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PAT: Good afternoon, everyone. I would like to remind you guys a few things before we start.
Kindly mute your microphone if you’re not speaking, we encourage that you raise your hand
should you have any concern. Please rename your zoom names into group numbers with your
last names. And lastly, we hope that you learn something from our webinar.

PAT: First, I welcome you all Civil Engineering students of Mapua University. Good afternoon,
I am Patricia Ann Magbitang and I will be your host for today. As we get closer to the finish line,
we must be prepared and well known with regards to the construction activities that we are going
to lead. So we organized this webinar which will give you background information and perhaps
enlighten you with tips and advice on how to take your steps to success during your future
journey in the field. From the components, importance, up to the new normal knowhow. Ladies
and gentlemen, we welcome you to this webinar entitled “Construction Monitoring and
Control for Large-Scale Structures”.

PAT: Before we start the event proper, let’s first ask the guidance of our Lord in prayer.


PAT: To give our opening remarks, let us welcome _______, our group’s representative.

<Opening Remarks>

PAT: Thank you, _____. Now let us start with the first speaker, Ms. David for the introduction.

PAT: Thank you, Ms. David. Moving on with the second speaker, Mr. Santos for the effective

PAT: Thank you, Mr. Santos. For the third speaker, Ms. Angeles for the advantages and

PAT: Thank you, Ms. Angeles. Moving on with the fourth speaker, Mr. Vales for the importance
of construction monitoring and control for large-scale structures.

PAT: Thank you, Mr. Vales. Let us welcome the fifth speaker, Mr. Carreon for the advances in
the topic. SALAMAT PAT!

PAT: Thank you, Mr. Carreon. For the last speaker, yours truly, Ms. Magbitang for remote
construction monitoring.




PAT: Thank you, speakers! We will go ahead and take some time for questions now. Just a
reminder, please be sure to type your questions into the question box in your zoom chat.
<Closing Remarks>

PAT: Thank you, everyone! We appreciate you being here. Thank you again for joining us today
and we will see you next time.


Construction Monitoring and
Control for Large-Scale

A Research Report submitted to the School of Civil, Environmental and Geological Engineering
in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the course of
Advanced Topic in Civil Engineering

Submitted by:

Angles, Jina Marie

Carreon, Carl Andrew
David, Jonna Lovely Rose
Magbitang, Patricia Ann A.
Santos, Andrei
Vales, Arvin Royce A.

Submitted to:

Engr. Andrea Quiniquini

25 June 2021




In project construction, contractors and project managers should always make sure that a
project will be completed on time without sacrificing too much profit and of course, quality. In
order to do so, construction monitoring and control should be done. Monitoring is the process of
collecting and measuring performance and information in a project and assessing the results of
the project. On the other hand, controlling is an action done to prevent or correct actions done in
a project. Construction monitoring and controlling are processes needed to track what is the
current progress of the project, to review what has already been done and to regulate how the
flow of the work in a construction will be. In doing so, the construction project process will be
monitored and reviewed, thus identification of problems will be made easier. Usually,
construction monitoring and controlling are done by project managers and their team, and they
often consider the project scope, project completion time, project cost and project quality. The
Project Management Plan (PMP) is the document being used in monitoring and controlling. The
project manager produces the project management plan following feedback from the project
team and key stakeholders. A project management plan is a formal, approved document that
contains how a project will be carried out, monitored, and controlled. Baselines, subsidiary
management plans, and other planning papers may be included in a summary or detailed
document. This document is used to define the project team's approach in delivering the project's
targeted project management scope.

According to the study conducted by Gusakova and Pavlov (2020), implementation of

large-scale construction projects is constantly increasing. However, because of the existence of
the pandemic, it became much harder to make these kinds of projects a success. Large-scale
structures or large construction projects require a more complex project management plan and
can only be successfully accomplished if a project manager employs efficient monitoring and
project controls in terms of schedule, cost, and quality.

In construction projects, may it be small or large-scale structures, there are several

components to consider in monitoring and controlling. There is the performance/scope, time and
schedule, costs, and quality control.
● Performance/Scope
The performance is an aspect that is being affected the most because of
technical problems, insufficient resources, and client’s demands. Proper
monitoring of the performance is important to properly manage changes to work
or project. Moreover, updates on the Project Management Plan (PMP) should be
done in order not to affect the flow of work.
● Time and Schedule
Delays on projects are inevitable and these may be caused by unforeseen
events or calamities. Proper monitoring should always be performed to assure that
the project can still be finished on time. Proper monitoring and controlling of time
and schedule include correct task sequencing, being strict with the schedule,
doing progress reports and comparing it to the project management plan so as to
see what is the difference between the current progress of the project and the
expected outcome at a specific date and time. If ever the project is already
delayed, the project manager and contractor will be able to think of ways to catch
up with time if monitoring and control will be correctly performed.
● Costs
Aside from time, changes in costs are also inevitable because there might
be change orders, change requests by the client or owner and increase in the price
of the materials. Monitoring and control of this aspect is a must to ensure that the
contractor will be able to meet the budget and will not exceed that amount. There
should be a comparison between the actual cost spent and the proposed budget.
● Quality Control
Quality control depends upon the control of construction itself. It is the
responsibility of the project manager to ensure that the finished project is of good
quality. In order to do so, monitoring and control of the project’s materials,
project’s design and workmanship should be performed. Inspection of work
quality at every part of the project is one way to do monitoring and control. For
large construction projects, a Quality Control Officer should be present.


Construction Monitoring

1. Planning

Detailed and strategic planning is the most important aspect of successful

construction project management. The more complex the project, the more planning will
be required. A well-planned project maximizes efficiency and provides a step by step
roadmap for completing the work on schedule and within budget. During the planning
process, you’ll develop deliverables, define goals, and establish project milestones.

When planning out a construction project, you have to determine what equipment
will be needed, how much labor will be needed, coordinate your subcontractors, and
make sure building materials are all lined up and scheduled. Other aspects that need to be
established during the planning phase include developing a safety plan, communication
plan, and conducting a risk assessment and creating a response plan.

2. Monitoring Progress & Making Adjustments

Once construction starts, the goal is to make sure everything progresses according
to plan as much as possible. Typically a project will get derailed by a number of minor
issues rather than one large problem. Carefully analyzing daily progress reports, keeping
an eye on the budget and schedule, and managing risks requires a high level of attention
to detail.

Identifying an issue or an upcoming delay is the first step. The second step
requires a bit of detective work. If a task or activity is falling behind schedule, it’s
important to identify the root cause. If productivity is down it could be that you don’t
have the adequate workforce allocation for that particular task. Other possible causes of
low productivity include not having enough equipment on site or maybe there’s a delay in
material delivery.

3. Communication

Effective communication is vital to the successful completion of any construction

project. Good communication can improve teamwork and lead to better project
collaboration. Poor communication can result in misunderstandings, delays, and issues
down the road. Methods of communication for specific tasks and information sharing
should be established early on in the project and agreed upon by all stakeholders.

The contract documents, including the drawings, specifications, change order

forms and requests for information (RFIs), and progress reports establish the basis for all
construction communication. It is important that any direct communication not outlined
in the contract documents receives proper authorization and any changes to the scope or
schedule that need to be made are documented and reported through the proper channels.

4. Collaboration

Good project collaboration is more than just everyone completing tasks on

schedule. It involves building a relationship with all stakeholders based on trust and
respect to work together to successfully complete a project. Being able to cooperate and
coordinate efforts to improve productivity is essential. Part of this can be accomplished
by having a good communication plan in place.

Getting key members of the team involved in the planning stage can also lead to
better collaboration. Sharing ideas and expertise in problem solving and logistics. Part of
the collaboration process can include allocating risks to the parties best equipped to deal
with them. Collaboration goes hand in hand with good communication and keeping
everyone together on the same page. It revolves around trusting all parties and valuing
their input as integral members of the team.


Safety Precautions
-On any construction site or project, no matter how big or small, safety is always
a top priority. Construction monitoring services are part of a safety process that can help
identify any potential safety hazards at various phases of a construction project. Pre-
construction or existing condition documentation surveys can be the initial stage in
evaluating a construction site or structure for any pre-existing damage or issues that
necessitate care. Pre-construction surveys can also be performed to spot any potential
risks or flaws that could endanger workers, local residents, or the general public.

Risk Management
- Construction monitoring services are also an important aspect of a complete risk
management strategy for any construction project or site. Existing conditions surveys,
optical surveying, and other monitoring services, as well as the data and reports that go
with them, are all necessary for the safety of all stakeholders on a construction site. To
address any difficulties or areas that may need to be addressed prior to the start of the
construction process, detailed reporting and recording of existing circumstances is

Mitigate Potential Damage and Capacity to control project scope creep

- Construction monitoring, regardless of whether remote or manned, can help
prevent damage from a variety of construction activities, including pile driving,
excavation, drilling, blasting, tunneling, and even driving construction equipment. When
continuous vibration monitoring is employed on-site during a construction project, for
example, real-time data is reported. When maximum peak particle velocity levels are
achieved, project managers or engineers are notified, and appropriate changes can be
made on the spot to avoid structural damage.
Increase Job Satisfaction and Increased project cost and completion date predictability
- Controlling and Monitoring aids the organization in achieving efficiency in terms of
capital, labor, and other operational expenses by keeping a tight eye on all project
operations, which in turn aids management in detecting revenue leakage regions and
allowing the company to save a significant amount of money. With the tight eye on
operations it ensures the productivity of the staff and that their job is done properly, and
when they do their job properly the cost will not increase and that they can easily see if
there are problems to ensure that the project finish will most likely not be moved.

Increased visibility into the project's financial health at all stages

Well-structured initiatives provide useful benchmarking data for future projects.

Lack of commitment and support from senior management
- This is one of the most difficult tasks. While monitoring is passive, control refers to
making active decisions based on analysis and reporting. As a result, without appropriate
leadership authority, this will not be possible. Controllers cannot achieve their objectives
without autonomy and support. Many project control teams are understaffed or lack the
financial resources to invest in the necessary equipment. It can often result in overlapping
of authority and accountability between top management and project management,
especially when they have different ideas in mind, causing uncertainty among project
team members and further project suffering.

Perception as just another cost function

- Controls can be viewed as an overhead expense because they are not visible unless
something goes wrong. This, however, is not the case. According to a study conducted by
IPA Global, while project controls function costs range from 0.5 percent to 3% of the
project budget, cost savings from their best practices can range from 6 percent to 20%.
Project teams and executives can be trained on the possible ROI from controls to help
organizations overcome this perception issue.

Confrontational dynamic
- Controls and audit are frequently regarded with suspicion by those who are focused on
delivery and timeliness. This can be avoided by forming relationships rather than taking a
me-versus-you mindset. Organizations must also integrate the role with other aspects of
project management. A project controller is not someone who comes to deliver bad news
every few weeks or months. Instead, the role should be seamlessly integrated into the
project lifecycle.
Manual and outdated processes
- Even when management is on board and team members are aware of the significance of
controls, the actual implementation may not keep up with the project's severe problems.
To track and manage risk matrices and change requests, many firms still rely on manual
methods and onerous spreadsheets. Manual systems tend to be isolated, producing
disparate data rather than comprehensive insights. They also don't provide you the
necessary perspective on the big picture.

Irresponsible staffs
- It is possible that there is insufficient competent personnel to carry out the project
manager's responsibilities, and if management chooses incompetent personnel, the project
will fail, resulting in corporate losses.



To recap: In the introduction of Ms. Daivd regarding monitoring and control, we now
know that Monitoring is the process of collecting and measuring performance and information in
a project and assessing the results of the project. On the other hand Controlling is an action done
to prevent and even correct actions in a project. Construction monitoring and controlling are
processes needed to track what is the current progress of the project, to review what has already
been done and to regulate how the flow of the work in a construction will be. Understanding this
we now have a clear assumption of what is the sole purpose of construction monitoring and
The main purpose of construction monitoring and control is to be proactive in finding
problems ahead of time or anticipating problems that might occur and taking corrective action.
Corrective action is about dealing with a problem that's already occurred. Corrective
action requires reviewing the Planning Process and updating the Project Management Plan to
attain the ultimate goal of bringing the project back in line with project objectives and constraints
and improving future execution to avoid repeating the same problems.


Construction Monitoring and control are inspections that ensure the proposed
construction is consistent with the funds that are being requested from the contractor. It also
verifies that the work completed is consistent with plans and specifications.
There are three main reasons why construction monitoring and control is very significant
in any project whether the project is big or small.


Monitoring and control keeps projects on track. The right controls can play a major part in
completing projects on time. The data gathered by monitoring the project lets project managers
make informed decisions. They can take advantage of opportunities, make changes and avoid
management issues.
Monitoring and Controlling a construction project, especially large scale structures must use key
performance indicators (KPIs) to determine whether the project is on track. Here are the four
KPIs to measure project performance:

1. Project Objectives: A project that is on schedule and on budget is a good indicator to

determine if the project will meet its original objectives.
2. Quality Deliverables: Measure whether task deliverables are being met and if they
meet specific standards set within the project requirements.
3. Effort and Cost Tracking: Project Managers track effort and costs associated with
resources to see if the budget is on track.
4. Project Performance: This tracks changes that occur in the project including amount
and type of issues that arise and how they are addressed.


Because construction monitoring and control keeps the project on track, and ensures the
seamless execution of tasks in the construction project. It automatically increases the efficiency
and productivity of the whole construction project. This mainly improves the order and system in
the construction process making sure that there is an optimal use of time, effort, and resources.
Therefore As a result, an effective project is produced within the right time frame.


It’s uncertain that projects face issues most especially for large-scale structures. These issues can
include budget risks, timeline risks, incidents, emergencies, opportunities, and more. Project
managers who complete their risk assessment early on will have a better chance of avoiding
issues, but they still must have a real-time view into their work to identify and mitigate
unforeseen risks before they impact the overall project timeline and budget.
Since no project is without risk, construction monitoring and control helps identify, monitor, and
resolve risks far more efficiently than facing a problem unprepared.

The Monitoring and Controlling process oversees all the tasks and metrics necessary to ensure
that the approved and authorized project is within the:
- Scope
- Time
- Budget
- Quality
To prevent major risk factors.

In a 2018 survey for construction management based from the US, 88% of respondents said that
they perceive project monitoring and control to be important or critical to the success of large
scale projects.
The report also confirms that there is a correlation between project monitoring and control to
success: those that recognize monitoring and control as ‘critical’ were twice as likely to meet all
project objectives and standards. On the other hand, those who perceived project monitoring and
control as ‘not important at all’ were more than 3 times more likely to fail and be delayed.

These results emphasize the significance of construction monitoring and control, especially
considering the number of major digression from initial project estimates in the past.
Project professionals know that, whether it’s a large-scale construction project or the launch of a
new website for a small business, there will always be unexpected delays, additional costs, or
unexpected circumstances. But without project monitoring and controls to anticipate and resolve
these issues, costs and delays can spiral into huge expenses and affect other areas of the project.


1. Augmented reality/virtualization

These two technologies have enabled an in depth view of the plans by showing a
3-D view of the 2-D drawings. By this technology it has been proven that it has reduced
unpredicted problems in the construction process and has a thorough breakdown of
materials and labor hours needed due to an accurate dimension of the structure as in the
planning stage. During the implementation or construction a camera can stream real-
world visuals, the computer displays the graphics algorithm that shows what the work is
going to look like. This has also been integrated into the division of work that will show
on how many men and materials will be needed to construct a certain section.

2. The Connected Jobsite

It is the application of cloud technology that allows information of almost every

aspect of the construction to be available to different parties such as contractors, sub
contractors, engineers, architects, foremans, and stakeholders. By this technology
monitoring would be in the hands of the operative in a single tablet it will allow
personnel location tracking, live monitoring, and efficient transfer of information as well
as updates. Its benefits have enabled real-time employee monitoring, digital
documentation, improved communication for scheduling, Integrated, real-time
applications. There are also applications made that allow the management of tools and
materials in the construction which audits the deposit and withdrawal of materials and if
materials are running low and an order must be placed.

3. UAV Monitoring
It is the application of drones into the construction site which can be both used
during planning and implementation. This is usually integrated within the Connected
Jobsite which can produce a mapping of a certain area as well as a live overview of a
certain area which updates could be made through documentation. With the use of drones
it allows a live remote overview of the site if architects, engineers, and stakeholders
would be requesting an update on the construction. It can be equipped with infrared
cameras, radar and other technology that enhances their surveillance capabilities on a
construction site.
4. Building Information Modelling (BIM)
It is a way of collaboration within the planning stage which allows engineers, architects,
electricals, and plumbing to ensure a cost effective design rather than just passing on
plans and making remedies. By such collaboration by each member of the designers and
implementation the work flow would be run through properly and efficiently. This
technology has also allowed us to explore the structures functional characteristics before
construction. The common use of this is within the integration of the previous said
technologies to improve work quality and efficiency.

The Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) has severely impacted the construction engineering
field. Whereas some construction workers are considered critical laborers, the majority of
industry experts nowadays work from home. The government advises everyone, from project
managers to customers to architects, that if you don't need to visit a site, you shouldn't. This
transformation has provided significant urgency to the concept of remote construction
monitoring. Construction sites are complicated operations with many moving elements, teams,
and monies at stake. With so much at stake and so much complexity to handle, many developers
have turned to technology to ensure that work is finished on schedule and up to code, and that
construction teams remain accountable. Furthermore, Remote Construction Monitoring not only
enables developers to quickly manage many sites, but it also enables you to decrease risk,
efficiently settle conflicts, check work, and ensure quality from anywhere.

1. Meeting project milestones can be the difference between finishing a project on time and
on budget and incurring costly overruns that postpone occupancy. It's difficult to see
every milestone completed on every site in person when you're overseeing many projects.
Remote construction monitoring can boost production, enhance time management, and
cut waste.
2. Remote construction monitoring is an effective defense to theft since it places equipment
and supplies under video or sensor surveillance.
3. If underwriters know you're tracking assets, equipment, and monitoring health and safety,
they'll be more confident in your project. The regulatory landscape is more complicated
than ever. You must ensure that your partners, subcontractors, and other stakeholders all
fulfill the high standards required for tightly regulated projects.
4. Transparency is critical to compliance. Site inspectors must wander all around the site
and cannot see everything at once. A remote monitoring system expands their monitoring
5. Construction innovation softwares like Building Information Modelling (BIM), Artificial
Intelligence (AI), and Robotics can make building design and project management
significantly easier.
6. As job sites and portfolios grow in size, your company will need to add a slew of new
members. When there are numerous teams and subcontractors working on a huge site, it
is often better to trust but verify. Remote construction monitoring services enable you to
have your finger on the pulse of every project no matter where you are, ensuring that
subcontractors remain accountable to you and your team no matter where you are.




Azwin, N. (2014). Lecture 8 monitoring & controlling (1). Retrieved June 2021, from

Gusakova, E. A., & Pavlov, A. S. (2020). Project management in large-scale construction:

Development of approaches in the conditions of digitalization. IOP Conference Series: Materials
Science and Engineering, 953. doi:10.1088/1757-899x/953/1/012079

Hazem, Z. (2021, March 04). Why remote construction monitoring is the new normal. Retrieved
June 11, 2021, from https://www.planradar.com/construction-remote-monitoring/

Tiong, R. L. K. (1990). Effective controls for large scale construction projects. Project
Management Journal, 21(1), 32–42.




BRING ME (palagay po answer at ano ipapa-bring me niyo)

Bring me:
Answer: Unmanned aerial vehicle
Bring me: itlog
Answers: Building Information Modelling (BIM), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics
Bring me: Socks
Answer: Transparency
Bring me: Mapua ID
Answer: Costs
Bring me: Halaman ng nanay nyo
Answer: Project Management Plan (PMP)
Bring me: SCICAL
7. TRUE OR FALSE: Even when management is on board and team members are aware of
the significance of controls, the actual implementation may not keep up with the project's
severe problems.
Answer: TRUE
Bring me: Sandok
Answer: Lack of commitment and support from senior management
Perception as just another cost function
Confrontational dynamic
Manual and outdated processes
Irresponsible staffs
Bring me: 3-IN-1 COFFEE

NAME IT TO WIN IT (palagay po answer)









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