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Faculty of Computing and Information Management

Bachelor of Business Information Technology
KCA 398: Final Year Project
Android Disaster Management System
Reg. no 17/03795
Name: Wilfred Mwita
Supervisor: Fredrick Omondi
Monday, 19th October 2020.
Table of contents
Introduction …………………………………………………… 2
Recommendation ……………………………………………… 2
Problem statement …………………………………………….. 2
Problem solution ……………………………………………… 3
Objectives …………………………………………………….. 4
Literature review ……………………………………………… 4
Problem justification ………………………………………….. 5
Problem constraints ……………………………………………6
Budget ………………………………………………………… 6
Time schedule ………………………………………………… 7
Risk management …………………………………………….. 8
Methodology ………………………………………………….. 9
System resources ……………………………………………… 10
References ………..…………………………………………… 11


A disaster is a serious disruption occurring over a short or long period of time that
causes widespread human, material, economic or environmental impacts that
exceed the ability of the affected society to cope up its own resources.
There are various types of disasters that is:
Geophysical (earthquakes, landslides, and tsunamis)
Hydrological (floods)
Biological disasters (disease epidemics, animal plagues)
Climatological (extreme temperatures, drought)
Most of the counties, constituencies and wards in Kenya suffer from disasters.
Some are short term or urgent and some may take long. Such disasters are not
communicated to the relevant authorities for assistance. Such people suffer such
problems because they lack of medium for communication.
Therefore, am coming up with a system that will enable Kenyans suffering from
such difficulties to have an immediate communication to the authorities. The
proposed system will enable all the users to get information that has been updated.
The proposed system will help the disaster management agencies to execute their
duties in a more efficient way across the country.

I base my project on my country Kenya. Most citizens of this republic suffer from
disasters but rarely get help despite the many agencies and institutions that have
been set to fight such disasters.

Problem statement
The main task is to develop a disaster management system.
In Kenya, most citizens suffer from problem of disasters some end up losing their
lives because they get no assistance since the relevant authorities are unaware of
such calamities.

The media has played a key role in broadcasting such information countrywide.
The media also helps the agencies be aware of such disasters and where they
taking place, thus the agencies plan on how to help the affected people and the
residents around the affected area.
Even though the media reports the information, they can’t take any action to solve
the problem because they may lack the necessary resources to assist the affected
The current system is effective in making the relevant agencies aware of the
disasters and where they are taking place but does not provide information on how
the affected people can handle themselves before they get help from the relevant
The system does not allow any interaction between the disaster management
agencies and the affected people thus the affected people may not be aware of how
to help themselves before the situation becomes worse. Most times, the disaster
management agencies reach the affected areas when it is almost too late and thus
find some people have lost their lives since they are hopeless.
Similarly, the current system establishes, maintain and manage systems for data
acquisition, analysis interpretation and archival of data but does not allow the users
to key in any challenge they feel can cause a disruption to the environment.

Problem solution
The system will help the disaster management agencies to get information at an
early so as to provide help on time.
The system will allow interaction between users and the disaster management
The proposed system will provide all information concerning different disasters
such that incase a user inputs various information about an environment change,
the system will automatically give a response to the user so as to know what is
going on and what might happen and as well the system will provide a first aid
solution to the any problem by any user whom may be affected by any disaster.
The system will allow users to update any change they observe in the environment.
The system will therefore establish early warning for tsunami, storm surges,

floods, disease outbreak or any other disaster since the experts by the various
agencies will be responding to the issues submitted.

General objectives
Allow all users of the system be able to communicate to the disaster
management agencies about a given challenge affecting them. Also, the
users will be able to be prepared or rather escape a given disaster once they
input the environmental changes in their communities and areas of
The system will allow a communication interaction between the users
affected by a given disaster and the agencies concerned with such disasters
so as the experts in the agencies can give provide a guideline on how the
affected people can be able to help themselves before they are seriously
affected by a certain disaster.
Other objectives
The application will have an option for local users and admin users. The
admin users will be the only ones allowed to update information on the
The system will be providing an option for FAQs in that uses can gain some
information just by reading the questions asked and the responses given to
the questions.

Literature view
A disaster is a serious disruption occurring over a short or long period of time that
causes widespread human, material, economic or environmental impacts that
exceed the ability of the affected society to cope up its own resources.
(Rodriguez et al, 2007) says a disaster is considered as a situation resulting from
environmental phenomenon or an incident resulting in human injury and loss
including damage to physical property and economic disruption. It requires a social
process that requires public support for planning.

Various systems developed have been to help in fight against these disasters but
have failed since the implementation initiatives have suffered disastrous failures
due to misfit between the characteristics of the adopting organization and the
imposed standard business process designs embedded in such systems. (Morton
Mobile devices can help to reduce the communication costs and overheads simply
by limiting the communication groups and making a direct communication from
the affected persons to relevant agencies.
Taking an example of Indian National Centre for Oceanic Information System
(INCOIS) this system had features to establish, maintain, and manage systems for
data acquisition, analysis, interpretation and archival of information. In as much
the system achieved such objectives, it really didn’t help people who got affected
and had no communication channel about the problem.
The crisis management system in Germany was more improved than INCOIS since
it could update the agencies concerned with certain crisis and disasters but the
system could not update the people affected of whether such a crisis could take
place or rather how they will handle themselves once such a crisis occurs.
The crisis management system also focused enhancing preparedness by the
agencies and deliver urgent alerts to their employees.
The proposed system will allow interaction between users and the disaster
management agencies through this, most of the people affected by the disasters
will be able to find an amicable solution before the crisis affects them.
The proposed system will provide all information concerning different disasters
such that incase a user inputs various information about an environment change,
the system will automatically give a response to the user so as to know what is
going on and what might happen and as well the system will provide a first aid
solution to the any problem by any user whom may be affected by any disaster.
Project justification
The android disaster management system will ease the operations by the disaster
management agencies since it will not require them to move from one place to
another to know which place is affected, neither will they rely on the media for
them to get such information.

The system will help the people affected by disasters to easily help themselves
before the agencies arrive for other assistance. This is through accessing the FAQs
and supplying information into the system about any change observed so that the
system can respond whether it is a crisis and how to manage themselves to avoid
total destruction.
Problem constraints
✓ The system will enable the disaster management agencies to collect
information in an easy and efficient way.
✓ The system will enable the affected people by disasters to communicate to
relevant authorities in a fast and efficient way and through this, they can
easily get assistance before a situation worsens.
✓ The system will allow an interaction between the users and this will help
other users to get relevant information especially from the FAQs
❖ The system will only work in android smartphones therefore people using
iOS phones will not be able to use such a system and may therefore fail to
get information necessary for them to fight a given crisis.
❖ The application will be used when there is an access to the internet and
therefore when it is urgent and the user has no access to the internet, he/she
will not be able to get help from the agencies or make communication to
them about the occurrence of the disaster.
❖ It will need literate persons to operate it and therefore the illiterate ones are
obliged from using the system.
Item Quantity Availability Estimated Actual cost
cost (Kshs) (Kshs)

Laptop 1 Available 40,000 37, 000

USB drive 1 Available 1,000 800

Stationery Available 500 …

Internet 2.5GB Poor 500 …
bundles bandwith
Printing and 2 spiral bind Readily 2000 …
documentation books available
Communication Poor network 1000 …

Miscellaneous 5000 ----

Time schedule

Task Task Duration Expected Actual Expected Actual Deliverable

No (days) start date start date end date end date

1. Idea 1 21/09/2020 30/09/2020 23/09/2020 01/10/2020 Approved idea

28/09/2020 3/10/2020 28/09/2020 3/10/2020 Proposal
Preparing document
2. 1

3. Proposal 20 2/10/2020 6/10/2020 6/10/2020 6/10/2020 Proposal

presentation minutes presentation

4. SRS 15 4/10/2020 19/10/2020 SRS


5. SDS 15 20/10/2020 6/11/2020 SDS


6. Coding 60 15/11/2020 16/01/2021 Presentations

of running
codes for the

7. System testing 2 28/01/2021 29/01/2020 Test results

8. Final 20 2/2/2021 22/2/2021 Final project
documentation document

9. Final 1 28/02/2021 28/02/2021 Presentation

presentations of a working

Risk management

Risk Effect Mitigation

Malware and virus Such virus and attacks Installing original

attacks will affect the normal version of an antivirus
functionality of the to protect the system
system thus hindering from such attacks.
system operations.

Theft of computer This will result in loss Backing up all the data
devices of essential data in an external device
like a hard disk.

Technology changes Technology is changing Continuous update of

from day to day and this the system on any new
may make the system technology that comes
easily outdated. in the market.

Use of the system Some users may not be Providing a help option
comfortable with the where new users will be
system thus affecting able to read guidelines
the normal operation of on how to use the
the system in an system effectively.

Research methodology – is the systematic analysis of the methods applied to a
field of study. It involves data collection in relation to the needs of the system in
Data collection methods
Interview – I will interview the employees of the disaster management
agencies on how to more help them in getting information about crisis
taking place.
Questionnaires and surveys – I will ask questions and conduct surveys
especially in places where disasters are so frequent on how they have
been operating and how fast their challenges could reach the relevant
authorities and how fast they get help from them.
Observations – while in the field conducting my survey, I will be able to
make observations on the challenges they face and implement such issues
that my system will help to curb indirectly.
Experiments – I will use my application to test whether my application
was able to settle all the challenges and all objectives achieved.
Data Analysis methods
Qualitative analysis – this method will help to answer ‘why’, ‘what’ and
‘how’ questions in relation to operation of the system.
Quantitative Analysis – this technique will focus on the scale in which
the system will operate, what it will do and what it will not be able to do.
Design methodology
The proposed system will make the use of a spiral model of system
development. It involves a combination of iterative development process model
and sequential linear development model.
Phases of development
Planning – in this phase, one decides exactly what he wants to do and the
problems he is trying to solve by defining the problems, the objectives
and resources required.
Risk analysis – deals with identifying and understanding the risks that
will affect the development process of the system.

Engineering phase – this phase brings a view of the system an address all
the phases of its existence to include system conception, design and
development, production, distribution, operation, maintenance and
support of the system.
System evaluation – it identifies whether the system meets the initial
requirements and objectives. Here the system is evaluated for

System resources

Resource Specifications Usage

Operating system Hardware For system processing

Android studio Software Platform for coding

People Orgware People are essential in

developing the system,

its maintenance and use
of the system

Handouts Procedures Provide information

pertaining system

Visual basic software For purpose of coding

Othman, S.H, &Beydoun, G. (2011) 11th ed.: Disaster management metamodel:
“international workshop on knowledge management and acquisition for smart
systems and services” (pg. 111-125).
Bharosa, N., J. K., &Janssen, M. (2010). Challenges and Obstacles in Sharing and
Coordinating Information during Multi-agency Disaster Response. (pg. 49-65)


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