eee pao $4. In the diagram, AB and CD ave parallel, Which of the following BEST describes the relation between x and y? Which of the following BEST describes the function? (Ab okey (By oxey (A) yeee3 ( ox+y>2r (B) xty=3 oye © xeys3 wh aae (DB) yedeet Lea S$ refers to the following diagram of = an isosceles tnangle. Ifeach exterior angle of a regular polygon is 60°, then the polygon is a (A) quadinilateral (B) —_pewiagon A (C) hexagon * x8 (D) triangle $5. In the triangle, the value of x is (A) ~ (B) “ow (120° (BD) 1s0"

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