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Final Output in GEC 9

Essay – Discuss comprehensively the following:

1. Looking into the content of Rizal’s two novels, Noli and El Fili, what is the main message of his writings
for us Filipinos even at the present time? ( 20 pts)

These two novels dig deeper into understanding the internal and external struggles of a country,
divided by motivations, beliefs, and moralities by using almost real-life characters and often imposing
satirical personalities to most. Written in a character-based structure, highlighting its plot as direct
associations during the Spanish colonial rule, these novels are revered as two of the most prominent
and prolific literary works written by a Filipino.

The two novels follow the main protagonist Crisostomo Ibarra, an intelligent and educated
Filipino that had studied in Europe and returned to the Philippines. He would later change his identity
into Simoun due to a series of events that turned his visions and beliefs from being idealistic, wishing for
positively reasonable reforms among his town and people, to anarchistic, wishing for revenge and
vicious vengeance against those that had wronged him. Like Noli Me Tangere, El Filibusterismo aims at
enlightening society, and at bringing the Filipinos closer to the truth. In these novels, society is urged to
open its eyes to reality.

The end of the sequel, as well as the overarching plots that revolve around the stories, can be
interpreted in wheels within wheels within wheels: that the answers for injustices are not the acts of
more, and that hatred will not create anything but monsters.

Through Rizal, he quoted one of the character's dialogues as if they were his own ideals: "Only
love brings, in the end, marvelous works; only virtue can save!" This was pretty ironic since love was one
of the reasons why Crisostomo/Simoun, in the books, turned into an anarchist, and love was also one of
the reasons why his orchestrated plans to overthrow the oppressive church and regime in the second
book failed. But to keep you hooked on reading their stories, he filled the novels with grains of sarcasm,
humor, and irony. Rizal, in his works, also used these methods as weapons to try and destabilize the
brutally oppressive colonial regimes of his time: controlling, vile governments and powerful, corrupt
religious systems.

2. In studying Jose Rizal’s two novels, letters and essays, what struck you as a reader? How did it open
your mind in understanding the thoughts of Rizal expressed through his writings? What are the
important insights have you learned? And as a Filipino, how will you apply those values that you have
acquired from this subject that focuses on Rizal’s life and works? ( 30 pts).

It is important to study Rizal’s life and his writings including other heroes because the
contribution they give to the country is priceless. We the youth know only the little background of their
lives and works and we are already moved, what about if we dig deeper into this? Of course, we will
learn many lessons and inspirations with their works. The love they give for the country. "specially #r.
Rizal, who is the mightiest. The principle of pen is mightier than the sword. The wounds made by verbal
weapons are won’t be healed easily and creates more damage to the personality of the tyrant Spaniards

that is why he is haunted by them. If all of the youth also inherit this kind of concern and patriotism for
the country, for sure we will have a nonstop cycle of dignified youths that soon will be leaders.

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